1 ) Consumption of iodized salt most effective and long-term strategy to eliminate iodine deficiency
Iodized salt distribution project being extended annually to cover whole nation
Secretary-1 addresses opening ceremony of Myanmar Iodine Deficiency Elimination Week
Yangon, 19 DecÑ Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the opening ceremony of Myanmar Iodine Deficiency Elimination Week at International Business Centre on Pyay Road at 7.30 am today and delivered an address at the
Also present on the occasion were ministers, the Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, diplomats of foreign missions in Yangon and officials of UN agencies, rectors, medical superintendents, representatives of NGOs and salt entrepreneurs and guests.
First, Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
He said:
Launching of the Myanmar iodine deficiency elimination week stage by stage with the unanimous participation of the entire people as a national level mass health activity is the result of the active and harmonious efforts of the people under the effective leadership and management of the State.
The State Peace and Development Council is striving with the force of the entire people for Myanmar to become a modern and developed nation to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the world nations in terms of development.
In this situation, efforts are being made to uplift the health, fitness and intellectual level of the entire people as a primary health requirement.
Ensuring of a disease-free state for all the people and availability of nutritious food
in other words consumption of the required amount of nourishment in accord with the age bracket are also vital needs in uplifting health and fitness of the entire nation.
Getting adequate amount of nutrition is also an important factor to raise the economic and social status of the people.
At the same time public health and nutritional
know-ledge is also vital in consuming a required amount and ratio of
nutrition for health. At present, the economic and social standard
of the people are significantly rising because foundations of
progress are emerging. The Union of Myanmar has never faced famine
in any period. At present also, the people do not need to worry
about nutritious food as the government is specially concentrating
on boosting agriculture, livestock breed-ing and foodstuff production.
At present extra attention should be given to dissemination of health education to enable the people to consume the correct amount of nutritious food and to control diseases resulting from malnutrition.

The National Health Committee has been drawing and implementing the national health plans to promote the public health care task; nutrition development project has been included in the major public health care project to control diseases resulting from lack of nutrition such as child protein deficiency, goitre resulting from iodine deficiency, pregnancy anaemia and eye disorders resulting from lack of vitamin A.
Iodine deficiency, which can damage the brain development and intellectual power of children, can be controlled through preventive measures.
Thus, the task to control iodine deficiency was included in the resolutions made at the 1991 World Children Con-ference and 1992 International Nutrition Conference.
As consumption of the iodized salt is the most effective and long-term strategy in eliminating the iodine deficiency syndrome, Myanmar is systematically applying the Universal Salt Iodization (USI) system.
The potency of some of the nutritious elements including the iodized salt easily disappear in the natural condition.
There is evidence that the national people from some regions of Myanmar were suffering from iodine deficiency syndrome since over 100 years ago.

Thus, distribution of iodized salt and giving of iodine injections and iodine pills have been conducted in the hill regions where goitre cases can be found.
At present, goitre is spreading to the plains also. Thus the iodized salt distribution project has been extended annually since 1989 to cover the whole nation.
At the 24th National Health Committee Meeting, which was held in 1997, a
decision has been passed and realized to iodize all the salt produced in Myanmar to eliminate iodine deficiency in the country. The iodized salt produced in Myanmar met the local consumption in 1999.
The health sector is continuously launching education campaign to organize the people to consume the iodized salt with full confidence.
The Myanmar Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines is making systematic efforts to produce enough sale for local demand and to add iodine to the sale in accord with the required ratio.
There was a significant drop in the goitre cases resulting from iodine deficiency in Myanmar. In 2000-2001, the goitre cases dropped to 12 percent in the nation from 33 percent in 1994. In 2000-2001, there were only 2 states and divisions where occurrence of goitre reached over 30 percent down from nine in 1994.
The rate of goitre gradually reduced.
The study showed that 18 per cent of households consumed iodized salt in 1994 in Myanmar and in 2000 the percentage increased up to 79.
He said he learnt that Myanma Salt and Marine Chemical Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines provided advanced technology to salt entrepreneurs for putting iodine in salt. The test kit that can measure the amount of iodine were invented with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Mines and UNICEF.
He said most people can enjoy iodized salt with the sense of health.
As a result, the occurrence of goitre has now considerably reduced. Myanmar Iodine Deficiency Elimination Week was launched for raising the already-achieved success and public participation in the campaign, he added.
The entire people including government departments, salt entrepreneurs, social associations would participate in Myanmar Iodine Deficiency Elimination Week nationwide. Educative talks, essay competition and debate and inspection of salt quality at the shops would be held silmutaneously, he said.
He spoke of the need to make arrangements for consumption of iodized salt in some regions and establish quality control system for iodized salt produced and seek better ways and means to supply potassium iodate needed in production of iodized salt.
He urged salt entrepreneurs to produce iodized salt in accord with the process.
In conclusion, he urged all to raise the momentum of nutrition programmes for eradication of diseases that cause food deficiency, to make concerted efforts in harmony for eradication of iodine deficiency which is harmful to health and fitness of new generation youths and to cooperate with people in organizing them to consume quality salt.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented certificates of honour to representatives of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Yangon Division Salt Entrepreneurs who contributed to the iodine deficiency elimination campaign.
Afterwards, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented certificates of honour to representatives of Myanmar Medical Association, salt entrepreneurs of Mon State and Pathein District of Ayeyawady Division who participated in the iodine deficiency elimination campaign and Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint certificates of honour to representatives of Myanmar Red Cross Society and salt entrepreneurs of Rakhine State and Myaungmya District of Ayeyawady Division.
Next, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint opened the leave of vehicles carrying iodized salt to be distributed in Kachin, Kayah, Mon, Shan State (South) and Shan State (North) and Sagaing Division.
Then, the Secretary-1, ministers and guests inspected the vehicles.
Later, the Secretary-1, ministers and guests inspected the exhibition to mark the Myanmar Iodine Deficiency Elimination Week at the reception hall of
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4th BIMST-EC Senior Officials' Meeting opens

Yangon, 19 Dec- A ceremony to open the 4th BIMST-EC Senior
Officials' Meeting was held at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 8 am today.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, senior officials and de-legates of BIMST-EC members Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand, Ambassadors of BIMST-EC member countries and officials.
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win delivered an address. He said:
We are living in a world characterized by the twin processes of globalization and liberalization which offer not only opportunities but also challenges. Moreover, the current complex international situation and the downturn in the global economy have further complicated the situation. It is therefore evident that unless the developing nations come together and cooperate with each other, they face the danger of being marginalized and of being left behind in the march towards progress and development.
In the light of this scenario, discussions and deliberations at the various regional and international fora and cooperation and coordination amongst the developing countries are becoming increasingly important.
The BIMST-EC Senior Officials' Meeting is such a forum in which the delegates, who are here for discussions and deliberations to shape BIMST-EC into a fully functional, effective and successful regional forum, do need to analyze and evaluate the opportunities offered and the challenges posed.
BIMST-EC is now in its fifth year. I believe that we can congratulate ourselves for the progress we have achieved during the past four years.
Meetings had been successfully organized and action plans had been adopted in respect of all the identified six sectors of economic cooperation. Meetings on only two sub-sectors, namely horticultural and floricultural products and rubbers, tea, coffee remain to be held. Moreover, in most areas of the identified sectors of economic cooperation, we have progressed to project implementation phase.
But we cannot afford to be complacent.
To meet the challenges of the times, we must be more action-oriented, more result-oriented. It is our hope that the Senior Officials, following their deliberation, will be able to make necessary recommendations to further expand, intensify and accelerate the process of cooperation in our region.
In addition, it is apparent that we will also have to canvas for investment for our projects from the international and regional financial institutions, donors and private sectors to enable us to successfully implement our long-term projects which will bring economic growth, progress and prosperity to our peoples through sustainable economic cooperation programmes.
Last but not least, I would like to express our appreciation for the role played by the Working Group in Bangkok in giving us secretarial services and some important organizational recommendations.
I am confident that the deliberations at this Fourth BIMST-EC Senior
Officials' Meting will bring us closer to the realization of our aspirations and objectives.
After the opening ceremony, leader of the Myanmar delegation Director-General U Win Mra of International Organizations and Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presided over the meeting and gave a speech.
Delegates discussed the report of the Chairman of BIMST-EC Working Group.
Then, they adopted the BIMST-EC Logo and decided to submit it to the ministerial meeting. Afterwards, the delegates discussed the decisions made at the Third Meeting of the BIMST-EC Trade and Economic Ministers held in February 2001.
Next, the lead countries submitted reports on the progress in the respective sectors. The delegates discussed adoption of the Visit BIMST-EC 2001, seeking funds for BIMST-EC projects, the vision of BIMST-EC and the set-up of BIMST-EC.
The meeting continues
( 3 ) Indian Minister arrives to attend BIMST-EC ministerial meeting
Yangon, 19 Dec- Minister of Commerce and Industry of India Mr Rajeev Pratap Rudy and party arrived here by air this evening to attend the Fourth BIMST-EC ministerial-meeting to be held in Yangon.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Director-General of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thura U Aung Htet, Ambassador of India to Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju and officials concerned.
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Chin national study group continues Yangon tour
Yangon, 19 Dec - Chin national study group from Matupi Township, Mindat District, Chin State, yesterday arrived in Yangon to visit famous pagodas and to study the development of the State.
Accompanied by group leader Maj Aung San Oo, supervisors and officials, the group started their excursion in Yangon yesterday morning.
They first visited Yangon Zoological Gardens where they were briefed on the Gardens by Administration officer of the Gardens U Myint Nyein. Then, they studied the booths round the Gardens.
They proceeded to the Aquarium of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. Staff Officer of the Fisheries Department Daw Myint Thida Oo briefed them on the Aquarium.
They next went to the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Headquarters).
CEC member of USDA U Thein Sein extended greetings and explained the aims of the Association to them.
They headed for the Central Fire Services Training School under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement. Director-General of the Fire Services Department U Myint Tun explained facts about the Training School.
The Fire Services Department personnel presented a skill demonstration.
In the evening, they saw the film titled 'Swemyo-tawyin-belo-khaw-ma-le' at Thamada cinema.
They paid a visit to Kyaikkhauk Pagoda in Thanlyin Township and Kyaikhmawwun Pagoda in Kyauktan Township today.
Afterwards, they arrived at the national race village. Director of the Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department Lt-Col Zaw Oo briefed them on the village.
The excursion group later visited the Shukhintha Recreation Centre.
( 5 ) Minister attends course
concluding and opening ceremony
Yangon, 19 Dec- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the closing ceremony of the Book-keeping and Quality Control Course No 3/2001, Basic Accounting Course No 1/2001 and Basic IT Training Course No 1 and the opening ceremony of Refresher Course 1/2001 for Administration Managers at the hall of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading on Pansodan Street this morning.
First, the minister delivered an address and presented first, second and third prizes and certificates to the trainees.
Then, a trainee spoke words of thanks and the minister cordially greeted the trainees.
K 50,000 each, gifts paid to doyen literati in Yangon Division

Yangon, 19 Dec- Secretary of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay), CEC member U Khin Swe (Shwe Sun Nyo) and Joint Secretary of Fund-raising Group U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Htaik-Thonze) led by Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) paid respects to six doyen literati, who could not attend the 1363 ME Sarsodaw Day and the ceremony to pay respects to doyen literati, organized by MWJA, at their homes in townships of Yangon Division, this afternoon.
In Sangyoung Township, the MWJA chairman and party were welcomed by Township WJA Secretary writer Maung Tha Pyay and Joint Secretary U Hla Naing. They then paid respects and presented K 50,000 each and gifts to three doyen literatiÑ Sayagyi U Ko Ko Gyi (Ahtu Kyei), Sayamagyi Daw Than Swe (Daw Khin Than Swe) and Sayagyi U Aye Maung (U Aye Maung-Sarpay Beikman).
In Kamayut Township, the chairman and party paid respects to doyen literati U Wun (Min Thu Wun).
In Kyimyindine Township, they paid respects and presented K 50,000 each and gifts to Sayagyi U Aung Thein (treatise compiler) and Sayagyi U Hla Maung (Sarpay Beikman).
( 6 ) Course on computation of GDP concludes

Yangon, 19 Dec - Course No 6/2001 on computation of Gross Domestic Product of Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development concluded at the training hall of the Planning Department this afternoon with an address by Minister for NPED U Soe Tha.
It was also attended by the directors-general of the organization and departments under the ministry, the managing directors of the Planning Department, officials, guests and trainees.
A trainee recounted the experiences gained during the training. Later, the minister presented completion certificates to the trainees.
Altogether 43 trainees from Planning Department (Head Office) and state/division/district planning offices attended the course.
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Blood donors honoured
Yangon, 19 Dec- A ceremony to observe the 25th Blood
Donors' Day and to honour the blood donors was held at the Institute of Nursing (Yangon) on 15 December.
It was attended by Deputy Directors-General of the Health Department Dr Soe Aung and Col Than Aung, President of MyaNmar Red Cross Society Dr Kyaw Win, committee members of National Blood Bank, medical superintendents, officials, wellwishers and blood donors.
On behalf of the chairman of the Central National Blood Bank Committee Deputy Director-General Dr Soe Aung made a speech.
Then, President of MRCS Dr Kyaw Win presented 24 blankets to blood donorsÑ23 members of the Sangha and one nun. Afterwards, the donors presented cash to Director-General Dr Soe Aung, who presented the certificates of honour to them.
Later, officials presented the badges of honour, certificates of honour and prizes to 516 blood donors who made blood donation 50 times and above. On behalf of blood donors, U Aung Myo Min spoke words of
Wellwishers invited for sinking tube-wells
Yangon, 19 Dec - The Development Affairs Committees under the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs are making concerted efforts in order to get sufficient fresh water in rural areas in States and Divisions where there is a shortage of water. One 200 feet deep two-inch diametre tube-well costs K 250,000, one 400 feet deep two-inch diametre tube-well K 500,000 and one 200 feet deep four-inch diametre
tube-well K 500,000. Those wishing to donate cash for the project may
contact Director-General (Ph 01-245420 and 253088), Deputy
Director-General (Ph 01-240118), Director (Engineering) (Ph 01-291967),
Director (Sagaing Division Development Affairs Committee) (Ph
071-21012), Director (Magway Division Development Affairs Committee) (Ph
063-23164) and Director (Mandalay Division Development Affairs
Committee) (Ph 02-54657).
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Delegates to Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference tour Yangon
Yangon, 19 Dec - The delegates to the Second Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference together with officials from the Traditional Medicine Department continued touring Yangon today.
In the morning, they paid a visit to Traditional Medicine Hospital and Research Department in Bahan Township where officials conducted them around there.
They also visited Yangon General Hospital, the National Museum on Pyay Road and the Second Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition at Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road. Officials conducted them around the exhibition.
Then, they paid homage to the Shwedagon Pagoda, and visited the Drugs Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady Road and Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township and Myanma Pharmaceutical Factory at Gyogon in Insein Township.
They then paid homage to the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Second traditional medicine and medical equipment exhibition continues
Yangon, 19 Dec - The second traditional medicine and medical equipment exhibition organized by the Department of Traditional Medicine of the Ministry of Health, continued for the fifth day at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road at 9 am today. Departmental officials, people who are interested in traditional medicines and monks visited the exhibition and bought medicines.
There are booths of the Ministry of Forestry, Wazikayana, Sein-nga-lon, Seinbayet, Great Wall, Shwethamin of Gyobingauk U Ye Myint, Migathi, Zawpyan, Daw Nu, 840 Paddanmya, Awaiya and Yokpyo of Shwebo traditional medical houses.
The exhibition remains open daily from 9 am to 6 pm till 28 December and admission is free.
The organizing committee will launch a special programme for groupings of various organizations to conduct them around the exhibition if they contact in advance Tel: 240407, 245596.
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) Fifth anniversary of Ministry of Sports held
Yangon, 19 Dec- The ceremony to mark the fifth anniversary of the Ministry of Sports was held at National Indoor Stadium-1 here yesterday afternoon, with an address by Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Also present on the occasion were Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik, senior officials, staff, outstanding staff, outstanding children of the staff and athletes.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made an opening speech. Then, outstanding staff and athletes were honoured. The minister presented honorary cash to those who won prizes at the courses conducted at the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) and the Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar).
Wife of the minister Daw Aye Aye presented prizes to children of the staff from the ministry, Director-General U Thaung Htaik to outstanding athletes who won prizes in the XXI SEA Games, the deputy director-general and officials to record-breakers of tournaments at home and abroad.
Afterwards, a lucky draw programme was held for the staff from the departments under the ministry.
Age-group and Independence Day
commemorative golf tournaments on 3-Jan
Yangon, 19 Dec- The 1st Leg of the Han Golf Masters New Generation Age-group Golf Tournament and the Golf Tournament in commemoration of the 54th Anniversary Independence Day, to be organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd, will be held, with the aim of turning out new generation golfers, at Silvery Golf Course of Yangon City Development Committee on 3 January 2002.
In the 1st leg of the new generation golf tournament, there will be five
classes the under-10 age class, the 11-12 age class, the 13-14 age class, the 15-17 age class and the under-18
girls' class.
Those wishing to participate in the age group golf tournament may enlist at Silvery Golf Course (Pro-shop), Tel: 641341 and Mya Yeik Nyo (Pro-shop) Tel: 543207 and 723221, not later than at noon on 2 January 2002.
Professional golfer Kyi Hla Han will give training to those who will take part in the two tournaments.
The tournaments will be co-sponsored by Wilson, Rapier (Golf Australia), Canon (Accel International Co Ltd), Pan-West (Myanmar) and Star Ice-Cream.