1 ) Secretary-1 attends donation of state-of-the-art measuring instruments by Mitutoyo Corporation
Yangon, 22 Nov-A ceremony to donate measuring instruments to Yangon Technological University and Myanma Scientific and Technological, Research Department under Ministry of Science and Technology by the Mitutoyo Corporation, Japan was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, Ambassador of Singapore to Myanmar Mr Simon Tensing de Cruz, Ambassador of
Japan to Myanmar Mr Shigeru Tsumori, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments, wellwisher the vice-president and members of Mitutoyo Corporation.
First, Vice-President Mr Norio Takatsuji of Mitutoyo Corporation explained the purpose of donation.
Then, the vice-president presented 143 kinds of measuring instruments worth US $ 180,078 to Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt for Yangon Tech-nological University and Myanma Scientific and Technological Research Department under Ministry of Science and Technology. The Secretary-1 presented a certificate of honour to the donor.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 spoke words of
He said:
Today the Mitutoyo Corporation has most kindly donated state-of-the-art measuring instruments to the Yangon Technological University and to the Myanma Scientific and Technological Research Department. This generous donation will contribute in many ways to the efforts being made by Myanmar to develop and expand studies in the field of science and technology and will further enhance human resource development. So, on behalf of the Government of the Union of Myanmar and on my own behalf, I would like to express our most sincere thanks.
The Union of Myanmar is currently in the process of reconstructing our country to a modern and developed nation where peace and stability prevail Ñ a nation that can proudly take its rightful place among the nations of the world.
Hence our top priority in these endeavours is to develop the field of science and technology in line with advances being made in the world, and upgrade human resource development to a level of high excellence.
Therefore, at a time when we are focusing on efforts to develop and modernize our country to keep up with other more advanced countries, the technical assistance provided by the Mitutoyo Corporation is indeed a most appropriate gift from a good friend, which is highly appreciated. It is, in my view, a spontaneous response on the part of the Mitutoyo Corporation to the trust and regard that Myanmar has shown to sincere friends.
I would further like to add that the Union of Myanmar believes, that for the emergence of a world order where peace, stability, justice and equal opportunity prevail, there must be cooperation rather than contests of wealth and power among the world's countries.
That is the main reason why Myanmar has always been guided by mutual respect and understanding in her relations with the world's countries irrespective of whether they are friends or neighbours, developed and powerful, or undeveloped and weak. Making every endeavour to promote cooperation and enhance good relations is our guiding principle to which we are firmly committed.
Myanmar and Japan have been able to forge and strengthen good relations and friendship over the years, and this is now an indisputable historical tradition. There has been cooperation between the two counties in the economic, education and health, social and cultural sectors. There is such bilateral cooperation not only on a government-to-government basis but also between voluntary humanitarian organizations and between the Myanmar and Japanese peoples as well.
The generous donation made by the Mitutoyo Corporation today to develop the field of Myanmar Science and Technology is testimony to the mutual cooperation and goodwill that flourishes between the two countries. The donation will further strengthen existing good relations.
Of the more than 5,000 kinds of advanced measuring instruments available, the Mitutoyo Corporation has donated altogether 91 instruments, worth one hundred and sixteen thousand and sixty four US dollars (116,064) to the Yangon Technological University and 52 kinds of measuring instruments worth sixty-four thousand and fourteen US dollars (64,014) to the Myanma Scientific and Technological Research Department. So, may I, on behalf of my Government, once again express our gratitude.
I would also like to assure you that the equipment donated today, shall be put to effective use to enhance
science and technology in Myanmar and to achieve greater excellence in human resource development.
In closing, may I wish the Mitutoyo Corporation further success in its enterprises together with the hope that the existing friendly relations and mutual cooperation between the peoples of Myanmar and Japan will progress from strength to strength.
After the ceremony the Secretary-1 and guests viewed the instruments.
( 2 )
Industry-1 Minister receives
Chinese delegation

Yangon, 22 Nov- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Vice-Chairman of China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation Mr Ma Zhiwu
and party at his office at 4.45 pm today. Also present were
directors-general and managing directors of the Ministry of
Minister U Win Aung signs book of
condolences for late Sultan of Malaysia
Yangon, 22 Nov - Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung signed the Book of Condolences at the Embassy of Malaysia at
1 pm today in memory of the Late King His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah of Malaysia.
( 3 ) Photo Contest and Screen Printing
Contest held
Yangon, 22 Nov-The Photo Contest and Screen Printing Contest sponsored by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement was held in commemoration of the International Day for the Disabled for 2001 in conjunction with the opening of the sewing contest for the deaf and the sewing contest for the disabled at the Training School for the Adult Disabled on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township here this morning.
Present were Director of the Directorate of Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of the Committee for Observance of the International Day for Disabled Director-General of the Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing, Deputy Director of SWD U Maung Myint and officials, the organizing committee members, Principal of the training school Daw Sein Sein Myint, competitor trainees and others.
Director of the Directorate of Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Director-General of SWD U Sit Myaing formally opened the contests.
Then, Deputy Director of SWD U Maung Myint made a speech on the occasion.
Members of the Penal of Judges U Aung Pe (Yumon Photo) and U Khin Tun (In-charge of Yangon Rehabilitation Centre) explained rules and regulations of the Photo Contest and Screen Printing Contest.
Next, those present viewed the contests.
Altogether nine contestants took part in Photo Contest while the 12 contestants participated in Screen Printing Contest.
The sewing contests for the deaf and the disabled will be held on 23 and 26 November at the same venue.
Ministry of Forestry holds
communal Kathina
Yangon, 22 Nov - The 13th communal Kathina of the Ministry of Forestry was held at the minister's office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, Deputy Minister Col Thaik Tun, directors-general and managing directors of the departments and enterprises, departmental heads and families of staff under the Ministry of Forestry presented Kathina robes and offertories to Sayadaw Sasanadaja Siripavara-dhammacariya „ana and members of the Sangha.
( 4 )
Day essay and poetry competition to be held
Yangon, 22 Nov-The Sub-committee for Holding
Essay, Poetry, TV Quiz and Computer Painting Competitions will hold
essay and poetry competitions according to national objectives of
54th Anniversary Independence Day in three categoriesÑuniversity,
college and institute level, basic education high school level (8th,
9th and 10th standard) and basic education middle school level(5th,
6th and 7th standard). University, college and institute level essay
competition will be held from 9 am to 11 am on 24 November
(Saturday) and poem competition from noon to 2 pm on the same day.
Under graduate students from Defence Services
Academy, Defence Services Institute of Medicine, Defence Services
Institute of Technology, Defence Services Institute of Nursing,
Defence Services Technical College, Institutes of Medicine under
Medical Science Department, Universities, Degree Colleges and
Colleges under Higher Education Department, Universities, Colleges
and Institutes under Ministry of Science and Technology, Education
Colleges, University of Forestry, Yezin Agriculture University,
Institute of Medicine for Livestock Breeding, Universities of
Culture, University for Development of National Races, Degree
Colleges for Development of Efficiency of National Race Youths,
Cooperative Degree Colleges and Cooperative Colleges under Education
Planning andÊTraining Department may take part in the university,
college and institute level competitions. High school level essay
competition will be held from 9 am to 11 am on 24 November
(Saturday) and poem competition in schools from noon to 2 pm on the
same day. Eighth, ninth and tenth standard students are entitled to
take part in the competitions.
Middle school level essay competition will be
held from 9 am to 11 am on 24 November (Saturday) and poem
competition in schools from noon to 2 pm on the same day. Fifth,
sixth and seventh standard students are entitled to take part in the
competitions. Essays are to be composed up to 5,000 words, poems up
to 300 stanzas. Students wishing to participate in high school and
middle school level essay competition are to enlist at the
corresponding schools by 23 November. Students wishing to
participate in university, college and institute level essay and
poem competition are to enlist at the corresponding universities,
degree colleges, colleges and institutes by 23 November. A total of
18 winners first, second and third prize winners of central level
competitions, six winners from each level will be presented handsome
prizes at the ceremony to mark Independence Day on 4th January 2002.
( 5 ) Mayor inspects agriculture and livestock breeding farms
Yangon, 22 Nov - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, together with officials, this morning inspected Maso bridge agriculture and livestock breeding camp on other sides of No 2 Highway at Mile Post 16/3 in Dagon Myothit South and Dagon Myothit East Townships, and Ngamoyeik teak plantations in Thingangyun Township which are being undertaken by YCDC.
The mayor arrived at Maso bridge agriculture and livestock breeding project site and he was welcomed there by YCDC member U Aung Soe, heads of departments and officials.
The mayor inspected the construction of a bus terminal, a car servicing workshop, re-creation centre and food-stalls, the digging of more fish breeding ponds, and Nos 1 and 2 vegetable patches. The mayor left instructions.
The mayor then inspected fish breeding ponds A and B. The mayor gave instructions on extended fish breeding from 200,000 to 300,000, construction of a tower and spee-ding up the work of digging fish breeding ponds with the use of heavy machinery.
Afterwards, the mayor arrived at Ngamoyeik teak plantation Nos 2 and 3 in Thingangyun
Township. The mayor gave instructions on extended cultivation of
crops and pepper among the teak trees of the plantations, and
building of an agricultural camp on the plot between the teak tree
plantation and Yangon-Mandalay railway.
( 6 )
39th Myanma Gems Emporium to be held in March
Yangon, 22 Nov -Under the supervision of the Ministry of Mines, Myanma Gems Enterprise, with the aim of earning more foreign exchange and developing a gems market in the country, holds its gems emporiums in March and October every year. Accordingly, the 39th Myanma Gems Emporium will be held in March 2002.
Those wishing to sell gems and jewellery at the emporium may contact the head office of Myanma Gems Eenterprise from 28 November 2001 to 11 February 2002 to get gems and jewellery inspected and to quote prices.
Winners of Painting contest of ASEAN children Winners of Painting contest of ASEAN children aged under 12 announcedaged under 12 announced
Yangon, 22 Nov - The list of twenty winners in
the painting contest held with the theme " Kindness " for ASEAN children aged under 12 and organized by the Myanmar ASEAN Culture and Information Committee, was announced today by the committee.
They are Maung Kaung Myat Min Soe of Institute of Education's Practising School of Kamayut, Ma Kay Khine Maw of IEPC of Kamayut, Maung Htin Kyaw Kaung Htet of IEPC of Kamayut, Ma Su Pyae Pyae San of IEPC of Kamayut, Ma Thinza Lwin of BEHS (2) of Latha, Maung Yezarni Aung of IEPC of Kamayut, Ma Thandar Thein Hteik of IEPC of Kamayut, Maung Thiha Htin of BEHS (1) of Dagon, Maung Ye Tint Baw of BEMS (4) of Mayangon, Ma Su Pan Sin of BEHS (4) of Mingaladon, Ma Aye Myat Maw of IEPC of Kamayut, Maung Kyaw Zeya of BEPS (3) of Bahan, Ma Thin Nwe of BEHS (1) of Kamayut, Maung Htet Naing Lin of BEHS (1) of Dagon, Ma Nwe Oo Wai of BEHS (2) of Latha, Maung Than Htet Aung of BEHS (2) of Kamayut, Maung Tayza Htet of BEHS (3) of Dagon, Ma Thazin Thet Su Tin of BEMS of Kyauktan Myoma, Maung Kyaw Swa Lin of BEHS (1) of Dagon, and Ma Su Myat Noe Nwe of BEHS (2) of Dagon.
( 7 ) Ten Myanma Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition to be held
Yangon, 22 Nov-The Ten Myanma Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition sponsored by Myanmar Artists and Artisans Asiayon (Central) will be held at the Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road here from 18 January to 1 February 2002.
Members of the Asiayon are requested to send their works of art that they want to exhibit to the Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road from 15 to 21 December during office hours.
Altogether four paintings or carvings can be presented by each contestant and the works of art can be created by use of any technique and equipment or paint.
The names of the works of art, the registration number of the Asiayon member, the National Registration Card number, the address, the size and value of the works are to be fully described.
The fees to be paid for displaying the works of art at the exhibition depend on the size of the works.
In the main exhibition hall, there will be booths of Ten Myanma Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition, arts and crafts shops and private booths of arts.
Contact Myanmar Artists and Artisans Asiayone (Central), No 188, East Wing of Bogyoke Market, Yangon or dial 287604 for further information.
Mayor hosts dinner in honour of
IFBB, ABBF executives and bodybuilders
Yangon, 22 Nov - Member of the Panel of Patrons of the Organizing Committee of the 55th World Amateur MenÕs Body-building Championships Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay hosted a dinner in honour of the executives of the International Federation of Bodybuilders and Asian Bodybuilders Federation and members of the participating teams of the 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships at the Inya Lake Hotel this evening.
The guests included Vice-President (Asia) of IFBB and General-Secretary of ABBF Mr Paul Chua, President of ABBF Mr Mergaliev Bulat and the vice-presidents, executives of IFBB and ABBF, the secretary of the ABBF Women's Affairs Committee, the chairman and members of the Medical Commission, the chairman and members of the Judges Committee, team managers, coaches, sponsors and bodybuilders.
Also present at the dinner were Chairman of the Leading Organizing Committee of the Championships Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and members, Chairman of the Working Committee to Organize the Championships President of Myanmar Bodybuilding Federation Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung and members, heads of department and guests.
Mayor U Ko Lay extended greetings, and presented souvenirs to Executive Assistant to the President Chairman of the Judges Committee Mr Rafael Santonja, Chairman of the Medical Commission Dr Robert Martin Goldman and President of ABBF Mr Kim Namhak.
Mr Paul Chua and Mr Rafael Santonja spoke words of thanks. Artistes of the
Fine Arts Department entertained the guests with traditional dances.
IFBB Executive Council meets

Yangon, 22 Nov - The Executive Council Meeting of the International Federation of Bodybuilders was held at the Inya Lake Hotel here this afternoon.
Present at the meeting were Vice-President (Asia) of IFBB Mr Paul Chua, Chairman of the Technical Committee Mr Tony Blinn, Executive Assistant to the President Chairman of the Judges Committee Mr Rafael Santonja, Executive Director Ms Pamela Kagan, Chairman of the Medical Commission Dr Robert Martin Goldman, Secretary of the Medical Commission Dr Friedheldm Beuker, Chairperson of the Judges Committee Ms Lisser Frost Larsen, Vice-President (Caribbean) Mr Javier Pollock, Vice-President (Australia) Mr Paul Graham, Vice-President (Africa) Dr Eng Adel Fahim Sayed, Patron of IFBB (Egypt) Mr Mostafa Hefzi, Adviser of the Medical Commission Prof Dr Eduardo HE de Rose and President of Arab Bodybuilders Federation Sultan bin Sheik Mejren.
Meeting Chairman Mr Rafael Santonja and Mr Paul Chua gave speeches.
The officials of the respective bodies submitted reports of the Judges Committee, the Medical Commission, the Technical Committee, the Women's Affairs Committee and the Professional Division. The IFBB executives gave suggestions. The meeting chairman gave concluding remarks.
Teams, representatives to World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships arrive

Yangon, 22 Nov - More participating teams and representatives to the 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships arrived here by air today.
Today's arrivals were Vice-President of International Federation of Bodybuilders (Oceania) Mr Paul Graham and six members, photographer of IFBB of the United States Mr Hans Bender, a ten-member team from Egypt, a contestant from Estonia, a three-member team from Italy, a two-member team from Thailand, a three-member team from Azerbaijan, a three-member team from England, a five-member team from Germany, a three-member team from Malaysia, a seven-member team from the Netherlands, a three-member team from New Zealand, a five-member team from Singapore, a ten-member team from Slovak, a five-member team from Cyprus, a six-member team from Czech Republic, a two-member team from Guyana, a six-member team from Lebanon, a two-member team from Lithuania, a seven-member team from Poland, an 11-member team from Russia, a 12-member team from South Africa, a two-member team from Turkey, a five-member team from Vietnam and a three-member team from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
They were welcomed at the airport by officials of respective subcommittes.
Teams from Greece and Switzerland will arrive here tomorrow.
( 8 ) MOC Chairman's Trophy Sepak Takraw Tourney concludes

Yangon, 22 Nov - The final of year 2001 third Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman's Trophy Sepak Takraw Tournament and the prize presentation ceremony were held at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of MOC Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik, officials and enthusiasts.
After the final, the officials presented prizes and cash awards to prize-winning teams division-wise.
Then, the minister presented trophies to the first prize winning teams.
1.86 kilos of heroin seized in Muse
Yangon, 22 Nov - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, while acting on a tip-off at Mongyu Ywama junction in Muse, Shan State (North) on 5 November, searched Maung Zay Zee, son of U Zay Lay of Ward 2, Namphetka Village and seized 6 blocks of heroin weighing 1.86 kilos on him.
Action is being taken against him under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.