( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to
Republic of Kazakhstan
Yangon, 25 Oct - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Nursultan A. Nazarbayev,
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the occasion of the
Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan which falls on 25 October
Message from Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
of the Union of Myanmar on the Occasion of
56th Anniversary of United Nations Day
Yangon, 24 Oct - We are today celebrating the 56th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The relentless efforts are being made by the World Organization to bring peaceful and better lives for humankind in the new millennium. It is most opportune that the Secretary-General together with the United Nations Organization has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. On this auspicious occasion, on behalf of the Government and the people of the Union of Myanmar, I would like to convey to Secretary-General Kofi Annan
our heartiest and warmest congratulations.
The United Nations Organization, which has traversed
more than half a century, has managed to preserve the sacrosanct principles of
the Charter, and it is most fitting that it also has been awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize together with the Secretary-General. This is an acknowledgement of
the good work that has been done by the Organization, and I would like to convey
our congratulations to all the UN personnel for the part that they have played
in making the work of the United Nations a success. Last year, the world leaders
had set realistic goals of peace and development.
It is our fervent hope that these goals are achievable
through partnerships and cooperation. All our efforts and energies must be
directed towards achieving these goals. However, virulent conflicts continue to
rage in many parts of the World, causing suffering to millions of people.
Efforts of the developing countries to achieve economic development of their
populations have not produced the desired results. The developed world itself is
not spared its share of trouble due to the slowdown in the global economy.
These problems have been compounded by the challenges of
global scale such as the acute threat of HIV/AIDS, the continuing scourge of
narcotic drugs and transnational crimes. The problems of our time are so complex
that no one country is capable of resolving them on its own. It is only through
cooperation, partnership and burden sharing can we solve these problems
effectively. As the only universal forum with the most comprehensive mandate,
the United Nations must play a vital role in forging the needed global
partnerships. As a developing country, we attach great importance to the
development cooperation efforts of the United Nations.
These efforts must ensure that adequate financial
resources are provided to governments to help them meet their development
objectives. Without the adequate financial resources and actual co-operation, we
will not be able to make the right to development a reality. On the auspicious
occasion of the 56th anniversary of the United Nations we join with other Member
States in reaffirming our faith in the United Nations and pledge our fullest
support for and cooperation with the Organization in its efforts to create a
world of peace and development.
( 2 )
General Maung Aye conveys Buddha images to be temporarily kept in Nyaungshwe
Yangon, 24 Oct - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, the ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, left Taunggyi by helicopter and arrived at Nyaungshwe at 7.30 am today.
They were welcomed there by Deputy Commander of Eastern Command Col Myint Aung and officials.
General Maung Aye and party went to Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Nyaungshwe. They paid obeisance and offered robes to Presiding Nayaka of the Sarthintaik member of the State Ovadacariya Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Chairman of Shwekyin Nikaya Dipati Maha Nayaka Dhamma Senapati thirteenth Shwekyin Sasanabaing Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vimala Bhivamsa.
The General and party proceeded to Phaungdawsaik Pyathadsaung on Namkat Creek in Nyaungshwe to welcome the Buddha images of Inlay PhaundawU Pagoda, which would be conveyed there.
A ceremony to welcome Buddha images of Inlay PhaundawU Pagoda, which were conveyed from Inlay PhaundawU Kyaungdaw to the villages in Inlay region for public obeisance beginning 1st Waxing of Thadingyut (18 October 2001), was held in Nyaungshwe.
Present on the occasion were member of the State Ovadacariya Presiding Nayaka of Shweku Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Nyaungshwe Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vilasabhivamsa and members of the Sangha, Shan State, district and township level departmental , personnel, local residents, and pilgrims from far and near including tourists.
The General and party enjoyed traditional local dances of Nyaungshwe Township traditional cultural troupe before the arrival of the Buddha images. They paid reverence to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Shweku Pariyatti Sarthintaik and Sayadaws.
The Buddha images, which were kept at Linkinkyaung in Inlay region for a night for public obeisance and were conveyed by Chairman of Nyaungshwe Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka of Hlaingkyu Pariyatti Sarthintaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Mahinda and members of the Sangha and members of the committee for conveying the Buddha images, arrived at Phaungdawsaik Pyathadsaung at 9 am.
The General and party paid respects to the Buddha images.
General Maung Aye, together with Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein and Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, conveyed a Buddha image from Karaweik Phaundaw onto Bawyin (barge).
Then, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint and Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han conveyed a Buddha image; Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Director-General of the Pyithu Hluttaw Office U Myint Thein and Managing Director of the News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha a Buddha image and Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun,
Chief of
Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein and Deputy Commander Col Myint Aung a Buddha image.
After the images were conveyed onto Bawyin (barge), they were continued to convey to be kept for public obeisance at Athta Ditha Dhamma Wihara Kyaungdawgyi.
There the general and party attended Inlay traditional men's and women's regatta held in the Namkat Creek.
After the races, the prize presentation ceremony followed. The general presented the first prize for Inlay traditional men's 100-oar boat race to North Kyungyi Village team.

Afterwards, the Secretary-3 presented the second prize to Myenigon Village team, the first prize for men's 46-oar boat race to Min Chaung Village team and the second prize to Yaymebin Village team.
Vice-Admiral Kyi Min presented the first prize for women's 26-oar race to Nyaungwon Village team and the second prize to Maingthauk-in Village team.
Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo presented gifts to traditional cultural dance troupes.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun presented gifts to Heya Ywama boat demonstration team and Minister Maj-Gen Tin Htut to Shwenigon Village Inlay traditional team demonstrating
" soon" offering to a monastery.
General Maung Aye and party headed for Athta Ditha Dhamma Wihara Kyaungdaw and offered
"soon ", lights, water, flowers and Shwethingan to the Buddha images of Inlay PhaungdawU Pagoda which will be kept at the Kyaungdaw for three days.
They paid obeisance to Sayadaws who came to the Kyaundawgyi.
Later, the general presented offertories to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik.
The Secretary-3 and party presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
( 3 ) General Maung Aye inspects construction tasks for Saikkhaung-Namhsan railroad project
Yangon, 25 Oct-Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, the ministers, senior military officers, officials from the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental officials, left here for Namhsan in Shan State by Tatmadaw Aircraft yesterday morning and arrived there at 9.15 am.
General Maung Aye and party were welcomed there by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung of Namhsan Station and others.
The General and party, accompanied by Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo, left for Tonhon Village in Kyaingtaung region, Mongnai Township by helicopter where Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint of Kyaingtaung region, Col Tha Aye of Mongpan Station, senior military officers and local national races welcomed them.
The General heard reports on development tasks for the Kyaingtaung, Kyaingkham and Tonhon regions by Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, Col Tha Aye and officials at the briefing hall in Tonhon Village.
After hearing the reports, the General attended to the requirements and gave instructions on development tasks such as transportation, education, health and agriculture.
The General and party arrived at Mongsaik Village in Namhsan Township, where construction tasks for Saikkhaung-Namhsan railroad project are being carried out, in the afternoon.
Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin, Commander of No 55 LID Brig-Gen Sein Lin and officials welcomed them.
Minister U Pan Aung briefed the General and party on progress of work of Saikkhaung-Namhsan railroad project.
Commander Brig-Gen Sein Lin reported on implementation of Saikkhaung-Namhsan railroad project with the help of personnel of Myanma Railways, Public Works, Field Company (Engineers) and Tatmadawmen, earth work, bund, supply of granite and sleepers.
Deputy Minister Thura U Thaung Lwin also reported on progress of work done by Myanma Railways, and Commander Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave a supplementary report.
Next, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi reported on the assistance given to the project by the ministries.
The General attended to the needs and gave instructions. He said that the project is implemented for the development of the region, and urged them to strive for early completion of the project, for becoming a quality road through competition in the respective road sections assigned for minimizing loss and wastage, and keeping records of the tasks.
Afterwards, the General presented gifts for Tatma-dawmen of No 55 LID and staff of Myanma Railways to Commander Brig-Gen Sein Lin and Deputy Minister Thura U Thaung Lwin.
Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint also presented gifts to them.
The General and party then inspected the construction of the road with services of the Tatmadawmen and land consolidation tasks carried out with the use of bulldozers.
In the afternoon, the General and party went by helicopter to Lweput region in Hsihseng Township where Saikkhaung-Ponchaung road section is being implemented.
He heard the reports by Tactical Operations Commander of No 55 LID Col Aye Myint Maung on condition of construction tasks and work done for the road by the Tatmadawmen from regiments and units of No 55 LID. The General presented gifts through the Tactical Operations Commander for the Tatmadawmen.
The General then inspected completion of the road and laying of stones.
The construction of the 62.06-mile Shwenyaung-Taunggyi-Saikkhaung road section of Shwenyaung-Taunggyi-Namhsan railroad is completed.
The Saikkhaung-Namhsan railroad is 103 miles long and efforts are being made for the completion of the road by October 2002.
The General and party inspected the construction tasks and they arrived at Taunggyi by helicopter in the afternoon. Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Deputy Commander of Eastern Command Col Myint Aung, Secretary of Shan State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Maung and departmental officials welcomed them.
The General and party stopped for the night at Taunggyi.
They attended the ceremony to convey Inlay PhaungdawU Buddha images held at Nyaungshwe this morning.
After the ceremony, the General and party proceeded to Heho Airport by helicopter. They left Heho by Tatmadaw Aircraft and arrived back here in the afternoon.
( 4 )
Sound principles of UN Charter guided
the Organization for 56 years
Yangon, 24 Oct- The 56th Anniversary of the United Nations Day was observed at Thabin Hall of the Pyithu Hluttaw Building on Pyay Road at 6 pm today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint and wife Daw Khin Cho Oo, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife, Deputy Prime Ministers, ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, deputy ministers and their wives, Acting Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Italy Dr Cesare Capitani and Ambassadors, Charges d'Affaires ai
of embassies, resident representatives and officials of UN agencies,
directors-general and managing directors of departments and
enterprises, representatives of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association, local and foreign journalists and guests. The
Secretary-1 delivered an address.
He said: At the outset, I wish to express
our great pleasure at seeing the celebration of the 56th Anniversary
of the United Nations. We are also immensely heartened that the
World Organization that was founded over half a century ago has
withstood the test of times and proven beyond doubt its significance
as an instrument of global cooperation for the common good. As the
only universal forum with the most comprehensive mandate, its role
has been increasingly enhanced in international relations in its
lifetime. The sound principles of its Charter have successfully
guided the Organization for 56 years.
The almost universal membership of the
United Nations is an eloquent testimony of trust and confidence in
the Organization. There is no doubt that the history of the United
Nations has registered more success stories than setbacks. Its
achievements over all these years have furthered the benefits of
mankind. One of its greatest achievements is its ability to prevent
the outbreak of a global war.
Amid many difficulties, it continues to prevent conflicts from escalating into major wars. In this regard its efforts to move from a culture of reaction to one of prevention is most encouraging. In both material and human terms, to prevent the outbreak of an armed conflict is less costly than its termination after great losses. We believe that these efforts to create a new culture will stand the United Nations in good stead in meeting its new challenges ahead.
In parallel with its commendable efforts in the area of peace and security, its
funds and programmes continued to step up their activities in the economic and
social fields.
However, we acknowledge that the demands in these
areas are growing both in ability and resources. In view of the
daunting tasks the United Nations in economic and social fields, it
is imperative that the Member States must extend full cooperation
and support to the work of the Organization and foster true
partnerships among themselves with all relevant actors to confront
the economic and social issue of the day.
There is no denying that developing countries
have found it more and more difficult to achieve their development
objectives in the rapidly globalizing world. While acknowledging
that national governments are primarily responsible for the
development of their countries, they cannot handle this formidable
task on their own.
They certainly need the support and
assistance of the international community and the United Nations
System. They clearly need sustained economic growth to eradicate
poverty. In these important tasks, the financing for development is
a critical issue. Without the needed financial resources, these
countries will continue to face hurdles in the elimination of
poverty and the promotion of economic and social equity.
It is vitally important that the United Nations must play a coordinating role in the creation of an effective mechanism for mobilizing of adequate financial resources for development. In this regard, we harbour
great hopes in the success of the Conference on Financing for
Development to be held in March 2002, in Monterey, Mexico.
The enduring significance of an international
organization depends in large measure on its capacity to adjust to
changing international conditions. We are encouraged that efforts
are continuing to make the United Nations a more effective and
efficient instrument. these efforts, however, will not be effective
without the meaningful reform of the Security Council, which is
primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and
security. Notwithstanding over eight years of discussion on this
question, the main issues such as how to expand the Council and what
should be the size of the reformed council remain open questions.
I is the general wish of the entire membership to move forward the discussions and we wish to urge that efforts should continue in seeking ways on how to effect the reform of the Security Council.
Since it became a member of the United Nations, Myanmar has consistently upheld the purposes and principles of the Charter. These sacrosanct principles must remain the basic foundation of our Organization while adapting to the changing contexts of international relations. Any derogation of these principles would weaken the credibility and legitimacy of the organization as a global instrument for common endeavours.
In conformity with the basic trends of our
foreign policy, Myanmar has consistently cooperated with the United
Nations. This year has witnessed our enhanced cooperation with the
World Organization in important areas. We have created an enabling
environment for the UN agencies based in the country to effectively
carry out the activities in their main areas of responsibility.
This demonstrated support has contributed to the success of the programmes of the agencies. This mutual support between a Member State and UN agencies will go a along way in solving the economic and social problems of our times.
Before concluding, I would like to convey our heartfelt congratulations to Secretary-General Kofi Annan for having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize together with the United Nations Organization which he leads.
The high honour which has been bestowed upon the Secretary-General is a clear recognition of the tireless efforts he has made to promote international peace and security as well as economic and social advancement of peoples all over the world. I would also like to convey our warmest felicitations to all the UN personnel for the commitment and devotion with which they have served the Organization. It highly deserves the award bestowed upon it.
In conclusion, on this auspicious occasion we wish to reaffirm our faith and confidence in the work of the United Nations and to renew our commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter.
We do hope that the United Nations and its agencies in the country will also support our sincere efforts to promote the development of the country with added momentum.
Then, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung read out the message to mark the 56th Anniversary UN Day sent by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe.
(The message of the Senior General is reported separately.)
Afterwards, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Mr Patrice Coeur-Bizot read out the message sent by United Nations Secretary-General Mr Kofi Annan.
(The message of the UNSG is reported separately.)
Next, artistes of the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture presented cultural dances to the
( 5 ) Secretary-1 stresses importance of producing qualified human resources to catch up with global changes and developments

Yangon, 24 Oct - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party left Mandalay by helicopter for Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township yesterday morning.
They were accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint.
After attending the opening ceremony of Special Refresher Course No 12 for basic education teachers at the CICS (Upper Myanmar), the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of the Administration office at Central Fire ServicesTraining School in the township.
On arrival at PyinOoLwin , the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, Commander of PyinOoLwin Station Brig-Gen Ye Myint and officials.
During the inspection of the Kandawgyi Recreation Centre Project at National Kandawgyi Gardens, the Secretary-1 heard a report on plans to build a playground, architectural design of the Club House and construction work, building of a swimming pool and the number of visitors to the National Kandawgyi Gardens and its income presented by Minister U Aung Phone.
The Secretary-1 gave suggestions.
After inspecting the buggies for visitors to the National Kandawgyi Gardens, he went around the gardens in a buggy.
Chairman of Woodland Company U Win Aung reported on building of a rock garden.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected photos of wild animals taken by trap cameras at the wildlife conservation parks around Myanmar and documentaries of various species of orchids, birds and crocodile species of Myanmar and the world.
Director-General of Forest Department U Shwe Kyaw and officials conducted them around the documentary centre.
The Secretary-1 then observed the collection of Ingyin rocks, caged breeding of the birds of local species and exotic ones and the zarmani bird.
In the afternoon, the Secretary-1 and party attended the opening of the multimedia teaching centre of the Singaing Township Basic Education High School.
Headmistress Daw Mya Mya Kyi and member of the School Board of Trustees U Nyi Nyi formally opened the centre.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt unveiled the signboard.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected the various sectors of the centre and the use of modern teaching aids. They also visited the arts room and domestic science room and enjoyed a musical presentation of the students.
A ten-grader Ma Theint Theint Thu greeted the Secretary-1 and party in English.
Daw Mya Mya Kyi and U Nyi Nyi explained efforts being made to open the centre. The Secretary-1 then presented audio-visual teaching aids and books to the headmistress.
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint also presented the sports equipment to her.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, on behalf of the State, thanked the public, members of the School Board of Trustees and teachers for their efforts to open the centre.
The development of human resources plays a vital role in marching to the
State's goal a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
It is important for Myanmar to bring out human resources skilled in modern science and technology to catch up with the global changes and developments.
Only if the schools can teach modern technology, will the outstanding persons whose levels meet the international standard can be produced.
The national education promotion programmes are being implemented under the leadership of the State; due to the active participation of the public, the multimedia teaching centres can be opened across the nation with high acceleration.
He expressed satisfaction to see the
students' keen interest in studying lessons with the help of modern teaching aids and the effective teaching system at the schools.
Efforts should be made to enable the school to continuously produce brilliant intellectuals for the nation.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the six-lane Paleik Bypass and Inya-in Link Road of the Mandalay-Meiktila Highway Extension Project. The contractor is Hongpan Company.
They also inspected Sports and Physical Education Institute (Mandalay) of the Ministry of Sports.
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint reported on construction of the sport ground in Chanmyathazi Township, layout plans for gymnasiums and arrangements and buildings for the sports institute. The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 and party went to vegetable patch of Mandalay City Development Committee in Hsinphyu-kankwin in Mandalay where they were welcomed by Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein and officials.
Officials reported on cultivation of vegetables on 50 acres of lands.
Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein reported on agriculture and livestock breeding work being implemented by MCDC, cultivation of vegetables on 50 acres of lands in Hsinphyu-kankwin, cultivation of vegetables and raising of poultry in 300 acres Yaydaguntaung region, arrangements for cultivation of paddy, wheat, sunflower and other vegetables in 3000 acres in Sagaing Yaymyetkyi-in region, digging of fish ponds, cultivation of vegetables near Mandalay Kandawgyi, cultivation of vegetables in Chanthagon near TadaU Airport, raising of poultry, vegetables produced by MCDC, sale of meat and fish and eggs and future tasks.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave a supplementary report.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on cultivation of kitchen crops and livestock breeding for the people in Mandalay and implementation of the projects each year.
In the evening, the Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to Maha Muni Yokeshindawmyatgyi and offered Shwethingan to the image.
The Secretary-1 present-edÊdonations to the image.
The Secretary-1 and party paid respects to Seinphyu-daw, golden Hngetmyat-nadaw and Htidaw tiers in Gandakutitaik.
The Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, went to Meiktila where they were welcomed by commander of No 99 LID Brig-Gen Htay Oo, Commander of Flying Training Base Col Khin Maung Tin, Commander of Ground Training Base Col Thura Khin Maung Win and officials.
A ceremony to hand over a new building for No 3 Basic Education High School in Meiktila was held. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Education U Than Aung and proprietor of Diamond Star Co and Rocket Wheat mill U Sein Myint formally opened the new building.
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of multimedia teaching centre.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected language lab and computer room. Dr Ko Ko Gyi, son of Proprietor of Diamond Star Co and Rocket Wheat mill U Sein Myint and Daw San Kyu explained the donations.
U Sein Myint and Daw San Kyu handed over the related documents to Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint.
U Sein Myint and Daw San Kyu presented text books and cash to Minister U Than Aung.
School in-charge Major Tin Win thanked the donors.
The Secretary-1 said donation of the new building by wellwishers contributes
towards the education promotion programmes of the State. On behalf of the government, the Secretary-1 thanked the donors.
He spoke of the need to cooperate with people in building a modern developed nation.
Under the government's policy and encouragement programme, it has become a good tradition of the successful entrepreneurs, to make donations to the health education sector, he said.
He said he believed the school would produce more able and good and brilliant persons for future state.
The Secretary-1 and party had souvenir photo taken together with members of the School Board of Trustees and wellwishers.
The two-storey reinforced concrete building is 140 feet long and 35 feet wide and is constructed at a cost of K 25.5 million.
Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo presented 14 bundles of ancient palm leaves collected by Sayadaw U Tiloka of Hmakyaung, Magyipinpu Village in Meiktila to the Secretary-1.
The ancient palm leaves which were written at the time of King Hsinbyushin are 229 years old.
They include rare valuable black line-type letters.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in the evening.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein yesterday inspected wards, medical store, X-ray room and operation theatre at Singaing Township Hospital.
The minister also inspected construction of blood bank of Mandalay General Hospital and lecture halls of Mandalay Institute of Medicine.
( 6 )
Message sent by United
Nations Secretary General
to 56th Anniversary of UN Day
UN Day 2001 is a special day for every member of the United Nations family, and for everyone who believes in the ideals of our Organization. This year, the United Nations has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for our work in promoting peace, defending human rights, and fighting poverty.
All of us at the United Nations are honoured and humbled by this prize. I hope it will encourage us to tackle our tasks with even greater determination. I know as we move forward, we can rely on the cooperation and support of you, the peoples of the world. The UN is you, and we exist to serve you.
Today, on UN Day 2001, I urge the entire United Nations family to stay true to our mission, and to work harder than ever to alleviate suffering in every part of the world. As the world confronts a new challenge, old ones remain. The United Nations is more central than ever to creating a better and safer world for
Prizes presented to winners of essay, poster and painting competitions
Yangon, 24 Oct - A ceremony to present prizes to the winners of high-school level essay competition, middle-school level poster competition and primary-school level painting competition in commemoration of 56th United Nations Day (2001) was held at the Winzinminraza Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 9 am today.
It was attended by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, the Directors-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Deputy Directors-General, resident representatives the United Nations agencies, invited guests and prize winners.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung made a speech, and then presented first, second and third prizes of high-school level essay competition to Ma Naw Orchid of No 4 BEHS, Kyimyindine Township, Ma Nyein Su Win of Institute of Education Practising School and Ma Yu Yu Hlaing of No 4 BEMS, Ahlon Township, respectively.
First, second and third prizes of middle-school level poster competition were presented to Maung Zin Ko Ko of No 4 BEMS, Ahlon Township, Ma Thinza Lwin of No 2 BEHS, Latha Township and Ma Kay Khaing Maw of Institute of Education Practising School, respectively by Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung.
In the primary-school level painting competition, Coordinator of the UN System Mr Patrice Coeur Bizol presented first prize to Ma Su Myat Noe Nwe of No 2 BEHS, Dagon Township, second prize to Ma Aye Htet Htet Aung of No 2 BEHS, Latha Township, and third prize to Maung Kaung Nyunt of Institute of Education Practising School.
Afterwards, the minister and party viewed the prize-winning works.
Cash donated to Hninzigon Home for the Aged
Yangon, 24 Oct - A ceremony to collectively donate cash to the Supervisory Committee for the Hninzigon Home for the Aged was held at the Thiriyadana Hall of the Hninzigon Home for the Aged on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, at 12.30 pm today.
It was attended by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, wives of the senior military officers, wives of the foreign military attaches to Myanmar, the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for the Hninzigon Home for the Aged and executive committee members, aged persons and invited guests.
Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Committee U Thaung Htut extended greetings and gave an account of the Supervisory Committee for the Hninzigon Home for the Aged.
Then, wife of the Malaysian military attache Mrs Hasnah Bte Jaafar explained the purpose of the donation.
On behalf of the wellwishers, wife of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo Daw Khin Than Nwe and wife of the Malaysian military attache Mrs Hasnah Bte Jaafar handed over K 288,000 to Chairman of the Supervisory Committee U Maung Tin, who then presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of the Secretary-1, spoke words of thanks.
Then, Vice-Chairman of the the Supervisory Committee Lt-Col Kyaw Shein (Retd) spoke words of thanks.
Later, grandpa U Shwe Win thanked the wellwishers, and the ceremony came to a close.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, wives of senior military officers and wives of foreign military attaches to Myanmar looked around the home and saw the aged persons medita-
ting at the Dhammayon, the medical clinic, the wards and the library.
Afterwards, wife of the Secretary-1 Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and wife of the Malaysian military attache Mrs Hasnah Bte Jaafar signed in the
Visitors' Book and left there in the afternoon.
( 7 )
Minister receives UN official
Yangon, 24 Oct- Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Resident Representative of United Nation Drug Control Programme Mr Jean Luc Lemahiem at his office at 10 am today.
Also present were Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, Head of Department of Drug Elimination Unit of the Central Committe for Drug Abuse Control Police Col Kham Aung, Director (International) Police Col Sit Aye and Head of Office of the Ministry U Thet
India Minister receives UN officials
Yangon, 24 Oct-Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt received Ambassador of India Mr Vivek Katju at his office at 11 am today.
Also present were Director-General of Development Affairs Department Col Myo Myint, Director-General of Education and Training Department Col Than Win, Deputy Director-General of Department for Development of Border Areas and National Races Lt-Col Myint Swe and
Kachin State Livestock Breeding Federation formed
Yangon, 24 Oct - The Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Kachin State) was formed at a ceremony held at a ceremony held at the City Hall in Myitkyina on 19 October.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win attended the ceremony and made a speech. Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein explained matters related to livestock-breeding and fisheries.
Then, Joint-Secretary of Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Central) Dr Than Htay explained facts about the Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation and read out the list of executives of Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Kachin State).
Later, Chairman of Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Kachin State) U Zaw Hsai
extended greetings and accepted donations made by livestock breeding
Minister attends opening of sugar mills in Tatkon, Pyinmana
Yangon, 24 Oct- A ceremony to open the No 1 Sugar Mill (Dahatgon) of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise for 2001-2002 sugarcane season was held at the mill in Tatkon Township, Mandalay Division, yesterday morning, attended by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin.
The minister gave an opening speech. Then, Brig-Gen Thein Swe of Pyinmana Station and Managing Director of MSE U Myo Myint gave speeches. Afterwards, the mill manager opened the sugar mill. The minister and party inspected the operating of the mill and production process.
The minister gave instructions on control of sugar quality.
Afterwards, the minister and party proceeded to the Agriculture Research Farm of Myanma Agriculture Service in Tatkon and inspected functions of the farm.
Next, they inspected the Yezin hybrid corn plantation and the double cropping plot of green gram and sunflower. Managing Director U Tun Than of MAS and officials conducted the minister and party around the plots.
The minister gave instructions on arrangements to be made for conducting the research of hybrid corn and for extension of sown acreage.
Then, the minister and party attended the opening ceremony of No 2 Sugar Mill (Pyinmana) at 11 am.
In the afternoon, the minister and party arrived at Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project in Pyinmana and inspected construction of the spillway. Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department and officials reported on construction of the four-step spillway.
In the briefing hall, the director-general of Irrigation Department and officials reported on progress in construction work, tasks being carried out in cooperation with Myanma Electric Power Enterprise, building of the embankment and the spillway and requirements. The minister then gave instructions on timely completion of the project and minimizing loss and wastage and attended to their
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Ninth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue
Yangon, 24 OctÑ The Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the 10th day at the National Museum on Pyay Road in Dagon Township, the Kanbawza Theatre of the Fine Arts Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Bahan Township, the Padomma Theatre on Bagaya Road in Sangyoung Township and the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township today.
Present on the occasion were member of the Panel of Patrons for the Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of Leading Committee for Organizing the Performing Arts Competitions member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Chairman of Work Committee No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and members, chairmen and members of subcommittees, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, departmental heads, teachers, students and the people.
At the National Museum, 13 contestants took part in the amateur level (women's) classical song contest and 16 contestants in the basic education level (aged 10-15)
boys' religious song contest.
Ninth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue
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Chairperson of the Panel of Judges Daw Tin Tin Mya and members supervised the contest.
On 25 October, the higher education level (women's) classical song contest and the basic education level (aged 15-20)
boys' religious song contest will be held at the same venue.
At the Kanbawza Theatre, 11 contestants participated in the basic education level (aged 15-20) song composing contest.
Chairman of the Panel of Judges Bogale U Tint Aung and members supervised the contest. The contestants will take part in the amateur level song composing contest at the same venue on 25 October.
At the Padomma Theatre, nine contestants took part in the basic education level (aged 10-15)
boys' harp contest, six contestants in the higher education level (women's) harp contest and four in the basic education level (aged 5-10)
boys' harp contest.
Leader of the Panel of Judges U Thein Han Gyi and party supervised the harp contest.
On 25 October, the basic education level (aged 10-15) boys' and the basic education level (aged 5-10)
boys' solo orchestra contests will be held at the Padomma Theatre.
At the National Theatre, Pianist U Chit Swe and party supervised the piano contest. Demonstrator Daw Nilar Htwe of the Music Department of the University of Culture acted as the announcer.
A total of six contestants took part in the basic education level (aged 15-20)
boys' piano contest.
On 25 October, the amateur level (men's and women's) and the basic education level (aged 10-15)
girls' piano contests will be held at the National Theatre.
Buridat Marionette Drama
Contest continues
Yangon, 24 Oct- Tawwin Yokeson Thabin Sindawgyi Troupe of Yangon Division Group-1 took part in the Buridat Marionette Drama Contest at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this evening.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of Leading Committee for Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, Chairman of Working Committee No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and members, sub-committee members, members of the Panel of Judges, artistes and the people.
On 25 October, U Sein Tin Hla of Yangon Division Group-2 will take part in the
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Lectures of professors to be broadcast at Learning Centres
Yangon, 24 Oct- The Electronic Data Broadcasting System has been set up with the view to promoting the national education level. The Ministry of Education has opened Learning Centres at 203 universities, degree colleges, colleges and basic education schools since 1 January 2001.
The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Information, is making arrangements to give lectures for respective subjects of professors (chief examiners) to the students of basic education high school level (10th Standard) who will enter the matriculation examination for 2002 academic year through Electronic Data Broadcasting System at the Learning Centres of the basic education schools during Thidingyut holidays this year.
The lectures will be broadcast from 10 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3 pm daily from 2 to 6 November 2001. Myanmarsar and English will be broadcast in the morning and afternoon on 2 November, Maths and History on 3 November, Physics and Geography on 4 November, Chemistry and Additional Myanmarsar on 5 November and Biology and Economics on 6 November.
The test-run will start at 10 am daily from 27 to 30 October. Preparatory tasks are to be made to enable the students to learn the lectures at the basic education schools, at which the learning centres have not been opened yet, with the sponsorship of Departments of Basic Education and State/Division Education Officer's Offices.
Public Relations Companies present entertainment
Yangon, 24 Oct- Mobile Public Relations Companies of the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare of the Ministry of Defence toured border areas and presented entertainment programmes to local residents and Tatmadaw members.
On 16 October, No 1 Mobile Public Relations Company performed the entertainment programme in Momeik, Shan State (North). Present on the occasion were Tatmadaw members and family members of Momeik Station and local people totalling over 3,000.
Similarly, the entertainment programme of No 4 Mobile Public Relations Company was held in An, Rakhine State, on 16 October. It was attended by Tatmadaw members and families and local people totalling about 3,500.
Working Committee, subcommittees, team managers meet
Yangon, 24 Oct- The Working Committee for Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, subcommittees and team managers of States and Divisions held a coordination meeting at No 1 Transit Centre on Bayintnaung Road this evening.
On behalf of the chairman of Working Committee, Chairman of Reception and Accommodation Subcommittee Col Tin Thein Lwin gave a speech.
Subcommittee members and team managers took part in the discussions.
Col Tin Thein Lwin attended to the needs and gave instructions.