1 ) 2001-2002 School Family Day opens at Diamond Jubilee Hall
Yangon, 27 Dec - The 2001-2002 School Family Day
opened with a ceremony at Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road here at
7.30 am today, attended by Chairman of the Myanmar Education
Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were member of the
State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein
Sein, ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the
Auditor-General, Mr Sutham Saengpratoom, Minister of University
Affairs, the Kingdom of Thailand, and party who arrived here at the
invitation of the Minister for Education of Myanmar, deputy
ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office, heads of department, diplomats of foreign missions in
Myanmar, resident representatives of UN agencies, members of the
Leading Committee to Hold the School Family Day and the work
committee, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards
under the Ministry of Education, rectors and principals of
universities and colleges, education officers of townships in Yangon
city area, heads of basic education high schools, teachers, members
of school boards of trustees, officials of NGOs, entrepreneurs,
judges of skill competition on Myanmar traditions, students who won
prizes in the international competitions, students who won prizes in
art and literary contests and Myanmar Traditional Cultural
Performing Arts Competitions and guests.
Masters of ceremonies of the School Family Day Ma
Kaythi Khaing and Ma Thiri Aung of No 2 BEHS Sangyoung Township read
the agenda in Myanmar and Ma Khaing Thet Su of No 5 BEHS Botahtaung
Township and Ma May Thitsa Lwin and Naw Pasaw Phaw of No 2 BEHS
Sangyoung in English. Fourteen students representing the 14 states
and divisions formally opened the cere-mony. Students then released
gas balloons. Students sang the song " Aung-na-meik " to the
accompaniment of Po Thingyan Myanmar orchestra. Girls of No 4 BEHS
Hlaing Township presented the Mingala Sidaw Mintha-latt dance.
The State flag bearing troupe and the band troupe
of BEHS No 3 of Mingalar Taungnyunt Township, the Taekwando athletes
of BEPS No 6 of Kyauktada Township, the State flag bearing troupes
of states and divisions and the band troupe of BEHS No 6 of
Botahtaung Township, the aerobic troupe of BEPS No 2 of Hline
Township, the education flag bearing troupe and the band troupe of
BEPS No 9 of Sangyoung Township, the Wushu troupe of BEPS No 2 of
Kamayut Township, the Dohbat troupe of BEMS No 1 of Dagon Township,
the school family day flag bearing troupe and the band troupe of
BEMS No 1 of Yankin Township, the dance troupe of BEPS No 8 of
Thingangyun Township, the dance troupe of BEHS No 3 of Mingalar
Taungnyunt Township, the multi-coloured flag bearing troupe, the
band troupe and the pompom troupe of BEHS No 2 of Sangyoung
Township, the dance troupe of BEHS No 2 of Dagon Township and the
band troupe of BEHS No 2 of Saungyoung Township demonstrated their
skills. Then, the ceremony came to a close.

The Secretary-1 and party and guests looked round
the booth opened by Suntac Technologies, the booth on ICT for Basic
Education by the Basic Education Department No 1, the booth on
Intranet System of the Ministry of Education by Winner Company, the
booth on One Touch System for Interactive Distance Learning by the
Yangon University of Distance Education, the booth on B Sc.
Engineering IT Students' Perspective by Yangon University, the booth
on Addestation Software by Queen Star Company, the booth on
generation of solar power, the booth on Streaming Technology, the
booth on Video Conferencing and the booth on On-Line Edit by Forever
Group and skill demonstration of basic education students at the
exhibition hall " Myanmar: Towards a Knowledge Dominant Society " on
the third floor of the Diamond Jubilee Hall.
Myanma folk art exhibition is opened on the
second floor of the Diamond Jubilee Hall; the booths of basic
education departments on the first floor; the education book fair
and the painting exhibition on the ground floor. They will be kept
open from 9 am to 4 pm until 3 January. Opened in the compound of
the Diamond Jubilee Hall are the flower show, the booths on domestic
science by Basic Education Department (Yangon City) No 3, handicraft
shops of states and divisions, local product shops and food stalls.
( 2 )
Minister receives delegates of UNESCO

Yangon, 27 Dec-Minister for Culture U Tin Winn received Deputy Director Mrs Minjayang of World Heritage Centre of UNESCO and Adviser of Japan to UNESCO Professor Mr Tokio Nishi-mura of the Civil Engineering Department, Tokyo University, at Pyithu Hluttaw Building at 3.30 pm today.
Also present were Director-General U Nyunt Han of the Department of Archaeology and
Workshop on upgrading of MMCWA delivery rooms held
Yangon, 27 Dec- The opening ceremony of the workshop on the upgrading of delivery rooms opened by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the multi-purpose building of the Association at the corner of Parami Road and Thanthumar Road in South Okkalapa Township this morning.
It was attended by MMCWA Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members, Director-General of the Department of Health under the Ministry of Health Dr Wan Maung, officials, Chairman of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Supervisory Committee Head of the Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win and members, resource persons, members of Ayeyawady Division MCWA Supervisory Committee, the doctors in charge of the delivery rooms of Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions MCWAs and nurses.
The chairperson made an opening address.
Then, the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, Executive Director Dr Saw Naing, Obstetric and Gynaecological Specialist Professor Daw Mary Karasu and Joint-Secretary Daw Nu Aye Khin discussed tasks necessary to upgrade the delivery rooms and conditions of the delivery rooms of MMCWA.
In-charge doctors and midwives of Pazundaung, Tamway, Kyimyindine, Ahlon, Hline, North Okkalapa, Shwepyitha, Thanlyin, Dalla, Kayan, Kyauktan, Hmawby, Hlegu, Mayangon townships in Yangon Division, Pathein, Myaungmya, Hinthada, Pya-pon, Maubin and Pantanaw townships in Ayeyawady
Division are taking part in the workshop which lasts till 28
( 3 ) Computer and laser printer
donated to DSIM
Yangon, 27 Dec- A ceremony to donate a computer and a laser printer worth K 900,000 to the Defence Services Institute of Medicine by U Thein Oo - Daw Khin Khin Sein (Thitsar Pankhinn General Services Co Ltd) was held at the meeting hall of the Academy at 2 pm on 20 December.
It was attended by Col Than Myint of the Office of Chief of Armed Forces Training of the Ministry of Defence, Lt -Col Ye Tint of the Directorate of Medical Services, Head of the Faculty Lt-Col Yar Pyi and professors, heads of department, teachers and wellwishers.
Wellwisher U Thein Oo explained the purpose of the donation and presented the computer and the laser printer. Then, on behalf of the rector of the DSIM, Col Than Myint spoke words of thanks and presented a certificate of honour to the wellwisher.
Military code of conduct and extempore talks
competition held
Yangon 27 Dec - Yangon Command held military code of conduct and extempore talk competitions to mark year 2002 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day in conjunction with a prize presentation ceremony at the Station Hall of the command in Konmyinttha, Mayangon Township this afternoon.
Present were Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandant of Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint, senior military officers, commanding officers of battalions and units, competitors, officers and family members.
The extempore talk competitions and the prize presentation ceremony were held.
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint presented prizes to outstanding teams and individual prize winners.
( 4 )
22 armed group members exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 27 Dec-The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is making earnest efforts with genuine goodwill for national reconsolidation to ensure emergence of a new, modern, developed nation.
Realizing their past misdeeds and understanding the genuine goodwill and correct endeavours of the government, the remaining armed groups have been exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.
Private Yaku of Headquarters of SURA armed group, Sgt Sai Lay Yi and Private Sai Lyan of Company-705, Battalion-453 together with one AK 47 automatic rifle and two magazines, 60 rounds of ammunition, Privates U Ya Pa, U Kya Hti, U Kya Saw, U Pa Ek, U Pa Lon, U Kyasa, U Ya Lyoe, U Kyata and U Kyapha of Lahu armed group together with one 9mm pistol, two Carbines, one M16, one HK33, five M22s, one .45 pistol, seven magazines and 58 rounds of ammunition in the area of Triangle Region Command, Private Aung Moe of ABSDF armed group (Northern Central) in the area of Northern Command, Sgt Ngwe Win of Company-4, Battalion-16 of KNU armed group together with one AK 47, two magazines and four rounds of ammunition, Privates Khon Min Htet and Ma Htaik Lin of ABSDF armed group (Central) in the area of South-East Command, Private Saw Kaw Ke and wife Daw Dah Thu of Brigade-4 of KNU armed group together with one M16, one magazine and six rounds of ammunition, hard-core Saw Po Lo with one M16, one magazine and ten rounds of ammunition, Private Saw He Dipho (a) Maung Khin Oo of Battalion-10 together with one M16, hard-cores Pha Khet and Saw Pho Peik of Battalion-11 together with one long-barrelled gun and 16 rounds of ammunition and one home-made long-barrelled gun in the area of Coastal Region Command, exchanged arms for peace at the respective military camps from 1 to 30 November.
Officials concerned warmly welcomed those who exchanged arms for peace and attended to their needs. More armed groups are going to follow
( 5 ) Second Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment
Exhibition continues
Yangon, 27 Dec - The Second Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition sponsored by the Traditional Medicine Department under the Ministry of Health continued for the 13th day today at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road here this morning.
The exhibition was crowded with departmental officials, those interested in traditional medicines, monks and the public.
Various ministries exhibits traditional medicines at respective booths. On display at the booth of the Traditional Medicine Department and the Medical Reserach Department (Lower Myanmar) of the Ministry of Health are research on traditional medicines, the process of making medicine for diarrhoea from Yatan seeds, Brucea mollis,
public knowledge about and attitude towards traditional medicines
and their reliance on traditional medicines. At the booths of the
Ministry of Industry-1, the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation and
the Ministry of Forestry, herbal plants and their habitats were on
display at the exhibition. Various kinds of traditional medicines
are available at the exhibition. The exhibition will be kept open
till 28 December from 9 am to 10 pm daily and admission is free.
Organizations wishing to visit the exhibition may contact the
Exhibition Organizing Committee (Tel: 245596).
( 6 )
Minister inspects Technical Training School
Yangon, 27 Dec -Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin arrived at the Technical Training School (Mandalay) of the ministry in Mandalay Division on 24 December morning. He was welcomed by Principal U Tint Shwe, teachers and Japanese course instructors.
The minister inspected a practical session of a welding course jointly organized by the ministry and Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC). Managing Director of Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries U Soe Thein and officials reported on the welding course.
Then, the Chairman of the Myanma Industrial Development Bank Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin arrived at MIDB (Mandalay Branch) and Bank Director U Hla Myint and Manager of Mandalay Bank Branch U Sai Tun Oo reported on the banking ser-vices. The minister attended to the needs and inspected the banking
Work coord meeting of Rail Transportation Ministry continues

Yangon, 27 Dec - The second and third four-monthly work coordination meeting for 2001 of the Ministry of Rail Transportation continued for the second day at the meeting hall of the ministry at 1.30 pm yesterday.
Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung addressed the meeting.
Then, the minister presented certificates of honour and K 200,000 each to Ma Swe Swe Win (Myanma Railways), a gold medallist in 53-kilo class weightlifting, and Ma Thinza Soe (Road Transport Administration Department), a gold medallist in 48-kilo class judo competition, a certificate of honour and K 150,000 to Ma Kyi Kyi Than (Road Transport Administration Department), a silver medallist in 48-kilo class weightlifting, a certificate of honour and K 100,000 to Ma Lay Nandar Aung (Road Transport), a bronze medallist in 70-kilo class judo competition in the XXI Southeast Asian Games.
Afterwards, division officers of the Myanma Railways, project engineers, general managers of Insein, Myitnge and Ywahtaung locomotive workshops and manager of Pazundaung locomotive factory, the managing director of the Myanma Railways, the director-general of the Transport Planning Department, the principal of the Central Institute of Transport and Communications, the director-general of the Road Transport Administration Department and the managing director of the Road Transport reported on the work done.
Deputy Ministers Thura U Thaung Lwin and U Pe Than urged all to promote the efficiency of the departments and enterprises of the ministry.
The minister reviewed the reports of the departments and enterprises and fulfilled requirements for the successful implementation of the plans.
( 7 )
Mayor inspects agriculture and livestock breeding work

Yangon, 26 Dec - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected the agriculture and livestock breeding project of Uto-Kya-in region in Taikkyi Township, Yangon Division, and gave necessary instructions this afternoon.
The mayor observed the arrival of birds to the Insu-in reservoir to take shelter from the cold season and storage of water for cultivation by boat.
He also gave instructions on conservation of the bird sanctuary, arrangements to enable holiday-makers to visit Uto Resort Farm and proper water supply to respective cultivation lands.
The mayor then went to Oakpon Creek Sluice Gate and inspected the water flow controlled by sluice gates.
Later, the mayor inspected the winnowing of monsoon paddy from the fields west of the Club House, cultivation of Matpe on 1,200 acres of land out of 2,000 acres and cultivation of lemon, pumpkin, cauliflower and maize, and left instructions on sale of fresh vegetables at markets in Yangon at reasonable prices.
Armed Forces Day painting and sculpture competitions to be held
Yangon, 27 Dec - The Painting and Sculpture Competitions Subcommittee under the Poetry and Arts Competitions Organizing Committee chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt today issued the rules for the Painting and Sculpture Competitions to be held in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day.
The painting competition is categorized into six divisions the pre-primary school, the primary school (kindergarten, first and second standards), the primary school (third and fourth standards), the middle school, the high school and the open divisions.
In the sculpture competition, there will be only open division for wood and plaster works.
In pre-primary and basic education levels painting competitions, an entry must be 15" x 20" size of own creation with the recommendation of school heads concerned.
There is no need to sign on the front side of the painting but the name of entrant, standard, school, date of birth, and father's name on the back side with two passport-size photos.
In open division painting competition, the size of entry must be 20" x 30".
In open division sculpture competition (wood and plaster), the entry must not be higher than 36" in height and not be more than 24" in circumference. The entry must not be the one which had been sent to the previous competitions. The suitable title can be given. Describe the name of entrant, NRC number, date of birth, father's name, occupation and address at the bottom of the entry and the entry must be directly sent with two passport-size photos to Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road from 1 to 5 March 2002.
All entries of the painting and sculpture competitions must reflect the 12 objectives of the State, the objectives of 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the 12 fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
Works in the open division of the painting and sculpture competitions must be sent to the head of department of University of Culture, Dagon Myothit (South) Township, not later than 5 March 2002 and the Subcommittee at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road from 1 to 5 March 2002.
In addition to the works of the competitions, anybody may display their paintings and sculptures at the exhibition hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day.
The works must reflect12 objectives of the State, the objectives of 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the 12 fine traditions of the Tatmadaw. Artistes can also portray the works with Myanma cultural beauty being safeguarded and uplifted by the State and the Tatmadaw. Artistes are to directly send the works for the exhibition to Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road from 1 to 5
( 8
Myanma Marine & Livestock Breeding Products Expo' 2002 on 16-22 February
Yangon, 27 Dec - A coordination meeting on attracting participation of local and foreign companies in Myanma Marine & Livestock Breeding Products
Expo' 2002 to be held at Yangon Trade Centre in Pazundaung Township from 16 to 22 December 2002 was held at the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry at 504/506, Merchant Street, this afternoon. Chairman of Work Committee for Exhibition of Local Goods President of UMFCCI U Win Myint delivered an opening address.
Then, Chairman of Marketing Work Committee Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Chairman of Work Committee for Exhibition of Foreign Goods Director-General of the Directorate of Livestock and Fisheries U Kyaw Lwin, Chairman of Invitation, Information and Meeting Work Committee Director-General of the Fisheries Department U Than Tun, President of Myanmar
Industrialists' Association U Htein Win, General Secretary of UMFCCI U Zaw Min Win, President of Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation Dr Mya Han, General Secretary of Myanmar Fisheires Federation U Kyee Ngwe presented matters about the exhibition. The officials concerned replied to queries raised by those present. The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by Chairman U Win Myint.
___________________________ ( 9
) Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Trade Fair 2002 to be held in Tachilek
Yangon, 27 Dec - A ceremony to discuss the arrangements on exhibition of the first Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Trade Fair 2002 to be held at Shan Yoma department store in Tachilek, sponsored by Myanmar-Thailand Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association and Thailand-Myanmar Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association, took place at the department store on 18 December morning.
Chairman of MTCECA Lt-Gen Kyaw Than (Retd), the general secretary of TMCECA of Thailand explained the purposes of holding the trade fair and future tasks of both associations. Executive of TMCECA Ms Luxana Jariyawat Skul explained the arrangements of holding the trade fair, entertainment and placing the booths. Queries raised by those present were replied by Lt-Gen Kyaw Than (Retd) and the general secretary of TMCECA of Thailand.
The trade fair will be held at Shan Yoma Department Store in Tachilek from 18 to 27 January 2002. Interested companies and associations in Myanmar may contact Ma Sanda, In-Charge of the trade fair, Shan Yoma Department store, Tachilek,
Tel: 084-51796 and Asia Light Co, Tel: 01-249087.