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- Myanmar Education Committee meets
- Artistes most powerful persons to educate, organize people to understand nation-building endeavours
- " Ma Myat Lay Award " education trust fund set up for new generation
- Management Committee for Observance of 55th Anniversary Union Day holds meeting
- Coffee growing projects inspected
- Traffic Rules Enforcement Supervisory Committee meets
- 36 armed group members exchange arms for peace
- Faculty members for MMU and MAEU invited
- Stimulant tablets seized in Kyukok (Pangsai)
(1) Myanmar Maritime University, Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University will be opened soon for human resources developmentMyanmar Education Committee meets
YANGON, 31 Jan. -The Myanmar Education Committee held its 1/2002 meeting at the Universities Central Council of the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) at 3.30 p.m. today, addressed by Chairman of MEC Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt. The Secretary-1 said the government has laid down and is implementing the four-year national education promotion programme and the 30-year long-term education plan. It is beginning to achieve success in realizing the goals uplift of education standard of the entire nation. In implementing the national education plans, the aim has been set to further improve the standard of the entire higher education sector and to enable the students to complete their studies in higher education in their own regions. With this view, the government is extending institutions of higher learning in the whole nation.
There are now 144 universities, degree colleges and colleges in the nation. In addition, the Myanmar Maritime University and the Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University will emerge soon in the nation. It can be said a significant progress has been made in the education sector. The University of Traditional Medicine has already been opened. These are the results of the endeavours of the government which is giving priority to development of human resources, the prime national requirement for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. He urged the participants to give suggestions for progress of all the different phases of the national education promotion programmes.
Master of ceremonies Director-General of HED (Lower Myanmar) U Saw Lwin meeting's sought the approval of the minutes of the meeting 1/2001. Minister for Transport Maj-Gen. Hla Myint Swe reported to the meeting on arrangements being made to upgrade the Institute of Marine Technology to university level and Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung on opening of the new Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University. Also present at the meeting were member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Kyaw Win of the Ministry of Defence, ministers, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, deputy ministers, the director of Medical Services, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the Ministry of Education and guests. Ministers, deputy ministers and officials took part in the discussions. The Secretary-1 gave suggestions.
(2) Artistes most powerful persons to educate, organize people to understand nation-building endeavours
YANGON, 31 Jan. - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt hosted a dinner in honour of the artistes who starred in the teleplays which serve the interest of the State, at the Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel in Yangon at 7 p.m. today. Present were members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Soe Win, Maj-Gen. Kyaw Win and Maj-Gen. Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen. Myint Swe, ministers, the mayor, deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, Chairman of Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon U Sein Tin, Chairman of Myanmar Music Asiayon Accordion U Ohn Kyaw, artistes and guests. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt cordially greeted the artistes, and then they enjoyed the dinner together. After the dinner, certificates of honour were presented to the artistes.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt presented certificates of honour to director Zinyaw Maung Maung, who shot " kyai-sin-pat-lai-wine-yan-lyat-te-shi-thaw-a-tine-ma-thi-shwe-pyi", on behalf of those who took part in it; director Tin Than Oo who shot " Yan-pon-kwin ", director Thet Tin for " Htar-wa-ya-shin-than-pa-se ", on behalf of those who took part in them; and Director Tin Than Oo, on behalf of those who starred in " zar-ti-pon-nya-gon-ma-na" shot by Myat Khin Thit Thukhuma. Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt spoke on the occasion. Secretary-1 said all the people of the various strata of life and artistes from all the fields should strive together with the government for national progress.
As they are loved and admired by the people, the artistes are the most powerful persons in educating and organizing the people to make them understand the nation-building endeavours being implemented. All the artistes present here have been joining hands with the government to take part in the national development endeavours for a period of over ten years. The government has put into record their participation. He, on behalf of the State, wholeheartedly honoured the artistes for their efforts to serve the interests of the nation and the people, to raise the standard of living of the people and to educate them. Whatever difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, the government will strive without fail to realize the goal emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. All those who have clear outlook have understood the national developments which are the results of the overtime efforts of the government. The artistes should continue to take part with might and main in the endeavours to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation. Film director Tin Than Oo, on behalf of the artistes, spoke words of thanks.
(3) " Ma Myat Lay Award " education trust fund set up for new generation
YANGON, 31 Jan.-Brig-Gen. Si Thu Tin Pe (Retd) and wife Daw Thein Hsaing (Ma Myat Lay) set up " Ma Myat Lay Award " education trust fund for new generations today. Design Printing Services Co. also donated Myanmar guide maps at the ceremony which was held at the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) at 5 p.m. Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt accepted the donations. Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Kyaw Win of the Ministry of Defence, ministers, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, deputy ministers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, wellwishers and guests. Director-General of HED (Lower Myanmar) U Saw Lwin read out the brief biography and literary experiences of wellwisher Daw Thein Hsaing (Ma Myat Lay).
Daw Thein Hsaing (Ma Myat Lay) explained the purpose of the donation. Then, she presented K
900,000 for the trust fund and General Manager of Design Printing Services Company Daw Kyi Kyi Win Oo, 5,000 Myanmar guide maps worth K 1 million for the Myanmar Education Committee to the Secretary-1. Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said that establishment of the trust fund was a noble deed contributing much towards the education sector.As it had been already explained by Daw Thein Hsaing, the learned persons who have wide experience in various branches of studies should share their knowledge with the new generation so that more intellectuals and technicians would emerge in the future. She helped her husband throughout his service as a Tatmadaw officer in various parts of the nation. Besides, she herself has also served the interests of the nation and the people with the pen.
Till now she is serving the national interests through the literary and social works. Daw Thein Hsaing set up the trust fund with the money from her lifelong savings with a view to promoting the education standard of the youth. Her effort has reflected her noble mind. He wished the new generation to inherit her goodwill and spirit to become intellectuals and technicians benefiting the nation. Ma Myat Lay awards will be presented to those who stand first at the examinations of Diploma in Applied Psychology, Diploma in Library and Information Studies, Master of Research in Library and Information Studies and M.Sc (Botany) of Yangon University; Diploma in Economic Studies, Diploma in Management and Administration and Master of Business Administration of Yangon Institute of Economics; and M.E (Metallurgy) and M.E (Electrical Communications) of Yangon Technological University.
(4) Management Committee for Observance of 55th Anniversary Union Day holds meeting
YANGON, 31 Jan. - The Management Committee for Observance of the year 2002 55th Anniversary Union Day held its second meeting at Pyithu Hluttaw Office at 4 p.m. today, with an address by Chairman of the Management Committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen. Myint Swe. Also present at the meeting were members of the Management Committee for 55th Anniversary Union Day and officials concerned.
In his address, Yangon Division Peace and development Council Chairman Yangon Command
Commander Brig-Gen. Myint Swe said that the present meeting was the second of the Management Committee; 12 subcommittees were formed and chairmen and officials had reported on tasks to be carried out sector-wise at the first meeting held on 11 January 2002. As the Union Day is drawing near, the tasks should be completed almost cent per cent by now; so respective subcommittees were to report on progress of work at the meeting, he added. The subcommittees should implement their task in accord with the essence of the Union Day objectives.They are required to solve the problems in cooperation. Then, officials from subcommittees under the Management Committee reported on work done and requirements of their respective subcommittees. Secretary of the Management Committee Director-General U Myint Thein of Pyithu Hluttaw Office and responsible officials reported matters related to observing the Union Day ceremony. Chairman of the Management Committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen. Myint Swe attended to the needs and made a concluding speech and the meeting came to a close in the evening.
Minister inspects road and bridge construction projects
YANGON, 31 Jan.-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen. Saw Tun inspected upgrading of Yangon-Pyay Highway on 26 January 2002. Accompanied by officials of Public Works, the minister arrived at Pyay and inspected Padaung-Taungup road. Pyay District Chief Engineer U Myo Myint reported on progress of work and engineers in-charge of the Road Construction Special Group (8) on construction of road section between mile posts No 50/0 and No 59/0.
At the Mya Ya camp, the minister heard a report by Deputy Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut on targets for construction of road section between mile posts No 60/0 and No 102/2 of Padaung-Taungup road being implemented in the open season. The minister gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs. The minister inspected the progress of construction of Taungup-Ma-i-Tanhlwe-Lamu road section. On 27 January, the minister heard a report by engineers in-charge on Lamu-Ma-i road section and inspected the progress of work so far carried out at the road section. Next, the minister and party proceeded to Ma-i Bridge.
They were reported on progress in constructing Kyaukgyipauk, Sanai-pauk and Londaw-pauk bridges. After giving necessary instructions, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen. Saw Tun and party inspected along the Ma-i-Kyaukpyu road section. The minister also inspected the construction site of Kyaukgyipauk, Sanai-pauk and Londaw-pauk Bridges. Later, the minister and party proceeded by boat to construction site of Deedok Creek Bridge. He inspected the pre-engineering works there. They proceeded to Mingyaung Creek Bridge construction site. Officials concerned reported on the work progress and the minister gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
(5) Coffee growing projects inspected
YANGON, 31 Jan. - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen. Nyunt Tin inspected cotton
cleaning machine produced by Monywa Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise in Sagaing Division and heard reports on capacity of the machine that can clean 200 to 600 viss of cotton per hour at the hall of the enterprise yesterday. Next, he proceeded to Myanmar Canaan Farmers' Training Centre at Doekwin in PyinOoLwin Township in Mandalay Division being founded under the Myanmar-Korea Friendship Programme.Officials reported to him on work progress. The minister also inspected construction of the training hall and school buildings of the centre. Afterwards, officials reported to the minister on land reclamation, allotment of land to the entrepreneurs, and completion of growing coffee at Coffee Growing Project in Yaychanoh region in PyinOoLwin. The minister gave instructions on water supply, growing of coffee plants and other shade trees for earning income and greening of the region, growing of Thitseint trees and early growing of coffee plants on the allotted land. The minister then heard reports on construction of Sinlan Dam to the north of Sinlan Village in the township, being constructed by Irrigation Department. He also inspected coffee plantations of Myanma Farms Enterprise, drying of coffee seeds without plain ground, trashing of coffee seeds with machines at Pwetaung region and research plantation of coffee strain from Laos.
Myanmar Products Expo' 2002 held in Taunggyi
YANGON, 31 Jan. - With the permission of Shan State Peace and Development Council, the opening ceremony of Myanmar Products Expo' 2002, organised by Dragon Exhibitions Ltd, was held at the City Hall in Taunggyi on 24 January morning. Secretary of Shan State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Maung and Dragon Exhibitions Ltd Managing Director U Aung Aung formally opened the exhibition. Textiles, cosmetics, consumer products, plastic wares, feedstuff, electronic and electronic appliance, construction materials, stationery and packaging materials, optical instruments and sport equipment were shown at the exhibition held from 24 to 28 January.
129 tourists arriveYANGON, 31 Jan. -Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and with the
arrangement of Asia Global Travels and Tours Co. Ltd, out of 330 tourists of John Hancock Insurance Co. of Malaysia, the last batch of 129 tourists arrived here by air this afternoon. Officials of the Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services and Managing Director of Asia Global Travels and Tours Co. Ltd U Win Tin and staff welcomed them at Yangon International Airport. They will tour Yangon and Bago.
(6) Traffic Rules Enforcement Supervisory Committee meets
YANGON, 31 Jan.-The Supervisory Committee for Traffic Rules Enforcement held its 94th meeting at the Department of Road Administration in Thanthumar Road, South Okkalapa Township, this afternoon. Present were Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen. Maung Nyo, Commander of the Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen. Soe Win, Joint-Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee U Kyi Win, Director-General of the Supreme Court U Tin Aye, Director-General of the DRA U Hla Thaung Myint, officials, chairmen of private bus lines, the member of the Supervisory Committee, and chairmen, secretaries and members of subcommittees. The chairman of the Supervisory Committee made a speech on the occasion. Joint-Secretary of the Supervisory Committee Deputy Commander (Motor Vehicle/Wireless) of Yangon Division Police Force Police Lt-Col Aung Naing reported on tasks carried out for traffic rules enforcement from December 2001 to 25 January 2002.
Then, chairmen and members of subcommittees took part in the discussions sub-committee wise. Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Director-General of MPF Police Maj-Gen. Soe Win gave a supplementary report. Afterwards, a general round of discussions followed. The meeting came to a close at 5 p.m. with concluding remarks by the chairman of the Supervisory Committee.
Local authorities, departments, social organizations urged to strive harmoniously for progress of Kayah StateYANGON, 31 Jan. - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence inspected development undertakings in Kayah State on 27 and 28 January. Accompanied by Central Executive Committee member of Union Solidarity and Development Association Deputy Minister for Energy Brig-Gen. Thein Aung, he left here by air for Loikaw on 27 January morning.
On arrival at Loikaw Airport, Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe and party were welcomed by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen. Khin Maung Myint, Brig-Gen. Thura Sein Thaung of Pekhon Station, Chairman of Kayah State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen. Nyunt Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin and military and civil officials. Together with Commander Brig-Gen. Khin Maung Myint and Brig-Gen. Nyunt Hlaing, Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe looked into the requirements of agricultural and livestock breeding undertakings of Bawlake and Pasawng stations.
At Pasawng Township Peace and Development Council Office, Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe and party met with local authorities and departmental personnel and members of USDA, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization and Maternal and Child Welfare Association. Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Khin Maung Aye briefed them on town development undertakings. After giving suggestions, Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe spoke of the need to strive to accelerate the momentum in implementing the town development tasks, to improve the regional roads, to increase per capita income, to uplift national prestige and integrity and to propagate Union Spirit. Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe and party then inspected Pasawng Township People's Hospital. In Bawlake, they paid obeisance to Maha Kandateinna Pagoda. They also presented cash donations to the pagoda. The next day, they visited the patients during inspection of Bawlake Township People's Hospital. At Bayintnaung Hall in the town, they met with local authorities and departmental personnel and members of USDA, Red Cross, Auxiliary
Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Women's Affairs Committee. In his speech, Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe urged them to harmoniously strive from all sectors for progress of Kayah State. In Pasawng and Bawlake, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen. Thein Aung met with USDA members, and Central Executive Committee member of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Deputy Minister Thura U Thaung Lwin, war veterans.![]()
(7) 36 armed group members exchange arms for peace
YANGON, 31 Jan.-The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation for emergence of a new, modern and peaceful nation with genuine goodwill. After understanding the genuine goodwill and correct endeavours of the government, remnant armed group members, abandoning their destructive acts which did not benefit the people at all and made their regions retard development, have been continuously exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.
During the period from 1 to 31 December 2001, in the region of Triangle Region Command, sergeant Aik Maung bringing along with him one AK 47, privates Lawgyi, Licho, Lawga and his wife Sihnay with four M-22s, four magazines and 80 rounds of ammunition from SURA armed group (Central), privates Sima, Marte, Kyale and Kyate with four M-22s from No 618 Battalion; platoon commander Paku and privates Kyamu, Yakyo, Kyakhway, Kyawa, Kyabo, Kyalaw, Kyate and Daw Nan Mi with one .22 pistol, two .45 pistols, one .32 revolver, one .38 revolver, four M-47s, one M-16, eight magazines and 31 assorted rounds of ammunition from Lahu armed group. In the region of Eastern Command, private Lino with one AK-47, one magazine, 30 rounds of ammunition and one hand grenade from KNPP armed group followed suit.
In the region of Western Command, lieutenant Taunglon (a) Khaing Kyaw Hla and corporal Aung San Thein with two AK-47s, four magazines and 400 rounds of ammunition from NUPA (AA) armed group also exchanged arms for peace. In the region of North-West Command, private Kashipaw from Naga armed group and private Dula (a) Zaw Oo from CNA armed group did the same. In the region of South-East Command, lieutenant corporal Saw Htoo, privates Soe Min and Maung Lay with two AK-47s, one M-16 and 20 assorted rounds of ammunition from No 1 Division of No 2 DO Battalion of KNU armed group, sergeant Kyaw Hlaing with one M-16, one magazine and 20 rounds of ammunition from No 2 Battalion of ABSDF armed group exchanged arms for peace.
In the region of Coastal Region Command, privates Saw Lay Lay and Saw Si Phaw with one M-16, one magazine and 12 rounds of ammunition from No 4 Brigade of KNU armed group, sergeant Saw Dalemu with one AK-47, two magazines and 230 rounds of ammunition from No 3 Division of No 10 Battalion, privates Wun Manaing, Dai Mu, Phalu, Koe Chaung, Phi Phe and Saw Khe with two M-16s, five magazines and 30 rounds of ammunition, one AK-47, one magazine and 30 rounds of ammunition and one M-79 launcher from No 2 Division of No 11 Battalion exchanged arms for peace. Officials of the military camps warmly welcomed 36 persons who exchanged arms for peace and fulfilled their requirements. More persons of armed groups are going to exchange arms for peace.
(8) Faculty members for MMU and MAEU invited
YANGON, 31 Jan. - Candidates, who are Myanmar nationals and who meet required qualifications, are invited to send their applications, together with full testimonials, to the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar), Ministry of Education, not later than 15 February 2002, for the posts of teaching staff in the Myanmar Maritime University under the Ministry of Transport, and the Myanmar Aeorspace Engineering University under the Ministry of Science and Technology, which will be soon opened.
Candidates are to sit for a written 2-hour English test and be interviewed. Excellent educational
qualifications and experiences will be an advantage. Government employees can apply with the
permission of respective departmental heads. The candidates must not be older than 35 on 15 February 2002. Consideration will be given for age limit for those who have specific qualifications. Application forms are available at respective HEDs in Yangon and Mandalay, and universities, degree colleges and colleges under HEDs for other regions. Timetable for the written test and interview will be announced later. For further details, contact the Yangon Technological University, Ph 642560; the Institute of Marine Technology, Ph 513448; and the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar), Ph 513146.![]()
(9) Stimulant tablets seized in Kyukok (Pangsai)
YANGON, 31 Jan.-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, while waiting near Nampatet Village on 22 January, stopped and searched Haung Wu, son of U Yu Myint, Ward 2, and Khaung Shin Pi, son of U Khaung Kyar Shant, Ward 3, Monepaw Village, Muse and seized 8,000 stimulant tablets from them. Action was taken against them under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University will open in June for 2002 academic year. The first semester for academic year 2002 begins in June and ends in October. The second semester begin on 1st December and ends in March 2003. Those students who are qualified for Diploma course can send their application forms to the Registrar, international Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Dhammapala Hill, Mayangone P.O., Yangon, Myanmar. Fax 095-1-650700, Phone 095-1-650702.(1) Diploma of Buddha Dhamma(Dip.B.Dh)
Foreign monks, nuns and laymen who apply for one-year Diploma course must have passed at least the Matriculation or equivalent. For the layman who is Myanmar citizen must have their first degree, B.A. or B.Sc. Myanmar monks and nuns who apply for Diploma course must not be younger than 18 and not older than 45. Age limit for students who apply for one-year Diploma course only will be given consideration. The Selection Board reserves the right to decide whether a particular applicant has met the requirements or not.
ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONForeign candidates are required to sit for the written examination at the Embassy of Myanmar in country of their residence, or at the examination centre in Yangon, Myanmar. There will be two question papers, namely, one on English proficiency and the other on general Knowledge relevant to Buddhism. The closing date for submitting application form for Diploma course is 15th December 2001. The written entrance examination for Diploma course will be held on 8th January 2002. A candidate who passes the written examination must sit for personal interview at the Embassy of Myanmar in the country of their residence before joining the University. The admission policy of the University is liberal and flexible enough to get the qualified students for Diploma course. Priority will be givento foreign students. The students who joins the University is required to bring a proper medical certificate recently taken from any recognized authority showing physical and mental fitness.
Once a foreign student is admitted to the Diploma course, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will take care of visa application and its extension. Tuition, boarding and messing for foreign students will be provided free by the University. Travelling expenses for joining the University will not be borne by the University.
For further information, inqueries may kindly be made to the nearest Myanmar Embassies or Consulates
or email to mission.myanmar@ties.itu.int