1 ) Secretary-1 receives heads of delegations to
Fourth BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting
Yangon, 21 Dec-Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received head of the Bangladeshi delegation Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mr Reaz Rahman, head of the Indian delegation Minister of State for Com-merce and Industry of India Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy, head of the Sri Lankan delegation Minister Assisting Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka Hon Lal Dharmapriya Gamage, head of the Thai delegation Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Pracha Guna-Kasem and observer the Nepalese delegate
Charg' d' Affaires ai of Nepalese Embassy to Myanmar Mr Harish-chandra Ghimire who had attended the 4th BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting hosted by Myanmar at the Guest House of the Minstry of Defence at 5 pm today.
Present on the occasion together with the Secretary-1 were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura
U Aung Htet.
( 2 )
Myanmar fully committed to realization of objectives of
BIMST-EC aimed at bringing progress and prosperity to region
Fourth BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting opened
Yangon, 21 Dec - A ceremony to open the Fourth BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting hosted by Myanmar was held at the Sedona Hotel here this morning.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung addressed the opening ceremony.
Also present were ministers, leader of the Bangladeshi delegation Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Mr Reaz Rahman, leader of Indian delegation Minister of State for Commerce and Industry of India Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy, leader of Sri Lanka delegation Minister Assisting Foreign Affairs Hon Lal Dharmapriya Gamage and leader of the Thai delegation Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Pracha Guna-Kasem, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, senior officials from BIMST-EC nations Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand observer Charge d'Affaires of the Nepalese Embassy Mr Harishchandra Ghimire, ambassadors and officials of the embassies, heads of department, Correspondent of Kyodo News Agency U Sein Win, members of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club and guests.
Minister U Win Aung said: At the outset, I wish to extend a very cordial and warm welcome to you all. I hope that your sojourn in Yangon has been enjoyable and comfortable.
Our participation in BIMST-EC reflects the basic tenets of our foreign policy. While striving to maintain cordial relations with all countries in the world, we constantly seek to establish closer association with other regions through friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation. We strongly share the view that in this increasingly interdependent world, our shared ideals for peace, freedom and economic well-being can be best attained by fostering greater understanding, good neighbourliness and meaningful cooperation among the countries of the sub-region. We fully endorse the core principles of respect for sovereign equality, territorial integrity, political independence, non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful co-existence and mutual benefit, which should serve as basic guidelines for cooperation within the BIMST-EC member countries as enshrined in the Bangkok Declaration of 1997.
Today, nations of the world are witnessing increasing interdependence and economic cooperation among them. The globalization of the world economy has given rise to the emergence of new forms of cooperation such as economic groupings and regional cooperation arrangements. Nations are today focussing their attention on economic integration so as to avert marginalization. Existing regional groupings have been consolidated and strengthened, and new groupings have also been formed. BIMST-EC is a relatively new grouping. We hope that regional cooperation will help its participants to take part in global economic integration more effectively
as a group of regional economies.
We have followed with great interest the birth of BIMST-EC and its activities during the first four years of its existence.
Although BIMST-EC is still in its infancy we are greatly encouraged to see the progress it has made so far. The identified areas of cooperation encompass a wide range of projects. To realize the objective of BIMST-EC, which is to bring peace and prosperity to its peoples, these projects should be fully implemented. As implementation process on some of the identified projects is still at the beginning stage, we are in need of funds, investments for their full realization. Identified
sectors such as Transport and Communication, Energy and Technology, in particular, demand huge investments. As the international environment is changing rapidly, BIMST-EC
also needs to double its efforts to fully implement its projects so
that it can confidently compete in the inter-national arena of
We should encourage external agencies and our own private sector to invest in the BIMST-EC projects. I trust that the deliberations of this meeting will facilitate efforts in this direction.
Myanmar is fully committed to the realization of the objectives of BIMST-EC which aims to bring progress and prosperity to the region. We are happy to note that Myamar's trade with BIMST-EC member countries is on the increase.
Concerning my own country, Myanmar's development endeavours are gradually gaining momentum.
During the Four Year Plan, 1992-93 to 1995-96 average annual growth rate of 7.7% was achieved compared with the targeted rate of 5.1%. Similarly, for the Five Year Plan covering the period from 1996-97 to 2000-20001, an average annual growth rate of 8.4% against the original target of 6.0% was achieved. Now, the Five Year Plan, 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 is under implementation since April of this year and according to the preliminary statistics, we have achieved an average growth rate of 11.6% during the first six months of the Plan. the economic achievements of Myanmar that you see today are the results of our own efforts, without any assistance from abroad. Our agriculture, forest, mining, livestock breeding, industry, energy and services sectors including tourism offer huge prospects for investment. We look forward to enhanced cooperation with member countries of BIMST-EC for mutual benefit.
It is with these words that I have the honour and privilege to inaugurate the Fourth BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting in Yangon. I wish BIMST-EC
every success. Then, the opening ceremony came to a close.
Myanmar hosts Fourth BIMST-EC
Ministerial Meeting
Yangon, 21 Dec- Myanmar hosted the Fourth BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting at the Sedona Hotel here this morning.
Present at the meeting were Deputy Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Mr Reaz Rahman, Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry of India Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy of India, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Minister Assisting Foreign Affairs Hon Lal Dharmapriya Gamage of Sri Lanka, Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Pracha Guna-Kasem, senior officials and delegates of the BIMST-EC countries Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand , and the Charge d'Affaires ai of the Embassy of Nepal in Yangon as an observer. Chairman of BIMST-EC Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry of India Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy of India gave the opening remarks. The meeting elected Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win as the Chairman of the Fourth BIMST-EC.

The new chairman then delivered an address. Afterwards, the meeting agenda was adopted.
Leaders of the delegations of Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand gave speeches. The delegates discussed and adopted the report of the Senior
Officials' Meeting. They also discussed the aims of BIMST-EC and other matters. The meeting decided to hold the Fifth BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in 2002, followed by a general round of discussions. Later, the Joint Statement was discussed and adopted. The meeting ended at 10.45 am.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung hosted a dinner in honour of leaders and members of delegations to the Ministerial Meeting, other participants and delegates to the Senior
Officials' Meeting at the Sedona Hotel. Also present were Myanmar ministers, officials and guests.
( 3 ) Press conference on fourth
BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting held
Yangon, 21 Dec - The Press conference on the 4th BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting hosted by Myanmar took place at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this afternoon.
Present were BIMST-EC member countries Bangladeshi delegation leader Deputy Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Mr Reaz Rahman, Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry of India Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy, Myanmar delegation leader Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Sri Lankan delegation leader Minister Assisting Foreign Affairs Hon Lal Dharmapriya Gamage, Thai delegation leader Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Pracha Guna-Kasem, senior officials and delegates of BIMST-EC member countries, Adviser to the News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information U Maung Maung Nyo, Chief Editor of the New Light of Myanmar Daily U Maung Maung Aye and editors, Secretary of the Myanmar Foreign
Correspondents' Club U Nyunt Tin and members, and Correspondent of All India Radio and Doordarshan Mr Akshay Rout.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win presented facts about the 4th BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting.
Then, leaders of the delegations of BIMST-EC member countries replied to the
queries raised by those present, and the Press conference ended at
2.45 pm.
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Joint Statement of the BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting
Yangon, 21 Dec- The following is the Joint Statement issued by the BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting held in Yangon today.
The Fourth BIMST-EC Ministerial Meeting was held in Yangon on 21 December 2001. The Ministerial Meeting was attended by HE Mr Reaz Rahman, Hon'ble Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, HE Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy, Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Government of India, HE U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the Union of Myanmar, HE Mr Lal Dharmapriya Gamage, Minister Assisting Foreign Affairs, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and HE Dr Pracha Guna-Kasem,
Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Kingdom of Thailand,
and their respective delegations.
Nepal attended the Meeting as an Observer.
At the commencement of the Meeting, HE Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy, Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Government of India, invited HE U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the Union of Myanmar, to assume Chairmanship of BIMST-EC. This was unanimously agreed to.
HE U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the Union of Myanmar, inaugurated the Fourth Ministerial Meeting of BIMST-EC, and stressed that shared ideals for peace, freedom and economic well-being can be best attained by fostering greater understanding, good neighbourliness and meaningful cooperation among the countries of the sub-region.
He also highlighted that the core principles of respect for sovereign equality, territorial integrity, political independence, non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful co-existence and mutual benefit should serve as basic guidelines for cooperation within the BIMST-EC countries.
The Ministers endorsed the report of the Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) which has met on 19-20 December 2001.
At the conclusion of their Meeting, the Leaders of Delegation issued the following statement:
1. We are of the view that the time is now opportune for Member Countries to strengthen their cooperation and inject greater dynamism into the BIMST-EC process.
2. We are of the view that the Ministerial Meetings of BIMST-EC should be held at full Ministerial level commencing from the next meeting so as to reflect our strong commitment to the BIMST-EC process, and to give BIMST-EC
cooperation further momentum.
3. We note with concern that the global economic slowdown has reached every corner of the world, including the BIMST-EC Member Countries. There is a clear need for BIMST-EC to redouble their efforts to further enhance economic, commercial and technical cooperation among the Member Countries,both at the government and private sector levels.
4. We welcome the participation of the Kingdom of Nepal on this Meeting as an Observer and take note of the request by Nepal for membership to BIMST-EC, keeping in mind the moratorium on further expansion of membership until end of 2002 and criteria to be evolved on BIMST-EC membership.
5. We take note of the deliberations of the Third Meeting of BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers, held in Yangon on February 14, 2001. We welcome the setting up of a Group of Experts to examine the different approaches to the establishment of a bimst-ec Free Trade Area.
6. We note with appreciation the offer of Sri Lanka to host the next meeting of BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers in 2002.
7. We believe that active participation by the private sector in BIMST-EC activities is crucial to the attainment of our collective objectives and, in this context, stress the importance of strengthening the linkages with and among Chambers of Commerce and Industry through the BIMST-EC Business Forum. In this regard, we affirm the need for the Business Forum to be convened with the next meeting of BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers. We also affirm the need for active involvement of the private sector in the implementation of BIMST-EC decisions.
8. We reiterate the importance of the BIMST-EC Economic Forum and urge its convening back-to-back with the BIMST-EC Senior
Officials' Meetings and Ministerial Meetings, so as to provide inputs to the latter on promoting private sector-government interaction to help achieve the aims and objectives of the BIMST-EC.
9. With a view to further strengthening the BIMST-EC institutional mechanisms and ensuring regularity in the schedule of Ministerial Meetings for the effective implementation of the Bangkok Declaration, we reaffirm the decision that future annual Ministerial Meetings should be held in the month of February each year. However, it was agreed that the next Ministerial Meeting will be held in December 2002, and thereafter, in February 2004.
10. In order to facilitate effective monitoring and coordination of BIMST-EC activities, we reaffirm the decision that future SOM meetings may be held biannually, before the Ministerial Meetings in February, and later as per mutual convenience of Member Countries during the same year.
11. We are encouraged at the progress made in the six sectors i.e Trade and Investment, Technology, Transportation and Communication, Energy, Tourism and Fisheries identified for cooperation under BIMST-EC.
Respective Action Plans identified under each sector and sub-sector
have to be monitored for early implementation. In this regard, we
urge that any pending action pertaining to identified areas of
cooperation be taken up expeditiously.
12. Visit BIMST-EC Year which was earlier planned for the year 2001 will now be observed in 2003 in order to allow concerned authorities and agencies to coordinate their efforts and work out an effective strategy to successfully launch and observe the year. We recognize that marketing is an important component of efforts needed to promote tourism and therefore decide to establish a BIMST-EC marketing task force on tourism.
13. We recognize that globalization presents both opportunities and challenges. Many developing countries, particularly the least developed among them are, being threatened with the danger of further marginalization. We affirm that to take optimum advantage, at the sub-regional level, of globalization, cooperation between BIMST-EC Member Countries should be enhanced, especially in capacity building. BIMST-EC countries should also strengthen cooperation in the consideration of globalization-related issues at the relevant regional and international fora.
14. We discussed the need for the setting up of a permanent secretariat for BIMST-EC and tasked the Working Group in Bangkok to prepare a paper on the subject of consideration by the next Senior
Officials' Meeting. In the meantime, we agreed to further strengthen the Working Group to provide ongoing support to BIMST-EC.
15. We recognize the importance of having financial resources for the implementation of BIMST-EC projects. In this regard, we entrust the Working Group in Bangkok to short-list projects and explore possibilities for potential external funding, and submit its recommendations to the next SOM for consideration. We acknowledge with appreciation the contribution of ESCAP to BIMST-EC's ongoing programme of cooperation.
16. We endorsed India's offer to request the Research and Information System for Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, to develop, in consultation with Think Tanks and other relevant institutions in BIMST-EC countries, ideas on the future direction and priorities for cooperation under BIMST-EC, for the consideration of relevant BIMST-EC organs. Such inputs from the academic community would be seminal to the enhancement of BIMST-EC
17. In order to project and highlight the identity and the activities of BIMST-EC, we agreed to adopt the BIMST-EC Logo and consolidate BIMST-EC website.
18. We appreciate the offers by Member Countries as contained in the Report of the SOM, to act as Lead countries in the identified sectors for cooperation and Coordinating Countries in sub-sectoral cooperation. We request the Member Countries to propose through the Working Group in Bangkok, within 8 weeks, possible dates for the convening of the related expert group meetings in order to facilitate a calendar of events to be evolved for better coordination.
19. We continue to recognize the threat posed by terrorism to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries, their economic growth and development, and international peace and security. The expanding linkage of terrorism to illegal fund raising, narco and human trafficking and the illicit arms trade is of particular concern. Since this problem has to be addressed to facilitate economic and social progress, we call upon the international community to further intensify its efforts to comprehensively combat terrorism in all its dimension and forms. On our part, we reiterate our resolve to support the international consensus and abide by the relevant international legal instruments against terrorism.
20. We would like to express sincere appreciation to Myanmar for the warm hospitality and the excellent arrangements made for the meeting.
21. We welcome the offer by Sri Lanka to convene the Fifth BIMST-EC Ministerial
Meeting in Colombo in December 2002.
( 5 ) Ministry of Construction holds coordination meeting
Yangon, 21 Dec-The second and third fourth-monthly work coordination meeting for 2001 of the Ministry of Construction was held at the head office of the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development on Bogyoke Aung San Street here this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Ministers U Tint Swe and Brig-Gen Myint Thein, directors-general of DHSHD and Public Works, department heads, and officials.
At the meeting, the minister made a speech. Then, the meeting came to a close.
Afterwards, a ceremony to present prizes to outstanding athletes and students was held. First, the minister made a speech. Then, he presented prizes to one five-distinction winner, one model trainee award winner of the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) and gold meda-lists of foreign rowing competitions. Later, the deputy ministers and officials presented prizes to the outstanding athletes and
Labour Minister inspects TB hospital project
Yangon, 21 Dec - Minister for Labour U Tin Winn inspected the 100-bed tuberculosis hospital project of the Social Security Board in Htantabin Township, Yan-gon Division, this afternoon.
He was welcomed by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Win Sein, Chairman of SSB U Aung Ba Kyi and officials. The minister inspected construction of the administrative office and patient ward-1.
He also heard a report on facts about the project presented by officials. SSB
chairman also reported on financial and other matters. The minister
gave suggestions.
( 6 ) Traditional medicine and medical
exhibition continues
Yangon, 21 Dec - The second traditional medicine and medical equipment exhibition organized by the Department of Traditional Medicine under the Ministry of Health continued for the seventh day at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road at 9 am today.
The exhibition was crowded with departmental officials, those interested in traditional medicines, members of the Sangha and people.
The booths of the Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) and the Department of Traditional Medicine under the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Forestry, and Thanmanaing Kyauk-manaing traditional medicines of Shwe Hintha medical house, traditional medicines of Tun Shwe Wah medical house, Hmancho traditional medicines, U Thein Htay Lubyandaw Padamya tonic, Yin Yin Nu Thetsaunt tonic, Kantha traditional medicines, Mingalar medicines, Shan traditional medicines of Wong Wang medical house, medicines of traditional practitioner U Bo Gyi, Yokepyo medicines of U Bo Gyi, Shwebo, medicines of Maheiddi medical house, Kaythipan medicines, and medicines of Zu Zu Zar International Centre were shown.
The exhibition will be kept open till 28 December from 9 am to 5 pm daily, and admission is free. The organizations wishing to visit the exhibition may dial Ph 240407 and 245596 in advancefor the committee for organizing the exhibition to conduct them round the exhibition.
Sarsodaw Day commemorative book Fair continues
Yangon, 21 Dec - The Sarsodaw Day (1363 ME) commemorative book fair organized by Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association continued for the seventh day from 9 am to 5 pm today at the building of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise on Pyay Road.
Along with many other publishing houses, News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information has also opened a book shop at the fair and sold Myanmar Encyclopedias for the years 1978 to 2001, Lawka Niti and other books published by the ministry, dictionaries and educative books.
A total of over 14,000 book-lovers, including members of the Sangha, people
and students visited the book fair and purchased various kinds of
books worth K 1,352,595 today. The book fair continues till 23
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Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Trade Fair on 18 Jan
Yangon, 21 Dec-With the permission of the Ministry of Commerce, the Myanmar-Thai Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association and the Thailand-Myanmar Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association are making arrange-ments for the first Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Trade Fair 2002 to be held at Shan Yoma Department Store in Tachilek from 18 to 27 January 2002.
A total of over 300 companies of Myanmar and Thailand will exhibit a wide range of products at the trade fair with a view to exchanging outlook and promoting production and service sectors of the two countries. The programmes on traditional culture, music and sports of the two nations will be presented at the fair.
Tachilek District Peace and Development Council and the Myanmar-Thai Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association will make arrangements for transport and accommodation of the guests.
The companies and organisations wishing to take part in the fair may contact Ma Sandar, in-charge of the exhibition, Shan Yoma Department Store, Tachilek,
Ph 084-51796 and Asia Light Co in Yangon Ph 01-249087.
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chairman's cup soccer opens
Yangon, 21 Dec - The first Myanmar National Olympic Council Chairman's cup open division soccer tourney opened at the Youths Sports Training Centre in Thuwunna here this evening. Present were Secretary of MNOC Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, members of Myanmar Olympic Committee, military officers and officials.
The minister delivered an address and declared the tourney open. In the first match, Transport Ministry team A and Ayeyawady Division team played a goalless draw. In the second match, Commerce Ministry team beat Electric Power Ministry team 4-0.
Tomorrow's matches: Construction Ministry vs Padamya Naga and Tatmadaw (Army) (A) vs
Finance and Revenue Ministry.
Tatmadaw Winter Volleyball Tourney concludes
Yangon, 21 Dec-The final match of the Winter Volleyball Tourney of the Ministry of Defence (Army, Navy and Air) was held in conjunction with the prize presentation ceremony at the Volleyball Pitch of the Camp Commandant's Office this morning.
Present on the occasion were officers and other ranks of the respective departments of the Ministry of Defence.
The Camp Commandant's Office team beat the Quartermaster General's Office team 3-1 in the final match.
After the match, Commandant Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein presented first prize and championship shield to Camp Commandant's Office team, second prize to the Quarter-Master General's Office's team and third prize to Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s team.
Gifts for Tagun Football team
Yangon, 21 Dec-A ceremony to donate sports equipment to Tagun Football team that is participating in professional level soccer tourneys by Premium Marketing Ltd was held at Oriental House Restaurant on Myoma Kyaung Street here this afternoon.
Members of the Board of Directors of the company Dr Tha Tun Oo, U Thet Lwin, U Moe Thet and U Maung Maung Kyi who were present on the occasion presented the sports equipment valued at K 216,000 to managers of the football team.
The sports equipment included football stockings, handbags and shin guards.
___________________________ ( 9
) Stimulant tablets traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 21 Dec - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and the local police force, acting on information, searched Saw Tun Lwin and Nga Moe (a) Maha at the Golf Course junction in Tachilek Township.
The combined team seized 3,727 stimulant tablets on them at 2.30 pm on 7 August.
The Tachilek Police Station opened a case against Saw Tun Lwin, 21, son of U Myint Lwin of Kachin Village, Wan Kaung Ward, and Nga Moe, 20, son of U Tin Ngwe according to section 15/19(A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Tachilek District Court handed down 15
years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) on Saw Tun Lwin and 15
years' imprisonment under section 19(A)/21 on Nga Moe (a) Maha on 6 November.
Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 21 Dec -A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago Special Anti- Drug Squad, acting on information, searched Ma Nyunt Tin and Ma Nyein San who were on board a car with number plate 2 Ka/6258 at the toll gate in Bago and seized 4 kilos of marijuana at 2.45 am on 31 December 2000.
Action has been taken against Ma Nyunt, 50, daughter of U San Shin of Thamasitta Village, Htantabin Township, and Ma Nyein San, 23, daughter of U Kyaw Myint of Migyounggaung Village, Htantabin Township, under section 15/19(A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Bago Police Station No 1.
The Bago District Court handed down four years' imprisonment each under section 15 and 12
years' imprisonment each under section 19 (A) on Ma Nyunt Tin and Ma Nyein San on 8 November 2001.