1 ) Message from the Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Senior General Than Shwe
on the 81st Anniversary of National Day
The following is the translation of the message sent by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe on the occasion of the 81st Anniversary National Day.
All the national people
Today is the 81st Anniversary National Day, which marks a national movement in the history of the independence struggle in Myanmar. As the colonialists forcefully suppressed nationalistic spirit with respect to the race, the religion, the Sasana and education, a national movement which paved the way to the regaining of Myanma independence was launched. The day on which the national movement started has been recorded in the history of Myanma independence struggle.
Myanmar people have great historical tradition and high culture. In the course of history, they have never taken lying down any foreign aggression and have repelled it courageously.
Although Myanmar sovereignty was lost following the unjust colonialist annexation, independence was regained due to love of the nation, patriotic spirit and Union Spirit of all the Myanmar national races. History bears witness to this fact.
Myanmar people have safeguarded their lineage; entertaining nationalistic spirit throughout successive eras, they have been living in unity and through thick and thin. Due to the divide-and-rule policy of the colonialists, misunderstanding occurred shortly after the regaining of independence. Now that national solidarity has been forged through the cooperation of the government and national people, it can be seen that peace and tranquillity is prevailing all over the nation and development is gaining momentum.
Science and technologies are advancing rapidly in the world; information and communication technologies can now be used extensively and effectively for the improvement of socio-economic life.
And today has been regarded and accepted as the knowledge age.
The government has been implementing education promotion programmes designed to contribute to the prevalence of peace and tranquillity and development of the nation since 1998. A four-year special national education promotion plan covering the education sector, the medical sector and the science and technology sector was laid down and has been implemented since the financial year 2000-2001. Now a 30-year plan is being implemented to promote the national education continuously.
To provide equal teaching and learning opportunities in urban and rural areas, multimedia teaching centres are being opened in basic education schools with the participation of the people and wellwishers. According to the working programmes of the special four-year national education promotion plan, an electronic data broadcasting system has been put into motion since 1 January 2001 with the aim of providing more learning opportunities by use of information and communication technology and overcoming difficulty with regard to place and time in the education sector. To develop human resources necessary for the nation and respective regions, 142 universities, degree colleges and colleges have been established all over the nation. In 1988, there were 32 universities, degree colleges and colleges; 110 new universities, degree colleges and colleges have now been opened.
Measures are being taken right from the basic education sector to ensure the emergence of human resources which can face and overcome the challenges in socio-economic life resulting from science and technological advances in the 21st Century, and to make sure that the value of national characteristics of a nation uplift of national prestige and integrity, preservation of cultural heritage and national character and the flourishing and propagation of patriotism does not decline with the progress of socio-economic life. In the higher education sector, courses including doctorate courses are being conducted to produce highly-qualified human resources, and other courses to fulfil region-wise needs under the arrangements of human resources development centres.
In each human resources development sector, it is
aimed at producing the new generation youth who are capable of
successfully carrying out the tasks of developing the nation and of
perpetuating the independence and sovereignty of the nation not only
by improving their education standard but also by inculcating them
with the quality of stalwart sons and daughters. I would like to
call on all in all seriousness to strive with full national strength
for the emergence of a new, peaceful, modern and developed nation in
accord with the national education policy which is being put into
execution for the emergence of highly-qualified and efficient human
resources necessary for the future nation and in accord with the
objectives of the 81st Anniversary National Day :
(a) to keep national unity and nationalistic
spirit alive and dynamic,
(b) to preserve lineage,
(c) to promote national education and,
(d) to perpetuate the independence and
sovereignty of the nation.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects construction work of Glass Hall, MICT Park, Bagan Teleport
Yangon, 9 Dec- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected construction of the glass hall in which Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept and all-round construction of Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township, Yangon Division, this morning.
Accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the Secretary-1 arrived at Mindhamma Hill at 11 am today. The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by the ministers, the deputy ministers, departmental officials, members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees and technicians.
First, the Secretary-1 paid obeisance to the Buddha Image.
Then, the Secretary-1 heard reports on progress in construction of the glass hall for the Image by Managing Director U Tint Hsan of ACE Construction and gave necessary instructions.
Next, the Secretary-1 inspected construction of the glass hall and all-round construction of Mindhamma Hill and necessary instructions to officials.
After that, the Secre-tary-1 and party proceeded to construction site of Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park (MICT Park) in Hline Township where they were welcomed by departmental officials.
Later, the Secretary-1 inspected progress in construction of the Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park (MICT Park) and Bagan Teleport building and gave necessary instructions to officials.
Cash donated for construction of Sasana Sitala
Dhamma Beikmandawgyi, cornerstone laid for replica of Shwedagon
Pagoda at Meditation Centre

Yangon, 9 Dec- The 22nd donation ceremony for
construction of Sasana Sitala Dhamma Beikmandawgyi and the
cornerstone-laying cere-mony for construction of a replica of
Shwedagon Pagoda on the top floor of the five-storey Sasana Sitala
Dhamma Beikmandawgyi of Nyaung-ganaye Meditation Centre under Mahasi
Meditation Centre were held at the Meditation Centre of No 6, East
Gyogon Ward on Insein Road in Insein Township at 9 am today,
attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Vice-Chairman of the State
Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Thayet Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Kesara, Maha Dhamma Kahtika Bahujanahitadhara
Nyaung-ganaye Sayadaw Bhaddanta Indaka and members of the Sangha,
ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, the chairman and members of
Nyaung-ganaye Meditation Centre Weiyawitsa Committee, wellwishers
and guests. First, the cornerstone-laying ceremony was held. The
Secretary-1 accepted the gem casket presented by well-wisher Daw Hla
Wady and put the casket at the centre of the foundation at the
auspicious time. Afterwards, Nyaungganaye Sayadaw, the Secretary-1
and the ministers laid cornerstones at the designated places.

Then, Director U Nyunt Maung of the Religious
Affairs Department read the Mingala Mawgun. The Secretary-1 put the
stone plaque at the centre of the foundation. Next, the Secretary-1
and party sprinkled scented water on the casket, the cornerstones
and the stone plaque. Chairman of Myanmar Thabin Asiayon U Sein Aung
Min read the Ratu marking the cornerstone-laying ceremony. After
beating drums and gongs nine times, the con-gregation recited Buddha
Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu three times. Then, the Secretary-1 performed
the rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the successful
completion of the ceremony. Next, the 22nd donation ceremony for
construction of the five-storey Sasana Sitala Dhamma Beikmandaw
followed. The Secretary-1 and the congregation took the Eight
Precepts from Agga Maha Pandita Thayet Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kesara.
Chairman of Nyaung-ganaye Meditation Centre Weiyawitsa Committee U
Win Kyi supplicated on completion of the Beikmandaw. Then, the
Secretary-1, ministers and wellwishers offered alms to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 accepted K 9,190,000
donated by Vietnamese Nun Ma Dhammanandi and family under the
patronage of U Agga-sami of Agga Pyinnyayama Dhamma Yeiktha in
Canada, K 3 million by Dr Daw Khin Yi and Shine Hope family under
the patronage of mother Daw San Yi, K 300,000 for second time by U
Kyaw Soe (Dipawati Construction)-Joint-Secretary Daw Hla Wady of
MWEA and K 1 million by daughter Daw Khin Su Lwin and grandchildren
in memory of late parents. The Secretary-1 then presented
certificates of honour to the wellwishers. Next, U Win Myint-Dr Cho
Cho Thant and family presented K 200,000, Ma Htay Htay Nyo, Ma Tin
Tin Win, U Soe Myint and family K 160,000, Daw Lun of Kyauktada
Township K 160,000, U Than Khin-Daw Saw Thin and family K 100,500,
Professor U Hla Myint Tun-Daw Khin Myo Nyunt and family K 100,000, U
Ohn Khaing-Daw Su Su May and family K 100,000, Daw Moe Khin, Maung
Tin San, Daw Kyin and family of Budalin Township K 60,000, Daw Hla
Than, Daw Tin Win and family K 60,000, U Hla Sein-Daw Yin Yin Htay
and family K 60,000, U Han Sein-Daw Nwe Yi and family K 50,000, Ma
Khin Cherry Nyein of Sangyoung Township K 50,000, U Zaw Min Aung-Daw
Khaing Khaing Aye and family K 50,000, U Tin Tun-Daw Khin Khin Aye
and family K 101,500 and U Aung Ko Ko-Daw Myint Myint Win and family
K 50,000 to respective ministers. Then, the ministers presented
certificates of honour to the donors. Afterwards, Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Indaka delivered a sermon. The Secretary-1 and party and the
wellwishers shared merits gained. Today's donations for construction
of the Beikman-daw by the wellwishers amounted to K 19,994,000.
( 3 ) National Immunization Days campaign registering 95% and above annually over the last six years
Seventh National Immunization Days set into motion
Yangon, 9 Dec- A ceremony to put the Seventh National Immunization Days into motion was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning with an address by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the deputy ministers, members of the National Health Committee, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, ambassadors of ASEAN nations, resident representatives and officials of UN agencies, heads of departments under the Ministry of Health and officials, medical superintendents, members of Division, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, representatives of local and foreign NGOs, those from organizations which have provided assistance for the effort to eliminate polio in Myanmar and guests.

The Secretary-1 said that it is the seventh time the National Immunization Days campaign has been launched with the participation of the entire national people as a national movement covering the whole country including the rural areas.
The active and harmonious participation of the entire national people in launching the National Immunization Days indicates the cooperation of the government and the people in striving to implement the national objective concerning uplift of health and fitness of the entire nation.
It is encouraging to see that the success of the National Immunization Days campaign, in which the entire national people have taken part with the aim of uplifting the health and fitness of the new generation of the future nation, registered 95% and above annually over the last six years.

The success achieved in launching the national movement for six successive years reflects the strength and firm determination of the entire national people.
In addition, it indicates the conscientious participation of the Union of Myanmar, a member of the world family, in the international effort to wipe polio off the face of the earth.
Therefore, to achieve the global goal of ridding polio of the world by the end
of 2003, Myanmar will launch the Seventh National Immunization Days campaign in cooperation with neighbouring nations such as Nepal, India, Butan, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Thailand and Yunnan Province of China this year.
As Myanmar is launching the campaign in synchronization with the neighbouring
nations, it is sure that polio can soon be wiped off the face of the
South-East Asian region. According to the reports concerning polio,
there were 60 people infected with polio in 1988, but there is no
one infected with polio in 2001. So, it can be said that there is no
polio disease in Myanmar.
The goal of eradicating polio by the end of 2003 is within reach, and sustained efforts are to be made to achieve the goal.
The State Peace and Development Council is building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, and, at the same time, striving for the improvement of the social, education and health sectors for all the citizens.
In the health sector, the governmental organizations, in cooperation with NGOs and the national people, are implementing the national health plans designed to improve preliminary health care with the aim of providing preliminary health care right down to rural and far-flung areas.
As the National Immunization Days campaign will be launched in all parts of the nation including remote areas at the same time, it can be regarded as a national movement which requires the active cooperation of the government, the people and NGOs.
During the first National Immunization Days campaign, 5.4 million children of under five have been twice fed polio vaccine; 5.5 million children in the second year; 5.6 million children in the third year; 5.7 million children in the four year; over 5.8 million children in the fifth year; over 6 million children in the sixth year.

The task of giving polio vaccine to all the children of under five all over the nation is a mammoth one. Organizing and management work has been carried out to see to it that about 38,000 polio vaccine feeding group comprising about 185,000 members give over 6.1 million children of under five polio vaccine twice this year.
Arrangements have been made to carry polio vaccines and to feed children polio vaccine at the right time. Arrangements have also been made to mount the campaign in border areas, far-flung areas and small villages at the same time, and after the ceremony, children all over the nation will be fed polio vaccine.
Parents also need to take their children to the nearest venues to have their children fed polio vaccine.
The people are also required to provide assistance for the polio vaccine feeding groups by contacting health employees from wards and villages.
Educational and organizing work has been done through mass media to inform individual people and families of facts about National Immunization Days and the efficacious value of polio vaccine. So, it is believed that the entire national people will participate in the campaign with conscientiousness.
The Secretary-1 said the first round of the Seventh Year National Immunization Days campaign was successfully launched today and he urged officials concerned and the entire people to participate in the second round of the Seventh National Immunization Days campaign to be launched nationwide on 13 January 2002.
He expressed thanks the governments of Japan and Australia and UN agencies, namely, World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their technological, material and financial assistance after recognition of Myanmar Government's united endeavours hand in hand with the people and social associations such as Rotary International, JICA, Japan Vaccines for the World's Children (JCV) and CDC (Atlanta).
He also expressed thanks 180,000 people including members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Women's Affairs Committee, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Health Assistant Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and social associations who will continue to participate in the Seventh Year National Immunization Days campaign and those who took part in the respective roles with spirit of community welfare and patriotism.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all to make efforts in harmony in accord with good traditions after realizing that the success of the tasks of the National Immunization Days was the lofty national objectives that would bring about the health and fitness of new generation youths and to make endeavours to become Myanmar and the world free of polio forever.
The Secretary-1 and party and guests observed the booth to mark the Seventh Year National Immunization Days.
The Secretary-1 and party and guests gave oral polio vaccine to children under five to mark the Seventh Year National Immunization
Secretary-1 attends coordination meeting on
construction of white elephant house
Yangon, 9 Dec- A work coordination meeting on building the house for Yaza Gaha Thiri Pissaya Gaza Yaza white elephant south of Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township, Yangon, was held at the briefing hall of the construction site at 10 am today.
State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended
the meeting and gave necessary instructions. Also present at the
meeting were ministers, deputy ministers, departmental heads and
responsible officials of respective subcommittees.

At the meeting, the officials reported on
arrangements for construction of the white elephant house, a garden,
the task of taking care of the white elephant and the growing of
plants to feed the white elephant. After hearing the reports, the
Secretary-1 attended to the requirements. Then, the Secretary-1
viewed the white elephant and inspected the construction of the
white elephant house and the garden. Later, the Secretary-1 left
necessary instructions.
( 4 ) Oral polio vaccines given to children in three townships

Yangon, 9 Dec- The oral polio vaccine giving team led by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Daw Yin Yin Myint, wife of the Minister for Health, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw May May Yi, Director-General Dr Paing Soe of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myan-mar) and wife, officials of the Ministry of Health and executive U Min Thein of Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development Association, arrived at No 4 Basic Education High School in Kamayut Township this morning.
They were welcomed by officials of Kamayut Township Peace and Development Council, the head and staff of Township Health Department, officials of social associations and students.

Head of Township Health Department Daw Myint Myint Nwe reported on oral polio vaccines.
The team led by Daw Khin Win Shwe gave oral polio vaccine to children under five and toys to them.
They went to Social Welfare Training School where they were welcomed by Mayangon Township Peace and Development Council, Head of Township Health Department, health staff, officials of social associations and students.
Head of Township Health Department Dr Khin Khin Kyu reported on oral polio vaccines.
Daw Khin Win Shwe and party gave oral polio vaccines to 132 children under five and toys to them.
Similarly, they gave OPV to 100 children at the Institute of Medicine-2 in North Okkalapa Township.
Altogether 38,555 children were given oral polio vaccines at 107 venues in Dagon Myothit ( South) Township
International and social organizations honoured
Yangon, 9 Dec- A ceremony to honour international organizations and social organizations, that gave assistance for the seventh year National Immunization Days of the Ministry of Health was held at the meeting hall of the ministry on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road in Dagon Township at 2 pm today.
Present were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general of the departments under the Ministry of Health, Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra, Representative of UNICEF Ms Pirkko Heinonen, Representative of Japanese International Cooperation Agency Mr Toshimichi Aoki, Representative of Japan Committee Vaccines for the World's Children Ms Kaoru Fujii and wellwishers and officials of international organizations and social organizations.
First, Dr Agostino Borra, Ms Pirkko Heinonen, Mr Toshimichi Aoki and Ms Kaoru Fujii made speeches.
Then, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers and spoke words of thanks.
( 5 ) Oral polio vaccines given to children in Yangon Division

Yangon, 9 Dec- Oral polio vaccine was given to children under five on the first day of the Seventh Year National Immunisation Days at respective venues today.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Director-General Dr Wan Maung and wife, Rector Dr Tha Hla Shwe of Institute of Medicine-2, Rector Dr Paing Soe of Institute of Dental Medicine, resident representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra, polio specialist Dr Duping, President of Myanmar Red Cross Society Dr Kyaw Win, Chairman of Myanma Music Asiyon U Ohn Kyaw, directors and officials of Ministry of Health, Yangon Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win and officials gave oral polio vaccine to children under five in Bahan, Thingangyun and Dagon Myothit (South) townships.
First, the minister and party arrived at No 1 Pre-primary School of Social Welfare Department in Kan-bawza Street, Shwe Taung Gya Ward-1 at 9 am today and gave oral polio vaccine to 60 children and presented toys to them. Altogether 6,003 children were given oral polio vaccine by 19 groups in Bahan Township today.
Then, the minister and party gave oral polio vaccine to 100 children at Thingangyun and Thuwunna Day Care Schools and presented toys to them. A total of 14,324 children were given oral polio vaccine by 119 groups in Thingangyun Township today.
Then, the minister and party gave oral polio vaccine to 125 children at Aung Zeya Hall in Ward, 26 Dagon Myothit ( South). Altogether 28,781 children were given OPV by 95 groups in Dagon Myothit ( South) Township
( 6 )
Minister inspects new Thonze Dam, Okkan Sugar Mill

Yangon, 9 Dec- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe, district and township authorities and departmental officials, inspected construction of the diversion weir of new Thonze Dam being implemented by Irrigation Department Construction Group-6 near Hlelanku Village in Thayawady Township this morning.
Deputy Director U Kyaw Myint Hlaing reported on progress in construction of the diversion weir and digging of left and right feeder canals.
The minister gave necessary instructions and attended to their needs.
At the main dam, officials reported on completion of work. Director-General of Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win gave a supplementary report. The minister gave instructions on construction of nine sluice gates for the irrigated area of Thonze Dam and the flood-prone area of Myitmakha River in rainy season and feasibility for construction of the sluice gates and the dams in the creeks between Bago Division (West) and Yangon Division.
Then, the minister inspected water storage, construction of the embankment, the sluice gate and the main feeder canal.
In the afternoon, the minister and party arrived at No 13 Sugar Mill (Okkan) in Okkan, Taikkyi Township. Managing Director U Myo Myint of Myanma
Sugar-cane Enterprise and the mill manager conducted the minister
round the mill. The minister and party inspected renovation of the
dryer at the sugar mill. At the briefing hall, the minister met
staff of the mill and members of Yangon Division Agriculture
Coordination Committee and gave instructions on growing of
sugar-cane to meet the target, boosting per-acre yield, water
availability and timely cultivation of crops.
( 7 )
OPV given to children at Ayeyawady Naval Region Command, Mingaladon Airbase, Yangon Command
Yangon, 9 Dec- The oral polio vaccine giving ceremony of first day of the Seventh Year National Immunization Days, organized by Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Botahtaung Township Health Department, was held at the officers Yeiktha of the headquarters this morning.
Present were Daw Aye Aye, wife of Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Daw Khin Aye Kyin, wife of Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, the chairman and officials of Botahtaung Township MCWA, officials and Tatmadaw families.
Then, OPV was given to 306 children under five years of age from staff quarters of the command headquarters and surrounding wards.
Similarly, the ceremony to give OPV to children was held at Maintenance Base MCWA Office this morning. Daw Mary Tin, wife of Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, attended the ceremony and gave OPV to children. Also present on the occasion were Commander of Maintenance Base Col Khin Maung Aye, the deputy commander, officers and their wives, Chairperson of the Base MCWA Daw Cho Mar Hlaing and members. Then, the vaccine was given to 135 children under 5.
A similar ceremony was held at Thura Maung Thein Hall of Mingaladon Airbase this morning, attended by Daw Mary Tin, wife of Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Daw Htwe Htwe Nyunt, wife of the Chief of Staff (Air). Also present were Commander of Mingaladon Airbase Brig-Gen Thein Myint and wife and officials. At the ceremony, the vaccine was given to 250 children.
Likewise, a ceremony was held at Pre-Primary School of Yangon Command Headquarters at 6 am today. Member of the Panel of Patrons of Yangon Division MCWA Supervisory Committee wife of the Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Daw Khin Ma Lay and members of the panel of patrons and Mayangon Township Health Department Dr Daw Kyu Kyu. Then, OPV was given to 168 children.
Similarly, the OPV was given to 100 children at Defence Services General Hospital.
Commandant Col Tin Thein Lwin, Chairperson of the MCWA of DSGH Daw Kyi Kyi Win and responsible personal gave OPV to 110 children. The children were also given toys.
Likewise, the OPV giving ceremony was held at the Defence Services Records Office at 8 am today. Defence Services Records Office Commandant Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Chairperson of the MCWA of DSRO Dr Daw Thi Thi Aye, responsible personal and Red Cross Brigade members gave OPV to 407 children. The 13th baby show was also held hailing the 54th Anniversary Independence Day.
Ministry of Defence gives polio vaccine
Yangon, 9 Dec- Under the supervision of the Maternal and Child Welfare Association of the Camp Commandant's Office, the Ministry of Defence, a ceremony to launch the seventh year first round of National Immunization Days was held at the Nawaday Family Quarters at 7 am and the Myawady Family Quarters at 8 am today.
It was attended by Camp Commandant of the Office of the Camp Commandant, the Ministry of Defence, Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein and wife, Chairperson of MCWA of the Camp Commandant's Office Daw Amy Khaing, officers and other ranks, families of the office and members of the Township Health Department.
At the ceremony, Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein and wife Daw Amy Khaing and officials gave polio vaccine to a total of 612 children under five.
After the ceremony they also fed nutritious food to the children.
( 8
Polio vaccine given to under-fives
Yangon, 9 Dec- The Maternal and Child Welfare Association of the Special Investigation Department under Myanmar Police Force observed the Seventh Year National Immunization Days in the compound of Aungthabye Police Yeiktha on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township this morning.
MCWA Chairperson of SID Daw Khin Hla Myint and EC members gave polio vaccine to children under five.
A ceremony to launch the Seventh Year National Immunization Days was held at the PeopleÕs Hospital in Thanlyin, Yangon South District, this morning.
Local authorities and officials fed polio vaccine to the children under five.
The polio vaccine feeding group also gave vaccine to the children under five in the wards of Thanlyin Township.
Lanmadaw Township also launched the Seventh Year National Immunization Days at Basic Education High School No 2 in the township. Present were Lanmadaw Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Aung Kyaw Myint and wife, Head of Township Health Department Dr Daw Tin Nyunt and staff, Head of Township Development Affairs Committee U Min Nyunt and party and members of the Working Committee for Women's Affairs, the Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade.
The Seventh Year First-Round National Immunization Days campaign was launched in Hlegu Township this morning.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Swe, Head of Township Health Department Dr Tun Lwin and staff, township-level departmental heads and members of MCWA,
USDA, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, ward authorities and the
people. The Township Peace and Development Council chairman and the
head of Township Health Department opened the ceremony. Then, the
children of under five were given polio vaccine.
Dancing troupe from PRC arrives
Yangon, 9 Dec- According to the China-Myanmar Cultural Cooperation programme, the 31-member dancing troupe from the People's Republic of China led by Mr Bai Yaguang arrived here by air this afternoon to perform dances in Myanmar.
The troupe was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Director-General of Fine Arts Department of Ministry of Culture U Kyaw Win, Director U Ngwe Tun and officials and Cultural Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in Myanmar Mr Ren Xiuzhi and officials.
The troupe will entertain the public at the National Theatre in Yangon on 13 and 14 December at 7 pm and at 7 pm on 16 and 17 at the National Theatre in
___________________________ ( 9
Paper reading session held
Yangon, 9 Dec- The third " Knowledge Bank" paper reading session of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association was held at the hall of the association today.
It was attended by Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) and CEC members of MWJA, chairmen, secretaries, executives and members of township WJAs in Yangon Divsion, literati and guests.
Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) acted as master of ceremonies.
Chairman of Working Committee for Holding Paper Reading Session U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) explained the arrangements for the session.
Resource persons U Myint Han and U Kyaw Zaw Naing read the papers on
"Educational Research" and on "Copyright" respectively.
Then, chairman of MWJA presented a certificate of honour to Daw Khin Khin Sein (Yuwaddi Khin Sein Hlaing), who gave assistance for the holding of the session.
Writer Yuwaddi Khin Sein Hlaing and U Tun Aung Chein will also read their papers on
"Writing of Myanmar Novel" and "the Evolution of Early Myanmar
History" in the next session to be held on 30 December.
Soe Kyaw Naing retains champion title in Golf Tournament
Yangon, 9 Dec- The final round of Myanmar Professional
Golfers' Association and Myanmar Golf Federation President's Trophy Men's and Women's Golf Tournament and the prize presentation ceremony were held at Hanthawady Golf and Country Club in Bago, Bago Division, this evening.
Present on the occasion were President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi and executives, officials of Bago Division Peace and Development Council and Rothmans of Pall
Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd and spectators.
After the fourth day's play, Brig-Gen Win Hlaing gave a speech at the prize presentation ceremony.
General Secretary U Aung Kyi presented prizes to daily best golfers Soe Moe Aung, Zaw Zaw Latt and Nanda Kyaw (YCDC) in the amateur division and Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson), Myint Shwe (Rapier), Zaw Paing Oo (Pan-West) and Soe Myint Lay (Wilson) in the professional golfers division respectively.
Group Brand Manager Mr Bob Ortega of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd presented the third prize to Miss L Ji Hyui (Korea) who fired with 239 strokes in the women's handicap event, the second prize to Myint Myint Thein (Forestry) with 231 and the first prize to Swe Swe Win (Agriculture and Irrigation) with 214, and the second prize to Yin Yin Aye with 262 strokes and the first prize to Khin Thu Thu (YCDC) with 234 in the women's scratch event.
Joint Deputy Managing Director Maj Paw Khant of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd presented the third prize to Nanda Kyaw (YCDC) of Yangon Division with 309 strokes, the second to Thein Zaw Myint with 304 and the first to Zaw Zaw Latt
with 295 in the amateur divison.
MPGA and MGF President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented first, second and third prizes to Aung Win (YCDC) with 293 strokes, Zaw Paing Oo (Pan-West) with 291 and Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) with 286 in the professional golfer division respectively.
Deputy Managing Director Maj Paw Khant presented a cheque to Champion Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) and the souvenir for Hanthawady Golf and Country Club to Club Director Lt-Col Lay Myint (Retd).
Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd mainly sponsored the tournament together with co-sponsors Yangon Airways, Canon (Accel International Co Ltd), KM Golf Centre, Wilson, Ping and Callaway Golf with the aims of developing the golf standard in Myanmar and turning out new generation golfers.
The tournament was organized by Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd.