1 ) Secretary-1 and wife attend presentation of Maha Janaka Drama at
National Theatre
Yangon, 17 Oct- U Thein Zaw Drama Troupe of Yangon Division Group-2 took part in the Maha Janaka Drama Competition at the
National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this evening.
Present at the theatre were Patron of the Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, member of the Panel of Patrons of the Organizing the Performing Arts Competitions member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen
Khin Maung Than and wife Daw Marlar Tint, members of the Panel of Patrons, ministers, Vice-Chairman for Organizing the Performing Arts Competitions Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe
Nyunt and deputy ministers and their wives, Chairman of the Work Committee Col
Yan Naing Oo and members, chairmen and members of sub-committees and the public.
On 18 October, Shweman Kyi Zaw Drama Troupe of Mandalay Division Group-1 will participate in the Maha Janaka Drama Competition at the same
( 2 ) The
Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue
Yangon, 17 Oct-The Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the third day at the respective venues today.
The song composing competition of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the
National Museum on Pyay Road, the dance competition at the National
Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township, the song composing competition at Kanbawza Theatre of Fine Arts Department
on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and the music competition at Padonma Theatre
in Sangyoung Township and the Kanbawza Theatre this morning.
Present on the occasion were Patron of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, member of the Panel of Patrons Chairman of Leading Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen
Khin Maung Than, member of the Panel of Patrons Minister for
Culture U Win Sein, Vice-Chairman of Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe
Nyunt and members, Chairman of Work Committee Commander of No 3 Military Region Col
Yan Naing Oo, wives of senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, heads of departments, teachers, students and enthusiasts.
The song composing competition began at the National Museum. Altogether 11 contestants took part in the basic education level aged 5-10
boys' song competition with the song "Minlansatkakyo".
In the afternoon, 16 contestants took part in the basic education level aged 10-15
girls' song competition with the song " Thewaso ".
Chairman of panel of judges Daw Tin Tin Mya supervised the competition.
The amateur level boys'religious song competition and higher education level womens old and modern song competition will be held on 18 October.
The dance competition began at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township.
Altogether 16 contestants took part in amateur level men's competition.
In the afternoon, 14 contestants participated in basic education level
girls' dance competition.
The basic education level aged 15-20 girls' dance competition and basic education level aged 5-10 boy's dance competition will be held at the
National Theatre on 18 October.
The song composing competition was held at Kanbawza Theatre.
Sixteen contestants participated in amateur level song composing competition and 12 contestants took part in professional level song composing competition.
Chairman of panel of judges Bogalay U Tint Aung and members supervised the competition.
Contestants to basic education level aged 5-10 and basic education level aged 10-15 song composing competitions will practise the song composing at Kanbawza Theatre on 18 October.
The music competition was held at Padonma Theatre. Eighth groups participated in professional level
men's saing competition.
In the afternoon, five groups took part in basic education level aged 15-20 boys team saing competition.
Member of the panel of judges U Sein Satin supervised the competitions.
The amateur level men's individual saing competition and professional level individual saing competition will be held on 18 October.
( 3 ) Mandolin contest continues at Kanbawza Theatre
Yangon, 17 Oct- The mandolin contest of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the third day at the Kanbawza
Theatre on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Bahan Township this morning.
In the morning, six contestants participated in the basic education level (aged 15-20)
boys' mandolin contest. Three contestants took part in the higher education level (men's) mandolin contest in the afternoon. Manyapyay U Tin, U
Thein Soe and members supervised the mandolin contest.
Contestants of the basic education level (aged 10-15) girls', the basic education level (aged 15-20)
boys' and the basic education level (aged 5-10) girls' xylophone contests will be held at the same venue tomorrow.
Work committee sub-Committees and team managers meet
Yangon, 17 Oct - The chairman of the Work Committee for Organizing the
Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, members of Sub-committees and team managers of states and divisions held a coordination meeting at
No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) at 5 pm today.
Work Committee Chairman Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo made a speech at the meeting.
( 4
Officials discuss production, distribution of high-quality souvenirs
Yangon, 17 Oct - The Souvenir Production and Distribution Subcommittee held a work coordination meeting at the Ministry
of Cooperatives on Bogyoke Aung San Street here this afternoon.
Chairman of the Working Group to Upgrade the Standard of Souvenir Shops Director-General of the Cooperative Department Col Soe Win reported to the meeting on opening of souvenir shops in states and divisions, distribution, rise in demand, sale of souvenirs in foreign exchange at the 28 shops opened with the permission of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue and the State's revenues from the business.
Chairman of the Working Group to Raise the Quality of Souvenir Products Director-General of the Cottage Industries Department U
Sein Than briefed the meeting on arrangements being made to produce marketable souvenirs.
Secretary of the subcommittee Deputy Director of the CD U Kyaw Hlaing explained the body's functions.
Deputy directors of state and division offices of the CD and members of the subcommittee then took part in the discussions.
Chairman of the subcommittee Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San said small they may be in individual, but the shops which are producing and distributing souvenirs, are included in one of the main foreign exchange income sources of the
nation. Thus, it is required to upgrade their standard. Arrangements should be made before the arrival of the tourist season to display a large variety of souvenirs of high quality. International contacts should be made to advertise the
nation's souvenir products in the global market.
Ministry of Industry-2 AOTS of Japan jointly open electronics course

Yangon, 17 Oct - Myanmar and Japan have jointly opened a basic overseas electronics course at Hsinde Industrial Training School of the Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries
in Padaung Township in western Bago Division on 15 October morning.
Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin delivered an address at the opening of the course which is being jointly conducted by the Ministry of Industry-2 and the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship-AOTS of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.
General Manager Mr Seizaburo Shintaku of the Bangkok AOTS branch also gave a speech. He then presented teaching-aids for the course to Managing Director of MAMI
U Than Tun.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Deputy Minister for Industry-2
Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin and officials inspected the lecture hall and the teaching aids.
Thirty trainees of the Ministry of Industry-2, the Ministry of Industry-1 and industrial zones are attending the course.
Accompanied by officials, the minister and the deputy minister visited the No 1 Machine Tool Factory of the Myanma Machine Tool and Electrical Industries
in Nyaungchaydauk.
They observed test production power cables and assembling of machinery and making of dies to produce
new type of Mazada Jeeps.
At his meeting with officials, the minister spoke of the need to strive to raise of the quality of products to meet the standard and to study the market potential.
In the afternoon, the minister and party visited the No 1 Agricultural Machinery Industry of MAMI
in Hsinde.
They looked into the requirements in production of two-kva and four-kva generators and arrangements being made for test production of 10-kva and above generators. General Manager of the factory U Kyaw Kyaw explained points of the production process and the production plan. Minister Maj-Gen Saw
Lwin said efforts should be made for earliest production of the
10-kva and above generators and for the products to gain a
competitive edge over the imported machines.
CEC member meets local authorities in Danubyu
Yangon, 17 Oct- Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Saw Tun, accompanied
by officials, arrived in Akyaw Village, Danubyu Township, yesterday afternoon.
The CEC member met with the chairman of Village Peace and Development Council and members, members of USDA, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades and local people at Yadana Bonmyinthman Kyaung and gave instructions on development of the village and smooth transportation. The CEC member then attended to their
In the evening, the CEC member paid obeisance to Dhammaakka Mudra intamuni Buddha image at Kyaikkalunbun Pagoda. At U Pho Shwe Tazaung, the CEC member met township authorities, departmental officials, township USDA executives, the headmaster of Danubyu Basic Education High School and members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees and gave instructions on the Buddha Pujaniya
to be held on Fullmoon Day of Thadingyut and sanitation work to be carried out in the compound of the pagoda. Headmaster U Kan Thein and officials reported on arrangements for holding the ceremony to honour outstanding students and the fourth ceremony to pay respects to the teachers. The CEC member gave
necessary instructions.
( 5 ) Appointment of
Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 18 Oct- The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Mr Jiri Sitler as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to the Union of Myanmar. H.E. Mr Jiri Sitler, born in 1964, graduated from Charles University of Prague. He got Ph.D degree in April 1990 from the same University. He also studied at Catholic University, Elchstatt and LMU University of Munich in Germany. In 1993, he joined the Press Department, Office of the President of the Republic. From 1995 to 1997, he became the Adviser for President Vaclav Havel's speeches. Later, he joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Deputy Director of First Territorial Department. In 1998, he was promoted as Director of the Central European Department. In September 2000, he was appointed as Ambassador at large.
Mr Jiri Sitler will be concurrently accredited to the Union of Myanmar with residence in Bangkok,
MTFF Vice-President leaves for Moscow
Yangon, 17 Oct- At the invitation of the International Track & Field Federation, Vice-President of Myanmar Track & Field Federation U San Tun (Chairman of Shine Construction) left here by air this evening to attend the International Track & Field Foundation Meeting to be held in Moscow, the Russian Federation, on 20 and 21 October.
The vice-president was seen off at Yangon International Airport by President of MTFF Col Myint Tun and
UMFCCI Vice-President leaves for PRC
Yangon, 17 Oct- U Htein Win, Vice-President of
the union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and
Industry, left here by air for the People's Republic of China this
afternoon today to attend the JEQC 20001 Annual Conference, which
will be held in China on 18 October . He was seen off at Yangon
International Airport by President of the Federation U Win Myint,
CEC members and officials.
( 6 )
Bicycles donated to Women's Affairs Committees
Yangon, 17 Oct - A ceremony to present seven bicycles donated by Myanmar
National Committee for Women's Affairs to District and Township Working Committees for
Women's Affairs in Kayin State was held at the office of Kayin State Peace and Development Council on 15 October morning.
Present at the ceremony were Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung
Shein, departmental officials, the patron of Kayin State Committee for
Women's Affairs and members and members of social organizations.
Col Maung Shein made a speech on the occasion.
Chairman of Kayin State Committee for Womens Affairs Commissioner of Kayin State General Administration Department U Kyaw Lin explained the purpose of the donation.
Then, Col Maung Shein and officials presented the bicycles to officials of the working committees.
Chairman of Myawady District Working Committee for Women's Affairs Deputy Commissioner of District General Administration Department U Ye Myint spoke words of thanks and the
ceremony came to an end.
Afterwards, Col Maung Shein attended the opening ceremony of mental health education course organized by the Supervisory Committee of
Kayin State Maternal and Child Welfare Association at the office of
Kayin State Peace and Development Council yesterday.
U Nyan Win and family of Hpa-an presented K 500,000 to the supervisory committee through Patron of the supervisory committee Daw Kyawt Kyawt San. Chairman of the supervisory committee Dr Myo Lwin spoke words of thanks.
Officials concerned explained facts about the course and the ceremony came to a close.
Prizes presented to winners in Photo Competitions

Yangon, 17 Oct- The prize presentation ceremony of the photo competitions to mark the 2000-2001 World Olympic Day was held at the Padamya Hall of
National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister
for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint accepted K 100,000 for the prize presentation donated by Deputy General Manager U Myint Thaung of Myanmar Universal Bank.
Then, the minister presented K 15,000 to Maung Maung Aung Myint Myat who stood first in the Colour Photo Competition for 2000, K 10,000 to
Nyunt Hlaing Win (SPED) for the second prize and K 5,000 to Ohn
Thwin (Yankhin) for the third prize.
Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and Physical Education Department presented K 15,000 to AK Moe (Zoology) who stood first in the Colour Photo Competition for 2001, K 10,000 to Aung Myo
Naing for the second prize, K 5,000 to Nyunt Hlaing Win (SPED) for the third prize and K 3,000 to Yankin Soe Min for the consolation prize.
President of Myanmar Sports Columnists Federation Dr Tin Tun Oo presented K 15,000 to Soe
Nyunt (Ashaygyi) who stood first in the Black & White Photo Competition for 2001, K 10,000 to Zaw Zaw for the second prize, K 5,000 to
Khin Maung Win (Kyemon) for the third prize.
On behalf of the winners, Yankin Soe Min spoke words of thanks.
Refresher courses for managers end

Yangon, 17 Oct- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone delivered an address at the closing ceremonies of the Refresher Course
No 1/2001 for Township Managers and the Book-keeping and Quality Control Course
No 1/2001 and the opening ceremony of Basic IT Training Course No 1 at the hall of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading
on Pansodan Street this morning.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General U
Nyunt Aye of the Directorate of Trade, Director-General U Nay Win of the Border Trade Department, Managing
Director U Min Hla Aung of MAPT and trainees.
First, the minister gave a speech and presented first, second and third prizes and certificates to the trainees.
Then, a trainee spoke words of thanks.
( 7 )
Commander inspects workshops in Mandalay Industrial Zone
Yangon, 17 Oct-Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and departmental officials arrived at TK industrial workshop in
No 1 Industrial Zone, Pyigyidagun Township on 14 October.
The commander inspected production of various kinds of pinions for motor vehicles and machines.
The commander inspected Lamin diesel pumps and nozzles repair workshop, production of sound-proof 10 KV to 150 KV generators and 4" to 6" pumps. The commander fulfilled the requirements. He also inspected waste water canal and gave
necessary instructions.
Pathaung Bridge construction project site inspected
Yangon, 17 Oct - Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Aye Kyway, together with departmental officials, arrived at Pathaung Bridge construction project site on 13 October.
At the briefing hall of the project, the commander discussed matters related to regional development, agriculture and livestock breeding, health. He also gave educative talks with division, district and township level departmental officials and local residents. After hearing the reports of local people, the commander fulfilled their requirements.
The commander then
inspected progress in instrallation of frames of the bridge, laying concrete on the road surface of the bridge and construction of gravel approach roads, and attended to the
The bridge is 810 feet long, and was constructed on Kyaukpya Creek near Pathaung
Village in Myeik Township. It has a 28-foot-wide motorway and two four-foot-wide pedestrian lanes. The upper structure of the bridge is steel frames and lower structure reinforced concrete. It can withstand 60 ton-loads.
Later, the commander proceeded to the agriculture and livestock breeding farm of Swe Pha
Co Ltd. There the commander inspected raising of pigs and attended
to the requirements.
Construction works inspected in Mandalay
Yangon, 17 Oct -Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by departmental officials, inspected construction of lecture halls
Nos 1 and 2 of Mandalay Institute of Medicine, each with an accommodation capacity of 350 students, on 15 October. After hearing the reports presented by officials, the commander attended to the
needs. Then, the commander inspected construction of a corridor which will link the two halls, and left
necessary instructions.
Entries for photo
competitions scrutinized
Yangon, 17 Oct-The entries for Black & White, Colour and Digital Photos Competitions organized by the
News and Periodical Enterprise of the Ministry of Information were scrutinized at the meeting hall of the
New Light of Myanmar daily on Strand Road here yesterday.
Leader of the Scrutinizing Committee Managing Director of the
News and Periodical Enterprise U Tin Kha, Vice-Chairman of the Committee Director-General of Information and Public Relations Department U Chit
Naing, Secretary of the Committee Director (News) of NPE U Hla Tun, committee members systematically scrutinized the photos.
Altogether 496 entries of 123 contestants 65 photos of 17 contestants for Black & White Photo Competition (professional level), 69 photos of 21 contestants for Black & White Photo Competition (amateur level), 176 photos of 37 contestants for Colour Photo Competition (professional level), 143 photos of 38 contestants for Colour Photo Competition (amateur level), 43 photos of 10 contestants for Digital Photo Competition entered the competitions.
There are altogether five levels Black & White Photo Competition (professional level), Black & White Photo Competition (amateur level), Colour Photo Competition (professional level), Colour
Photo Competition (amateur level), Digital Photo Competition and
first, second, third and seven consolation prizes will be awarded
for each level. The list of the winners will be made public in last
week of October and the prize-presentation ceremony will be held in
( 8
Victorious footballers honoured
Yangon, 17 Oct - A ceremony to honour the South-West Command football team that won the 17th Under-21 Tatmadaw (Army,
Navy, Air) Football Championship was held at Aye-yawady hall of the South West Command on 13 October afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of the Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of the South-West Command
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, senior military officers, members of Division Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, atheletes, officers and other ranks, families and invited guests.
The Commander made a speech. The team handed over the championship shield to the Commander. Leader of the team Maj
Khin Maung Myint recounted experience of the matches to the
Commander who presented gifts to the footballers. The Deputy
Commander, on behalf of the footballers, accepted the cash awards
presented by the members of Division/District Peace and Development
Councils and departmental officials. Then the ceremony ended with
the concluding remarks by the commander.
ISD Shooting Tourney concludes

Yangon, 17 Oct- The prize presentation ceremony for the Fourth Inter-State and Division Shooting Tourney was held at South Okkalapa Shooting Range at 3 pm today, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister
for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Also present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Vice-Adjutant-General
Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and MOC members, officials of the Ministry of Sports, President of Myanmar Shooting Federation Col Win Than and officials and guests.
At the prize presentation ceremony, Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Director-General U Thaung Htaik of the Sports and Physical Education Department, President of MSF Col Win Than and Deputy Director-General U Thein Aung of SPED presented prizes to the winners in the single and team events. Then, Minister
Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented championship shield to Yangon
Division team.
( 9
) 39.7 kilos of Ephedrine powder seized in Kengtung
Yangon, 17 Oct -A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched a Toyota Hilux car, driven by Lauk Hsan, son of U Lu Win Swan and seized 43 packages of Ephedrine powder weighing 39.7 kilos together with one 9 mm pistol, one magazine and six rounds of its ammunition.
Action is being taken against him under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.