1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations
to Republic of Turkey
Yangon, 29 Oct- On the occasion of the anniversary of the Revolution Day of the Republic of
Turkey, which falls on 29 October 2001, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency
Mr Ahmet Necdet Sezer, President of the Republic of Turkey.
Talented Students Training Programme being
implemented at 38 basic education high schools in 14 towns
Secretary-1 presents prizes to 22
outstanding students
Yangon, 28 Oct -A ceremony to present prizes to outstanding students who passed the 2000-2001 matriculation examination of the Ministry of Education was held at Basic Education High School No 2, Sangyoung Township, this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the Chief Justice, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, directors-general of the departments and chairmen of the boards under the Ministry of Education, township education officers, school heads, outstanding students and their parents.
The Secretary-1 said that under the leadership of the government and with the participation of the entire national people, national education promotion programmes are being implemented.
The presentation of prizes to the outstanding students who have emerged as a result of implementation of these programmes is a plan to make national education promotion programmes more and more fruitful.
To produce outstanding intellectuals and intelligentsia who play a vital role in the efforts to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with others, the government is implementing the national education promotion programmes.
The basic education sector and the higher education sector have been linked in order to promote national education, and thus, measures are being taken to enable the nation to keep abreast with other nations in the South-East Asian region in terms of education standard in so short a time.
As education reforms have been carried out with the participation of the entire national people, stalwart sons and daughters of the nation who have received all-round education and the new generation who have received the education of international standard have been emerging.
It is satisfying to see that today, the youths of the new generation have been putting their prowess on show at sports competitions, literary competitions, painting, poster and cartoon competitions, extempore talks and Myanmar traditional cultural performing arts competitions.
Similarly, at information technology exhibitions, the youth students have been showing their intellectual capability with the use of electronic and computer technology and information and communication technology.

Just as the government is giving new generation youths all-round education, so it is also making arrangements to enable students to put their intellectual capability on show and honouring outstanding youths in a fitting manner.
Student youths feel encouraged by participating in School Family Day activities and ceremonies to honour outstanding students.
Since 1993, outstanding students who have stood from first to tenth at the matriculation examination in the entire nation have been honoured, and the present ceremony is the ninth of its kind. In addition, the government has been giving stipend and cash assistance to the students who have stood first and got at least three distinctions in respective states and divisions.
About 600,000 students took the 2001-2002 matriculation examination in the entire nation, and over 200,000 students have passed the examination. So the pass rate is 36.5 percent. This year there are 22 outstanding students who have stood from first to tenth throughout the entire nation.
Two-thirds of 22 outstanding students who have stood from first to fifth are from states and divisions. Last year, half of the outstanding students were from states and divisions, and this year, the two-thirds of the outstanding students are from the states and divisions.
Therefore, it can be said that an aim of the basic education sector the narrowing of the gap of education standard between rural and urban areas has been materializing.
In addition, as all the students from rural and urban areas have high intellectual power, outstanding students will emerge all over the nation if they have the opportunity of pursuing education with modern teaching methodology.
The future of the nation lies in the hands of the youth. The more students imbued with love of the nation and patriotism emerge, the sooner the national goal Ñ emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation
will be achieved. The government, joining hands with parents,
members of the school boards of trustees and wellwishers, are working for the all-round development of the students who are going to shape the destiny of the nation. Greater success has been achieved than expected.
Talented Students Training Programme is being implemented at 38 basic education high schools in 14 towns where universities under the Ministry of Education are situated. According to this programme, 1,080 ninth and tenth outstanding standards are being nurtured by professors from universities, and they are being taught information and communication technology and English or Maths or science.
If these students pass the matriculation examination and continue to pursue English or Maths or science at universities, the government will provide assistance to them throughout their studies.
It is satisfying to see that Myanmar students are working hard at their studies in order to go far in life and to contribute to the development of the nation.
The cooperation of the government, the people, teachers and students is gaining momentum. If this cooperation is maintained, more and more intellectuals and intelligentsia will emerge.
The Secretary-1 urged the outstanding students to continue to work hard at their studies in order that they can serve the interests of the nation and the people.
The people, school boards of trustees and wellwishers are required to maintain the favourable condition in which outstanding youths of the new generation are emerging.

In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called for the emergence of the outstanding youths of the new generation on whom reliance can be placed in striving to enable the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations in the world, and called on the outstanding students who have been awarded prizes to serve the interests of the nation and the people.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented prizes to Maung Aung Kyaw San Lin of BEHS No 1, Monywa, Sagaing division, who stood first and won five distinctions, Ma Thinza Oo of BEHS No 4, Taunggyi, Shan State, who stood second and won five distinctions, Ma Yin Win Htet of BEHS No 1, Myaungmya, Ayeyawady Division, who stood third and won five distinctions, Ma Khin Kay Zin Tun of BEHS No 13, Mandalay, Mandalay Division, who stood fourth and won five distinctions, Ma Li Li Su Myat of BEHS No 5, Mandalay, Mandalay Division, who stood fifth and won five distinctions, Maung Zaw Min Oo of BEHS No 6, Mandalay, who stood fifth and won four distinctions, Ma May Mi Pyi Phyo Khaing of BEHS No 8, Mandalay, who stood fifth and won five distinctions and Maung Moe Myat Tun of BEHS No 6, Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, who stood fifth and won five distinctions, Maung Sai Kyaw Win of BEHS 11, Mandalay, Mandalay Division, who stood sixth and won four distinctions, Maung Tha Phone Kyaw of BEHS No 1, Kyaukpadaung, Mandalay Division, who stood sixth and won five distinctions, Ma Hnin Ei Ei Khaing of BEHS No 2, Latha Township, Yangon Division, who stood sixth and won five distinctions and Ma Phyo Thanda of BEHS No 2, Latha Township, Yangon Division, who stood sixth and won five distinctions, Ma Nang Hnin Nu Nu Kyi of BEHS No 2, Kamayut Township, Yangon Division, who stood seventh and won five distinctions and Ma Thinza Moe of BEHS No 1, Dagon Township, who stood seventh and won five distinctions, Ma Zin Phyu Tun of BEHS No 1, Pyay, Bago Division, who stood eighth and won five distinctions and Ma Khin Thanda Aung of BEHS No 2, Latha Township, Yangon Division, who stood seventh and won five distinctions, , Maung Myo Htet of BEHS No 1, Monywa, Sagaing Division, who stood ninth and won four distinctions, Ma Zun Lin Tun of BEHS No 8, Mandalay, Mandalay Division, who stood ninth and won five distinctions, Ma Lwin Lwin Oo of BEHS No 2, Latha Township, Yangon Division, who stood ninth and won five distinctions and Ma Hsu of BEHS No 5, Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, who stood ninth and won five distinctions and Ma Thanda Aye of BEHS No 2, Latha Township, Yangon Division, who stood tenth and won five distinctions and Ma Cho Myat Nwe of BEHS No 4, Taunggyi, Shan State (South) who stood tenth and won five distinctions.
Then, students presented a series of entertainment programmes. The
Secretary-1 presented cash award to the students, and had
documentary photos taken together with outstanding students.
( 2 ) Cash donated for water supply projects in Anya region
Yangon, 28 Oct- A ceremony to donate cash to the funds for water supply projects and health care services in Anya region was held at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, officials of the Health Department and the Department for Progress of Border Areas and National Races, Chairman Mr Toru Kobayashi of Utopia Japan Inc of Japan and U Min Min Aung of Silver Wave Trading Ltd of Japan.
Chairman Mr Toru Kobayashi spoke of the purpose of the donation. Chairman Mr Toru Kobayashi and U Min Min Aung presented US $ 20,000 to the Secretary-1.

The Secretary-1 handed over US $ 10,000 for water supply projects in Anya region to Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin and US $ 10,000 for health care services in Anya region to member of Mandalay Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee Daw Than Than May.
The Secretary-1 said that it is a very noble deed that Utopia Japan Inc and Silver Wave Trading Ltd have made donations to the funds of water supply projects for the people in arid Anya region and health care services for the people in rural areas.
Tradition has it that Myanmar and Japan have maintained friendly ties and economic and social cooperation between the peoples of the nations has existed.
The Secretary-1 thanked the wellwishers for their donation.
He added that the government is implementing water supply projects including the digging of artesian wells for the people in arid Anya region.
Not only the governmental departments but also social organizations such as Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association are working hard to provide more health care services to the people in rural areas of the arid Anya region.
Therefore, the donations have been handed over to respective organizations in order that they can be used more effectively.
The Secretary-1 expressed his thanks to the wellwishers and said that the donations will be used for the water supply projects and the task of providing more health care services to the people in Anya region.
The Secretary-1 also elaborated on education, health and social cooperation between Myanmar and Japan.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 cordially greeted the wellwishers.
( 3 ) Secretary-3 meets departmental officials in Myitkyina,
inspects Hsinmin Cement Plants in Kyaukse Township
Yangon, 28 Oct-Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint met members of Kachin State Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, chairmen and members of 11 Township Peace and
Development Councils in Myitkyina and Bhamo Districts, departmental officials, service personnel, social associations, entrepreneurs and townselders at the city hall in Myitkyina on 26 October.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win reported on cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy in the region, yield of paddy and rice sufficiency, successful cultivation of beans and pulses, measures undertaken for edible oil sufficiency, poultry farming and fish breeding, district and township-wise construction works welfare for service personnel and implementation for all-round deve-lopment in Kachin State.
Minister for Education U Than Aung reported on fulfilment of educational requirements in Putao, Machanbaw and Sumprabum and education promotion programmes for uplift of national education.
Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung reported on state- and division-wise arrangements for human resource development needed in nation-building tasks.
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint reported on works being implemented by the ministry for exploitation of natural resources in the respective regions.
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported on the projects for promotion of the communication sector, issuing licence on satellite dish within the fixed periods and arrangements for posts, tele-graphs and telephone communication services in Kachin State.
Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun reported on the importance of cooperation between the departments and the people in conservation of forests and wildlife.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for all-round renovation of Kaunghmulon Pagoda Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint accepted donations.
The donations were: K 1.5 million by Commander Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and wife Daw San San Yi, K 1.5 million by U Hla Ngwe of Myitkyina, K 100,000 by Director-General of Agricultural Mechanization Department U Win Maw and wife Daw Nan Nay Nwe, K 50,000 by Tatmadawmen of Myitkyina Station, K 30,000 by U Soe Tint-Daw Nyo Nyo, K 2.5 million by Wa Wa Win Co, K 2.5 million by Myanmar Top Jade Co, K 1.5 million by Laungbyit Co, K 1.5 million by Season Star Co, K 500,000 by Kachin National Co, K 2.5 million by Jade Land Co, K 1.5 million by Tha Hong Co, K 100,000 by Ma-jor Min Zaw, K 50,000 by Major Tin Maung Myint and K 500,000 by Bo Bo Gems Co.
The Secretary-3 said he and the ministers and the deputy ministers came to Kachin State to fulfil the requirements for speeding up the momentum of development. The government has been providing assistance for equal development in states and divisions including Kachin State, he said.
He said Kachin State has now enjoyed significant progress in political, social, health and education sectors and there is surplus of rice in the region. Efforts are to be made for reserve food sufficiency and all-round development, he added.
Continuing, he said, the government is systematically carrying out the projects for development of the Union and states and divisions after laying down the correct and concrete policies and practical tasks.
Starting 1992-1993, short-term economic plans were implemented for economic development of the State..
Set target could be exceeded in implementing first four-year short-term plan and second five-year short-term plan.
As the economy of the State has developed, average income of individual has become increased. It is the time when third five-year short-term plan is being implemented. All are to make efforts for meeting the target and exceed it during four-year period.
The Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance to economise to promote gross national product for successful implementation of targets of five-year plan. Therefore, efforts are to be made for boosting of produciton. The Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has prescribed five work shedules for development of rural areas where vast majority of people liveÑupgrade of village roads, availability of fresh water, promotion of health and education standard and devleopment of economy in rural areas.
These work schedules are to be successfully carried out.
By doing so, the gap between urban and rural area will be narrowed. And the entire country will devleop.
He urged the officials to strive for gaining more success during this plan as success was achieved in the past projects. Fallow and virgin lands abound in Kachin State are to be used. Seasonal crops as well as perennial crops are to be extensively cultivated.
Efforts are to be made for development of livestock sector. Arrangements are to be made for breeding of chicken and pig in manageable scale in households, townships and districts. Entire people are to be urged to participate in agriculture and livestock breeding work.
Departments concerned are to make concerted efforts for implementation of regional development tasks in cooperation with each other in line with policies and work schedules laid down by the State.
He urged the officials to strive for further devleopment of entire nation including Kachin State adopting union spirit and patriotic spirit. Then, the Secretary-3 cordially met with those who were present.
The Secretary-3 and party paid obeisance to Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka of Dhamma Rakkhita Wuntho Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotokadhaja Bhaddana Silavamsa and members of the Sangha and presented offertories to them.
Member of the Panel of Patron of Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, together with the commander and party, met Secretaries, executives and organizers of Kachin State, Myitkyina and Bhamo Districts and Township USDAs, Chairmen of District War Veterans Organization Supervisory Committees and members, Chairmen of Township War Veterans Organizing Committee and members and members of Myitkyina Township War Veterans Organization at the station hall in Myitkyina.
Secretary of Kachin State USDA U Rah Wan Jone reported on measures undertaken of Kachin State.
Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung, CEC members Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, U Thaung and Col Thaik Tun took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-3 then gave necessary instructions.
On 27 October, the Secretary-3 and party left Myitkyina by air for Mandalay International Airport in TadaU Township.
The Secretary-3 and party were welcomed by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and officials.
The Secretary-3 and party, accompanied by the mayor and the deputy commander, went to the site of Hsinmin Cement Plant near Nwarlekauk limestone hill, east of Kyaukse Township.
Project Director Col Shwe Moe reported on location of the plant, data of the Hsinmin-1 Cement Plant that will use wet process and the Hsinmin-1 Cement Plant that will use dry process and construction work.
The Secretary-3 then gave instructions.
The Secretary-3 greeted technicians from the People's Republic of China working at the project and presented gifts to them.
The Secretary-3 and party inspected equipment and construction materials.
The Secretary-3 and party spent the night in Kyaukse Township and arrived back here in the
( 4 )
Coord meeting on Myanmar ASEAN Art Awards Competition held

Yangon, 28 Oct - A coordination meeting on holding the Myanmar ASEAN Art Awards to be organized with the assistance of the Defence Services Intelligence Bureau and the ASEAN Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sponsored by Phillips Morris Companies Group, took place at the meeting hall of Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here at 1 pm today.
It was attended by Deputy Director-General Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the Defence Services Intelligence Bureau, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director U Than Tun of the ASEAN Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, officials from DSIB, Chairman U Thaung Han of the Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayone, Chief Editor U Win Tin of Myanma News Agency (Internal) of the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Advisers U Sein Myo Myint, U Bagyi Soe Moe, U Min Wai Aung and invited guests.
Deputy Director-General Maj-Gen Kyaw Win made a speech. He said Myanmar artists will acquire experience on international art competition by holding this competition.
He called on all to co-operate in holding the competition successfully because it is a good chance to make Myanmar paintings known to the world.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win then gave suggestions for the successful holding of the competition.
U Sein Myo Myint reported on matters pertaining to Myanmar ASEAN Art Awards to be held in Myanmar and ASEAN Art Awards to be held in Bali island, Indonesia.
Those present also made suggestions. The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the deputy director.
The ASEAN Art Awards have been held alternatively in cities in the ASEAN region. Two Myanmar artists have been invited as guests every year to display their works of arts since 1998. The art competitions are held in respecitve nations. Only the works of arts selected by the panel of judges from ASEAN nations will be elligible for the ASEAN Art Awards. The first Myanmar ASEAN Art Awards was held to enable Myanmar artists to take part in the ASEAN Art Awards.
The invitation for the competition was made and over 680 paintings of 189 Myanmar artists were accepted. A group comprising three artists from ASEAN
nations, Artist Sayagyi U Lun Kywe and Artist Sayagyi U Tun Sein scrutinized
paintings and selected 30 artists for the first stage at Traders Hotel in Yangon. The final selection of five artists will be made on 26 to 28 November. The Philip Morris Companies Group will provide US $ 2,500 each to the selected five artists. At the ASEAN Art Award Competition to be held in Bali, Indonesia in May 2002, six paintings out of 40 paintings from eight participant nations will be awarded Ñ US $15,000 for the special prize and US $ 5,000 each for the rest five prizes.
Myanmar delegation arrives
back from Japan
Yangon, 28 Oct- Myanmar delegation led by Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha arrived back here by air yesterday evening after visiting Japan at the invitation of the Japanese Government.
The delegation was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, directors-general of departments under the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, Ambassador of Japan to Myanmar Mr Shigeru Tsumori and families of the delegation.
The delegation members Ñ Director-General of the Foreign Economic Relations Department U Soe Lin, Director-General of the Planning Department Daw Than Nwe and Director of the Central Equipment, Statistics and Inspection Department U Kyaw Soe also arrived back on the same
( 5 ) Four lacquered Images of Buddha for public obeisance
Yangon, 28 Oct - An ordination hall has been under construction on the top floor of the Mahathanti-thukha Buddhist Missionary Kyaung-dawgyi in Natchaung Ward, Tamway Township, and now it is nearing completion.
The four lacquered wickerwork Buddha Images conveyed from Bagan are now kept at Mindhamma Hill temporarily.
The laity and Wut associations of Mahathanti-thukha will convey the four Images with a fitting ceremony from Mindhamma Hill to Mahathantithukha on 31 October morning.
The Sayadaws and members of the Sangha will consecrate the four Images, and the Wut association of Saya San Ward, the four wut associations of Mahathantithukha and laity will pay homage to the four Images.
Wellwishers will offer " soon " to the Images on that day.
On 1 November, the Abhidhamma Day, a "soon" offering ceremony will be held at the ordination hall.
Devotees are invited to come and pay homage to the four Images which are kept at the ordination
( 6 )
Ninth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue
Yangon, 28 Oct- The Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the 14th day at the National Museum on Pyay Road, the Padomma Theatre on Bagaya Road, the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street and the Kanbawza Theatre of the Fine Arts Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here today.
Present were member of the Panel of Patrons Chairman of the Leading Committee member of the State Peace and Develoment Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, Chairman of Work Committee No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and members, members of subcommittees, senior military officers, departmental heads, teachers, students and others.
The 14th day programme of song competition of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the National Museum on Pyay Road in Dagon Township today. A total of 12 contestants took part in the professional level (women's) religious song competition. In the afternoon, 14 contestants participated in the higher education level (men's) old and modern song competition. Chairperson of the Panel of Judges Daw Tin Tin Mya and members supervised the competition. On 29 October, basic education level (aged 5-10)
girls' classical song competition, basic education level (aged 15-20)
girls' old and modern song competition and basic education level (aged 10-15)
boys' old and modern song competition will be held at the same venue.
The music contest continued at the Padomma Theatre on Bagaya Road, Sangyoung. In the morning, seven contestants took part in the amateur level (women's) solo saing contest. In the afternoon, six contestants participated in the basic education level (aged 5-10)
girls' solo saing contest and 4 contestants took part in the professional level (women's) solo saing contest.
Leader of the Panel of Judges U Sein Hla Myaing and party supervised the solo saing contest.
On 29 October, the basic education level (aged 10-15)girls', the basic education level (aged 15-20) girls'and the professional level (women's) team orchestra contests will be held at the Padomma Theatre.
At the National Theatre, U Sein Ba Maw and party supervised the Dobat contest. Demonstrator Daw Nilar Htwe of the Music Department of the University of Culture announced the programme. A total of 6 troupes took part in the professional level (men's) Dobat contest in the morning. Then, seven troupes participated in the basic education level (aged 15-20) (men's) Dobat contest.
On 29 October, the amateur level (Men's) and the basic education level (aged 5-10)
boys' Dobat contest will be held at the National Theatre.
At the Kanbawza Theatre, nine contestants took part in the professional level oboe contest and five in the basic education level (aged 5-10)
boys' oboe contest. Leader of the Panel of Judges U Mya Gyi and members supervised the contest.
On 29 October, the amateur level, basic ecucation level (aged 15-20) and basic education level (aged 10-15) oboe contests will be held at the same
( 7 )
Commander inspects agriculture and poultry farming
Yangon, 28 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than arrived at Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaunghnapin Village in Hmawby Township and inspected land reclamation, the growing of vegetables, poultry farming, and attended to the needs this afternoon.
He inspected vegetable patches and Taing Myan Kyaw, Taing Ahman, Myo Myint Kyaw and Shwethara-phu poultry farms in Special Zone-1 and gave instructions on the growing of vegetables around the farms.
Then, he inspected the hatching of broilers at Winner Land Production Co Ltd and attended to the needs.
At Hmawby Hsan Hall of the zone, he heard reports on preparations for land cleaning, land reclamation, the growing of vegetables, and livestock breeding by In-charge of Special Zone-1 U San Maung, In-charge of Special Zone-2 U Saw Hla Myint and In-charge of Special Zone-3 U Naing Win.
Then, entrepreneurs reported on cultivation of vegetables and poultry farming to the commander, who attended to the requirements and gave instructions on the growing of pepper. The commander also inspected arrangements for mixed cultivation of vegetables and pepper. After giving instructions, he left there in the evening.
Out of over 10,000 acres of land in the zone, over 2,000 acres will be put under pepper. Over 2600 acres have been put under various kinds of vegetables to date. Over 300,000 broilers and layers have been raised, and 100,000 broilers have been sold.
( 8
Third leg of London Myamar Golf Tour concludes
Yangon, 28 Oct - The prize-presentation of the third leg of London Myamar Golf Tour 2001-2002, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Golfer's Association and sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, was held at Ngantae Golf Club in Mawlamyine this afternoon, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myo Hla, Chairman of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and executives, senior military officers, invited guests, officials from Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar, and fans.
After the fourth round of the tour, the prize-presentation was held and Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myo Hla presented daily best awards to Than Naing (Agriculture and Irrigation), Thein Zaw Myint, Than Naing (Agriculture and Irrigation) and Soe Moe Aung (MGC) in the amateur level, Min Naing (Srixon), Myint Shwe (Rapier), Win Naing Tun (Pan-West) and Soe Myint Lay (Wilson), Win Aung (Pan-West) in professional level.
Then, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented the first prize to Than Hlaing (Agriculture and Irrigation), second prize to Thein Zaw Myint and third prize to Aung San Win in amateur level.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe presented the first prize to Win Aung (Pan-West), second to Min Naing (Srixon) and third to Myint Swe (Rapier).
Managing Director Mr Arend Ng presented cheque to Win Aung (Pan-West). He also presented gift to Lt-Col Thaw Zin for Ngantae Golf Club.
With the aim of promoting the standard of Myanmar's golf and turning out of new generation golfers, Yangon Airways, Canon (Accel International Co Ltd), KM Golf Centre, Wilson and Callaway Golf sponsored the tour.
Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd is main sponsor for holding the tour.