1 ) Government builds 126
dams including Swa Creek Dam at K 47.9b to irrigate 1,753, 769 acres
of crops
Local authorities, departments, social organizations, regional
people joining hands to implement rural development projects
Yangon, 30 Oct - Swa Creek Dam in Yedashe Township, Toungoo District, Bago Division, was commissioned into service this morning with an address delivered by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Built on Swa Creek near Baungtok village in the township, the main dam is 6.,600 feet long and the saddle dyke is 16,900 feet long. The main dam is 97 feet high and the saddle dyke is 40 feet high. The earth dam which has the irrigation capacity of 35,000 acres was built by Irrigation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
The Secretary-1 said at present, the government is implementing the necessary development projects all over the nation for proportionate progress of all the regions of the nation.
In this situation, emergence of one more dam will lead to marked progress of not only the Bago Division, but also the socio-economic development of the local people.
The State Peace and Development Council is making all-round efforts for rapid progress of the Union of Myanmar and for raising the living standard of the entire people.
In endeavouring for further improvement of the living standard of the people and strengthening the national economy, it is essential to develop the agricultural sector, which is the main economic undertaking of the majority.
The agricultural sector is not only the traditional economy on which the majority is relying, but also a dependable economy of the nation in future.
Thus, the government is applying various means in striving for the emergence of the national economy based on agriculture with the harmonious participation of the national forces and on self-reliance basis.
Although Myanmar has over 44 million acres of cultivable land, it can grow crops on only about 25 million acres.
Myanmar is rich in water resources as it has a large number of natural water bodies and watercourses; annually, over 870 million acre-feet of water is flowing in the natural watercourses across the nation; however, it is found that the nation cannot effectively and fully harness all the water resources till now.
At the inauguration ceremony of Thaphanseik Dam in Shwebo District, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave the guidance on tapping of the natural water resources for national interests as follows:
"The State and the people should harmoniously utilize the natural resources for national development.
"There are many potentials to tap the nation's large volume of water resources for agriculture and hydel power generation. But till now, the water resources cannot be fully exploited. The nation is also rich in forest and mineral resources.
"The nation's waters are also rich in marine resources, and wider use of material resources will lead to national development and
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, plans are being laid down and implemented region-wise to build one dam after another to effectively control and use the water resources for the agricultural sector.
In Anya region (Central Myanmar), where water was scarce due to less rainfall and topographical condition, electrical and manual river pumped-water projects and dam projects are being implemented to fulfil the water requirement.
Sluice gates are being constructed at the wetlands located in the areas which receive high amount of rainfall annually to control the inflow and outflow of water. In the coastal areas, embankments are being built to reclaim more land.
The irrigation projects are bearing good results such as extension of double and triple cropping and year-round cropping and transforming seasonal cultivation lands to permanent cultivation lands to a certain degree; they are also helping develop the economic and social sectors of the regional people and green the environs and bring about a balanced climate.
Multi-purpose dams projects are being implemented in places where conditions are favourable to generate hydel power. The government is spending large sums of money in building the dams which are benefiting the nation in all sectors. Up to date, it has built 126 dams including the Swa Creek Dam at a cost of
K 47,968.73 million. The dams are irrigating 1,753,769 acres of crops.
The Swa Creek Dam is the 27th dam in Bago Division, which will irrigate 35,000 acres of land. The State has used
K 11,665.29 million to build the 27 dams which are irrigating a total of 318,770 acres. Thirteen more dams including Yenwe Dam, Thonze Dam and Phyu Creek Dam are under construction in Bago Division.
The division will be able to grow crops all the year round and prevent annual flooding at the completion of all the irrigation projects.
The local people should understand the State's goodwill towards building of dams at all the possible places in the nation and should effectively use them for progress of their regions, economy and living conditions.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the local authorities, the departments and social organizations are joining hands in implementing the rural water supply projects, rural road transport projects and rural health, education and economic development pro-jects covered by the rural development plan.
Thus, the rural people are urged to actively take part in the government's endeavours designed to directly benefit their regions.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged local authorities, departmental personnel, farmers and regional people to strive from the respective sectors for the durability of the dam; to strive with perseverance to further develop the agricultural sector with a view to ensuring regional food sufficiency and greening the region; to harmoniously strive to enter the new chapter of the agricultural sector for rapid progress of the rural areas and to develop the social conditions of the rural people in accord with the guidance of the Head of State.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye said Bago Division is dry in summer and extremely wet in the rainy season. There was only North Nawin Dam in the division, before the advent of the State Law and Order Restoration Council government.
The commander quoted the Head of State as saying,
" Land and water are valuable resources to develop the nation; thus, efforts should be made with vigour and the will to value the land and water to upgrade the usefulness of the land and
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said the dam will supply irrigation water and drinking water for the people of regions in the eastern sector of Bago Division. Due to extended use of farm machinery there is a sigificant progress in crop cultivation.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has targeted to cultivate paddy on over 17 million acres, beans and pulses on 8.6 million acres, edible oil crops on 7.7 million acres, cotton on one
million acres, sugarcane on 680,000 acres and maize on 800,000 acres.
The division should strive to extend cultivation of paddy, cotton, sugarcane, beans and pulses and oil crops.
He thanked the local authorities for their supervision and the staff of Irrigation Department for their efforts to complete the dam within a three-year period.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt then presented bonus to staff of the project through the officials. He then formally unveiled the plaque.
Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin formally opened the dam.
The Secretary-1 cordially greeted the local people who attended the ceremony.

He then inspected the different sectors of the dam.
Also present were ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, members of Toungoo District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel, bonus, the director-general of Irrigation Department and staff of the project, local people of Toungoo and Yedashe townships, farmers, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and
Women's Affairs Committee, teachers, students and others totalling
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends opening of Abhidhaja Mawgun Beikmandaw of Maha Withutayama Taikthit in Magway
Yangon, 30 Oct - The opening ceremony of Abhidhaja Mawgun Beikman-daw of Maha Withutayama Taikthit in Magway was held in conjunction with merit-sharing and donation ceremony at the Taikthit yesterday morning.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony and presented offertories to the Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara.

Also present on the occasion were Presiding Nayaka of the Taikthit Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Bhaddanta Kumara and members of the Sangha, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of Division, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, wellwishers, lay persons and distinguished guests.

The commander and Chairman Col Zaw Min formally opened the Beikman-daw. Then, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the plaque to mark the opening of the Beikmandaw. Afterwards, the ceremony to mark the opening of the Beikmandaw was held.
The Magway Sayadaw invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited parittas.
The Secretary-1 presented offertories to the Magway Sayadaw.
The commander, the ministers and wellwishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha. U Mya Han-Daw Khin Zabei Kyi and family of Pyay Road, Kamayut Township, presented K 1 million for the Beikmandaw; U Kyaw Yin and U Hsan Win of ASPIDIM Yankin Centre Construction K 403,000; Dr Maung Phyu-Dr Marie Phyu and family of Yangon K 300,000; U Hsan Win-Daw Yee Yee Wai and family of Yangon K 160,000; U Thein Maung-Daw Than Kyi (Thiri Thudhamma Manizawtadara Thiha Thudhamma Manizawtadara) and family of Aungdawmu Ward in Mandalay, Dr U Kyi-Daw Khin Than of Konmyinttha, Pyay Road, 7th Mile, and Capt Win Maw (Retd)-Daw Wai Mar Kyi, U Aye Cho-Daw Tin Shwe (Zawtika Robe House) of Zayyat in Magway, and U Than Nyunt-Daw Han Tin of Paukpaukdan in Monywa K 100,000 each; U Kyon Sein-Daw Kyin and family K 70,000; U Than Gyaung-Daw Zee and family, U Aye Maung-Daw Htwa and family of Magway, U Win Bo-Daw Khin Aye Paik and family, and Daw Khin Htwe and family K 50,000 each to the Secretary-1, the commander and Chairman Col Zaw Min.
Dr Maung Phyu-Dr Marie Phyu and family presented an automobile and related documents to the Sayadaw through Col Zaw Min.
The Magway Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark successful completion of the ceremony.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party viewed the Abhidhaja Mawgun Beikmandaw.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt sees over development tasks in Mandalay and Magway divisions

Yangon, 30 Oct - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials from the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads left for Toungoo in Bago Division by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived there at 12.45 pm on 28 October.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Brig-Gen Aung Win of Ottwin Station, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein of Toungoo Station, members of division/district/township Peace and Development Councils and division level departmental officials.
The Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Lewe Township in Mandalay Division where they were welcomed by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Brig-Gen Thein Swe of Pyinmana Station and officials.

The Secretary-1 took a short rest Ela.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at construction site of 300-bed hospital of the Ministry of Health at Kyetpyay Village in Pyinmana Township where they were welcomed by members of Yamethin District Peace and Development Council and departmental officials.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein briefed on construction of 300-bed hospital. Then, Deputy Chief Engineer (Architecture) U Aung Kyee Myint and Managing Director U Zaw Win of Ar Yon Oo Construction Co reported on the chosen site for the hospital, ground plan of buildings, architectural design of buildings and preparations for construction project to the Secretary-1 who gave them necessary instructions.
After inspecting preparations for construction of the hospital, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to the Central Agriculture Research Department of Myanma Agriculture Service in Yezin, Pyinmana Township. Managing Director U Tun Than of MAS and General Manager Dr Tin Soe of the research department and staff welcomed them there.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected the seed bank booth, research booth, research works on tissue culture, and cold storage of seeds at Seed Bank building. The officials conducted them around the booths.
Afterwards, Managing Director U Tun Than and General Manager Dr Tin Soe reported on formation of the Central Agriculture Research Department, location of the research centres, and aim for forming of research centres, quality paddy strains, corn, oil plants and plants for industrial use distributed by the department, research works, cultivation systems for crops, research works for soil and fertilizer, production of bio-based fertilizer and insecticides, cooperation with international organizations, research works for the development of human resources. Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin added a supplementary report.
The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions and inspected production line of Zewa Super spray fertilizer factory. After that, he left for Pyinmana.
The Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, arrived at Magway at 9 am yesterday. They were welcomed there by Commander of No 88 LID Col Ohn Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, members of division/district/township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
The Secretary-1 and party left for the construction site of Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) in Magway and inspected installation of the main frame.

At the briefing hall, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Deputy Chief Engineer (Planing) U Han Zaw reported on installation of bridge frame on Minbu bank, construction of the approach road and bridge, construction of pier Nos 8 and 9, installation of bridge frames on Magway bank, construction of the approach road and bridge and junction and preparations for smooth traffic.
The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions and inspected progress of work.
The bridge is being built across the Ayeyawady River to link Mingala Street in Magway and Phayakoesugon in Htaukshabin Village, Minbu. The bridge is 8,989 feet long Ñ the main bridge is 6,969 feet and approach bridge, 2,020 feet. The lower structure of the bridge is iron reinforced concrete. The main bridge will be built of iron frames and approach bridge, reinforced concrete. The motor-way is 28 feet wide and each of two pedestrianlanes is six feet wide. The bridge can withstand 60-ton load.
The Secretary-1 then attended the ceremony to inaugurate Abhidhaja Mawgun Beikman-daw of Maha Vithuddhayama Taikthit in Magway and to share merits held in Magway and presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
He then inspected construction of a new runway at Magway Airport with the use of machinery.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 heard the reports on data of the project for construction of the new runway, location, structure and geographical condition of the airport, progress of construction tasks by Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and Director-General U Win Maung of Department of Civil Aviation, and progress of construction and future tasks by Managing Director U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co Ltd.

After leaving necessary instructions, the Secretary-1 and party headed for the sub-printing house of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise of the Ministry of Information in Magway where Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and officials welcomed them.
The Minister briefed on location, structure and ground plan of the sub-printing house to the Secretary-1 who later viewed the printing of Myanma Alin and Kyemon newspapers in the press room.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Taungdwingyi where they were welcomed by members of Magway District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials and members of USDA.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived at all-round renovation site of ancient Aungmyinzeya Pagoda in Taungdwingyi. He inspected excavated cultural objects at the site.
Chairman Col Zaw Min reported on condition of donations made for all-round renovation of the pagoda.
Engineer-in-Charge U Than Aye briefed on progress of renovation tasks and future plans to the Secretary-1 who gave necessary instructions.
The Secretary-1 and the Commander accepted K 12,665,000 for all-round renovation of the pagoda, including K 1 million donated by the State Peace and Development Council office, K 100,000 by the Ministry of Health, K 100,000 by the Ministry of Forestry, K 500,000 by the Ministry of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries, K 300,000 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, K 300,000 by the Ministry of Home Affairs, K 100,000 by the Ministry of Electric Power, K 100,000 by the Pyinmana Station, K 100,000 by the Ministry of Transport, K 100,000 by Boyadana U Myo Myint Hla, K 100,000 by U Sein Hline (Taungdwingyi), K 500,000 by the Asia World Co Ltd, K 100,000 by the Ministry of Industry-1, K 100,000 by the Magway Division Video Scrutinizing Organization, K 100,000 by the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, K 100,000 by the Ministry of Construction, K 100,000 by U Kan Tun family (Aunglan), K 100,000 by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, K 100,000 by the Commander-in-Chief (Army)'s office and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s office.

After inspecting construction of the pagoda, the Secretary-1 proceeded to construction site of Paunglaung Dam project in Yamethin District in Mandalay, Pyinmana Township, Division.
At the briefing hall, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin reported on tasks being carried out by the ministry and needs, Director U Win Maung of Irrigation Department on condition and completion of construction tasks for the main dam and spillway and future tasks, Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint and Project Director of the Paunglaung Dam Project Director U Soe Myint on construction of spillway tunnels, power intake, 37 spillway tunnels totalling 3,300 meters long, 230 KV power line to the Secretary-1 who attended to the needs.

Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Pyinmana Auto Exchange of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications where he was reported on location and structure of the exchange, strength, ground plan, condition of microwave link passing over Pyinmana, using of phone lines, future tasks by Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Assistant General Manager U Maung Win of MPT. The Secretary-1 gave instructions and inspected operator room, power room and exchange room.
Then he went to the Workshop of Myanma Timber Enterprise in Pyinmana where Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone briefed on land reclamation using machinery including bulldozers.
The Secretary-1 inspected parts produced by the workshop and gave instructions to the officials. He arrived at the Guest House in Pyinmana.
The Secretary-1 and party left Pyinmana for Yedashe in Bago Division this morning. They arrived at Swa Creek Dam in the township where member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye and officials welcomed them.
The Secretary-1 attended the ceremony to inaugurate the Swa Creek Dam and made a speech. He then left for Taungoo and arrived back here this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected surgical word, operation room, children ward , labour room, laboratory, X-ray room, and out-patient centre and dental room at Pyinmana General Hospital on 29 Oct.
He met with Medical Superintendent Dr Khin Maung Maung and medical staff, and gave instructions on giving health care services to the public with goodwill.
( 4 )
Tatmadaw families and wellwishers donate provisions to Pariyatti Saddhammapala Aungmyebonthashan Kyaungtaik in Mayangon Township

Yangon, 30 Oct- A ceremony to donate provisions to Pariyatti Saddhammapala Aungmyebonthashan Kyaung-taik in Mayangon Township by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families and wellwishers and present cash for construction of three-storey building and offer
" soon" to the members of the Sangha was held at the Kyaungtaik in Mayangon Township this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein, Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental officials, local authorities and wellwishers.

The congregation received the Five Precepts from Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Pariyatti Saddhammapala Aung-myebonthashan Kyaungtaik Bhaddanta Sundara.
Members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta and parittas.
The Secretary-3 presented offertories to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sundara and Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and Minister U Aung Khin presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein and Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein presented provisions donated by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to the Sayadaw. Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa presented provisions donated by YCDC to the Sayadaw, Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin and Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Hla Moe, Managing Director of Myama Salt and Marine Chemical Enterprise U Saw Win, Acting Director-General of Traditional Medicine Department Dr Myat Moe also presented provisions to the Sayadaw.
Provisions medicines by Hmancho, Tunshwewa and Htet Lin medical halls, Great Wall brand embrocation by Great Wall traditional medicine production, boxes of balm by Kaythipan medical hall, tonic by U Bo Gyi-Daw Than Than Pyilonchantha medical hall, Padamya-840 brand embrocation by U Wai Lwin-Daw Khin Zarli Aung (Abhaya Thukha medical hall), pain killers by Silver Shine international, bags of rice by U Thein Maung-Daw Pa Pa of Sangdi Traditional Medicine Trading and U Tin Win-Daw Mya Yi Nanda of Dagon Myanmar International Ltd.
Donations for " soon" and construction of three-storey building wereÑ K 200,000 by Ministry of Commerce, K 50,000 each by Major Thurein Kyaw-Daw Nankalyar Win and U Aung Moe Kyaw-Daw Nan Shwe Wa Win, K 10,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Developemnt Council, K 100,000 each by Ministry of Forestry and YCDC, K 200,000 by U Tin Win-Daw San Win of Myanmar Pyithar Hey KN Co, K 150,000 each by U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt of BTB Co, U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Swe, K 100,000 by U Tin Aung-Daw Hla Hla Nwe of Win Yadana Travel, K 80,150 by U Tin Win-Daw Mya Yi Nanda of Dagon Myanmar International Ltd, K 200,000 by U Maung Maung of Great Wall traditional medicine production, K 5,000 by Mayangon Township USDA, K 130,000 by Htet Lin medical hall, K 30,000 by Myanmar Rice Wholesale Merchants Association, K 50,000 by U Nyein-Daw Ohn Kyin of OK Rice Trading, K 10,000 by U Tin Win of Myanmar Rice Millers Association, K 100,000 by U Bo Gyi-Daw Than Than Pyilonchantha medical hall, K 70,000 by Sun Myanmar International Co, K 50,000 each by Daw Hla Hla, Hmancho and Tun Shwewa medical halls, K 10,000 by Daw Mya Thein, K 3,000 by Mayangon Maternal and Child Welfare Association, K 8,000 by U Yannaing-Daw Yi Yi Thein of Sayagyi Co, K 20,000 by Astrology and Veda Magazine, K 50,050 by U Thein Maung-Daw Pa Pa of Sangdi Traditional medicine, K 50,000 by Kyathipan medical hall and K 7,5000 by other wellwishers. The commander and the ministers accepted the donations.
Camp Commandant of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein explained the purpose of the donations.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Nijota delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
The total donations were 43 bags of rice, 14 viss of edible oil, 21 bags of gram, 100 viss of iodized salt, 10 tubes of tooth paste, 1,268 bottles of assorted traditional medicines and K 790,150 for
"soon" and K 1,458,050 for the three-storey building.
( 5 ) Ninth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue,
music competitions end
Yangon, 30 Oct- The Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the 16th day today.
The song competitions continued at the National Theatre on Pyay Road this morning. The music competitions, which started at Padomma Theatre on Bagaya Road in Sangyoung Township and National Theatre on Myomakyaung Road in Dagon Township on 15 and 22 October respectively, ended successfully this evening and the music competitions which were held from 15 to 21 October and 27 to date at Kanbawza Theatre on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road also ended this evening.
Present on the occasion were member of the Panel of Patrons for Organizing the Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of the Leading Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, members of the Panel of Patrons Minister for Transports Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and Minister for Culture U Win Sein, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, Chairman of Work Committee No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and members, chairmen and members of subcommittees, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, departmental heads, teachers, students and the people.
A total of 8 contestants took part in the higher education level
mens'classical song competition. In the afternoon, 16 contestants participated in the basic education level (aged 15-20)
girls'religious song competition.
Chairperson of the Panel of Judges Daw Tin Tin Mya and members supervised the competition.
On 31 October, the final day of the professional level (men's) old and modern song competitions and the basic education level (aged 5-10)
girls'religious song competitions will be held at the same venue.
The music competitions continued at the Padomma Theatre on Bagaya Road in Sangyoung Township for the 16th and final day. today. In the morning, three troupes took part in the basic education level (aged 5-10)
girls'team saing contest and four troupes took part in the amateur level (women's) team saing contest. In the afternoon, three troupes participated in the higher education level
girls'team saing contest.
Leader of the Panel of Judges U Sein Sten and party supervised the women's team saing contest.
The music competitions of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions which started from 15 October to date ended successfully at Padomma Theatre on Bagaya Road.
The third and final day programme of the Dobat competition was held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street this morning.
Chaiman of the Panel of Judges Gita Lulin U Ko Ko, U Sein Ba Maw and members supervised the Dobat competitions and Demonstrator Daw Nilar Htwe of the Music Department of the University of Culture announced the programme.
A total of six troupes took part in the higher education level
mens' Dobat competition in the morning. In the afternoon, eight troupes participated in the basic education level (aged 10-15)
boys' Dobat contest. The music competition which started from 22 October at National Theatre ended successfully this evening.
At the Kanbawza Theatre, ten contestants took part in the amateur level violin contest; three in the basic education level (aged 15-20)
boys'violin contest; seven in the basic education level (aged 10-15)
boys' violin contest; and five in the basic education level (aged 10-15)
girls'violin contest.
Leader of the Panel of Judges U Tin Yi and members supervised the contest.
The music competition which started from 15 to 21 October and 27 to date at Kanbawza Theatre of Fine Arts Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road ended successfully this
( 6 ) Minister inspects bran oil mill, rice mills in Pathein
Yangon, 30 Oct-Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and officials inspected the bran oil mill in Pathein yesterday morning.
The factory manager and officials reported on production of crude cooking oil and progress of work. The minister gave instructions on exceeding the targets, supply of raw materials and high efficiency of machines.
The minister inspected the production and warehouses and gave instructions on maintenance of machines and fire prevention measures.
The minister and party inspected No 03 Sein Myitta Rice Mill in Nyaungchaung in Pathein. The minister fulfilled the requirements.
In the afternoon, the minister also inspected 250-ton rice mill in Myaungmya.
He met rice millers and urged them to boost production, mill quality rice and increase production for economic development.
The minister replied to the queries raised by the rice millers.
Present were officials of Myaungmya District and Township Peace and Development Councils, officials of USDAs, Myanmar War Veterans Organization and rice millers.
The minister inspected the mill. The minister also inspected Dhanabala Rice Mill in Einme
Industry-1 Minister tours Bago and
Mandalay Divisions

Yangon, 30 Oct - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, together with officials, arrived at Yeni No 2 Paper Mill of Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries in Yeni, Bago Division, yesterday.
The minister inspected Thitseint (Belleric Myrobalan) trees, saplings of Thitseint trees and pepper in the factory compound and gave instructions on cultivation of crops at the vacant land in the factory compound.
He then inspected boilers, and the site chosen for construction of a new paper mill.
The Ministry of Industry-1 is making major repairs for Sittaung Paper Mill No 1 in Mon State and Yeni Paper Mill No 2 in Bago Division, and building a 200-ton pulp mill in Thabaung, Ayeyawady Division. Plans are under way to construct a 50-ton pulp mill and an 80-ton cement plant near Yeni Paper Mill No 2.
The minister proceeded to Winthuza Shop in Pyinmana, Mandalay Division, and inspected products of the Ministry of Industry-2, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, and sales of the products of the Ministry of Industry-1 at the shop.
He went to the Factories Planning Department in Shwedah Village seven miles from Yamethin, and met with officials at the briefing hall. Managing Director of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries U Myint Oo reported on progress in construction of the soap factory, Managing Director of Myanma General and Maintenance Industries U Thaik Tun on carrying out civil engineering work for the soap factory and dyeing and printing factory and Managing Director of Myanma Textile Industries U Oo Thein Maung on progress in construction of the dyeing and printing factory. The minister gave necessary instructions.
The minister inspected construction of the main building of dyeing and printing factory and its related buildings and the soap factory.
He also met with officials at the briefing hall of Wundwin Textile Mill of Myanma Textile Industries. Factory Manager Daw Cho Ma Lay reported on matters on production and distribution of longyi (men's garments). Thence, the minister proceeded to Kyaukse BEHS-3 and inspected the school buildings newly constructed by the Ministry of Industry-1.
Afterwards, he went to Kyaukse Factories Planning Department. He met with officials concerned and gave necessary instructions on construction of Kyaukse cement factory, sugar mill and shoe factory, the running of charcoal grinding factory and others. The minister also inspected the Winthuza Shop of Kyaukse
and gave necessary instructions.
Demonstration on hotel requisites held
Yangon, 30 Oct- A demonstration on hotel requisites was held by the Hanse International Limited at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road, here at 2 pm today.
First, Hanse International Ltd Managing Director U Aung Than Htay gave an introductory speech. Next, Market Manager Mr Pongphun of Johnson Wax Professional (Bangkok office), General Manager Mr Tavin of Electrolux Co, General Manager Mr Supachai of Saharojn Weaving Factory Ltd and Marketing Manager Mr Tipakorn of Bangkok Arts and Crafts explained facts about hotel requisites. Afterwards, U Aung Than Htay of Hanse International Ltd and Managing Director U Aung Zaw Naing of Asia Wealth Bank signed an agreement for enabling the customers to purchase the hotel
requisites in installment.
Workshop on Mekong subregional Environmental
Monitoring and Information System held
Yangon, 30 Oct - The National Workshop on Sub-regional Environmental Monitoring and Information System Phase-II (SEMIS-II) organized by the Myanmar National Commission for Environmental Affairs (NCEA) in cooperation with Asian Development Bank (ADB) was held at the Sofitel Plaza Hotel this morning.
Secretary of NCEA U Thein Myint delivered an opening address. In the morning session, Project Coordinator of UNEP/PRC-AP in Bangkok Dr Rajendra Shrestha presented an overview of Implementation Plan of SEMIS-II Project, and Environmental Issues of the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Those present also took part in the discussion.
In the afternoon session, Director of NCEA Daw Yin Yin Lay presented Introduction to Environmental Information in Myanmar. A general round of discussions then followed.
The workshop came to an end in the evening.
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5th Obstetric and
Conference to be held
Yangon, 30 Oct- The 5th Obstetric and Gynaecological Conference will be held by the obstetric and gynaecology section of Myanmar Medical Association at the MMA Auditorium on Theinbyu Road from 23 to 24 November. Obstericians and gynaecologists as well as those interested may attend the
Raw utility jade to be sold in kyats
Yangon, 30 Oct - The raw utility jade which were mined by the Myanmar Gems Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines and local companies on profit sharing basis will be sold in kyats through
competitive bidding.
The programme will be launched for the companies to earn money, to develop gems trade, to supply raw jade to local jade producers and to stop illegal trading of jade.
The auction sale of jade will be held at Lonkhin Jade Mining Division in Phakant Township on 5 and 6 December. Jade inspection time for the merchants is from 2 to 4 December. For more information contact MGE in Yangon or at Jade Mining Divisions in Lonkhin, Myitkyina and Mandalay.
Performing Arts Work Committee holds meeting
Yangon, 30 Oct-he coordination meeting of the Work Committee of the Ninth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, the subcommittees and the managers of the state and division teams was held at No 1 Transit Centre
in Bayintnaung here this evening.
Chairman of the work committee No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo
gave a speech. The subcommittee members and team managers then took
part in the discussions. Then, the work committee chairman gave suggestions and gave the concluding marks.
Video Scrutiny Supervisory
Central Committee meets
Yangon, 30 Oct-Video Scrutiny Supervisory Central Committee of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise under the Ministry of Information held its 4/2001 meeting at the Head Office of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise on Shwe-taunggya Road, Bahan Township, at 1 pm today. Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein delivered an address at the meeting. Also present were Chairman of VSSCC Managing Director of MMPE U Bo Kyi, members of the Central Committee and departmental officials.
The minutes of the meeting 3/2001 were approved. Next, Secretary of the Committee Director of MMPE U Thein Tun Aung reported matters on progress, incomes and taking of action against violators of rules and regulations of video industry during the period from July to September 2001.
Then, those present took part in the discussions.
. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
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256 drug-related cases exposed in September
Yangon, 30 Oct - The Tatmadaw, the Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department exposed 256 drug-related cases in September 2001.
Among the seizures were 728.5672 kilos of opium in 33 cases, 14.084 kilos of heroin in 109 cases, 1.38 kilos of morphine, 3.3269 kilos of opium oil in four cases, 41.8577 kilos of low-grade opium in 13 cases, 18.1257 kilos of marijuana in 24 cases, 151.6 litres of phensedyl in three cases, 4,788,402 stimulant tablets in 52 cases, 0.004 kilo of stimulant powder in one case, 8.4 litres of cough syrup in one case, 132.839 litres
of chemical liquid of morphine injection in one case, 216 other
tablets in one case, 12 cases for failure to register and two other
cases. Action was taken against 361 persons 299 men and 62
women in connection with 256 drug- related cases in September 2001.
Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 30 Oct - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Lashio Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched Thura (a) Kalagyi, who was travelling on No 132 down train en route from Lashio to Mandalay at 9.25 am on 28 June.
The authorities seized 488.81 grams of heroin kept in 25 soap-cases carried together with him. The police station concerned filed Thura (a) Kalagyi, 21, son of U Tun Myint of Zone (4), Ward (7) in Mawthiri under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Lashio District Court on 7 September handed down 5 years' imprisonment under Section 15 and 20
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him to serve separately .