1 ) Work coordinated to honour Independence Mawgun Award winners
Yangon, 5 Nov - A work coordination meeting on the holding of a ceremony to honour Independence Mawgun Award winners on 11 November 2001 with the sponsorship of the Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization was held at Hsinphyushin Hall of the Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital (500-bed) this morning.
Present were Chairman of the Central Organizing Committee of MWVO Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Secretary of the Committee for Organizing the Ceremony to Honour Independence Mawgun Award winners Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and members of the Central Organizing Committee.
Secretary of the Committee U Aung Thaung reported on work done for the holding of the ceremony.
Then, officials of various subcommittees took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-3 attended to the requirements and gave instructions.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-3 and members of the Central Organizing Committee inspected the preparations for the ceremony.
Tatmadaw Shooting Team leaves for Manila

Yangon, 5 Nov-A Myanma Tatmadaw Shooting Team led by Col Thant Swe left here for Manila by air this morning to participate in the 11th ASEAN Armed Forces shooting contest (2001) to be held in Manila, the Philippines.
The Myanma Tatmadaw shooting team was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Chairman of Defence Services Sports and Physical Education Management Committee Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, senior Tatmadaw officers and their relatives.
( 2 ) Minister for Industry-1 receives guests
Yangon, 5 Nov- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Chief Executive Officer of Tianjin Machinery Import and Export Corporation (Group) Mr Ding Jing Xin and party and President Mr Lin Gang of China Machinery Complete Equipment Engineering Corporation and party at his office at 1 pm and 2.30 pm today respectively. Present at the calls were Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun, directors-general and managing directors of departments and
Minister for Religious Affairs receives ambassador
Yangon, 5 Nov-Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin received Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar Mr U Mapa at his office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road today. Also present were Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint and the head of office of the
Minister receives Chairman of Asia
Buddhist Association (ABA), Japan
Yangon, 5 Nov - Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin received a 30-member delegation led by Chairman Ven Ko Kai Oya and Secretary Ven Kojima of Asia Buddhist Association (ABA), Japan, at his office at 2 pm today.
The minister presented Maha Buddhawun CD-ROMs and video tapes to them.
Also present at the call were Director-General of the Department for Promoting and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint and Head of Office U Maung Maung Myint.
Thai delegation arrives

Yangon, 5 Nov - A seven-member Thai delegation led by Mr Kitti Limchaikit, Secretary-General of Thailand Drug Abuse Control Organization arrived at Yangon International Airport by Thai Airways this morning to discuss matters on Myanmar-Thai cooperation on drug elimination and alternative development tasks in Mongyawng of southern Wa Region, Shan State (East).
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Secretary of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and officials.
Then, CCDAC and Thai Drug Abuse Control Organization held a coordination meeting at the meeting hall of Drug Elimination Museum at 11 am today.
It was attended by Myanmar delegation led by Secretary of CCDAC Police Maj-Gen Soe Win. They discussed matters related to giving assistance to drug elimination and alternative development tasks in Mongyawng of southern Wa Region, Shan State (East). The Thai delegation, during their stay in Myanmar from 5 to 8 November, will also visit Shan State (East) and will meet with Wa national leaders.
Construction Minister tours Mandalay Division
Yangon, 5 Nov-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun accompanied by officials arrived at Baung Gyi Bridge (bridge No 5/25) on Mandalay-Madaya-Mogok road at 8 am on 2 November. Project Engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U Hsan Win of Bridge Special Group-14 reported to the minister on work. The minister and party inspected driving of piles for foundation.
Later, they proceeded to Tanga Bridge (bridge No 1/27) on the same road. At the briefing hall, Project Engineer U Hsan Win gave a detailed account of work.
The minister gave necessary instructions.
On arrival at the briefing hall of Letpanhla camp, PyinOoLwin District Superintending Engineer Daw Tin Htwe reported to the minister on construction of Mandalay-Letpanhla-Thabeikkyin road. Next, the minister heard a report on construction of Thabeikkyin-Tagaung road presented by Deputy Superintending Engineer of Road Special Group-14 U Win Maung.
The minister and party
arrived at the briefing hall of Tagaung-Katha road construction project. Project Engineer Superintending Engineer U Aye Naing Tun reported to the minister on work. The minister fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to the Shweli Bridge (Nga-O) construction project site. They inspected the approach road destroyed by floods of Shweli river. They also inspected construction of the approach road of Nga-O bank.
On November 3, the minister and party inspected Shwegu-Zinbon-Udaung Taung-Khinsan road. At the briefing hall of Khinsan camp, Superintending Engineer U Aye Naing Tun reported to
the minister on construction
of Shwegu-Udaung Taung section.The minister left necessary instructions.
( 3 ) Work coordinated to supply water for villages in dry zone

Yangon, 5 Nov - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt attended a work coordination meeting on implementation of water supply projects for Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay Divisions in the meeting hall of the Development Affairs Department in Botahtaung Township this afternoon.
Also present were Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin, director-generals, managing directors, deputy directors-general, directors from states and divisions, deputy superintending engineers and officials of the Development Affairs Department.
The minister said that the Head of State has given guidance on the implementation of a special project to supply drinking-water for all the villages in the dry zone.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, the ministry drew a 10-year project to supply water to rural areas in three divisions. Township Development Affairs Committee managed to carry out water supply tasks designed to benefit 263,100 rural people from 714 villages in three divisions in 2000-2001 financial year. In 2001-2002 financial year, the Development Affairs Department has to carry out water supply tasks for rural areas with the full use of money and machinery. Out of five rural area development tasks, the two tasks to better the condition of transport in rural areas and to supply pure drinking-water are directly concerned with the Development Affairs Department. So priority is to be given to implementation of these two tasks.
Assistance is to be provided to remaining tasks concerning rural health, education and economic development.
In conclusion, the minister urged directors and deputy superintending engineers to conduct tours of inspection right down to the grassroots level and to provide close supervision for rural road and bridge construction and water supply projects.
Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin gave instructions on engineering work.
Director-General of the Development Affairs Department Col Myo Myint reported on progress of implementation of rural road and bridge construction projects and water supply projects.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
Director-General Col Myo Myint handed over US $ 10,000 donated to the funds
for water supply projects by Utopia Japan Inc and Silver Wave
Company to the director of Magway Division. The meeting ended with
concluding remarks by the minister.
Training on Nursing Leadership and Management
Development to Strengthen Nursing Services in Myanmar opens
Yangon, 5 Nov-The Training on Nursing Leadership and Management Development to Strengthen Nursing Services in Myanmar jointly conducted by the Ministry of Health and the International Nursing Council of the World Health Organization began at the Institute of Nursing on Bogyoke Aung San Road this morning, with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, officials of the Directorate of Medical Services, the directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, the deputy directors-general, rectors, directors, medical superintendents, Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra, chairmen of non-governmental organizations, officials, course instructors and trainees.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said:
Deputy Ministers, Director-Generals, Deputy Director-Generals, Rectors, Directors, Professors, Medical Superintendents, WHO representative, international consultants, distinguished guests and participants, may I wish you all a very good morning and the best of physical and mental well-being on this auspicious occasion.
Concerning the national health policy, health care services are provided and among the health personnel, nurses, lady health visitors and midwives are in the major role of health care providers.
To strengthen quality nursing care in the hospital and community setting, local training and workshop has been conducted for nurses and midwives. International study programmes are also provided.
The Ministry of Health has conducted the advanced courses on nursing leadership and management development. Eighty seven nursing personnel have already completed the course.
In 1999, WHO and the Ministry of Health collaborative progamme for nursing and midwifery education and services development has been introduced. Under the strengthening of nursing management project which is carried out by the department of health, nursing division, the national plan of action (POA) has been formulated based on seven key result areas. The national plan of action was submitted to the Ministry of Health for approval to strengthen nursing care services in future.
According to the 2000-2001 plans, the collaborative programme of WHO is to be carried out as follows-
1. Strengthening of nursing services management, training on nursing leadership and management project,
2. Strengthening of nursing / midwifery education project,
3. Strengthening of midwifery services: Implementation of Standards of Midwifery Practice for Safe Motherhood project,
4. Patient centered nursing care and homebased nursing care project,
5. Community health nursing project, and
6. Strengthening of Nursing, Midwifery Regulation and Nursing Care Standard project.
This training on nursing leadership and management development programme is one of the seven key result areas of national plan of action.
This programme had been implemented in most of the countries since last five years.
This training is a one-year course and the teaching methodology would be learning by doing and helping participantsÕ knowledge and skills to real situation related to their work, at the eight selected hospitals.
The programme will be conducted in the following hospitals:-
1. Yangon General Hospital
2. Yangon Children Hospital
3. Central Women Hospital
4. North Okkalapa General Hospital in Yangon Division and other State/Division hospitals, these are:-
1. Mandalay General Hospital
2. Sao San Htun Hospital
3. Monywa General Hospital
Lashio State Hospital.
There will be three workshops and the final meeting at the end of the programme.
Two international consultants will render assistance for this programme and the nursing division of the Department of Health will be responsible for this programme.
The Ministry of Health will also give necessary guidance and support to strengthen quality nursing care on providing health care services for the people.
In conclusion, I would like to wish you all consultants to have enjoyable time in Myanmar and to all the participants who actively participate in the programme.
I strongly believe that the outcome of the training would be very beneficial for the strengthening of nursing care services in Myanmar.
Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra also spoke.
The five-day course is being attended by 35 trainees from states and divisions.
Myanmar medical experts, Inter plus of Germany perform operation on cleft lip and cleft palate patients

Yangon, 5 Nov- Operations on cleft lip and cleft palate and disabled patients and those who received fire burns jointly organized by Myanmar medical experts of the Ministry of Health and Inter plus of Germany were performed at Yangon General Hospital this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected the operations and fulfilled the requirements. The Myanmar medical team was led by Professor Dr Khin Maung Lwin of plastic surgery unit of YGH and Inter plus of Germany was led by Professor Hans Anderl and Professor Wolfgang Muhl Bauer. Sixty patients underwent operations.
The Inter plus of Germany will perform similar operations in NyaungU Township on 9 November.
The team has operated on 700 patients so far.
( 4 )
Minister inspects Toungoo Airport

Yangon, 5 Nov - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Deputy Director-General of Department of Civil Aviation U Myint Thein and Managing Director of Myanma Airways U Tin HlaingÊHmi,ÊarrivedÊat Tou-ngoo Airport this morning.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and officials reported on condition of the airport, passenger lounge and transporting of cargo and number of passengers to the minister.
The minister gave instructions on keeping the passenger lounge clean for convenience of passengers, ensuring smooth travel for passengers, systematic weighing of cargo and greening of the airport environs. Then, the minister inspected boarding of passengers and cargo loading.
The minister then attended to the needs.
Minister attends second coord meeting of Textbooks Printing and Publishing Committee
Yangon, 5 Nov - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung attended the second coordiantion meeting of the Textbooks Printing and Publishing Committee held at the hall of Sarpay Beikman Press on Pyay Road here this afternoon. Also present at the meeting were Chairman of the Textbooks Printing Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of the Textbooks Publishing Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun, Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint, members of the sub-committees and officials from ministries.
Chairman of the Committee Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung delivered a speech.
Secretary of the Committee Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein read out the resolutions of the first coordination meeting. Then, approvals were sought.
Chairmen of the sub-committees Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung briefed the meeting on work done by their respective sub-committees.
Then discussions followed. Deputy General Manager (Trading) U Myo Maung of the Ministry of Industry-1 and Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint also took part in the discussions.
The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the Chairman.
( 5 ) Tentatively-selected artists announced
Yangon, 5 Nov - The tentatively-selected artists of First Myanmar ASEAN Arts Awards were announced today. It was sponsored by Philip Morris Group of Companies with the assistance of the Defence Services Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Defence
and the ASEAN Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Altogether 192 artists from over 40 townships sent 682 entries for First Myanmar ASEAN Arts Awards.
The entries of sixty-five artists were tentatively selected.
They are U Thein Htay of Nyaungshwe, U Soe Myint Sein of Toungoo, U Zaw Min Tun of Bago, (U) Maung Thiha and U Thin Aung of Bagan, U Myo Nyunt of Magway, U Khin Maung Nyo of Mandalay, (U) Maung Pho, U Hla Tun, U Kan Chun, U Tin Maung Oo (Mandalay), U Zaw Min (Mandalay), U Chan Aye (U Tin Win), U Soe Aung, U Chit Sein, U Myat Kyawt, U K Tun, (U) Maung Sit Mone, U Sein Myint, U Kaung Zaw, U Ya Hu La, U Myo Khin, U Zaw Tun, U Aung Tun Lin of Mandalay, U Sein Aung, U Shine Lu, U Shwe Kyaw Lin, (U) Maung Myint Aung, U Khin Maung Myint, U Nay Win (Maung Nay Kyi), U Wa Thone, U Thet Oo (Mon Thet), U Kyi Myint Saw, U Hla Phone Aung, U Saw Wai, U Wai Yan Phyo, U Maung Maung Thaik, U Win Myint Moe, U Sein Win, U Khin Maung Kyaw Oo, U Min Han Pyone, U Thet Aung, U Thein Myint Thein, U Myint Aung (Fuji), U Tin Htay Aung, U Myint Kyi, U Maung Shwe, U Soe Naing, U Khine Min Soe, U San Min, U MPP Ye Myint, Daw Thida Htwe, U Aung Myint, (U) Kyaiklat Win Maung, U Kyaw Myint Oo, U Min Zaw, U Nyein Chan Su, U Sein Lin, U Hla Toe, U Tin Maung Oo (Yangon), U Mu Mu, U Bo Kyi, U Dewi Tu Tu, U Myint Thein (Pawhsanhmwe) and U Nay Myo Say of Yangon.
The artists from Mandalay are to send a piece of work of arts which they like most to Htanyeiknyo Art Gallery, No 29, 26 B Street, between 63 Street and 64 Street; those from Yangon to New Treasure Art Gallery, No 84/A, Thanlwin Street, Shwetaunggya Yeiktha, Shwetaunggya Ward, Bahan
Township, not later than 24 November. Out of 65 tentatively-selected
entries, 30 will be chosen in the last week of November.
Workshop on WTO Valuation
Agreement for Private Section begins
Yangon, 5 Nov-A ceremony to open Workshop On WTO Valuation Agreement for Private Section No 2, jointly conducted by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Customs Department, was held at the meeting hall of UMFCCI on Merchant Street this morning.
Director-General of Customs Department Lt-Col Khin Maung Lin and President of UMFCCI U Win Myint spoke on the occasion.
Then, the meeting was held. Altogether 34 trainees of private business enterprises attended the meeting.
Similar workshops will be held. Those who wish to attend the workshop may contact the office of UMFCCI
at No 504/506, Merchant Street and phone numbers 246495, 282208 and
Mayor inspects feedstuff plant, fertilizer plant, poultry farm
Yangon, 5 - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected the feedstuff plant, the fertilizer plant and the poultry farm in Mingaladon Township, yesterday morning.
At the feedstuff plant, the mayor heard a report on production of feedstuff, delivery of feedstuff to livestock breeding farms of YCDC and the breeding of broilers.
The mayor gave instructions on production of feedstuff, speedy delivery of feedstuff to livestock breeding farms, purchase of raw materials, the breeding of 300,000 broilers and sale of chicken at markets in the township and tax-free markets.
Next, the mayor and officials inspected the construction of the fertilizer factory in the compound of Htaukkyant
Layer Breeding Farm and gave instructions on construction of the
factory and production of various kinds of fertilizer. Afterwards,
he inspected the chicken runs and gave instructions on the breeding
of 200,000 layers and cultivation of kitchen crops and seasonal
crops in the compound of the factory.
Commander attends Kathina robe offering ceremony, honours artistes
Yangon, 5 Nov - A ceremony to offer Kathina robes to the members of the Sangha was held at Kyakhatwaing Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Bago for the 52nd time at the Sarthintaik yesterday, attended by Presiding Nayaka Saya-daw of the Sarthintaik State Ovadanariya Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddamma-jotika Bhaddanta Jotipala and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, Secretary of the Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Min and departmental officials, donors and invited guests.
At the auspicious time, the Commander formally opened the Tagondine (flagmast). Then, the congregation received the Five Precepts from the Presiding Sayadaw. The Commander and the wellwishers offered Kathina robes to the Sayadaw, followed by sharing of merits.
In the afternoon, the Commander attended the ceremony to honour artistes from the division who won prizes in the Ninth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions held at Thiri Ottha hall in Bago. He made a speech and presented cash to the prize-winners. He then enjoyed the performance.
He also offered Kathina robes to Presiding Sayadaw Saddammajotika Bhaddanta Vijaya of Zabu Aye Tawya Kyaungtaik in Nyaunglaybin Township. The Commander supplicated religious affairs to the Sayadaw.
( 6 )
Commander inspects agricultural work in Amarapura Township
Yangon, 5 Nov - Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, together with departmental officials, visited the 50-acre model farm at Natyekan Village-tract, Amarapura Township, on 3 November morning.
The commander inspected the fertilizer combined with Biocomposer fertilizer and Urea T super fertilizer which are being used for cultivation of monsoon paddy.
Manager of Mandalay Division Myanma Agriculture Service U Aung Kyin reported on distribution of Biocomposer fertilizer to farmers.
Next, the commander inspected agricultural work in the fields of farmers U Hsan Nyunt and U Soe Win and the monsoon paddy fields of the 50-acre model farm.
The commander also inspected the paddy fields of farmer U Tin Oo and U Hti.
Commander inspects refresher courses on subjects in Myitkyina
Yangon, 5 Nov-Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, accompanied by departmental officials, inspected refresher courses on primary, middle and high school level subjects in Myitkyina on 3 November.
The commander inspected the course being conducted at No 4 Basic Education Middle School and met teachers.
The commander and party inspected multiplier course on the teaching of subjects cover syllabus at No 1 Basic Education High School in Myitkyina.
Principal of Education College U Sein Win and officials reported on the courses and
On-job training course No 12 opens
Yangon, 5 Nov- On-job training course No 12 for the auditors of the Auditor-General's Office and local accounts offices was opened at the training school of Auditor-General's Office at 11 am today.
It was attended by Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win, Director-General of the Auditor-General's Office Daw Thin Thin, Deputy Director-General Daw Tin Kyi Oo, directors, officials from the training school of the Auditor-General's Office, course lecturers and trainees. Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye delivered a speech.
Altogether 100 trainees are attending the one-month course.
Medical equipment donated to hospitals
Yangon, 5 Nov- A ceremony to donate medical equipment to hospitals under the Ministry of Health by German Embassy was held at Children's Hospital on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road at 11 am today.
Present on the occasion were Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung, Deputy Director-General Dr Hla Pe and the directors, medical superintendents, professors, specialists and Counsellor Mr Christoph Retzlaff of Embassy of Germany to Myanmar and officials.
First, the counsellor explained the purpose of the donation.
Then, the counsellor presented medical equipment worth US dollars 9,000 one unit of Infusion Pump for Hpa-an People's Hospital, one units of Infusion Pump for Mawlamyine People's Hospital, two units of Infusion Pump for Yangon Children's Hospital to Dr Wan Maung who presented the certificate of honour to the counsellor.
Later, Medical Superintendent Dr Mya Thein of Yangon Children's Hospital spoke words of thanks.
( 7 )
Demonstration of continuous renal replacement therapy machine (CRRT)
Yangon, 5 Nov- A demonstration of continuous renal replacement therapy machine (CRRT) imported by Concordia Inte'l Ltd was held at Sofital Plaza this afternoon.
Managing Director Dr Than Win and Professor Dr Daw May Mya Win of Thingangyun Sanpya Hospital spoke on the occasion.
Manager for Asia of Edwards Lifesciences Co Mr Preecha Bhandtivej and Regional Manager Mr Ngoh Kwong Meng explained about the CRRT. It is the latest machine for renal failure patients. Managing Director Dr Than Win presented gifts to Professor Dr Daw May Mya Win and officials of Edwards Lifesciences Co.
A practical demonstration of the machine will be held at Thingangyun Sanpya Hospital at 9 am on 7
Fourth leg of Myanmar London Golf Tourney 15-18 November in Taunggyi
Yangon, 5 Nov-Fourth leg of Myan-mar London Golf Tournament 2001-2002 jointly organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional Golfer's Association, will be held on a grand scale at Aye Tha Yar Golf Resort in Taunggyi from 15 to 18 November. Handsome prizes will be awarded to winners of the tourney.
Only amateur golfers who have handicap 0-12 are entiled to participate in the tournament along with the professional golfers. Sun Far Travels and Tours Co Ltd and Canon (Accel International Co Ltd) will add valuable prizes for those who can score an ace in the tourney.
With a view to promoting Myanmar Golf standard and turning out brilliant new generation golfers, the tournament will be mainly sponsored by the Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd. It will be co-sponsored by Yangon Airways as official airline; Cannon (Accel International Co Ltd) as official equipment supplier and K.M Golf Centre, Wilson, Callaway Golf and Kanbawza Bank as official golf suppliers. Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd will organize the tournament.
Those wishing to take part in the tourney are to enlist at Eden Garden Aye Tha yar Golf Resort by 2 pm on 13 November. Dial Myanmar PGA office at 543207 and 723221 for further information.
Scheduled to participate in this year's event are Soe Kyaw Naing (APGA Player) London Golf Tour Order of Merit Leader, Myint Thaung (Winner of Bagan Leg), last year's winner and defending champion Aung Win and Win Aung, last week's Mawlamyine event
( 8
) 0.32 kilo of heroin seized in
Kyukok (Pansai)
Yangon, 5 Nov - A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, while awaiting after getting information, searched Zaw Tin, son of U Soe Myint of Phaungsai (Ywathit), Kyukok (Pansai) Myoma, and found 0.32 kilo of heroin on him on 19
On further investigation, Ma Li Chi Tong, owner of the drug, daughter of U Li Sin
of No 2, Ward C, Kyukok (Pansai) Myoma, was also arrested.
Action is being taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station