1 ) Long-term and medium-term power
projects under way to meet power demand of growing industries, other
sectors Firmness of economic infrastructures main requirement for
flourishing and development of national economy
National consolidation and peace and stability
essential strength for national development
Yangon, 26 Dec - Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe attended and addressed the opening ceremony of USDA Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 4, USDA Executives Management Course No 23 and International Relations Course No 7 at the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby Township, Yangon Division, at
9 am today.
Also present were Patron of USDA Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, members of the State Peace and Development Council, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), the Commander-in-Chief (Air), ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, members of the Panel of Patrons of USDA, CEC members of USDA, deputy ministers, senior military officers, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises, distinguished guests, course in-charge Lt-Col Sein Win and course supervisors, and trainees.
Speaking on the occasion, Senior General Than Shwe
said: Today Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 4,
USDA Executives Management Course No 23 and International Relations
Course No 7 were opened simultaneously for the first time after the
completion of the Eighth Annual General Meeting of the USDA. The
prescribed subjects will be taught at the respective courses which
opened today. In addition to conducting the courses which contribute
to further consolidating of the national strength, vitalizing of
patriotism and Union Spirit and preservation of the national
characters, it has also opened technical and vocational education

As it is required for the citizens to thoroughly
know the national and international affairs, the Myanmar Affairs and
International Studies Courses have been conducted continuously. USDA
members and the people have the duty to take part in the respective
sectors to realize the goals of the nation; thus, they should strive
to study the multi-sectors and to uplift the national strength. In
building an all-round developed nation, they should know in detail
the profoundness and the scope of the Myanmar and international
affairs. Here, I would like to elaborate on the developments
achieved during the period of over a decade.
During the decade, the government relentlessly strove to restore national consolidation and peace and stability in the nation; to develop economic infrastructures; to promote the economic strength; to develop the human resources of the nation; to uplift the social sector; and to extend the regional and international cooperation. The tasks have been conducted in line with the State's political, economic and social objectives. The objectives are the tactics laid down in accord with the objective conditions of the nation; and emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation is the strategic goal of the State.
The basic tasks I have mentioned above should be implemented without fail to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
The tasks to bring about national consolidation and to ensure peace and stability are related to each other. In other words, the tasks are the nation's requirement desired by the people since many years ago. Negotiations for peace have been initiated in the nation to end the armed conflicts which the people had faced for many years. The State had striven with patience and upheld
" Our Three Main National Causes " Ñ non-disintegration of the
Union; non-disintegration of national solidarity; and perpetuation
of sovereignty Ñ which is the national policy laid down by the
State, to end the armed conflicts.
After achieving mutual understanding, the 17
armed groups in the jungles have returned to the legal fold and are
now serving the national interests. National consolidation and peace
and stability are essential strength for national development
Emergence of the economic infrastructures in the entire nation with
greater momentum is an achievement resulting from this strength.
The government has been laying down and implementing the priority tasks for progress of the nation's economic infrastructures. As is known to all, firmness of economic infrastructures is the main requirement for flourishing and development of the national economy. Of the many requirements of the economic infrastructures, the State has given priority to making investments in the agricultural sector.
The current economic system of Myanmar is mainly based on agriculture; the agricultural sector, on which over 70 percent of the nation's population are relying, is also based on the rural areas. Till now, development of the nation's
other economic sectors depends on the growing strength of
A significant number of dams has been built in
the nation within a short period in order to further strengthen the
agricultural sector. A total of 128 dams have been built in the
whole nation with greater acceleration within a period of over ten
years. River pumped-water projects have also been extended. There is
significant increase in the use of land and water resources
resulting from the implementation of the irrigation projects.
At present, there are 4.9 million irrigated acres
up from 2.52 million acres in 1988-89. The government is making
efforts for progress of the agricultural infrastructure, and at the
same time it is striving for development of the transport
infrastructure which is the main requirement for socio-economic
progress of the citizens. Transport development has contributed not
only to further improvement of trade and production, but also to
development of the socio-economy and mutual relations of the
national people. A network of motor roads and railroads which were
built under the strategic plans have become the Union highways.
At the same time ports have been upgraded
and new airports extended. Major river-crossing bridges have been
built at all necessary places to set up a transport system linking
all the regions of the nation. At a time when efforts are being made
to develop the agriculture and transport infrastructures, power
supply projects have been implemented to increase the ratio of the
industrial sector in the national economic growth. Twenty-six power
projects have been implemented during the period of over ten years;
and large-scale power projects are also being implemented at
The Yeywa Hydel Power Project, which will generate 780 megawatts of power, the 280-megawatt-capacity Bilin Hydel Power Project, and the 280-megawatt-capacity Paunglaung Hydel
Power Project are included in the large-scale power projects.
The government is also building the gas-fired and coal-burn power
stations in the nation. Power demand of the extending industries,
other sectors and the social sector will be fulfilled when the
long-term and medium-term power projects are completed. Economic
infrastructure development directly contributes to progress of the
economic power.
At the time when the task to build the
infrastructures is gaining momentum, the first short-term four-year
national economic plan and the second five-year short-term national
economic plan had been implemented with the participation of all
available forces of the nation. Due to the public participation, the
targets of the respective sectors of the plans were exceeded.
Because to the results of the national economic plans, Myanmar is
steering towards development and reached the stage of changing the
economic pattern.
At present, the third five-year short-term
national economic plan from 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 is being
implemented for continued progress of the national economy. The aims
of the plans are: to extend agro-based industries; to develop the
power sector in accord with the growing demand of the industrial
sector; to extend the agricultural and livestock breeding sectors to
ensure domestic sufficiency and to boost exports; to develop other
sectors; to extend health and education tasks and to develop the
rural areas for progress of human resources. After the ceremony, the
Senior General cordially greeted the trainees, and had the lunch
together with them, and then left the Central Public Relations Unit.
Excerpts from Senior General's guidance
* USDA members and the people have the duty to take part in the
respective sectors to realize the goals of the nation.
* The State's political, economic
and social objectives are the tactics laid down in accord with the
objective conditions of the nation.
* Negotiations for peace have been
initiated in the nation to end the armed conflicts which the people
had faced for many years.
* Of the many requirements of the
economic infrastructures, the State has given priority to making
investments in the agricultural sector. The current economic system
of Myanmar is mainly based on agriculture.
* A total of 128 dams have been built in
the whole nation with greater acceleration during the period of over
ten years.
* Transport development has contributed not
only to further improvement of trade and production, but also to
development of the socio-economy and relations of the national
* At a time when efforts are being made to
develop the agriculture and transport infrastructures, power supply
projects have been implemented to increase the ratio of the
industrial sector in the national economic growth.
* Twenty-six power projects have been
implemented during the period of over ten years, and large-scale
power projects are also being implemented at present.
* Economic infrastructure development
directly contributes to progress of the economic power.
* At a time when the task to build
the infrastructures is gaining momentum, the first short-term
four-year national economic plan and the second five-year short-term
national economic plan had been implemented with the participation
of all available forces of the nation.
* At present, the third five-year
short-term national economic plan from 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 is
being implemented for continued progress of the national economy.
( 2 )
Grand and auspicious Manau festival reflects richness and high standard of Kachin culture, pride of preserving and protecting traditions and culture
Secretary-1 attends Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau Mali Nmai Zup-Myitkyina Majoi Festival
Yangon, 26 Jan- The Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau Mali Nmai Zup-Myitkyina Majoi Festival was held at Sitapu Manau Grounds in Myitkyina, Kachin State, at 9 am today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

Also present on the occasion were members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the Ministry of Defence, the ministers, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), the deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of state, district and township Peace and Development Councils, reverends, officials of Christian Church, national race leader U Za Khun Ting Ring of Kachin State Special Region-1 and members, national race leader U La Mon Tu Jaing of Kachin State Special Region-2 and members, peace negotiators, the chairman of Organzing the Manau Festival and members, members of Central Committee for Kachin Traditional Culture, representatives of national race organizations, Kachin nationals and guests.
Daw Zon Nyau, Daw Ar Bu and Daw Hsaung Nam acted as masters of ceremonies and announced the opening of the Manau Festival.
First, Rev Naw Din asked for blessings.
Then, Wunpawng Ning-gawn Cultural Troupe and Kachin vocalists sang the song
"History bears witness".
Next, Central Committee for Kachin Traditional Culture Chairman Sutdu Yup Zau Hkawng extended greetings.
He said:
This is the auspicious time, for the New Year is approaching, and the 10th anniversary of the restoration of peace in Kachin State due to the goodwill of the leaders of the State and the farsightedness of Kachin national race leaders.
In the history of the Kachin people, the first grandest Manau festival was held in Ningran Hkang region, it is learnt. The Manau festival held at that time as a token of parting was a Kumran Manau festival. After the festival, the Kachin national races migrated where conditions were favourable.

Today's festival, the Hkumra Manau festival is held to mark the reunion of family members who settled down at different places. Meeting one another at a rendezvous one day is a duty and desire of the Kachin people. With the assistance of the State and close supervision of Kachin State Peace and Development Council, our desire is fulifilled today.
Today's Hkumra Manau festival is the sign of peace of Kachin State. Reunion is the result of peace. We can happily take part in the festival because Kachin State is peaceful and pleasant.
Delegates of the Kachin races and cultural associations from different regions will arrive the Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau festival starting from today. On meeting together, cultural matters of the whole Kachin race will be discussed, and future plans such as safeguarding, preservation and promoting of almost vanished cultural heritage and customs, construction of cultural buildings, and cooperation for the all-round development of culture will be laid down.
Future plans should be carried out in accordance with the second of the Four Social Objectives of the State Peace and Development Council,
" Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national
Here I'd like to quote the speech of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made at the N'Lung n nan new harvest festival held at 2 December 2001.
The Secretary-1 said "As national races such as the Kachin, the Kayah, the Kayin, the Chin, the Bamar, the Mon, the Rakhine
and the Shan have been residing in the Union for thousands of years,
cannot be separated. The term " Kachin national " will be meaningless if one of such races as the Jingphaw, the Maru, the Rawang, the Lisu, the Lachik and the Azi are excluded from Kachin national.
In the same way, the interests of the Union will be harmed if one of the races the Kachin, the Kayah, the Kayin, the Chin, the Bamar, the Mon, the Rakhine or the Shan is lost. Therefore, the solidarity and concerted efforts of all the national races are of paramount importance for progress of the
Discussing cultural matters and laying down future plans should be carried out upholding this counsel.
Kachin cultural funfairs, exhibitions and competitions will be included in the eight-day festival. Although Manau festival is the festival of the Kachin people, all brethren living in the Union and friends are hoped to take part in it happily.
This is why the adjective "Ninggawn" is added to the festival. All are invited to participate in the festival with peace of mind.
Then, the Secretary-1 delivered an address.
Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 expressed pleasure and happiness to see a gathering of national people including the ethnic Kachin brethren at the Manau festival, which is the glorious traditional festival of the people of Kachin stock.
He said it is the greatest and the most splendid festival of the ethnic Kachin people reflecting their history, religion, beliefs and traditions and culture. The Manau or the Majoi festival, in which all the ethnic races of the Kachin stock take part, is held at their region with the essence of prosperity, health, economy of the children, establish of new settlement and the symbol of the victory over the enemies and as a cultural festival.
As the Manau festivals are held only during the significant time which is worthy of the respective Manau festival, they are magnificent. The different Manau festivals have their own style and tradition of choosing the Manau ground, erecting the Manau pole, decorating of the Manau pole and creating the Manau dances; as the festivals are fully endowed with the different and profound essence, they still stand as the symbol of the Kachin traditions and culture till now.

Moreover, holding of the grand and splendid Manau festival reflects the richness and the high standard of the Kachin culture, the pride of preserving and protecting the good traditions and culture for a long period with strong national spirit and the strength of the people.
In addition, holding of the grand festival by all the ethnic Kachins of the remote areas of the state, the ethnic Kachin races living in various parts of the Union, the national races being able to reside in Kachin State with sincerity and unity is the result of peace and stability on the state.
It has been long since the auspicious Manau festivals could not be held.
The Tatmadaw government with the firm determination to restore the fine traditions and the national solidarity, which had been preserved throughout the past history, was able to strive together with the Kachin national leaders for prevalence of peace and stability in Kachin State; due to the efforts, mutual trust, respect and understanding are flourishing beyond all limits of measurement and peace and stability is prevailing in the state; hence all the Kachin races are now able to unitedly and joyfully take part in the festival.
The festival can be held on a grand scale as the government on its part is endeavouring with sincerity and goodwill to perpetuate the propagation of national solidarity and the Union Spirit for eternal existence of the Union which is home to over 100 ethnic races.
Priority should be given to restoration and safeguarding of the flourishing national characters of every single ethnic race such as preservation of the traditions and culture, religion and history and the will to perpetuate the race.
Despite the different traditions and culture that are flourishing among the national brethren including Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan in accord with the regions they are living in they have also acknowledged and respected each others' traditions and culture.
Moreover, the race called Myanmar, the collective term for all the ethnic races, and its national characters are firmly existing in the nation.
In other words, only when all the ethnic Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan races which are called the Myanmar race, preserve and protect their significant and cherishable traditions and culture, will the national character of the Union or the Myanmar race and its traditions and culture exist forever.
Thus, the State is undertaking the task to restore and promote the traditions and culture of all the ethnic races of the nation. By so doing, the national people will be able to cherish and respect each other's traditions and culture more, contributing towards further cementing the understanding and amity among the national races.
The government has been giving priority to flourishing of the belief that all the national races are of the descendants of the same ancestor and to restore and promote the traditions and culture of the Myanmar race.
The government has given encouragement to preservation of traditional customs of Kachin nationals. The grand Manau ground is the most significant example of the government's encouragement, he said.

He said the government provided assistance for construction of the grand Manau ground in accord with Kachin traditional customs with the use of modern techniques. Now All Kachin nationals are participating in Manau festival in the Manau ground together with other national races in the Union.
He said during the early history of Kachin nationals, they set out to explore new settlement after holding the Kwanyang Manau festival.
From that time on, Kachin national groups such as Jingphaw, Maru, Rawang, Lashi, Azi and Lisu came into existence. These six national groups met again at the auspicious Manau festival. It was a very good point to strengthen unity of the Kachin State and the Union, he said.
Seeking greener pastures, the national races of the Union settled down in the respective regions. But they are brethren.
Only when all the national races live unitedly, sharing weal and woe and through thick and thin, will the Union stand tall in the nations of the world, he said.
He also said that historically national races are inseparable because they came from the same womb. Only when national solidarity and the Union Spirit can be built, can national forces resist external instigations and driving the wedge between the national people.
The government will strive for raising the socio-economic life of all national races including Kachin nationals hand in hand with the national races for prosperity and development of the Union.
He urged the national races to collectively strive with the Union spirit for perpetuation of national unity, peace and development in the Union.
In conclusion, he wished auspiciousness and benefits of the Manau festival to overwhelm the Kachin State and then the entire Union; strengthening of peace and national solidarity in accord with the essence of Manau Festival and safeguarding of already-achieved stability, unity, loving kindness and progress forever.
Next, Kachin Traditional Culture troupe members presented variety dances and the Kachin national band presented skill demonstration.
Then, Chairman of the Central Committee for Kachin Traditional Culture Sutdu Yup Zau Hkawng presented a traditional sword and the shoulder bag decorated with small silver gongs to the Secretary-1.
Then, the Secretary-1 unveiled the stone inscriptions of the Myitkyina Majoi.
Afterwards, members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the Ministry of Defence, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Rev Dr Saboi Jum, peace negotiator U Khun Myat, national race leader U Za Khun Ting Ring of Kachin State Special Region-1, national race leader U La Mon Tu Jaing of Kachin State Special Region-2, Central Committee for Kachin Traditional Culture Chairman Sutdu Yup Zau Hkawng and leaders of six Kachin national races formally opened the Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau.
Fire works were set by Gawng Dang and percussion lock firearms and Manau drums, gongs and musical instruments were played.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party, national race leaders and guests together with the leading group of Manau dance troupe and the cultural troupe enjoyed Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau. Next, the Secretary-1 and party left the Manau ground and arrived at Myitkyina Majoi Hall.
Afterwards, the opening ceremony of the Myitkyina Majoi Hall followed. Leaders of six Kachin national races formally opened the hall.
After the opening ceremony, the violin troupe presented songs.
Secretary of Myitkyina Zone Baptist Christian Federation Rev U Sam Sun asked for blessings for the lunch of Hting Nu Ding Shawn Lu Sha.
The Secretary-1 and party, national race leaders and guests had the lunch.
During the lunch, the cultural troupe members presented traditional dances and songs.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 presented the flower baskets and cash awards to Wunpawng Ninggawn cultural troupe, Kachin traditional dance troupe, Myitkyina University cultural troupe, Kachin handkerchief dance troupe, Kachin traditional martial arts troupe and the Kachin national band.
After the opening ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party viewed clothing and personal goods, documentary photos and paintings displayed at the cultural booths of Kachin national races in the exhibition at the Manau ground.
The Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau Mali Nmai Zup-Myitkyina Majoi Festival will be held up to 2 January 2002 and will include the opening of Manau sports grounds, the prize presentation for outstanding winners in education, social affairs and religious affairs, the cultural entertainment, the traditional cultural exhibition, the trade fair and the fun fair.
Various competitions of Kachin traditional cultural sports events and international sports events will be held at the Manau sports
( 3 ) Secretary-1 attends dinner to mark Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau Festival and X'mas Festival, inspects development tasks in Myitkyina
Yangon, 26 Dec - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, together with members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the Ministry of Defence, the ministers, Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials, left Mandalay International Airport in TadaU Township, Mandalay Division, by air and arrived at Myitkyina in Kachin State at 3.15 pm yesterday.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Commander of Kyitkyina Air Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, Deputy Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen San Tun, officials, peace negotiators, national race leader of Kachin State special region-1 U Za Khun Ting Ring and members, national race leader of special region-2 U La Mon Tu Jaing and members, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, family members and local residents.
A ceremony to hold dinner to mark Wunpawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau Festival and Christmas Festival was held at the hall in commemoration of Myitkyina Majoi in Myitkyina, Kachin State, at 7 am on 25 December, attended by the Secretary-1.
Also present were Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the
Ministry of Defence, the ministers, Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, the
Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), the deputy
ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace
and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of
Kachin State, District and Township Peace and Development Councils,
Rev. Dr Saboi Jum, officials of Christian Church, U Za Khun Ting
Ring and party, U La Mon Tu Jaing and party, peace negotiators,
Chairman of the Committee for Organizing the Manau Festival Chairman
of the Central Executive Committee of Kachin Traditional Culture
Sutdu Yup Zau Hkawng and members, cultural troupe members,
representatives of national race organizations, Kachin national
races, and distinguished guests.
Before the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed with a
display of fireworks. Kachin national Daw Zon Nyau acted as master
of ceremonies. Reverend Dr Saboi Jum proposed toast at the dinner.
Then, members of Kachin traditional cultural troupe presented
Wunpawng Nig Jaing dance and songs.
According to the Kachin cultural tradition, the Manau Festival
Organizing Committee presented Kachin traditional food named
Magunshetlit to the Secretary-1 and party, national race leaders and
guests.Sutdu Yup Zau Hkawng extended greetings. Then, Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
He said: I am glad to extend greetings and ask for Christmas
blessings together with national brethren of Kachin State which has
become peaceful, on this pleasant and auspicious evening. Being
humans, people possess good and bad qualities
having loving kindness, compassion, patience and forgiveness as well
as greed, anger, delusion, prejudice, suspicion, etc.
As man possesses wisdom, human beings like only the good things.
However, when instigated and driven by interference, man is likely
to choose the wrong path.
Hence, it is believed that teachings of all religions to have
loving-kindness, forgiveness, compassion and trust among one another
while striving to be free from hatred, enmity, prejudice, suspicion,
etc, play the important role in ensuring the emergence of a
peaceful, pleasant and just society. Inasmuch as all strongly stick
to the teachings of their respective religions, the world will
remain stable, peaceful and be full of good and noble things. The
Union of Myanmar is a nation overflowing with loving kindness.
The national races have long been living unitedly for thousands of
years. It is witnessed by the history. In living together
harmoniously for long, the national races consented one another to
preserve own culture, traditions, customs and to enjoy freedom of
worship. In this way, diverse traditions, customs and cultures of
the national brethren have flourished in the Union. Indeed, Myanmars
can take pride in the fact that the national races have been living
together since long long ago with amity and unity.
However, man has weakness naturally and it is necessary to
constantly give attention to having loving-kindness, fidelity,
compassion among one another forever. At the same time, all must be
aware of instigations, incitements and must overcome them with sharp
awareness and wisdom.
The teachings of respective religions contribute much to encouraging
good and noble things as well as avoiding bad things in the society.
The efforts of religious leaders and national race leaders play a
vital role in ensuring the Union to be peaceful and auspicious. I
would like to urge Christian leaders and national brethren to make
collective efforts for preserving the good tradition of maintaining
peace and ensuring the Union to be peaceful, united, prosperous and
In conclusion, I would like to call upon national race leaders and
all national brethren, on this birthday of Jesus Christ, to pray for
Christmas blessings to overwhelm the Union of Myanmar; for the Union
to be peaceful, stable, prosperous and perpetual; and for further
flourishing of Union Spirit among the national peoples who have long
been living together sharing weal and woe through thick and thin for
thousands of years.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party, together with national race
leaders and guests, enjoyed a dinner. Then, the Secretary-1
presented a flower basket to the cultural dance troupe. The
Secretary-1 presented gifts to Rev. Dr Saboi Jum, Sutdu Yup Zau
Hkawng, Za Khun Ting Ring, La Mon Tu Jaing, and leaders of six
Kachin races. Members of cultural troupe entertained those present
with songs and dances. The Secretary-1 presented Christmas gifts to
Rev. Dr Saboi Jum, Sutdu Yup Zau Hkawng, U Za Khun Ting Ring, U La
Mon Tu Jaing, and representatives of Kachin racesÑLisu, Lawwaw,
Rawang, Zaiwan, Lachik and Jinghpaw. After the dinner, the
Secretary-1 cordially greeted national race leaders and those
national people.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to the Drug Addicts
Rehabilitation Hospital in Myitkyina where they were welcomed by
medical superintendent Dr Maung Maung Lwin, doctors, nurses and
staff.Medical superintendent Dr Maung Maung Lwin reported on brief
history of the hospital, medical treatments, rehabilitation and
welfare tasks, giving health education on anti-narcotic tasks and
conducting research.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions. After inspecting the medical
ward, vegetable patches and Bawathit car servicing centre, the
Secretary-1 left instructions.
The Secretary-1 and party headed for Myitkyina General Hospital.
Head of Kachin State Health Department Dr Joseph reported on medical
treatments and requirements. The Secretary-1 fulfilled the needs.
The Secretary-1 inspected the intensive care unit and operation
theatre and signed in the visitors' book. The Secretary-1 and party
spent the night in Myitkyina. The Secretary-1 and party this morning
attended the Wun-pawng Ninggawn Hkumra Manau Poi Kaba Mali Nmai
Zup-Myitkyina Majoi Festival at Sitapu Manau Grounds in Myitkyina
and left Myitkyina and arrived back here in the afternoon.
( 4 )
Minister receives PRC delegation
Yangon, 26 Dec - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Vice Chairman of Shenzhen Asia-Pacific New Era Consultants Co., Ltd from the People's Republic of China Mr Liu Ji Min and party at his office at 3.30 pm today.
Also present at the call were Director-General of Directorate of Industries U Tin Hlaing, Director- General of Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U San Kyi, Managing Director of Myama Paper and Chemical Industries U Than Shwe and General Manager U Thein
( 5 ) Minister attends instructional meeting of 30-year long-term programme
Yangon, 26 Dec - A meeting to realize the 30-year long-term programme (Basic Education Sector) of the Ministry of Education was held at the Pyinnya Tazaung Hall of Mandalay Education College on 24 December.
Minister for Education U Than Aung attended the meeting and delivered an address.
Also present at the meeting were directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the ministry, officials of No 2 Basic Education Department, the rectors of Mandalay University, Mandalay University of Distance Education and Sagaing Institute of Education, the principals of Education College, state/division education officers under No 2 BED and township education officers, headmasters of high, middle and primary schools.
The minister said that the programme is drawn up to
create the Constant Learning Society to catch up with the current knowledge age. In order to develop stalwart human resources region-wise and to overcome the challenges of 21st century's knowledge age for the country. Education staff and teachers should participate dynamically in any sector for implementing six five-year short-term plans, he said.
The directors-general of BEDs and the Education Planning and Training
Department and the chairman of the Myanmar Education Research Bureau
discussed the instructions for the plan.
( 6 )
Thai University Affairs Minister arrives
Yangon, 26 Dec- Minister for Education U Than Aung received Thai Minister of University Affairs Mr Sutham Saengpratoom and party at Diamond Jubilee Hall here at 4 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, directors-general and rectors of departments and universities.
The Thai Minister of University Affairs and party arrived here by air this morning. They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, directors-general and rectors.
At 11 am, the Thai guests met with Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, directors-general and rectors at Diamond Jubilee Hall and discussed education matter between the two countries and cooperation in universities of the two countries in future. The guests visited Yangon University at noon and Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts Department and New Century Resource Development Centre.
In the evening, Minster U Than Aung hosted a dinner in honour of the Thai minister and party at the Traders
( 7 )
Prize-presentation ceremony held
Yangon, 26 Dec- Ceremonies to present prizes to the winners of the Pyinnya Tazaung Literary Competition and to honour the prize-winners of the SEA Write Award 2001, the National Literary Award 2000 and Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Award, who are regular contributors to the Pyinnya Tazaung magazine, were held at the assembly hall of Yankin Education College in Yankin Township here this afternoon, with an address by Minister for Education U Than Aung.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, directors-general of the departments under the ministry, the chairman of Myanmar Education Research Bureau, retired directors-general from the Basic Education Department, Chairman of Pyinnya Tazaung Administration Board, invited guests, prize-winners, teachers and students and their parents, regular contributors, literary enthusiasts and others.
Minister U Than Aung made an opening speech. Then, Chairman of Pyinnya Tazaung Administration Board U Than Oo extended greetings and Vice-Chairman U Thaung Htut, on behalf of the board, explained assessment of the literary competitions.
Afterwards, Chairman U Than Oo presented prize to Honorary Patron of the magazine U Htin Gyi (Tekkatho Htin Gyi) who won 2001 SEA Write Award. Then, U Htin Gyi presented prizes to National Literary Award winners U Than Htut (Taik Soe) and U Thaung Tut (Retired Rector of the Institute of Education), Sarpay Beikman Manuscripts Award winners U Tin Myint (Nay Myo Thant) and U Kyaw Nyunt (Yaynatha Maung Kyaw Nyunt).
Minister U Than Aung presented prizes to first-prize winners U Kyaw Win in the translation contest in Pyinnya Tazaung Literary Competition, U Soe Naing Oo in the reading and general knowledge contest, U Tun Shwe (Maung Khin Tali - Paletwa) in the short story contest, U Maung Shwe (Maung Tha San - Thandwe) in the poem contest of U Than Nyunt Literary Award, Ma Aye Thanda Ko of Einme BEHS in Ayeyawady Division in the basic education high school level essay contest, Ma Aye Aye San of Dalla BEMS-2 in Yangon Division in the basic education middle school essay contest and Ma Khin Myat Noe of Aungmyethazan BEHS-21 in Mandalay Division in the basic education primary school essay contest.
Then, Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, directors-general from the basic education departments presented second and third prizes to the winners of the Pyinnya Tazaung Literary Competition.
On behalf of the prize winners, Ma Aye Thanda Ko of Einme BEHS spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
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Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition continues
Yangon, 26 Dec Ñ The Second Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition sponsored by Traditional Medicine Department under the Ministry of Health continued for the 12th day at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road here this morning.
The exhibition was crowded with departmental officials, those interested in traditional medicines, monks and the public.
At the booths of the Traditional Medicine Department and Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) under the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry-1, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Ministry of Forestry, herbal plants and their habitats were on display at the exhibition systematically.
Yokepyo traditional medicines of traditional physician U Bo Gyi, Great Wall traditional medicines, Gawmotta traditional medicines for nervous disorders and muscular disfunction, Kyaw traditional medicines, Shwetaunggyi cough and traditional medicines of U Chain Ti and Shwetaunggyi Medical House, Hmancho traditional medicines of traditional practitioner U Hla Htay, Lubyantaw Padamya tonic, Padamya (840) and other traditional medicines, Deiwa Yakkha traditional medicines, Shan traditional medicines of Wong Wam Medical House, Natthokda tonic of Aungtaman Medical House were shown.
The exhibition will be kept open till 28 December from 9 am to 10 pm daily. Admission is free.
Organizations wishing to visit the exhibition may dial Ph 245596 in advance.
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Co-ord meeting on gender indicators and statistics
Yangon, 26 Dec- The Gender Indicators and
Statistics Groups of the Myanmar National Committee for
Women's Affairs held a coordination meeting on Gender Statistics in
Myanmar at the meeting hall of the Social Welfare Department
on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 1 pm today.
Present were Vice- Chairperson of MNCWA Professor
Daw May May Yi, Member of the Working Committee Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe,
Secretary of the Working Committee U Sit Myaing , advisers of
the GISG, the group leader and members.
Frist, Prof Daw May May Yi made an opening
speech. Then, Group Leader of GISG Professor Daw Khin Aye Win of the
Psychology Department, Yangon University explained the condition of
the work implemented regarding statistics.
After that, those present took part in the
discussions and the meeting ended with concluding remarks by Vice-
Chairperson Daw May May Yi.