1 ) State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Republic of
Yangon, 27 Oct - Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Saparmurad A Niyazov, President of the Republic of Turkmenistan, on
the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Turkmenistan
which falls on 27 October 2001.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior
General Than Shwe accepts credentials of Ambassador of Kingdom of

Yangon, 26 Oct -Mr
Gerard Johan Hendrik Christiaan Kramer, newly accredited Ambassador
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Union of Myanmar, presented
his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Dagon
Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 10 am today. Also present on
the occasion were State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and
Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 stresses need to widen and upgrade functions
of MICT Park, Bagan Cybertech
Yangon, 26 Oct -Chairman of Myanmar Computer Science Development Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park Project and Bagan Cybertech Project in Hline Township this evening.
Accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the Secretary-1 arrived at MICT Park Project at 5 pm.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by ministers, deputy ministers, heads of department and officials of Myanmar Computer Federation, Myanmar Computer Scientists Association, Myanmar Computer Industry Association and Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Development Company.
First, the Secretary-1 inspected an advanced computer course at Myanmar-Japan e-Learning Centre of MICT Park.

At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 and party heard a report on progress in construction of MICT Park and future tasks presented by Managing Director of Winner Computer Group U Aung Zaw Myint.
Managing Director of Myanmar Computer Co Ltd U Tin Win Aung reported on financial and investment conditions of MICTDC and the renting of the office rooms of MICT park to local and foreign companies.
Managing Director of Ace Data Systems U Thein Oo explained the formation of MICTDC, the opening of Myanmar-Japan e-Learning Centre and future programmes.
Managing Director of CE Technology U Pyone Maung Maung briefed the Secretary-1 and party on progress in building MICT Park and work programmes.
Officials of Yangon City Development Committee, Myanma Post and Telecommunications and Myanma Electric Power Enterprise reported on matters related to MICT Park and Bagan Cybertech.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt spoke of the need to implement the task phase by phase in accord with the master plan, to work with plans to widen and upgrade the functions of the two and to constantly study technological changes and developments.
The Secretary-1 and party then inspected progress in implementing Bagan Cybertech Project.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 and party heard a report on progress in construction of the building presented by Lt-Col Tin Oo of the Ministry of Defence.
The Secretary-1 left instructions.
( 3 ) F&R Minister receives guests

Yangon, 26 Oct- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received General Manager of Sakia Iron Works Co Ltd of Japan Mr Y Tomiya and party at his office at 9 am today.
Also present at the call was Governor of the Central Bank of Myammar U Kyaw Kyaw
UMFCCI meets German-Thai Traders Association
Yangon, 26 Oct - Adviser of the Union of Myanmar Federation of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry Dr Kyaw Htin, Vice-President U Win Aung and CEC members met a thirteen-member delegation led by Mr Axel Foellmer of German-Thai Traders Association at the UMFCCI office this morning. They discussed matters related to banking, tourism and further strengthening friendly ties between UMFCCI
and German-Thai Traders Association, banking and tourism.
Deputy Prime Minister receives guests

Yangon, 26 Oct - Deputy Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Vice-
Admiral Maung Maung Khin received Chairman of Ivanhoe Myanmar Holdings Ltd Mr Daniel Kunz and party at his office at 10.30 am today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Deputy Minister for Energy U Tin Tun and officials.
Minister U Win Sein receives French guest

Yangon, 26 Oct - Minister for Culture U Win Sein received Researcher Mr Pierre Pichard of the National Research Council of France, who was currently here, together with Ambassador of France to Myanmar Mr Bernard Du Chaffaut at his office this morning.
They discussed matters related to promoting Myan-mar-France cultural exchange sector and preservation of cultural heritage in Bagan. Then, Researcher Mr Pierre Pichard presented eight volumes of
" Inventory of Monuments at Pagan" to the minister.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, directors-general and rectors of departments and Universities of Culture under the ministry and officials.
L & F Minister receives Thai Ambassador
Yangon, 26 Oct-Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Ambassador of Thailand to the Union of Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon
at his office at 10 am today. Also present at the call were Deputy
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, directors-general
and managing directors of the departments and enterprises under the
ministry, the head of office and officials.
( 4 )
SWRR Ministry presents K 100,000 to Sasana University
Yangon, 26 Oct - Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement presented K 100,000 to State Pariyatti Sasana University for a day's meal for 407 monks of the university this morning.
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa presented the cash to Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin at the university. The minister and his wife also presented offertories to Rector Sayadaw Agga Maha Gandavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vannita, lecturer monks and trainee monks of the university.
The Rector Sayadaw also administered the Five Precepts to the congregation.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win and wife, Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, directors-general of the departments under the ministry and their wives, directors and their wives and staff and families.
Cash donated to MWJA
Yangon, 26 Oct -South East Asia Writer Award winner U Htin Gyi (Tekkatho Htin Gyi) and wife Daw Khin Khin Nwe donated K 100,000 to Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association for providing assistance to ailing writers. MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) accepted the cash donation and presented a certificate of honour to the wellwishers.
( 5 ) Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue
Yangon, 26 Oct-The Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the twelfth day at the respective venues today.
The singing competition of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the National Museum on Pyay Road, the song composing competition at the Kanbawza Theatre of the Fine Arts Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and the music competition at the Padonma Theatre in Sangyoung Township and the National Theatre today.
Present were member of the Panel of Patrons Chairman of the Leading Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, member of the Panel of Patrons Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, Chairman of the Working Committee Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo and members, senior military officers, teachers, students and enthusiasts.
Altogether nine contestants took part in the professional level (men's ) classical song competition at the National Museum with the song
In the afternoon, 14 contestants took part in the higher education level (women's) religious song competition with the song
' Kyaikhtiyoe'.
Chairperson of the panel of judges Daw Tin Tin Mya and party supervised the competition.
The basic education level (aged 10-15 boys') classical song competition and the amateur level (women's) religious song competition will be held at the same venue tomorrow.
The song composing competition was held at the Kanbawza Theatre.
Fourteen contestants participated in the professional level song composing competition.
Chairman of the panel of judges Bogalay U Tint Aung and members supervised the competition.
All the song composing competitions were completed this evening.
The professional level, the basic education level (aged 5-10) and the higher education level violin competitions will be held at the Kanbawza Theatre tomorrow.
The music competition was held at the Padonma Theatre.
Eight saing troupes took part in the amateur level (men's) saing competition.
In the afternoon, nine saing troupes participated in the basic education (age 10-15 boy's) saing competition.
Chairman of the panel of judges U Sein Satin and members supervised the saing competition.
The higher education level (men's) and basic education level (aged 5-10
boys') saing competition will be held at the Padonma Theatre tomorrow.
The piano competition was held at the National Theatre for the fifth and final day today.
Chairman of the panel of judges U Chit Swe and members supervised the competition.
Eight contestants took part in the professional level (men's) piano competition.
In the afternoon, nine contestants participated in the basic education level (aged 5-10
girls') piano competition.
The basic education level (aged 15-20 girls'), higher education (men's) and amateur level (men's) harp competitions will be held at the same venue
Social Welfare Department opens new pre-primary school
Yangon, 26 Oct - The Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement opened a pre-primary school at 135, Dhammazadi Road in Bahan Township here this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win, directors-general of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and the Ministry of Education, deputy directors-general, directors, officials, guests and parents and children.
The minister and the deputy minister formally opened the school.
The minister and party then visited the assembly hall, play corners, sleeping room, messing hall, book corner and audio-visual room.
Headmistress Daw Khaing Thwe Oo explained facts about the school.
Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa delivered an address.
Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected the different sections of the domestic training school. He also gave suggestions to officials.
( 6 )
Youth Training Camp opens
Yangon, 26 Oct - The Youth Training Camp No 2/2001 sponsored by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was opened at MMCWA multipurpose building here this morning.
Vice-Chairperson of the association Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe gave the opening address.
Also present were Central Executive Committee members of MMCWA, patrons of the MMCWA Supervisory Committee, the vice-chairperson of
Myan-mar National Committee for Women's Affairs, the president of Myanmar Red Cross Society, Deputy Resident Representative of UNICEF Dr Rosella
Morelli, Mr Stephan P Jost of the Technical Office of WHO and others.
Youth representatives, Ko Ye Wunt Soe and Ko Chan Nyeint Thu, presented gifts commemorating the opening ceremony to the MMCWA vice-chairperson.
The guests then viewed the documentaries.
Forty youth from Ayeywady Division, Sagaing Division, Mon State and Rakhine State are taking part in the training camp which continues till 31 October.
Armed Forces Day Observance Management Committee meets

Yangon, 26 Oct - The first coordination meeting of the
Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day for
2002 took place at the meeting hall of the Resistance Park this afternoon,
addressed by Chairman of the Committee member of the State Peace and Development
Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than. Also present were senior military
officers, members of the Committee, chairmen of work groups and officials.
The commander urged members of the leading committee and
work groups to carry out the task of observing the Armed Forces Day more
significantly on the basis of the previous year's experience as of today.
Guidelines laid down by the Leading Committee are to be implemented in keeping
with the time, he added. Concerted efforts are to be made for holding the
ceremony on a grand scale, he said. Secretary of the Management Committee Lt-Col
Min Naing of Yangon Command reported on formation of the Management Committee
and the work groups. Chairmen and officials of the Parade Work Group,
Preparation Work Group, Transport and Accommodation Work Group, Information and
Entertainment Work Group, Invitation Work Group, Medical Work Group, Reception
Work Group, Best Military Parade Column Selection Work Group, Welcoming Work
Group, Security Work Group and Camp Administration Work Group reported on future
tasks to be carried out. Officials of Myanmar Police Force, the Fire Services
Department and Myanmar Red Cross Society then took part in the discussions. The
meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the commander.
( 7 )
MWJA Central Executive Committee meets
Yangon, 26 Oct-The Central Executive Committee of the Myanmar Writers
and Journalists Association held the monthly meeting at the meeting hall of MWJA,
Sarpay Beikman Building, Merchant Street, this afternoon. It was attended by
MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice Chairman-1 U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin
Kha),Vice Chairman-2 U Than Maung (Than Maung ), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla
Tun-Twantay) and CEC members. Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) presided over
the meeting and CEC member U Khin Swe (Shwe Son Nyo) acted as master of
ceremonies. Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) made a speech on the occasion.
Members of the Work Committee reported matters related to office functions,
organization, publishing of books, supervision of literary funds, the raising of
funds, social welfare, international relations and publishing of magazines.
Then, matters on observing the Sarsodaw Day and holding a ceremony to pay
respects to doyen writers were also discussed.The meeting ended with the
concluding remarks by the MWJA chairman.
( 8
) Private companies honour SEA Games medalists

Yangon, 26 Oct - Medalists in track and field events in the XXI Southeast
Asia Games and coaches were honoured at Hotel Nikko Royal Lake here this
afternoon. The SEA Games were held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this year. Minister
for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint delivered an address. First, Vice-Chairman
of AWB and Chairman of OCL Co Ltd U Aik Tun presented a gift of honour to leader
of the Myanmar sports contingent to SEA Games Deputy Minister for Hotels and
Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu. He then presented K 1 million to Maung Aung
Thura, the gold medalist in 10,000-metre race. OCL Co Ltd also presented
documents relating to a K 3-million-worth apartment to him. The donors then
presented K 450,000 to Ma Pa Pa, who won three silver in track and field events,
and K 100,000 each to bronze medalists Ma Cherry, Maung Kyaw Swa Moe, Maung
Thein Win, Ma Aye Mon Khin and Ma Phyu Wa Thet.
They also presented K 200,000 each to the coaches. Maung Aung Thura, on
behalf of the medalists, spoke words of thanks. AWB contributed K 3 million, OCL
Co Ltd a K 3-million-worth apartment, Yadana-thein-gi Co Ltd K 300,000, Shine
Construction K 264,000, Myanmar Sethmu Seikkan K 200,000, Loi Hein Company K
200,000, Soe Moe Kyaw and Waing Waing Le Shwehti-khit lottery shop K 200,000 and
Benhur Company K 200,000, Min-htet-tha lottery shop K 100,000, ANG International
Ltd K 100,000, TT International Ltd, K 100,000 Myanmar Ahla Construction K
100,000, Shwe-ba-yin Construction K 100,000, Min Ayeya Company K 100,000,
Aung-tha-bye-khaing Co Ltd K 100,000 and Mikko Coffee Mix K 100,000, Asia Royal
Special Medical Treatment Centre K 50,000, MMG Construction K 50,000 and
Thein-than-gaday Company K 50,000. President of Myanmar Track and Field
Federation Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun and U Aik
Tun who is also the MTFF Vice-President, also gave speeches. Also present on the
occasion were executives of AWB and OCL Co Ltd, donors, Ambassadors of Japan,
Malaysia and Singapore to Myanmar, diplomats, journalists and guests.
Third leg of Myanmar London Golf Tourney continues
Yangon, 26 Oct - The third leg of Myanmar London Golf Tournament 2001-2002,
jointly-organized by Myan-mar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional Golfers'
Association and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd,
continued for the second round at Ngan Tay Golf Club in Mawlamyine, Mon State,
this morning. After the second round, yesterday's leader Myint Shwe was still
leading with 144 strokes in the professional level. Win Aung and Min Naing
shared the second place with 145 strokes each, followed by Soe Kyaw Naing with
147 and Win Naing Tun with 148. Yesterday's leader Than Naing (A & I) was
still leading with 149 strokes in the Amateur Level. The runner-up was Thein Zaw
Myint with 151 strokes. Nay Lin Tun was at the third place with 155, and Aung
Hsan Win and Thein Aye followed sharing the fourth place with 157 each. With a
view to promoting Myanmar golf standard and turning out brilliant new generation
golfers, Yangon Airways cosponsored the tourney as official airline; Canon (Accel
International Co Ltd) as official office equipment supplier, and KM Golf Centre,
Wilson and Callaway Golf as official golf equipment suppliers. Han Golf Masters
Pte Ltd also continued sponsoring the third leg. The third round continues at
the same venue tomorrow morning.
Myanmar, Thailand cooperate in seizure of narcotic drugs
Yangon, 26 Oct - The Office of the Narcotics Control Board of Thailand
informed the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control of Myanmar on 10-1-2001
that two Thai boatswain and 22 Thai crew members were caught together with 116
kilos of heroin and 7.798 million stimulant tablets aboard two fishing trawlers
(Chocktawa-chai 4 & 5) near Phuket island of Thailand in Andaman Sea on 7
January 2001, and that seizure of drugs led to the arrest of Mr Chairat Sae-Tan,
Mr Prateep Taveeapiradeeraj of Bangkok, Mr Chensum Sae-Sao of Chiangrai and Mr
Suppachai Krajaechand of Ranong. The Thai authorities gave information on
involvement of a Nyein Kyaw from Myanmar in that case and a phone number used by

The Myanmar authorities tracked down Nyein Kyaw by gathering intelligence
about him through the phone number, and it was known in October 2001 that Nyein
Kyaw was staying at the Eastern Hotel on Bo Myat Tun Street in Yangon. At 11 pm
on 8-10-2001, Nyein Kyaw @ Si Yon Kyin, who was reportedly implicated in the
case of drug seizure in Andaman Sea, was arrested together with 1,403 stimulant
tablets at Room No 408 of the Eastern Hotel. According to the confession of
Nyein Kyaw, he carried narcotic drugs with his trawler Shwengagyi and handed
them over in Andaman Sea. Kyaw Hlaing @ Lauk San @ Yaw Phar Li cooperated with
him, providing money for the trafficking of drugs. Kyaw Hlaing @ Lauk San @ Yaw
Phar Li was arrested in Kalaw at 1.30 am on 13-10-2001. Also seized was
Shwengagyi trawler which carried illegal drugs. In this case, the authorities
from Myanmar and Thailand exchanged information and cooperated in disclosing and
arresting culprits from Myanmar and Thailand. Similarly, as a result of exchange
of information and cooperation in drug control between Myanmar and Chinese, Mr
Tan Xiao Lin, a drug fugitive wanted by China, was arrested at Muse in Myanmar
on 20-4-2001 and handed over to the officials of the National Narcotics Control
Commission of China on 23-4-2001. Shan Chauk Mei, who was implicated in the case
of drug seizure in China, was also arrested in Muse on 4-9-2001. As
drug-traffickers are now operating transnational activities, Myanmar is speeding
up its cooperation with ASEAN member nations, the nations in the Asia-Pacific
region and the sub-region, UN agencies and NGOs, particularly its neighbouring
nations in fighting drugs.
Marijuana seized in Toungoo
Yangon, 26 Oct - A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched No 2 Down-train bound for
Yangon at Toungoo Station and arrested Min Min Soe and Pho Phyo together with
1.858 kilos of marijuana at 11.30 pm on 12 June this year. The police station
concerned filed a law suit against the two, Min Min Soe, 19, son of U Tin Maung,
Pho Phyo, 19, son of U Myint Oo, of Botningone Village, Toungoo Township under
section 15/19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The
Toungoo District Court handed down fifteen yearŐs imprisonment each on them
under Section 19 (A) on 30 August 2001.