1 ) Teachers required to strive for regional development, promote education standard of local people, instil clear national outlook in them
Special Refresher Course No 46 for Basic Education
Teachers concludes
Yangon, 26 Nov - Special Refresher Course No 46 for Basic Education Teachers concluded at the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) in Hlegu Township this morning with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office, heads of departments, Rector of CICS Col Win Maung, officials, course instructors and trainees.
The Secretary-1 said that it is believed that as basic education teachers have completed the refresher course, they have had a clear understanding of the objective conditions and prospects of the nation and national requirements demanded by these objective conditions and prospects.
With the fresh outlook and ideas acquired from the refresher course, the teachers are believed to be able to assess everything from the political, economic and social points of view and to promote national interests of the places where they are assigned duty.

In addition, they have already known education policies, educational aims and short- and long-term education plans and working programmes
of the State. Therefore, employing the new efficiency and fresh
outlook obtained from the refresher course, they are required to
strive for the materialization of the educational aims of the State
at places where they are assigned duty. A study of international
situation shows that things are changing at an unpredictable speed.
Under these circumstances, defending of the
nation and promotion of national interests are a great feat which
enables the nation and the people to stand shoulder to shoulder with
others. Amidst these things which are changing very rapidly, the
government, enlisting the participation of the entire national
people, is striving to build up the physical and spiritual
capabilities which play a crucial role in defending and safeguarding
the nation.
While efforts are being made for the development of the State today, it is necessary to focus not only on economic development but also on spiritual development such as education, health and social development.
At the closing ceremony of Myanma Affairs and International Studies Course No 3 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given the guidance with respect to morale and capabilities which all the national people are to be imbued with as follows:
"It is the affairs of the whole Myanmar society to modernize and develop the nation and to ensure peace and tranquillity in the nation. The building of a peaceful, modern and developed nation necessitates the high conviction and active cooperation of the people. It is necessary that all the national people are to possess an international outlook as well as political, economic, national defence and management
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, it is the national duty of the education sector of today to see that all the national people have the spirit of and are capable of actively and unitedly cooperating in the development tasks of the nation and to build good foundations which contribute to the process of building a constant learning society.
Education plays a crucial role in uplifting the morale and efficiency of the people, especially nurturing the student youth to become good citizens in accord with the requirements of the nation.
Therefore, in the education sector, efforts are being made not only to improve the standard of formal education but also to build a constant learning society with the aim of uplifting the education standard of the entire national people.
That is to say, arrangements are to be made to see that formal education is part of the education promotion programme of the entire national people.
Therefore, the duty of teachers of today is not only to teach the student youths but also to nurture them to become stalwart sons and daughters of the nation and to behave as such in human society.
Teachers themselves are required to work hard for the development of the respective regions where they are assigned duty, to promote education standard of local people to instil a clear national outlook in them.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, government departments, government employees, social organizations and local people are cooperating in implementing the five development tasks better transport conditions of rural areas, sufficient drinking water supply, education, health and economic development.
Therefore, while discharging educational duty, teachers are to carry out organizing work to see that local people are health-conscious, live healthy lives and use hygienic drinking water.
In addition, they are to organize and lead the people in carrying out health activities such as the national immunization days and the environment day.
They are also required to work for the emergence of irrigation and transport facilities at places where they are assigned duty, maintenance of these facilities and to see that local people use these facilities beneficially.
Furthermore, they are to carry out educative and organizing work and provide assistance for the development of agricultural tasks, livestock breeding tasks being carried out on a manageable scale and economy of the region.
To ensure that schools possess their typical characteristics, to furnish them with necessary furniture and teaching aids, to keep schools and their environs clean and pleasant and to carry out school activities in accord with the education calendar, teachers are to cooperate with students, parents, school boards of trustees and social organizations.

The government is endeavouring to see that all the school-age children go to school and 80 percent of them finish primary education. Teachers are required to actively participate in this programme designed to raise the number of children who go to basic education primary schools.
Local authorities, government departments, parents and social organizations are implementing this programme under the leadership of the government by carrying out mass activities such as the school enrolment day, collecting the number of school-age children and providing assistance such as school uniforms, exercise books, stationery and necessary expenses for children who have difficulty going to school.
Therefore, there was an increase in the
primary school enrolment by 91% in 1999-2000, by 91.5% in 2000-2001
and 92.1% in 2001-2002. Therefore, teachers are to carry out
organizing work to see that all the school-age children go to school
in coming academic years and they complete at least primary school
education, middle school education and high school education. They
are also to pay constant attention to individual students and help
parents solve problems if they have any. Teachers are the second
guardians of students. So, regarding every student as their
children, teachers are to train and teach them to be outstanding in
all spheres in accord with the aspirations and aims of the State.
Teachers have to deal with the student youths and parents from all
walks of life.
In this regard, they are required to treat
students equally whether they be rich or poor and to help needy
students. At a time when the government is working hard to see that
all the student youths can pursue higher education after they have
completed primary, middle and high school education, teachers are
required to see that the expenses for the education of students do
not become a burden on their parents and they can attain their
educational goal. The training and nurturing of the student youths
of today who will shape the future of the nation largely depends on
the quality, morale and conviction of basic education teachers.
As the government is striving for the emergence of an education system which not only enables individual students to succeed in life but also uplifts their capabilities and morale, the role of teachers is of vital importance.
In addition, with respect to achieving the educational aims of the State, it is necessary to produce academicians and technicians, uplift education standard of all the national people and build a constant learning society.
The Secretary-1 urged the teachers to make efforts for promotion of national education with noble spirit combining formal and non-formal education activities.
He said the government has laid down political, economic and social objectives to enable Myanmar to stand tall among the nations of the world and is implementing them with added momentum. Accomplishments have been made, he added.
An education system that effectively contributes toward the national development has emerged in line with political, economic and social conditions of the nation, he said.
He said the teachers are to nurture new generation youths who will shoulder the State duties in the future in accord with objectives and requirements of the State for continued progress of the already-achieved accomplishments and firm foundation.
In conclusion, he urged them to make endeavours for promotion of national education standard up to international level in order to keep abreast with international communities, to implement the national education promotion programmes for the development of human resources which play a vital role in building a peaceful, modern, developed new nation and to organize the entire people including students for their participation in building and safeguarding the nation with national spirit and the Union spirit.
Next, the Secretary-1 presented the model trainee awards to senior assistant teacher U Thein Zaw of Phalon Basic Education High School in Taikkyi Township and junior assistant teacher Daw Lay Lwin Lwin of Tanku BEHS in Taninthayi, Taninthayi Division, and other awards to the trainee teachers.
The Secretary-1 also presented model hostel award and certificates to the trainee teachers.
The Secretary-1 accepted K 10,000 donated for all-round construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, K 10,000 for renovation of Koenawin Pagoda, K 10,000 for construction of Koenawin Pagoda Dhammayon, K 10,000 for renovation of ancient pagodas in Bagan, K 7,500 for the National Convention, K 7,500 towards the funds of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, K 10,000 for Basic Education Primary School in CICS and K 10,000 for Phaunggyi BEHS and presented certificate of honour to the donors.
Trainee teacher U Tun Ngwe and party presented Lawkanat statues to Rector of CICS Col Win Maung.
The Secretary-1 cordially greeted the trainee teachers and left there in the
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Minister receives Chinese Journalists Group
Yangon, 26 Nov - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received an eight-member delegation of China Travel Journalists Group led by Director of Public Relations of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, China, Ms Wang Hongling at the minister's office at 2 pm today. They discussed matters related to promotion of hotels and tourism industry between Myanmar and China.
Also present were Managing Director of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Service U Kyi Tun and officials and General Manager of the Traders Hotel Mr Raymond J Bragg.
Deputy Minister meets Japanese guests

Yangon, 26 Nov - Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win met Mr Tomoo Takahara and party of Itochu Corporation, Japan, at Maykhala Hall of the ministry today. Also present at the call were Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing, Director-General of Relief and Resettlement Department U Than Oo and Head of office U Maung Pi.
( 3 ) Appointment of Russian
Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 27 Nov- The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Mr Oleg V Kabanov as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Union of Myanmar, in succession to His Excellency Mr Gleb A Ivashentsov.
Mr Oleg V Kabanov was born in 1954. He graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1980 and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he has served in various capacities both in the Ministry in Moscow and Russian diplomatic posts abroad. In 1993 he was concurrently accredited as Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Since 1998, Mr Kabanov has served as Deputy Director of the Fourth European Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is married and has two
Minister attends opening of Health Care
Management Course
Yangon, 26 Nov-A ceremony to open Health Care Management Course
(2/2001) organised by Health Department, Ministry ofÊ
Health was held at the hall of Health Staff Training School in Dagon Township this afternoon, attended by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present were directors-general of departments under the ministry, professors, directors, medical superintendents, guests, course instructors and trainee nurses.
The minister made a speech.
He said: Nurses are to make efforts for improvement of their own ability so that they can conduct not only nursing tasks but also public health care work and management tasks. With a view to promoting living standards of rural people that represents majority of population, five-year-plan for development of rural health care is being implemented in accord with the guidance of the Head of State. Nurses plays key role in giving treatment as well as public health care tasks. The minister urged the trainees to try their best to become competent employees making use of knowledge and techniques gained from the course.
Altogether 32 trainees deputy-directors (nursing) from the head office of Health Department and State and Division Health Departments, matrons, senior nurses and township nurses (grade-1) are attending the course which will last for a month.
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PBANRDA Minister attends opening of courses
Yangon, 26 Nov -Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt made a speech at the opening ceremony for Management Course No 12, Civil Plan Designing Course No 5, Training Course No 2 for Engineers, Advanced Tailoring Course No 2, Course Nos 11 and 12 for Clerks held at the Central Training School of the Education and Training Department under the ministry in Dagon Myothit (North) Township this morning.
Present on the occasion were directors-general, deputy directors-general, directors, invited guests and 222 trainees from the Department for Progress of Border Areas and National Races, the Development Affairs Department and the Education and Training Department.
After the opening ceremony, the minister inspected the messing hall, buildings and plantations at the school.
He also inspected the warehouses and garages of the Development Affairs Department and the Department for Progress of Border Areas and National Races.
After giving instructions to the officials, he left there. In the afternoon, he received Resident Representative of UNICEF Mr J Bertrand Mendis at his office. Also present at the call were Director-General of the Development Affairs Department Col Myo Myint, the deputy directors-general and directors.
They discussed matters related to availability of water for rural areas.
Minister for Transport inspects construction of Heho Airport
Yangon, 26 Nov - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by Deputy Minister U Pe Than, Director-General of the Department for Civil Aviation U Win Maung, Director-General of the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems U Chit Khin and officials, arrived at Heho Airport yesterday morning, where U Tin Aung, In-charge of the airport extension and Superintending Engineering of Asia World Co, reported on extension of the airport to the minister and party.
Then, Director-General of the Department for Civil Aviation U Win Maung also
reported on construction of the runway in time in accord with the
set standard for the landing of F-28 aircraft.
The minister gave instructions on the
building of a 7,500-foot-long runway for the landing and take-off of
the F-28 aircraft, timely transportation of machinery and vehicles
and safe landing of aircraft. Afterwards, the minister and party
inspected the construction works and fulfilled the requirements.
( 5 ) Gold plates donated to Shwedagon Pagoda
Yangon, 26 Nov - A ceremony to donate gold plates to Shwedagon Pagoda continued for the fourth day at Kannar Zay Tazaung at the Pagoda this morning, attended by Chairman of the Work Committee for All-round Renovation of Shwedagon Pagoda Vice-Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, members of the pagoda board of trustees, well-wishers and guests.
The ceremony started with three-time recitation of Nammo Tassa. Then, the gold plates donated by 15 wellwishers were put on the decorated carriage. Daw Tin Nyunt of Pakokku and Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and wife Daw Yin Yin Myint and family donated five gold plates, each weighing three ticals. On behalf of the wellwishers, Daw Yin Yin Myint formally offered the gold plates to the pagoda.
The gold-plate donation ceremony will continue till 10 December.
Coordination meeting on holding Buddha Pujaniya of Tooth Relic Pagoda (Yangon) held
Yangon, 26 Nov- A coordination meeting on holding the Sixth Buddha Pujaniya Festival of Tooth Relic Pagoda was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Religious Affairs this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of the Working Committee for Holding Buddha Pujaniya of Tooth Relic Pagoda (Yangon) Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and members, chairmen of the sub-committees and officials.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko spoke on the occasion.
Then, chairmen and officials of the respective sub-committees
Pagoda Consecration and Robes Offering Sub-committee, Sub-committee for Organizing Robes Weaving Contest, Information Sub-committee, Reception Sub-committee, Invitation Sub-committee, Decoration Sub-committee, Entertainment Sub-committee, Sub-committee for Organizing Provisions Offering Ceremony, Transport Sub-committee, Health Sub-committee, Financial Sub-committee and Discipline Sub-committee
reported on progress of work.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko gave necessary instructions and attended to the requirements.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
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USDA CEC member U Aung Thaung attends offering of Kathina robes in
Yangon, 26 Nov - Under the patronage of CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yi, the eighth Kathina robe offering ceremony of Mahabodi Kyaungtaik in Kyaukka Village, Taungtha Township, Mandalay Division, was held at the pandal of the compound of the Kyaungtaik yesterday morning.
The ceremony started with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa by the congregation who later received the Five Precepts from Sayadaw U Tejanda. Then, 108 members of the Sangha were presented Kathina robes and offertories by wellwishers.
CEC member U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yi and family presented 200 bags of rice to Mahabodi Kyaungtaik and nuns.
The Mahabodi Kyaungtaik Saya-daw delivered a sermon. After the sharing of merits gained, the ceremony came to an end. At 11 am, CEC member U Aung Thaung attended the ceremony, held at the pandal, to pay
respects to 74 elders aged
above 75.
At the ceremony, CEC member U Aung Thaung and family paid obeisance and presented gifts to the aged persons.
Then, CEC member U Aung Thaung explained the purpose of paying respects to the aged persons.
Afterwards, an old person, on behalf of the aged, thanked the wellwishers.
Donations for paying respects to doyen literati
Yangon, 26 Nov- A ceremony to make donations to the fund for observance of Sarsodaw Day (1363) and for paying respects to doyen literati was held at the office of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association at noon today.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Joint Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe), CEC members and Joint Secretary of Fund-Raising Committee U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Htaik-Thonze) and wellwishers.
The donations included K 100,000 by Chief Editor of Thutaswezone Publishing House Dr Tin Tun Oo-Dr Khin Moe Moe, K 10,000 by parents Lt-Col Win Maung-Daw Khin Swe Tint in memory of late Lt Ye Kyaw Thu Win, K 10,000 by Palmist U San Tin Aung (Shwe Bo) of 290, Myaynigon Pyay Road in Sangyoung Township, K 10,000 by U Kyi Aung (Kyi Aung-Ingapu)-Palmist Daw Sandi Marla (San Mya Aye), K 10,000 by Daw Thin Thin Min, great-granddaughter of Minlatwargyi of 67, Pan Hlaing Street in Kyimyindine Township, K 5,000 by film star Daw Khin Aye Han (Theinbyume), K 1,000 by Sangyoung Township Writers and Journalists Association, K 1,000 by U Soe Win (Takkatho Soe Yin), K 1,000 by Dr Htain Win (Medical superintendent), K 1,000 by Yuwady San Yu Myint (Botahtaung), K 1,000 by U Aung Min (Minyoyin-Thaketa), K 5,000 by Daw That That Shwe (Tin Shwe Sarpay), K 20,000 by U Kyaw Win (Ponnawady Phone Swe)-Daw Babe Myint (Shwebo Thiri Marlar) 0f 227, 32nd Street, Yangon, K 10,000 by U Han Nyunt (Yangon Division Law Officer)-Daw San Myint (writer Nyo Nyo Yin-DaikU), K 50,000 by U Nay Zin Lat-Daw Khin San (AMBO Co.), K 30,000 by U Khin Maung Lay-Daw Kyu Kyu of 33 (E) 35 Malikha Street, Seven-mile and K 1,500 by Daw Cho Cho Than (Cho Mya Ngwe).
CEC member Daw Khin Khin Sein (Yuwady Khin Sein Hlaing), on behalf of the wellwishers, handed over the donations to the officials who presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Wellwishers may contact No 529, Merchant Street, Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association (second floor), Sarpay Beikman
(Tel: 252417, 254173).
( 7 ) IFBB Congress held

Yangon, 26 Nov - The International Federation of Bodybuilding Congress was held at the Inya Lake Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road yesterday.
It was attended by executives of IFBB Mr Rafael Santonja, executive assistant to the president and chairman of the judges committee, Ms Pamela Kagan, executive director, Mr Paul Chua, vice-president for Asia, and vice-chairmen of Asia Bodybuild-ing Federation, chairmen and executives of judges committee, medical committee and technical committee and representatives from respective nations. At the congress, on behalf of the IFBB, Mr Rafael Santonja, Ms Pamela Kagan and Mr Paul Chua presented Service Award of IFBB to Myanmar Bodybuilding and Physical Culture Federation President Col Myint Aung and Vice-President U Tin Maung
Dinner hosted to bodybuilders and officials
Yangon, 26 Nov- Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint hosted a dinner in honour of those who attended the championships, managers, officials and contestants at the Inya Lake Hotel last night.
The minister spoke at the dinner and presented gifts to the officials.
Contestants to 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships leave

Yangon, 26 Nov -Among those who took part in the 55th World Amateur Men's
Bodybuilding Championships hosted by Myanmar for the first time,
officials, managers, instructors, sponsors and bodybuilders from
Australia, Egypt, Estonia, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Kazakhstan,
Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, Austria, England,
Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovakia, Wale(UK), Azerbaijan, Czech, Denmark, Finland, UAE, Japan, Korea, Malta, Poland, Russia and Turkey left Yangon for their homes by air this morning.
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by officials of subcommittee for the holding, inviting and welcoming of the 55th Mr Universe Championship competition.
On 27 and 28 November, officials, managers, instructors, supporters and athletes from Cyprus, Germany, Greece, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Switzerland, Romania, China, Singapore, Brazil, Bulgaria, China (Taipei), Guyana, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Romania, will also leave for their
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National Literary Award winners interviewed
Yangon, 26 Nov-The New Light of Myanmar interviewed Mi Chan Wai, winner of the National Literary Award, at No 10, Aungbarlay Street, Kyauk-myaung in Tamway Township today.
She won National Literary Award for 2000 in the collected short stories for
"Kamar-yinkwe-hnint-achar-pin-le-wut-htu-to-myar." "Creation of literary work is just like nuturing a child. As a mother, I'm very satisfied with the recognition extended to my work. I'm surprised and glad to hear in the radio news that my book won the national literary award. I didn't expect to win such an award.
I feel honoured for my book being selected to win the national literary
award," she said.
In her short stories general knowledge about the sea was written. She described promotion of the life of Salon nationals with the support of interesting facts. The writer vividly expressed the struggles of youths who are at the crossroads Ñ whether they are to earn their living in the sea at the risk of their lives or to study lessons at school.
During her middle school student days, she wrote articles in Oway Journal in 1972 under a pseudonym Thakhutpan (Thaton). She used her pen name Mi Chan Wai in Myeik Magazine in 1984. She moved to Myeik as a primary assistant teacher.
She studied facts about the sea and wrote about it in her short stories.
Her name is Daw Yi Yi Tun and she is daughter of U Tun Khin, a Bamar and Daw Than Sein, a Mon national. She retired from school teacher and is now engaged in writing.
Maung Khaing Khant embarked on the writing career in 1973 with his poem entitled
" Towards the victory of Independence". In 1995, he won the Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Award for his script
" Prevention against Pests and Weeds". He has written more than 200 novels, poems, and articles and 42 books on religious literature. Chief Editor of Myat-Pan-Wai magazine and Shwe Myanmar journal, he also serves as Chairman of Bahan Township Writers and Journalists Association.
Maung Khaing Khant, who won the National Literary Award for his book entitled
"Emerald green
Images" in youth literature genre, said that in his book he presented what the youth should knowÑ the instruction of the Buddha, the discourse of the Buddha and the teaching of the BuddhaÑ reflecting his own experiences, pleasant as well as unpleasant.
As regards the youth who will have to shoulder the duties of the State in future, Maung Khaing Khant said that the youth will have to inevitably experience the globalization and the tactics of neo-colonialists, that big nations are manipulating and capitalizing on small ones
under the pretext of globalization and that therefore the youth should carefully avoid alien culture, traditions and customs and ideas, reinforcing the national cultural resistance.
The writer who won the National Literary Award for General Knowledge (applied science) was Aung Chein Bwa and the title of his award-winning book is
"Myanma Eating Habit and Edible Oil".
He was with the Ministry of Commerce for 30 years and there he had to take care of importing edible oil and distribution of it for about 15 years. His father was also an expert in edible oil. Therefore, Aung Chein Bwa is also quite knowledgeable about edible oil.
In his book, Aung Chein Bwa wrote that although the Ministry of Health has
often warned against consuming edible oil more than enough, we Myanmar
people are still indulged in it.
They even take pride in consuming it. In reality, he
said, using a lot of edible oil was not the eating habit of Myanmar
people. He wrote in his book that according to historical facts, it was
the habit of those who entered and settled in Myanmar in the colonial
age and we Myanmar people copied their eating habit. From the health of
point of view, eating less oil can lower the risk of health hazards, and
it can save a lot of foreign exchange every year, which is quite
sufficient for building 28 bridges and plenty of factories, he
elaborated in his book.
___________________________ ( 9
) Course for national-level rowing coaches opens
Yangon, 26 Nov - A ceremony to open a course for national-level rowing coaches jointly sponsored by IOC, MOC, FISA and MRCF under the Olympic unity programme was held at the Rowing Federation, Inya Lake, attended by Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Also present were Chairman of Myanma Olympic Committee Vice-Adjutant General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Director-General U Thaung Htaik of the Sports and Physical Education Department and officials.
The minister made a speech. Course Director of FISA Mr Chris Perry extended greetings. The minister cordially met the trainees. The course will last till 30 November.