1 ) Senior General Than Shwe
and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing leave for Brunei to attend Seventh ASEAN
Summit and ASEAN Heads of State/Government and Heads of
State/Government of PRC, Japan and ROK Summit
Yangon, 4 Nov-At the invitation of His Majesty
Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of
Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar delegation led by Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing left here this
morning for Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, by special flight to attend
the Seventh ASEAN Summit and the ASEAN Heads of State/ Government
and Heads of State/Government of the People's Republic of China,
Japan and the Republic of Korea Summit to be held in Bandar Seri
Begawan, Brunei on 5 November.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than
Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing were seen off at Yangon
International Airport by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya
San, Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Win Myint and wife Daw Khin Cho Oo, the wife of Commander-in-Chief
(Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint
Swe, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy Prime Ministers
Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla and their
wives, ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of
Defence, heads of diplomatic missions led by Dean of Diplomatic
Corps Ambassador of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr Ly
Bounkham and wife, resident representatives of UN agencies and their
wives and military and civilian officials. Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing were accompanied
by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Minister for Foreign
Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon, Minister at the State Peace
and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Deputy
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Deputy Minister
for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint.
( 2 ) Minister for Industry-1 visits factories in Thanlyin Township
Yangon, 4 Nov - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials, visited Thanlyin Glassware Factory of Myanma Ceramics Industries in Thanlyin, Yangon Division, this morning.
The minister inspected Kiln No 2 which needs major repairs and production process of bottles.
Then, the minister went to Sodium Silicate Factory.
He inspected the machines and gave instructions on repair work.
Next, the minister inspected the site chosen for construction of a new factory, the building of a bottle factory and a kiln, and gave instructions on implementation of construction tasks and the designs of bottles.
Afterwards, the minister proceeded to the plastic packaging factory of Myanma General Maintenance Industries on Thilawa Street, Industrial Region, Thanlyin.
He inspected plastic plates, cups and other utensils and production process.
The minister also visited Thanlyin Garment Factory No 19 of Myanma Textile Industries at Alwansoot Village, Thanlyin Township and inspected production of clothes and the surrounding area of the factory.
Then, he gave instructions on the boosting of production and cultivation of crops and shade trees around the factory.
Next, the minister went to Footwear Factory No 2 of Myanma General Maintenance Industries in Thanlyin.
He met with the officials of the factory and gave instructions on quality control and production work.
The minister also inspected Thanlyin Paper Packaging Factory.
learning centres of high schools
Yangon, 4 Nov - Minister for Education U Than Aung, accompanied by Deputy Ministers for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, the directors-general of departments and chairmen of boards under the ministry, arrived at No 2 BEHS of Sangyoung Township at 10 am today and inspected learning centre where students were learning lessons for the 2002 matriculation examination, lectured by professors and chief examiners.
The minister and party also inspected learning centres at No 4 BEHS in Ahlon Township, No 1 BEHS in Lanmadaw Township, No 2 BEHS in Dagon Township, No 2 BEHS in Latha Township and No 6 BEHS in Botahtaung Township and gave necessary instructions.
Lectures for matriculation examination by respective professors and chief examiners are being broadcast to e-Education learning centres
all over the country from 2 to 6 November.
( 3 ) Commander inspects vegetable and poultry farming special zone in Hmawby
Yangon, 4 Nov-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected cultivation of vegetables and poultry farming at Yangon Division cultivation of vegetables and poultry farming special zone near Nyaunghnapin Village in Hmawby Township this afternoon.
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than arrived at Hmawby Hsan Hall of special zone-1.
Special zone-1 in-charge Manager of Yangon Division Myanma Agriculture Service U San Maung, Special zone-2 in-charge District Commissioner of Yangon North District General Administration Department U Saw Hla Myint and Special zone-3 in-charge Head of Yangon Division Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing Win reported on clearing of lands, ploughing, cultivation of vegetables, raising of fowls and layers and digging of fish breeding ponds.
Chairman of Yangon Division North District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col San Matu reported on installation of conduit pipes in the zone and departmental officials on arrangements for tractors and construction of roads and drains.
The commander then fulfilled the requirements.
The commander inspected cultivation of vegetables and preparation for cultivation of pepper and gave instructions.
The commander inspected construction of roads and drains in special zone-2 with the use of heavy machinery, measures being undertaken for cultivation of vegetables and construction of patrol stations in special zone-2.
The commander then gave instructions.
Various kinds of vegetables have been grown on over 8,600 acres of lands by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Electric Power, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, the Ministry of Rail Transportation and national entrepreneurs. Another 2,600 acres of lands are under cultivation. Over 300,000 domestic fowls have been raised and over 100,000 have been sold.
Construction Minister tours Mandalay Division
Yangon, 4 Nov - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials, arrived at Baunggyi Bridge (Bridge No 5/25) on Madaya-Mogok road where Project Engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U Hsan Win reported on work done to the minister on 2 November morning.
The Minister and party inspected piling of the bridge and gave instructions. He then proceeded to Bridge No 1/27 on Mandalay-Madaya-Mogok road. At the briefing hall of the project, Project Engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U Hsan Win reported on completion of construction of approach structures and piers and future tasks to the minister who gave instructions on timely completion and construction of the bridge to meet the set standard. He also fulfilled the requirements.
The bridge is of reinforced concrete type. It is a 28-ft wide two-lane bridge and each pedestrian lane on both sides is 3-ft wide.
It can withstand 60-ton loads.
The Minister then arrived at Letpanhla project where PyinOoLwin District Chief Engineer Daw Tin Htwe briefed him on undertakings for Mandalay-Letpanhla-Thabeikkyin road.
After leaving instructions there, the Minister arrived at Twinnge (19/0) Project on Mandalay-Thabeikkyin-Tagaung-Shwegu-Bhamo road where Deputy Chief Engineer U Win Maung of Road Construction Special Group-14 reported on set target and work done of Tagaung-Thabeikkyin road to the Minister.
Afterwards, the Minister heard the reports on work done and future tasks of Tagaung-Shwegu-Sinbon-Udaungtaung road by In-Charge of the Project Engineer U Aye Naing Tun. The minister gave maintenance of Thabeikkyin-Tagaung-Shwegu-Bhamo road and future tasks and fulfilled the needs.
The Minister and party inspected Shweli (NgaO) Bridge project where they were welcomed by Kachin State Superintending Engineer U Than Nyunt Win and In-Charge of the Project Engineer U Win Kyi of Road Construction Special Group-14 at the briefing hall of the project.
Project Engineer U San Win and In-Charge of the Project Engineer U Win Kyi reported on completion of construction of the approach bridge, floor of the bridge and future tasks to the Minister.
The 2330-ft long bridge is of reinforced concrete type and it has 28-ft wide motorway. Each pedestrian lane on both sides is 3-ft wide and the bridge can bear 60-ton loads.
The Minister and party then crossed the Shweli river, arrived at Shwegu at night and stopped for the night there.
The Minister inspected Shwegu-Sinbon-Udaungtaung-Sinkham road yesterday morning. Deputy Superintending Engineer U Soe Tint and officials welcomed them. In-Charge of the Project Engineer U Aye Naing Tun reported on future tasks and work done to the Minister who gave instruction on maintenance of the road, fulfilled the requirements. Project Engineer U Soe Tint of Road Construction Special Group briefed on preparations for construction of Sinkham Creek bridge.
The Minister gave instructions on maintenance of Mandalay-Thabeikkyin-NgaO-Shwegu-Bhamo road. He then arrived at mile post No105/7 near NgaO Village where Project Engineer U Win Maung of Road Construction Special Group-14 and officials reported on work done. The minister gave instructions and stop for the night at Tagaung.
( 4 )
Bahan Township WJA holds annual meeting
Yangon, 4 Nov - Bahan Township Writers and Journalists Association held the annual meeting for 2000-2001 at the office of Bahan Township Union Solidarity and Development Association on Shwegondaing Road in Bahan Township this afternoon. Present were Secretary of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association (Central) U Hla Tun (Hla Tun- Twantay), Joint Secretary U Myint Kywai (Maung Myint Kywai), executives U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) and U Khin Swe (Shwe Sunnyo), township authorities, members of the panel of patrons of Bahan Township Writers and Journalists Association, writers, executives and members of the association and guests.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Tun Hla Aung and Chairman of Township Writers and Journalists Association U Aung Thein Win (Maung Khaing Khant) spoke on the occasion.
Secretary of the Association U Maung Maung Oo (Thanlyin Maung Maung Oo) and Treasurer U Ko Ko Lay (Yankin Ko Ko Lay) submitted the report of the executive committee and the financial statement respectively.
Then, new executive committee members were elected.
Then, a certificate of honour was presented to Tekkatho Ko Ko Lay, who won the academy award for the script of the film ÒAhnaing-me-yin-khwinÓ.
U Aung Thein Win (Maung Khaing Khant) donated K 10,000 to the funds of the Township USDA.
Daw Tin Yee (Tin Yee Ma-NyaungOo) donated K 10,000 each to the funds for aged members of MWJA and for the Bahan Township WJA.
Members of the panel of patrons of the township WJA U Kyaw Moe Thein (Natkhatta Yaungchi Magazine) and Lt-Col Sein Hla (Retd) donated K 10,000 and K 5,000 respectively to the funds of the township WJA. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the chairman of the township.
Lin Thitsa Economic Syndicate donates K 2m to Defence Services Volleyball Committee Lin
Yangon, 4 Nov- A ceremony to present donation to mark the sixth founding anniversary of Lin Thitsa Economic Syndicate was held at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Present were Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Deputy Adjutant-General Col Khin Soe, Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandant of Defence Services Records Office President of Myanmar Hockey Federation Chairman of Defence Services Volleyball Committee Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Director-General of Cooperatives Department Col Soe Win and members of Lin Thitsa Economic Syndicate.
Director of Lin Thitsa Trading Co Ltd U Khin Maung Than spoke on the occasion.
Managing Director of Lin Thitsa Trading Co Ltd U Zaw Lin presented K 2 million to Defence Services Volleyball Committee. Vice Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Vice-Chairman of Defence Services Sports and Physical Education Management Committee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo acceptd the donation.
Managing Director U Zaw Lin presented K 1 million to Cooperative College and Training School.
Director-General Col Soe Win accepted the donation and Commandant of Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint thanked the
( 5 ) K 5m donated for construction of Majjhima Gonyi Maha Theindawgyi
Yangon, 4 Nov- A ceremony to reordain Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Majjhima Gonyi Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha, to share merits for construction of archway and to donate K five million for construction of Majjhima Gonyi Maha Theindawgyi was held at the Yeiktha on Majjhima Gonyi Road in Ward 11 in Thakayta Township this morning.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Sayadaw Dhammakathika Kam-mahtanacariya Sasana Takkasila Dhammacariya of Majjhima Gonyi Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Bhaddanta Kovida Ph. D. Wellwishers Daw Kywe and sons and daughters presented eight requisites to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kovida Ph. D, Dhammacariya Bhaddanta Kittisara and Sasana Takkasila Dham-macariya Bhaddanta Indavudha. A ceremony to reordain Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Majjhima Gonyi Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha and members of the Sangha was then held. Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw then delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of
Myanmar Amateur Golf team leaves for Putra Cup
Yangon, 4 Nov- A Myanmar amateur golf team headed by Executive U Ray Htet Doe of Myanmar Golf Federation flew to Malaysia to take part in the 41st Tungku Abdul Rahman Putra Cup South East Asia Amateur Golf Team Championship to be held in Sabah, Malaysia from 7 to 10 November, this morning.
The team comprises Win Htwe Hlaing, Zaw Zaw Latt, Zaw Zin Win and Aung Aung Kyaw. The team was seen off by Executives of MGF and MPGA U Chan Han and U Ko Ko Lay, relatives and friends at the airport.
Pan-West (Myanmar) and Fila will give assistance to the team.
( 6 )
Prize winners of Performing Arts
Competitions to entertain public
Yangon, 4 Nov - The prize winning drama and marionette troupes of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competition will entertain the public at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street at 7 pm as of 6 November. The admission fees are K 500, K 400 and K 300.
U Nyan Win's drama troupe of Magway Division and Pyinmana Myint Hlaing's marionette troupe of Yangon Division will perform on 6 November, U Thein Zaw's drama troupe of Yangon Division and U Soe Myint's marionette troupe of Ayeyawady Division on 7 November, U Nan Win's drama troupe of Yangon Division and Shwe Myaing U Tin Maung's marionette troupe of Mon State on 8 November, U Nyan Win's drama troupe of Magway Division and Ponnapyan Daw Tayokma's marionette troupe of Yangon Division on 9 November, U Thein Zaw's drama troupe of Yangon Division and U Soe Myint's marionette troupe of Ayeyawady Division on 10 November and U Nan Win's drama troupe of Yangon Division and Shwe Myaing U Tin Maung's
marionette troupe of Mon State on 11 November. They will also
perform in Mandalay.
USDA Secretariat member and CEC
member tour Mandalay
Yangon, 4 Nov- Member of the Secretariat of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Khin Maung Thein and member of the Central Executive Committee of USDA U Than Shwe, together with officials, arrived at No 2 Basic Education High School (formerly National School) in Aungmyethazan Township in Mandalay yesterday.
They heard a report on preparations for the opening of multimedia teaching centres by Headmistress Daw Khin May and attended to the needs there.
Secretariat member U Khin Maung Thein and CEC member U Than Shwe met executives and members of District and Township USDAs of Mandalay Division at Waso Kyaung Dhammayon in Maha Aungmye Township. Secretary U Than Tun Oo of Maha Aungmye Township USDA reported on work done.
Secretariat member U Khin Maung Thein said number of members of the association has increased due to the organizational power of its members.
He spoke of the need to promote the of the members. He also elaborated on the future tasks of the association. CEC member U Than Shwe
said as the membership has increased, unity is essential. He added
that unity is strength, so goes the saying, and only when the
members of the association are united, will the association become
stronger. In building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, the
members of the association are to be united, he said.
( 7 )
UMFCCI President attended
4th Joint Meeting of JMBCC
Yangon, 4 Nov-A Myanmar delegation comprising President of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint, Vice-President U Htein Win, central executive committee members, executives and entrepreneurs left here for Osaka, Japan on 22 October. They attended Global Business Opportunities Convention (G-BOC 2001) held at My Dome building in Osaka and viewed the products of Myanmar displayed at Myanmar booth. Then, the delegation had discussions with Vice-President of Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( CCI ) Mr Teruo Hootta and merchants from Osaka. Myanmar delegation visited G-BOC 2001 again on 24 October. The delegation left Osaka for Kyoto on 25 October.
Myanmar delegation attended 4th Joint Meeting of Japan Myanmar CCI Business Cooperation Committees held at Kyoto Science Centre in Kyoto on 26 October. It was attended by 40 delegates from Myanmar and 60 delegates from Japan.
At the opening ceremony, Presidents Mr Tomoo Takahara of JMBCC and U Win Myint of MJBCC and Vice-President of Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Mr Ryuichi Kotani made speeches. Message from Prime Minister of Japan was read out by a representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan. Message from Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar was read out by Myanmar Ambassador to Japan Dr Aung Naing. Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha gave an account of economic development in Myanmar. At the meeting, U Htein Win, U Zaw Min Win , U Thaung Tin and U Maung Maung Swe presented four papers on present economic development in Myanmar and opportunities for trade, investment, information technology and travel services. Six Japanese delegates presented six papers. Those present took part in the discussions.
In the afternoon session, Presidents Mr Tomoo Takahara and U Win Myint made concluding speeches.
Myanmar delegation left Kyoto for Tokyo on 27 October. Myanmar delegation called on Chairman of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Mr Yoshihiko Saeki and party on 29 October. The delegation also called on Chairman Mr Taizo Yokoyama and party of Japan Overseas Development Cooperation (JODC), President Mr Nobuo Yamaguchi and party of Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) and Senior Vice-President Mr Masamitsu Hiroumi and party of Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on 30 October. The delegation also had a discussion with Mr Y Ishikawa and party of Japan-ASEAN Centre on 31 October. The delegation arrived back here by air on 1
( 8
) Spoken English Course No 3 concludes
Yangon, 4 Nov- A ceremony to conclude Spoken English Course No 3 jointly conducted by Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association was held at MWEA in Dagon Township at 9 am today.
First, Chairperson of MWEA Daw Sein Sein extended greetings to those present. Then, Adviser and Leader of International Communication Group of MNWCWA Retired Professor Daw Yi Yi Myint explained the purpose of the opening of the course.
Afterwards, Adviser to Women's Affairs and Information Group of MNWCWA Daw Khin Khin Lay, Chairperson of MWEA Daw Sein Sein, Vice-Chairperson Daw Khin Myint Myint and officials presented completion certificates to the trainees.
Then, trainees of Spoken English Course Nos 1, 2 and 3 donated K 100,000 each to MNWCWA and MWEA through officials.