1 ) Secretary-1 attends coordination meeting for opening Myanmar Maritime University

Yangon, 6 Dec- A coordination meeting on opening of Myanmar Maritime University was held at the meeting hall of Institute of Marine Technology on Bayintnaung Road this evening, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department and guests.
Addressing the meeting, the Secretary-1 said: the Institute of Marine Technology under the Ministry of Transportation has been nurturing marine technicians for maritime transportation sector. Arrangements are being made for opening of a Maritime University based on IMT. Scholars have held discussions on several
sectors curriculum development, teaching and so on with a view to establishing of the university of on inlovrational stondaval.
The government has laid down plans and is carrying out tasks giving priority to human resources development. There were only 32 universities and colleges before 1988. A total of 144 universities and colleges have been opened to date. All-round measures are being carried out laying down plans for fulfilling the requirements for intellectuals and technicians who constitute the main driving force for emergence of a peaceful modern and developed country.
The Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance to take measures for teaching advanced maritime courses which are indispensable for building a modern developed nation, he said. He also urged those present to discuss the opening of the university according to schedule.
Then, Minister for Transportation Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe gave an account on measures being taken for opening of the university. Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Deputy Ministers for Transportation Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, heads of department and scholars reported on organizational set-up of the university, appointment of teachers, drawing of a curriculum, construction of buildings and collection of books and teaching
The Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements. He said: several meetings have been made by scholars and heads of departments to teach international standard courses lectured at Myanmar Maritime University. There are already intellectuals who are skilled in international maritime courses. The university to be opened is to give birth to international standard maritime officers, engineers and architects for ship building. In conclusion, he urged officials concerned to take systematic measures for drawing of a curriculum, collecting of supporting materials, appointment of teachers and others for emergence of a world class maritime university.
( 2 ) Construction of Shwelaung Bridge in progress
Yangon, 6 Dec- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun inspected Shwelaung Bridge Project in Ayeyawady Division yesterday.
First, the minister inspected the work being carried out in building the Wakema-Shwelaung road section during the open season. The Wakema Township Engineer briefed the minister on points of the project. The minister stressed systematic laying of the granites.
At the Shwelaung Bridge Project, the minister heard a report on accomplishments in implementing the project presented by Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Lay.
Concerning the approach structures, Superintending Engineer U Ye Myint Swe and officials explained the areas where the structures will be built. The minister looked into the requirements.
The length of each approach structure is 700 feet. The main bridge is 500 feet long. A motorway on it is 13 feet 10 inches wide. It can bear 36-ton loads.
Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected Shwelaung-Pantanaw Road. Engineers explained pro-gress in building the road. The minister attended to their needs, speaking of the need to build the road in accord with the standard procedures.
Ministry of Home Affairs presents cash donations for doyen literati
Yangon, 6 Dec- The Ministry of Home Affairs presented cash for the fund of the ceremony to pay respects to doyen literati to be held in commemoration of Myanmar Sarsodaw Day (1363 ME) at the meeting hall of the Press Scrutiny and Registration Division on Wingaba Street in Bahan Township at 2 pm today.
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing attended the ceremony and delivered an address. He also presented cash donations.
Also present at the ceremony were Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Chairman of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice-Chairman-1 U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha), Vice-Chairman-2 U Than Maung (Than Maung), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun- Twantay) and CEC members, Deputy Director-General U Maung Win of the General Administration Department, Director U Aye Tun of PSRD, Commissioner of Yangon Division General Administration Department U Thein Swe, heads of the district general administration departments, publishers, and others.
The minister said the ministry is contributing as much as it can to the progress of the Myanmar literature, and spoke of the need for printing-press owners, publishers, proprietors of recording studios and scholars to strive in unison for the development of the literary world.
The annual donation of cash amounts to repaying the gratitude of doyen literati, he said. He also urged the doyen literati to produce more writings which are of great benefit to the country and the people as well as to the literary world.
The minister handed over the cash donations amounting to K 6,005,814 donated by the Ministry of Home Affairs for the respect-paying ceremony to Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung).
Next, Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) presented a certificate of honour to the minister and spoke words of
( 3 ) Immigration & Population Minister meets with staff
Yangon, 6 Dec- Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa met with staff of the departments under the ministry at the meeting hall of the Population Department on Maha Bandoola Street at 2 pm today.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Immigration and Population U Maung Aung, Director-General of the Immigration and National Registration Department Col Maung Htay, Director-General of the Population Department Col Tin Yi, deputy directors-general and advisers, directors, deputy directors, assistant directors and staff officers totalling 232.
The minister gave instructions on functions of the ministry, discipline, morale and welfare work.
Training Course for PT instructors ends

Yangon, 6 Dec- The Training Course No 8 for physical training instructors (basic education teachers) concluded at the Sports and Physical Education Institute of the Sports and Physical Education Department this morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, the Deputy Minister for Education, the Deputy Minister for Health, the Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism, directors-general and officials from SPED and Basic Education Departmet, guests and trainees.
The minister delivered a speech and presented the literary award to Daw Than Than Oo of Yenangyoung Township BEMS-8, the training award to U Min Min Oo of Myeik Township BEHS, the model trainee award to U Khin Maung Aye of Myitkyina Education College and certificates to a representative of trainees.
On behalf of the trainees, a trainee presented K 10,000 for the Library of SPEI. Director-General U Thaung Htaik accepted the donation and the ceremony came to an end.
A total of 83 trainees from States and Divisions attended the eight-week course.
Contract for sole agent signed
Yangon, 6 Dec- A ceremony to sign the contract to appoint Shwe Thanlwin
Trading Co Ltd as the sole agent in Myanmar to widely distributes Sakai Brand
road construction equipments manufactured by Sakai Heavy Industries Ltd of
Tokyo, Japan, was held at the Traders Hotels on Sule Pagoda Road this evening.
It was attended by Minister for Construction Maj- Gen Saw Tun, Deputy ministers,
departmental heads, officials of Shwe Than Lwin Trading Co Ltd and Sakai Heavy
Industries Ltd and Guests.
Managing Director Daw Myint Myint Win of Shwe Thanlwin Trading Trading Co Ltd
and Mr ASkira Oda of Sakai Heavy Industries Ltd signed the documents and
exchanged them. Senior Managing Director Mr Akira Oda made an opening speech and
Vice- Managing Director Mr Susa of Shwe Thanlwin Trading extended
greetings. Then, Mr Watanabe of Sakai Heavy Industries explained notable
facts about the Sakai Machinery with the aid of video. Manager U Ko Ko Aye of Shwe Thanlwin Trading explained matters related to
after- sale-service and spare parts and Vice- General Manager U Kyaw Kyaw Soe
arrangements for the sale of Sakai heavy equipment.
( 4 )
Minister receives Japanese

Yangon, 6 Dec- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Chairman of Japan Committee
'Vaccine for World Children' (JCV), Japan, Mrs Kayoko Hosokawa at his office at 3 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and
Mayor inspects poultry farming centres in Mingaladon Township

Yangon, 6 Dec- Chairman of Yangon City Deve-lopment Committee Mayor U Ko Lay inspected poultry farming centres and of a fertilizer plant being con-structed by YCDC in Mingaladon Township this morning.
First, the mayor arrived at a layer-farm in Pale Myothit, Mingaladon Township where officials reported on raising of quality foreign broilers and layers.
The mayor stressed the need to constantly raise the chicks to meet the set numbers, to make arrangement in order to fully distribute the chicks to other farms in addition to farms of YCDC, to sell the broilers to consumers at reasonable prices and to boost income.
Then, the mayor arrived at feedstuff mixer in Pyinmabin and inspected the storage of feedstuff and supplements in three sheds each with capacity of 500 tons and gave necessary instructions.
Next, the mayor arrived at the construction site of bio-mass fertilizer plant in the compound of Htaukkyant Layer Farming Centre and gave instructions on timely completion and meeting the set standard.
Chicks for broilers and layers are available at Production Division of YCDC (Ph 287635), Htaukkyant Poultry Farming Centre (Ph 600296) and Pale Poultry Farming Centre (Ph 727185).
( 5 ) Commander inspects agricultural tasks in Kyaukse
Yangon, 6 Dec- Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, Kyaukse District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein and officials, arrived at farmer U Win Maung's late monsoon long staple cotton field in Kin Village, Kyaukse Township, on 4 December morning.
The commander inspected pilot plots of cotton strains in the field and gave instructions to officials.
The commander proceeded to Kin Village river water pumping project.
At the project briefing hall, Deputy Director of the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems U Than Hlaing reported on work being done and water supply situation. The commander attended to the needs.
Then, the commander went to the 3,521-acre Lungyaw model agricultural farm in the same township. After inspecting the quality of cotton strains and the plantations in the farm, the commander gave instructions.
In the afternoon, the commander arrived at the one-acre model monsoon paddy field of farmer U We Kyaw in Ohnbinchan Village-tract, Singaing Township, and inspected the harvesting and threshing of monsoon paddy, samples of paddy strains, pilot plots of paddy strains, test plots for spray ferlitizers and pesticides, and multiple cropping of green gram. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
The per acre yield of Manawthukha paddy grade-1 in the model farm is 101.73
Commander attends opening of track and field competitions
Yangon, 6 Dec- An opening ceremony of inter-township track and field
competitions of Taninthayi
Division was held at the Shweweithiri sports square in Dawei on 28 November morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Aye Kyway, Brig-Gen Maung Oo of Dawei Station and senior military officers, members of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, athletes, sports fans and guests.
The athletes, after taking position at the designated places in the field, saluted the commander, who later made an opening speech. Next, the athletes swore sports oath. Then, the commander took the salute of the athletes.
After the ceremony, the track and field events followed.
Commander Maj-Gen Aye Kyway and responsible officials presented the championship shield to Myeik Township and prizes to other prize-winning athletes.
Commander inspects road construction in
Kyaikmaraw Township
Yangon, 6 Dec- Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, together with departmental officials, inspected construction of Tayana-Kawtwon-Kawt-panaw road and the bridge in Kyaikmaraw Township on 4 December.
Then, the commander met with members of Kawtwon and Kawtpanaw Villages Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel, members of social organizations and educational staff at the respective villages, and discussed matters related to rural development, construction of roads linking villages, education, health, water supply and agricultural and livestock breeding, and attended to the requirements.
The 37-mile-and-7-furlong-long road which links Yadana Village and Chaunghnakhwa Village is under construction. Plans are under way to find an axis to extend the road up to Katonsi Village.
In the afternoon, the commander arrived at Mawla-myine Industrial Zone construction site. Officials reported on work being done sectorwise and future tasks.
After that, the commander gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the needs.
( 6 )
Tailoring course of MMCWA opened
Yangon, 6 Dec- The conclusion ceremony of Tailoring Course No 19/2001 for women's wear and opening ceremony of course No 20/2001 for women's wear and course No 2/2001 for men's wear, organized by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, were held at the multi-purpose building of MMCWA at the corner of Parami Street and Thanthuma Street in South Okkalapa Township, at 9 am today.
It was attended by Chairperson of MMCWA Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, central executive committee members, the patrons of the Course Supervisory Committee, course instructors and trainees.
The chairperson made a concluding speech and presented certificates to the trainees of the tailoring course section (A); the Vice-Chairperson, certificates to the trainees of the tailoring course section (B) and prizes to outstanding trainees Ma Lei Lei and Ma San San Htay.
Afterwards, the trainees presented souvernirs for the Domestic Science School to Patron of the Course Supervisory Committee Daw San San Myint. The trainees then spoke words of thanks and paid respects to the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, CEC members, the patrons of the courses and the instructors. The opening ceremony of tailoring courses was held. The courses are opened bimonthly at the association.
Myanmar Encyclopedia comes out
Yangon, 7 Dec- Myanma Encyclopedia for 2001 published by Sarpay Beikman of Printing and Publishing Enterprise of the Ministry of Information is in circulation. The book consists of three parts.
Part-1 includes brief news items of significant events out of events at home and abroad in the year 2000 while part-2 includes special articles on Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, Myitta Yeikmon Cancer Foundation, Publishing in Myanmar, Latest findings on AIDS, the Sixth Sangha Synod's Museum, Myanma Gems Museums, Narcotic Drugs and Today's Youths and anthropoid primates. Over 200 photos of events at home and abroad in year 2000 are included in
The copies of the book are available at Sarpay Beikman Book Shop on Merchant Street, Branch of Sarpay Beikman Book Shop at corner of Theinbyu Road and Anawrahta Street, and Sarpay Beikman Book Shop on Mindhamma
Hill at K 450.
( 7 )
Wellwishers invited for sinking tube-wells
Yangon, 6 Dec- The Development Affairs Committees under the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs are making concerted efforts in order to get sufficient fresh water in rural areas in States and Divisions where there is a shortage of water.
One 200 feet deep two-inch diametre tube-well costs K 250,000, one 400 feet deep two-inch diametre tube-well K 500,000 and one 200 feet deep four-inch diametre
tube-well K 500,000. Those wishing to donate cash for the project may
contact Director-General (Ph 01-245420 and 253088), Deputy
Director-General (Ph 01-240118), Director (Engineering) (Ph 01-291967),
Director (Sagaing Division Development Affairs Committee) (Ph
071-21012), Director (Magway Division Development Affairs Committee) (Ph
063-23164) and Director (Mandalay Division Development Affairs
Committee) (Ph 02-54657).
Medical equipment donated to YCH
Yangon, 6 Dec- A ceremony to donate medical equipment a Bilimeter and a Digital Camera worth K 2.2 million for Yangon
Childrens' Hospital was held at the Hospital at 10 am today.
Present at the ceremony were Medical Superintendent Dr Mya Thein of YCH, paediatricians matrons, well-wisher Vice-Chairman U Aik Tun of Asia Wealth Bank and others, and guests. On behalf of the wellwishers, U Aik Tun explained the purpose of the donation.
The Medical Superintendent and responsible officials accepted the donations
K 500,000 donated by Vice-Chairman U Aik Tun; K 200,000 by Dr Myat Thu, Dr Sandar Tun and Dr Than Than Nu of Asia Royal Cardiac and Health Centre; K 150,000 by U Aik Yi of Yadana Theingi Co Ltd; K 100,000 each by U Kyin Tun of Newest Garment Co Ltd, U Thein Han of Tokyo Pipe, Dr Ko Ko Gyi of Diamond Star Co Ltd, U Soe Thein of Theinthangaday Cheroot Co, U Myat Min of Myanma Ahla Construction, U Htay Aung of Sakura Specialist Centre, U Nay Win, U Aung Thein, U Hla Soe and U Myo thant of Bayintnaung Brokerage, U Ye Tun of Myanma Nino Pearl Farming, U Htay Yin of Smile World Co Ltd and U Myint Thein of Western Park Restaurant; K 50,000 each by U Myint Shwe of Shwebayin Construction, U Maung Maung Gyi of MMG Construction, U Aung Tha Latt of TT International Co Ltd, U Ohn Myint of Htutkhaung Co Ltd and U Sein Thit of Tosta Group Limited; K 30,000 each by U Maung Maung Lay of Maha Bandoola Co Ltd and U Htay Khaing of Aungthapyay-khaing Trading Co Ltd; K 20,000 each by U Thein Oo of ACE Computer and U Than Myint of Tosta Construction.
Then, the medical superintendant presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers
and spoke words of thanks.
( 8
U Hla Tun leaves for Singapore
Yangon, 6 Dec- U Hla Tun, the founding member of the Asia Pacific Hospice Plliactive Care Network (APHN) Council and Chairman of U Hla Tun Cancer Hospice Foundation, and party left here for Singapore by air yesterday evening to attend the meeting of the council to be held on 6
Educative talks on health held
Yangon, 6 Dec- The educative talks on health jointly organised by the Myanmar Medical Association (Central) and EAC (Dumex), and cash presentation ceremony were held at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road on 1 December. Present were rectors of the Medical Institutes in Yangon, professors, specialists, doctors, officials of EAC (Dumex) and invited guests.
First, Resident Manager of EAC (Dumex) U Peter Moe Kyaw made an opening speech and presented 300 FECs for MMA to the official of MMA(Central). Then, Heart Specialist Dr Lim Min Kang of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Paediatrician Dr Aye Aye Myint gave educative talks on health and replied to queries raised by those present.
___________________________ ( 9
National races go on cross-country tour
Yangon, 5 Dec- A 114-member study group comprising national races from Kyaingtaung and Kyaingkham regions in Monai Township, Shan State, arrived at Taunggyi on 28 November evening.
The members of the study group visited Hsutaungpyi
Pagoda, Yattawmu Pagoda, Shwephonepwint Pagoda and Myoma Market. The study group also enjoyed the pagoda festival and the hot-air balloon festival at Sulamuni Pagoda.
They visited Inlay PhaungdawU Pagoda on 30 November morning and studied traditional weaving industry at Heya Ywama village.
Then, they went to ShweU Min Pagoda in Pintaya.
They arrived at Mandalay on 1 December.
They went to Kantalu
Pagoda, Kaunghmudaw Pagoda and the cultural museum in Sagaing on 2 December morning.
They also visited SoonOo Ponnya Shin Pagoda and had rest and recreation at U Pein Bridge and Taungthaman Lake.
Then, they studied Mandalay Royal City and Shwekyaungdawgyi and paid homage to pagodas on Mandalay Hill.
On 3 December afternoon, they visited Dhammayangyi Temple, Thabbyinnyu Temple, Hsinmyashin Pagoda and Bu Pagoda in NyaungU.
On 4 December morning, they visited Shwesigon Pagoda, Bagan Ancient Pagoda No 392 (C), Pagoda No 1802 (C), Lawka Hmankin Pagoda, Lawka Nanda Pagoda and Alodawpyi Pagoda and made donations to the fund of the pagoda.
Then, they went to Bagan Ancient Cultural Museum and the Institute of Lacquareware.
In the afternoon, they visited Myathalun Pagoda in Magway.
The members of the study group visited Shwesandaw Pagoda and Shwebonthamuni Pagoda and studied Nawadae Bridge spanning the Ayeyawady in Pyay on 5 December morning.
Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe and wife, members, the secretary of Division Union Solidarity and Development Association, members of District and Township USDAs, members of the Committee for Women's Affairs and Women Entrepreneurs Association and Maternal and Child Welfare Association hosted a lunch in honour of the members of the study group.
The members of the study group arrived at Yangon in the evening.
Director-General of the Department for the Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Than Swe met with the members of the study group this morning.
Then, the members of the study group led by Deputy Director of the DPBANRDA Maj Nyan Lin Myint visited the Shwedagon Pagoda.
They were welcomed there by members of the pagoda board of trustees.
Then, they went to Maha Wizaya Pagoda.
Afterwards, they proceeded to the headquarters of USDA.
Member of the Central Executive Committee of USDA U Thein Sein extended greetings to them and explained the objectives of the association.
CEC member U Thein Sein and the study group exchanged gifts.
Then, they looked around the USDA headquarters.
In the evening, they underwent eye-tests at the eye hospital and were given spectacles free of charge.
MGF President's Trophy Golf Tournament begins
Yangon, 6 Dec- A ceremony to open Myanmar Golf Federation President's Trophy men's and women's golf tournament was held at Hanthawady Golf and Country Club in Bago Division this morning.
Present on the occasion were President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, Secretary General U Aung Kyi, Director (Public/Education) U Nyan Tun of Sports and Physical Education Department, guests and fans.
Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, Police Col Aung Gyi of Bago Division Myanmar Police Force, London King Size Brand Manager U Min Tala Nyan of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd teed off to start the tournament.
In Professional Golfer's level, Soe Kyaw Naing (defending champion) and Myint Shwe of Rapier were leading with 70 strokes together with his followersÑWin Aung of Pan-West, Min Naing of Srixon with 71 each and Zaw Paing Oo with 72.
Soe Moe Aung was leading with 74, followed by Aung Thin and Zaw Zaw Latt with 76 each and Thein Aye and Aung Kyaw Kyaw with 76 each in amateur event (men). Defending Champion Nanda Kyaw secured position 16 after the first day's play.
Official sponsors of the tournament are Yangon Airways, Canon (ACCEL International Co Ltd), KM Golf Centre, Ping and Callaway Golf. The tournament is organised by Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd. The tournament continues