1 ) Myanmar women enjoy equal rights as do men in cultural, religious, legal and social affairs
Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs holds 2/2001 meeting
Yangon, 17 Dec- The Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs held the 2/2001 meeting at International Business Centre on Pyay Road at 9 am today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the Chief Justice, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, MNCWA members, Myan-mar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs members, advisers to the working committee, heads of working groups and guests.
The Secretary-1 said: Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs is a leading organization which is working for the development of women and improvement of respectable quality of the mass of women. As a national force, it is a national-level committee on which the mass of women can rely.
The tasks of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, the Working Committee and the committees at different levels are making progress; meetings in which committees at different levels all over the nation take part can be held regularly; therefore, plans which are of great benefit to the Myanmar women sector will emerge.
Today, the State Peace and Development Council is striving to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with others with the collective strength of the entire national people including all the men and women.
A study at the international situation shows that all the nations the world over are working hard for their development and the development of their peoples and that they are striving to protect their interests and the interests of their peoples in the process of globalization.
At that time, developing nations like the Union of Myanmar are required to make strenuous efforts with the collective strength and efficiency of all the entire national forces to promote their interests in the process of globalization and to enable their nations to stand tall in the world.
Therefore, the government is mobilizing national forces in the respective sectors which are going to work for the development of the State. Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs has been constituted with the aim of making more efficient and dynamic mass of women who work for the country together with men in the course of history.
In fact, it is a good attribute of Myanmar that there has been no gender discrimination in the Union of Myanmar since the dawn of Myanma civilization.
The Myanmar women have been on an equal footing with men in Myanmar society. In addition, they have enjoyed equal rights as have men in cultural, religious, legal and social affairs. It is a Myanmar tradition of which everybody should be proud.
The mass of women themselves do not abuse their rights which they are enjoying due to Theravada Buddhist teachings, social codes of conduct and cultural mores. And they pay high regard for men. This is typical of Myanmar women.
In Myanmar society, men and women treat one another with high regard. So the family system jointly headed by father and mother still serves as the fundamental social system of Myanmar society.
In striving for the modernization and development of the Union of Myanmar, everybody is to hold that encouraging the existence of equal rights among men and women, a sense of sharing of duty and a sense of mutual respects and understanding among men and women amounts to the building up of a national strength.
In accord with this belief, committees at different levels are required to implement plans and working programmes for the development of the women sector under the guidance of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs to promote outstanding and dynamic efficiency of Myanmar women.
Efforts for the development of the Myanmar women sector are to be in consonance with international efforts, and the topography, history and culture and traditions of Myanmar are to be taken into account as well.
Plans designed to produce highly-qualified women entrepreneurs, academicians and technicians and plans designed to improve educational, health, economic and social standards are to be implemented harmoniously and systematically.
More arrangements are to be made to inform the international community of the efforts of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs for the promotion of inborn rights of Myanmar women.
Efforts for implementation of Myanmar National Action Plans for the Advancement of Women by Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs, cooperation with UN agencies, participation in the implementation of the Declaration of the International Women Sector and agreements and in international conferences and seminars including UN General Assembly are made known to the world by distributing documentary video tapes, putting news about these efforts on the Internet and informing officials from the international community of the true situation.
As a party to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, Myanmar is to present a report on the condition of Myanmar women with respect to Gender Indicators and statistics work. In this regard, necessary work is to be carried out as speedily as possible. Government departments concerned need to provide assistance.
The case of violence against women is not a big social problem in Myanmar. But effective measures are to be taken to offer counselling services and provide assistance for rehabilitation if there is such a case.
Measures against trafficking in women and children across the border are to be taken in conjunction with educative and organizing work.
Together with educative and organizing work designed to prevent young women and their parents from entertaining wrong ideas and from being swayed by some businessmen, plans to augment family income are to be made and domestic science training courses conducted extensively.
As there are young women including some artistes who are taking the wrong path due to some tricky businessmen, penetration of alien culture and the wish to get carried away along with the modern stream, systematic measures are to be taken to put them on the correct national path.
The noble qualities of the Myanmar women are the sense of preserving and cherishing culture and traditions, the sense of shame and fear of sinning and the sense of abiding by morals.
Therefore, it is necessary to hold on Buddhist culture and other cultural courses so that young women's mode of dressing and manners may be in accordance with the customs and traditions as well as the teaching of Buddhism.
Moreover, it is imperative that young women develop in line with the need of the nation and the national head.
Therefore, it is required to carry out with momentum the tasks such as educating young women on health and culture and holding youth seminars so that they may be able to acquire knowledge, follow the right way of thinking and avoid being persuaded culturally and economically.
National Committee for Women's Affairs and Work Committee have been carrying out the work, categorizing such as education, health, culture and prevention of terrorism against women but these tasks are basically overlapping one another. Therefore, it is necessary for all the organizations concerned to coordinate with one another.
In addition, women's affairs work committee are formed at different levels (down to village-tract level). Therefore, communication, organization and management between various levels need to be smooth and effective.
Now is the time when the Government, departments concerned, social organizations and the entire community, in cooperation with each other, have adopted the five tasks for rural development and are implementing them in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
Therefore, the secretary-1 called for the implementation of rural development work in conjunction with the development work for women's sector.
Since the tasks of women's affairs Committees at different levels, namely, promotion of education, health support, environmental sanitation and increasing family income are being carried out, implementation of rural development measures together with the specific tasks of women's affairs committees will lead to the development of women's sector.
Therefore, the Secretary-1 urged the National Committee for Women's Affairs and work committees at various levels to continue carrying out women's sector development measures for the development of the State, safeguarding and promoting the cherishable characteristics of Myanmar women.
For the development of women's sector in line with the requisites of the State, effective measures should be taken with increased momentum for the enhancement of the prestige of Myanmar women's dignity, for the full enjoyment women's rights and emergence of women's force that could translate national interests into reality, for the emergence of health, highly-qualified and outstanding women and the emergence of women who preserve traditional culture and national traits.
The Secretary-1 called on the National Committee for Women's Affairs to try to stand firmly as a leading organization that could bring about the development of women's sector representing the entire mass of Myanmar women.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 impelled the National Committee for Women's Affairs to strengthen the rights of Myanmar women that have existed through successive history, to consolidate the strength of the entire mass of Myanmar women into a national force and lend itself to national development and to essay for the preservation lineage and national culture and the flourishment of Union Spirit.
Then, the meeting was adjourned.
The second portion of the meeting continued at the same venue at 9.45 am.
Present were Chairman of MNCWA Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Chairman of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win and working committee members, advisers to the working committee, heads of working groups and guests.
Chairman of MNCWA Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa gave a speech.
Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Prof Daw May May Yi reported on tasks particularly carried out by the working committee. Secretary of MNCWA and MNWCWA Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing reported on accomplishment of tasks.
Then, heads of working groups for Education, Health, Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation, Economic Affairs, Culture, Girls and Adult, Information, Environmental Conservation and International Relations reported on matters related to their sectors.
Afterwards, those present took part in the discussions.
Later, the chairman gave the concluding remarks.
( 2 )
Literature a gem that can enhance the pride of the nation and the
Secretary-1 attends paper reading session and records exhibition to
mark 60th Anniversary of Myanmar Language Department of Yangon
Yangon, 17 Dec- A paper reading session and records exhibition in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Myanmarsar Department of Yangon University was held at the Recreation Centre on Yangon University campus this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, deputy ministers, Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Office Lt-Col Pe Nyein, heads of department, Rector of Yangon University Dr Soe Yin, professors, scholars, retired faculty members of the Myanmarsar Department, old students, Professor U Khin Aye of the Myanmarsar Department, faculty members, students and guests.
Rector of Yangon University Dr Soe Yin formally opened the paper reading session and records exhibition in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Myanmarsar Department of Yangon University.
The Secretary-1 said that it was the ceremony to honour the historic day on which the teaching of Myanmar literature started at Yangon University when the nation was under servitude, and it was also the 60th Anniversary of the Myanmar Language Department.
Everybody must hold that it is an auspicious day which bears significant meaning and is full of national essence for the entire Myanmar people and which helps uplift prestige of the race.

Yangon University, the only university when the Union of Myanmar was under colonial rule, was established in 1920; although 12 subjects were taught at that time, Myanmar literature was not taught separately.
It was heartening to note that patriotic Myanmar university students fought the slave education system and introduced a national education system by opening national schools. The teaching of Myanmar literature took priority over that of other subjects, and it is the event of which all can be proud.
The teaching of Myanmar language thus started in Yangon University 60 years ago with the result that the Myanmar Language Department came into existence. This can be attributed to the national education movement and the efforts of Myanmar literati with strong nationalist spirit.
He said that the celebration of the 60th founding anniversary of the Myanmar Language Department is an attempt full of national essence to arouse Myanmar literati's and patriotic Myanmar
youths' patriotism, which has taken root in their hearts with the emergence of the Myanmar Language Department in Yangon University.
Literature is a gem that can enhance the pride of the nation and the people, and it serves as a cultural pillar of a race. In accord with the saying
'Only when the literature of a nation is of high standard, will the glory of her people reach its
peak', literature and culture is a criterion that indicates the status of the nation and the people concerned.
It is natural that national literature must be promoted to enhance the prestige of the nation and the people. And there are spoken language and written language.

Those who do not have written language passsed on literary works such as their imaginations, stories, lullabies and poems by oral tradition.
Those who have written language committed their experiences, imaginations, feelings and poems to writing with the use of stone, palm leaf and paper. With the advances in technology, they can be stored on diskettes and CD-ROMs.
Written language that can be maintained and handed down from generation to generation develops with momentum whereas the spoken language of the people who do not have written language develops to a lesser degree with the passage of time.
He said the people with high literature can promote their culture all the more. Myanmar people have been proficient in writing since 1,500 years ago. They wrote Pali, Sanskrit, Pyu and Mon languages with the use of alphabets.
According to the evidence of Pyu stone inscriptions found in Hanlingyi ancient city and gold palm leaves in Srikhitra ancient city, they could write Pyu, Pali and Sanskrit with the use of alphabets used in southern India and Pyu alphabets in 400 AD or 500 AD.
Mon writing also existed in Thaton region in 500 AD.
The letters on terra cotta were written by King Anawrahta himself with the use of Mon-Myanmar alphabets.
Yazakuma stone inscriptions written in four languages Pyu, Mon, Myanmar and Pali was a record which indicates the language proficiency of the ancient Myanmar people, and it is of high historical value. That stone inscription extolls the parental virtues.
In Bagan period, there were a countless number of inscriptions which recorded donations. They reflect Myanma way of thinking, belief, generosity, behaviour, way of speech and customs.
Bagan stone inscriptions serve as historic pillars which show that Myanmar literature has a strong foundation. Karchin, a kind of poem, stimulated patriotism and spirit of national defence in the people of Pinya period.
In Innwa period which extended 200 years, Myanmar literature rapidly developed. Classical poem such as pyo, mawgun and egyin can help teach the young of new generation to behave well, he said. The Secretary-1 said ratu of Toungoo period expressed the gentle disposition of the Myanmar people and egyin aroused patriotism in them.
A wealth of prose and poetry made Myanmar literature flourish in Nyaungyan and Konbaung
periods. During the colonial rule, literature reflecting patriotism
There have been various forms of Myanmar
literature describing spirit, thought, customs,
culture, social relations and society of Myanmar people, he said. Myanmarsar Department compiled, edited and taught the literature during 60 years. The department also selected and prescribed literature for giving lectures from basic education level to Ph D courses, wrote research papers and compiled treatises for development of Myanmar literature. They are effective performances of new generation literati, he said.
Myanmarsar is honour of Myanmar people. People who have sound literature and culture can not only remove imprudent acts of external elements but also win respects.
He urged veteran teachers to make efforts for uplift of honour of Myanmar while striving for uplift of Myanmar literature in line with noble traditions of the Myanmarsar Department.
He also urged responsible personnel of Myanmarsar departments of universities to perform tasks of literature and culture to the best of their ability as they are new generations given birth by the Myanmarsar Department that came into existence 60 years ago.
In conclusion he wished for long existence of the Myanmarsar Department, an authentic place for propagating Myanmarsar, that came into existence in parallel with national spirit. Scholars of Myanmasar, professors, veteran teachers may uplift honour of Myanmar from the sector of Myanmarsar, language and culture and may make concerted effort for uplift of Myanmasar, Myanmar language and Myanmar culture.
Chairman of the Central Committee for Observing the Anniversary Associate Professor Daw Khin Swe Myint of Myanmarsar Department explained the purpose of the anniversary.
Next, students who majored in Myanmarsar in 1971 presented commemorative gifts to Professor U Khin Aye of the department.
The Secretary-1 and guests looked around the exhibits and the ceremony came to a close.
After the opening ceremony, the 60th anniversary commemorative paper-reading session was held.
Teachers and students from the department paid respects to 70 retired teachers of the department at
Universities' Dahmmayon yesterday.
A get-together will be held at People's Square and People's Park at 6 pm on 20 December evening and Myanmar Traditional Art Show for Trust Funds will be presented at the National Theatre at 7 pm daily from 28 to 30
Secretary-1 hosts dinner in honour of delegates to 2nd Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference
Yangon, 17 Dec- Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt hosted a dinner in honour of delegates of States and Divisions who attended the Second Traditional Medicine Practitioners' Conference at the Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel at 6.30 pm today.
Also present at the dinner were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the Auditor-General, the Yangon Mayor, members of the National Health Committee, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of the Traditional Medicine Council, the Leading Committee and the Working Committee for Organizing the Conference, officials of Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Dental Surgeons Association, Myanmar Health Assistant Association and Myanmar Academy of Medical Sciences, delegates and guests.
During the dinner, A-1 Soe Myint modern music troupe presented songs. After
the dinner, the Secretary-1 cordially met delegates of States and
( 3 ) Minister inspects road and bridge construction in Chin State, Sagaing and Magway Divisions
Yangon, 17 Dec- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, arrived at Yemyatni Camp in Gangaw, where the superintending engineer of Magway Division and the senior engineer of Gangaw District reported on works being carried out at the Gangaw-Htilin Road construction site in the open season and future tasks to the minister.
The minister gave instructions on construction of the road and fulfilled machinery requirements.
The minister and party inspected the site temporarily chosen for the construction of the Kyee Creek Bridge.
The minister, deputy minister and party went along Htilin-Kyaukhtu Road. The district senior engineer and the Magway Division superintending engineer reported on works being undertaken and future programmes to the minister, who attended to the requirements.
The minister and party proceeded to Mindat along Mindat-Matupi Road and inspected the works being carried out along the road.
Then, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials met with staff families of the Ministry of Construction in Mindat at the meeting hall and gave a speech.
The minister went to Saw from Mindat and
arrived at the site chosen for the construction of a 300-feet Chichaung Bridge on Kyaukhtu-Saw-Hseikphyu Road, where Magway Division superintending engineer and respective engineers reported to the minister, who gave instructions on thorough survey after soil-test.
Later, the minister and party arrived at the Kyauksarit Creek near Kanchaung
village, where the Magway Division superintending engineer and
district senior engineer reported on the place chosen for
construction of the bridge. The minister inspected the site and gave
instructions on detailed survey and the making of quick reports.
Minister inspects Zaungtu, Yenwe Electric Power Plants
Yangon, 17 Dec- Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, accompanied by Director-General Dr Thein Tun of the Electric Power Department, Deputy Chief Engineer (Hydro electric power) U Win Kyaw and officials, arrived at Zaungtu Hydroelectric Power Plant in Bago Division on 14 December and inspected the power plant, the spillway, the emergency spillway and the embankment.
Then, the minister and party met with the staff of the plant and gave necessary instructions.
On 15 December, the minister and party arrived at Kunchaung Hydroelectric Power Plant in Phyu Township. In the briefing hall, the project engineer and officials reported on progress of work, future tasks and availability of equipment. The minister gave instructions on work and inspected completion of the embankment and sites chosen for construction of the pipeline and the power plant.
Yesterday morning, the minister and party inspected the site of Yenwe Hydroelectric Power Project in Nyaunglaybin Township. They inspected the sites for the power plant and the embankment. Then, the minister gave necessary instructions to
CPT Minister opens training courses
Yangon, 17 Dec- A ceremony to open the Information to Modem Theory Course and the Special Refresher Course for Officers was held at Communications and Postal Training Centre of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications on Lower Pazundaung Road this morning.
Present were Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, the director-general of Directorate of Telecommunications, the managing director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, officials and trainees.
The minister gave a speech.
After the opening ceremony, the minister inspected the library of the training school.
In the afternoon, the minister inspected progress of work in construction of the building for Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs in the compound of Ahlon Auto-exchange.
Then, the minister proceeded to the satellite station in Toe-gyaunggale and inspected completion of staff quarters in the station.
( 4 )
Internal Revenue Department holds third quarterly meeting
Yangon, 17 Dec- The third quarterly meeting of the Internal Revenue Department of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue for the financial year 2001-2002 was held in the meeting hall of IRD on Pansodan Street today, with an address by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun, Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, Director-General of IRD U Chit Swe and departmental heads of the Ministry, state/division IRD officers and guests.
Minister U Khin Maung Thein said the government is utilizing funds that are
collected as the State budget from taxes and revenues in the
national development projects and in the interest of the people.
Every citizen is supplying funds to the State budget by paying due
taxes fully, he said. The Internal Revenue Department, he said,
needs to follow rules and regulations to exceed the target every
financial year in accord with the market-oriented economic system.
Minister inspects cultural buildings in Mandalay
Yangon, 17 Dec- Minister for Culture U Tin Winn met with employees of the Department of Archaeology, the Fine Arts Department and the Department of Cultural Institute at Myanan Sankyaw Golden Palace in Mandalay on 15 December afternoon.
Then, the minister visited the University of Culture in Patheingyi Township, met with the staff of the university and gave instructions.
The minister also inspected Maha Atula Waiyan Atumashi Kyaungdawgyi, Shwenandaw Kyaung and Yaw Mingyi Okkyaung yesterday morning.
Later, the minister went to the Cultural Museum in Mandalay.
Assistant Director of the Department of Cultural Institute U Ye Myat Aung conducted the minister around the museum.
Minister for Labour U Tin Winn inspected Workers' Hospital and construction site of the Workers Recreation Centre at the office of Township Internal Freight Handling Committee in Aungmyaythazan Township.
( 5 ) Youth Training Camp 3/2001 opens Mandalay
Yangon, 17 Dec- A ceremony to open the Youth Training Camp 3/2001 was held at the meeting hall of Mandalay Division Supervisory Committee for Maternal and Child Welfare Association on 15 December afternoon.
Present were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, officials, Vice-Chairperson of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Patron of Mandalay Division SCMCWA Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint and members of the Panel of Patrons, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Head of Division Health Department Dr Than Tun Oo and trainees.
First, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe gave a speech.
Patron Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint reported on youth sector in Mandalay Division and the purpose of opening the youth training camp.
Then, Mandalay Division Youth Group presented gifts to Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and Maj-Gen Ye Myint.
A total of 40 youth trainees are attending the training course.
Auditor-General tours Twantay, Kawhmu
Yangon, 17 Dec- Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, accompanied by Director-General Daw Thin Thin of the Auditor-General's office and officials, met with township-level departmental officials and staff in Twantay Township and those in Kawhmu Township yesterday.
At the meetings, the auditor-general gave instructions on auditing, spending, administration and staff welfare.
Responsible officials reported on work done and Yangon Division Auditor U Thein Tun made an additional report. The auditor-general fulfilled the requirements and inspected the township account offices.
( 6 ) CEC member meets USDA members, accepts membership applications
Yangon, 17 Dec- Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the ceremony to submit membership applications held at the hall of Taungni Village Basic Education High School in Taunggyi Township, Shan State, yesterday morning.
The secretaries and organizers of Shan State/District/Township USDAs introduced themselves to the CEC member.
Then he accepted 600 membership applications of local people in Taungni Village-tract. He then inspected the construction of Taungni-Mingala (Phet-phone) country road jointly constructed by the USDA and Township Development Affairs Department.
He also accepted 1,000 membership applications of the local people at the Basic Education High School of Nyaungshwe Village and met with the members.
He inspected the artesian well that supply water to Taunglaylon Village and attended to the needs.
CEC member meets with USDA members in Mandalay
Yangon, 17 Dec- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by officials, inspected sales of goods produced by the Ministry of Industry-1 at Win Thuza Shop in Kyaukse, Mandalay Division, yesterday evening.
Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association In-charge of Mandalay Division U Aung Thaung met with executives of division/district/township/ward USDAs at the office of Mandalay Division USDA this morning and discussed future tasks.
The secretaries of township USDAs in Mandalay District and PyinOoLwin District reported to the minister on rural development tasks and future tasks. Then, Secretary of Mandalay Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo explained matters related to the reports presented by secretaries of 16 township USDAs.
The secretaries of township USDAs in Kyaukse District reported on rural development tasks being carried out.
Afterwards, the CEC member gave instructions on implementation of five rural development tasks Ñ transport, water supply, agriculture and livestock breeding, education and health. Then, CEC member U Aung Thaung presented K 2 million for organizing work and rural development tasks to be carried out in 31 townships in Mandalay Division, to Secretary of Mandalay Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo.
CEC member meets USDA members in Mingala Taungnyunt Township
Yangon, 17 Dec- Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan met with the secretary and executives, organizers and members of USDA at the hall of Mingala Taungnyunt Township USDA this afternoon.
After hearing the reports of the Township USDA Secretary U Kyaw Yee and organizers on condition of organizing tasks, CEC member Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan urged them to strive for the success of the Seven Future Tasks and the objectives of the association, to abide by the rules and regulations of the association and to actively take part in the public welfare tasks.
( 7 )
Second Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference concludes
Yangon, 17 Dec- The third day of the Second Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference was held at Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaikkasan Grounds here this morning.
Papers on traditional medicine and treatments were read out at the conference attended by members of the Traditional Medicine Practitioners Council, directors-general, deputy directors-general and officials from the departments under the Ministry of Health, traditional medicine practitioners and representatives.
Director-General of the Medical Science Department Prof Dr Maung Maung Win chaired the conference with members of TMPC Sayagyi U Nyan Lwin and Sayagyi U Aung Si. Officer (Development) U Win Htain Kyaw of the Indigenous Medicine Department acted as master of ceremonies.
Director (Research/Development) Dr Myat Myat Ohn Khin of the Traditional Medicine Department and group, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Htay Myint of Mandalay, Traditional Medicine Practitioner Daw Tin Win of Mandalay and Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Tun Kyaw of Mandalay, read out papers on traditional medicine, findings and treatment and those present took part in the discussions.
Dr Zaw Lin of Myanma Science and Technology Research Department, Lisu national Traditional Medicine Practitioner Daw Asami
of Waingmaw also read papers and replied the queries raised by those present.
Then, the conference went into recess.
Deputy Director-General Dr Soe Aung of the Health Planning Department chaired the conference together with members of TMPC Traditional Medicine Practitioners Sayagyi U Nyan Tun and U Kyaw Sein. Assistant Director (Lab) Dr Daw Nwe Nwe Yee acted as master of ceremonies.
Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Ko Ko Lay of Hpa-an, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Than Myint of Pakokku, Dr May Aye Than of the Medical Research Department (Yangon) and group, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Kyi Sein of Mandalay, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Soe Myint Aung of Pakokku and Traditional Medicine Practitioner U San Shwe of Mandalay read papers on traditional medicine, findings and treatment and those present took part in the discussions.
Then the morning session of the conference came to an end.
The paper-reading session continued at 1 pm and Director-General Prof Dr Thein Swe chaired the conference together with members of TMPC Traditional Medicine Practitioners Sayagyi U Maung Nyan and Sayagyi U Soe Hlaing. Assistant Director (Research) Daw Thida Swe of the Traditional Medicine Department acted as master of ceremonies.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw Myint attended the afternoon session of the conference.
Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Sai Wyne of Mohnyin, Traditional Medicine Practitioner Daw Mya Mya Htwe of Thanlyin, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Than Nyunt of Kyaukpadaung and Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Tin Maung Kyi of Monywa read papers and replied to the queries raised by those present. Then, the conference recessed.
Then, the conference continued and Director-General Prof Dr Maung Maung Win of the Medical Science Department chaired the conference together with members of TMPC Traditional Medicine Practitioner Sayagyi U Htay Myint and Deputy Director-General U Wa Tun of the Traditional Medicine Department. Township Officer U Thein Han Oo of Indigenous Medicine Department (Mon State) acted as master of ceremonies.
Traditional Medicine Practitioner U San Lin of Shwebo, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Sein Win of Taunggyi, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Tun Shwe of Mohnyin, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Kyaw Kyaw of Kyaukse and Traditional Medicine Researcher U Tin Htut of Yangon read papers and replied to the queries raised by those present.
Then, the closing ceremony of the conference was held. Director-General Prof Dr Thein Swe of the Traditional Medicine Department acted as chairman and Deputy Director U Paw Nyein of the Indigenous Medicine Department, master of ceremonies. The conference came to a close at 5 pm successfully.
The Ministry of Science and Technology presented 500 books on Myanma Medicinal Plants Vols 1 and 2, and Aye Kaba Medical House, 780 bottles of Satumadu to the representatives.
Traditional medicine and medical equipment exhibition continues
Yangon, 17 Dec- The second traditional medicine and medical equipment exhibition organized by the Department of Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health, continued for the third day at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road at 9 am today. Departmental heads, members of the Sangha
and people who are interested in traditional medicine visited the
exhibition and bought the medicines. The exhibition remains open to
public from 9 am to 6 pm daily till 28 December. Admission is free.
54th Anniversary Independence Day Reception and Dinner Subcommittee meets
Yangon, 17 Dec- The first coordination meeting of the subcommittee for holding 54th Anniversary Independence Day Reception and Dinner was held at Saturingabala Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Pyay Road at 2 pm today.
Subcommittee Chairman Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win made an opening speech at the meeting.
Members of the subcommittee reported to the deputy minister on arrangements and tasks carried out for holding Independence Day reception and dinner.
Then, the meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the deputy
Korean, Myanmar entrepreneurs hold coord meeting
Yangon, 17 Dec- The Korean trade delegation and Myanmar private entrepreneurs held a coordination meeting under the arrangement of KOTRA of the Embassy of Republic of Korea at Inya Lake Hotel this morning.
Present were Korean Ambassador Mr Chung Jung-gum, Commercial Counsellor Mr Kim Jae-Chan, officials of 34 Myanmar private companies and 11 delegates of eight companies led by Mr Lee Bae Woo of KOTRA.
They discussed sale of goods manufactured by Clean World Filter Corp, Dae Sung G-3 Inc, Daewon Machinery Work Co Ltd, Han Dok Elevator Co Ltd, Jaewon Joyce Co Ltd, KTI Co Ltd, LADO Filter Co Ltd and TTC Supplies Co Ltd of the Republic of Korea.
( 8
IPRD Director-General leaves for Bangkok
Yangon, 17 Dec- Director-General U Chit Naing of Information and Public Relations Department left here by air this morning to attend the workshop on drug elimination in work site of Asia region to be organized by Colombo Project and to be held in Bangkok, Thailand.
The director-general was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General U Khin Maung Htay of Myanma Radio and Television, Managing Director U Bo Kyi of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise and officials of IPRD.
Respects paid to doyen literati
Yangon, 17 Dec- A ceremony to observe the Myanmar Sarsodaw Day and pay respects to doyen literati, organized by the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, was held at the City Hall here at 9 am today.
It was attended by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Minister for Culture U Tin Winn, Mayor U Ko Lay, deputy ministers, doyen literati, chairman of MWJA and executives, chairmen and executives of township MWJAs in Yangon, officials, wellwishers and guests.
Joint-Secretary Dr Tin Tun Oo (Dr Tin Tun Oo) of MWJA acted as master of ceremonies.
Vice-Chairman-1 U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha) of MWJA explained the purpose of the ceremony.
Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun -Twantay) of MWJA read the message sent by the chairman of MWJA.
Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) of MWJA announced the name list of doyen literati present.
Then, U Aye Tun, CEC member of MWJA, reported on cash donation of K12,790,750 for the doyen literati K 645,000 by the State Peace and Development Council, K 6,005,814 by the Ministry of Home Affairs, K 200,000 by the Yangon City Development Committee, K 300,000 by Mandalay City Development Committee, K 500,000 by U Aung Ko Win (Kambawza Bank) and K 100,000 each by Dr Mya Mya Win family, Gonhtu U Thein Naing family, Dr Tin Tun Oo and Dr Khin Moe Moe family, U Myint Lwin and Daw Shwe Shwe Sein Poe (King and Queen), Myinmu Maung Naing Moe, Myanmar Women's Affairs Committtee, U Ye Wai (Myanmarsar) and U Ye Win (Win Wai Naung) and
Soe Moe Kyaw lottery-shop family.
Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) made a speech. He said it was the time when young writers paid respects to the elder literati. Development of a nation depends on the standard of its literature and it is a part and parcel for national development, he said.
The Head of State and leaders have been striving for the development of literature. The MWJA is carrying tasks under the guidance of the Head of State and leaders. The ceremony was held to repay the debt of gratitude of the doyen literati and he wished them good health and long life, he added.
After that, Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Minister U Tin Winn, Mayor U Ko Lay, deputy ministers, chairman of MWJA and executives, literati and wellwishers paid obeisance to doyen literati and presented
K 50,000 and offertories each.
Afterwards, Sayagyi U Ko Lay (Zeyar Maung), on behalf of doyen literati, gave words of advice.
Chin students of Mindat District visit downtown Yangon

Yangon, 17 Dec- Altogether 30 Chin students of Mindat District arrived here by bus on 15 December afternoon.
They were welcomed by officials of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department.
This morning, the students, accompanied by Deputy Director Maj Aung Hsan of PBANRD, supervisors and officials, visited Shwedagon Pagoda and Buddhological Museum.
At Maha Wizaya Pagoda, the students made donations and paid homage to the pagoda.
At the Drug Elimination Museum, Museum Curator Police Lt-Col Hse Maung conducted them round the museum. In the afternoon, the excursion group visited the National Museum.
In Hlinethaya Industrial Zone, officials explained facts about the industrial zone and the FMI City. The students then visited Polyethylene Bag Factory of Shining Moon Co Ltd and Sein Sanda Garment Factory.
At Myanma Radio and Television, Deputy Director-General Lt-Col Thein Aung explained facts about MRTV. Afterwards, they visited Defence Services Museum and then went back to No 1 Transit
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448,000 stimulant tablets seized in Kengtung
Yangon, 17 Dec- A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Tatmadawmen and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the dark-blue coloured vehicle (Tiger) without a number plate, driven by Chaing Hwa, son of U Chaing Te Shin of Kyein Khan Village, Pan Hsan Township, at Tar Pin Check Point in Kengtung, Shan State (East) on 9 December. Pei Si Ton, son of U Peik Khaing Kwi of Kyein Khan Village, Pan Hsan Township, and Hsan Mar Win, son of U Aik Hsan, were in the car.
The authorities nabbed them together with 224 packets of stimulant tablets (448,000 tablets) bearing WY letters concealed in the car.
Action is being taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.