1 ) Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing host 55th Anniversary Union Day reception and dinner
Yangon, 12 Feb- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing hosted the 55th Anniversary Union Day reception and the dinner on the lawns of President's House Compound on Ahlon Road this evening.
At 6.30 pm, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing arrived at the President's House Compound on Ahlon Road. The Senior General and wife were
welcomed there by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, members of the State Peace and Development Council, Chairman of the Management Committee for Observance of
the 55th Anniversary Union Day Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Deve-lopment Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe and officials.
Then, the Senior General and wife cordially greeted leaders of national races, traditional cultural troupe members, Dawei traditional cultural troupe members, delegates of Union Solidarity and Development Association of States and Divisions and guests who attended the Union Day reception and dinner.
Next, the Senior General and wife hosted a dinner to the guests.
Also present at the reception and dinner were members of the State Peace and Development Council and their wives, the chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander and wife, ministers and their wives, the Attorney-General and the Auditor-General and their wives, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor and wife, members of the Central Committee for Observance of the 55th Anniversary
Union Day, deputy ministers, the deputy Chief Justice, the deputy Attorney-General, the deputy Auditor-General, members of CSSTB, the Vice-Mayor, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, members of National Convention Convening Commission and panel of alternate chairmen, National Convention Convening Work Committee and Management Committee, national race leaders, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, YCDC members, senior police officers, local and foreign journalists, rectors of universities, medical superintendents of hospitals, traditional cultural troupes of States and Taninthayi and Sagaing Divisions, delegates of State and Division USDAs, scholars of Myanmar Historical Commission, Myanmar Language Commission, Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Myanmar Academy of Medical Sciences, Myanmar Academy of Technology, Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Breeding and Fisheries, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Health Assistants Association, Myanmar Dental
Association, Myanmar Flouriculturists Association, Myanmar Engineering Society, Myanmar Veterinary
Association, Myanmar Thabin Asiayon, Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon, Myanmar
Music Association, Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association,
Myanmar Traditional Artists
and Artisans Association, Myanmar-Thai Culture and Economic Cooperation Association, Myanmar Women
Entrepreneurs" Association, Myanmar Computer Federation, Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, national economic entrepreneurs, private banking entrepreneurs and guests.
Before and during the reception and dinner, Myanma Athan modern music troupe and vocalists presented music and songs to the audience.
After the dinner, children who won prizes in the 5-10 age group in the Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions presented Nunei-hlapa-thukhuma dances to the accompaniment of Sein Myet Pyu Myanmar orchestra team. Similarly, the Kayah State cultural troupe, the Rakhine State cultural troupe, the Chin State cultural troupe, the Taninthayi Division cultural troupe, the Kachin State cultural troupe, the Mon State cultural troupe, the Sagaing Division cultural troupe, the Shan State cultural troupe, the Kayin
State cultural troupe and the Fine Arts Department presented
traditional dances and songs to the guests.
( 2 ) Over 10,000 people salute Union Flag at Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony

Yangon, 12 Feb- The 55th Anniversary Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony was held at the People's Square on Pyay Road this morning.
The ceremony was held in accord with the objectives of the 55th Anniversary Union
Day for all the nationals to safeguard the national policy non- disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty; perpetual flourishing of Union Spirit among the entire national people; for the nationals to strive in harmony for the emergence of an enduring State Constitution that will pave the way for the emergence of a new discipline-flourishing nation; and to ward off, with the national solidarity, the danger of destructionists from inside and outside the nation who are disturbing the State stability, peace and modernization and development.
After the State Military Band took its designated place, the Union Flag ,which rested a night each in Yangon South District, Yangon West District, Yangon North District and Yangon East District, reached the People's Square at 7.20 am by the Union Boat.
The Union Flag relay team led by Yangon City Development Committee Chairman Mayor U Ko Lay accepted the flag from Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Aung Pyay. The relay team, flanked by members of the Panel of Patrons of the Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Minister for Education U Than Aung, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, representatives of Union Day delegates Staff Officer U Myint Wan of Taunggyi District General Administration Department, four officers of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and officers of Myanmar Police Force, Union nationals and students, conveyed the flag to the People's Square. While the flag relay team was entering the square, the troupe of Fine Arts Department played royal drum.
At 7.30 am, the Union Flag was planted in the silver bowl on the stage with the backdrop decorated with the emblems of StatesÑ Manau post of Kachin State, Keinnaya bird of Kayah State, Phasi drum encircled by two buffalo horns of Kayin State, Hornbill bird of Chin State, Hintha mythical bird of Mon State, Thiriwitsa and conch shell of Rakhine State and Shan man playing the long drum of the Shan State. Then, members of the Panel of Patrons took their designated places on the stage. Also present on the occasion were members of Central Executive Committee of the USDA, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, members of Division and District Peace and Development Councils, senior military officers of the command headquarters, heads of the Ministry of Defence directorates, directors-general and managing directors, officers on special duty, heads of office of the ministries, rectors, principals, medical superintendents, officials, members of the Work Committee for the Organizing the Ceremony, representatives of 16 NGOs, township education officers, students of University of Culture, local and foreign journalists, Yangon Division, District and Township USDAs, Union Day delegates of States and Divisions, representatives of USDA, delegates of peace groups and people from four districts in Yangon Division totalling over 10,000.
The delegates of traditional cultural troupes took their place among members of the Work Committee for Organizing the Union Day Ceremony, senior military officers, departmental heads, rectors and principals and delegates of NGOs with the aim of further strengthening national unity anong the people.
At 7.30 am, master of ceremonies Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint announced the agenda of the Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony. Those present at the ceremony saluted the flag to the strains of the National Anthem played by the State Military Band. Then, members of the Panel of Patrons took designated places. Next, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe read out the message sent by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe.
At 7.40 am, the flag relay team led by Mayor U Ko Lay took out the flag from the silver bowl on the stage at the People's Square and flanked by Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Minister for Education U Than Aung, Minister for PBANRDA Col Thein Nyunt, representatives of Union Day delegates Staff Officer U Myint Wan of Taunggyi District General Administration Department, four officers of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and officers of Myanmar Police Force, Union nationals and students, conveyed the flag and handed over it to Chairman of the Sub-committee for Conveying the Union Flag and putting up the Billboards Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung.
Then, Col Myint Aung, flanked by four officers of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and officers of Myanmar Police Force, Union nationals and students, carried the flag onto the Union Boat and planted it in the silver bowl.
The Union Boat carried the flag to Yangon City Hall through Pyay Road, Phonegyi Road, Maha Bandoola Street and Sule Pagoda Road.
The Union Flag was
accord a rousing welcome
by members of Dagon, Lanmadaw, Latha, Pabedan and Kyauktada Township Peace and Development Councils, USDAs, departmental personnel, teachers, students, nurses, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades and local people waving miniature Union Flags and hoisting flags at the masts at roadsides and homes. In front of the City Hall, Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung took out the flag from the silver bowl and handed it to YCDC Chairman Mayor U Ko Lay. The Mayor, flanked by four officers of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and MPF officers, Union nationals and students, conveyed the Union Flag onto the stage in the mayor's parlour. There, he planted the flag in the silver bowl and saluted it.
Today, the Union Flags were flown on the residential buildings and offices. In the evening, buildings, parks, roads, bridges, markets and schools were illuminated with multi-coloured lights.
Union Flag replanted in silver bowl at the hall of the Yangon Mayor

Yangon, 12 Feb- Under the programme to convey the Union Flag in observance of the 55th Anniversary Union Day 2002, the Union Flag, which made overnight stops on the stage in the Thihadipa Sports Ground in Thanlyin Township, Yangon South District on 8 February; on the stage in the Salin Sports Ground in Kyimyindine Township on 9 February; on the stage in the People's Sports Ground in Hlegu Township on 10 February; and on the stage in the People's Sports Ground in Dagon Myothit (South) Township in Yangon East District yesterday, was conveyed to the People's Square on Pyay Road here, where the 55th Anniversary Union Day Flag-Raising Ceremony was held, by Union Boat this morning.
After the ceremony, the Union Flag was conveyed to the Yangon City Hall where it will rest for a year. Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay planted the Flag in the silver bowl on the stage in the Mayor's Parlour at 8.20 am.
A ceremony to carry the Union Flag, which stopped overnight in the silver bowl on the stage in the People's Sports Ground in Dagon Myothit (South) Township, Yangon East District
yesterday, to the
People's Square where
the Flag-Hoisting Cere-mony was held, took place at the People's Sports Ground of Dagon Myothit
(South) Township this morning. It was attended by Secretary of the subcommittee for conveying the Union Flag and erecting the billboard and poster Head of Engineering (Buildings) Department of YCDC U Zaw Win, Joint-Secretary U Khin Nyein and members, members of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council, township and district authorities, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, non-governmental organization and the people.
They saluted the Union Flag with the Guard of Honour of Yangon Command, and the band of Yangon Command played the National Anthem.
At 6.30 am, Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi took the Flag out of the silver bowl on the dais, and flanked by four police officers and people of national races, conveyed it along the designated route to the archway of the People's Sports Ground in Dagon Myothit (South). No 2 Basic Education Primary School of Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township beat Mingalar Drum and the band of No 6 Basic Education High School of Shwe Pauk Kan Myothit played the National Anthem.
Lt-Col Aung Pyi planted the Flag in the silver bowl on the Union Boat at 6.35 am, and flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) officers, police officers and national races people, carried it along Pyidaungsu Road.
On arrival at the junction of Dagon Myothit (South) and Dagon Myothit (North), No 1 BEHS of Thingangyun Township band played the National Anthem.
Along the route to the People's Square, authorities of Thingangyun, Tamway, Bahan and Dagon Townships, members of USDA, Red Cross, Fire Brigade and Myanmar Police Force, teachers, students, departmental staff and people numbering in thousands, saluted the Flag, and welcomed it waving small Union Flags on both sides of the road.
The Union Boat arrived at the People's Square at 7.20 am. Lt-Col Aung Pyi saluted the Flag planted in the silver bowl before he took it out. Flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) officers, police officers, national races people and students, the Flag was carried to the designated place, where Lt-Col Aung Pyi handed over the Flag to Mayor U Ko Lay.
After the Flag-Hoisting Ceremony, the Union Flag was conveyed by Union Boat to the Yangon City Hall. Mayor U Ko Lay, at 8.20 am, planted the Union Flag in the silver bowl on the dais of the Mayor's Parlour,
where the Flag will rest for a year.
55th Anniversary Union Day observed in townships
Yangon, 12 Feb- A ceremony to mark the 55th Anniversary Union Day was held at the sports ground in Dagon Myothit (South) Township, here this morning. It was attended by Yangon East District Peace and Development Council members, Chairman of Dagon Myothit (South) Township Peace and Development Council U Aung Kyaw Soe and members in the district, members of USDA and social organizations and local people. Secretary of District Peace and Development Council Major Win Nwe read out the message sent by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe.
Seikkan Township Peace and Development Council also held the Union Day ceremony in front of the council office this morning. Chairman of Seikkan Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Kyi read out the message sent by Senior General Than Shwe. Similarly, Thanlyin Township Peace and Development Council held a cere-mony to mark the 55th Anniversary Union Day at the Shinsawpu Hall in the township this morning. Chairman of the Thanlyin Township Peace and Development Council U Kyin Han read out the message sent by Senior General Than Shwe. The Twantay Township Peace and Development Council held a similar ceremony in front of the independence monument this morning. Those present saluted the Union Flag and Twantay Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Aung Myint read out the message sent by Senior General Than Shwe.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 attends opening of Thadabala three-storey Soonsarhsaung of Naynattha Sarthintaik in Sangyoung
Yangon, 12 Feb- A ceremony to open Thadabala
three-storey Soonsarhsaung
of Naynattha Sarthintaik on Bargaya Street, Sangyoung Township, Yangon West District, was held in conjunction with the merit sharing at the Sarthintaik at 9 am today,
attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Presiding Nayaka of Aungmyebonsan Kyaung in Bahan Township Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta
Pannindabhivamsa, Presiding Nayaka of the Sarthintaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kalyana and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, the chairman of Pariyatti Sasana Nuggaha Committee of the Sarthintaik and members, wellwishers, laity and guests.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko formally opened the Soonsarhsaung.

Then, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of the Soonsarhsaung and sprinkled scented water on the Thadabala Mingalar stone inscription. Next, the merit-sharing ceremony followed on the second floor of the Soonsarhsaung. The Presiding Sayadaw of Aungmyebonsan Kyaung invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta Parittas. Next, the Secretary-1, the commander, the ministers and wellwishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maya Nayaka Committee Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the ceremony.
( 4 ) City Housing Project Supervisory Committee to stabilize property prices

Yangon, 12 Feb- City Housing Project Supervisory Committee held its meeting No 3/2002 at Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development this morning with an address by Chairman of the committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Secretary-1Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said the aim of forming the City Housing Project Supervisory Committee is to stabilize and bring down the skyrocketing property prices and to make houses available at fair prices for those who are really in need.
Thus arrangements should be made to reduce the government's involvement in the joint-venture projects, to ensure fair amount of profits for the contractors and to enable people to own houses at reasonable prices.
The master plan to develop Yangon in accord with the characteristics of a modern city are under way at present. Thus, the housing projects should be laid down and implemented in accord with the master plan.
Arrangements should be made to give equal opportunity to all contractors to take part in the city housing projects.
City Housing Project Supervisory Committee is required to carry out its task in accord with the policy laid down by the State to develop Yangon in accord with the characteristics of a modern city, to enable people to own homes at fair prices and to ensure proportionate amount of profits for the contractors.
Also present at the meeting were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe,
ministers, the Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, the Vice-Mayor,
members of the committee, officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, heads of department and officials. The
participants then discussed matters relating to property
development, housing projects and city development tasks. The
Secretary-1 gave suggestions.
Secretary-1 attends coordination meeting for
opening of Myanmar Maritime University, Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University

Yangon, 12 Feb- A work coordination meeting for opening of Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University was held at the meeting hall of the office of Commander-in-Chief (Army) of the Ministry of Defence at 1 pm today, attended by Chairman of the Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials.
First, Chairman of the Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address. He said that preparatory work is being carried out sector-wise by the leading committee and subcommittees for the opening of the Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University.
The Secretary-1 stressed the need to undertake tasks for successful opening of the two universities in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State and progress and needs of the tasks are to be reported.
Next, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung
reported on arrangements being made for opening of the universities.
Then, chairmen of the subcommittees and officials reported on
training of students, appointment of faculty members, collection of
text books and teaching aids and construction and decoration of the
buildings. Those present also took part in the discussions. The
secretary-1 gave necessary instructions after hearing the reports.
( 5 ) Mandalay USDA holds coord meeting
Yangon, 12 Feb- The coordination meeting of the Mandalay Division Union Solidarity and Development Association to increase the momentum of carrying out rural area development tasks was held at the hall of Mandalay Division USDA on 10 February morning, attended by Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, Chairman of Mandalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Tun, Secretary U Tin Maung Oo of Mandalay Division USDA and executives, secretaries and executives of USDAs from 31 townships and Kyaukse, PyinOoLwin, Meiktila, Yamethin, Myingyan and NyaungU districts in the division.
Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint urged those present to actively and harmoniously carry out rural area development tasks in accordance with the resolutions laid down at the mass rally supporting rural area development tasks held in Hanmyintmo Village in Kyaukse
Commander, Minister for PBANRDA tour Laukkai, Chinshwehaw and Lashio
Yangon, 12 Feb- Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and officials met personnel in Laukkai District at Station Hall in Laukkai on 10 February.
The commander explained rules and regulations to be observed and tasks to be undertaken. Minister Col Thein Nyunt said based on Union Spirit, efforts are to be made for implementation of border area development tasks.
Minister Col Thein Nyunt presented gifts for personnel in the border areas to Staff Officer U Win Myint of Laukkai District General Administration Department. The minister also presented books donated by the Ministry of Information to U Aung Htain Lin of the Information and Public Relations Department.
The commander and minister and party inspected PeopleÕs Hospital in Laukkai. Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint reported on extension project of the hospital.
The commander and minister and party met personnel in Chinshwehaw and presented gifts to them.
The commander, minister and party inspected China-Myanmar checkpoint at Yanlonkyaing Village and toured Laukkai.
The commander and minister and party met personnel and fulfilled their requirements.
The minister presented gifts to personnel at the border areas.
The commander and minister and party went to Lashio. Chairman of Kyaukme District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Kyi and Director of Shan State (North) Development Affairs Committee U Tin Aung reported on development affairs in Palaung region, Namhsam and Mantong townships. The commander took part in the discussions.
The minister and officials went to Lashio Township Development Affairs Committee where officials reported on regional development in Lashio, Kyaukme, Muse, Hsipaw and Kutkai townships.
The minister inspected measures undertaken for greening of Lashio, shade plants and flower plants in the nurseries.
On 9 February, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung and officials met tea growers in Kongyan Township and discussed extended cultivation of tea and use of new techniques.
The deputy minister and party also discussed cultivation of paddy, crops and wheat. The deputy minister presented K 1 million for cultivation of opium substitute crops and Brig-Gen Zaw Win of Laukkai Station 50 bags of rice on 10 February.
The deputy minister and party inspected livestock breeding in Laukkai.
On 9 February, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint inspected Laukkai Hospital.
On 10 February, the deputy minister met medical superintendent, specialists and nurses at Lashio People's Hospital and inspected the hospital and fulfilled the requirements.
( 6 )
Training Workshop concludes
Yangon, 12 Feb- The Training Workshop on Seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) conducted by the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries concluded at the Research and Development Division of the FD on Shukhintha Street, Thakayta Township, at 3 pm today.
It was attended by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister U Aung Thein and heads of departments.
Director-General U Than Tun of the Fisheries Department made a speech and presented certificates to the trainees who had completed the workshop.
The four-day workshop was attended by 20 trainees from companies engaged in marine industry.
Mandalay Division secures champion in ISD Union Shield Football
Yangon, 12 Feb- The final match of the 47th Inter-State/Division Union Shield (Open) Football Tournament was held in conjunction with the prize presentation ceremony at Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna at 3 pm today.
Among the spectators were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and officials.
In the final match, Mandalay Division team beat Sagaing Division team 9-8.
After the final match, officials presented the man of the match award, the fourth prize, the third prize and the second prize to the respective players and teams.
Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and Physical Education Department and Deputy Director-General U Thein Aung presented cash and prize to Mandalay Division team and best player awards in places to the respective players.
Later, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented the Union Shield and K 3 million to Mandalay Division team.
( 7 )
USDA CEC members tour Mon State
Yangon, 12 Feb- CEC members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Soe Tha, Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and Col Thaik Tun, accompanied by officials, met with USDA members, social ograni-zations and townselders in Miriywa Village, Mawla-myine Township, on 9 February.
The CEC members discussed matters related to the reports presented by respective village organizers and presented cash donations for repairs to the village basic education primary school.
In the evening, CEC members Minister U Soe Tha, Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and Deputy Minister Col Thaik Tun donated offertories to Kawtkhame Village monastery in the same township, and then met with the secretaries and executives of Mon State, Mawlamyine District and Township USDAs, ward/village USDA organizers and members, social ogranizations andÊ townselders.
Afterwards, the deputy minister explained facts about nation building endeavours and rural development tasks and Minister U Soe Tha about plans to be carried out by different levels of USDAs in cooperation with local authorities, departments and the public in the third short-term five-year plan being implemented by the State.
Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint spoke of the need for cooperation of Mon State USDA members with the public with right aims and goodwill for their regional development at a time when the State is striving for development of respective regions.
Then, the Secretary of Township USDA presented cash donations for carrying out development tasks to Kawtkhame and Pha-auk village USDAs.
On 10 February morning, they met with secretaries and executives of Mon State, Mawlamyine District and Ye Township USDA, ward USDA organizers and members.
In the afternoon, they met with USDA members, social organizations and townselders at No 2 BEPS in Zeebyuthaung Village, Ye Township. After making speeches, they attended to the needs.
They proceeded to Maha Wihara Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Kawtdwut Village, Ye Township, and presented offertories to members of the Sangha. They met with the village USDA members, social organizations and village elders at the Sarthintaik and gave instructions on regional development.
Next, CEC member U Soe Tha gave instructions on implementation of transport, water supply, agriculture, education, health and regional development sectors in cooperation with local authorities, USDA members and local people.
CEC member Brig-Gen Ohn Myint also gave necessary instructions and CEC members fulfilled requirements for Kawtdwut health care services and repairs to the primary school.
Yesterday morning, they met with USDA members, social organizations and village elders at Thayetdaw Village BEPS in Thaton Township and gave instructions.
They then headed for Naungkala Village Aleywa-taik Monastery and presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
They met with the village USDA members, social organizations and village elders in the same village and gave instructions.
Then, the secretary of Thaton Township USDA presented cash donations for the village development.
( 8
) Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA) Training School building opened
Yangon, 12 Feb- A ceremony to open the training school building of the Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA) for the Ministry of Health donated by AMDA of Japan was held at the Central Midwifery Domiciliary Training School on No 2 Highway, Dagon Myothit (East) Township, this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein addressed and formally opened the ceremony.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general and officials of departments under the ministry, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori, Health Adviser of AMDA Project Dr Tomoko Suga-nami, officials of UNICEF and JICA, members of Township Peace and Development Council, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society and Fire Brigade and others.
The minister and the ambassador made speeches.
Then, the health adviser spoke.
Next, the health adviser presented commemorative pennants to the minister and the departmental heads.
The minister, the ambassador and the health adviser inspected the training school after formally opening it.
Afterwards, the minister, the ambassador and the adviser planted three Gangaw (Mesua Ferrea) plants to mark the opening of the training school.
The AMDA donated a paediatric ward to Meiktila Hospital and carried out tasks for supply of potable water in Meiktila and Pakokku regions, and primary health care services in Meiktila, NyaungU and Pakokku regions begining 1996.
___________________________ ( 9
Maungtaw study group tours Yangon
Yangon, 12 Feb- At the invitation of the Work Committee for Development of Border Arges and National Races, a 40-member national race study group from Aungthabye Region, Maungtaw Township, Rakhine State, who are to pay homage to famous pagodas and study national development, arrived here by air this morning.
The study group later paid obeisance to Shwedagon Pagoda and made cash donations there.
Before proceeding to Maha Wizaya Pagoda, they viewed round Buddhology Museum.
Then, they arrived at the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets, where they were welcomed by the officials who conducted them round the museum. In the afternoon, the study group visited the National Museum where they were briefed by the