1. |
Secretary-1 addresses opening of Special
Refresher Course No 46 for Basic Education Teachers |
2. |
Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue for eighth day
3. |
Industry-1 Minister receives PRC guests
Minister receives UNDCP resident rep
4. |
Minister for Education addresses 31st General Conference of UNESCO
5. |
Industry-1 Minister inspects
Garment Factories in
Minister for Rail Transportation inspects Donthami Bridge
Workshop of deputy
superintending engineers and
senior engineers (Civil) held |
6. |
Minister visits Zeebingyi Central Fire-Fighting Training School
Minister inspects mining sites, No 1 Steel Mill in Mandalay Division
Visiting Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister calls on Commerce Deputy Minister, visits Shwedagon Pagoda |
7. |
Buridat Marionette Drama Contest begins at National Theatre
Coord meeting (3/2001) of MNWCWA held
K 2.3m donated to use in treatment for kidney patients
8. |
Prizes presented to winners of third short story, article, song, poem, cartoon, painting and poster competitions
Work Committee, Sub-committee, team managers meet
Myanmar delegation leaves for PRC
9. |
Buddha images donated by Thailand consecrated
Delegation back from Singapore
19,570 stimulant pills seized in Thanbyuzayat
1 ) Government systematically
implementing plans designed to produce intellectuals and
intelligentsia well-versed in science and technology
Secretary-1 addresses opening of Special
Refresher Course No 46 for Basic Education Teachers
Yangon, 22 Oct - A ceremony to open Special Refresher Course No 46 for Basic Education Teachers was held at the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi), Hlegu Township, here, this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Mayor of Yangon, the deputy ministers, senior military officers, members of the CSSTB, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, Rector of CICS Col Win Maung and officials, course instructors and trainee teachers.
The Secretary-1 said that at a time when the government is paying priority to promotion of national education, the getting of a chance to attend the special refresher course for basic education teachers opened with noble aims amounts to the getting of a chance to know more about the educational policies, aims and working programmes of the State and to acquire the concept and ability to perform national tasks dutifully.
In view of the international situation, all the nations in the world are involved in the process of globalization, and in this regard, advances in science and technology serve as a driving force.
Rapid advances in science and technologies, particularly in information and communication technology have become influential in the economic, financial, education, health, social, security and defence
sectors of all the nations. In this way, these advances are turning
the world today into a human society influenced by technology. Under
these circumstances, the technological gap makes wider the gap of
wealth, development and opportunities among the nations of the
Therefore, all the nations in the world are
trying to keep pace with globalization process and making all-out
efforts to make sure that they do not lag behind others. Moreover,
in the beginning of the new millennium, the nations of the world
have clearer national outlook, and their desires for the development
of their nations and peoples are getting more and more intense.
However, some nations which have paid priority only to development
while attempting to keep pace with globalization process have begun
to suffer degradation of national character, traditional cultures
and social values.
The ideology and social norms of some big developed nations capable of employing information and communication technology have come to influence developing nations. The ripples of possible economic slowdown in these developed nations can spread all over the world.
At a time when technological, economic, ideological and cultural changes are taking place, a developing nation like the Union of Myanmar is required to lay down plans with constant national vigil in consideration of the international situation so that it can maintain stability and peace and tranquillity and stand shoulder to shoulder with others.
So, it is a very important national duty.
With the aim of shaping the future of the nation in such a way that national interests can be promoted, the government is systematically implementing plans designed to produce intellectuals and intelligentsia well-versed in science and technology and to preserve and uplift national character, traditional cultures and social values.
Education promotion programmes, national education promotion special four-year programmes and the long-term national education plan implemented in the education sector today are parts of the master plan for the reform of national education system.
Due to the correct education policy and working programmes of the government, the contribution of the entire national people including parents and members of social organizations and active participation of teachers and students in the implementation of national education promotion programmes, the aims of the national education promotion programme emergence of an education system which contributes to the building of a peaceful, modern and developed nation are beginning to materialize.
In the basic education sector today, the teacher-centred system has been replaced with the student-centred system, thereby creating an all-round education system which can link the hobby and prospects of individual students with the social environment.
Similarly, included in the curriculum are the subjects which reflect the social code of conduct, morals and patriotism and Union Spirit. In this way, students are being trained not merely to be outstanding but also to have clear national outlook.
The conventional teaching system is being replaced with e-learning and computerized learning. Multimedia teaching centres opened at schools are living proof of this fact.
Today in the basic education sector and the higher education sector, curricula have been upgraded and modern laboratories, science laboratories, modern libraries and ICT-based learning centres and resource centres
have been set up. Therefore, e-Education is taking shape. Measures
have been taken not only to upgrade teaching and learning systems
and curricula but also to promote the quality of teachers, who
constitute the main force in the education sector. Teacher training
institutes and schools have been upgraded into education colleges in
1998. Curricula, their contents and teaching aids have been upgrade
as well. Teacher training courses are also being conducted. For the
teachers who have not attended the teacher training courses, teacher
training correspondence courses and teacher training courses based
in the Institute of Education and townships are being opened.
Today, over 3,000 trainees have completed teacher
training courses, and have been appointed as basic education
teachers. Over 15,000 trainees are attending the teacher training
courses. As measures have been taken for the qualitative and
quantitative improvement of teacher training, only about 7,000
trainees were trained previously at regular courses and by
correspondence and now about 34,000 trainees can be trained every
year. In addition, arrangements have been made to enable those who
have completed the two-year course at education colleges to get a
degree from the Institutes of Education by attending bridge courses.
The Institutes of Education are also offering
two-year correspondence courses for in-service teachers to be able
to do degree courses. In addition, postgraduate diploma courses are
also being opened. Diploma course graduates have been directly
appointed as teachers, and this system has proved successful. At a
time when the quality of students and teachers is improving due to
systematic education reforms, the national aims of the education
sector are materializing step by step due to participation of the
national people including parents, members of the school boards of
trustees and social organizations.
Today the aims of the education promotion programmes to enable students to be outstanding in all sectors, to upgrade the education system up to the international level and to bridge the gap of education between rural and urban areas have been achieved almost to the fullest extent.
National education promotion special four-year plans aimed at upgrading national education up to the education standard of developed nations in south-east Asia are being implemented in all sectors including education, health, agriculture, livestock breeding and forest.
Now half of the duration of the national education promotion special four-year plan has elapsed, and the plan has begun to bear fruit. It is satisfying to learn that a long-term national education plan which covers the whole education sector of the nation is now being implemented.
The Secretary-1 called on teachers to nurture student youths right from the basic education level in accord with the aspirations of the State so that national education promotion programmes ranging from education promotion programmes up to long-term national education plans can materialize.
He urged all teachers to strive in harmony for
producing highly-qualified human resources, for making efforts for
uplift of education of the entire people in combination with formal
and non-formal education and for emergence of a learning Myanmar
society with nationalist spirit in accord with the objectives of the
national education project. He said nowadays education is the main
factor of all development in the nations of the world. It has
reached the times that progress of a nation can be measured by
education, health and social standard of citizens. Therefore,
education has become a factor which indicates dignity of the nation
and the people.

If there is technological development gap
in international community today, there will be weakness in national
development, prosperity of the nation and the ability to stand tall
as a sovereign state, he said. The Secretary-1 urged the teachers to
make efforts for successful implementation of the objectives of
national education project which can bring about development of
modern science and technology and emergence of brilliant
intellectuals and intelligentsia of international standard with
national outlook.
In conclusion, he urged them to make endeavours for raising the national education standard in order to keep abreast with the nations of the world, for realization of the national education project being undertaken for development of human resources which is the prime factor for the emergence of a peaceful, modern developed nation and for organizing the entire people including students to participate in building and safeguarding the nation with patriotism,Union Spirit and dynamic national spirit.
The Secretary-1 then greeted the trainee teachers and left CICS (Phaunggyi) in the morning.
Altogether 1,508 teachers from states and divisions are attending the five-week special refresher course No 46 for Basic Education
( 2 )
Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue for eighth day
Yangon, 22 Oct-The Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the eighth day at the respective venues today.
The song competition of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the National Museum on Pyay Road in Dagon Township; the song composing competition at the Kanbawza Theatre of the Fine Arts Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Bahan Township; the music competition at the Padonma Theatre in Sangyoung Township and the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township.
Present at the competitions were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, member of the Panel of Patrons of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Competitions member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members of the Leading Committee, chairmen and members of the sub-
committees, senior military
officers, heads of department, teachers and students and enthusiasts.
At the song competition held at the National Museum, altogether 13 contestants took part in the professional level (men's) religious song competition with the song
' Ngapa Pyinsathi."
In the afternoon, 16 contestants participated in the amateur level (women's)
modern classic song competition with the song " Kanbawza."
Chairperson of the Panel of Judges Daw Tin Tin Mya supervised the competition.
The professional level (women) classical song competition and basic education level (boys aged 5-10) modern classical song competition will be held at the same venue tomorrow. The song composing competition was held at the Kanbawza Theatre this morning.
The contestants of the basic education level (aged 5-10) and (aged 10-15) song composing competitions practised singing the songs which they composed.
Chairman of the Panel of Judges Bogalay U Tint Aung supervised the competition.
The contestants of the basic education level song composing competitions will practise singing songs which they composed at the same venue tomorrow. The music competition was held at the Padonma Theatre this morning.
Altogether two contestants took part in the professional level (women) harp competition and five contestants in the basic education level (girls aged 5-10) harp competition.
Chairman of the Panel of Judges U Thein Han Gyi and members supervised the music competition.
The amateur level (women), professional level (men) and the basic education level (girls aged 15-20) harp competitions will be held at the same venue tomorrow.
The piano competition was held at the National Theatre this morning.
Altogether 14 contestants participated in the basic education level piano competition.
In the afternoon, six contestants took part in the basic education level (girls aged 15-20) piano competition.
Member of the Panel of Judges Sandaya U Chit Swe supervised the competition.
The higher education level (men) and (women), the professional level (women) and the basic education level (boys aged 5-10) piano competitions will be held at the same venue
( 3 ) Industry-1 Minister receives PRC guests
Yangon, 22 Oct- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Chairman of Tianjin Machinery Import & Export Corporation Group from the People's Republic of China Mr Sun Jian Rong and party at 10 am and Vice-Chairman of Chengda Chemical Engineering Corporation of China Mr Sun Zhi and party at his office at 11 am today.
Also present at the calls were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and the directors-general and the managing directors of departments and
Minister receives UNDCP resident rep
Yangon, 22 Oct - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt received resident representative of United Nations Drug Control Programme Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu at his office at 11 am today. Also present were Director-General of Development of Border Areas and National Races Department Col Than Swe, Deputy Director-General Lt-Col Myint Swe and Director U Nyi
( 4
Minister for Education addresses 31st General Conference of UNESCO
Yangon, 22 Oct- Chairman of the Myanmar National Commission for UNESCO and Minister for Education U Than Aung, together with members of the delegation Alternate Leader Permanent Delegate to UNESCO from Myanmar and Myanmar Ambassador to France U Wunna Maung Lwin, Rector of the Yangon Institute of Education and Secretary of the Myanmar National Commission for UNESCO U Han Tin, Counsellor-Minister U Myint Soe and First Secretaries U Aung Latt and Daw Aye Hla Bu of the Myanmar Embassy in Paris, France, attended the Thirty-first General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, France.
On 18 October, Chairman of the Myanmar National Commission for UNESCO and Minister for Education U Than Aung delivered an address at the conference.
He said:
This particular session of the UNESCO General Conference is of significance as it is the first session of not only the new century but of the new millennium. We ended the last millennium with renewed hope for a better world but there are now new dangers and heightened tensions. It is our fervent hope that the UNESCO ethos of creating a world of peace will ultimately win through. The International Commission on Education in the Twenty-first Century in its Report had as its major theme the
" Four Pillars of Education ".
The third pillar Learning to Live Together is of particular significance at a time when mankind more than ever needs to live in harmony and peaceful co-existence and achieve lasting peace and international solidarity. Schools, and especially teachers have a pivotal role to play in providing an environment of learning that can lead to harmonious relationships between peoples of different cultures.
Myanmar has chosen to develop an education system that is compatible with present day realities while taking into consideration its history, its culture and its traditional values. In this age of globalization it is important that countries like Myanmar with their long history of learning provide indigenous notions of education a place in educational discourse. It is not necessarily to extol them, but to point to their usefulness as values as well as their functionality in the modern setting. We still embrace traditions of spirituality, of compassion, of caring and sharing, of valuing interpersonal relations, of restraint behaviour, of close-knit extended families and of collective action and responsibility.
These notions, we feel, may yet form the bases of modern educational development in this new century.
Though we accept that traditional beliefs and values will help us in safeguarding ourselves against the excesses and dangers of globalization, our vision is oriented in the future. It is to create an education system that can generate a learning society capable of facing the challenges of the Knowledge Age. We envisage bringing about sustainable long-term human resource development through utilization of technology and research, promotion of lifelong learning and quality education. We hope to transform Myanmar society into a knowledge- dominated learning society with preservation of national identity and national values as a priority.
This vision is reflected in the education promotion programmes and
in the education reforms initiated following the nation-wide seminars that were held for Basic Education in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. The third seminar held in the year 2000, formulated the objectives of the Special Four-Year Plan for Education for the Basic Education sub-sector.
For the qualitative development of higher education, six seminars were also held between 1997 and 2001. These nation-wide seminars examined various issues in tertiary education such as utilization of IT on higher education, the creation of an alternative delivery modality for higher education as well as activities to promote human resources development by establishing the National Centre for Human Resource Development. The Special Four-Year Plan for both Basic and Higher Education have been incorporated into the national long-term plan for education.
Though the main thrust in education has been to improve the quality of education, increasing access to it has also kept pace with it. In a country with a population of over 50 million, there are now approximately 6.9 million schoolchildren in thirty-nine thousand schools with nearly two hundred and twenty thousand schoolteachers. As a result of the school enrolment campaign begun in 1999, the primary school enrolment rate cow stands at 92.1%.
This campaign to increase school enrolment is a concerted effort by government departments, NGOs and the community. In addition to this, starting from this year some of the better-equipped primary schools, especially in the rural areas, are functioning as post-primary schools. This innovation is having a positive effect on students encouraging them to continue their studies after the completion of the primary cycle. At the level of higher education also to ensure equity in access, there are now 129 institutions of tertiary education spread throughout the country.
We recognize education as a powerful tool for individual improvement and social development.
The empowerment of people is an important result of education. Learning enables people to become better informed and allow them to take an active role in their own education. When people take charge of directing their own lives and satisfying their needs, they are liberated from poverty and ignorance. We further recognize that social cooperation and community participation are extremely important in the process of education. Powerful tool in creating continuing education opportunities is ICT. Information technologies have become absolutely essential for development. In Myanmar, we have launched e-Education from January 1, 2001.
The Data Broadcasting System has been established and now serves 203 e-Education is also being installed and will be operational near the end of the year.
Over the years international agencies have collaborated closely with the Ministry of Education. Last year, the Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) facilitated the establishment of the Myanmar Literacy Resource Centre (MLRC) in Yangon.
As a member of ASEAN, Myanmar has joined the ASEAN University Network and has actively participated in its activities.
It has hosted two meetings in Yangon. Myanmar also became a member of SEAMEO in February 1998. In December 2000, the SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition was established in Yangon.
Minister U Than Aung together with Rector U Han Tin arrived back here by air yesterday afternoon. They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Than Shwe, Deputy Ministers for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the
( 5 ) Industry-1 Minister inspects
Garment Factories in

Yangon, 22 Oct-Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials, arrived at Mayangon Garment Factory No 1 of Myanma Textile Industries in Mayangon Township and inspected production line and spinning with the use of modern Toyoda-Sulzer machine this morning. He also inspected condition of machinery and gave instructions to the officials.
At the briefing hall, the minister heard the reports on distribution, purchasing of raw materials and storage by Factory Manager U Maung Maung Latt, and gave instructions on exceeding the targeted production and fulfilling necessary raw materials and spare parts of the machinery and creating beautiful designs for the garments.
Then, he proceeded to Mayangon Garment Factory No 2 in the township and inspected the production line there and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Minister for Rail Transportation inspects Donthami Bridge
Yangon, 22 Oct- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, inspected construction of Donthami Rail-cum-Road Bridge between Mon State and Kayin State on 20
The minister gave instructions on completion of the bridge in time, construction of the bridge in accord with the set standard and worksite safety and attended to the
Workshop of deputy
superintending engineers and
senior engineers (Civil) held
Yangon, 22 Oct- The workshop of deputy superintending engineers and senior engineers (Civil) of Public Works of the Ministry of Construction was held at the meeting hall of Public Works (Head Office) on Shwedagon Pagoda Road at 9 am today.
It was attended by Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Managing Director of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing, Director-General of Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development U Arnt Kyaw, departmental heads, Principal of Thuwunna Central Training School U Saw Kya Waw Mu and trainees. At the ceremony, the minister gave an opening speech.
Altogether 34 deputy superintending engineers (Civil) and state/division senior engineers (Civil) are attending the workshop.
( 6 )
Minister visits Zeebingyi Central Fire-Fighting Training School
Yangon, 22 Oct-Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa arrived at Zeebingyi Fire-Fighting Training School in PyinOo-Lwin Township, Mandalay Division, and inspected construction of the administration office building and other buildings of the training school on 20 October.
After giving instructions to the officials, the minister inspected pepper plantations, the pre-primary school and the domestic science school opened this year, poultry and pig farms, and met with the trainees, staff and their families at Anawrahta Hall of the school.
The minister, accompanied by Principal of the training school Col Kyi Win,
arrived at Mandalay, and met with the officials of training schools
in Mandalay under the ministry at Mandalay Child Care Centre. He
gave instructions on tasks to be carried out. He also inspected the
child care centre, the training school for girls and the women
development centre, and presented toys and clothes to the child care
Minister inspects mining sites, No 1 Steel Mill in Mandalay Division

Yangon, 22 Oct- Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, accompanied by Managing Director U Khin Oo of Myanma Gems Enterprise, Managing Director U Tin Win of No 2 Mining Enterprise and officials, inspected gems exploration, gold mining sites, limestone production and the Steel Mill in Mandalay Division from 19 to 22 October.
On 19 October, the minister inspected gems plots in Mogok.
In the evening, the minister met local organizations, departmental officials and private entrepreneurs in Mogok and gave necessary instructions. Then, the minister also met personnel of the ministry.
On 20 October, USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Ohn Myint met the township secretary and executives at Mogok Township USDA Office. The minister then inspected the gold mining plots in Thabeikkyin and Singu Townships.
On 21 October, the minister met the manager of Patheingyi limestone production unit. He then proceeded to the No 1 Steel Mill in PyinOoLwin and met with service
Visiting Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister calls on Commerce Deputy Minister, visits Shwedagon Pagoda
Yangon, 22 Oct- Visiting Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba Mr Jose Armando Guerra Menchero and party paid a courtesy call on Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan at the hall of the Ministry of Commerce on Strand Road here at 1 pm today. Also present at the call were Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and Deputy Director-General of Border Trade Department U Thein Lwin. Then, the visiting Deputy Minister and party together with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited the Shwedagon Pagoda where members of Pagoda Board of Trustees welcomed them. The Cuban Deputy Minister and party also visited Mandalay and Bagan-NyaungU yesterday.
( 7 )
Buridat Marionette Drama Contest begins at National Theatre
Yangon, 22 Oct- The Buridat Marionette Drama Contest began for the first day at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this evening.
U Sein Maung Win and party of Mon State participated in the contest.
Present on the occasion were member of the Panel of Patrons of Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of the Leading Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, member of the Panel of Patrons Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, Chairman of Work Committee No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and members, subcommittee members, members of the Panel of Judges, doyen artistes, diplomats and their families and enthusiasts.
On 23 October, Mandalay Daw Ma Ma Naing of Mandalay Division will participate in the contest at the same
Coord meeting (3/2001) of MNWCWA held
Yangon, 22 Oct -A coordination meeting (3/2001) of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs was held at Aung San hall at the Social Welfare Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Mayangon Township, Yangon, at 1 pm today. Present were Chairman of MNWCWA Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Professor Daw May May Yi, Member of MNWCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Advisers Daw Khin Than Nwe, Daw Khin Cho Oo, members and leaders of the working groups.
Chairman of MNWCWA Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win made a speech.
Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Professor Daw May May Yi explained works being carried out and future programmes.The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win.
K 2.3m donated to use in treatment for kidney patients
Yangon, 22 Oct- A ceremony to donate cash towards the funds of the water purifier to be used in the treatment of kidney patients was held at the meeting hall of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Road in Dagon Township at 3 pm today. Present on the occasion were Deputy Ministers for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, departmental officials, well-wishers and guests.
The deputy ministers and directors-general accepted K 2.3 million donated by the wellwishers and presented certificates of honour to them.
On behalf of the wellwishers, Dr Myat Myat Ohn Khin explained the purpose of the donations. Then, Director-General Prof Dr Paing Soe of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) spoke words of
( 8
) Prizes presented to winners of third short story, article, song, poem, cartoon, painting and poster competitions

Yangon, 22 Oct-The prize presentation ceremony of the third short story, article, song, poem, cartoon, painting and poster competitions in commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the Crime Reduction and Education and Information Committee was held at the hall of Aungthabye Yeyeiktha compound on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township this morning, attended by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
Present were Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, senior military officers, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, members of the Crime Reduction and Education and Information Committee, members of the panel of judges and guests.
In his speech, Minister Col Tin Hlaing elaborated on the objectives of the competition.
He also said 746 contestants from all walks of life participated in the third competitions.
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing presented first, second and third prizes for the short story contest to U Yin Min Htwe (Ko Htwe-Kalaw GTI), Min Shwe Thein (Min Shwe Thein-Zinkyaik) and Ma Nyo Mi Aung (Nyo Mi Aung) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein presented first, second and third prizes for the article
contest to U Ko Ko (Ko Ko-Research), Ma Chaw Ei Zin (Tekkatho Chaw Ei Ei Zin-Magway) and Police Major Ko Ko Tin (Ye Ko Ko Tin) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.

Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo presented first, second and third prizes for the poem contest to U Soe Myint (Yenangyoung Soe Myint), U Than Aung (Chan Aung Myin-Yawmyay) and Ma Win Pa Pa Kyaw (Pa Pa Nge-Dagon University) respectively and four special prizes to the respective winners.
Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye presented first, second and third prizes for the song contest to WOI Aye Lwin (Aye Lwin-Myawady), U Zaw Htay (Ko Zaw Htay-Culture) and WOI Win Tun (Win Tun-Myawady) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners. Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo presented first, second and third prizes for the under-10 cartoon contest to Ma Thin Zar Lwin of Latha BEHS No 2, Maung Htoo Chun Kaung of Shwepyitha BEPS No 15
and Maung Akar Myo of Mandalay BEHS No 1 respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Provost Marshal Brig-Gen Saw Hla presented first, second and third prizes for theaged 10-15 cartoon contest to Maung Zeya Oo (Mayangon BEHS No 4), Maung Aung Soe Min (Mingaladon BEHS No 5 and Maung Tun Tun Hlaing (Thakayta BEHS No 1 respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Director-General U Aung Thein of General Administration Department presented first, second and third prizes for the aged 15-20 cartoon contest to Ma Thet Phyu Win (University of Culture), Ma Htwe Htwe Hlaing (Thingangyun) and Ma Hnin Yu Ko Ko (Thanlyin) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Director-General U Kyaw Tun of Prisons Department presented first, second and third prizes for the above-20 cartoon contest to Cartoon Htay Aung, Cartoon Soe Lay and Thida Myint respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Director-General U Tun Hla Aung of Bureau of Special Investigation presented first, second and third prizes for the aged under-10 painting contest to Maung Kyaw Zeya (Bahan BEPS No 3), Maung Thiha Tin (Dagon BEHS No 1) and Ma Hsu Myat Noe Nwe (Dagon BEHS No 2) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win presented first, second and third prizes for the aged 10-15 painting contest to Ma Hsu Win Htaik (Dagon BEHS No 1), Maung Kaung Myat Min Soe (Institute of Education Practising School) and Maung Thant Zin (Latha BEHS No 1) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Director-General U Myint Tun of Fire Services Department presented first, second and third prizes for the aged 15-20 painting contest to Maung Ye Kyaw Tha (Thingangyun), Ma Aye Myat Mon (Dagon BEHS No 1) and Maung Nanda Aung (Latha BEHS No 1) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Director-General U Tin Aye of Supreme Court presented first, second and third prizes for the above-20 painting contest to Maung Hla Han (Dagon Myothit-South), U Aung Moe (Shanlay Bagyi) and Ma Mya Mya Win Tun (Kyauktada) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Director-General Dr Tun Shin of Attorney-General's Office presented first, second and third prizes for the aged under-10 poster contest to Ma May Thet Zin (Lanmadaw BEHS No 1), Maung Htet Naing Lin (Dagon BEHS No 1) and Ma Nilar Shun Lett (Yankin Education College Practising School) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Managing Director U Bo Kyi of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise presented first, second and third prizes for the aged 10-15 poster contest to Ma L Pwint Phyu (Latha BEHS No 2), Ma Thinza Lwin (Latha BEHS No 2) and Ma Nan Oo Wai (Latha BEHS No 2) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Managing Director U Myint Thein of Printing and publishing Enterprise presented first, second and third prizes for the aged 15-20 poster contest to Maung Nanda Aung (Latha BEHS No 1), Maung Kaung Htet Soe (Kyauktan BEHS No 1) and Ma U Thinza Kyaw (Hmawby-GTI) respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) presented first, second and third prizes for the above-20 poster contest to Ko Zaw Win, Ma Maw Maw Hlaing and Maung Zarni Tun respectively and five special prizes to the respective winners.
Then, MPF Director-General Police Maj-Gen Soe Win presented gifts to members of the Panel of Judges.
On behalf of the judges, MWJA Central Executive Committee member U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) accepted the gifts.
Afterwards, on behalf of the winners, Ma Chaw Ei Zin (Tekkatho Chaw Ei Zin-Magway) who stood second in the article contest spoke words of thanks.
After the ceremony, Minister Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Justice U Than Oo, Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, senior police officers of MPF and guests viewed the prize winning manuscripts, cartoons, paintings and posters displayed in the hall of Aungthabye Ye
Work Committee, Sub-committee, team managers meet
Yangon, 22 Oct- Chairman of Work Committee for Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo, Sub-committee members and team managers
held a coordination meeting at No 1 Transit Centre on Bayintnaung Road here this evening.
The Chairman made a speech and sub-committee members and team managers from states and divisions made sector-wise discussions.
Then, the Chairman attended to the needs and gave instructions.
Myanmar delegation leaves for PRC
Yangon, 22 Oct- A Myanmar delegation led by U Tet Tun, deputy director-general of the Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Industry-1, together with Director of the Directorate of Trade of the Ministry of Commerce Daw Khin Htar Yi, Executive Officer of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Htay Aung and Managing Director of Tun International Company Limited U Tun Aye, left here for the People's Repulbic of China by air this afternoon to attend the Symposium on ASEAN China Entrepreneurs Exchanges to be held at Chendu, Sichuan, from 22 to 23 October. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by UMFCCI President U Win Myint and officials.
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Buddha images donated by Thailand consecrated
Yangon, 22 Oct- A ceremony to consecrate the two standing bronze Buddha images donated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand through Thai Embassy was held at Thai Hall of Foreign Missionary Division of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana of the Ministry of Religious Affairs here at 7 am today.
Members of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee led by Vice-Chairman of the Committee Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rahta Guru Bhaddanta Paindabhivamsa, Rector of State Pariyatti Sasana University Bhaddanta Vannita and Presiding Sayadaw of Ponnya Nami-tayon monastery in Thingan-gyun Township Bhaddanta Siddhiya, Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Pro-Rector (Admin) of the International Theravada Buddha Missionry University Dr Hla Pe, the ambassador of Thailand and embassy staff and officials from the Religious Affairs Department attended the ceremony.
The ceremony was opened with three times recitation of Namo Tassa.
The members of the Sangha led by the Vice-Chairman Sayadaw consecrated the images.
Then, the congregation received the Five Precepts from the Vice-Chairman Sayadaw and the Sayadaws recited parittas.
Then the ambassador explained the purpose of the donation and handed over them to Director-General U Sann Lwin who accepted the donation and spoke words of thanks.
Afterwards, provisions were presented to the Sayadaws, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
The ceremony came to a close with three times recitation of Bhddha Sasanam Ciram
Delegation back from Singapore
Yangon, 22 Oct- Myanmar delegation led by Director-General of Auditor-General's Office Daw Thin Thin arrived back here after attending the 12th ASEAN Federation of Accountants Conference held in Singapore from 16 to 21 October.
The delegation was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Chairman of Myanmar Accountancy Council Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye.
19,570 stimulant pills seized in Thanbyuzayat
Yangon, 22 Oct- Members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of U Than Myint of Aung San Street, Kyaungpaing Ward in Thanbyuzayat and arrested him together with 19,570 stimulant tablets bearing the letters
"WY" on 13 October. Action is being taken against him under Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station