1 ) Government spent K 49,076.41 million on construction of 127 dams all over the nation
Secretary-1 attends opening of Lagoonbyin Dam in Hlegu Township
Yangon, 24 Nov - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department and officials, left here by helicopter this morning and arrived at Lagoonbyin Dam in Hlegu Township, Yangon North District, Yangon Division, at 8.50 am.
A ceremony to open Lagoonbyin Dam constructed by the Irrigation Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was held at the pandal near the dam, and the Secretary-1 addressed the ceremony.
The ceremony was attended by the Secretary-1 and party, division, district and township authorities, departmental officials, the director-general of the Irrigation Department, the employees of the Irrigation Department who took part in the construction of Lagoon-byin Dam, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, teachers, students, band and pompom troupes, farmers of townships in Yangon North District and Bago
District and local people exceeding 10,000.
The Secretary-1 said that the State Peace
and Development Council is striving to enable the Union of Myanmar
to stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations, relying on the
participation of the people. To achieve sustainable development,
infrastructures necessary for development such as roads, bridges,
dams and reservoirs play an important role. In addition, all the
national people are required to make efforts for the improvement of
national economy and their economic life by making the best use of
these infrastructures.
The Secretary-1 added that at the ceremony to
commission into service Anawrahta Bridge spanning the Ayeyawady River, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe said that just as the government and all the national people aspire to develop the State, so they wish to develop their regions as well. Moreover, all the people have aspirations for the improvement of their lives.
In this regard, all are to work hard. The only passport to development is hard work. Therefore, not only is the government to work hard, but all the citizens and national people are also to do the same.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, the government is making all-out efforts for the development of the State, and at the same time, creating favourable conditions to enable the people to participate in the development tasks.
The government believes that only when the basic needs of all the people residing the length and breadth of the Union Ñ food, shelter and clothing Ñ can be fulfilled, will the economy of the State become stronger.
Similarly, only when all the regions of the Union develop equitably, the development of the Union will be meaningful and sustainable.
Therefore, the government has been building infrastructures necessary for development all over the nation. Considering the needs of each region, the government has spent a large sum of money on irrigation facilities, roads and bridges.
With respect to the development of the agriculture sector, it is important that the rich natural resources of Myanmar are to be exploited with the use of modern technology.

Various ways and means are being employed in reclaiming fallow and virgin lands, turning wetlands into cultivable lands and switching single cropping to triple cropping.
Therefore, the government has been building irrigation facilities which can supply water all the year round, floodgates which can control floods and embankments which can prevent sea water.
In the time of the present government, altogether 127 dams including Lagoonbyin which is opened today, have been built all over the nation.
A total of K 49,076.41 million has been spent on 127 dams, and these dams can irrigate over 1 million acres of land or nearly two million acres, to be exact, 1,775,769 acres.
Lagoonbyin Dam was built at a cost of K 1,107.68 million and will be able to irrigate 22,000 acres of fields all the year round.
The significant fact about Lagoonbyin Dam is that the 22,000 acres which can be irrigated by the dam include 12,000 acres in Hlegu Township, Yangon Division, and 10,000 acres in Bago Township, and the dam can prevent about 9,000 acres of land between Yangon-Bago Highway and the railway in Hlegu and Bago Townships from being flooded.
Not only can Lagoonbyin Dam help develop the agriculture sector in the region where the two divisions meet, but it can also contribute to food supply for the people in Yangon.
Yangon City, being the capital of the nation, is densely populated, and there is no sufficient agricultural production work. Previously, rice, meat, fish and vegetables were transported from other regions to Yangon.
Therefore, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance that measures are to be taken to ensure that tasks related to food production are thriving around the capital.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, food production work is being carried out in such regions surrounding Yangon as Uto-Kya-in region in Taikkyi Township and Nyaunghnapin region in Hmawby Township, and tax-free markets have also been set up in Yangon so that food produced from these regions can be sold direct to the people at reasonable prices.
Due to benefits which can be gained from Lagoonbyin Dam, more food can be supplied to the people in Yangon, and farmers will be able to do more agriculture work, and their standards of living will improve as well.
The Secretary-1 called on local farmers to strive for the improvement of their standards of living by effectively utilizing the benefits accruing from agricultural work and carrying out other business including livestock breeding and cottage industries.
When their economic conditions improve, they are required to work for the education and health development of the region.
The Secretary-1 urged local people to cooperate with the officials who are implementing the task of ensuring that school-age children complete their basic education, which is included in the rural development tasks being carried out by the government.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on all to maintain and safeguard Lagoonbyin
Dam, to work in unity for the development of rural areas and
improvement of their living standards and to carry out agricultural
work with might and main with the aim of producing sufficient food
not only for the State and but also for those in the world who are
suffering hunger.
Then, member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said: In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, Yangon Division is striving for meeting the targeted cultivation of 1.2 million acres of monsoon paddy and 300,000 acres of summer paddy this year. During this year's rainy season, out of targeted 1.17 million acres of monsoon paddy 1,175,526 acres had been cultivated. Thus, 5,526 acres more had been grown. As for summer paddy, 267,500 acres is targeted for this year.
Actual sown acreage for last year was 212,904. So, 63,596 acres more will be grown this year.
Increase in monsoon paddy sown acreage plays a key role in meeting the targeted cultivation of paddy in Yangon Division1.2 million acres of monsoon paddy and 300,000 acres of summer paddy. Boosting of monsoon paddy sown acreage will help increase summer paddy sown acreage.
The opening of Lagoon-byin dam today will produce the following benefits for Yangon Division: about 8,000 monsoon paddy in the environs of Lagoonbyin creek will be prevented from flooding; about 2,000 acres of late-monsoon-paddy will be grown. Summer paddy cultivation in the environs of Lagoonbyin creek will increase from existing 3,000 acres to 5,000 acres.
About 10,000 acres more will emerge because 8,000 acres can be prevented from flooding and 2,000 acres can be grown as late-monsoon paddy.
Moreover, the new dam will benefit about 12,000 acres in Bago Division. Hence, it will benefit a total of 22,000 acres.
At present in Yangon Division, a total of six dams have been constructed and commissioned into service. They are Tabu dam in Taikkyi Township, Banbwegon dam in Kyauktan Township, Zamani dam in Thanlyin Township, Ngamoeyeik and Taunglon-pyaung dams in Hlegu Township and Lagoonbyin dam opened today.
As a result of construction of the dams, sown acreage has increased year after year.
Living standard of farmers will become higher as they can earn more from
increased cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy and other crops.
On behalf of local people and farmers, the commander thanked the Head of State and Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation for emergence of Lagoonbyin dam which will contribute to progress in
agriculture work in Yangon Division.
He urged local authorities and farmers to help maintain the dam built by the government at a cost of large amount of money.
Then, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said: the
government is making
endeavours for infractural
development for the socio-economic progress of rural people and farmers in a short period. These are the outcome of the far-sighted guidance of Head of State Senior-General Than Shwe and his goodwill towards the rural people.
Local people have already experienced less success in paddy cultivation in the areas between the motor road and rail road in Bago and Hlegu Townships due to flooding over thousands of acres since the area gets annual rainfall of about 100 inches. The dam project has been implemented in accord with the guidance of the Head of State so that about 9,000 acres can be prevented from flooding, about 22,000 acres of monsoon paddy can be grown successfully through irrigation and double cropping of over 10,000 acres can be carried out.
Myanmar used to be one of the major rice exporting countries at one time.
There now exist a lot of favourable conditions for export of rice. Therefore, efforts are being made to achieve sufficiency of domestic consumption for a population to be increased from existing 50 million and produce a surplus. In this regard, endeavours are being made for cultivation of over 17 million acres of monsoon and summer paddy to produce over 1,350 million baskets of rice during the five-year plan. Arrangements have been made for export of quality rice and achieving surplus in regional requirements of rice.
He said efforts are being made to cultivate 8.6 million acres of beans and pulses and also to become a leading beans and pulses producing country in South East Asia region.
At the same time, measures are being taken for cultivation of 7.7 million acres of oil crops such as groundnut, sesamum and sunflower for local edible oil sufficiency,
he said.
The minister called for cultivation of perennial crops, oil palm and Thitseint plant (Terminalia belerica), one million acres of marketable cotton, 0.14 million acres of jute and 18,000 acres of kenaf during the third short-term five-year plan after formation of special zones.
He said Yangon Division is making efforts for increasing crop cultivation in the agricultural production sector of the country. The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation is also implementing 11 dams and sluice gate projects including Lagoonbyin Dam in Yangon Division, four water-pumping projects and other agro-based industries, he added.
He urged farmers to boost agricultural production.
The Lagoonbyin Dam, 5,180 feet long and 61 feet high can store 148,800 acre feet of water. Construction of the dam started in 2000-2001 for supply of water to 22,000 acres of farmlands 12,000 in Hlegu Township and 10,000 in Bago Township.
The commander thanked regional authorities and
service personnel of Irrigation Department for their
accomplishment within two years.
On behalf of local people, Secretary of Hlegu Township USDA U Kyi Aung thanked the government for construction of the dam.
Next, the Secretary-1 presented prizes for those who participated in construction of the dam to Director U Kyaw Thein of Yangon Division
Irrigation Department and
Director U Baw Htin of
Mechanical (Division-1) of Irrigation Department.
The Secretary-1 then formally unveiled the stone inscriptions of the dam.
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin formally opened the dam.
The Secretary-1 and party had photos taken together with local people in front of the archway of the dam.
The Secretary-1 greeted local people and inspected the tower, the main dam and the spillways.
The Secretary-1 and party went to the site of Alaini Dam in Bago Township.
Director-General of Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and officials reported on construction of 5,700 feet long earth dam.
The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
They proceeded to the briefing hall of Lagoonbyin Dam.
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Director-General U Kyaw San Win and officials reported on work done for construction of the Lagoon-byin Dam, data of the Alaini Dam project, progress of work and tasks for the two dams. The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
The earth Lagoonbyin Dam was built on Lagoon-byin creek near Thameegalay
Village at the border of Hlegu Township and Bago Township. It is 5,180 feet long and 61 feet high and it can benefit 22,000 acres of farmland.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here at 11 am.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 receives member of House of Representatives of Japan

Yangon, 24 Nov- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Member of House of Representatives of Japan Mr Motohisa Furukawa, who is currently here, and members at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence at 3 pm today.
Present on the occasion together with the Secretary-1 were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung
Secretary-1 attends cash donations presentation for all-round renovation of Shwephonepwint Pagoda in Pazundaung Township
Yangon, 24 Nov - The third cash donations presentation ceremony for the second all-round renovation of the Shwephonepwint Pagoda and religious buildings in Pazundaung Township was held at the pagoda at 4.30 pm today.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony, gave instructions on all-round renovation of the pagoda and the religious buildings and accepted the cash donations.
Also present were ministers, Chairman of Leading Committee for the Second All-round Renovation of the Pagoda and the religious buildings Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, the Vice-Mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, officials of committees, wellwishers and guests.
Before the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party paid reverence to the pagoda.
The ceremony was opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
The chairman and officials reported on the tasks being carried out for renovation of the pagoda and the buildings, raising of funds, and future tasks with the use of charts.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
The joint-venture corporations under the Ministry of Commerce presented K 1.25 million for the pagoda and the buildings; Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and wife Daw Khin Swe Myint, brothers and sisters and families K 500,000; Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence and wife Daw Khin Pyone and family K 150,000; U Maung Weik (Maung Weik's Family Co) K 1.5 million; U Nyi Nyi Kyaw-Daw Lwin Hnin Hnin of Hnin Wun Co K 1.5 million; U Ye Ni-Daw Zabei Shein and family of Pazundaung Township K 540,000; U Sein Myint-Daw San Kyu K 500,000; U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Khin Sein of Thitsar Pankhin Co K 500,000; and U Aung Maw Thein of Win & Sons Co K 500,000 to the Secretary-1.
Then, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin accepted K 400,000 donated by U Khin Maung San-Daw Thazin Nwe of Miba Kyezu Co; K 150,000 by Director-General of the Border Trade Department U Nay Win and wife; K 300,000 by U Maung Lwan-Daw San Kyu and family of Pyay Road; K 236,200 by U Hla Min of Golden Hawks Co; K 217,800 by U Aung Naing-Daw Nu Nu Khin and
family of U Shwegun Street; K 180,000 by Daw Yee, daughter Ma Nyo and Ma Su Hlaing Hnin of 51st Street; K 150,000 by U Saw Hlaing-Daw Nyo Thin and family of Hla Gabar Furniture House; K 150,000 by Thiri Thu-dhamma Manizawtadara U Than Tun-Daw Aye Myint and family of Shwepin Ngwepin Furniture House;
K 150,000 by U Aung Kyaw Oo-Daw Theingi Htwe;
K 120,000 by Daw Kyin Aye and sisters of Hninpan Street; K 120,000 by U Maung Aw-Daw Khin May Lwin and family of Bogyoke Street;
K 120,000 by U Chit Maung-Daw Than Than Htay and family of Thein Than Htay Jewellery Shop; and K 120,000 by U Chit
Ko Ko-Daw Than Than
and family of Yaygyaw Street. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 inspected progress of renovation of the pagoda and the buildings, and left necessary instructions to the officials concerned.
( 3 )
Relics from Sri Lanka conveyed to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
Yangon, 24 Nov- Relics from Sri Lanka were conveyed from Yangon International Airport to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township this morning. They will be enshrined at the pagoda.
A ceremony to hand over the relics from Sri Lanka was held at Gandhakuti Kyaung-dawgyi on Mindhamma Hill.
Present were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Adviser at the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung, leader of relics conveying team to Myanmar Mr Nerajan Wijeyratne and members, Ambassador of Sri Lanka Mr Ubhayasekara Mapa, officials, members of the committee for construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, members of Image
Board of Trustees members of the Union Solida-rity and Development Association and wut associations.

The Ambassador of Sri Lanka said Sri Lanka and Myanmar are Buddhist countries and have maintained friendly relations for centuries. In the 11th century during the time of King Anawrahta, Sri Lankan King Vijeyabahu sent Tri Pitakas to Myanmar to promote and propagate Theravada Buddhism in the country.
He said the relics from Sri Lanka were conveyed to Myanmar before the consecration of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image which was under construction under close supervision of the Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The relics were donated by Ven Galaboda Gmanissara of Gangaramaya Temple, he noted.
Minister U Aung Khin expressed thanks. Mr Nerajan Wijeyratne handed over the relics to Minister U Aung Khin.
Patron of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Shein Aung Bo offered flowers, water and fruits to the
( 4 )
Kathina robes offering ceremonies held
Yangon, 24 Nov - The 11th communal Kathina robes offering ceremony of the staff families of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the Pyithu Hluttaw Office and the President's Office was held at Aletawya Sanpya Parriyatti Sarthintaik on Dhammazedi Road in Bahan Township this morning.
Present on the occasion were member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Pakokku Mahawithu-tayama Kyaung-taik Saya-daw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Visara, Bahan Township Aletawya Sanpya Parriyatti Sarthintaik Saya-daw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Gandhamala Bhivamsa and members of the Sangha, nuns, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Secretary of Multiparty Democracy General Election Commission U Aye Maung, Deputy Minister at the State Peace and Development Council ChairmanÕs Office U Hset Maung, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win, Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Office Lt-Col Pe Nyein, the director-general of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, officials, staff families and guests.
The congregation received the Five precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ganndhamala Bhivamsa. Director-General Lt-Col Pe Nyein and the congregation presented the Kathina robes and offertories to the Sayadaws and the members of the Sangha.
Similarly, under the patronage of Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and wife Daw Moe Moe Myint, the fifth communal Kathina robes offering ceremony of staff families of the Ministry of Industry-2 was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry this morning, attended by Presiding Saya-daw of Aungpan Kyaungtaik in Bahan Township Bhad-danta Sasana and the members of the Sangha, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and wife, wife of Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, Deputy Minister Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and wife, the directors-general, managing directors, staff families and guests.
The congregation were invested with the Nine Precepts by Sayadaw Bhad-danta Sasana. The Sayadaw and the members of the Sangha were presented Kathina robes and offertories.
Similarly, the 10th communal Kathina of the Ministry of Rail Transportation was held at the hall of the ministry this morning. Present were Presiding Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita U Eindaka of Dhammi-kayon (Pali Takkatho) on Theinbyu Road, Yangon, and the members of the Sangha, Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung and wife Daw Nyunt Nyunt Lwin, Deputy Minister Thura U Thaung Lwin and wife, Deputy Minister U Pe Than and wife, advisers, directors-general, managing directors and departmental officials under the ministry, guests and staff families.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from the Sayadaw, and the members of the Sangha recited the parittas. Then, the congregation presented Kathina robes and 36 Padethabins to the Sayadaw and the members of the Sangha.
Similarly, Buddhist Association of Courts held its 52th communal Kathina robes offering ceremony at the Dhammayon of the association in Bahan Township this morning, attended by Sayadaw Bhaddanta Janita of Bahan Township Sukha Parriyatti Sarthintaik and members of the Sangha, Chief Justice U Aung Toe and wife Daw Aye Kyi, Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo and wife, officials and staff familes of courts in Yangon.
The Chief Justice, deputy chief justice and
the congregation presented Kathina robes and provisions to Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.
Likewise, Buddhist Association of Law Offices held the 15th communal Kathina robes offering ceremony at Dhammayon of Attorney-General's Office this morning. Attorney- General U Tha Tun and wife Daw Hteik Tin Nyunt presented Kathina robes and offertories to Maharazi-kayon Kyaungtaik Taik-
oak Sayadaw Bhaddanta Dhammapiya.
The wife of the deputy attorney-general and wellwishers presented Kathina robes and offertories to the members of the Sangha. Then, Attorney- General U Tha Tun accepted cash donations for the extension of Dham-mayon of the Attorney-General's Office. Later,
" soon " was offered to the members of the Sangha.
Likewise, the Kathina robes offering ceremony of Myanma Agriculture Produce Trading was held at Sagaing Sarthintaik on Thanthuma Road, Yangon, this morning, attended by member of the Central Working Committee of the Sangha Sagaing Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Dham-mananda and member of the Sangha, Deputy Ministe for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, advisers departmental officials under the ministry and staff families. The deputy minister and the congregation presented Kathina robes and offertories to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.
Later, Managing Director U Min Hla Aung donated rice, edible oil, salt and pulse and beans. The presiding Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing merits gained.
Similarly, Under the supervision of the Yangon South District and Thanlyin Township Peace and Development Councils, the first communal Kathina robes offering ceremony of the whole township was held at Shin Sawpu Hall in Thanlyin this morning. Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Hlaing and officials presented Kathina robes and offertories to member of the Central Working Committee of the Sangha Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Eindacara and members of the Sangha.
( 5 ) Minister inspects telephone

Yangon, 24 Nov - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw arrived at Wailuwun station this morning. Chief engineer reported on extension and testing of CDMA phone system. The minister inspected installation of CDMA equipment and gave instructions.
Then, the minister proceeded to Hanthawady auto-exchange station.
Chief engineer of Yangon auto telephone reported on installation of new S-12 digital auto-exchange equipment and communication of phone lines by the map of exchange area.
The minister inspected installation of S-12 digital auto-exchange equipment and transmission equipment at the control room.
Afterwards, the minister proceeded to Shwe-gondine station. Officials of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications reported on condition of overseas phone communications, public-phone services and phone installation at the respective exchange stations in Yangon and mobile phone system. The minister left necessary instructions.
( 6 )
Minister for Mines inspects Bawsai Mine Project
Yangon, 24 Nov-Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint accompanied by officials arrived at Bawsai Mine Project of No 1 Mining Enterprise in Kalaw Township on
22 November.
The minister attended the closing ceremony of upper reliquary of Aungtheikdi Min-galar Pagoda in Bawsai village at noon on 23 November.
Then, he inspected baryte quarry and mining work there. Later, he inspected Bawsai Mine Project and Moekaung hill mining plot and gave necessary instructions.
In the evening, Central Executive Committee Member Brig-Gen Ohn Myint met with members of Bawsai village Union Solidarity and Development Association.
The minister and party paid homage to Konlon Sayadaw this morning.
He inspected coal exploration project of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration Department in Kyone village and boring work for coal exploration in Naung San Phu village, Aungpan Township.
The minister met with service personnel at the manager's office of Heho Baryte Quarry Project of No 3 Mining Enterprise this afternoon and gave necessary instructions.
( 7 ) Independence Day commemorative essay, poetry competitions held
Yangon, 24 Nov - Secretary of the Sub-committee for Holding Essay, Poetry, TV Quiz and Computer Painting Competitions Director-General of the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) U Saw Lwin, committee members Director-General of Edu-cation Planning and Train- ing Department U Bo Win, Director-General of No 1
Basic Education Department U Tin Nyo, Director-General U Tin Win of No 3 Basic Education Department, Chairman of Myanmar Board of Examinations Thura U Aung Tun inspected the 54th Anniversary Independence Day Commemorative high school level essay and poetry competitions at schools this morning.
They township education officers and headmasters concerned, visited the competitions at Dagon Township Basic Education High School -2, Latha Township BEHS-1, Botahtaung Township BEHS-2 and Mingala Taungnyunt Township BEHS-3.
Basic Education high school and middle school levels essay and poetry competitions will be held till 25 November.
( 8 ) Basic Management (Multiplier) Course No 3/2001 for USDA Executives concludes
Yangon, 24 Nov-The concluding ceremony of Basic Management (Multiplier) Course No 3/2001 for Executives of Union Solidarity and Development Association was held in conjunction with a ceremony to present USDA membership applications at No 2 Basic Education High School in Mayangon Township this morning.
The course was sponsored by Mayangon, Hline and Kamayut Township USDAs in Yangon West District.
Present on the occasion were USDA CEC members Col Tin Hlaing and Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, executives of Yangon West District USDA, Chairmen of Mayangon, Hline and Kamayut Township Peace and Development Councils and members, secretaries of the Township USDAs and executives, officials, guests and trainees.
USDA CEC members Col Tin Hlaing and Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein made speeches.
Then, officials presented the membership applications 400 from Meteorology and Hydrology Department, 2,650 from Mayangon Township Education Department, 1,800 from Mayangon Township USDA to Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein.
Next, Col Tin Hlaing presented K 100,000 for No 2 BEHS in Mayangon through Township Education Officer U Lwin Naing.
Then, Col Tin Hlaing
accepted cash donationsÑ
K 50,000 by Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, K 10,000 by U Myat Oo, and K 120,000 by Mr Laukinchai and U Myint Wai of BB Garment Co Ltd and Wa Min Co Ltd.
Afterwards, Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and officials presented prizes to the outstanding trainees.
Course Manager U Thet Tun presented completion certificates to trainees.
Secretary of Mayangon Township USDA U Win Kyi expressed thanks which brought the ceremony to a close.
___________________________ ( 9
) 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships commence
Yangon, 24 Nov - The prejudging of the 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships hosted by Myanmar for the first time took place at the National Indoor Stadium-1 (Thuwunna) on Waizayanda Road in Thingangyun Township this morning.
Present were Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organzing the Championships Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Chairman of the Work Committee for Organzing the Championships President of Myanmar Bodybuilding and Physical Culture Federation Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee Col Myint Aung and members of the Work Committee, Vice-President (Asia) of the International Federation of Bodybuilders General-Secretary of Asian Bodybuilders Federation Mr Paul Chua, President of ABBF Mr Mergaliev Bulat and vice-presidents, executives of IFBB and ABBF, the secretary of the ABBF Women's Affairs Committee, the chairman and members of the Medical Commission, the chairman and members of the Judges Committee, team managers, coaches, sponsors, bodybuilders and sports fans.

The bodybuilders who took part in the Flyweight (60 kilos) for the prejudging were Mohamed Elbialy from Egypt, Wang Bung Cho from the Republic of Korea, Tun Tun Aung and Win Lwin from Myanmar, Pham Van Mach from Vietnam, Aung Naing from Myanmar, Do Kyung Om from the Republic of Korea, Emmanuel Ndagwe from Kenya, Ng Han Cheng from Singapore, John Jantjie from South Africa, Prakash Ghatge from India and Kongthid Manchaiyutthakorn from Thailand totalling 12.
Altogether 14 bodybuil-ders who took part in the Bantamweight (65 kilos) were Masimov Anatolu from Azer-baijan, Mohamed Ibrahim El Karim from Egypt, In Chai from the Republic of Korea, Aung Naing Win from Myanmar, Anwar Ahmed El Amawy from Egypt, Soe Moe Aung from Myanmar, Osmond Ntshula from South Africa, Henro Lee from Malaysia, Hassan Ahmad Mohd Ghuloom from the United Arab Emirates, Fabio Oberti from Italy, Jose Carlos Santos from Brazil, Pillay Chris from South Africa, Lee Lap Chi from Hong Kong and Mohammad Sagir from India.
Fifteen bodybuilders who took part in the Lightweights (70 kilos) are Shameen Adams from South Africa, Hossein Sadeghian from Denmark, Igor Kocis from Slovakia, Assad Tafair from
55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding
Iraq, Young Sub Lee from the Republic of Korea, Werner Zenk from Germany, Nicos Christophi from Cyprus, Alexandre Klier from Czech Republic, Dong Ki Han from the Republic of Korea, Yasien El Toukhy and Yossri SAyed from Egypt, Nelson Benjamin from South Afirca, Hussein Nderu from Kenya, Faez A-Swady from Iraq and Juma Dzogolo from Kenya.
Sixteen bodybuilders who took part in the Welterweights (75 kilos) were Mohamed Nazarudin Seladin from Singapore, Pavlo Milos from Czech Republic, Cheng Chen Ghai Yuan of China (Taipei), Radol William from Kenya, Alan Ng from Singapore, Fakurudinov Tagir from Azerbaijan, Andrej Mozolani from Slovakia, Sukdee Durongrit from Thailand, Kim Myung Sub from the Republic of Korea, Kambarov Valadimir from Russia, Nikos Kanaris from Cyprus, Min Zaw Oo and Zaw Thein Naing from Myanmar, Wakhule Stephen Wanyanga from Kenya, Derzapf Eduard from Germany and Ibrahim Hamdy Marzouk
from Egypt. Twenty-two bodybuilders took part in the Middleweights
(80 kilos), nineteen bodybuilders in the Heavyweights (90 kilos),
twelve bodybuilders in the Heavyweights (90 kilos and above). The
bodybuilders from Myanmar took part in the four divisions out of
seven divisions of the prejudging contest. Altogether four
bodybuilders from Myanmar two from the 60-kilo division, one from
65-kilo division and one from 75-kilo division advanced to the
final. The final will be held tomorrow.