1 ) Government making systematic arrangements for
emergence of national education system which helps
promote interests of the people and the nation
Secretary-1 attends 81st Anniversary National Day ceremony
Yangon, 10 Dec-A ceremony to observe the 81st Anniversary National Day and the Sixth Anniversary of the Diamond Jubilee of Basic Education High School No 2 and Basic Education High School No 3 (Myoma
boys' and girls' schools) in Dagon Township was held at BEHS No 2 on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Present were ministers, the Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, members of the panel of patrons of the educational fund of Myoma
boys' and girls' schools, members of the board of treasurers, old Myoma students, members of the school boards of trustees of BEHS Nos 2 and 3, members of the Parent-Teacher Association, parents, school heads, teachers, students, wellwishers and guests.
Ma Chu Thazin, a ninth standard student, and Ma May Myat Noe Theint, a fifth standard student of BEHS No 2 in Dagon Township, acted as masters of ceremonies.
Next, the students of BEHS Nos 2 and 3 sang "Myanmar
kyaung" and the students of BEHS No 2 presented Shwehninzi variety dances to the accompaniment of Sein Myet Pyu saingwaing of BEHS No 2 in Dagon Township.
The Secretary-1 said the anniversary of Myoma School, the prize presentation ceremony for the new generation youth, the cash donation ceremony and the get-together of old Myoma students and new generation students are held annually.
This amounts to promoting the time-honoured traditions of Myoma School, which was put on record in the history of Myanmar's indepen-dence struggle.
After the emergence of the statue of Sayagyi Myoma U Ba Lwin, father of Myoma School, who is inseparable from the school, old Myoma students and new generation students are making efforts for construction of Myoma U Ba Lwin Hall. Such endeavours show the flourishing of Myoma spirit in the compound of Myoma School.
He said the State Peace and Development Council has been endeavouring on self-reliance to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with the world nations in terms of development.
The government is also striving for the improvement of education standard of all the citizens and uplift of patriotic spirit.
With the advances in science and technology, it is necessary for all citizens to possess ability and spirit which can safeguard and promote the interest of the people and the nation with constant national awareness during the globalization period.
That is why, he said, the government has laid down education promotion programmes and national education plans, and is implementing them with the aim of turning out brilliant students, upgrading the education up to international level and instilling a clear national outlook in them.
In other words, he said, the government is making systematic arrangements for the emergence of a national education system that helps nurture the students to be able to effectively promote the interests of the people and the nation with a clear and dynamic national outlook under any circumstances.
The revival of noble Myoma Spirit and tradition of Myoma School, which stimulated national awareness and patriotism in the Myanmar youth by dint of introducing the national education system in the period of Myanma independence struggle, helps realize the educational goals of the State.
The old students of Myoma School with great tradition are handing down their long experience, firm spirit and clear national outlook to the new generation youth, thereby steering them along the correct national path on which they had once walked. This effort is of great benefit to the nation.
The school board of trustees comprising the old students of Myoma School has raised a fund amounting to K 16.218 million since 1998 and had school buildings, classrooms and the lanes in the school compound upgraded with the use of the funds.
The opening of A-level multimedia classrooms
helps the new generation students acquire the education of
international standard. In addition, Basic Education High School No
2, Dagon Township, got ten computers, ten sewing machines and about
5,000 books on various subjects; Myoma Diamond Jubilee Educational Trust Fund Raising Committee provided computers for BEHS Nos 2 and 3.
After Myoma Diamond Trust Fund has been set up, educational cash assistance has been provided and prizes presented to outstanding students every year. It is the practical effort for the emergence of outstanding and stalwart sons and daughters.
Therefore, outstanding new generation youths are emerging from BEHS Nos 2 and 3, Dagon Township.
These schools won prizes at Myanma traditional cultural performing arts competitions every year. At the Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, three golds, four silvers and one bronze were won.
Maung Nay Aung and Ma Aye Kizzana Kyaw had a chance of participating in the study tour of the Republic of Korea and Japan respectively.
With respect to religion and culture, two teachers and four students went on a pilgrimage to Bodh Gaya with the assistance of the school board of trustees.
These instances show how the old students of Myoma School are providing assistance and how the new generation students are acquiring their good legacy. As Myoma Spirit and Myoma traditions are still alive and dynamic at Myoma School, the new generation youth who are dynamic, outstanding and patriotic, and cherish and preserve traditional culture are emerging.
The encouraging of the outstanding new generation youths helps inculcate a sense of diligence in them and stimulate firm determination in them.
So, the new generation student youth are required to acquire the good legacy bequeathed by the old students of Myoma School and to strive to become stalwart sons and daughters of the nation who can promote the interests of the race, religion and Sasana in accord with the tradition of Myoma School.
As for the old students of Myoma School, they are required to help promote the active spirit, firm determination and dynamic quality of the new generation youth, thereby turning them into good persons imbued with Myoma Spirit.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called for the active cooperation of the old students and the new generation students of Myoma School in implementing the objectives of the National Day Ñ to keep national unity and nationalistic spirit alive and dynamic; to preserve lineage; to promote national education; to perpetuate the independence and sovereignty of the nation.
The Secretary-1 inspected the painting of King Bayintnaung and Brothers entitled Our blood, our son, our
strength" by Saya U Thet Oo (Myoma) to be donated to National Museum and gave
( 2 )
Magway Sayadaw of leaves for Bangladesh
Yangon, 10 Dec - Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abbhidhaja Maha Ratha Guru Abbhidhaja Agga Maha Saddamma Jotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara left for Bangladesh by air yesterday evening on a missionary visit.
The Sayadaw was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Thayettaw Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kesara, Joint-Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Tejaniya and member Saya-daws of SSMNC, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint and officials and laity.
The Sayadaw was
accompanied by Picchasamana U Sasana.
Buddha Pujaniya, consecration
ceremony held at Botahtaung Pagoda
Yangon, 10 Dec- The golden jubilee Buddha Pujaniya of NanU Buddha Image at Botahtaung Pagoda was held in conjunction with the consecration ceremony of Zabu Okshaung Tilawka Marazein Buddha Image at Myanansankyaw Bilatpyan NanU Phayagyi Tazaung of the pagoda this morning.
Present were member Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, Oavadaariya Sayadaws of the pagoda, the chairman of Yangon Division Sangha Nayaka Committee and members of the Sangha of Five Nikaya Pitaka Thonbon Sarthintaik in Dagon Myothit (South) Township.
The Sayadaws consecrated the Buddha Image.
Then, the golden jubilee Buddha Pujaniya of NanU Buddha Image followed.
Ovadaariya Sayadaw of the pagoda Pyayabyu Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narindabhivamsa administered the Five Precepts.
Member of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Aung Hsu supplicated on the brief history of NanU Buddha Image and officials on casting of a replica bronze Buddha Image and holding of the golden jubilee Buddha Pujaniya.
Afterwards, officials donated provisions to the members of the Sangha. Then, sharing of merits gained. The congregation recited Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu three times.
Twantay Sayadaw Bha-ddanta Indaka, Tipitakadhara Tipitaka Kovida Bhaddanta Sirindabhibamsa (Yaw Sayadaw) and Sayadaw Bhaddanta „anissara (Sitagu Sayadaw) will deliver Dhamma Desana to mark the success of the golden jubilee ceremony, from 6 pm to 8 pm daily on 10, 11 and 12 December respectively.
Cash and provisions donated to Sasana University (Yangon)
Yangon, 10 Dec - Under the patronage of the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice and the judges of the Supreme Court, the families of the Justices held their eighth ceremony to offer
" soon" and cash donation to the Patron Sayadaw of the State Pariryatti Sasana University (Yangon), Lecturer Sayadaws and student monks at the Mogok Soonsar Kyaungsaung, Kaba Aye this morning.
It was attended by Chief Justice U Aung Toe and Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, judges and their wives, the director-general of Supreme Court, directors, the head of office and judges of division/district/township courts of Yangon Division.
The ceremony was opened with three-time recitation of namo tassa. Patron Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vannita invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Chief Justice U Aung Toe presented offertories to the Sayadaw.
Then, U Aung Toe presented K 100,000, which was accepted by Director U Tun Mya Aung of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana.
Afterwards, the Patron Sayadaw delivered a sermon. After sharing of the merits gained, the ceremony came to a close.
"Soon' was them offered to the Sayadaws.
( 3 ) 81st Anniversary National Day observed
in townships
Yangon, 10 Dec - The 81st Anniversary National Day 2001 was observed at Basic Education High School No 1 in Kamayut Township at 8 am today.
It was attended by Chairman of Kamayut Township Peace and Development Council U Wai Myo Khaing and members, departmental officials, members of Township Police Force and USDA, chairmen and members of Ward Peace and Development Councils, members of Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Myanmar Red Cross Society and students. Chairman U Wai Myo Khaing read out the message sent by Chairman of State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
A similar ceremony was held at Yadana Hall of BEHS No 2 in Thanlyin Township this morning, attended by township-level departmental officials, members of social organizations, teachers and students.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Kyin Han read out the message of Senior
General Than Shwe.
Lanmadaw Township observed the 81st Anniversary of the National Day at BEHS No 1 in the township this morning.
It was attended by chairmen and members of Township/Ward Peace and Development Councils, members of Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Township Work Committee for Women's Affairs, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Myanmar Red Cross Society, departmental officials, teachers and students.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Aung Kyaw Myint read out the message of Senior General Than Shwe.
Then, prizes were presented to winners of the National Day
Commemorative Essay and Poetry Competitions.
A similar ceremony was held at Aung San hall of BEHS in Seikkyi/Khanaungto Township this morning, attended by chairman and members of township Peace and Development Council, members of social organisations, departmental officials, teachers and students.
Chairman of township Peace and Development Council U Zali Phone Naing read out the message of Senior General Than Shwe. Head of Township Information and Public Relations Department Daw San Myint and Senior Assistant Teacher Daw May Nyunt
gave talks on National Day.
( 4 ) National Workshop on Mutual Legal Assistance begins
Yangon, 10 Dec - The opening ceremony of National Workshop on Mutual Legal Assistance, jointly organized by the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control and the Attorney-General's Office, was held at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 9.30 am today.
It was attended by Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Chief Justice U Aung Toe, Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Resident Representative of UN Drug Control Programme
Mr Jean Luc Lemahieu and Project Coordinator Mr Gerassimos Fourlanos, members of CCDAC, officials of Myanmar Police Force, those of the Attorney-General's Office, those of departments and organizations who will attend the workshop and invited guests.
First, Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye made an opening speech. Then, Resident Representative Mr Jean Luc Lemahieu and Mr Gerassimos Fourlanos also made speeches. After the opening ceremony, the workshop began. It continues till
12 December.
Minister for Energy receives Thai Minister and party
Yangon, 10 Dec - Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi received Chairman of Thai Tourism Authority and Minister at the office of the Prime Minister of Thailand Mr Somsak Thepsutin and party at his office on Pyay Road at 4 pm today.
The ministers discussed matters of mutual interest.
Also present on the occasion were Director-General U Soe Myint of the Energy
Planning Department and officials.
( 5 ) Deputy Minister inspects project sites in Chauk, Seikphyu
Yangon, 10 Dec-Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, accompanied by officials, on 4 December morning, arrived at the sites for construction of the Ceramics Factory of the Myanma Ceramics Industries and the Hydrogen Peroxide Factory of the Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries near Yedwin Village in Chauk and inspected the projects. Then, he attended to the needs.
The deputy minister proceeded to the briefing hall of the thit seint tree growing project of Myanma Foodstuff Industries in Seikphyu in the afternoon and inspected the condition of the nursery of thit seint saplings. The deputy minister also inspected the proposed site for the thit seint seed mill. After hearing reports presented by officials, the deputy minister fulfilled the
( 6 )
Wellwishers invited for sinking tube-wells
Yangon, 10 Dec - The Development Affairs Committees under the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs are making concerted efforts in order to get sufficient fresh water in rural areas in States and Divisions where there is a shortage of water. One 200 feet deep two-inch diametre tube-well costs K 250,000, one 400 feet deep two-inch diametre tube-well K 500,000 and one 200 feet deep four-inch diametre tube-well K 500,000.
Those wishing to donate cash for the project may contact Director-General (Ph 01-245420 and 253088), Deputy Director-General (Ph 01-240118), Director (Engineering) (Ph 01-291967), Director (Sagaing Division Development Affairs Committee) (Ph 071-21012), Director (Magway Division Development Affairs Committee) (Ph 063-23164) and Director (Mandalay Division Development Affairs Committee) (Ph 02-54657).
( 7 )
OPV given to children under five in Myitkyina
Yangon, 10 Dec- The Kachin State Seventh Year National Immunization Days was launched at the city hall in Myitkyina on 9 December morning.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen San Tun and wife Daw Tin Tin Sein, Commander of Myitkyina Airbase Brig-Gen Bo Kyi and wife, Secretary of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint Thein and others.
The deputy commander gave a speech.
Then, Head of Kachin State Health Department Dr Joseph reported on Kachin State Seventh Year National Immunization Days and showed babies who suffered from polio disease.
Next, the deputy commander and officials gave oral polio vaccines to children under five.
Afterwards, the deputy commander and officials inspected the places where the OPV giving ceremonies were held in wards of Myitkyina.
Similarly, the deputy commander and wife and officials gave OPV to children of Myitkyina
( 8
Foundation laying ceremony for construction of new Sayagyi
U Ba Lwin Hall of No 2 BEHS Dagon held
Yangon, 10 Dec-Foundation laying ceremony for construction of new Sayagyi U Ba Lwin Hall and cash donation ceremony were held at N0 2 Dagon Basic Education High School (Myoma Kyaung) in Dagon Township at 9 am today.
It was attended by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister for Energy U Tin Tun, members of Panel of Patrons for Education Fund in commemoration of Diamond Jubilee of No 2 and No 3 BEHS (Myoma
boys' school and girls' school), old students, members of school board of trustees, executives of Parent Teacher Association, teachers, students and wellwishers.
First, the foundation laying ceremony was opened with three time recition of namo tassa.
Then, the principal and members of the school board of trustees drove stakes at the designated places. The ceremony came to a close with the three time recitation of Buddha Sasanan Cirantithatu.
Officials performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark successful completion of the ceremony.
Later, cash donation ceremony for construction of new Sayagyi U Ba Lwin Hall was held.
Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, accepted cash donations: K 550,001 by Bandoola Family, K 500,000 by Super Coffee Mix family, K 500,000 by students of No 2 BEHS Dagon, and K 150,000 by Minami Trading Co Ltd and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, members of Panel of Patrons, members of school board of trustees and officials accepted cash donated by wellwishers and presented certificates of honour to them.
Later, officials presented prizes to outstanding students. Vice-president of school board of trustees of No 2 BEHS Dagon U Shwe (Bandoola) presented a pilgrimage ticket each to Buddha Gaya to ninth standard student Ma Htet Htet Aung and senior assistant teacher Daw Saw Thein of No 2 BEHS Dagon. On behalf of outstanding students, Maung Zin Lin Htet of BEHS No 3 Dagon and Principal of No 2 BEHS Dagon U Tin Hlaing spoke words of thanks. Then, the ceremony came to a
___________________________ ( 9
) 33rd ISD Weightlifting Contest, National Weightlifting C'ship 2001 opened
Yangon, 10 Dec - The opening ceremony of the 33rd Inter State/Division Weightlifting Contest and the National Weightlifting Championship 2001 was held at Aung San Stadium here this morning.
It was attended by Secretary of the Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik, patrons of the Myanmar Weightlifting Federation, Secretary U Tun Htain and executives and fans.
The contestants first took their positions in the ground, and champions of the previous year Mandalay Division men's team and Yangon Division women's team returned the championship shields to the director-general who made an opening speech.
The contestants recited the Four Sports Oaths. Then, contestants of 48 kilo division were introduced to the audience and the contests commenced.
In 48 kilo division of ISD contest, Nan Aye Khaing (Kachin State) stood first, Sein Sein Lwin (Yangon Division) second and Than Than Aye (Kachin State) third.
In 48 kilo division of the championship, Kyi Kyi Than (Myanma Railways) stood first, Kay Thi Win (YCDC) second and Nan Aye Khaing (Kachin State) third.
Altogether 105 contestants from 10 teams are taking part in the ISD contest
which will continue up to 13 December.