1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General
Than Shwe sends message of felicitations to Bhutan
Yangon, 17 Dec - On the occasion of the National Day of Bhutan which falls on 17 December 2001, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, King of Bhutan.
( 2 )
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe's message to Second
Traditional Medicine Practitioners' Conference
Yangon, 16 Dec-The following is a translation of the message sent by the State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe.
The Government of the Union of Myanmar has encouraged the systematic development and propagation of traditional medicine. It is also mentioned in the National Health Policy to enhance the provision of health care services through the use of Myanmar Traditional Medicine.
At this juncture, the convening of the 2nd Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference is most opportune, as it will effectively
contribute towards enhancing the quality of traditional medicine in
addition to its systematic development and widespread use.
All Myanmar Traditional Medicine
Practitioners, who have cherished and nurtured traditional medicine
and provided health care to the public will be united and actively
participate in the conference. Myanmar traditional medicine has
flourished over thousands of years and has become a distinct entity,
for which we can all take pride. That it has emerged as a delicate,
complex and important subject for learning is due to the unstinting
efforts of our Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners or
physicians. The scope of traditional medicine is very wide. Myanmar
traditional medicine covers basic Traditional subjects, numerous
treatises on traditional medicine, plethora of methods on
prescribing enormous variety of traditional drugs that are very
potent and effective.
If traditional medicine is not systematically
developed and nurtured it is bound to slowly fade away and
disappear. Myanmar Traditional Medicine, which is rich in essence,
should be harnessed and developed using modern scientific methods.
With proper standardization and good quality assurance the role of
traditional medicine will be greatly enhanced, which will be popular
not only in Myanmar but also abroad. Today, the time has arrived for
all traditional medicine practitioners, various disciplines of
traditional medicine, numerous methods of prescribing and
traditional drugs all over the country to be consolidated and
systematically developed. Scientific methods must be applied in
order to enhance the quality and widespread use of traditional
With the aim to enhance Myanmar Traditional
Medicine and promote its systematic development, the Government of
the Union of Myanmar has taken measures to upgrade the teaching
institutions of traditional medicine and open courses that confer
degree in traditional medicine. More traditional medicine hospitals
and clinics have been opened to provide health care services to the
people. The Government has encouraged research and scientific
development on the practice of traditional medicine that has been
handed down from generation to generation and on various methods and
portions that are well known for its effectiveness in certain
regions of Myanmar. Research has also been promoted on the efficacy
of traditional drugs and herbal gardens have been maintained to
preserve indigenous medicinal plants.
Workshops and seminars have been conducted to
enable traditional medicine practitioners to discuss and exchange
knowledge and experiences on the development of traditional
medicine. Special emphasis has been accorded to the scientific
development of traditional medicine and to identify indigenous
drugs, portions and practices that could effectively treat certain
illnesses that could not be cured by western medicines. In some
cases, the combined treatment of an illness, using both traditional
and western medicine has been encouraged. Efforts have been
undertaken by various government departments to utilize modern
equipment and scientific methods in the practice of traditional
medicine and to conduct scientific research in the field of
traditional medicine.
At the time when the Government is providing all-out support for enhancing traditional medicine, it is envisaged that all Myanmar traditional medicine practitioners will be united and take this opportunity to work concertedly at this conference to further promote the scientific development of Myanmar Traditional Medicine.
In addition, the conference will give rise to the establishment of Myanmar Traditional Medicine PractitionersÕ Association, that will stand as a united and strong national force, enhancing the prestige of traditional medicine and ensuring its perpetual existence and propagation in Myanmar.
Traditional medicine will increasingly assume an important role in providing effective health services for the people.
I wish the Traditional Medicine Practitioners' Conference every success. I would like to urge everyone to uphold our national heritage and pride and make special efforts so that traditional medicine flourishes not only in our country but also is made known throughout the world.
( 3 ) The government expects Myanmar Traditional Medicine to become well developed, attaining international standards and to play an increasing important role in
providing effective health care services to the people
Second Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference opens
Yangon, 16 Dec - The opening ceremony of the Second Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference was held at 9 am today at the Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaik-kasan Grounds here. State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sent a message to it and National Health Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered the opening address.
Also present on the occasion were State Peace and Development Council Member Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the Chief Justice, the Auditor-General, the Mayor of Yangon, National Health Committee members, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, diplomats, resident representatives of UN agencies, directors-general of various departments under the Ministry of Health, traditional medicine practitioners, delegates to the Traditional Medicine Practitioners' Conference, Traditional Medicine Inspection Central Committee members, officials of the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Myanmar Red Cross Society, the Myanmar Medical Association, the Myanmar Nurses Association, the Myanmar Dental Association and the Myanmar Health Assistant Association as well as members of Union Solidarity and Development Association and guests.
At the ceremony, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein read out the message to the conference sent by State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe.
Next, National Health Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered the opening address. In his address, he said:
I would like to wish you all to be blessed with good physical and mental health and welcome you all to this conference. May all of you be also successful in providing health care services with traditional medicine extensively.
At a time when the Government is encouraging the development of traditional medicine, which has withstood the test of time and has re-emerged as a potent force, the holding of the 2nd Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference will reflect to the momentum of systematic development of traditional medicine.
The united and active participation of Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners at this conference depicts the commitment to the concerted efforts of all concerned for the future enhancement of traditional medicine.
Myanmar Traditional Medicine, dates back to the beginning of Myanmar civilization and culture and have been greatly treasured by the Myanmar people and even utilized by royalty through the ages. It has formed an integral part of our way of life and has been closely intertwined with our culture, traditions, religious beliefs and attitudes.
Looking back in the historical context, Myanmar Traditional Medicine is the combination of four
Nayas, namely, Desana Naya, Bethitsa Naya, Netkliata Naya and Vissadara Naya.
As a result of the efforts of the Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners, traditional medicine has gained a stature of high standing.
At the dawn of Myanmar civilization, in the Pyu era, it was found that Ayuvedic medicine which was included in Bethitsa Naya, was widely practised. During the Bagan era, when Theraverda Buddhism was at its zenith, Desana Naya medicine based on Buddhist teachings and astrological based Netkhata Naya
medicine flourished. Up to the present tunes Myanmar Traditional
Medicine is very firmly established in society.
Over the ages, due to the relentless efforts of
Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners, the scope of traditional
medicine has increased immensely, encompassing many disciplines of
traditional medicine, several treatises on indigenous medicine,
numerous effective prescriptions and a variety of potent traditional
drugs. Not only has Myanmar Traditional Medicine become very
effective but it has attained a level of standard as a respected
discipline. It has taken tremendous efforts to master the art of
traditional medicine and to enhance it to the current level of high
status, indicating that traditional medicine stands out as a
respected discipline.
During the time when Myanmar was forcibly colonized, the colonialists not only suppressed or destroyed
our cultural heritage but also suppressed traditional medicine. Traditional medicine practitioners and traditional medicine was ridiculed and became dispersed all over the country and it nearly became extinct.
Due to the lack of systematic teaching of traditional medicine, a tendency to be secretive and reluctance to pass on the knowledge and skills and the custom of handing over the trade only to one's kith and kin, it has led to loss of many valuable traditional medicine treatises, prescription methods and indigenous medicines.
As a result, traditional medicine has become disintegrated, giving rise to different versions and interpretations in various regions of the country. Thus, the potent force of Myanma traditional medicine gradually declined.
That is why the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, has provided guidance to rejuvenate Myanmar Traditional Medicine, that can be considered as a national heritage and which has been found to be efficacious and widely used by the population; and to scientifically develop traditional medicine to meet international standards.
The Government has taken a leading role for the development of traditional medicine to attain international recognition and has provided necessary support to implement the guidelines stated by the Head of State, Senior General Than Shwe.
These guidelines are: To restore the near extinct discipline of
Myanmar traditional medicine, potent indigenous medicines, medicinal
plants/herbs and support learned traditional medicinal
To develop traditional medicine so that it
is internationally accepted through systematic standardization by
using modern scientific research methods and modern equipments.
To combine traditional and western medicine to
treat certain illnesses and to identify traditional medicines and
prescriptions that could effectively treat certain diseases that
could not be cured by western medicine.
To develop qualified human resources for
systematic development and expansion of traditional medicine. In
reality, the scope of Myanmar traditional medicine is very wide and
is firmly rooted as a distinct entity. By making traditional
medicine more scientifically developed, traditional medicines would
become more potent and internationally acceptable. It could become
an important means of providing health care services to all citizens
in the country.
It could also gain internationally
recognition. If we look at the current situation in the world today,
most of the drugs produced are based on chemicals, which has side
effects. Therefore, there is a tendency to prefer natural
bio-products. Some have even made considerable economic gains by
marketing one or two effective, good traditional medicines
internationally. In Myanmar there has been the development of modern
methods for production of traditional medicines and internationally
acceptable manufacturing practices, packaging and storage systems
have been established. Research has been conducted on traditional
medicines that are effective in treating certain diseases that could
not be cured by western medicine and the proper standardization and
systematic recording is underway.
Myanmar traditional drugs for domestic use such as drugs for cough, indigestion, flatulence, anti-pyretics and tonics have been systematically produced and efforts have been made to export these traditional medicines.
In addition, we need to take special efforts to make internationally well known, some of our specialized methods of traditional medicine that are extremely effective in treating conditions such as wounds and ulcers, hypertension, paralysis, neuralgia and also the discipline of physiotherapy.
On the other hand, while conducting scientific research on production of potent traditional medicines, we should take every effort to preserve our Myanmar Traditional Medicine.
For example, in Myanmar Traditional Medicine, each segment of a tree such as the root, seed, flower, bark has distinct properties that are used in relation to the five elements of herbs.
Not only plants but also animal products, marine products have been widely used. Some traditional medicines, besides having innate properties have been found to undergo biological reactions inside the human body, giving rise to different property.
Traditional medicine is very delicate and sometimes mystical. The same traditional drug, depending on the disease can be given with rice water, coconut juice, sesamum oil, palm leaf juice, which will produce different distinct properties.
Thus, while striving to make traditional medicine more scientific so that it is internationally acceptable, we must take care that some of the natural innate traditional practices though delicate and mystical are not discarded or lost but are carefully preserved.
At this opportune time, when the government is providing necessary support, when traditional medicine is increasingly found to he potent, when the world is craving for indigenous cures, it is up to the traditional medicine practitioners in Myanmar to seize to opportunity to enhance the role of traditional medicine.
Thus, I would like to urge all the traditional medicine practitioners attending this conference to work in unison to make the utmost of the favourable
conditions to further the interest and development of traditional
In order to ensure that traditional medicine
attains a high status and ensure its perpetual place in society, I
would like this conference to strive for the establishment of a
single united Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners'
Association. The government expects Myanmar Traditional Medicine to
become well developed, attaining international standards and to play
an increasing important role in providing effective health care
services to the people. I would like to urge all the traditional
medicine practitioners to be united and strive to propel traditional
medicine to a new golden era. In conclusion, I would like to request
and urge all traditional medicine practitioners:
To consolidate all Myanmar Traditional Medicine
Disciplines, invaluable treatises, potent indigenous drugs, and all
traditional medical practitioners into a strong and distinct
national resource and to preserve traditional medicine as a national
To work unitedly towards the development of effective and potent Myanmar Traditional Drugs using scientific research methods.
To systematically establish the Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association and for all Traditional Medicine Practitioners to act unitedly
under the banner of the association for the development of
traditional medicine and its standardization and to provide good
quality health care services with traditional medicine to the
To mobilize all traditional medicine
practitioners as a strong national resource group that would help
each other and work to enhance the prestige of traditional medicine
and strive for maintaining the important role traditional medicine.
After the opening ceremony, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party cordially greeted with traditional medicine practitioners and delegates to the conference.
( 4 )
Writers responsible for preventing penetration of
alien culture resulting from globalization
National Literary Awards, Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Awards,
National Motto, Literary and Photo Competitions prizes presented
Yangon, 16 Dec - A ceremony to present National Literary Awards for 2000, Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Awards for 2000 and the 12th National Motto, Literary and Photo Competitions prizes was held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street here at 1 pm today.
State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony, delivered an address and gave away prizes to the winners.
Also present on the occasion were State Peace and Development Council Members Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the Auditor-General, the Civil Service Selection and Training Board chairman, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, literati, personnel of social organizations, Year 2000 National Literary Award Scrutiny and Selection Committee members, Year 2000 Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Awards Scrutiny and Selection Committee members, the 12th National Mottoes, Literary and Photo Competitions Scrutiny and Selection Committee members, prize-winners, Myan-mar Writers and Journalists Association chairman and members, Township WJA chairmen and members in Yangon Division, and guests.

First, State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
In his address, he said the presentation of literary awards to the literati who have performed national literary duties excellently, on the auspicious Sarsodaw Day of which the entire people should be proud, is actually promoting the further development of Myanmar literature on the right path of nationalism.
The State Peace and Development Council is making all-round efforts to enable the nation to become a peaceful, modern and developed one as well as to improve the living standard of all the citizens. In so doing, all-round support and encouragement are being provided to various forms of cultural arts including literature in order to ensure not only physical development but also spiritual development.
Today, rapid advances in science and technology are contributing greatly to globalization. At such a time, it is very important to keep a nationalist outlook and nationalist spirit alive and dynamic for constantly safeguarding the interests of the nation and the people.

Hence, the Government has always been giving assistance and support to various fields of cultural arts including literature so that they can contribute to the spiritual development of the citizens. In the Union of Myanmar, the Myanmar people have possessed their own nationalist outlook, views, traditions, customs and national character for thousands of years. The continuous existence of these aesthetic qualities from the beginning of Myanma civilization to date is, in fact, the significant prestige of Myanmars.
The perpetuation of the national outlook, traditions, customs and national character can be attributed to patriotic Myanmar peoples who have been preserving national literature, cultures and arts in the course of history.
The Government is building up massive forces with a view to discharging the national duty of preserving national character, thus keeping national literature and cultural heritage alive and dynamic.
The nationalist literature is like a taproot among the national forces. In promoting the development of nationalist literature by the Government, National Literary Awards, Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Awards, National Motto, Literary and Photo Contests prizes are presented.
In addition, Armed Forces Day commemorative literary contests and Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Award contests, etc are organized and handsome prizes presented to winners.

The literature aiming at invigorating nationalism are originally full of knowledge and qualities which contribute to safeguarding and preserving correct outlooks, nationalist spirit, patriotism and significant national character.
The nationalist literature possessing such qualities has been inextricably intertwined with Myanma traditions, customs, outlooks, thoughts and ethics in the course of history. It can be found that the nationalist literature has been developing throughout history in various forms and essence.
A study of Myanmar literature shows that Myanma orthography and literature have flourished since early Bagan Period, over one thousand years ago. Since then, it has gained gradual development.
The flourishing of Myanmar prose and poetry reached climaxes time and again in various periods such as Pinya, Innwa, Toungoo, Nyaungyan and Konbaung.
Throughout the history of Myanmar literature, different forms of poem namely kabya, linka, ratu, rakan, ehgyin, arngyin, pyo, tayhtat, bawle, lutar, mawgun, thanpaing, etc gained significant development. Numerous treatises, Hsan-kyan, Alinka, Dhamma-kyangan as well as Nipats and Jatakas based on Buddhist scriptures and written in both prose and poetry forms emerged. In addition, there also emerged Metta-sar, sonema-sar and other belle-letters.
The literature has also been interrelated with music and there emerged various forms of songs such as kyo, bwe, classical songs, patpyo, yoedaya, etc.
By inheriting such good foundations of national literature, it is incumbent upon
the present-day literati to preserve, flourish and hand down the national literary heritage to younger generations.
The perpetuation of Myanmar literature depends on aim and goodwill of the writer either he or she produces knowledge literature or aesthetic literature. Only when their literary works render lights and serve the interests of the people, their works will last long and the creators will be dutiful.
Those literary works which deserve to be recorded in the history are the nationalist literature. Books and lierary works which kindle and invigorate patriotism, nationalism and Union Spirit; and literature and records which can enhance traditions, customs and national characters as well as those literary works which are compiled in consonance with norms and grammar and possessing aesthetic values will certainly be lasted long as classics.
To produce such classics should be the aim and aspiration of the present-day literati and it is also the national requirement of the country.
As regards the perpetuation of the national literature in correct style and essence, it is necessary for all literati to abide by respective norms and rules in producing literary works.
The literary works must reflect the national style and thus the writers are responsible to make collective efforts for ensuring their works either in prose or poetry forms to be in consonance with traditional style and essence.
In composing poems, it is necessary to ensure that all kinds of poems such as ratu, kabya, tayhtat, dwaygyo, laygyo, etc are to be in line with respective composing methods and norms. In composing poems, ideas, composition, respective composing methods and aesthetic values are important. It is to be aware that the idea and thoughts comprised in a poem are concerned not only with the poet but also the assessment of the reader.
If the idea or thought of the poet is not vivid or clear, the readers might misunderstand and the desired results cannot be gained.
Only when Myanmar literature is preserved with a national outlook, will readers be able to enjoy the essence of literature and acquire correct knowledge. In addition, the essence of the national cause can be kept in perpetuity. Moreover, writings which set an excellent example to follow for writers, poets and mediamen of new generation can be left.
Due to epics, poems and treatises, the Myanmar people are polite in speech and deed, are good-natured and courageous and have dynamic nationalistic spirit and a clear national outlook.
Preserving national cultural heritage, the State Peace and Development Council is striving to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with others. In this regard, encouragement continues to be given with the aim of widely using the essence and strength of Myanmar literature as a weapon.
Like those from other cultural fields, those from the literary field are responsible for preventing the penetration of alien culture resulting from globalization.
Literary awards have been presented with the aim of ensuring the emergence of fine literature and improving the lives of the literati; out of 1,265 books published in 2000, national literary awards have been presented for nine books.
Out of 211 entries for the national motto competition and 261 photographs, 15 manuscripts and 15 photographs won awards.
Out of 145 entries sent for 12 genres of Sarpay Beikman Literary Award, 21 entries won awards.
Since 1962, altogether 359 national literary awards and 461 Sarpay Beikman literary awards have been presented.
Since the Tatmadaw government assumed the duty of State, short stories, poem, article and photo competitions and quizzes on general knowledge about the Tatmadaw have been held to uplift nationalistic spirit and promote national awareness. It is 12th times these competitions have been held, and so far, 314 prizes have been given.
With the flourishing of literature, Thabin, music, films and traditional arts and crafts are also blossoming.
Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association is to organize and lead all those from the literary field and promote the interests of Myanma national causes with Myanmar literature. In accord with the national goal
" the strength of the literary world is part of the national force, it is required to organize the entire national people and put them on the path of national literature. Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association and all the literati are required to strive for the development of national literature.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on all to preserve national cultural literary heritage with the unity of all those from the literary world, to create classical works of arts in accord with the style of Myanma prose, poem and epic, to keep in perpetuity national literature which can prevent the penetration of alien culture in the field of Myanmar culture and to cooperate with one another in keeping Myanma literature shining continuously.
Then, prize-presentation ceremony was held.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented the National Literary Awards to Mi Chan Wai, Zin Min (Thamein Htaw), Taik Soe, Thuthaethi Ramanya Ko Ko Naing, Maung Khaing Khant, Tun Myat Aye, Professor Daw Aye Than, U Thaung Htut (Retired Rector of the University of Education) and Aung Chaing Bwa.
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Lu Thant, Tin Aye Hlaing and Hsinbyukyun Myint Thein in the Article Contest of the 12th National Motto, Literary and Photo Competition, and to Lamin Ein (Law), Aphyaukmyae Maung Swe Mon and U Nyi Nyi Saw on behalf of Moepyo (Minbya) in the Poem Contest of the competition.
Afterwards, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented first, second and third prizes to Min Beda (Pwintbyu), Mya Chu Ein and Chan Mya Aung respectively in the Short Story Contest, and Shwe Intha Khin Maung Win, Saw Aung Min (New Asia Photo) and A K Moe (Zoology) in the Colour Photo Contest.
Minister at the State Peace and Development Council ChairmanÕsÊOffice Lt-Gen Min Thein presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Kaung Myat Myo of Pathein BEHS-6 in Ayeyawady Division, Ma May Zin Wint Maung of Maungtaw BEMS-1 in Rakhine State and Ma Haymar Naing of Thandaung Myothit BEHS in Kayin State in the Tatmadaw Quiz (basic education middle school level).
Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Pyi Sone Aung of Pathein BEMS-6 in Ayeyawady Division, Ma Nay Thin Wa Thein Myint of Meiktila BEHS-1 in Mandalay Division and Ma Kay Thi Nwe of Bago BEHS-6 in Bago (East) Division in the Tatmadaw Quiz (basic education high school level).
Then, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung presented first, second and third prizes to Ma Wai Wai Lwin of Yangon Technological University, Cadet Ye Win Myint of Defence Services Institute of Technology and Cadet Aung Ko Lay of Defence Services Institute of Technology in the Tatmadaw Quiz (university level).
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing presented second prize to Myo Win Chit in the Novel Contest of the Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Award; first prize to Nay Myo Thant, second to Maung Hsanda (Lewe) and third to Twingyi Wun Maung in the Collected Short Stories Contest; and first prize to Salin Phone Kyaw and second prize to Yaynantha Maung Kyaw Nyunt in the Collected Poems Contest.
Minister for Education U Than Aung presented first and second prizes to Dr Maung Maung Soe and Tekkatho Ko Maung in the General Knowledge (Art) Contest; first, second and third prizes to Dr Tin Thein (Pathein University), Tun Aung Kyaw and Tint Lwin Swe for the General Knowledge (Applied Science).
Then, Deputy Minister for Information U Thein Sein presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Moe Yan, Dr Thet Lwin and Maung Chit Htwe (M.A) in the Sarpadaetha Contest; and first prize to Htan Hlaing and second to Ko Ko (Research) in the Culture and Arts Contest.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Tha Hmwe, Hsu Labh Tun and Dr Ko Ko Kyaing in the Child Literature; and first prize to Maung Khaing Khant in the Youth Literature Contest and first prize to Dr Nyunt Swe in the Translation Contest.
On behalf of the prize-winners, Maung Khaing Khant who won the National Literary Award (Youth Literature) and Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Award (Youth Literature) spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1, together with the prize-winners, posed for souvenir photos.
( 5 ) Dinner
hosted in honour of literary award winners
Yangon, 16 Dec Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung hosted a
dinner in honour of winners of National Literary Awards and Sarpay
Beikman Manuscript Awards for 2000, the 12th National Motto,
Literary and Photo Competitions prizes and members of the awards
scrutiny and selection committee at -Kwaweik Palace this evening.
It was attended by Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, members of the State Peace and
Development Council Adjutant General Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Chairman
of Yangon Division Peace and development Council Commander of Yangon
Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, Mayor of Yangon U Ko
Lay, deputy ministers, high ranking military officers, officials of
the State Peace and Development Council Office, department heads,
Chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Myaing
(Ko Hsaung), the vice-chairmen, the secretary and members of the
central executive committee, members of the 2000 National Literary
Awards Scrutinizing Committee, the Committee for Organizing National
Motto, Literary and Photo Competitions and the 2000 Sarpay Beikman
Manuscript Awards Scrutinizing Committee, award winners and guests.
The Secretary-l enjoyed the dinner together with literati, winners
and guests. After the dinner, the Secretary-l had a cordial meeting
with those present.
( 6 ) Second Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference continues
Yangon, 16 Dec - The Second Traditional Medicine Practitioners Conference continued for the second day at Pyidaungsu Hall on Kyaikkasan Ground in Tamway Township, Yangon at 10.30 am today.
It was attended by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Director-General of the Traditional Medicine Department Professor Dr Thein Swe and officials, members of Traditional Medicine Practitioners Council, members of the Leading Committee for the Second Traditional Medicine Practitioners Conference and representatives from states/divisions.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein presided over the conference with traditional medicine practitioners U Nyan Tun, U Nyan Lwin, U Maung Nyan and U Htay Myint as members of the panel of chairmen.
Dr Myat Myat Ohn, Director (Research & Development) of the Traditional Medicine Department, acted as master of ceremonies.
The master of ceremonies then announced the conference open.
In his address, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein said that State-
level Traditional Medicine Practitioners Conference and Traditional
Medicines and Medical Equipment
Exhibition was held in Yangon in December in 2000.
As a result, the unity of traditional medical practitioners have been forged. The 32nd meeting of the National Health Committee gave instructions on holding the Second Traditional Medical Practitioners Conference and Traditional Medicines and Medical Equipment Exhibition from 15 to 28 December in 2001 with the aim of preserving the already-achieved unity and further developing Myanma traditional medicine.
From time to time, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given the guidance on preserving Myanma traditional medicine and finding ways and means for the systematic development and propagation of Myanma traditional medicine. The government has taken measures for preservation of traditional medicines and remedies which have been almost on the wane and organized the seminars and paper-reading sessions for traditional medicine practitioners in states and divisions every year.
Then, U Soe Aung of Tamway Township tabled a motion
" to produce Myanmar traditional medicine
scientifically". U Khin Maung Win of Mindat Township, Chin State seconded it. The motion
"to care the public health by traditional medicine" tabled by U Soe Nyunt of Thaton, Mon State, was seconded by U Htwe Maung of Yenangyaung, Magway Division. The motion
"to discover and preserve ancient peparapike" tabled by U Kyaw Myint of Loikaw, Kayah State, was seconded by U Myo Myint of Mahaaungmye, Mandalay Division. The motion
"to widely spread the knowledge of traditional medicine for health" tabled by U In Khwan Gam of Myitkyina, Kachin State, was seconded by U Than Ohn of Ingapu, Ayayawady.
After that, the morning session of the conference came to a close.
The evening session of the conference started at 1 pm. Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint presided over the conference with Professor Dr Thein Swe, U Kyaw Sein, U Soe Hlaing and U Aung Si as members of the panel of chairmen. Deputy Director U Wa Tun of the Indigenous Medicine Department acted as master of ceremony.
The motion "sufficiency of raw materials for herbal plants in the country" tabled by Daw Khin Mu of Kale, Sagaing Division, was seconded by Kun Kyaw Than of Taunggyi, Shan State.
The motion "to produce traditional medicine of high
standard' tabled by U Thein Naing of Myeik, Taninthayi Division, was seconded by U Kyaw Aye of Kawkareik, Kayin. The motion
" to produce potent traditional medicine" tabled by U Aye Kyaing of Pyi, Bago (West), was seconded by U Aung Chit of Sittway, Rakhine State.
Then, the conference decided to adopt the message sent by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe as the work guidelines by all traditional medical practitioners.
The conference also adopted the counsel of National Health Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt in his address at the opening of the conference as tasks for all traditional medical practitioners.
The conference approved the seven motions, after which the conference came to a close with concluding remarks by Deputy Minister Professor Kyaw Myint.
( 7 )
Myanmar and French palaeontologists go on field trip
Yangon, 16 Dec - A study group comprising French palaeontologists Dr Jean Sudre, Dr Stephane Docrocq, Dr Bernard Marandat, Dr Laurent Marivaux and Thai paleontologist Dr Yaowalak Chaimanee led by French paleontologist Professor Dr Jean Jacques Jaeger arrived in Myanmar on 13 November to study fossils in Pondaung in November and December.
The study group, in cooperation with the Pondaung region fossil exploration and study group jointly formed by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Education, went on field trip in the environs of the villages in Myaing Township, Pale Township and Kantbalu Township from 14 November to 15 December.
It is the fifth time Myanmar and French palaeontologists have jointly conducted fossil exploration work since April 1998.

Two right mandible bones of Bahinia Pondaungensis and Pondaungia Cotteri
have been found, which have been acknowledged as those of the earliest Anthropoid primate by the palaeontologists. While exploration work was being done near Paukkhaung on 18 and 20 November, Molar No 1 of Pondaungia primate and a canine tooth of primate which has been assumed to be Myanmarpithecus were found at a place about two miles north-west of Paukkhaung.
In 1 December, the combined team explored the environs of Moegaung Village in Pale Township, the root of Molar No 4, a fragment of the left mandible containing Molar No 1 and Molar No 1 of Pondaungia primate were discovered at Lema.
As they have significant features, they are of great help to research work.
On addition, upper molars and lower molars of a new species of the insectivore, and the jawbones and teeth of a new species of the mammal, the rhinoceros, the chamois, the carnivorous and the crocodile.
The Myanmar-French fossil exploration team also found jawbones, teeth and fossilized remains of the elephant, the rhinoceros, the fish, the turtle and the crocodile in the environs of Chaungtha Village in Kantbalu Township on 5 December. The French palaeontologists
left here yesterday evening after finishing their research work for
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Sacred Buddha relics from Sri Lanka conveyed to Taunggyi

Yangon, 16 Dec- A ceremony to convey the sacred Buddha relics from
Mendham Hill to Yangon International Airport was held at the
Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi, where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
is kept, at 12.30 pm today.
At the airport, Shwe Kyaung Sayadaw. Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Ven
Shi Fa Zhao of Singapore and PaO national race leader U Aung Khan
Hti welcomed the sacred relics and conveyed them to Heho by plane.
The sacred relics, which were conveyed from Sri Lanka to Myanmar by
Shwe Kyaung Sayadaw Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Ver Shi Fa Zhao, will
be kept at Mwedaw Katku Pagoda in Taunggyi Township, Shan State.
Also present on the occasion were members of the Sangha from Sri
Lanka, Director-Genera1 of the Department for Promotion and
Propagation of the Sasana of the Ministry of Religious Affairs U
Sann Lwin, Secretary of the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
Construction Committee Cmdr Khin Maung Oo (Navy), officials,
scholars, members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees, PaO nationals,
members of wut associations and the public.
Japan donates monastic school buildings
Yangon, 16 Dec-The merit-sharing ceremony for the
Pyinyatheikpan monastic education school and Withakha (Girls)
nunnery education school donated by the Japanese Embassy in Myanmar
was held at the monastic education school at 9 am today.
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and Japanese Ambassador
Mr Shigeru Tsumori formally opened the school buildings. Then, the
Merit-sharing ceremony began with the three-time recitation of Namo
Tassa. The minister, the ambassador and the guests received the Five
Precepts from Minkyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Sehtilabhivamsa of Loikaw. The minister and the ambassador presented
offertories to the Sayadaws. Afterwards, the ambassador explained
the purpose of the donation and the minister spoke words of thanks.
The ambassador handed over the documents related to the new school
buildings to the minister. Yangonkyaung Sayadaw Bhadddanda Zatili of
North Okkalpa Township delivered a sermon and the ceremony
came to a close with the thee time recitation of Buddha Sasanam
Criam Titthatu. After the ceremony, the minister, the ambassador and
the guests looked round the new school buildings and the functions
of the monastic education school.
Sarsodaw Day commemorative book fair continues
Yangon, 16 Dec - The Sarsodaw Day (1363 ME) commemorative book fair organized by Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association continued for the second day at the building of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise on Pyay Road at 9 am today. Minister for Education U Than Aung
visited the fair in the afternoon. The book fair is crowded with
bookworms. Books on different subjects are available at a reasonable
price at the bookshops opened there. On the opening day, literati,
students and teachers of Basic Education Middle School No-3 Dagon
Township and others visited the book fair and purchased various
kinds of books worth K 722,625. On the second day, book sales
reached to K 932,210.
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) Drugs seized in Kutkai
Yangon, 16 Dec - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on a tip-off, searched the houses of Yan Sauk Myint, son of U Yan Shi Khaik of Ward 5, Hemoelon village-track, Kutkai Township in Shan State (North) and Yan Yong Jauk, son of U Yan Hsi Hwayh of Khonsu village, Hemoelon village-track.
The authority concerned arrested Yan Sauk Myint together with 0.0013 kilo of heroin, 248 stimulant tablets and one litre of black opium liquid and Yan Yong Jauk and Hukyaungku, son of U Siyin of Twamkyakyaing village, Kutkai together with 11 containers of sulphuric acid 44 gallons and 92 kilos of amphetamine powder.
Action is being taken against them under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.