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- Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 4 and Executives' Management Course No 23 conclude
- Secretary-1 receives President of Daewoo International Corporation Secretary-1 attends opening of four-storey lecture hall, Exhibition on
- Commerce Minister receives guests
- Regional Conference on Social Development and Poverty Reduction held
- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and party arrive
- Payment of outstanding land lease fees of hotels coordinated
- Health Minister views transplant of kidney
- Stone inscriptions bearing Myanma Education Goals unveiled
- Pro-Am Golf Tourney of London Myanmar Open 2002 Golf Tournament held
(1) Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 4 and Executives' Management Course No 23 concludeGovernment applying various means to overcome financial, mechanical and time limitations in
implementing nation-building projects USDA mass rallies reflect desire of people to build nation,
disclose opportunities for people living in all regions Results of land use development have greatly
benefited farmers, consumers and crop traders in consequential mannerYANGON, 6 Feb.- Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Pace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe attended and delivered an address at the concluding ceremony of Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 4 and Executives' Management Course No 23 at Central Public Relations Unit inHmawby Township, Yangon Division, at 9 am today.
Also present on the occasion were Patron of USDA Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army)General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt, members of the State Peace and Development Council, ministers, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, members of the Panel of Patrons of USDA, members of Central Executive Committee, deputy ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises, guests, Course in-Charge Lt-Col Sein Win, course supervisor officers and trainees. At the ceremony, Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe delivered an address.
He said:
I would like to express satisfaction to know that you all have studied well with zeal and perseverance at your respective courses. You have already thoroughly and widely studied your lessons lectured at the courses. In the Myanmar Affairs and International Studies course, you have not only studied the lectures, but also compiled a paper on your research and findings group-wise. In addition, you have also visited nation-building projects in some parts of the nation.
You have already made an assessment of your findings during the expeditions. You have made efforts to learn your lessons from all the angles during the short-term course. In the Executives' Management course, the trainees have learned the working programmes of the government and the aims, basic principles and duties of the association. Officials of the respective projects have explained to the trainees facts about the projects in detail during the excursions. Due to the time limitation, the trainees have only visited Yangon, Bago, Magway, Mandalay and Sagaing divisions.
But the trainees were able to learn all the new dam projects, industrial zones, roads and bridges, new
factories, human resource development programmes, and tasks to restore and preserve the cultural
heritage in the divisions. The projects and tasks you have studied were implemented in accord with the objectives of the State. All the projects in the whole nation have been implemented in accord with the State's political, economic and social objectives. At the courses, the trainees have studied the emergence of the State's objectives.The State's 12 objectives have been laid down in accord with the past, present and future conditions to fulfil the objective requirements of the nation. You have already learned that the State's objectives are based on the conditions the nation had experienced in the past and also concerned with the tasks that lie ahead for the nation to be able to stand firm. You have already known that the State's goal is emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. Realization of the goal depends on the zealous and harmonious efforts of all the citizens. The State is fulfilling the requirements of the political, economic and social sectors without fail. You have known that the State is not fulfilling the requirements of the sectors with sufficient amount of funds. Various means have been applied to overcome the financial, mechanical and time limitations. The essential infrastructures have been built through the State's goodwill, innovative skills of the State service personnel and cooperation of the people. As efforts have been made without fail to serve the people's interests, the fruits have begun to bear in all the regions and the sectors of the State. Thus, USDAs in all states and divisions organized the mass rallies in January, and passed resolutions to unanimously support and take part in the nation-building endeavours. The mass rallies have not only reflected the desire of the people to build the nation, but also disclosed opportunities for the people living in all the regions of the nation. The nation-building endeavours are much practical. The trainees have studied the dam projects during the courses as well as during the excursions. Whenever a dam has been
completed, land use in the surrounding areas has significantly changed and developed. The results of land use development have greatly benefited the farmers, consumers and crop traders in a consequential manner. The government has built 129 dams, and is making continued efforts to supply irrigation water to all possible places.The development in the agricultural sector has generated new opportunities for rural and urban areas. Throughout the excursions, the trainees have studied the completed bridges and the ones under construction. Generally the major rivers are flowing from north to south due to topographical condition of the nation. Thus, there should be smooth and easy communication between the eastern and western sectors of the nation and this has become an absolute must. The requirement has been fulfilled after the opening of the river crossing bridges. The Nawade Bridge on Ayeyawady River at Pyay has greatly benefited the people living on the west bank and in southern Rakhine State. Another bridge across Ayeyawady River near Magway is under construction at present. It will be completed soon.
The facility will directly benefit the people of northern Rakhine State. Similarly, the Anawrahta Bridge constructed at Chauk will also serve the interests of the whole Yaw region and the people of southern Chin State. So also, the Chindwin River Bridge under construction near Monywa will help develop trade and business of the people living in the north-west region of Myanmar, Chin State and Myanmar-India border. The constriction of transport infrastructure not only enhances socio-economy, commerce and commodity production of the people but also strengthens friendship among them. Therefore, the government has built economic infrastructure as soon as peace and stability has been restored in the country. Development projects could not be laid down without infrastructures. This is why the government started the most basic construction work according to its strategy. The nation-building tasks are inter-related to each other. As I have said at the opening ceremony, tasks for development of economic infrastructure were laid down when national solidarity and peace and stability had been restored. After infrastructures have been built, the short-term and medium-term economic plans were implemented for enhancement of economic power. At a time when successive achievements were made in two short-term economic plans, the national human resource development tasks which play a vital role in building the nation for modernization were implemented.
He said the trainees have witnessed construction of some infrastructures during their excursion tours in some regions. He pointed out the fact that practical requirements were provided for modernization of the country. In doing so, the tasks were implemented with momentum for realization of the objectives within the limited conditions. He said in building a nation, we had to make efforts to overcome the above- mentioned limited conditions and natural barriers.
He recounted the experiences of construction of Yangon-Sittway Highway. Local people did not think that such a highway would emerge. But the government constructed the highway for the interest of local people. The significant point of the highway was that 10 bridges across the river and over 800 small bridges across the creeks were built, crossing the west Yoma ranges. The Ayeyawady River Bridge being constructed between Magway and Minbu links the Yangon-Sittway Highway and No 2 Yangon-Mandalay Highway. Progress was made after overcoming the natural barriers with difficulty, he said. He said he would like to say how a infrastructure was built and what benefits the people enjoyed because the trainees are those who observe the nation-building tasks.
He said efforts are to be made for emergence of a modern developed nation in carrying out the tasks for region-wise and sector-wise development. Cooperation of the entire people is needed for every
construction work. If one observes the education sector, a section of the government's human resource development, he will learn how the people want national development. The education promotion programmes are being implemented in both basic education sector and higher education sector and a long- term plan for promotion of national education is also being undertaken. The entire people participated in the school enrolment movement for school-going age children. Therefore the school enrolment rate was over 92 per cent.The people participated in the government's efforts for emergence of multimedia teaching centres at
schools with full cetena. Now there are multimedia teaching centres in all high schools in the country.
There are also multimedia classrooms in some middle and primary schools. He said at a time when efforts are being made for development in every region and sector, of the entire people is needed. He hoped that all the trainees would know the responsibility to participate in national development tasks.He urged them to perform the duties for national development whatever roles they are in. In conclusion, he said he would like to say the two points for USDA at different levels. The first point is that The government has laid down the five rural development tasks and is implementing them. He spoke of the need for USDAs at different levels to participate in the tasks of water supply, construction of roads linking villages, dissemination of health education and school enrolment activities.
He also urged them to undertake livestock breeding on manageable scale in the villages and to
disseminate cultivation techniques among farmers. The second point, he said, is that members of the
USDA discussed and passed resolutions on national development and rural development tasks at the mass rallies organized by USDAs at different levels held in January nation-wide. In connection this, he urged Central Executive Committee of the USDA to lay down region-wise and sector-wise tasks and implement them as soon as possible. After the ceremony, the Senior General cordially met with the trainees and had the lunch together with the trainees at Bayintnaung Hall. Then, the Senior General and party posed for documentary photo with the trainees and left the Central Public Relations Unit.Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's speech
* The essential infrastructures have been built through the State's goodwill, innovative skills
of the State service personnel and cooperation of the people.* The trainees have studied the dam projects during the courses as well as during the
excursions.* All the projects in the whole nation have been implemented in accord with the State's
political, economic and social objectives.* Trainees were able to learn all the new dam projects, industrial zones, roads and bridges,
new factories, human resource development programmes, and tasks to restore and preserve the
cultural heritage during excursions.* The essential infrastructures have been built through the State's goodwill, innovative skills
of the State service personnel and cooperation of the people.* USDAs in all states and divisions organized the mass rallies in January, and laid down
resolutions to unanimously support and take part in the nation-building endeavours.* The development in the agricultural sector have generated new opportunities for rural and
urban areas.* Requirement to ensure easy linkage between the eastern and western sectors of the nation
has been fulfilled by the river crossing bridges.* Development projects cannot be laid down without infrastructures.
* Cooperation of the entire people is needed for every construction work.
* Central Executive Committee of the USDA is to lay down region-wise and sector-wise tasks
and implement them as soon as possible.* After infrastructures had been built, the short-term and long-term economic plans were
implemented for enhancement of economic power.* Efforts are to be made for emergence of a modern developed nation in carrying out the tasks
for region-wise and sector-wise development.* The education promotion programmes are being implemented in both basic education sector
and higher education sector and a long-term plan for promotion of national education is also
being implemented.![]()
(2) Secretary-1 receives President of Daewoo International Corporation
YANGON, 6 Feb. - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt received visiting President of Daewoo International Corporation Mr Lee Tae Yong and party at the Ministry of Defence at 6.30 p.m. today. Also present at the call were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Office Brig-Gen.. Abel, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen.. Lun Thi, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet.
Secretary-1 attends opening of four-storey lecture hall, Exhibition on Development of 21st Century Technology at Yangon Institute of Economics
YANGON, 6 Feb.- Nowadays, the Government is implementing human resources development tasks with might and main in basic education and higher education sectors with the aim of ensuring promotion of the national education standard. Construction of a four-storey building comprising lecture halls installed with modern teaching aids has been completed at Yangon Institute of Economics. A ceremony to open the four-storey lecture hall and the Exhibition on Development of 21st Century Technology was held at the four-storey building No 1 of the Yangon Institute of Economics at 4.30 p.m. today, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen.. Khin Nyunt.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Soe Win of the
Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Yangon Command Brig-Gen.. Myint Swe, the ministers, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and
Training Board, the Mayor, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the Ministry of Education, Rector of Yangon Institute of Economics U Kan Zaw, the pro-rector, faculty members, service personnel and students.First year student Maung Myint Win Han, student of Master of Commerce course tutor Ma Htaik Htaik Lin and directorate course student of Management Course tutor Ma Sanda Win formally opened the building No 1. Then, 14 students of under-graduate and post-graduate courses unveiled the stone inscription bearing the Myanmar education goals. The master of ceremonies announced launching of Bawga drinking water produced by the Staff Welfare Committee. Then, the Secretary-1 inspected production process of the drinking water.
Next, the Secretary-1 inspected lay-out plan of the Institute. At the meeting hall of the new building,
Rector U Kan Zaw reported to the Secretary-1 on the lay-out plan of the Institute, completion of No 1 four-storey building, 16 one-storey buildings, two recreation centres, toilets, two 16-apartment canteens, two 300-student-capacity lecture halls, water and power supply and roads in the Institute, arrangements for construction of the clinic, the sports ground, the convocation hall and three four-storey lecture halls, organizational set-up of the Institute, numbers of students, degrees and modern teaching aids. Minister for Education U Than Aung and Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt gave supplementary reports.The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions. Then, Managing Director U Than Shwe of Ever Green Fine Arts Co. Ltd presented K 5 million for construction of the clinic of the Institute to the Secretary-1. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party viewed lecture rooms at the four-storey building, Human Resources Development Department, other departments, documentary photos of respective professors/heads of department at Statistics Department, Management Department, Commerce Department, Economics Department and Applied Economics Department, the aims and functions of respective departments, text books, reference books, degrees conferred and graduation gowns of the Institute and documentary photos of respective departments.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected modern teaching aids displayed at the booths of private
electronic companies at the Exhibition on Development of 21st Century Technology. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party attended the entertainment of students from Dagon Basic Education High School No 1 and presented prizes to them. The buildings opened today are one assembly hall, 22 lecture rooms, three meeting halls, two 48 student-capacity language lab, six 90-student-capacity computer centres, two libraries and office rooms.![]()
(3) Commerce Minister receives guests
YANGON, 6 Feb. - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen.. Pyi Sone received Senior Manager of Petronas Co. of Malaysia Mr Roney Zaidell and party at his office at 5 p.m. today. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen.. Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Managing Director of the Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials.
Industry-1 Minister receives guests
YANGON, 6 Feb. - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received President of D P Medical Sa of Switzerland Mr Boris Dudukovic and party at his office this afternoon. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen.. Kyaw Win, the directors-general and managing directors of the department and industries under the ministry.
(4) Regional Conference on Social Development and Poverty Reduction held
YANGON, 6 Feb.- The Regional Conference on Social Development and Poverty Reduction Through Vocational Training and Technical Education in the ASEAN Region, jointly organized by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), Myanmar Institute of strategic and International Studies (Myanmar-ISIS) and the Ramos Peace and Development Foundation (PRDEV) and with the support of Haans Seidel Foundation of Germany, was held at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda at 8.30 am today. Present at the conference were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen.. Abel, Minister for Foreign-Affairs Chairman of Myanmar-ISIS U
Win Aung, Chairman of the Ramos Peace and Development Foundation (PRDEV) Former President of the Republic of the Philippines Mr Fidel V Ramos, over 120 delegates and guests. The conference consisted of three sessions and one roundtable.Director of Myanmar-ISIS U Thaung Tun presided over the session which was entitled Sharing of
Experience in Vocational Training and Technical Education Within ASEAN Countries. Delegates of
Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and the ASEAN Secretariat took part in the discussions. In the second session, Dr Mehm Thet San, Dr Myo Thant Tin and U Kyaw Win presented papers on "Myanmar Experience in Poverty Reduction and Technical Education and Vocational Training". In the afternoon, the luncheon was held at Mindon Hall. Dr Rainier Gepperth of Hanns Seidel Foundation delivered an address. Then, Director-General (Retd) of ASEAN Affairs Department U Aye Lwin (Retd) read out the message sent by ASEAN Secretary-General Mr Rodolfo C Severino. Adviser to UMFCCI Dr Kyaw Htin presided over the third session of the conference. Project directors from Indonesia, the Philippines and the People's Republic of China discussed Dueltech and vocational training centres in Asia.Afterwards, a roundtable on a Development Assistance Initiative for Myanmar's Vocational Training and Technical Education followed. Secretary-General of UMFCCI U Zaw Win Min, Adviser Dr Kyaw Htin, former Director-General of National Economic and Development Authority of the Republic of the Philippines Dr Cielito Habito, Project Director of Dueltech Training Centre Foundation Mr Enrique M Ligot of the Philippines, Principal Education Specialist of Asian Development Bank Mr Paul Chang, Director-General (Retd) U Aye Lwin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director of Vocational Training Centre of Indonesia Mr Horst Friedrich Walter Freyer. Economic Affairs Officer of ESCAP Office Mr Masato Abe of Thailand moderated the roundtable.
Then, the delegates of UMFCCI, Myanmar-ISIS, the Ramos Peace and Development Foundation
(PRDEV) and the Hanns Seidel Foundation gave speeches and the conference successfully ended. In the evening, UMFCCI hosted a dinner in honour of the delegates at Sedona Hotel.![]()
(5) Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and party arrive
YANGON, 6 Feb. - At the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, a Thai delegation led by Dr Surakiart Sathirathai, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, arrived here by air this evening to pay an official visit to the Union of Myanmar. They were welcomed at the Yangon International Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador of Thailand to the Union of Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon and members of the Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon.
Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe inspects poultry farm, Heho Airport
YANGON, 6 Feb.- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen.. Khin Maung Myint and departmental officials, went to Tetchaung Private Poultry Farm in Namhat village, Nyaungshwe Township, on 5 February. Owner of the farm Dr Thein Sein reported on facts about his poultry farm. Then, Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe and party visited the chicken-runs and fulfilled the requirements. A total of 55,000 layers and 61,000 chickens are being raised at 14 chicken-runs. Next, Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe and party proceeded to Heho Airport where U Chit Oo of Asia World Co. Ltd reported on extended construction of the airport and requirements in work. Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe gave instructions on timely completion of the work, meeting set standard and minimizing loss and wastage in the work site and attended to their needs. They then inspected construction tasks with the use of heavy machinery.
(6) Payment of outstanding land lease fees of hotels coordinated
YANGON, 6 Feb.- A coordination meeting on payment of outstanding land lease fees of hotels operated with foreign investment being undertaken under Build-Operate and Transfer ( BOT) system with the Ministry of the Hotels and Tourism was held at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon. Present were Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen. Saw Lwin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen. Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director U Kyi Tun, general managers of hotels operated with foreign investment and officials.
Minister Maj-Gen. Saw Lwin said there are 14 hotels operated with foreign investment and land lease and building fees are to be paid in US dollars to the State through the ministry. Land lease and building fees of US $ 8.23 million have been received so far and outstanding land lease and building lease fees are US $ 13.463 million, he said. Complications may arise later due to the delay of payment. There is no right to cancel outstanding land lease and building fees according to the Trade Policy Council. Outstanding land lease and building lease fees are to be paid in installment, he said. Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt reported on list of hotels that have to pay outstanding land lease fees. General managers of the hotels took part in the discussions. The minister fulfilled the requirements. The meeting ended in the evening.
Minister inspects industrial zone
YANGON, 6 Feb.-Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen. Saw Lwin arrived at the Indagaw Industrial Zone of the ministry in Indagaw region, Bago Division, yesterday afternoon. At the briefing hall, the minister heard reports presented by the Managing Director of the Myanma Industrial Construction Services and officials on progress in paving factory road, supply of water and electricity, progress in constructing factory's buildings, storage of machines imported the People's Republic of China and production conditions. Afterwards, the minister inspected production of disc wheels of the Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries, storage of machines in Inlet & Exhaust Valves Shop, construction of aluminium string factory, storage of machines in power tiller engine factory of the Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries, and construction of Heat Treatment Shop and Forging Shop. The minister also gave necessary instructions.
(7) Health Minister views transplant of kidney
YANGON, 6 Feb. -Minister for Health Maj-Gen. Ket Sein inspected the second kidney transplant at Mandalay People's Hospital in Mandalay yesterday morning. Physicians from Yangon and Mandalay jointly performed the kidney transplant for the second time. Specialists led by Director-General of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) Renal Specialist Prof. Dr Paing Soe and Lecturer Dr Khin Maung Htay of MPH, Renal Surgeon Dr Than Aye, Prof. Dr Sai Lun Maung of MPH and specialists, Renal Surgeon Dr Htay Htay Myint and group, Prof. Dr Khin Htun, Lecturer Dr Toe Lwin, Anaesthetists led by Prof. Dr Tin Myint, Prof. Dr Thant Zin, Prof. Dr Tin Myint, Lecturer Dr Daw Khin Maw, Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung and Medical Superintendent Dr Win Shein conducted the kidney transplant.
Maj-Gen. Ket Sein invited the patient Ma Mar Mar Oo of Patheingyi Township, and taking out a kidney from Donor Ma Mar Mar Lin, who is the patient's sister, and cordially spoke words of encouragement to the physicians, specialists, the patient and her family. Under the arrangement of Medical Superintendent Dr Win Shein and Rector Dr Soe Tun of the Institute of Medicine (Mandalay), the kidney transplant was shown on close circuit TV. The operation was arranged to be on screen at the meeting hall of MPH and Medical Teaching Unit of IM (Mandalay).
This programme also contributes to lecture on the kidney transplant by Prof. Dr Win Myint of the
Surgical Department to undergraduates and postgraduates from IM (Mandalay). He then replied in details the queries raised by the students and experts. Minister Maj-Gen. Ket Sein inspected teaching of medical science with modern communication systems at MPH and IM (Mandalay) and gave instructions. All over the country, nine kidney transplants for 13 patients have been conducted and success has been achieved cent per cent. This is the second time in Mandalay and is also successful and the patients are doing well. The ministry has been striving for success of advanced operations at home and already made arrangements for liver transplant. A similar operation will be conducted for Ma Win Win Thant on 7 February. In the afternoon, the minister inspected the Siamese twins at MPH and attended to the needs relating to preparations for the operation.![]()
Union Day delegates arriveYANGON, 6 Feb. -Members of national races cultural troupe and delegates from states and divisions arrived here today by air to attend the 55th Anniversary Union Day flag-hoisting ceremony and dinner. Delegates from Kayah State arrived here in the morning and those from Rakhine State, in the afternoon. Reception and Accommodation Sub-Committee Chairman No 4 Military Command Commander Yangon Station Commander Defence Services Records Office Commandant Brig-Gen.. Myo Myint and members and officials welcomed and accommodated them at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayint-naung) here. Similarly, delegates from Ayeyawady Division arrived there by car today.
(8) Stone inscriptions bearing Myanma Education Goals unveiled
YANGON, 6 Feb. - The ceremony to unveil the stone inscription bearing Myanma Education Goals was held at BEHS-1 in Pyay, Bago Division (West) yesterday morning. It was attended by Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe, Director-General of No 1 Basic Education Department U Tin Nyo, Rector U Mya Win of Pyay University, Deputy Director-General U Sein Win of Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar), the division education officer, departmental officials, school heads, teachers and students and others. Outstanding students formally unveiled the stone inscription bearing the sentence " To create an education system that can generate a learning society capable of facing the challenges of the knowledge age ". Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt elaborated on Myanma education goals at the hall of the school. The headmaster spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close. A similar ceremony was held at BEHS-1 in Gyobingauk yesterday afternoon, attended by Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, Director- General U Tin Nyo, the township education officer, departmental officials, teachers and students and others.
Cornerstones laid for University of Paramedical Sciences (Mandalay)
YANGON, 6 Feb.- A ceremony to lay cornerstones for University of Paramedical Sciences (Mandalay) of the Medical Science Department was held in Sharsaychet, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, yesterday. At the ceremony, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen.. Ye Myint, Minister for Health Maj-Gen. Ket Sein, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen. Yan Thein, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Ngwe, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung, Deputy Director-General Dr Maung Maung Win of Medical Science Department laid the cornerstones. Also present were military and civilian officers.
Study group from Ponpakyin region tours YangonYANGON, 6 Feb. - At the invitation of Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen.. Khin Nyunt, a 40- member study group comprising students of national races from Ponpakyin region of Mongton Township, Shan State (East) arrived here by air yesterday evening to visit famous pagodas and to study development of the State. The study group paid a visit to Shwedagon Pagoda this morning and made cash donations for the pagoda. They then viewed the Buddhology Museum and paid homage to Maha Wizaya Pagoda. Then, they visited to the Drug Elimination Museum and were conducted round the museum by the officials. In the afternoon, the study group visited the National Museum.
(9) Pro-Am Golf Tourney of London Myanmar Open 2002 Golf Tournament held
YANGON, 6 Feb.-The Pro-Am Golf Tournament of London-Myanmar Open 2002 Golf Tournament, organized by the Myanmar Professional Golfers' Association and the Asian Professional Golfers' Association (Asian PGA) and mainly sponsored by the Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, was held at the Yangon Golf Club, Danyingon, here, today. Among the spectators were President of the MPGA and the Myanmar Golf Federation Brig-Gen.. Win Hlaing, General Secretary of the Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik, Deputy Director-General U Thein Aung, Secretary of MGF U Aung Kyi and executives, General Secretary of MPGA professional golfer U Chan Han and executives, guests, BAT (APS) Area Director Mr Patrick O' Keeffe, Managing Director of the Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd Mr Arend NG and officials. After the tourney, officials presented prizes to the prize-winners. The Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd hosted a dinner to the participants at the Sedona Hotel. A total of 152 golfers 122
professionals from 21 nations, 26 Myanmar professions and four Myanmar amateurs will take part in the London-Myanmar Open 2002 Golf Tournament to be held from 7 to 10 February.![]()
Friendly soccer match continuesYANGON, 6 Feb.- The third friendly warming-up soccer match between under-17 Myanmar Youth selected football team and Sangji University football team of Korea took place at the Thuwumma Youth Training Centre this evening. Among the spectators were Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman Minister for Sports Brig-Gen.. Thura Aye Myint and officials, the Korean Ambassador and officials from the embassy and guests. In the match, Sangji University team defeated Myanmar Youth team 6-0..
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University will open in June for 2002 academic year. The first semester for academic year 2002 begins in June and ends in October. The second semester begin on 1st December and ends in March 2003. Those students who are qualified for Diploma course can send their application forms to the Registrar, international Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Dhammapala Hill, Mayangone P.O., Yangon, Myanmar. Fax 095-1-650700, Phone 095-1-650702.(1) Diploma of Buddha Dhamma(Dip.B.Dh)
Foreign monks, nuns and laymen who apply for one-year Diploma course must have passed at least the Matriculation or equivalent. For the layman who is Myanmar citizen must have their first degree, B.A. or B.Sc. Myanmar monks and nuns who apply for Diploma course must not be younger than 18 and not older than 45. Age limit for students who apply for one-year Diploma course only will be given consideration. The Selection Board reserves the right to decide whether a particular applicant has met the requirements or not.
ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONForeign candidates are required to sit for the written examination at the Embassy of Myanmar in country of their residence, or at the examination centre in Yangon, Myanmar. There will be two question papers, namely, one on English proficiency and the other on general Knowledge relevant to Buddhism. The closing date for submitting application form for Diploma course is 15th December 2001. The written entrance examination for Diploma course will be held on 8th January 2002. A candidate who passes the written examination must sit for personal interview at the Embassy of Myanmar in the country of their residence before joining the University. The admission policy of the University is liberal and flexible enough to get the qualified students for Diploma course. Priority will be givento foreign students. The students who joins the University is required to bring a proper medical certificate recently taken from any recognized authority showing physical and mental fitness.
Once a foreign student is admitted to the Diploma course, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will take care of visa application and its extension. Tuition, boarding and messing for foreign students will be provided free by the University. Travelling expenses for joining the University will not be borne by the University.
For further information, inqueries may kindly be made to the nearest Myanmar Embassies or Consulates
or email to mission.myanmar@ties.itu.int