1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to
Kingdom of Cambodia
Yangon, 9 Nov - On the occasion of the 48th Anniversary of the National Day of the Kingdom of Cambodia which falls on 9 November 2001, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia and His Excellency Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
( 2 ) Minister receives Ambassador of Sri Lanka

Yangon, 8 Nov - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe received Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar Mr Ubhayasekara Mapa at his office at 1 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Pe Than, Director-General of the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems U Chit Khin, Director-General of Marine Administration Department U Soe Win, Managing Director of Myanma Port Authority U Thein Htay and Director of the Meteorology and Hydrology Department U Tun Lwin.
Minister receives FAO resident representative
Yangon, 8 Nov- Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Resident Representative of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Mr Bhaskar Barua at his office at 1 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, the head of office and
UMFCCI President receives
foreign guests
Yangon, 8 Nov - A twelve-member delegation led by Vice-Chairperson Ms Mei Cui Zhen of Industry and Economic Group of Ronzu, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China called on President of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint, Joint-General Secretary-1 U Pyone Maung Maung and CEC members at the office of UMFCCI here yesterday afternoon.
They cordially discussed matters related to economic cooperation, investment and trade.
( 3 )
Myanmar delegation leaves for Qatar

Yangon, 8 Nov- A delegation led by Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone left here for Qatar by air yesterday to
attend the 4th Ministerial-level Conference of the World Trade
Organization to be held in Doha from 9 to 13 November. They were
seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Hotels and
Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries
Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen
Kyaw Hsan, officials and families of the members of the delegation.
The delegation comprised Director-General of the Directorate of
Trade U Nyunt Aye and Deputy Director U Tin Shwe Win.
Myanmar-Thai delegation tours Mongyun region in Shan State (East)
Yangon, 8 Nov - A Myanmar delegation led by Secretary of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and a Thai delegation led by Secretary-General of the Drug Control Board of Thailand Mr Kitti Limchaikit left here by air for Monghsat, Shan State (East) on 6 November to study efforts for eradication of narcotic drugs and alternative development tasks in Mongyun region, southern part of Wa region, Shan State (East) and to meet with Wa national leaders.
Then, the Myanmar-Thai delegation proceeded to Mongyun via Monghsat by car, and arrived at Mongyun at 1 pm.
The Myanmar-Thai delegation met with Wa national leaders led by U Pauk Yu Ri at Mongyun Guest House at 2 pm and discussed eradication of narcotic drugs in Mongyun region, alternative development tasks and cooperation between the two nations.
The delegation members, together with Wa national leaders, studied model farms, the hydroelectric plant and the location of Mongyun region.
The Wa national leaders hosted a dinner to the delegation members.
The delegation members stopped for the night at Mongyun Guest House.
The delegation members visited Opium-substitute (Wanhom) Model Farm in Lwehsamhsaw region, Mongyun, yesterday morning.
Liaison officer of Wa national group U Khin Maung Myint explained matters related to cultivation of opium substitute crops on 6,000 acres of land, regional development tasks being implemented with the assistance of the two nations and efforts to eradicate narcotic drugs by Wa nationals in cooperation with the government.
The leaders of the delegations had discussions in a cordial manner.
The delegation members left Monghsat by air in the afternoon and arrived back here.
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win hosted a dinner to the Thai delegation at the Royal Garden Hotel.
The two delegations also held a meeting on cooperation between the two countries in eradicating narcotic drugs in Mongyun region, southern part of Wa region, and implementing alternative development tasks at the Drug Eradication Museum this morning.
The meeting ended at 11.45 am.
( 4 )
Myanmar Tong Tah Trade Fair' 2001 opened
Yangon, 8 Nov - With the permission of the Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar Tong Tah Trade
Fair' 2001, jointly sponsored by Tong Tah Co Ltd and Dragon Exhibitions, was opened at the Yangon Trade Centre on Pazundaung Road in Mingala Taungnyunt Township, Yangon this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, deputy-ministers, departmental heads and officials, Tong Tah Company Managing Director U Khin Maung Latt and responsible personnel of exhibition booths and guests.
Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Chairman of Tong Tah Co Ltd Mr Peter Loh and Managing Director of Dragon Exhibitions Ltd U Aung Aung
formally opened the Trade Fair and then looked around it. The Trade
Fair is held with the aim of enabling the public to have direct
access to products manufactured in accord with the international
standard, modern manufacturing method and packaging system and the
international market and achieving fundamentals of market oriented
system. On display at the Trade Fair are clothes, household goods,
farm equipment, stationery and packaging materials, construction
materials, sports equipment, medicines, electronic appliances, small
machinery and installation materials by 50 companies at 90 booths.
It will be kept open for the public from 9 am to 6 pm till 11
November in conjunction with demonstration of products by Star
Entertainment Co Ltd.
Mayor inspects agriculture and livestock breeding work

Yangon, 8 Nov -Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected agriculture and livestock breeding work in Uto-Kya-in region, Taikkyi Township, and gave instructions this morning.
The mayor inspected growing of 100,000 pineapples and 3,000 banana trees in the perennial tree plantation.
The mayor then inspected the production process at firewood-substitute briquette factory and marketing the briquettes, and production process at Myodaw oil mill and sugar mill.
Afterwards, the mayor inspected opreation of the 25-ton rice mill No 2.
The mayor received Vice-Chairperson of visiting Industry and Economic Group of Ronzu in Jiangsu Province of the People's Republic of China Ms Mei Cuizhen and party at Shwe Wah Tun Hall of Uto Farm. Chairman of Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Supervisory Committee Col Thaung Wai briefed them on Myodaw Farm and Resort and agriculture and livestock work with the use of audio visual aids.
Then, the visiting group viewed the work round the project region.
( 5 ) Third youth educative training camp concludes
Yangon, 8 Nov-The closing ceremony of the third youth educative training camp sponsored by Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee under the supervision of the MMCWA Supervisory Committee was held at Pyidaungzu Hall of Kyaik-kasan Ground this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and members, commanders of military regions, Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe of MMCWA, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and central executive committee members, Patron of the Supervisory Committee for Yangon Division MCWA Daw Marlar Tint and members of the Panel of Patrons, Chairman of Yangon Division MCWA Dr Tin Maung Win and executives, chairmen of District Peace and Development Councils, sponsors, youth delegates from townships in Yangon Division.
Youth delegate Maung Ye Wint Soe acted as master of ceremonies.
Patron of the Supervisory Committee Daw Marlar Tint made a speech and presented completion certificates. Afterwards, youth delegates Maung Kyaw Zeya Lin and Ma Myat Kalyar Nandi recounted their experience.
Later, youth delegates entertained the audience with the song ' " Htawazin Memaya Dawby
" composed by themselves. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
Wellwishers make donations to MMCWA
Yangon, 8 Nov Ñ A ceremony to make donations in cash and kind by wellwishers to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the office of MMCWA at the corner of Thanthuma and Parami Roads in South Okkalapa Township at 10 am today.
Present on the occasion were Chairperson of MMCWA Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members and wellwishers.
Deputy Director of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Aung Ba Kyu, on behalf of wellwishers of Malaysia Association of Myanmar (MAM), handed over K 3 million to the chairperson, who presented a certificate of honour to them.
Then, Dr Teza Aung handed over 300 FECs donated by Rotary Club of Convey Island based in England; representative Dr Mya Mya Win, 10 sewing machines by Asian Maternal and Child Welfare Association; head of the division U Khin Maung Oo, one lawnmower worth K 105,000 by Parks and Playgrounds Department of YCDC; Director Daw Saw Yu Mon, forlic acid and pain-killer capsules worth K 50,400 by Myanmar Moton International Private Ltd.
The vice-chairperson accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to them. The chairperson then spoke words of
Work coordination meeting to hold TV Quiz

Yangon, 8 Nov-The first work coordination meeting on holding the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative TV Quiz for 2002 was held at Myanma Radio and Television this morning.
Present were Chairman of the Work Committee for Organizing the Quiz Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein and members, heads of department, Joint Secretary of the Work Committee Director of MRTV U Ko Ko Htwe and guests.
The deputy minister made a speech.
Director U Ko Ko Htwe explained arrangements for holding the TV Quiz.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
For the basic education level TV quiz, the prescribed books are the Tatmadaw History (Volume I to VI inclusive); for the higher education level, the Tatmadaw History (Volume I to VII inclusive).
News, songs, plays and documentary programmes broadcast by MRTV are also to be studied.
The basic education level TV quiz will be held on 10 January 2002 at MRTV;
the higher education level TV quiz, on 11 January. The contestants
are supposed to report on 8 January 2002. The meeting ended with the
concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
( 6 ) Theravada Buddhist Missionary Monks Training Course opens
Yangon, 8 Nov - In accord with the Ovada of Theravada Buddhist Missionary Ovadacariya Saya-
daws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, Theravada Buddhist Missionary Monks Training Course No 12 was opened under the sponsorship of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana at the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) this morning.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Maha Aungmyay Bonsankyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Maha Ratthaguru Bhaddanta
Panindabhi-vamsa, Joint Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pan-dita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta ‚an-dima, Chairman of Thera-vada Buddhist Missionary Ovadacariya Committee Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kundalabhivamsa and Ovadacariya Sayadaws, course instructor Sayadaws, trainee monks, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint and wellwishers.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kundalabhivamsa gave an Ovadakatha and Minister U Aung Khin supplicated on religious affairs.
Next, the minister, the deputy minister and
heads of department offered alms to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pa–indabhivamsa delivered a sermon.
The minister, the deputy minister and the congregation shared merits gained for good deeds.
Altogether 80 trainee monks including those from border areas are attending the course.
Wellwishers may donate K 300 for a monk and K 24,000 for 80 monks per day.
Minister attends Htidaw hoisting ceremony
Yangon, 8 Nov - Minister for Culture U Win Sein attended the ceremony to enshrine relics and to hoist Htidaw and Seinbudaw of ancient Yadanabon Pagoda in MraukU in Rakhine State held at Mingala Mandat at the pagoda on 6 November morning.
It was attended by members of the Sangha led by Alodawpyi Sayadaw, Director-General of Archaeology Department U Nyunt Han, Deputy Director U Phone Kyaw of MraukU ancient cultural heritage region, departmental officials, townselders and wellwishers.
Members of the Sangha consecrated the Buddha images, Htidaw and Seinbudaw.
Then, the congregation received the Five Precepts from the Alodawpyi Sayadaw. Members of the Sangha recited parittas.
The Minister, the director-general and party presented offertories to the Sayadaws and shared the merits gained for good deeds.
The Seinbudaw and the Buddha images were conveyed around the pagoda three times by the Minister, the director-general and party. At the auspicious time, the Seinbudaw was hoisted atop the pagoda and rituals of silver and golden showers were performed to mark the success of the ceremony.
King Min Khamaung and queen Shin Htwe had the ancient pagoda built in 1612
A.D. The work to renovate the pagoda in its original style started
in September, 1999.
( 7 )
Announcement on fake (imitation) drugs
Yangon, 8 Nov- For the public to have access to
genuine quality, safe and effective drugs, the Ministry of Health, in
accord with the provisions of the National Drug Law and Notifications,
has implemented a systematic drug registration system. Registered drugs
available in the market are occasionally analysed for the original
stated quality (Post Market Surveillance). During Post Market
Surveillance, the registered " Injection Artemether " produced by
Kunming Pharmaceutical Corporation, China is found to be an imitation.
The comparison of the genuine (registered) and fake (imitation) "
Injection Artemether " are noted as follows:
The colour on the lower left side of the outer front
package of the genuine Injection Artemether is previously dark-blue and
recently red and the fake is bluish; the manufacturing date and expiry
date of the genuine drug are stated on the back of the outer package and
there is no statement on package of the fake drug; Myanmar Registration
Number is stated on the back of the outer package of the genuine drug
and there is no statement on the package of the fake drug; liquid in the
ampoule of the genuine injection is oily and liquid in the fake
injection is watery. The laboratory analysis of the fake (imitation)
drug is found to have no active ingredient of Artemether. Genuine "
Injection Artemether " produced by Kunming Pharmaceutical, China is
registered in Myanmar with Registration No. 0305A2990. It is a very
essential and life saving medicine for treatment of malaria. Anybody
purchasing any drug (medicine) is urged to ask for a receipt from the
drug shop. The retail or wholesale drug shops are requested to purchase
the drug from the registered drug importers with a backup of receipts.
Anybody found to be manufacturing, importing, exporting, storing or
distributing fake (imitation) drugs/substandard drugs will be punished
under the National Drug Law.
Kokkaing Swimming Club honours Moe Thu Aung
Yangon, 8 Nov - A ceremony to honour Moe Thu Aung, member of Kokkaing Swimming Club, who bagged one gold medal and two silver medals in swimming events of XXI SEA Games by Kokkaing Swimming Club was held at the swimming club on 7 November.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and officials of the Sports and Physical Education Department, the patrons of the swimming club and chairmen and executives, and members of the swimming club.
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made a speech on the occasion.
Patron of the swimming club U Kyi Nyunt and Chairman Dr Khin Shwe explained the purpose of honouring the outstanding athlete.
Patron U Min Lwin presented K 300,000 to Moe Thu Aung and the ceremony ended.
( 8
Opium refinery raided in Kutkai Township
Yangon, 8 Nov-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Tatmadaw unit, receiving information that there was an opium refinery near Manyonmaw Village in Kutkai Township, Shan State (North), stormed and combed the areas on 20 October and seized 17 huts (small/big), 1354 gallons of precursor chemicals, two Honda generators (big), one Honda generator (small), one air compressor, two opium extrusion machines, one ceramic steamer, 19 ceramic basins, 17 ceramic funnels, 12 ename earthen pots, 13 large bell-mouthed pans, four steel trays for drying opium, two electric rice cookers (big), one electric rice cooker (small), 3 rice bowls, four scales, four car jacks,21 five-gallon capacity containers, 150 empty drums each with capacity of 50 gallons, two plastic containers, ten bags of bone charcoal, 6 glass steamers, 20 dome-shaped casings, six small enamel pots, 125 wooden trays, 20 plastic containers, 180 empty plastic containers each with capacity of five gallons, 200 empty plastic containers each with capacity of six gallons, 15 plastic buckets, 100 small containers containing white powder and 27 kerosene stoves.
Action is being taken in connection with the seizure of the precursor chemicals and equipment under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
9.89 kilos of raw opium seized in Taunggyi
Yangon, 8 Nov - The Taunggyi District court handed down a sentence of 20
years' imprisonment on Ma Mya Yee for possessing illicit raw opium on 10 September this year.
A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and Taunggyi Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Ma Mya Yee of Saungkhar Village in Pinlaung Township at 6 am on 31 March 2001 and seized 9.89 kilos of raw opium.
The Pinlaung Township Police Station filed Ma Mya Yee, 25, daughter of U Hta under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The court heard the case and sentenced her to 20 years in prison under Section 19(A).