1 ) Secretary-1 attends Buddha relics conveying ceremony
in Taunggyi Township
Yangon, 23 Dec- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt left here for Heho Airport in Kalaw Township, Shan State (South), by Tatmadaw aircraft this morning.
The Secretary-1 was accompanied by members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, the ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and heads of department.
On arrival at the airport, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Deputy Commander of Eastern Command Col Myint Aung, Commandant of Command and General Staff College Col Nyan Win and senior military officers and departmental officials.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Ketku Village in Taunggyi Township by helicopter to attend the ceremony to convey the Buddha relics from Sri Lanka which will be kept
at Mwedaw Ketku Hsu-taungpyi Asoka Pagoda, the ceremony to mark the successful completion of all-round renovation of Mwedaw Ketku Hsutaungpyi Asoka Pagoda by Buddhist Golden Temple Sayadaw Venerable Shi Fa Zhao of Singapore and the ceremony to share merits gained for good deeds done by local national people.
They were welcomed by Tactical Operations Commander Col Han Myint, member of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commissioner of Shan State General Administration Department U Ye Naing, departmental officials, PaO
national race leaders of Special Region-6 of Shan State (South) and PaO nationals.
Also present on the occasion were PaO nationals from Taunggyi District and Taunggyi, Hsihseng, Hopong, Pinlaung, Pekhon Townships and pilgrims from other places.
The Buddha relics from Sri Lanka, which were kept at the Dhammayon in Taunggyi yesterday, were conveyed to Mwedaw Ketku Hsutaungpyi Asoka Pagoda in Ketku Village, Taunggyi Township.
Sayadaws and members of the Sangha from Taunggyi District of Shan State, Sri Lanka and Nepal, the Golden Temple Sayadaw of Singapore and members of the Sangha took part in the relics-conveying procession.
Patron of the Committee for Renovation of Mwedaw Katku Hsutaungpyi Asoka Pagoda PaO national race leader U Aung Kham Hti and party, wellwishers and local people, the cultural troupe of Sri Lanka and the PaO cultural dance troupe participated in the procession.
The Buddha relics conveyed by a decorated float arrived at the pagoda.
The Secretary-1 welcomed the procession at the archway of the pagoda, and conveyed the Buddha relics up to the pagoda.
At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the stone inscription recording all-round renovation of the pagoda.
Then, the Secretary-1 conveyed the Buddha relics around the pagoda clockwise, and handed them over to U Aung Kham Hti.
Later, the Secretary-1 cleansed the ancient Buddha image kept at the northern stairway of the pagoda.
Sayadaws and members of the Sangha totalling 36 consecrated the Udissa
Pagoda and Buddha images at the four stairways of the pagoda.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party offered soon, water, flowers and lights to the Buddha images.
The Golden Temple Sayadaw presented religious gifts to the Secretary-1.
The Secretary-1 paid homage to the Sayadaws from Sri Lanka, Nepal and Singapore.
A ceremony to plant a Maha Bodhi tree conveyed from Sri Lanka was held near the northern stairway of the pagoda.
At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1 planted the Maha Bodhi tree.
The Secretary-1 and party and Sayadaws and members of the Sangha sprinkled scented water on the Maha Bodhi tree.
Then, the Secretary-1 paid homage to Mwedaw Katku Hsutaungpyi Arthawka Pagoda and gave instructions on the upkeep of the pagoda to the officials.
Then, the Secretary-1 had a cordial meeting with local PaO nationals.
The Secretary-1 and party stopped for a while at the Hlinekun Hotel in Katku Village.
The Secretary-1 presented a photo of the white elephant and gifts to PaO national leader U Aung Kham Hti,
who in turn presented gifts to the Secretary-1.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects agricultural tasks of PaO Peace Group in Hsaikkhaung region
Yangon, 23 Dec- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party left for Ruby Dragon Agriculture Camp of PaO Peace Group of Shan State (South) Special Region-6 in Hsaik-khaung region, Palawpakei Village-tract, Hsihseng Township, by helicopter this morning after attending the ceremony to pay obeisance to sacred Buddha relics, which were conveyed from Sri Lanka and will be kept at ancient historic Mwedaw Ketku Hsutaung-pyi Arthawka Pagoda in Taunggyi Township, Shan State.
At the briefing hall of the camp, member of the Central Committee of Special Region-6 PaO Peace Group in-charge of the economic affairs U Nay Win Tun reported on the location of the Ruby Dragon Agriculture Camp, the obtaining of the permission for land reclamation and cultivation of crops and condition of Nanthe
agricultural area in Nyaungshwe Township with audio-visual aids.
Then, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo reported on water supply for Ruby Dragon Agriculture Camp.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on extended cultivation of crops in Ruby Dragon Agriculture Camp, the growing of pepper which can earn foreign exchange, cultivation of Thithseint trees, belleric myrobalan, which yield edible oil and contribute to edible oil sufficiency of the country.
The Secretary-1 called for distribution of crops, seed and agricultural technology which contribute to the economic interest of local people.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected thriving papaya, banana and orange tree plantations.
Afterwards, in-charge of the economic affairs U Nay Win Tun and officials reported on the condition of production of sunflower, maize, potato, buckwheat and paddy to the Secretary-1 and party.
Ruby Dragon Agriculture Camp obtained 5,000 acres of land. So far, 1,719 acres of land out of 5,000 acres have been reclaimed. Paddy, maize, buckwheat, sugarcane, orange, lime, mango, pomelo, djenkol bean, avocado, pear, banana and potato trees are thriving on the reclaimed land. Of them, potato and dyeing trees are thriving very well.
PaO Peace Group also obtained 300 acres of land to be reclaimed in Nanthe agricultural area in Nyaungshwe Township, and various kinds of crops are thriving on the reclaimed land.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected plantations and thriving crops at the agriculture camps and then proceeded to Konlon Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Pindaya Township where they were welcomed by departmental officials, personnel and local people.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party paid homage to State Ovadanariya Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Konlon Sayadaw Bhaddanta Tejaniya at Konlon Sasana Beikmandaw.

The Secretary-1 enquired health of Konlon Sayadaw and donated provisions to the Sayadaw.
Afterwards, members of the State Peace and Development Councils, the commander, ministers and deputy ministers offered donations to the Sayadaw.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to Heho Airport by helicopter. They left there by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived back here in the
( 3 ) MMCWA officials meet Patrons of State and Division MCW Supervisory Committees
Yangon, 23 Dec-Members of the Central Executive Committee of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association met the patrons of State and Division Maternal and Child Welfare Supervisory Committees at the multi-purpose building of MMCWA at the corner of Thanthuma Road and Parami Road in South Okkalapa Township this morning.
Present were Chairperson of MMCWA Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, executives of MMCWA and the patrons of State and Division MCW Supervisory Committees.
Chairperson of MMCWA Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe explained matters related to the organizational setup and activities of MMCWA.
Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe also explained measures taken by MMCWA and rules and regulations of the association. The chairperson and the vice-chairperson replied to queries raised by those
( 4 )
Dinner hosted to military attaches and wives
Yangon, 23 Dec - Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence hosted a dinner in honour of military attach's to Malaysia and their wives led by Military Attach of the Republic of Korea to Malaysia Brig-Gen Oh Won Yong and wife, who are currently on a study visit in Myanmar, at the Karaweik Palace, Kandawgyi, at 7 pm today.
Also present were heads and deputy heads of department of the Office of Chief of Military Intelligence and their wives,Military Attache of embassies in Myanmar and their wives led by Dean of Military Attaches Military Attaches of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Col Phanh Sonephachanh and wife and officials.
Pankham Village in Muse
Township tube well handed over
Yangon, 23 Dec - A ceremony to hand over a 4-inch tube well and a brick tank with a capacity of 3,000 gallons, which were carried out by Muse Township Development Affairs Committee in the fiscal year 2001-2002 for availability of pure drinking water in rural areas, took place at the archway in front of Pankham Village on 19 December.
Executive Officer U Khin Maung Oo of Muse Township Development Affairs Committee spoke on the occasion.
Then, Director U Tin Aung of Shan State (North) Development Affairs Committee, Member-1 of Muse District Peace and Development Council District Commissioner U Thaung and Chairman of Pankham Village Peace and Development Council U Mauk Kham Saing formally opened the tube well.
The tube well was dug by Muse Township Development Affairs Committee at a cost of K 1,290,000 and it will be able to sufficiently supply pure drinking water to one hundred houses in Pankham
( 5 ) Korean Traditional Art Group performs
Yangon, 23 Dec- Under the cultural cooperation programme between the Union of Myanmar and the Republic of Korea and to celebrate the upcoming 2002 FIFA World Cup (Korea/Japan), the Korean Traditional Art Group presented entertainment programme under the arrangement of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street at 6.30 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Culture U Tin Winn, Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun, Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, departmental heads, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr Chung Jung-gum and wife, ambassadors of foreign embassies in Myanmar and their wives, Chairman of Korean Association in Myanmar Mr Kim Kwon-Soo and guests.
The Seoul Chongdong Theatre Art Group of Korea presented an entertainment programme.
After the performance, Minister U Tin Winn and Ambassador Chung
Jung-gum presented baskets of flowers to the Art Group.
Work co-ordination meeting of DAD continues
Yangon, 23 Dec - The work coordination meeting of the Department of Development Affairs of the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and State/Division Development Affairs Departments continued for the second day at the meeting hall of the department in Botahtaung Township this morning.
Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin attended the meeting and gave instructions on work of development affairs.
At the meeting, projects of rural bridges, supply of water and financial matters were discussed. Directors of the Department of Development Affairs (Headquarters) made a general round of discussions. Then, Deputy Director-General U Mya Nyein discussed the tasks of the development affairs departments.
After that, Director-General Col Myo Myint gave instructions on future tasks and the meeting came to a close at 2 pm.
( 6 ) Work coord meeting of NPED held
Yangon, 23 Dec - The third four-monthly work coordination meeting for 2001 of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development was held at the National Archives Department on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road this afternoon.
Minister for NPED U Soe Tha attended the meeting.
The directors-general of departments under the ministry reported on the work carried out from April to November 2001.
Then, the heads of State/Division Planning Departments reported on the work done in respective states/divisions during the same period, preparations for future tasks and working programmes.
Director-General Dr Sein Tin of the Central Statistics Organization and Director-General Daw Than Nwe of the Planning Department gave additional reports.
Afterwards, the minister made a concluding speech.
The meeting came to a close in the evening.
Minister inspects dam construction in Hlegu
Yangon, 23 Dec-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, departmental officials and members of Yangon Division Agriculture Coordination Committee arrived at the construction site of Kalihtaw Dam on Kalihtaw Creek in Hlegu Township this morning.
Director of Yangon Division Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein reported on construction of the dam for supply of water to the plantations of Nyaunghnapin special zone near Pyinmadaw Village, five miles north of Nyaunghnapin vegetable cultivation and poultry farming special zones 1, 2 and 3 at the border of Hlegu and Hmawby Townships and earth work, water storage capacity and acres of land to be irrigated.
Director-General of Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win reported on irrigating to vegetable special zones through the canal of Ngamoeyeik Reservoir, arrangements for irrigation from Kalihtaw Dam and water supply from sluice gates beginning January.
The minister inspected the map showing the construction site and gave instructions to make feasibility survey for increasing water storage capacity in addition to existing 18,500 acre-ft and cultivation of perennial crops in the regions in future. The minister inspected the construction of the main dam with the use of heavy machinery and construction of sluice gates.
The minister and party inspected Nyaunghnapin vegetable cultivation and poultry farming zones, plantations of Myanma Farms Enterprise, farm produce and growing of mushroom. Managing Director of MFE U San Myint and officials reported on works.
The minister and party went to the plantation of Myanma Agriculture Enterprise of Nyaunghnapin vegetable cultivation and poultry farming zones and inspected control of pests, farm produce and reproduction through tissue culture. MES Managing Director U Tun Than and general managers reported on works. The ministers gave instructions on vegetable cultivation and future tasks.
( 7 )
Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition continues
Yangon, 23 Dec - The Second Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition sponsored by Traditional Medicine Department under the Ministry of Health continued for the ninth day today at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wizara Road here this morning.
The exhibition was packed with departmental officials, monks and the public.
At the booth of the Ministry of Forestry, herbal plants and their habitats were shown and it was crowded with people. Booths of Saya Maung traditional medicine, Great Wall embrocation (spray), Mya Akari lotion, Tun Shwe War traditional medicine, traditional medicine from Nawin Medical House of Sayagyi U Ngwe Soe and others were on display at the exhibition.
The exhibition continues till 28 December and admission is free. Teams and organizations wishing to visit the exhibition may call 245596 in advance so that the committee for organizing the exhibition will be able to conduct them around the exhibition.
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Respects paid to doyen literati
Yangon, 23 Dec -Led by Chairman of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice-Chairman-1 U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha), Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe), central executive committee member U Khin Swe (Shwe Sun Nyo) and Joint-Secretary of Fund Raising Committee U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Htaik-Thonze) paid respects and presented K 50,000 and gifts to Sayagyi U Htin Phat (Maung Htin) who could not attend the Sarsodaw Day (1363 ME) and the ceremony to pay respects to doyen literati organized by MWJA, at the home of the writer on 4th street, Myothit Ward in Insein Township, Yangon Division yesterday.
Then, U Htin Pha donated K 20,000 to the fund for unhealthy literati and Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and Vice-Chairman-1 U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha) accepted the donation and spoke words of thanks.
USDA CEC member tours Seikkyi-Khanaungto, Dalla
Yangon, 23 DecŃCEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Council Col Maung Pa and officials inspected development works in Seikkyi-Khanaungto Township this morning.
CEC member Col Maung Pa paid obeisance to Nayaka Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita of Dhammapiti Kyaungtaik and presented offertories to the Sayadaw.
The USDA CEC member met members of Township and Ward Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, secretary of Township USDA and executives and members, organizers, members of social associations and local people.
Local people reported on rural development. The USDA CEC member fulfilled the requirements.
Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint presented K 500,000 for Township regional health centre, Dhammapiti Kyaungtaik, Basic Education School and social associations.
Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa met service personnel of Township Development Committee office. The vice-chairman inspected construction of roundabout and development works. The USDA CEC member also met Chairman of Dalla Township and Ward Peace and Development Councils and members, departmental officials, secretary of Township USDA and executives and members, organizers, members of social associations and local
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) First MNOC Chairman's Trophy Open Soccer Tournament continues
Yangon, 23 Dec- The First Myanmar National Olympic Council Chairman's Trophy Open Soccer Tournament for 2001 continued at the Youth Training Centre at 3 pm today.
In the first match, Yangon City Development Committee team beat Agriculture & Irrigation team 4-0. Myat Min Oo of YCDC won the man of the match award.
In the second match, Home Affairs (A) team thrashed Banner team 4-1. Win Htaik of Home Affairs (A) won the man of the match award.
On 24 December afternoon, Energy (Yaynan) team will play against Sagaing Division team in the first match and Defence
team against Forestry team in the second match.