1 ) State Peace and Development
Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to
Kingdom of Thailand
Yangon, 5 Dec- On the occasion of the
birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej which falls on 5
December 2001, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace
and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar,
has sent messages of felicitations to His Majesty King Bhumibol
Adulyadej, King of Thailand, and to His Excellency Dr Thaksin
Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand.
( 2 ) Responsibility to maintain, promote results of
peace, unity lies with national brethren themselves
Tatmadaw government has awakened spirit of national solidarity through fraternal spirit to restore unity among national people
Secretary-1 attends inauguration of Nyein-chan-ye Geha, Kachin
Traditional Inlon-innan New Harvest Festival in Myitkyina
Yangon, 4 Dec- The inauguration ceremony of Nyein-chan-ye Geha (the House of Peace) and the Kachin Traditional Inlon-innan New Harvest Festival was held at the new Nyein-chan-ye Geha in Myitkyina, Kachin State, at
10 am yesterday, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, Commander of Myit-kyina Airbase Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, Deputy Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen San Tun and senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, the Japanese Ambassador, Charges d'Affaires ai of embassies in Yangon, resident representatives of UN agencies, members of Kachin State, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, peace negotiators, national race leader U Za Khun Ting Ring of Kachin State Special Region-1 and members, national race leader U La Mon Tu Jaing and members of Kachin State Special Region-2, national race leaders who have returned to the legal fold, Chairman of Nyein Foundation Rev Dr Sabwe Jum and members, priests, students of Naungnan Theological College, cultural troupe members of Kachin national races and local

A ceremony to unveil the stone inscriptions to mark the opening of Nyein-chan-ye Geha was held. The students of Naungnan Theological College sang religious songs.
Then, Rev Htawshei Lwandaung gave blessings.
Afterwards, the Secre-tary-1 unveiled the stone inscriptions.
The Secretary-1 and party, national race leaders and guests wished the State and the people to enjoy the fruits of peace forever. They then freed doves to mark the restoration of peace.
Then, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori, peace negotiator U Khun Myat,
national race leader U Za Khun Ting Ring of Kachin State Special Region-1, national race leader U La Mon Tu Jaing of Kachin State Special Region-2 and townselder U Shaungwa Daunglwan formally opened the Geha.
Afterwards, the opening of the Geha and Kachin
Traditional Inlon-innan New Harvest Festival was held in the Geha.
First, vocalists K Ja Nu G Zon Ki and Kaw Mai sang the song entitled Perpetual Prevalence of Peace.
Then, Shweset Baptist Church presented songs and the Geha and Kachin Traditional Inlon-innan New Harvest Festival were formally opened.
General Secretary Rev Mahn Say La of Po Kayin Baptist Conference of Churches gave blessings.
Chairman of Nyein Foundation Rev Dr Sabwe Jum extended greetings.
Next, Rev Dr Sabwe Jum presented Shatsam medal to the Secretary-1.
Then, K Ja Nu sang the song Auspicious Day.
Afterwards, Rev Dr Sa-bwe Jum presented Shat-sam medal to national race leader U La Mon Tu Jaing of Kachin State Special Region-2, the Kachin traditional sword and the silver gong to Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and Shatsam medal to national race leader U Za Khun Ting Ring of Kachin State Special Region-1.
Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 expressed pleasure for the emergence of the Nyein-chan-ye Geha to bring peace and prosperity not only to the Kachin State but also to the entire nation. The Nyein-chan-ye Geha will continue to stand as a milestone in history commemorating the prevalence of peace and auspiciousness and strengthening of national
solidarity of Kachin State.
He wished that the Nyein-chan-ye Geha might serve as the symbol of peace, urging the national people of Kachin State to continue to preserve the peace, unity, consolidation and national solidarity to enable Myanmar to stand tall as a developed and consolidated Union among the world
There can be seen instability, economic downturn, death and destruction, uncertainties and depression in the world at present.
At present, the Union of Myanmar is enjoying unprecedented results of the unity and development, the noble accomplishments in which the entire nation should take pride. All the people of Myanmar
should understand that peace, stability, unity and development have
been achieved through mutual efforts based on love and respect,
sympathy, forgiveness, goodwill and sincerity.Once the nomads, the ethnic Jingpaw, Maru, Rawang, Lisu, Lacheed, Azee formed the Kachin race 2,500 years ago at the time when events were started to systematically recorded in history; likewise, it has been firmly recorded in history that the national race groups such as Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bama, Mon, Rakhine and Shan united and firmly formed the Myanmar race.
All the national brethren should know from their heart that despite the difference in the names of the races such as the Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bama, Mon, Rakhine and Shan they have the common historical and cultural background.
The ethnic races of the Union who had lived together in unity and harmony for many many years were cleverly put under divide-and-rule policy for a certain period during which the nation was under subjugation. Due to the divide-and-rule-policy and manipulations there appeared different ideologies, beliefs and doubts among the national people leading to destruction of unity, peace and stability.
The Tatmadaw government has awakened the spirit of national solidarity through the brethren spirit to restore unity among the national people.
The entire Union, including the Kachin is enjoying good results of peace as the national brethren have understood the noble goodwill and sincere attitude and joint hands with the government for progress.
According the historical evidences, the responsibility to maintain and promote the results of peace and unity lies on the national brethren themselves. So also results can be achieved in making of the harmonious efforts based on the spirit of national solidarity and the Union spirit only through sincerity.
Kachin State is enjoying the results of peace due harmonious efforts based on sincerity; thus, the local people are able to join in hands with the government in implementing regional development tasks.
He said the government is now making efforts for harmonious development of all regions of the Union based on State fund, requirements of the regions and development prospects without dividing hill or plain regions or urban or rural areas.
Roads and bridges are being built for ensuring smooth and secure transport which is the very basic factor for development. In Kachin State, Bala Min Htin, Mali Yan, Moe Le and Namhsamyan Bridges and other medium and small bridges were built and arrangements are being made for construction of more bridges, he said.
He said the government has spent a large sum of money in construction of major and medium bridges included in special projects in Kachin State. Bhamo-Momauk-Waingmaw-Myitkyina-Sumprabum-Putao Road which leads to Bala Min Htin Bridge was constructed for linking southern and northern parts of Kachin State, he added.
Regional roads such as Myitkyina-Tanai-Panhsaung-Ledo road, Myitkyina-Sadone-Kanpaikti road and Mogaung-Karming-Phakant road were built, he said.
Old roads in Kachin State were repaired and new Bhamo-Shweku-Tagaung-Thabeikkyin-Mandalay road on the east of Ayeyawady River were also constructed.
Moreover, one degree college, one government technological college and one government computer college are under construction in Bhamo region.
The government implemented border areas development programmes including education, health and agriculture tasks with added momentum and it has spent a great deal of money in regional development in Kachin State.
All Kachin nationals have witnessed the significant progress in Kachin State due to the government's priority in the development tasks, he said.
He said the government has built better foundations for regional development in a short time. Regional and economic progress and improvement of socio-economic life of the regional people are good results of peace made by national races, he said.
Peace has been restored due to perseverance, courage, diligence of the national people, mutual understanding, tolerance and goodwill among the races and efforts for the interests of the nation, the Union and all national people.
Nyein-chan-ye Geha was established to put on record of endeavours and sacrifice of the people, better foundations of peace and value and essence of peace for posterity.
It was a significant effort of far-sighted high-ranking officials, he said.
He spoke of the need for all national races to make concerted efforts for strengthening of peace, unity and better foundations for progress in Kachin State and perpetuation of the Geha.
The Secretary-1 also urged the new generation youths to make endeavours for perpetuation of peace and the Geha.
In conclusion, he urged all to maintain and safeguard the Geha for perpetuation, to place emphasis on value and essence of peace among the national races and cooperate for perpetuation of the Union among the nations of the world based on national solidarity spirit and the Union spirit.
Then, members of the cultural troupe sang the song on the peace.
Rev Dr Sabwe Jum then presented Kachin traditional sword and the bag to Japanese Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori.
The Ambassador spoke words of thanks.
Then, the Catholic church sang the songs.
Afterwards, Rev Maung Thaung of Kayah Baptist Church read the bible.
Chairman of Myanmar Baptist Council Rev U Tha Din gave blessings for the peace of the State.
Next, the Chairman of Myanmar Council of Christian Churches U Saw Margeygyi gave blessings.
Then, General Secretary Rev U Hsin Wah Naw of Kachin Baptist Christian Association gave blessings for the new harvest festival.
Chairman of Nyein Foundation Rev Dr Sabwe Jum then gave blessings.
The Secretary-1 and party, national race leaders and guests viewed round the hostels in the compound of Nyein-chan-ye Geha.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 signed in the visitors' book.
Then, Secretary-1 and party, national race leaders and guests were served with meals at the
( 3 ) Local people's understanding of State's goodwill leads to
further flourishing spirit of national solidarity, Union spirit
Secretary-1 looks into regional and human resources
development tasks in Myitkyina, Putao

Yangon, 4 Dec- Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party arrived at Dhamma Rakkhita Wuntho Kyaung-taik in Myitkyina at 8 am yesterday.
The Secretary-1 and party paid homage to Vice-President Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Silavamsa and members of the Sangha and presented offertories to them.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party visited newly built Hsutaungpyi reclining Buddha image in the town. The Secretary-1 made a cash donation and signed in the
visitors' book.
He arrived at Manaw Villa in Sitapu Manawkwin in the town where he was welcomed by patrons of Kachin Traditional Cultural Association, members of the Committee for Organising Manaw Festival, national race leaders, and members of the cultural association.
He was presented Magunlit, the Kachin Traditional cuisine, by Lesu, Lawwaw, Rawun, Zaiwa, Lachik and Janephaw races. He then arrived at the construction site for extension of Myitkyina-Sumprabum- Mula Shedi (Putao) road, jointly undertaken by KIO Kachin Special Region-2 and Jade Land Myanmar Co Ltd.
Project Director U Loak Tan Gee reported to the Secretary-1 on construction of 206-mile long road that was to be extended up to 14-ft wide road with 4-ft wide sidewalk at the temporary briefing hall of the project.
Then, National Race Leader U Zaung Khaya of Kachin Special Region-2 recounted experiences in extending the road and requirements to the Secretary-1 who later fulfilled the needs and inspected the construction tasks of Myitkyina-Sumnprabum road section at the entrance to Myitkyina.
The Secretary-1 arrived at the Kachin State Home for the Aged in the town. He heard the reports on location of the home for the aged, ground plan of the buildings and condition of buildings under construction, agriculture and livestock breeding tasks, measures to take care 50 elderly 25 grandpas and 25 grandmas preparations to open the home for the aged by Chairman of the Kachin State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Hla Thaung. Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa gave a supplementary report.
After giving necessary instructions there, the Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by Deputy Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen San Tun, left Myitkyina for Putao and arrived there at 3.15 pm.
The Secretary was welcomed there by Acting Tactical Operations Commander Lt-Col Kyaw Htoo, Chairman of Putao District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Myo, members of Township Peace and Development Council, departmental officials and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association. Director-General U Win Oo of Department for Civil Aviation briefed on extension design of the airport, condition of construction tasks, design plan for rooms at the hall of the airport to the Secretary-1.

After leaving necessary instructions there, the Secretary-1 proceeded to affiliated Basic Education Middle School in Namhat Village, Tamule Village-tract in Putao where he was welcomed by Kachin State Education Officer (Inspection) U Kyaw Tun, Township Education Officer Daw Janan, Headmaster U Phone Maung Phone, teachers, students and townselders.
The Secretary-1 met cordially with teachers and fulfilled the needs.
Afterwards, he inspected classrooms of the school and condition of teaching and learning there. He also inspected new school building being constructed with the cash assistance given during the previous tour.
After presenting gifts to the townselders, he proceeded to General Hospital in Putao where he was welcomed by Medical Superintendent Dr Theinga Aung
and doctors. He inspected operation theatre and wards. The
Secretary-1 met with the doctors and staff at the hall of the
hospital and made a speech. He said that the 50-bed hospital has
been upgraded to 100-bed one to provide better health care for the
local people; that doctors, nurses and health care staff are to
strive to be able to give full treatment to the patients.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Khakaborazi Yeiktha in Putao.
In meeting with national race leaders there at 7.30 am today, he explained condition of regional development tasks, prospects, future tasks and assistance to be rendered by the State.
He then presented gifts to the national races leaders.
He also met with members of Putao District Peace and Development Council,. departmental officials and members of USDA at the Bandoola hall in the town and made a speech.
Chairman of Putao District Peace and Development Council U Kyaw Than and Chairman of Machanbaw Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Than reported him on paddy cultivation and sufficiency of rice education, health, transport, road and bridge construction and requirements in omplementation of the plans.
Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said the Putao District which is located in the northernmost tip of Myanmar is also a border region. All the departmental personnel should understand the fact that more efforts are required for progress of the region which is difficult to reach from the plain regions.
National races such as Bama and Shan including people of Kachin stock are living in the district.
The people of Bama stock are also a race of the Union like other ethnic peoples such as Kachin and Kayah. The combined name of all the national races of the country is called Myanmar. Thus all the national people should have the conviction that the Myanmar represents all the national brethren such as Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Bama, Mon, Rakhine and Shan.
The government has been giving priority to progress of border areas with a view to ensuring a proportionate development among all the regions.
The departmental personnel discharging duties in the Putao region should have the conviction that they, on behalf of the State, have the duty to develop the region which is located in the remote border area.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has already given guidance on seven tasks for progress of the rural areas.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, collective efforts should be made to seek means to develop the transport, health, education and agricultural sectors and the living standard of the people of the rural areas.
The State will render assistance to extend paddy cultivation and for commercial cultivation of jinxing, pepper, ligzhi mushroom and other crops in the region.
The government departments will provide assistance to conduct livestock breeding on commercial scale and to create new farming opportunities.
As the 50-bed Putao Peoples Hospital has been extended to a 100-bed facility, the departmental personnel should strive to promote public heath care activities.
Arrangements are under way to upgrade the Myitkyina-Putao Road. The local authorities and departmental personnel should render assistance to manageable-scale projects to ensure smooth and secure transport.
The region will develop and the living standards will further improve depending on the harmonious efforts of the authorities and departmental personnel.
Encouragement and assistance should be given to the voluntary social organizations such as Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Womens Affairs Committee, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade to use their force to the full capacity in launching regional development tasks.
The more the region gains progress and the living standards improve, the more local people will understand the States goodwill leading to further flourishing of the spirit of national solidarity and Union spirit.
The Secretary-1 presented 200 dozens of exercise books for basic education students in Putao District to Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Myo.
He then presented the painting to the Secretary-1.
After that, the Secretary-1 and party went to Putao BEHS where they were welcomed by Headmaster U Philip Khaung Lun, teachers and students.
First, the Secretary-1 inspected extended construction of the two-storey school building and attended to the requirements.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented teaching aid video tape and books to the headmaster. The Secretary-1 inspected the altar room, the domestic science room, the computer room and the learning centre.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at the training school for development of national youths from border areas in Putao.
Director of Education and Training Department U Nan Aung reported on matters related to the school.
Then, the Secretary-1 urged officials to strive for accomplishment of the aims of the school. The Secretary-1 presented garments and personal goods to 62 trainees.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 cordially met staff of Putao Township Accounts Office. Next, they went to Putao Theravada Buddha Central Missionary School and paid homage and offered provisions to Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Indaara and members of the Sangha.
After that, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Dotthan BEHS in Putao.
At 10.30 am, a ceremony to open the multimedia teaching centre was held at the school, attended by the Secretary-1.
Also present were ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, Deputy Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen San Tun, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, district and township authorities, departmental officials, state and township education officers, officials, the headmaster, teachers, students and local people.
First, Headmaster U Kyaw Win Naing and Chairman of SBT U Da Khwam Zein opened the multimedia classrooms.
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard and inspected the computer room, the audio visual room, the audio room, domestic science room and the music and arts room and skills of the students.
Then, the opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre continued.
Headmaster U Kyaw Win Naing and Chairman of SBT U Da Khwam Zein reported on efforts for emergence of the multimedia teaching centre of the school.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 presented teaching aid video tapes and two computers to the headmaster.
He thanked wellwishers, members of School Board of Trustees, regional authorities and teachers who provided assistance for opening of multimedia teaching centre at Dokehtan Basic Education High School in Putao.
He said the government is implementing education promotion programmes nationwide for human resource development with the participation of the people. Progress has been made in implementation of the government's educational objectives due to active participation of the people.
Students' all-round skill demonstration on education, sports and arts show their talented ability, he said.
The school will surely produce intellectuals and intelligentsia who will effectively contribute towards the emergence of a modern developed nation if their brilliant ability is combined with modern equipment of multimedia teaching centre, he said.
The Secretary-1 urged all to make efforts for successful implementation of the State's educational objectives in cooperation with school board of trustees, systematic teaching of teachers and endeavours of the student youths.
Next, the Secretary-1 had photos taken together with members of school board of trustees, donors, teachers and students.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Myitkyina and arrived back here in the evening.
CEC members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw met executives of District and Township USDAs and members in Putao on 3 December. They discussed solidarity of the association, organizational matters and community welfare services.
Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa met service personnel of Kachin State, District and Township Immigration and National Registration Departments in Myitkyina on 2
( 4 )
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann receives Armed Forces
Training Director-General of India

Yangon, 4 Dec- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence received Director-General of Armed Forces Training, India, Maj-Gen Ashok Vasudeva and party at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence at 10.30 am today.
Also present were Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Deputy Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint and Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Acting Colonel General Staff (Air) Lt-Col Zin Yaw, visiting delegates, Ambassador of India Mr Vivek Katju and Military Attache Col Shakti Gurung of Indian
Minister for Foreign Affairs sends felicitations to Kingdom of Thailand
Yangon, 5 Dec- On the occasion of the birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej which falls on
5 December 2001, His Excellency U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Dr Surakiart Sathirathai,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand.
Commerce Minister receives guests

Yangon, 4 Dec- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of Bangladesh to Myanmar Mr Ahmed Rahim and party and Managing Director Mr Vijay Iyengar and party of Agrocop International Pte Ltd of Singapore at his office at 1 pm and 2 pm today respectively.
Present at the calls were Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department U Nay Win and officials of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading.
( 5 ) Tatmadaw Judo and Acrobatics
Competitions open
Yangon, 4 Dec- The opening ceremony of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's of Shield for Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Judo and Acrobatics competitions was held at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna this morning.
On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than delivered an opening speech. Senior military officers, guests, coaches, contestants and fans also attended the ceremony.
The teams of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) took part in the competitions.
After the opening ceremony, acrobats of Myanmar Acrobatics Federation presented skill demonstration. Then, the competitions followed. The competitions continue till 11 December at the same
Financial Management Course opens
Yangon, 4 Dec- Financial Management Course No 2/2001 of Ministry of Industry-1 opened at the training hall of the ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 7.30 am today with an
address by Minister for
Industry-1 U Aung Thaung.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, course instructors and trainees.
The two-month course is being attended by 33 trainees.
Minister inspects road and bridge construction
Yangon, 4 Dec- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials from Public Works, inspected the construction site on Yangon-Pathein Highway yesterday morning.
The minister heard reports on tasks being carried out in the open season and storage of construction materials by Senior Engineer U Kadaw of Yangon North District and Superintending Engineer U Ye Myint Swe of Ayeyawady Division. The minister gave instructions on systematic supervision of minimizing loss and wastage and attended to requirements.
Then, the minister and party arrived at the Darka Bridge construction project, where Project Engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U On Zapa reported on progress of work so far achieved in constructing the bridge to the minister. The minister urged officials concerned to carry out the tasks to meet the set standards and to strive for timely completion of the bridge. He also fulfilled machinery requirements.
Next, the minister and party inspected Darka-Einme road.
Then, the minister and party inspected Labutta-Einme-Kyaunggon-Kyon-pyaw road and gave instructions.
Afterwards, the engineers of Ayeyawady Division and Wakema District and Township reported on tasks to be carried out in open season to the minister and party at the temporary briefing hall. The minister left instructions on systematic maintenance and completion of the project in
( 6 )
Central Cooperative Society,
Cooperative Unions meet
Yangon, 4 Dec- Officials and executives of Central Cooperative Society and Cooperative Unions under the supervision of the Ministry of Cooperatives held a coordination meeting at the ministry this morning.
Present were Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, directors-general, the managing director, chairmen of cooperative unions and officials.
The minister gave a speech.
Officials took part in the discussions. Then, the minister gave the concluding
Education Minister attends meeting to implement 30-year long-term plan (basic education)
Yangon, 4 Dec- Minister for Education U Than Aung attended the meeting on implementation of the 30-year long-term plan (basic education) which was held at the Diamond Jubilee hall here this morning.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung,
directors-general, deputy directors-general, chairmen and directors
from the ministry, rectors, professors, state/division education
officers, principals from education colleges, officials,
district/township education officers from No 3 Basic Education
Department, school heads from basic education schools.
The minister made a speech. He said that the
State has made a 30-year long-term plan from 2001-2002 to 2030-2031
to be able to establish an education system that can create learning
society and to be able to meet the challenges of the present
knowledge age. Staff and basic education teachers are to actively
take part in the six 5-year short-term plans for the rapid
development of qualified human resources and to overcome challenges
of knowledge age as a national duty, he added. The directors-general
from the Education Planning and Training Department and the Basic
Education Departments explained the long-term plan. The meeting came
to a close with concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
Sawn timber supplied to development tasks
Yangon, 4 Dec- Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Phone met with members of Ward and Village-tract Peace and Development Councils, executives of Ward and Village-tract Union Solidarity and Development Associations, organizers and members from Thekon Village and Mangayle Village of Dedaye Township, Pyapon District, Thakanwa Village of Bogalay Township, Kyankin Village and Kyonhashankwin Village of Gyowa, Pyapon Township, Kalatyat Village and Kyonkalut Village of Kyaiklat Township, Layeinzu Village and Malatto Village of Maubin Township and Mezale Village of Nyaungdon Township, and supplied sawn timber necessary for the construction of schools, clinics, bridges and libraries of the respective villages for
carrying out the rural development tasks.
( 7 ) ASEAN ISIS-JCIE-Myanmar ISIS Workshop opened
Yangon, 4 Dec- The opening of the second ASEAN ISIS-JCIE-Myan-mar ISIS, organized by the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies, the ASEAN Institute of Strategic and International Studies and the Japan Centre for International Exchange, was held at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road here this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of Myanmar ISIS Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, ambassadors from ASEAN member nations, invited guests and officials from ASEAN ISIS and JCIE.
Minister U Win Aung, Mr Jusuf Wanandi of Indonesia, Dr Pranee Thiparat of Thailand and Dr Tadashi Yamamoto of Japan made speeches at the opening
Director-General U Thaung Tun of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs chaired the first session, held at
3 pm. Mr Jusuf Wanandi and Dr Rizal Sukma of Indonesia Centre of Strategic and International Studies and Lt-Gen Agus Widjojo from the Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarters and Dr Djisman S Simanjuntak from CSIS presented papers on International Developments in Indonesia under political, military and economic areas.
Director-General Dr Pranee Thiparat of Thailand ISIS chaired the second session which was held next.
Dr Segundo Romeo of the Philippine Institute of Strategic and Development Studies, General Ismael Villareal (Retd) of the Philippine Armed Forces, Mr Joel B Lasam of the Philippine National Economic Development Authority presented papers on International Developments in the Philippines under political, military and economics headings.
Then, the meeting came to a close.
Minister U Win Aung hosted a dinner in honour of those present at Karaweik Palace.
The meeting continues tomorrow.
Hlegu Township MCWA opens delivery room
Yangon, 4 Dec- A ceremony to open a new delivery room of Hlegu Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Yangon North District was held at the delivery room on Phaunggyi Street, Aung Mingalar Ward, Hlegu Township, this morning.
Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe and Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe formally opened the delivery room.
Then, the chairperson, the vice-chairperson and officials inspected the delivery room and gave instructions.
At the ceremony, the chairperson delivered a speech.
Chairman of the committee for opening the delivery room Chairman of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col San Ma Tu explained efforts for opening of the delivery room.
Chairman of Supervisory Committee of Yangon Division MCWA Head of the Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win spoke words of thanks.
Afterwards, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented equipment for the delivery room and medicines to member of Panel of Patrons of Yangon Division MCWA Daw Khin Ma Lay.
Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Swe presented pennants to mark the opening ceremony to Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Ma Lay, Lt-Col San Ma Tu and Dr Tin Maung Win.
Wellwishers presented cash donations for the delivery room medical trust fund to Daw Khin Ma Lay and Dr Tin Maung Win.
Bago Township MCWA gets new delivery room

Yangon, 4 Dec- The opening of a delivery room of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association in Bago Township, Bago Division, was held at Mingalar Hall of Bago Township MCWA this morning.
Present were the chairperson, the vice-chairperson and members of MMCWA, the patron and members of the
Division MCWA Supervisory Committee, Division departmental officials, members of the Division MCWA, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, and band troupe totalling about 500.
Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe made an opening address. Chairman of Supervisory Committee of Bago Division MCWA Head of the Division Health Department Dr Maung Maung Myint reported on efforts made for opening of the delivery room.
Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented equipment for the delivery room and medicines to Patron of Supervisory Committee Daw Kyi Kyi Ohn. Secretary of the Supervisory Committee Daw Aye Myint spoke words of thanks and presented commemorative pennants and gifts to the officials.
Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and Daw Kyi Kyi Ohn formally
opened the delivery room. Those present viewed the delivery room.
( 8
) USDA CEC member tours
Magway Division
Yangon, 4 Dec- Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha and officials met with personnel of the Planning Departments in Pakokku, Yesagyo, Myaing, Pauk and Seikphyu townships at the office of Pakokku District Planning Department on 1 December and gave instructions.
On 2 December, Union Solidarity and Development Association CEC member U Soe Tha met with secretaries and executives of Division/District/Pakokku/Township USDAs at the Pakokku District USDA office, and left instructions.
The CEC member attended the ceremony to present teaching aids donated by the district USDA at Pakokku BEHS No 1.
The minister delivered a speech on the occasion, and presented a computer set to the headmaster. The minister inspected construction of the examination centre which can hold 500 members of the Sangha at No 4 Ward in Pakokku.
He met with secretaries and executives of district/township USDAs, organizers, townselders, teachers and members at Hseywa Village No 56 BEPS, Kukkohla Village-tract, and spoke on the occasion.
The CEC member presented offertories to the Sayadaw of West Chaukkan Village in Pakokku Township.
After that, the minister met with townselders, members of the School Board of Trustees, teachers and students of No 104 BEPS in the same village.
Tazaungdaing festival held in Taunggyi
Yangon, 4 Dec- Under the supervision of Shan State Peace and Development Council, the ulamuni Lawka Chantha Pagoda Pujaniya and the Tazaungdaing festival was held in Taunggyi beginning 25 November.
On 29 November morning, the 54th Taunggyi Maha communal Kathina pro-
cession was held from Myoma Market to the Myole Dhammayon of Atula Marazein Pagoda through Bogyoke Aung San Road and Sao San Tun Road.
On 30 November morning, "soon" was offered to the Sayadaws. At noon, the Kathina robes offering ceremony was held at the Dhammayon. Present were State Ovadariya Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Theindaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta handadhika and members of the Sangha, Deputy Commander of Eastern Command Col Myint Aung and military officers and officials.
Deputy Commander Col Myint Aung supplicated on the religious affairs. Then, the Deputy Commander and officials donated Kathina robes
to the Sayadaws and shared merits gained. A total of 289 padethabins were donated at the
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Heroin blocks seized in Muse
Yangon, 4 Dec- A combined team comprising members of local intellingence unit and MPF, acting on information, searched a bus with number plate (1ka/7280) near Yepusan Village, Muse Township, northern Shan State, on 20 November and seized passenger La Khun, son of U Zaw Yeim of Mongkoe,
together with four heroin blocks weighing 1.43 kilos. Action is
being taken against him under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law.