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- Senior General Than Shwe inspects Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport and Myanmar ICT Park
- Defence team wins MNOC Chairman's trophy
- A&I Minister leaves for Nepal
- USDA members urged to safeguard peace, tranquillity Mass rally to support national, rural development tasks held in Dawei
- I&P Ministry honours outstanding students
- Tourism services inspected in Tachilek, Kengtung and Mongla
- Myanma Products Expo' 2002 opened in Lashio
- Conference on information technology to be held
- Third friendly soccer match on 16 Jan.
(1) Senior General Than Shwe inspects Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport and Myanmar ICT ParkYANGON, 15 Jan. - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe this morning inspected Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport and Myanmar ICT Park already completed in Hline Township and gave necessary instructions.
Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Chairman of Myanmar Computer Technology Development Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt and member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen. Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence, arrived at Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport in Hline Township at 10.10 am today.Senior General Than Shwe and party were welcomed there by members of the State Peace and
Development Council Maj-Gen. Aung Htwe, Maj-Gen. Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen. Maung Bo,
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen. Thein Sein, Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen. Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and Maj-Gen. Tin Aye of Ministry of Defence, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen. Myint Swe, ministers, the mayor of Yangon, senior military officers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and computer technicians.At the hall of Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport, Chairman of Myanmar Computer Technology
Development Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt reported to the Senior General on emergence of Information Technology, the use of Information Super Highway throughout the world, introduction of Internet and progress in implementing the plan to launch Internet System in Myanmar and formation of Bagan Cybertech and services being offered, matters included in e-ASEAN Framework Agreement, forming of Myanmar e-National Task Force with six working committees, forming of ICT Park to catch up with other countries, future plans to be carried out by ICT Park.The Secretary-1 also reported on the objectives of forming Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport,
installation of modern equipment, assistance being rendered by departments in forming Myanmar ICT Park and Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport and services being offered and services to be offered in future. Then, Director of Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport Lt-Col Tin Oo reported to the Senior General on facts about the Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport and its services.Then, member of the Board of Directors of Myanmar ICT Development Company U Thein Oo reported to the Senior General on objectives of forming the Myanmar ICT Park, advantages of forming ICT Park, services to be offered, and member of Board of Directors U Pyone Maung Maung on arrangements to hold Myanmar ICT Week beginning 17 January.
Afterwards, Senior General Than Shwe and party inspected the 60-metre high tower and satellite dishes, Interactive Distance Learning system, Video Conferencing system, Telemedicine, e-Banking system, e-Government system, Rural Telephony system demonstration and machinery being installed at Bagan Cybertech IDC & Teleport Park.
The Senior General and party proceeded to MICT Park and heard reports on production of Myanmar Legendary Hero Pyu Saw Htee series being created with the help of computer graphic animation (CGA). Then, Senior General Than Shwe and party viewed learning of advanced computer technology at Myanmar-Japan e-Learning Centre and software workshop of local IT companies at MICT Park.
Senior General Than Shwe met with officials at the meeting hall of MICT Park. Senior General Than Shwe said information and communication technology is developing rapidly in the world. Therefore concerted efforts are to be made to catch up with these developments, he said.
In doing so, it is necessary to make endeavours for acquiring advanced technology from developed
nations, he said. If we work in conventional way, it is hard to catch up with those developed nations, he added. The Senior General expressed his pleasure at successful establishment of Bagan Cybertech IDC and Teleport and Myanmar ICT Park.Achievements have been made with the cooperation of the government, experts and investors. Based on the existing structure and equipment, efforts are to be made to accelerate the momentum of development with diligence, he said. Based on intelligence, morale and efforts of our national people, we are to catch up with the level of developed nations, he said.
The Senior General called for hard work to realize the objectives of ASEAN Vision 2020. Next, the Senior General fulfilled the requirements. Senior General Than Shwe then gave necessary guidance and left Myanmar ICT Park in the afternoon.
Construction of Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park and Bagan Cybertech IDC and Teleport have now been completed. The opening ceremony of Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park will be held on 21 January. IT exhibition, e-ASEAN and IT conference to mark the Myanmar ICT Week will be held beginning 17 January. Delegates from e-ASEAN Working Group and e-ASEAN Task Force, experts from foreign countries and guests will attend the opening ceremony of Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park.
(2) Defence team wins MNOC Chairman's trophy
YANGON, 15 Jan.- The final match and the prize presentation ceremony of the First National Olympic Council Chairman's Trophy Open Soccer Tournament was held at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-
General Maj-Gen. Thein Sein, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen. Myint Swe and MNOC members, the ministers, senior military officers, the deputy ministers, Head of Leading Patron of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Myanmar Olympic Committee members, officials of Myanmar sports federations, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, coaches and managers, footballers and football fans. In the final match, Defence team beat Energy (Yaynan) team 2-1.At the prize presentation ceremony, Secretary-General of MOC President of Myanmar Football
Federation U Thaung Htaik presented K 50,000 to the man of the match award winner Kyaw Min Thet of Defence team. Commander Brig-Gen. Myint Swe presented K 2.5 million and individual prizes to third prize winning Finance & Revenue team. Then, MNOC member Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen. Tin Ngwe presented K 5 million and individual prizes to second prize winning Energy (Yaynan) team. Afterwards, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Gen. Min Thein presented individual prizes to first prize winning Defence team. Next, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen. Thein Sein presented K 100,000 and the best goalkeeper award in the tournament to Ko Ko Aung of Defence team, K 100,000 and the best defender award to Aye Min Tun of Energy (Yaynan) team, K 100,000 and the best mid-fielder award to Kyaw Min Thet of Defence team, K 100,000 and the best striker award to Tun Min Naing of Defence team and K 200,000 and the best player award to Soe Myat Min of Finance &
Revenue team. Later, MNOC Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-Gen. Khin Nyunt presented the Chairman's Trophy and K 7.5 million to Defence team.![]()
(3) A&I Minister leaves for Nepal
YANGON, 15 Jan. - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen. Nyunt Tin left for Nepal this
morning to attend the 13th meeting of the Governing Council of Centre for Integrated Rural
Development in Asia and Pacific (CIRDAP) to be held on 17 and 18 January in Nepal. The minister and party were seen off at the Yangon International Airport by Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen. Saw Lwin, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen. Tin Htut, officials of the Embassy of Nepal and departmental officials. The minister was accompanied by Director-General of the Agricultural Planning Department U Tin Htut Oo.
(4) USDA members urged to safeguard peace, tranquillity Mass rally to support national, rural development tasks held in Dawei
YANGON, 15 Jan. - A mass rally to support national and rural development tasks organized by
Taninthayi Division Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at the divisional sports
ground in Dawei at 7 am on 12 January. It was attended by Dawei District column comprising USDA members from Launglon, Dawei, Thayet-chaung and Yebyu townships; Myeik District column comprising those of Myeik, Palaw, Kyunzu and Taninthayi townships; Kawthoung District column comprising those of Kawthoung and Bokpyin townships altogether numbering over 11,000. Taninthayi Division USDA Secretary U Kyaw Kyaw Htay presided over the rally with Taninthayi Division USDA Executives U Than Aung and U Soe Moe Naing as members of the panel of chairmen.Divisional USDA Executive Daw Aye Aye Nu acted as master of ceremonies with Dawei District USDA Executive Daw Su Su Htwe as co-master of ceremonies. First, Chairman of the mass rally U Kyaw Kyaw Htay delivered an address. He said that USDA is a national organization formed with the offspring of the national races with a view to serving the interests of the nation and the entire national people. The USDA members are actively participating in the national and rural development endeavours. Since 1988, the Government and the people have joined hands and made collective efforts for national development. As a result, achievements can be seen all over the country. The Government has undertaken the following six work programmes without sparing night and day.
(1) Tasks for national unity and peace and stability;
(2) Tasks for development of economic infrastructures;
(3) Tasks for enhancement of economic power;
(4) Tasks for the development of national human resource,
(5) Tasks for improvement of social efficiency; and
(6) Tasks for the promotion of regional and international cooperation. Those tasks were carried out in line with the Political, Economic and Social Objectives which have been laid down as tactics for fulfilling the actual requirements of the country with the aim of ensuring the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation which is, in fact, our strategy. In conclusion, he urged the USDA members to safeguard peace and tranquillity, to take part in nation-building endeavours and to pay serious attention to rural development tasks by accepting the Government's nation-building works as the national work programmes.
Next, Thayetchaung USDA Secretary U Khin Maung Htay tabled the motion calling for support of
national development tasks being undertaken by the Government. He said that as mentioned by the
meeting chairman, Myanmar has better foundations for development. The Government is striving day and night for proportionate development of urban, rural and border areas. As regards national
development, the national solidarity and peace and tranquillity are fundamental requirements. With these requirements fulfilled, the Government has expedited the works in building up the economic
infrastructures of the nation. Emphasis is laid on agriculture on which over 70 per cent of population rely.Hence, the development in agriculture is the backbone of development in other economic sectors. Dams, reservoirs and irrigation facilities are built within a short time. To be exact, altogether 372 dams and reservoirs have been built in the past decade.
Of them, 128 were major irrigation projects. As a result, the irrigated acreage which was only 2.52
million in 1988-89 has increased to 4.9 million today. As regards development of the entire nation, the human resource development plays a key role. Hence, 112 colleges, institutes and universities have been opened since 1988. There were only 32 colleges, institutes and universities in 1988 and today the number has increased to 144. Post graduate courses have been upgraded to doctorate courses. As regards basic education schools, there were only 33,747 schools in 1988 and today there are 39,081 schools showing an increase of 5,334 schools. Altogether 678 schools have been opened in border areas where there was no school in the past.In the Taninthayi Division, 138 schools have been opened. The Government is achieving remarkable success in national development endeavours. The USDA members are urged to maintain the development momentum and take an active part in the national development endeavours. A motion to support the Government's national development tasks was thus tabled.
The motion was supported by Dawei Township USDA Executive Daw Yi Yi Than. She said that as Myanmar is an agro-based country and the Government provided necessary assistance and
encouragement for agricultural development, the nation has achieved food sufficiency. Water is supplied adequately while greening projects are being implemented in the arid zone. In the past, the division was not sufficient in rice. To reclaim more arable land, the Government spent 100 million kyats for reinforcing embankments. Five hundred thousand of acres have been targeted to be reclaimed and put under oil-palm. On completion of this project. Taninthayi Division can be dubbed as oil pot of the nation.Foreign exchange can also be earned through export of surplus oil-palm and rubber. Thanks to better transportation, one can now easily and conveniently travel and transport products from one region to another within the division as well as from the division to other States and Divisions. One can travel conveniently from Sittway in the west to Kengtung and Tachilek in the east.
To travel from south to north, roads and bridges are being built in Taninthayi Division with a view to
providing access from Kawthoung to Mawlamyine and Yangon. The government's project of 110-mile Ye-Dawei railroad is also very beneficial to the region. Taninthayi Division is rich in fishery resources. An international fish market has been opened in Myeik. Efforts are being made to earn more foreign exchange through export of fishery and marine products.The division is also suitable for prawn breeding works. Plans are under way to increase incomes of
foreign exchange from prawn breeding works. Eye-drops for preventing new castle disease were provided to chicken in the division as a mass movement. She firmly supported the motion calling for support of the national development tasks being undertaken by the Government.Then, Yebyu Township USDA executive Daw Khin Thida of Taninthayi Division tabled the motion
calling for participation of USDA members in rural development tasks. She said it is obvious that
construction work by the Government directly contributed to the people.The Government has built 128 dams in agricultural sectors for the development of rural area economy; in doing so, Yinwa Dam in Kawthauung, Taninthayi Division has been constructed. In transport sector, there were only 13,600 miles of roads ten years ago and that roads has been extended to 17800 miles at present.
Altogether 135 180-foot and above bridges including Winpa Bridge, Plauk Bridge, Palaw Bridge,
Taninthayi Bridge and Pathaung Bridge have been built and the 180-foot and above bridges like Kyweku Kyaukphya Bridge, Thamutlutlut Bridge and Layhnyamandaing Bridges are under construction. In building economic infrastructures, the Government, at the same time, is making efforts for rural development; the five rural development tasks laid down by the State are the basic needs for rural areas and they can alleviate rural poverty.Afterwards, Launglon Township USDA Secretary U Than Zaw Oo of Taninthayi Division said that with smooth transport between rural and urban areas, agricultural produce in rural areas can easily be marketed and it will contribute to an increase of education and health care services needed in rural areas. If so, the rural areas will enjoy modern lifestyle. The rural development work also included efforts made for fresh water availability in Nyaungzin Village in Thayetchaung Township and Kyetsarbyin Ward in Dawei Township and altogether 1,405 USDA members will contribute their services as course teachers to 273 sections of three-R Campaign in villages of the division.
In conclusion, he said the rural development tasks are noble ones with a view to ensuring the
development of the entire nation. Therefore, he heartily supported the motion calling for active
participation of USDA members to achieve successes of rural development tasks being under taken by the State. Then, the rally passed the resolutions in support of the national and rural development tasks laid down by the State and participation of USDA members in national and rural development tasks. Later, the rally ended with the chanting of slogans.![]()
(5) I&P Ministry honours outstanding students
YANGON, 15 Jan. - A ceremony to honour outstanding students the children of the staff of the ministry who passed the matriculation examination for the 2000-2001 academic year with flying colours was held at the meeting hall of the Population Department on Maha Bandoola Street this afternoon. Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen. Sein Htwa attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Immigration and Population U Maung Aung, Director-General of Immigration and National Registration Department Col Maung Htay, Director-General of Population Department Col Tin Yi, deputy directors-general, directors and family members of the staff. After the speech by the minister, the outstanding students three 4-distinction winners, one 3-distinction winner, seven 2-distinction winners and eleven 1-distinction winners were awarded prizes.
Adjutant-General meets war veterans in Mandalay, Shwebo and Magway
YANGON, 15 Jan. - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Myanmar War Veterans Central Organizing Committee Adjutant-General Maj-Gen. Thein Sein met with war veterans in Mandalay, Shwebo and Magway from 12 to 14 January. Maj-Gen. Thein Sein held a meeting with Chairman of Mandalay Division War Veterans Supervisory Committee Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and members, members of Mandalay District War Veterans Supervisory Committee and war veterans in Mandalay. He explained the task being carried out by Myanmar War Veterans Central Organizing Committee and implementing of the five tasks and future tasks. An official reported on work done and future plans.
On 13 January, the Adjutant-General met with members of Shwebo District War Veterans Supervisory Committee and Township War Veterans Committee in Shwebo. He looked into the requirements in response to the report presented by Chairman of Shwebo District War Veterans Supervisory Committee Lt-Col Than Han.
Accompanied by officials of the Ministry of Defence, he inspected farming at Maingmaw Station in
Myittha Township. The next day, he met with Chairman of Magway Division War Veterans Supervisory Committee Secretary of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Aung and members and war veterans of township, district and division organizations in Magway. Lt-Col Myo Aung reported on organizational set-up of the township, district and division War Veterans Organizations and their task. Maj-Gen. Thein Sein gave suggestions.![]()
(6) Tourism services inspected in Tachilek, Kengtung and Mongla
YANGON, 15 Jan. - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen. Saw Lwin inspected hotel and tourism services in Tachilek, Kengtung and Mongla in eastern Shan State from 11 to 14 January. Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected the ministry's preparations to take part in Myanmar-Thai Friendship Trade Fair in Tachilek on 11 January. He then visited Allure Resort which is being built with foreign investment.
He then visited Myashweyi Hotel, Shweyikan Hotel, Kanna Hotel, and inspected arrival of tourists at the border check point, and Golden Triangle Hotel. He then met with hoteliers and tourism entrepreneurs. In the evening, the minister inspected Golden Triangle Paradise Resort Hotel and construction of a new pedestrian bridge on Maehok Creek. The next day, the minister met with entrepreneurs in Kengtung. In Mongla, he met with national race leaders and tour operators. He then visited the tourist destinations in the town. During his meeting with Commander of Triangle Region Command, the minister discussed border tourism development.
MEB (Pinlaung Branch) opened
YANGON, 15 Jan. - A ceremony to open Myanma Economic Bank (Pinlaung Branch) of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue was held at the new bank near Myoma market on Aungban-Loikaw Road in Pinlaung yesterday afternoon.
Present were Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern
Command Brig-Gen. Khin Maung Myint, Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein,
Managing Director U Aung Myint of MEB, secretaries of Taunggyi District and Pinlaung Township of Shan State Union Solidarity and Development Associations, executives and guests. U Aung Myint, Managing Director of MEB, explained the purpose of opening the bank. Minister U Khin Maung Thein extended greetings and formally opened the building. After that, a local resident spoke words of thanks. The commander, the minister and guests looked around the bank.![]()
(7) Myanma Products Expo' 2002 opened in Lashio
YANGON, 15 Jan. - With the permission of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council,
Myanma Products Expo' 2002, organized by Dragon Exhibitions Ltd, was opened at the town hall of Lashio on 9 January morning. Present on the occasion were officials of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council, Chairman of Lashio District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Shwe and members, state level officials, members of Women Affairs Committee, executives of Maternal and Child Welfare Association, members of the state and township Union Solidarity and Development Association, district and township officials, departmental heads, trainees of nursing school, members of cultural troupe and officials of the booths.The exposition was formally opened by Lt-Col Kyaw Shwe and Managing Director U Aung Aung of Dragon Exhibition Ltd. Officials of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council, Chairman Lt-Col Kyaw Shwe and members viewed the exposition. The aims of the exposition are to introduce the public directly to new products and enable the customers and the manufacturers to coordinate requirements each other. On display at the exhibition were local and foreign textiles, cosmetics, plastic ware, foodstuff, electric and electronic appliances, construction materials, household goods, stationery and packaging machines, gadgets and installation materials, skin-care lotion and spectacles, computers, spare-parts and sports equipment. Hundred Smile Entertainment Group headed by Director Kyaw Swa Thein Aung, gave product demonstration. The expo' 2002 was exhibited daily from 9 am to 9 p.m. from 9 to 13 January.
Commander inspects regional development tasks in Coco Island Township
YANGON, 15 Jan.- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen. Myint Swe and Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, accompanied by Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and departmental officials, left for Coco Island Township this morning and fulfilled the requirements of the departments in the township. First, the Commander, the Chief of Staff (Navy) and party arrived at Coco Island Airport at 8.20 am. Then, the Commander and party paid obeisance to Zinamarazein Pagoda.
They offered provisions to Sasana Mandaing Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhad-danta Khemasiri and presented donations towards the funds of the pagoda to a member of the pagoda board of trustees. The Commander proceeded to Coco Island Township Police Station and gave instructions on prevalence of law and order and community peace and tranquillity to officials. He inspected cultivation of vegetables in the environs of Township Peace and Development Council office and the library of Information and Public Relations Department.
Afterwards, the Commander and party met executives and members of township Union Solidarity and Development Association. They then inspected the multimedia teaching centre at Coco Island Basic Education High School and presented teaching aid video tapes to Headmistress Daw Sein Sein. At the township hospital (16-bed), the Commander and the Chief of Staff (Navy) presented hospital and medical equipment to Medical Superintendent Dr Tun Aye, and inspected the hospital. They inspected the dam which has 49 million of gallons storage capacity. Then, they inspected thriving vegetable patches of the local naval base. Afterwards, the Commander and the Chief of Staff (Navy) gave necessary instructions and presented saplings, seeds, books on agriculture, medicines and fertilizers to officials. They then arrived back here in the evening.
(8) Conference on information technology to be held
YANGON, 15 Jan. -To mark the opening of the Myanmar ICT Park, established for the development of Information and Communication Technologies, a conference on " Information Technology in Myanmar: Business Outlook and Opportunities " will be held at the Traders Hotel from 21 to 22 January 2002. The conference, to be attended by foreign and Myanmar specialists, is organized jointly by Bagan Cybertech Co Ltd of Myanmar and Information and Resource Centre of Singapore and the discussions will focus on business opportunities that involve the application of Information Technology. Interested persons may contact Bagan Cybertech Co Ltd, at Ph: 515232/515233 or Myanmar Times and Business Review at Ph: 242711/242722/242733 for further details.
(9) Third friendly soccer match on 16 Jan.
YANGON, 15 Jan. - A third soccer friendly between Yonsei University Football Team of the Republic of Korea and tentatively selected youth football team of Myanmar, which is undergoing training to take part in First ASEAN under-20 football championship, will take place at the sports ground of Thuwunna Youth Training Centre at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Admission is K 400 for grandstand and K 200 for the ordinary class.
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University will open in June for 2002 academic year. The first semester for academic year 2002 begins in June and ends in October. The second semester begin on 1st December and ends in March 2003. Those students who are qualified for Diploma course can send their application forms to the Registrar, international Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Dhammapala Hill, Mayangone P.O., Yangon, Myanmar. Fax 095-1-650700, Phone 095-1-650702.(1) Diploma of Buddha Dhamma(Dip.B.Dh)
Foreign monks, nuns and laymen who apply for one-year Diploma course must have passed at least the Matriculation or equivalent. For the layman who is Myanmar citizen must have their first degree, B.A. or B.Sc. Myanmar monks and nuns who apply for Diploma course must not be younger than 18 and not older than 45. Age limit for students who apply for one-year Diploma course only will be given consideration. The Selection Board reserves the right to decide whether a particular applicant has met the requirements or not.
ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONForeign candidates are required to sit for the written examination at the Embassy of Myanmar in country of their residence, or at the examination centre in Yangon, Myanmar. There will be two question papers, namely, one on English proficiency and the other on general Knowledge relevant to Buddhism. The closing date for submitting application form for Diploma course is 15th December 2001. The written entrance examination for Diploma course will be held on 8th January 2002. A candidate who passes the written examination must sit for personal interview at the Embassy of Myanmar in the country of their residence before joining the University. The admission policy of the University is liberal and flexible enough to get the qualified students for Diploma course. Priority will be givento foreign students. The students who joins the University is required to bring a proper medical certificate recently taken from any recognized authority showing physical and mental fitness.
Once a foreign student is admitted to the Diploma course, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will take care of visa application and its extension. Tuition, boarding and messing for foreign students will be provided free by the University. Travelling expenses for joining the University will not be borne by the University.
For further information, inqueries may kindly be made to the nearest Myanmar Embassies or Consulates
or email to mission.myanmar@ties.itu.int