1 ) Secretary-1 attends fifth
Kathina robes offering ceremony of Aungmye Dhamma Yeiktha Alodawpyi
Kyaungtaik in Tamway Township
Yangon, 12 Nov-The fifth Kathina robes offering
ceremony was held at Aungmye Bodhi Dhamma Yeiktha Alodawpyi
Kyaungtaik on Pinshwenyaung Street in Tamway Township this evening.
Present were Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Aungmye Bodhi Dhamma
Yeiktha Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja
Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa, members of the Sangha, Secretary-l of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe, ministers, deputy ministers, the vice-mayor,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads
of department, wellwishers and guests.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from the Presiding
Nayaka Sayadaw of Aungmye Bodhi Dhamma Yeiktha Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik.
Members of the Sangha recited Parittas.Secretary-I Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented Kathina robes and
offertories to Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Aungmye Bodhi Dhamma
Yeiktha Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja
Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa.
The ministers, the deputy ministers, the vice-mayor and officials
offered alms to members of the Sangha.
The Secretary-1 accepted donations for construction of Dhammacariya
University Alodawpyi Kyaung.
The donations included K 7 million by Managing Director of Sein &
San Co Ltd member of the Panel of Patrons of Myanmar Bodh Gaya
Missionary Association Chairman of Gaya Region Theravadha Buddhism
Propagation Association U Sein Hla Win-Daw Phyu Phyu Khin, K 3
million by Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win and wife
Vice-Chairperson Agga Maha Thirithudama Theingi Thihathudama Theingi
Daw Nan Than Htwe (recipient of the medal for the outstanding
performance in social field grade-l) K 300,000 by proprietor of Kent
Garment Factory U Tun Tun Kyaw-Daw Kyin Su of Insein Township and K
200,000 by Chief Patron of Myanmar Bodh Gaya Missionary Association,
Thihathudamma Manizotadara Thirithud-ama Manizotadara U Kyaw Min, U
Thet Lwin Toe, U Maung Maung Toe and U Tin Maung Gyi.
.The ministers also received donations including
K 100,000 by U Nyunt Pe-Daw Myint Kyi of Kanayut Township, K 100,000
by U Soe Thein-Daw Myint Si of Hline Township, K 100,000 by U Thein
Aung-Daw Aye Myint of Taw Win Aung Co Ltd in Sangyoung Township, K
100,000 by U Win Aung Chit-Daw Khin Myo Myat Kyaw of Tamway
Township, K 100,000 by Ma Hmway Kyaing of Yuzana Plaza, K 100,000 by
Thihathudhamma Manijotadhara U Maung Maung Myint-Daw Aye Myint Swe
of Moe Construction Mandalay Co, K 100,000 by U Ba Nyunt-Daw Mya Mya
Thein of Bahan Township, K 100,000 by representative of Air Mandalay
U Tha Zan Pru-Daw Yin Nu of Sittway, K 100,000 by Mr TW Choi of
Korea, K 100,000 by Dr Mya Mya Win (Japanan). K 100.000 by U Kyi
Myint-Daw Aye Aye Thein of Yankin Centre.
Presiding Sayadaw of Aungmye Bodhi Dhamma Yeiktha Alodawpyi
Kyaungtaik Dhammacariya instructor (Tha-Sa-Ah) Dhammacariya)
Bhaddanta Sucittabhivamsa delivered a sermon. The Secretary-l and
party shared merits gained. The Secretary-l performed rituals of
golden and silver showers to mark the completion of the ceremony
( 2 )
Matho Shwekyar Thingan weaving and offering ceremony to be held
Yangon, 12 Nov-The sixth Matho Shwekyar Thingan
Weaving and Offering Ceremony and Thamanyaphala Akhadaw Day of Thiri
Mingala Kaba Aye Pagoda will be held at the pagoda. The Matho
Thingan Weaving Ceremony will be opened on the platform of the
pagoda at 4 pm on 29 November the Matho Shwekyar Thingan Offering
Ceremony, at 4 am on 30 November. The ceremony to observe
Thamanyaphala Akhadaw Day will be held in the prayer hall at 8 am on
the same day.
3rd meeting of State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee on 7, 8 Dec
Yangon, 12 Nov-The Religious Affairs Department today announced
that the third 47-member Plenary Meeting of the Fifth State Sangha
Maha Nayaka Committee is scheduled to held held on the 7th and 8th
Waning of Tazaungmon, 1363 ME, 7 and 8 December.
( 3 )
Ministers receives guests
Yangon, 12 Nov-Minister for Hotels and Tourism
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Manager of China
Yunnan Province International Travel Service Mr Chou Chan Chin and
party and Managing Director of Emerald Rose Garden Limited Ms Maria
Fong Lee and party at his office at 10 am and 11am respectively.
Also present at the calls were Director-General of Directorate of
Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director of Myanma
Hotels and Tourism U Kyi Tun and officials.
Health Minister receives Japanese guests
Yangon, 12Nov-Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket
Sein received Mr Toshimichi Aoki and party of Basic Design Study
Mission of Technical Cooperation Section of Japan International
Cooperation Agency at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road in
Dagon Township at 10 am today. Present at the call were Deputy
Ministers for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint
and officials.
( 4 )
Mayor receives Ambassador of Malaysia

Yangon, 17 Nov-Chairman of Yangon City
Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay received the Ambassador of
Malaysia to Myanmar Mr Dato Muhammad bin Noh at his office at 1.30
pm today.
Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of
Yangon City Development Committee Vice Mayor Col Maung Pa, Secretary
Col Myint Aung, Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win and committee members,
heads of departments, officials and Head of Chancery of Embassy of
Malaysia Mr Rustam Bin Yahaya.
Myanmar selected tennis team honoured
Yangon, 12 Nov-The Myanmar selected tennis team
that won the third prize in team's event at XXI SEA Games was
honoured at the stadium at Theinbyu tennis court here this
afternoon, attended by Patron of Myanmar Tennis Federation Deputy
Chief of Defence Services Intelligence Bureau Maj-Gen
Kyaw Win.
Also present on the occasion were Director-General of the Sports and
Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik and officials,
President of Myanmar Tennis Federation Director-General of Internal
Revenue Department U Chit Swe. Secretary Dr Myint Soe and
executives, wellwishers, invited guests
and players.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win spoke on the occasion. Then, Coach U Maung Maung
Lay recounted experience of the team at the games. Then, Golden
Flower Co Ltd and Dagon International Co Ltd presented K 2.5 million
each for repair of tennis courts, Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U
Aung Ko Win K 1 million, U Aung Zaw Win and U Maung Maung Gyi
K 500,000, President of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of
Commerce and Industry U Win Myint K 100,000 and Daw Yee Yee Tha of
Ywetthit Co Ltd K 200,000.
( 5 ) Commander Maj Gen Khin Maung
Than inspects agricultural and livestock
breeding tasks in Thanlyin
Yangon, 12 Nov-Member of the State Peace and Development
Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command Mai-Gen Khin Maung Than.
accompanied by staff officers of the Command, inspected agricultural
and livestock breeding tasks of a local unit in Thanlyin Township,
Yangon South District, this morning. First, the commander inspected
broiler, layer and quail breeding at the local unit where Commanding
Officer Lt-Col Tin Hlaing Shwe briefed him on the breeding tasks.
Then, the commander inspected vegetable patches of the unit and gave
instructions on supplying vegetables, eggs and meat to the tax-free
markets in Yangon.
Afterwards, the commander inspected the production and storage of
briquettes produced by the unit.
The commanding officer reported on production and distribution of
briquettes. The commander fulfilled
the requirements and left the unit in the afternoon.
The unit has put 410 acres under monsoon paddy and grown 10 acres of
vegetables such as gourd, ridged gourd, bitter, gourd, ladyfingers,
Roselle, beans and brinjal. The unit has also been raising 10,000
broilers and layers, 1500 quails, 56 cows, and 60 goats and breeding
fish in 10 acres of ponds, distributing the produces to the tax free
Minister inspects river-water pumping projects in
Yangon Division

Yangon,12 Nov-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt
Tin arrived at Yebaw Thaung river-water pumping project in Taikkyi
township this morning.
He inspected construction of the main pumping station and irrigation
canals, submersible pumps to be installed at the stations, steel water
pipes and foundations for installation of pumps. Special river-water
pumping projects are being implemented in Taikkyi and Htantabin
townships in Yangon North District.
The minister proceeded to Thabyedan river-water pumping station in
Taikkyi township. The head of Yangon Division Water Resources
Utilization Department reported on acres of irrigated lands and work
done.The minister inspected construction of irrigation canals and the
main pumping station, 43-inch diameter steel pipes and transportation
of the pipes to the stations. He inspected Kyo-gone river-water
pumping project in Htantabin township and construction of five
pontoons to be used at Yaybutalin river-water pumping project in Hline
( 6 )
Extempore talks at Naval Training Command HQ
Yangon, 12 Nov - The soldier's code of conduct
and extempore talks contest of Naval Training Command Headquarters
to mark the 57th anniversary of the Armed Forces Day was held at the
Thirimaha Zeya Kyaw Htin hall of the Naval Training Command
Headquarters this morning, attended by officiating commander of NTCH
Cmdr Myint Thein and member officers of the contest holding
Written contest of soldier' s code of conduct for officer and other
ranks level and oral contest for private level started at 8 am and
extempore talks at 12 noon. A total of 32 officers and 96 other
ranks from schools and units under the Naval Training Command
Headquarters took part in the contest.
International Seminar on Rights of the Child
Yangon, 12 Nov-The opening ceremony of the
International Seminar on the Rights of the Child, jointly
organized by the International Institute for the Rights of the
Child, the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and
Magistrates and the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, was held at
the Sedona Hotel, here this morning. Minister for Home Affairs Col
Tin Hlaing, President of the IDE Foundation Mr Bernard Comby and
Representative of Humanitarian Dialogue (Myanmar) Mr Leon de
Riedmatten made speeches on the occasion Experts from the
International Institute for the Rights of the Child will discuss
matters related to child rights and departmental officials,
representatives from NGOs and UN agencies totalling 93 persons will
also take part in the discussions which will be held up to15
( 7 ) Talks on Asian Ethno-Forms-
Lacquer wares beings
Yangon, 12 Nov- Talks on Asian Ethno-Forms -Lacquer wares jointly
sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Cooperatives,
Japan Foundation and the Japanese Embassy was opened at the National
Museum at 9 am today.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for
Culture U Soe Nyunt, Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Shigeru Tsumori,
member of Myanmar History Commission Dr Khin Maung Nyunt, Japanese
Lacquer wares Scholar Professor Dr Kaneko Kazushige , the
directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Culture, the
directors- general, managing director and officials.
Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt made an
opening speech. Then Japanese Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori extended
greeting. Afterwards, the deputy minister, the ambassador and guest
studied the lacquer wares exhibited at the ceremony.
Dr Kaneko Kazushige and Dr Khin Maung Nyunt gave on
lacquer wares . The talks on Asian Ethno- Forms - Lacquer wares is a
cultural cooperation programme to further extend the friendship between
Japan and it will continue tomorrow. Those interested may attend the
( 8 )
MRTV programmes to be retransmitted from Pyinmana sub-station
starting from 15 November
Yangon, 12 Nov- Myanma Radio and Television, Ministry of
Information, has been implementing extensive construction projects
of sub-stations with a view to enabling people all over the country
to enjoy its programmes. A total of 147 sub-stations have been
constructed so far. On completion of the sub-stations in Pathein and
Minhla (Thayawady) under construction, 87 percent of the entire
population will be able to fully enjoy programmes of MRTV.
Although programmes are being transmitted from 22 sub-stations with
high broadcasting capacity—1 KW, 3 KW, 5 KW and 10 KW in densely
populated plains, it cannot still cover all the areas. To fill the
gap, necessary retransmission-stations are being constructed.
Townships in central Myanmar; Pyinmana,Tatkon, Yamethin, Pyawbwe,
Meiktila and Thazi cannot clearly receive quality programmes
broadcast from sub-stations at Sagaing, Taunggyi, Toungoo and Popa
which have 10 KW capacity each.
The regions stretches 100 miles from north to south. Two
sub-stations will be constructed in the two zones As the first phase
of the project, a retransmitting su1Q-station with 3 KW capacity has
been built as scheduled to cover the zone that includes Pyinmana,
Lewe and Tatkon.
Experts have suggested that the Pyinmana retransmission station
should give more priority to the northern link than the southern
link; should direct four antennas to the north, one to the
south-east and another one to the south-west in accord with the 4:
l: l system .Pyinmana sub-station will retransmit at UHF 13.
covering an area—30 miles to the north, nine miles to the southeast,
14 miles to the south and 12 miles to the south-west. A total
population of 782,176 in the area 229,032 in Tatkon, 299,046 in
Pyinmana and 254,098 in Lewe will have access to good quality
programmes of MRTV. US $ 268,027 and K16.64 million went into the
construction of the sub-station in Pyinmana.
The project started on 1 August 1999 and installation of the
transmitter and accessories completed on 21 October 2001. Trial
transmission has been conducted. Daily regular transmission of MRTV
programmes will be conducted from Pyinmana sub-station starting from
the morning of 15 November, 2001.