1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of congratulations to Malaysian King
Yangon, 14 Dec- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council has sent a message of congratulations to His Majesty Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail who has been elected as Yang di-Pertuan Agong
XII of Malaysia on 12 December 2001.
( 2 )
Visting PRC President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping arrive Bagan-NyaungU
Yangon, 14 Dec- The goodwill delegation led by President of the People's Republic of China Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping attended the dinner hosted in their honour at Annawa Guest House, Ngapali Beach, Thandwe, Rakhine State, yesterday evening.
The dinner was hosted by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and wife Daw Khin Hnin Wai.
Vocalists entertained the guests with songs during the dinner.
The Rakhine traditional dance and songs were presented in honour of the guests after the dinner. President Mr Jiang Zemin presented a flower basket to the Rakhine culture troupe.
The PRC President and delegation rested for the night at the guest house.
President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping and party left Ngapali for Thandwe Airport this morning. They were greeted by the departmental personnel, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Women's Affairs Committee, teachers, students and local people waving miniature flags of the two countries and hailing the Myanmar-China friendship.

The guests were seen off at the airport by Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Daw Khin Hnin Wai, Brig-Gen Kyi Thein and wife of Taungup Station, Deputy Commander Col Myo Lwin and wife and members of Rakhine culture troupes.
Accompanied by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and wife, Ambassador of Myanmar to PRC U Sein Win Aung and wife and Ambassador of PRC to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun, the guests left Thandwe for Bagan-NyaungU Airport in Mandalay Division by special flight in the morning.
On arrival at the airport, Myanmar boys and girls presented bouquets to President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping and party.
The guests were then welcomed by Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and wife, Brig-Gen Than Tun of Kyaukpadaung Station and wife and Col Khin Maung Tun of Pakokku Station and wife.
Schools girls presented a Bagan dance number to the accompaniment of Mingala orchestra at the airport.
National flags of the two countries were posted at the airport and the entrance road.

President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping and the goodwill delegation, accompanied by Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and wife Daw Khin Mi Mi, left for the Bagan Hotel in Bagan.
They were welcomed along the road leading to Bagan-NyaungU Airport by departmental employees, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association and the Working Committee for Women's Affairs, teachers, students and local people numbering over 3,000, who waved miniature flags of both countries and shouted slogans expressing friendly relations between the two countries.
Col Zaw Min and wife Daw Khin Mi Mi hosted a luncheon in honour of President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping and the goodwill delegation at the Bagan Hotel.
The musical troupe led by Mandalay Harpist Mu Mu Thein performed during the luncheon.
President Mr Jiang Zemin had a cordial meeting with the troupe.
Later, President Mr Jiang Zemin viewed the lacquare-ware, traditional costumes and utensils displayed in Thitsa-wady Hall of the hotel.
Next, the goodwill delegation led by President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping proceeded to the Bagan Archaeological Museum.
They were welcomed by Minister for Culture U Tin Winn and officials.

The goodwill delegation was conducted around the museum by Deputy Director-General of the Department of Archaeology U Aung Kyaing and officials.
President Mr Jiang Zemin signed in the visitors' book.
Afterwards, the goodwill delegation visited Ananda Pagoda in Bagan.
President Mr Jiang Zemin signed in the visitors' book and donated cash to the pagoda fund.
The pagoda board of trustees presented Ananda Pagoda Lacquareware Painting.
Then, the goodwill delegation visited Shwezigon Pagoda in NyaungU.
President Mr Jiang Zemin signed in the visitors' book and donated cash to the pagoda fund.
The pagoda board of trustees presented a painting of Shwezigon Pagoda.
Afterwards, the goodwill delegation left the pagoda for Bagan-NyaungU Airport.
They were greeted along the road by departmental employees, members of USDA and social organizations, teachers, students and local people.
President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping and the goodwill delegation were seen off at the airport by Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and wife, Brig-Gen Than Tun of Kyaukpadaung Station and wife, Col Khin Maung Tun of Pakokku Station and wife.
The goodwill delegation led by President Mr Jiang Zemin and Madame Wang Yeping left for Mandalay by special flight.
( 3 ) Minister inspects rural roads
Yangon, 14 Dec- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt inspected the vegetable farm of the ministry and construction of roads at Nyaunghnapin region, Hmawby Township, Yangon Division, this morning.
Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected cultivation and distribution of vegetables to tax-free markets. He also inspected fish breeding at the farm.
At the briefing hall, the minister heard a report on cultivation of vegetables, the breeding of fish and construction of new rural roads and maintenance and repairs of the existing ones presented by officials.
The minister then inspected the building of a road between Kya-in (East) and Mezaligon villages by Hlegu Township Development Affairs Committee.
The rural road 2.5 miles long and 24 feet wide is being built at a cost of K 9.36 million.
He also inspected Hlegu-Kyakansu Road which is nearly four miles long.
Cooperative products exhibition on 11-17 Jan 2002
Yangon, 14 Dec- A meeting was held to coordinate the organizing of a cooperative products exhibition at the Ministry of Cooperatives this morning.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe said the exhibition will be held at Saya San Plaza from 11 to 17 January 2002. He urged the cooperative societies of states and divisions to take part in the exhibition.
Chairman of the Committee to Hold the Exhibition Director-General of Cooperative Department Col Soe Win explained facts about the exhibition. The minister gave suggestions.
Also present at the meeting were directors-general of departments and the managing director of the enterprise under the ministry, members of respective committees to hold the exhibition, the deputy directors of cooperative departments of states and divisions and others.
51st Anniversary of UNHCR observed
Yangon, 14 Dec- The 51st Anniversary of the office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees was held at the Inya Lake Hotel here this evening, attended by Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa. Also present on the occasion were ministers, deputy ministers, ambassadors and charges d'affaires of foreign embassies in Yangon, resident representatives and
officials of UN agencies, heads of department and guests.
First, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa made a speech. Chief of Mission Mr Rajiv Alocham Kapur of UNHCR read out the message of the United Nations High Commissioner forÊ Refugees. Then, the cere-mony came to
( 4 ) International Conference on Texts and Contexts in Southeast Asia concludes
Yangon, 14 Dec- The International Conference on Texts and Contexts in Southeast Asia by the Universities Historical Research Department under the Ministry of Education concluded at the International Business Centre this evening.
Present at the closing ceremony were Minister for Education U Than Aung, Deputy Ministers for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, the directors-general, deputy directors-general and professors of the departments under the Ministry of Education, members of Myanmar Historical Commission, scholars from universities of Australia, Bangladesh, Belgian, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, USA and UK, resource persons at home and abroad, doctorate students and interested persons.
Minister U Than Aung said that resource persons from 17 nations read papers of high standard. The papers concerning the politics, society, culture, religion, language, arts and law of Myanmar are very interesting.
The minister spoke of the need to preserve national character to be able to overcome the challenges which will arise in the process of globalization.
The conference was held as of 12 December, and altogether 48 resource persons submitted 48 papers.
Minister inspects Psychiatric Hospital in Mayangon
Yangon, 14 Dec- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and officials inspected the Psychiatric Hospital on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Mayangon Township, this morning.
Medical Superintendent of the hospital Dr Toe Aung reported on arrangements for moving the hospital to Dagon Myothit (East). The minister attended to the needs. Then, the medical superintendent and officials conducted the minister and party round the hospital.
There, the minister inspected mushroom production and fulfilled the requirements.
The minister and party then inspected preparations for holding second Traditional Medicine PractitionersÕ Conference at Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaikkasan Grounds, where they were conducted round the hall by Director-General of the Medical Science Department Dr Maung Maung Wint, Director-General of the Traditional Medicine Department Dr Thein Swe and officials.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected preparations for the second Traditional Medicines and Medical Equipment Exhibition at Tatmadaw Convention Hall in Dagon Township. Director-General of TMD Dr Thein Swe, Director-General of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) Professor Dr Paing Soe and members of Traditional Medicine Council reported on matters related to booths displayed ministry-wise, production of traditional medicines, and arrangements for booths of private traditional medicine entrepreneurs.
The minister attended to the requirements.
Mayor inspects agriculture and livestock breeding project in Uto-Kya-in Region
Yangon, 14 Dec- Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay inspected agriculture and livestock breeding project in Uto-Kya-in Region, Taikkyi Township, Yangon Division this morning.
Accompanied by officials, the mayor arrived at Hatchery Division of the project where officials reported on breeding of fresh water shrimp fry, growth of the shrimp fry and production of feedstuff for sea shrimp.
Mayor U Ko Lay gave necessary instructions.
Then, the mayor and party proceeded to the perennial crop plantation and gave instructions on weeding, water availability and timely sale of the crops to the market without loss and wastage.
Next, the mayor inspected plantations of pepper, sweet chilli, onions and radish with the use of green house and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, Mayor U Ko Lay inspected milling of the 25-ton Rice Mill, production of edible oil by the Oil Mill and daily production of 20,000 briquettes by Briquette Factory and gave instructions on supervision to minimize the loss and wastage and timely delivery of the products to the market.
The mayor then inspected threshing in the fields near Thabeza Village in Kya-in Region and digging more fish ponds, and gave instructions on timely completion and meeting the set targets.
Then, Mayor U Ko Lay inspected the plantations in Zigon Region and left necessary
( 5 ) Commerce Minister receives GM of Aarice Trading
Yangon, 14 Dec- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received General Manager of Aarice Trading of the Philippines Mr Lawrence Ong at his office at 1 pm today.
Also present at the call were Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of the Border Trade Department U Nay Win, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung
and responsible officials.
Minister receives Project Coordinator
Yangon, 14 Dec- Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Project Coordinator Mr Peter Capell at his office on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon.
They discussed matters related to tying up MV Doulos book ship at Yangon harbour for the second time from 7 to 14 January 2002. Also present at the call were Director-General of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director of the Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U Kyi Tun
and officials.
UMFCCI executives attend
meeting in Laos
Yangon, 14 Dec- Vice-President of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Htein Win and General-Secretary U Zaw Min Win left here by air this morning for Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic, to attend Greater Mekong Subregion Meeting there.
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by President of the Federation U Win Myint,
executives and officials.
( 6 )
Prizes presented for Band Competition
Yangon, 14 Dec- The prize presentation ceremony of Mandalay Division Inter-School Band Competition for 2001-2002 was held at Aungmyay Mandalar Stadium in Aungmyay Thazan Township, Mandalay Division on 12 December.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and senior military officers, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and departmental officials, managers and contestants of 24 teams and guests.
After the competition, band troupe of No1 Basic Education High School of PyinOoLwin, the first prize-winner in B-level competition, and band troupe of No 3 BEHS of Maha Aungmyay Township, the first prize winner in A-level competition demonstrated band skills.
Then, the mayor, the deputy commander, officials and the commander presented prizes to the prize winning band troupes.
Next, the commander presented K 100,000 each donated by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council to 24 band troupes through Deputy Director-General of No 2 Basic Education Department U Khin Maung
Upgraded Yadanabon Cinema opens
Yangon, 14 Dec- The ceremony to reopen the Yadanabon Cinema was held at the cinema on Pyay Road, Sangyoung Township, this morning.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Managing Director of Myama Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, directors general and managing directors of enterprises under the ministry, officials, Managing Director of Yadanabon Cinema Daw Thwe Thwe Ei and employees of the cinema and invited gests.
First, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Managing Director Daw Thwe Thwe Ei formally opened the cinema. Then, the managing director presented a pennant to the deputy minister.
Afterwards, the deputy minister and guests inspected the cinema which underwent renovation and decoration and watched the film
" Yin Hte Hmar Banya Banya".
2,108 books, 9,060 journals, two bicycles donated to IPRD libraries
Yangon, 14 Dec- A ceremony to donate 2,108 books, 9,060 journals and two bicycles to the libraries of the Information and Public Relations Department under the Ministry of Information was held in the meeting hall of IPRD this afternoon.
Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein attended the ceremony and accepted the books.
Also present were Director-General of IPRD U Chit Naing, Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay, Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, Deputy Director-General of IPRD U Aung Hsan, directors, officials, wellwishers and guests.
The wellwishers donated books to the libraries.
The deputy minister accepted the books and presented certificates of honour to them.
The wellwishers explained the purpose of the donation.
The wellwishers included Thukhamein Saya Kyi of Abhidhamma Taungtha Traditional Medicine University, U Khin Myo Aung of Waizayanda Housing Estate of Thingangyun Township, U Myint Ngwe (Hinthada Myint Ngwe) - Daw Cho Lat and family of Hline Township, Thaddama Zotikadaza Thiha Thudama Manizotadara U Kyaw Khin Myint (Maung Yint Kyu - Myaungmya) - Daw Khin Khin Sein (Jewellery Shop) of Shwebontha Street, Panbedan Township, U Soe Myint Aung (Pyawbwe Soe Myint Aung) of 101st Street, Mingalar Taungnyunt Township, Dr Daw Htwe Sein of Room No 24, Building No 1, U Wisara Housing Estate, Saya U Aung Thei Han- writer Daw Khin Khin Gyi and family of 36th Street, Kyauktada Township, U Pyi Sone Win Naing of Pyi Sone Win Naing Company, U Hset Maw of Hset Enterprise, the environmental preservation group under the National Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association.
( 7 )
USDA CEC members meet with Division/District/Township USDA executives
Yangon, 14 Dec- Members of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association met with executive committee members of Division, District and Township USDAs was held at the hall of the association in Thayawady Township, Bago Division (West), this morning.
It was attended by CEC member of USDA Col Tin Hlaing, In-charge of Bago Division (West) USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Soe Nwe, division-level departmental officials, Chairman of Thayawady District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ohn Myint and members, Bago Division (West) USDA Secretary U Thet Oo Min and division, district and township executives.
CEC member Col Tin Hlaing gave an opening speech. In his speech, he urged the members to carry out organization work as instructed and to actively participate in rural development tasks. CEC member Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin reported on work done and Bago Division (West) USDA Secretary U Thet Oo Min on organizational, economic and management and social affairs. The CEC members fulfilled the requirements.
The meeting concluded with a speech by CEC member Col Tin Hlaing.
Cultivation of plants for feeding white elephant coordinated
Yangon, 14 Dec- A work coordination meeting on cultivation of plants for feeding Yaza Gaha Thiri Pissaya Gaza Yaza white elephant was held at the site office of Mindhamma Garden, south of Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township this afternoon. It was attended by Work Committee Chairman Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Chairman Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and committee members.
At the meeting, measures for growing of plants on eight-acre land Ñthree acres of bananas, two acres of sugarcane, two acres of grass and one acre of bamboo, land preparation, collection of seeds and nurseries were discussed.
Similarly, a work coordination meeting on the building of a house for the white elephant was held at the briefing hall of the construction site this afternoon.
It was attended by Work Committee Chairman Deputy Minister for Science & Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and members. At the meeting, the building of the house, a road for the white elephant to stroll, a swimming pool and a garden and measures for supply of electricity and water were
Holding of MNOC Chairman's Trophy
Football Tourney coordinated
Yangon, 14 Dec- The second coordination meeting for organizing the first Myanmar National Olympic Committee Chairman's Trophy Football Tourney was held in conjunction with the meeting on drawing the match programme at the meeting hall of the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna this afternoon, attended by Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department Chairman of Myanmar Football Federation U Thaung Htaik, officials of MFF, managers of the contesting teams and representatives from the News and Periodicals Enterprise.
Chairman of MFF U Thaung Htaik made a speech on the occasion.
Deputy Director-General of SPED U Thein Aung reported on the tourney, Secretary of MFF U Bunny Tin Aung on rules and regulations and Director U Nyan Tun
of Mass Sports and Education Division on arrangements to enable sports
journalists to cover news, followed by a general round of discussions.
The tourney will start on 21 December at the Youth Training Centre, and
the admission fee is K 100 per head for stalls and K 300 per head for
grand stand. The first prize is K7.5 million, the second prize K 5
million and the third prize K 2.5 million. Man of the match will be
presented K 200,000, each best player of the matches K 50,000 and each
best player in particular positions K 100,000.
( 8
Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Trade Fair on 18-27 January 2002
Yangon, 14 Dec- With the permission of the Ministry of Commerce, the Myanmar-Thai Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association and the Thailand-Myanmar Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association, aimed at enabling Myanmar and Thai entrepreneurs to cooperate in economic sectors, to exchange culture, experiences and knowledge of the two nations, and to promote tourism operation, are making arrangements for the first Myanmar-Thailand Friendship Trade Fair 2002 to be exhibited at Shan Yoma Department Store in Tachilek from 18 to 27 January 2002.
A total of over 300 companies and entrepreneurs of Myanmar and Thailand will exhibit quality products at the trade fair with a view to exchanging points of view and to developing production and services sectors of the two countries. The programmes on traditional culture, music and sports of the two nations will be presented at the trade fair.
Tachilek District Peace and Development Council and the Myanmar-Thai Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association will make arrangements for transport and accommodation of the guests.
Those companies and organizations wishing to take part in the trade fair may contact Ma Sandar, in-charge of the exhibition, Shan Yoma Department Store, Tachilek, mobile Phone 01-2532746 and Asia Light Co in Yangon Ph 01-249086.
Chinese dance troupe presents entertainment programme
Yangon, 14 Dec- The Chinese cultural dance troupe led by Mr Bai Yaguang of Heilongjiang Province of the People's Republic of China, currently here under the cultural exchange programme between the two countries, presented an entertainment programme at the National Theatre here for the final day at 7 pm today.
Present were Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, departmental heads, officials of the Embassy of the PRC and fans. The dance troupe presented the stilts walking dance, music, gymnastics, singing of Myanmar songs and dances, playing of the lute, rural dances of the PRC,
magic show, playing of the flute and skill demonstration of skate to
the audience. It will perform at the National Theatre (Upper
Myanmar) in Mandalay on 16 and 17 December.
Inter-village road opened
Yangon, 14 Dec- The opening ceremony of the 1500 feet long and 12 feet wide gravel road linking Nanchaun and Saitamaut Villages built by Yedashe Township Development Affairs Department in 2001-2002 financial years was held at Nanchaun Village in the township on 12 December morning.
Present on the occasion were the director of Bago Division Development Affairs Department, member-1 of the District Peace and Development Council, the chairman of Township Peace and Development Council and departmental officials, members of social organizations, townselders and the public exceeding 2,500. Executive Officer of the township DAC U Kyi Tint explained matters related to the road and Director U Kyee Myint of Division DAD and member-1 of Division Peace and Development Council U Ohn Hlaing formally opened the road.
Then, the officials and the guests inspected the road.
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Cash donated to Myanmar Tennis Federation
Yangon, 14 Dec- A ceremony to present cash donated by lottery shop owners to the trust fund of Myanmar Tennis Federation was held at the State Lottery Directorate at the corner of Maha Bandoola Street and 37th Street this afternoon.
Present were Director of the SLD Maj Myo Myint, Secretary of MTF Dr Myint Soe and wellwishers lottery shop owners.
Dr Myint Soe briefed those present on achieving success of MTF.
The donations totalled K 2.75 million K 800,000 donated by U Kyint Hu (Aung Hsu Htoo Paing); K 500,000 each by U Myo Nyunt (Shwe La Min and Myat Hsu Gaday) and U Thein Tun (Aung Gaday Hein); K 300,000 by U Phone Myint (Soe Moe Kyaw and Waing Waing Le); K 150,000 by U Aung Sein (Shwe Pauk Pin + Ngwe Pauk Pin); K 100,000 each by U Tin Htoo and U Aung Lwin (Pyi Lone Chan Tha + Nyein Chan Yay and Kaba Kyaw), U Zaw Aung (Khaing Shwe Wah), and U Kyaw Than Zaw (Mya Dagun); and K 50,000 each by U Augn Tun (Aung Thabye), U Zaw Min (Yadanabon), U Kyaw Saw San (Maha Thahtay Min), and U Khin Zaw (Lamin Gabar).
Then, Dr Myint Soe thanked the wellwishers.
Donations for paying respects to doyen literati
Yangon, 14 Dec- A ceremony to donate cash to the funds for observance of Sarsodaw Day (1363 ME) and pay respects to the doyen literati was held at the office of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association at noon today.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Joint Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe),CEC members U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) and U Khin Swe ( Shwe Sonnyo), Joint Secretary of Fund-raising Committee U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Htaik-Thonze) and wellwishers.
Today's donations included K 50,000 by Mingala Taungnyunt Township WJA member U Kyaw Nyunt (Kyaw Nyunt Yi)-Daw Wa Wa Kyaw, K 10,000 by U Hla Tin, K 3,000 by National Literary Award Winner Zin Min-Thameinhtaw, K 500 by Daw Si Si Nyunt (Ma Sein Zaw), K 1,000 each by Secretary Thiha Nyunt Tin of Latha WJA, Maung Yin Htaik, Dawbon Township WJA, U Tun Yi-Moe Pan Mon (Yamanya), U Khin Maung-Daw Ahmar and U Chit Wai (University Library), K 3,000 by Secretary Daw Khin Myo Win of Kyimyindaing Township WJA, K 5,000 by National Literary Award Winner Tekkatho Sein Tin-Seint (Education), K 200 by Daw Aye Mu (Pan Su Yu) and 130 sets of ear-drops by Japan Medical House. Officials of MWJA accepted the donations and presented the certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Those wishing to donate cash and kind may contact Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association at No 529, second floor of Sarpay Beikman building, corner of Merchant Street and 37th Street or dial 252417/254173.
Kind donated to Children's Hospital
Yangon, 14 Dec- Japanese doctors who graduated from Nagasaki University and School of Medicine in 1966 and Dr Kuni Okubo donated blankets, mosquito nets and nutrious food worth K 10 million to Children's Hospital at 10 am today.
First, on behalf of wellwishers Professor Masaki Hirota explained the purpose of donationsÑ1,200 blankets, 600 mosquito nets and nutrious food: milk, eggs and so on. Medical Superintendent Dr Mya Thein accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the donors. Dr Mya Thein spoke words of thanks before the donation ceremony came to an