1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Panama
Yangon, 3 Nov - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to Her Excellency Ms Mireya Moscoso,
President of the Republic of Panama, on the occasion of the
Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Panama which
falls on 3 November 2001.
Minister for Foreign Affairs sends
felicitations to Republic of Panama
Yangon, 3 Nov - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Jose Miguel Aleman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama, on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Panama which falls on 3 November 2001.
( 2 )
Competitors have managed to bring out graceful and lively style of
Myanmar drama
Musical instruments called modern have
been brought into Myanmar musical world and adapted into Myanmar
musical world so well
Secretary-1 addresses prize distribution
of Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 2 Nov - The following is an address delivered by Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council and Patron for Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, at the prize-presentation ceremony of the Competitions held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this afternoon.
I express warm greetings to the ministers, deputy ministers, departmental heads, specially invited guests, diplomats, judging artistes and competitors with the wishes
" May you enjoy peace in body and mind" and "May you be ones cherishing, respecting and upholding Myanmar culture and safeguarding national
For a nation to stand tall and proud amidst world countries, it needs to have a full complement of natural resources, modern science and technology, skilled manpower resources and truly exemplary cultural bases that they could feel proud to keep patriotic spirit, national spirit and love of one's own kith and kin always flourishing.
As Myanmar people have built a formidable history and a high standard of culture most firmly, they have grown with the general spirit of patriotism and love for one's own country born of such a high standard of national culture.
It is thanks to this patriotic spirit that Myanmar people have built their own physical character, ways of dresses, language and usage, cultural traditions, social norms and national cultural structures that could be termed national character, and have preserved it all for more than 2000 years.
As today is the time when the State Peace and Development Council is striving for Myanmar to endeavour with its own national resources with reliance on itself to develop abreast with all other countries, it is national cause of vital importance for all the citizenry to have utmost patriotism.
In the matter of giving protection to youths of the new generation to guard against infiltration of cultural and moral norms of some big countries that have the upper hand economically and technologically in the inevitable vying amid globalization, the primary necessity is the formation of spiritual national immune capability of promoting our national spirit, patriotism and cultural traditions.
Today, it marks the successful conclusion of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions that is in the forefront of the national duty of building the immune strength of national spirit in the youths of the new generation.
It may be said that the ninth competitions like the preceding eight ones true to the traditions further strengthened the spirit of patriotism that has been long lasting in the hearts of Myanmar people.
Rousing competitions by artistes and competitors, judgements by the artistes in the judges boards and tumultuous encouragement given by the true arts loving people have shown high Myanmar pride and brilliant Myanmar culture and arts.
It is most pleasing to see a wonderful profusion of innovations done in singing, dancing, writing songs and playing musical instruments by the young new-generation artistes like the seasoned maestros.
Moreover, it is significantly noticeable that women participants have grown in numbers and quality as well. It may be said that, thanks to women artistes, good traditions of women artistes built up since Pyu Period and Bagan Period have flowered into a revival.
This year, thanks to educative work done by maestros, to bring out the best in essence of Myanmar dance and drama, the competitors have managed to bring out graceful and lively style of Myanmar drama.
So, it is believed that, in the coming years, the competitions will be able to bring forth the dignity of Myanmar drama and its essence of grandeur all the more.
Myanmar has dances named by physical postures such as lotus hand, seagull wing hands, keinnari turn back, picking gems, placing flowers, glass look and so forth, dances named for figures such as zaw dance, minister's dance, ogre's dance, figurine dance and so on, dances named for musical renditions such as palo dance, bow dance, horsemanship dance, kapi dance, krown dance and so on and dances named with instrumentals such as big drum dance, dobat dance and ozi dance and so forth.
Similarly there are such instrumentals as beinmaung, krown, kapi, chuk, horsemanship, bow music, drum music, and there are also musical renditions such as those for romance and nostalgia, hilarity, villainy, soft music, grand music, pliant music and so on.
So I would like to call for co-operation between musicians and dancers to make dance music more intricate, pure and lively so as to bring forth the profound nature of Myanmar dance in the forthcoming competitions. Co-operation in this way would bring out great tunes with good timing formed by even beats that would bring forth genuine Myanmar dances.
In the professional level dance competition, it would be necessary to put in such factors as introductory, conveyance of love, khundauk, laypyay, self-recommendation, singing, lamenting and eulogising, to make clearer the roles played by the actors and actresses.
As there are specific regulations in dramatic performance competitions, it will be necessary to present the very essence in professional level dance competitions.
In dramatic and marionette competitions, competitions were able to portray Buddha's words with their lessons and examples, teachings of Theravada Buddhism and affiliated cultures, traditions, social mores and royal mannerisms in sum the Myanmar qualities.
In Maha Zanaka competitions, they have been able to portray the results of diligence based on justice combined with wisdom on the basis of personal purity, and the fulfilment of objectives thanks to the worthiness of the embryo-Buddha by virtue of his practice.
Likewise, in Buridat Jataka performances, competitors have been able to portray steadfast personal morals of purity, and perseverance and tenacity of the morals despite the good and evil effects of fate and in a combined way their final results.
The essence of Myanmar drama is singing, lamenting and speaking. Old maestros have presented their dramatic background with dramatic literature and speeches.
Now we can see truly attractive portrayals being presented with new stage arrangements and screenplay techniques.
However, care must be taken so that modern stage techniques should not go beyond the genuine dramatic art of singing, lamenting and speaking.
As Myanmar drama theatre is again on an upsurge thanks to the performing arts competitions, I would like to give the good news that there will again be a portrayal of Ramayana Jataka in the coming year.
Ramayana is of various forms in the South-East Asia but in Myanmar it has retained its Myanmar ways, with Myanmar royal manners, Myanmar culture, Theravada teachings, advice, niti ethics and so on.
Accordingly Ramayana was twice prescribed for performance in dramatic arts so much so that it was well revived and it is to keep on this trend of revival that it is being prescribed once again.
It is found that ancient Myanmars, when confronted with such admixture of cultures and arts of other countries like Ramayana, were artistically qualified to broaden Myanmar field of arts by Myanmarising the arts and cultures of the other countries without harming Myanmar national character.
In other words, it may be seen that musical instruments called modern have been brought into Myanmar musical world and adapted into Myanmar musical world so well.
Myanmar artistes have adapted the mandolin, the banjo and other such Western musical instruments to be in conformity with Myanamr
music in such a way that it in no way mars the originality of
Myanmar music. So as to revive this artistic quality, the mandolin
had been introduced as an instrument for competition in this year
and it has brought forth talented musicians in this field. So, in
order to enlarge on this trend with the mandolin, the Myanmar guitar
will be further added to the instrumental competition in the coming
years, I would like to say as good news.
The performing arts competitions, too, are in a
way broadening the fields of arts and cultures. It will be necessary
for organizers to have all states and divisions participate in the
high standard of the competitions. So, seasoned artistes will be
sent to some weak states and divisions much earlier than this year
so as to give talks for greater participation in the coming year and
I would like to urge all responsible persons to send artistes to
states and divisions to have sufficient time to give close-quarters
instructions and training to the competitors.
Love for one's own native, and love for one's own society of birth are natural and correct human natures.
As they become convinced in the greatness of history of the Union of Myanmar, the grandeur of cultural traditions, and its completeness of the profound qualities of religious teachings, allied cultural traditions, and social norms, the new-generation youths will come to have a great love and faith in their own nation and people.
With such growth of patriotic spirit and national pride in the new-generation youths, their spiritual qualities of safeguarding the national character and cultural heritage will grow and it will strengthen their national immune capability of preventing infiltration of alien cultures.
So I would like to call for the concept that the success of Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts competitions are firmly contributing towards building of national immunological resources in the youths of the new generation and endeavour for the success of the competitions in the years to come with a clear national outlook and high momentum.
In conclusion, I would like to call for endeavours in various forms of performing arts to keep up preservation of Myanmar traditional culture that has developed in thousands of years and enliven Myanmar's national pride forever in various forms of performing arts to keep up preservation of Myanmar's profound history, grand and noble national pride and high standard of culture to last forever
Ñ in various forms of performing arts to further strengthen the national spiritual immune resources of the youths of the next generation so as to prevent infiltration of alien culture and sustain tenets of national
( 3 ) Secretary-1 attends prize-presentation ceremony of Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions

Yangon, 2 Nov - The prize-presentation ceremony of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this afternoon.
Patron for Organizing the Competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address and gave away prizes to winners.
Also present were Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of the Secretary-1, Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Competitions member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, members of the Panel of Patrons for Organizing the Competitions, ministers and their wives, the Chief Justice, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Mayor of Yangon, senior military officers, deputy ministers, members of the Working Committee for Convening the National Convention, members of the Leading Committees for Organizing the Competitions, members of the work committees and subcommittees, diplomats, military attaches, residential representatives and officials of UN agencies, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office and heads of department, local and foreign journalists, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and officials of social organizations, members of the central panel of judges, members of the panel of judges from states and divisions, managers from states and divisions, contestants and specially-invited guests.
The Secretary-1 delivered an address.

Then, the Secretary-1 presented first, second and third prizes for the professional level (men's) classical song competition to U Soe Tint of Mandalay Division, U Thaung Sein of Mandalay Division and U Hla Than of Magway Division respectively, first prize for the amateur level (men's) classical song competition to Maung Kyaw Kyaw Han of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Tin Oo Hlaing of Yangon Division and U Ko Ko Naing of Rakhine State and third prize to Maung Ye Thway of Mandalay Division, first, second and third prizes for the higher education level (men's) classical song competition to Maung Htet Myet Soe of Yangon Division, Maung Zaw Nay Nyunt (a) Ko Nay of Rakhine State and Sai Nyo Min of Shan State, first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 15-20
boys') classical song competition to Maung Ye Htaik of Yangon Division, Maung Zeya Pyi Phyo of Yangon Division and Maung Phone Myat Kaung of Rakhine State and first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 10-15
boys') classical song competition to Maung Soe Htet Lin of Yangon Division, Maung Han Soe of Taninthayi Division and Maung Yan Min Aung of Mon State and first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 5-10
boys') classical song competition to Maung Zaw Myo Lwin of Ayeyawady Division, Maung Kyaw Hsan of Bago Division and Maung Zaw Naing Moe of Rakhine State.

Then, the Secretary-3 presented the first prize for professional level (women) classical song contest to Daw Wah Wah Shwe of Mandalay Division, the second prize to Daw Theint Theint Swe of Yangon Division, and the third prize to Daw Myat Myat Moe of Yangon Division, the first prize for amateur level (women) classical song contest to Daw Aye Hnin Khaing of Rakhine State, the second prize to Ma Khin Nyein Aye of Mon State, and the third prize to Ma Kyi Kyi Mar of Yangon Division, the first prize for higher education level (girls) classical song contest to Ma Thuza Aung of Yangon Division, the second prize to Ma The Myat Soe of Ayeyawady Division, and the third prize to Ma Theingi Win of Bago Division, the first prize for basic education level (aged 15-20)
girls'classical song contest to Ma Thida Moe of Rakhine State, the second prize to Ma Pan Ei Phyu of Yangon Division, and the third prize to Ma Wai La Myint of Yangon Division, the first prize for basic education level (aged 10-15)
girls'classical song contest to Ma Ei Ei Chun of Yangon Division, the second prize to Ma Zin Pyi Pyi Phyo of Ayeyawady Division, and the third prize to Ma Cherry Win of Bago Division, the first prize for basic education level (aged 5-10)
girls'classical song contest to Ma Aye Myat Noe Khin of Yangon Division, the second prize to Ma
Thinza Tun of Yangon
Division, and the third prize to Ma Hnin Aye Wai of Chin State.
Deputy Prime Minister Lt-Gen Tin Hla presented first prize for the professional level (men's) religious song contest to U San Lwin of Rakhine State, second prize to U Tin Ohn Lay of Taninthayi Division, and third prize to U Min Ye Tun of Yangon Division, first prize for the amateur level (men's) religious song contest to Maung Kyaw Kyaw Han of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Ye Thwe of Mandalay Division, and third prize to U Bo Tin of Kachin State, first prize for the higher education level (boys') religious song contest to Maung Aye Thant Zin Oo of Kayin State, second prize to Maung Htet Myet Soe of Yangon Division, and third prize to Sai Nyo Min of Shan State, first prize for the basic education level (aged 15-20
boys') religious song contest to Maung Ye Htaik of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Win Htut of Ayeyewady Division, and third prize to Maung Phone Myat Kaung of Rakhine State, first prize for the basic education level (aged 10-15
boys') religious song contest to Maung Zeya Pyi Phyo of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Hein Htoo Zaw of Chin State, and third prize to Maung Pyi Phyo Kyaw of Kayin State, first prize for the basic education level (aged 5-10
boys') religious song contest to Maung Kyaw Hsan of Bago Division, second prize to Maung Myo Nyi Nyi Zaw of Chin State, and third prize to Maung Zaw Myo Lwin of Ayeyawady Division.
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented first prize for the professional level (women's) religious song contest to Daw Wah Wah Shwe of Mandalay Division, second prize to Daw Win Win Myat of Mon State, and third prize to Myanmar Malay Daw Thabye of Mandalay Division, first prize for the amateur level (women's) religious song contest to Ma Khin Thuza of Taninthayi Division, second prize to Ma Kyi Kyi Mar of Yangon Division, and third prize to Daw Aye Aye Aung of Rakhine State, first prize for the higher education level (girls') religious song contest to Ma Thuza Aung of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Khin Thu Thu Win of Bago Division, and third prize to Ma Chaw Thiri Mon of Mandalay Division, first prize for the basic education level (aged 15-20
girls') religious song contest to Ma Ei Ei Chun of Yangon Division, second prizes to Ma Thida Moe of Rakhine State, Ma Pan Ei Phyu of Yangon Division, Ma Thawda Chan Mye of Mandalay Division and Ma Yin Yin Soe of Ayeyawady Division, and third prize to Ma Nant San of Kachin State, first prize for the basic education level (aged 10-15
girls') religious song contest to Ma Heman Soe Moe of Bago Division, second prize to Ma Shwe Zin Moe of Yangon Division, and third prize to Ma Ei Ei Hlaing of Yangon Division, first prize for basic education level (aged 5-10
girls') religious song contest to Ma Nyein Hsu Thet The Oo of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Aye Myat Noe Khin of Yangon Division, and third prize to Ma Nan Thet Hmu Kywe of Kayah State.
Member of the Panel Patrons of the Competitions Minister for Culture U Win Sein presented first prize in the professional level (men's) oldies and modern songs competition to U Min Ye Tun of Yangon Division, second prize to U Tin Ohn Lay of Taninthayi Division and third prize to U Soe Tint of Mandalay Division; first prize in the amateur level (men's) oldies and modern song competition to Maung Zaw Min Tun of Yangon Division, second prize to U San Lwin of Rakhine State and third prize to Maung Po Lay (a) Po Khaing of Yangon Division; first prize in the higher education level (men's) oldies and modern song competition to Sai Nyo Min of Shan State, Maung Tun Tun Naing of Ayeyawady Division and Maung Zaw Nay Nyunt (a) Ko Nay of Rakhine State, second prize to Maung Htet Myat Soe of Yangon Division and third prize to Maung Aye Thant Zin Oo of Kayin State; first prize in the basic education level (age 15-20
boys') oldies and modern song competition to Maung Ye Htaik of Yangon Division and Maung Nay Lin Tun of Rakhine State, second prize to Maung Soe Htet Lin of Yangon Division and third prize to Sai Thein Myint Tun of Kayin State.
Member of the Panel Patrons of the Competitions Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San presented first prize in the basic education level (aged 10-15
boys') oldies and modern song competition to Maung Zeya Pyi Phyo of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Han Soe of Taninthayi Division and third prize to Maung Yan Min Aung of Mon State; first prize in the basic education level (aged 5-10
boys') oldies and modern song competition to Maung Than Zaw Aung of Bago Division, second prize to Maung Zin Maung Maung of Yangon Division and third prize to Maung San Lwin of Sagaing Division; first prize in the professional level (women's) oldies and modern songs competition to Daw Wah Wah Shwe of Mandalay Division, second prize to Daw Yin Yin Tun (Myawady) of Yangon Division, and third prize to Daw Win Win Myat of Mon State; first prize in the amateur level (women's) oldies and modern songs competition to Ma Wah Wah Khaing of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Swe Swe Myint of Mon State, Ma Khin Thuza of Taninthayi Division and Daw Win Mar of Shan State and third prize to Daw San San Myint of Bago Division.
Member of the Panel Patrons of the Competitions Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung presented first prize in the higher education level (women's) oldies and modern song competition to Ma The Myat Soe of Ayeyawady Division, second prize to Ma Khin Thu Thu Win of Bago Division and third prize to Ma Khin Myo Aye of Kachin State; first prize in the basic education level (aged 15-20
girls') oldies and modern songs competition to Ma Wai Lar Myint of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Hla Hla Shwe (a) Sein Le Le Shwe of Rakhine State and third prize to Ma Pan Ei Phyu of Yangon Division and Ma Nyein Nyein Pyi Sone of Shan State; first prize in the basic education level (aged 10-15
girls') oldies and modern song competition to Ma Nu Nu Win of Bago Division and Ma Htet Htet Aung of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Shwe Zin Moe of Yangon Division and third prize to Ma Kyu Kyu Lwin of Sagaing Division; first prize in the basic education level (aged 5-10
girls') oldies and modern song competition to Ma Thinza Tun of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Myat Po Khit of Kayah State and Ma Wut Yi Htet of Kayin State and third prize to Ma Yadana Oo of Mandalay Division.
Ma Nu Nu Win of Bago Division, the first prize winner in the basic education level (aged 10-15
girls') oldies and modern song competition, entertained the guests with the song
" The Waso".
Member of the Panel Patrons of the competitions Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe presented first prize in the professional level (men's) dance competition to Thein Aye (a) Tekkatho Thein Aye of Yangon Division, second prize to U Kyi Zaw of Mandalay Division and third prize to Ye Win Naing (a) Sgt Win Than of Yangon Division; first music troupe prize in the professional level (men's) dance competition to the music troupe of Thein Aye (a) Tekkatho Thein Aye of Yangon Division, second prize to the music troupe of U Kyi Zaw of Mandalay Division and third prize to the music troupe of Ye Win Naing (a) Sgt Win Thein of Yangon Division; first prize in the amateur level (men's) dance competition to Maung Aung Zaw Htet (a) Theikdi Aung of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Moe Myint Soe of Mon State and third prize to U Ko Ko Naing of Magway Division; first prize in the higher education level (men's) dance competition to Maung Kyaw Zeya Aung of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Aung Aung of Yangon Division and third prize to Maung Tun Tun Win of Mandalay Division; first prize in the basic education level (aged 15-20
boys') dance competition to Maung Aung Soe Moe and Maung Ya Pyi of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Ye Lin Tun of Ayeyawady Division and third prize to Maung Kyaw Zeya Oo of Kayin State; first prize in the basic education level (aged 10-15
boys') dance competition to Myainggyingu Saw Kyaw Lin Soe of Kayin State, second prize to Maung Zin Myo Win of Yangon Division and third prize to Maung Sai Nyi Nyi Shein of Ayeyawady Division; first prize in the basic education level (aged 5-10
boys') dance competition to Maung Myo Thiha Kyaw (a) Paing Paing of Mandalay Division, second prize to Myainggyingu Saw Htet Shine of Kayin State and third prize to Maung Lin Htet Htet Oo of Yangon Division.
Member of the Panel Patrons of the Competitions Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay presented first prize in the professional level (women's) dance competition to Ma Thabye of Yangon Division, second prize to Kya Lay Sein of Yangon Division and third prize to Daw Aye Aye Maw of Taninthayi Division; first music troupe prize in the professional level (women's) dance competition to the dance troupe of Ma Thabye of Yangon Division, second music troupe prize to the dance troupe of Kya Lay Sein of Yangon Division and third dance troupe prize to the
dance troupe of Daw Aye
Aye Maw of Taninthayi
Division; first prize in the amateur level (women's) dance competition to Ma Aye Chan Thu of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Yamin Khaing of Kachin State and
Secretary-1 attends prize-presentation ceremony
third prize to Ma Nang Mon Mon Tun Kayah State and
third prize to Ma Nang Mon Mon Tun Kayah State and Ma Khin Myo Myo Win (a) Wa Wint Htaik Htaik Khant of Mon State; first prize in higher education level (women's) dance competition to Ma Phyo Phyo Hlaing of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Yadana Kyaw of Mandalay Division and third prize to Ma Kyu Kyu of Yangon Division; first prize in basic education level (girls') (15-20) dance competition to Ma Nilar Eingyin Khaing of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Thinza Min Htet of Yangon Division and third prize to Ma Nang Tin Ei Ei Kyaw (Myawady) of Shan State; first prize in basic education level (girls') (10-15) dance competition to Ma Aye Chan Myay of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Nang Yin Min Tun of Shan State and third prize to Ma Thin Yadana Hsu of Mandalay Division; first prize in basic education level (girls') (5-10) dance competition to Ma Wut Mon Phu Pwint Thu of Yangon Division, second prize to Ma Cho Yi Le of Rakhine State and third prize to Ma Endray Kyaw of Yangon Division; first prize in amateur level marionette (duel dance) competition to Maung Aung Tun San and Ma Wa Wa Aung of Yangon Division, second prize to Maung Min Thein and Ma Le Le Thuza Aung of Yangon Division and third prize to Maung Tun Lin Zaw and Ma Yin Yin Aye of Kachin State.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented prizes to winners of Maha Zanaka drama competition. In the competition, Nan Win Drama Troupe of Yangon Division Group-1 won the first prize, Thein Zaw Drama Troupe of Yangon Division Group-2 the second and Ko Nyan Win Drama Troupe of Magway Division the third. U Thein Zaw of Yangon Division Group-2 won the best actor (Maha Zanaka) prize, Ma Khaing Thazin Thin of Yangon Division Group-2 the best actress (Thiwali Devi), Shwe Mann Aung Soe Min of Ayeyawady Division the best supporting actor (Pawla Zanaka), Nan Khin Aye of Yangon Division Group-1 won the best character (Mani Mekhala) prize, Shwe Kuu Tin of Yangon Division Group-1 the best character (Mother, the Queen), Thiri Maung Maung and group of Yangon Division Group-1 the best supporting saing award and Nyein Min of Yangon Division Group-1 won the best script award.
Honorary prizes of Maha Zanaka competition went to Pantra Mya Kyi Drama Troupe of Sagaing Division, Shwe Mann Kyi Zaw Drama Troupe and U Min Thura Drama Troupe of Mandalay Division and U Moe Moe Drama Troupe of Ayeyawady Division.
In professional level group (Buridat Jataka) marionette competition, the troupe of Yangon Division Group-1 led by Pyinmana Myint Hlaing and the troupe of Yangon Division Group-2 led by Daw Tayoke Ma won the first prizes, the troupe of Ayeyawady Division led by U Soe Myint the second and the troupe of Mon State led by Shwe Myaing U Tin Maung third. U Aung Toe and group won the best string controller award, Daw Tayoke Ma and group won the best voice actor award, Pantra Sein Hla Myaing and group won the best saing award and Shwe Myaing U Tin Maung won the best script award.
Afterwards, Ma Wut Hmon Phu Pwint Thu, the first prize winner of basic education level (girls aged 5-10) dance competition, entertained the audience with dance.
Later Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung presented prizes to winners of song writing competitions. U Min Yu of Kachin State won the first prize in professional level competition, U Twantay San Win Myint and U Soe Htut Khaing of Chin State the second prizes, U Aye Than of Bago Division the third. Daw Tin Ma Ma Soe of Yangon Division won the first prize in amateur level competition, U Kyaw San Lay of Sagaing Division the second and Daw Khin Win Swe of Yangon Division and U Win Hlaing of Shan State the thirds.
In higher education level competition, Maung Aung Kyaw Moe of Ayeyawady Division won the first prize, Ma Mu Mu Swe of Mon State and Ma Lin Let Shun Wai of Kayah State the second and Maung Zaw Myo Thet of Yangon Division the third.
Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin presented prizes to winners of basic education level song writing competitions. Ma Moe Moe Yin Min of Yangon Division won the first prize in (aged 15-20 ) competition, Maung Set Tin Maung of Rakhine State the second and Ma Khin Thanda of Kachin State the third.
In (aged 10-15)competition, Ma Thiri Hlaing of Yangon Division won the first prize, Maung Khun Zani Tin Kywe of Yangon Division the second and Ma Hemar Chaw Su Mon of Kayah State and Ma Shwe Thinza Lwin of Ayeyawady Division the third. In (aged 5-10) competition, Ma Suyi Ko Ko of Yangon Division won the first prize, Ma Pyo Thinza Khin of Ayeyawady Division the second, Maung Myat Min Zaw of Kachin State the third and Ma Hnin Yu Yu Aung of Rakhine State the special prize.
Ma Moe Moe Yin Min of Yangon Division who won the first prize in basic education level (aged 15-20) competition entertained the audience with the song
" Myanma Thakaung " composed by her.
Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha presented first, second and third prizes for the professional level (men's) harp competition to U Aung Pyi Sone of Ayeyawady Division, U Zaw Win Maung of Mandalay Division, and Naing Saw Win of Mon State respectively, first, second and third prizes for the amateur level (men's) harp competition to Maung Wai Phyo Naing of Yangon Division, Maung The Aung Chit of Yangon Division and Maung San Ko Lay of Bago Division, first prize for the higher education level (men's) harp competition to Maung Chan Tha of Yangon Division and Maung Ye Myo Naing of Mandalay Division, second prize to Maung Myo Than of Mon State and third prize to Maung Min Min Thein of Yangon Division.
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone presented first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 15-20
boys' and girls') harp competition to Ma Lwin Mar Thein of Taninthayi Division, Maung Sein Lwin of Yangon Division and Ma Tin Nilar Win of Ayeyawady Division respectively, first prize for the basic education level (aged 10-15
boys') harp competition to Maung Thet Oo Zin of Rakhine State, second prize to Maung Aye Chan of Ayeyawady Division and third prize to Maung Pyi Zaw Phyo of Mon State and Maung Zay Moe Thu of Yangon Division, first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 5-10
boys') harp competition to Maung Htet Aung Wai Hlyan of Yangon Division, Maung Noe Noe Soe Moe of Yangon Division and Maung Kaung Htet Min of Bago Division respectively.
Minister at the Office of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman Brig-Gen Abel presented first, second and third prizes for the amateur level (women's) harp competition to Ma Cho Thet Tin of Yangon Division, Ma Zar Zar Aye (a) Ma Zar Li Naing of Mandalay Division, Ma Soe Soe Aye of Yangon Division respectively, first prize for the higher e ducation level (women's) harp competition to Ma Cho Thway Aung of Ayeyawady Division and Ma Sanda Soe of Taninthayi Division, second prize to Ma Yin Min Han of Yangon Division and third prize to Ma Lu Lu Nyo of Yangon Division and Ma Khin Swe Mya Nyunt of Mandalay Division, first prize for the basic education level (aged 10-15
girls') harp competition to Ma Shwe Yi Win (a) Shwe Yi Pwint, second prize to Ma Ei Pwint Phyu of Sagaing Division and third prize to Ma Yu Yu Chit of Mandalay Division and Ma Su Yi Win of Rakhine State, first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 5-10
girls') to Ma Su Su Win Maung of Yangon Division, Ma Su Su Myat of Ayeyawady Division and Ma Ni Ni Po Chit of Mandalay Division respectively.
Minister at the Office of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Gen Min Thein presented first, second and third prizes for the professional level (men's) xylophone competition to U Aung One Two of Yangon Division, U Naing Sten of Yangon Division and U Kyaw Zin Tun of Sagaing Division, first prize for the amateur level (men's) xylophone competition to Maung Han Myint Aung of Mandalay Division, second prize to U Saw Aung of Mon State and third prize to U Min Ko of Yangon Division, U Chit Win Maung of Kachin State and U Kyaw Lin (a) U Khin Yi of Bago Division, first, second and third higher education level (men's) xylophone competition to Maung Zeya Tun of Shan State, Maung Myo Thant of Mon State and Maung Win Tun Oo of Mandalay Division.
Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein presented first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 15-20
boys') xylophone competition to Maung Nay Aung (a) Sein Myet Pyu of Yangon Division, Maung Thura Kyi Moe (a) Phoe Thingyan of Yangon Division and Maung Win Htut of Ayeyawady Division respectively, first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (aged 10-15
boys') xylophone competition to Maung Star Bo Htet of Yangon Division, Maung Myo Min Paing of Ayeyawady Division and Maung Myo Thu of Sagaing Division, and first, second and third prizes for the basic education level (5-10 aged
boys') xylophone competition to Maung Htet Arkar Oo of Yangon Division, Maung Than Lin Aung of Mandalay Division
and Maung Aung Ko Ko of Magway Division respectively.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung presented first, second and third prizes for the professional level (women's) xylophone competition to Daw Khin Thein Aye of Mandalay Division, Daw Khin Khin Myint
of Rakhine State and Daw Sanda Htwe of Yangon Division, first, second and third prizes in amateur level (women's) xylophone competition to Ma Boma of Yangon Division, Ma Win Thanda Aung of Mon State and Ma Kyi Kyi San of Mandalay Division respectively, first, second and third prizes in higher education level (women's) xylophone competition to Ma Than Than Lwin of Yangon Division, Ma Mya Mya Win of Bago Division and Ma Sanda Moe of Yangon Division respectively, first, second and third prizes in basic education level (aged 15-20
girls') xylophone competition to Ma Wint Thinza Sten of Yangon Division, Ma Ei Ei Htwe of Magway Division and Ma Thinza Myo of Mandalay Division respectively, first, second and third prizes in basic education level (aged 10-15
girls') xylophone competition to Ma Ei Ei Chun of Yangon Division, Ma Zar Zar Lin of Yangon Division and Ma Nanda Lin of Mandalay Division respectively, first, second and third prizes in basic education level (aged 5-10
girls') xylophone competition to Ma Zar Zar Soe of Ayeyawady Division, Ma Chit Su Khin of Yangon Division and Ma Yadana Lin of Yangon Division respectively.
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing presented the first prizes in professional level (men's) piano contest to U Ba Than Tin of Yangon Division and Maung Min Khaing of Magway Division the second prize to U Myint Aung of Yangon Division and the third prize to U Kyaw Thu WinYangon Division; the first prize in amateur level (men) (women's) piano contest to Maung Myo Min Aung of Yangon Division, the second prize to Maung Soe Shwe Wa of Mandalay Division, and the third prize to U Kyaw Swa Lin of Shan State; the first prize for higher education level (man's) (women's) piano contest to Maung Aung Zaw Htway of Yangon Division, the second prize to Maung Zaya Tun of Shan State and the third prize to Maung Aung Thet Tun of Yangon Division; the first prize in basic education level (boys' aged 15-20) piano contest to Maung Zaya Min of Yangon Division, the second prize to Maung Tin Myo Nyi Nyi of Yangon Division and the third prizes to Maung Win Htut of Ayeyawady Division and Maung Soe Thein (Myawady) of Bago Division; the first prize in basic education level (boys' aged 10-15) piano contest to Maung Min Zaya Oo of Yangon Division, the second prizes to Maung Myat Soe Oo of Kayah State and Maung Way Lin Tun of Yangon Division and the third prize to Maugn Hein Htoo Zaw of Chin State; the first prize in basic education level (boys' aged 5-10) piano contest to Maung Zun Min Htway of Bago Division, the second prizes to Maung Nyan Ye Htut of Yangon Division and Maung Kyaw Ye Hein of Yangon Division and the third prize to Maung Pa Pa Aung of Sagaing Division.
Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin presented the first prize in professional level (women's) piano contest to Daw Aye Aye Ma of Ayeyawady Division, the second prize to Daw Sein Sein Yin of Yangon Division and the third prize to Daw Than Than Nyunt of Mandalay Division; the first prize in basic education level (girls' aged 15-20) piano contest to Ma Phu Phu Thant of Yangon Division, the second ptize to Ma Ei Yin Mon of Yangon Division and the third prize to Ma Pyi Sone Aung of Sagaing Division; the first prize in basic education level (girls' aged 10-15) piano contest to Ma Eint Tharathu of Kayah State, the second prize to Ma Ei Pyo Paing of Yangon Division, and the third prize to Ma Chaw Su Thant of Rakhine State; the first prize in basic education level (girls' aged 5-10) piano contest to Ma Way Pyo Paing of Yangon Division, the second prize to Ma Khin Myat Su of Mandalay Division and the third prize to Ma Htut Myat Noe Aung of Yangon Division.
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw presented the first prize in professional level oboe contest to U Tun Kyaing of Magway Division, the second prize to U San Ohn of Yangon Division and the third prize to u Shwe Soe of Mon State; the first prize in amateur level oboe contest U Nyunt Win Naing of Yangion Division, the second prize to U Ta Naw of Mandalay Division, and the third prize to Maung Kyaw Khine of Yangon Division; the first prize in basic education level ( aged 15-20) oboe contest to Maung Tun Tun Win of Mandalay Division, the second prize to Maung Thein Htaik (a) Sein Than Zaw of Yangon Division, the third prize to Maung Myat Zaw of Yangon Division; the first prize in basic education level ( aged 10-15) oboe contest to Maung Tin Myo Lwinof Mandalay Division, the second prize to Maung Thein Zaw of Mandalay Division and the third prize to Maung Min Swe of Magway Division; the first prize in basic education level ( aged 5-10) oboe contest to Kaung Myat Way of Yangon Division, the second prize to Maung Zaw Myo Win of Ayeyawady Division and the third prize to Maung Myo Min of Yangon Division.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein presented first, second and third prizes in professional level (men's) violin contest to U Kyi Maung of Kachin State, U Paike of Ayeyawady Division and U Ba Thet of Mon State; first prize to Maung Ye Htut Aung of Mandalay Division, second prize to U Nyut Win of Mandalay Division and third prizes to UThein Kyaw of Chin State and U Aye Maw of Bago Division in amateur level (men's) violin contest; first, second and third prizes in higher education level (men's) (women's) violin contest to Ma Khaing Zar Kyi of Yangon Division, Maung Naing Soe of Sagaing Division and Maung Thant Hlaing Oo of Mandalay Division; first , second and third prizes in basic education level (men's aged 15-20) violin contest to Maung Pyi Phyo Win of Yangon Division, Maung Thant Zaw of Mandalay Division, and Maung Kyaw Wai Yan Thaung of Yangon Division respectively.
Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi presented first prizes to Mauung Maung Win Akar Aung of Bago Division and Maung Zaw Latt Aung of Kachin State, second prize to Maung Thet Lwin Aung Tun of Ayeyawady Division and third prizes to Saw Shine Mon of Yangon Division in basic education level (boys' aged 10-15) violin contest; first, second and third prizes in basic education level (boys' aged 5-10) violin contest to Maung Thet Aung Soe of Ayeyawady Division, Maung Min Thu Kha of Yangon Division and Maung Yan Naing Aung of Mandalay Division; first, second and third prizes in basic education level (girls' aged 10-15) violin contest to Ma Aye Su Mon of Kachin State, Ma Lwin Lwin Cho Tun of Ayeyawady Division and Ma Yamon Oo of Yangon Division; first, second and third prizes in basic education level (girls' aged 5-10) violin contest to Ma Aw May Kyaw of Yangon Division, Naw Smile Lin John of Yangon Division, and Naw Sari Tha of Chin State respectively.
Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung presented first, second and third prizes in professional level (men's) mandolin contest to U Thein Kyi of Yangon Division, U Aye Yi of Ayeyawady Division and U Myo Myint Than of Sagaing Division; first, second and third prizes in amateur level (men's) (women's) mandolin contest to U Kyi Shwe of Yangon Division, Ma Mya Hnin Yi of Yangon Division and U Hla Sein of Ayeyawady Division; first, second and third prizes in basic education level (men's aged 15-20) mandolin contest to Maung Han Win Aung of Yangon Division, Maung Aung Moe Win of Bago Division, and Maung Kyaw Htet Aung of Ayeyawady Division; first, second and third prizes in basic education level (boys' and
girls' aged 10-15) mandolin contest to Maung Win Lwin Oo of Ayeyawady Division, Ma San San Aye (Myawady) of Shan State and Maung Ye Phone Myint of Mon State, and first, second and third prizes in basic education level (boys' aged 5-10) mandolin contest to Maung Thet Aung Soe of Ayeyawady Division, Maung Nyan Min Tun of Yangon Division and Maung Aung of Yangon Division respectively.
Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut presented first prize in professional level (men's) individual saing competition to Mandalay Sein Win Myint of Mandalay Division, second prize to Myodaw Aye Min of Yangon Division and third prize to U Ko Ko Lwin (a) Yankin Kaung Hset of Yangon Division; first, second and third prizes in amateur level to Maung Tun Tun Ko (a) Ye Lin Bo of Yangon Division, U Aung Moe of Kayin Sate and Maung Hein Yaza of Yangon Division; first, second and third prizes in higher education level to Maung Bo Bo Thein (a) Myo Thant Tin of Mandalay Division, Maung Zaw Latt of Mandalay Division and Maung Myo Thant of Mon State; first, second and third prizes in basic education (15-20) to Maung Nay Aung (a) Sein Myet Pyu of Yangon Division, Maung Thura Kyi Moe (a) Po Thingyan of Yangon Division and Maung Kyaw Soe Han (a) Wai Yan Hein of Bago Division.
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented first, second and third prizes in basic education level (aged 10-15) to Maung Star Bo Htet of Yangon Division, Maung Hein Zaw of Mandalay Division and Maung Myat Zaw of Yangon Division; in basic education level (aged 5-10) to Maung Nyein Chan Phyo of Mandalay Division, Maung Myo Min of Yangon Division and Maung Htet Paing Lin (a) Bo Shine of Yangon Division; in women's professional to Daw Moe Thuza Aye (a) Doh Bo Ma of Mandalay Division, Ma Myint Myint Khaing (a) Mya Thuza of Yangon Division, Ma Thin Myat Shwe of Yangon Division; in amateur level to Ma Nyo Nyo Seint of Magway Division, Ma Hta Hta Myint of Mandalay Division and Ma Kyi Kyi San of Mandalay Division.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented first, second and third prizes in higher education level to Ma Mya Mya Win of Bago Division, Ma Cho Thet Tin of Yangon Division and Ma Win Thanda Aung of Mon State; in basic education level (15-20) Ma Ei Ei Htwe of Magway Division, Ma Htet Htet Lin of Mandalay Division, Ma Khin Thit Lwin of Mandalay Division; in basic education level (10-15) to Ma Wint Thinza Satin of Yangon Division, Ma Zar Zar Lin of Yangon Division, Ma Aye Thanda Lwin (a) Doh Bo Hla of Mandalay Division; in basic education level (5-10) to Ma Kay Zin Chit Su of Yangon Division, Ma Aye Chan Myat Phyo of Yangon Division and Ma Yu Wai Hnin of Ayeyawady Division.
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin presented first, second and third prizes to U Shwe Min (a) Nawin Shwe Min and group of Yangon Division and Myanmar Pyi Kyauk-sein and group, U Sein Kyaw Lwin and group of Ayeyawady Division and U Tin Aye Ko and group of Magway Division in professional level men's saingwaing competition; to U Myat Zin Aung and group of Bago Division, U Zaw Thu and group of Sagaing Division and Sein Thein Tun and group of Yangon Division in amateur level; Maung Myo Thant Tin (a) Bo Bo Than and group of Mandalay Division, Maung Myo Min Aung and group of Yangon Division and Maung Myint Aung and group of Mandalay Division in higher education level; Chief Justice U Aung Toe presented first, second and third prices in basic education level (aged 15-20) to Maung Thura Kyi Moe (a) Po Thingyan and group of Yangon Division, Maung Nay Aung (a) Sein Myet Pyu and group of Yangon Division, Maung Aung Hein and group of Mandalay Division; in (aged 10-15) level to Maung Ye Min (a) Maung Hla Kyaw and group of Yangon Division, Maung Phyo Wai Hein and group of Sagaing Division and Maung Myo Min Paing and group of Ayeyawady Division; in (aged 5-10) level to Maung Lin Htet Htet Oo and group of Yangon Division, Maung Paing Aung and group of Mandalay Division and Maung Myo Min and group of Yangon Division; Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye presented first, second and third prize professional level women's saingwaing competition to Ma Thin Myat Shwe and group of Yangon Division and Ma Moe Thuza Aye (a) Doh Bo Ma and group of Mandalay Division, Daw Mya Thuza (a) Myint Myint Khaing and group of Yangon Division and Ma Htet Htet Aung and group of Mandalay Division; in amateur level Daw Khin Thein Aye and group of Mandalay Division, Ma Yin Yin Nu and group of Yangon Division, and Myanmar Pyi Sein and group of Ayeyawady Division; in higher education level Ma Khaing Zar Win and group of Yangon Division, Ma Cho Thet Tin and group of Yangon Division, and Ma Su Su Naing and group of Ayeyawady Division; basic education level (aged 15-20) Ma Htet Htet Lin and group of Mandalay Division, Ma Zar Zar Lin and group of Yangon Division and Ma Thida Win and group of Mandalay Division; (aged 10-15) Ma Aye Thanda Lwin (a) Doh Bo Hla and group of Mandalay Division, Ma Wint Thinza Satin and group of Yangon Division, and Ma Yu Sanda Win and group of Ayeyawady Division; (aged 5-10) Ma Kay Zin Chint Su and group of Yangon Division, Ma Ei Ei Chaw and group of Yangon Division and Ma Khin Mar Phyo and group of Chin State. Chairman ofÊCivil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyunt presented prizes to winners of Ozi competition.
In professional level (group) competition U Sein Kala and group of Mandalay Division won the first prize, U Hla Myint (a) Taw Tha Gyi and group of Yangon Division the second and U Win Naing Tun and group of Yangon Division the third. Amateur level (group) competition, Maung Kyaw Kyaw Han and group of Yangon Division won the first prize, Maung Aung Bo Bo and group of Yangon Division the second and Maung Lwin Myo Kyaw and group of Mandalay Division the third. In higher education level (group) competition, Maung Thein Win Tun and group of Yangon Division and Maung Kyaw Thu Win and group of Sagaing Division won the first prize, Maung Zin Min Latt and group of Yangon Division and Maung Nay Myo Aung and Group of Mandalay Division the second and Maung Aung Thein Myint (a) Tun Tun win and group of Mandalay Division the third.
Secretary of National Convention Convening Committee U Aye Maung presented prizes to the winners of basic education level Ozi competition. In basic education level (aged 15-20) Ozi group competition, Maung Myo Min and group of Yangon Division won the first prize, Maung Aung Hein and group of Mandalay Division the second and Maung Chit The Maung and group of Yangon Division the third. In the aged 10-15 group competition, Maung Star Bo Htet and group of Yangon Division won the first prize, Maung Aung Naing Win and group of Mandalay Division the second and Maung Ye Win Tun and group of Sagaing Division the third. The aged 5-10 group competition, Maung Thuta Tun and group of Mandalay Division won the first prize, Maung Aung Zin Myo (a) San Sha Ding Dong and group of Yangon Division the second and Maung Hein Htet Aung and group of Yangon Division the third.
Joint-Secretary of National Convention Convening Committee U Thaung Nyunt presented prizes to the winners of dobatÊ competitions.
In professional level competition, U Sein Kala and group of Mandalay Division won the first prize, Chin Dwin Sanay and group of Sagaing Division the second and Mandalay Khaw Lay and group of Mandalay Division and U Win Naing Tun and group of Yangon Division the third. In amateur level group competition, Maung Lwin Myo Kyaw and group of Mandalay won the first prize, Maung Aung Bo Bo and group and Maung Thein Tun and group of Yangon Division the second and U Htay Lwin and group of Sagaing Division the third.
In the higher education level competition, Maung Kyaw Kyaw Han and group of Yangon Division won the first prize, Maung Nay Myo Aung and group of Mandalay Division the second and Maung Aung Kyaw Khaing and group of Mandalay Division and Maung Zaw Htet Soe and group of Sagaing Division the third. In the basic education level aged 15-20 competition, Maung Chit The Maung and group of Yangon Division won the first prize, Maung Myo Min and group of Yangon Division the second and Maung Than Kyaw Aye and group of Sagaing Division the third.
Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt presented prizes to the winners of dobat competitions. In basic education level (aged 10-15 )group competition, Maung Aye Min Soe and group of Mandalay Division won the first prize, Maung Kyi Moe and group of Mandalay Division the second and Maung Ye Tun and group of Sagaing Division the third. In basic education level (aged 5-10 ) group competition, Maung Hein Htet Aung and group of Yangon Division and Maung Thuta Tun and group of Mandalay Division won the first prize, Maung Min thinkha and group of Sagaing Division the second and Maung Ko Ko Oo and group of Mandalay Division the third.
Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt presented prizes to the special prize winners of competitions
U Ba Shin of Rakhine State in professional level violin competition, U Nyunt, U Chit Hlaing and U Pan Aye of Mandalay Division in professional marionette competition, Maung Kaung Set Aung Min of Kayah State in basic education level dance (aged 5-10) competition and Maung Chan Nyein of Ayeyawady Division drama troupe competition.
Then, Maung Thet Oo Zin of Rakhine State, first prize winner of basic education level (aged 10-15) harp competition, Ma Zar Zar Soe of Ayeyawady Division, first prize winner of basic education level (aged 5-10) xylophone competition, Maung Zun Min Htwe of Bago Division, first prize winner of piano competition, Ma Su Su Win Maung of Yangon Division, first prize winner of harp competition, Maung Nyein Chan Phyo of Mandalay Division, first prize winner of individual saing competition, Maung Thet Aung Soe of Ayeyawady Division, first prize winner of mandolin competition and Ma Aw May Kyaw of Yangon Division, first prize winner of violin competition entertained the audience before the ceremony came to a close in the
( 4 )
Minister for Industry-1 receives Chinese guests

Yangon, 2 Nov -Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Managing Director of Yunnan Lihua Trading Ltd, Kunming, Yunnan Province, the People's Republic of China, Miss Zhang Lihua and party at his office at 5 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry.
Independence Day Sub-Committees meet
Yangon, 2 Nov-The work coordination meeting of Information Sub-Committee and Exhibition Sub-Committee for Organizing the 54th Anniversary Independence Day was held at the meeting hall of Information and Public Relations Department (Head Office) on Pansodan Street here this morning, with an address by Chairman of Information Sub-Committee and Exhibition Sub-Committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein.
It was also attended by members of Information Sub-Committee and Exhibition Sub-Committee Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay, Director-General of IPRD U Chit Naing, Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein, Managing Director of Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi and officials, and guests.
In his address, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein said that the meeting of the two sub-committees was being held at the same time to save time and to be able to start work earlier.
The 54th Anniversary Independence Day ceremony will be held on a grand scale in accord with the four objectives laid down by the State. He urged the sub-committee members and officials to collectively coordinate how to create the modern exhibition based on uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit, promotion and propagation of Union spirit and uplift of national prestige and integrity. Then, Exhibition Sub-Committee members Director-General of IPRD U Chit Naing reported on plans for exhibition, Secretary of Information Sub-Committee Director of MRTV U Ko Ko Htwe on plans for information, Secretary of Exhibition Sub-Committee Director of IPRD U Tun Min on work on exhibition. Then, Information Sub-Committee members Managing Director of NPE U Tin Kha, Managing Director of PPE U Myint Thein and officials presented their respective work programmes. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein gave a supplementary report for the works of the sub-committees. The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
( 5 ) Minister attends consecration ceremony
of pagoda, inspects bridge construction
Yangon, 2 Nov -Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, together with officials of Public Works, left Mandalay for Dhamma Pala Kyaungtaik in Shantat Village, Sagaing Division, by car on 31 October.
He attended the ceremony to consecrate the pagoda which was renovated by the Ministry of Construction.
Sayadaw of the Kyaungtaik U Arloka administered the Nine Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited Parittas.
The minister and officials presented offertories to members of the Sangha, followed by the sharing of merits.
Then, the pagoda consecration ceremony was held. Members of the Sangha recited religious verses. The minister performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the ceremony. Afterwards,
" soon ' was offered to members of the Sangha.
The minister next attended the elephant dance contest in Kyaukse, and presented cash to the funds of the committee for organizing the contest. The minister and party attended the ceremony to consecrate Shwekuntaung Pagoda, the Htidaw of which was donated by the Ministry of Construction, in Myittha, Mandalay Division yesterday morning. They inspected progress of construction of Zawgyi River Bridge at the entrance to Kyaukse.
Minister inspects railroad construction sites
Yangon, 2 Nov - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, arrived at the construction site of Donthami Bridge that links Kayin State and Mon State yesterday and inspected the installation of girders and the concrete works.
The minister gave instructions on minimizing loss and wastage, worksite safety, timely completion and meeting the set standard to the officials.
Then, he inspected construction of the railroad at the entrance to No 2 Myaingalay Cement Factory and attended to the needs.
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Daw Mya Mya San, wife of General Maung Aye, and party recite religious verses
Yangon, 2 Nov- Wut associations are reciting religious verses at Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township daily.
Daw Mya Mya San, wife of Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Khin Cho Oo, wife of secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, wives of members of the State Peace and Development Council, wives of the ministers and party recited religious verses from 8 am to 9 pm today at Gandakuti Kyaungdaw-gyi where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Laba Muni Buddha Image
11,000 lights, 1,000 flowers offered to Kyaikkalawt Pagoda
Yangon, 2 Nov-A ceremony to offer 11,000 lights and 1,000 flowers to Historic Kyaikkalawt Pagoda in Mingaladon Township, Yangon Division was held at the pagoda at 6.30 pm yesterday (Fullmoon Day of Thadingyut).
It was attended by specially invited guests, departmental officials headed by the Chairman of Mingaladon Township Peace and Development Council, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Township Red Cross Society, Fire Brigade, social organizations, wut associations and devotees totalling about 7,000.
The ceremony was opened with three time recitation of Namotassa. Then, those present offered water, flowers and lights to the Buddha Image.
Light was also offered on the upper terrace and precinct of the pagoda.
Next, wut associations recited religious verses, followed by sharing of merits gained. The ceremony ended with three time recitation of Buddha Sasanamnirantithatu.
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Mandalay UDE announces schedules of lectures and examination centres
Yangon, 2 Nov - Mandalay University of Distance Education today announced that its final examinations and giving special lectures for second group for 2001 Academic Year will be held at Mandalay University, Magway University, Taunggyi University, Monywa University, Myit-kyina University, Yadanabon University, Meiktila Univer-sity,ÊPakokku University, Shwebo Degree College, Kalay Degree College, Lashio Degree College, Kengtung Degree College, Yenan-gyoung College and Loikaw College.
The special lectures for the second group will be given to the students from 5 to 15 November, and final examinations will be held from 19 to 26 November.
Third year students who registered at MUDE majoring in Arts, Economics and Law are to attend Mandalay University for special lectures. First year students who registered at Yadanabon Branch majoring in Arts, Economics and Law are to attend Yadanabon University.
Third year students who registered at MUDE majoring in Myanmar, History and Geography are to sit for exams at Yadanabon University, majoring in Philosophy at Mandalay Basic Education High School No 1, majoring in Psychology at BEMS No 17, majoring in Law at Mandalay BEHS No 7, and majoring in Economics at Mandalay BEHS No 6.
Third year students who registered at MUDE majoring in Chemistry are to appear for exams at Mandalay BEHS No 3, majoring in Physics at Mandalay BEHS No 13, majoring in Mathematics at Mandalay BEHS No 11, majoring in Zoology at Mandalay BEHS No 10, and majoring in Botany at Mandalay BEHS No 17.
First year students who registered at Yadanabon Branch majoring in Myanmar, History, Geography, Economics and Business Management are to take exams at Yadanabon University, majoring in Philosophy at Mandalay BEHS No 3, majoring in Psychology at Mandalay BEHS No 24, majoring in Law at Dagundaing BEMS No 22, majoring in English, Literature, Myanmar Studies and Oriental Studies at Mandalay BEHS No 1, and majoring in Home Economy and Public Affairs at Mandalay BEHS No 6.
First year students who registered at Yadanabon Branch majoring in Chemistry are to sit for exams at Mandalay BEHS No 17, majoring in Physics at Mandalay BEHS No 13, majoring in Mathematics (Roll No 1 to 500) at Mandalay BEHS No 26, Roll No 501 to 818 at Mandalay BEHS No 7, majoring in Zoology (Roll No 1 to 600) at Mandalay BEHS No 10, Roll No 601 to 838 at Mandalay BEHS No 11, majoring in Botany (Roll No 1 to 300) at Mandalay BEHS No 11, and Roll No 301 to 760 at Mandalay BEMS No 17.
Students who registered at the branches of MUDE majoring in Arts, Economics and Law are to attend respective universities, degree colleges and colleges and to do exams at respective universities, degree colleges, colleges, BEHSs and BEMSs.
Students who registered at branches of MUDE majoring in Science are to take exams at respective universities, degree colleges, colleges, BEHSs and BEMSs.
Details of programmes will be announced at respective branches of the UDE, BEHSs and BEMSs.
YCDC holds special work coordination meeting

Yangon, 2 Nov - Yangon City Development Committee held a special work coordination meeting at the City Hall this morning.
Speaking at the meeting Chairman of YCDC Mayor U Ko Lay urged the YCDC departments to implement their farming projects as targeted, to extend farming undertakings of district and township offices, to effectively implement the Yangon city development projects and to upgrade the systematic city sanitation system.
The participants then took part in the discussions.
The mayor gave the concluding remarks.
( 8
) 38 fires broke out in September
Yangon, 2 Nov -A total of 38 fires broke out in September, with the loss of K 3.16 million worth of property.
Of them, 25 occurred due to negligence, 10 due to electrical faults and 3 due to arson.
As the dry season is setting in, fires may break out at any time. The authorities are asked to make security plans for prevention of fire outbreak. Wards, factories, sheds, public buildings and people's hospitals are to be inspected and fire engines and fire equipment are to be ready. Arrangements are to be made to reduce the fire outbreak and to report to the Peace and Development Councils concerned.