1 ) Myanmar manages to achieve sufficiency of food for all her citizens and to improve education, health and social standards
Myanmar does not face any food problem at present and will never face the problem in future either
Yangon, 16 Oct- A ceremony to mark the World Food Day was held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road at 9 am today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office, departmental heads, Ambassadors and Charges d'Affaires ai of the foreign embassies, resident representatives and officials of the UN agencies, officials of the Central Committee for Organizing the 2001 World Food Day and work groups, officials of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations, representatives of prize-winning townships and winners, private entrepreneurs and guests.
At the ceremony, the Secretary-1 gave an address. He said:
The Food and Agriculture Organization was set up with the lofty aims of ensuring sufficient food which is the most basic requirement for continued existence of the peoples of the world. The Union of Myanmar commemorates the World Food Day every year on the 16th of October on which the Food and Agriculture Organization was founded as the founding anniversary of the organization is observed annually.
It is also the time to assess the tasks to ensure food sufficiency and occurrence of hunger and its attendant problem
"poverty" in order to solve it; because, they are the main sector of the fundamental factors to deal with to bring prosperity to the world.
This year, the motto "Fight Hunger to Reduce Poverty" reflecting this essence has been designated for the World Food Day.
Today, ensuring sufficient food for the entire mankind of the world has become a goal that cannot be ignored. The motto of the World Food Day reflects the profound determination to reduce hunger which is the root cause of poverty the world is facing at present, and to build a world that is free from hunger.
We cannot expect a success in reducing poverty if we cannot solve the problem of hunger. Poor health, death, low productivity, and the deterioration in learning power of children, not only have evil consequences on the present generation, but will also become an evil legacy harmful to the generations to come.
For this reason, to successfully root out poverty, broader aims should be set to develop agriculture which is the main source of food supply in order to arrest hunger with increased food production.
In the present new millennium, the world is still facing the challenge of ensuring sufficient food for the people.
All the developed and developing nations in the world are required to cooperate in implementing the tasks to achieve sustainable success in realizing the aims of ensuring sufficient food for the whole of civilization and being free from poverty and hunger, to narrow the gap of wealth and technology among the nations in the world, to ensure the emergence of a harmonious, peaceful and pleasant world for all mankind, to see that there are no ills such as environmental degradation, an outbreak of war and discrimination, and to enable all human beings to have equal access to education and health services of high standard and social privileges.

The Union of Myanmar, though a developing nation, has managed to achieve sufficiency of food for all her citizens and to improve education, health and social standards to a certain degree. At the same time, she has been able to preserve a harmonious, peaceful and pleasant environment and to improve favourable fundamental conditions.
Myanmar has been laying down strategies for progress of agriculture and rural economy. The present population of the nation is over 51 million, and its area is over 676,000 square kilometres. Thus, it can be said that the country's surface area and population are in a proper ratio. In view of the nation's topographical conditions and natural resources, Myanmar is in a position to develop her economy based on agriculture with the utilization of the combined forces of meat and fish sector and forestry sector, not only for the short term, but also for the long term. Sixty-five percent of the nation's labour force is engaged in rural-based agricultural, meat and fish and forestry economic undertakings which contribute mainly to food production. The agricultural, meat and fish and forestry sector is contributing to the gross national product by 42 percent.
Throughout her history, Myanmar has striven for development of sector-wise infrastructures and to enhance productivity.
The present government is constantly rendering assistance to the agricultural sector to restore the nation's former status as one of
the largest food exporters of the world. It has laid down aims to boost rice production, to meet the edible oil domestic demand, and to boost beans and pulses and industrial crops production by applying various means to extend cultivated areas, to supply adequate amount of irrigation water and to develop farm machinery manufacturing enterprises. On the other hand, it is making arrangements to develop the use of modern agricultural methods and high-yield crop strains. In this context, the nation is
enjoying significant progress in the agricultural production
The cultivable area of the nation's agricultural sector is 18 million hectares, and of the 18 million hectares, the private sector investment has been permitted to be able to cultivate crops on eight million hectares; successful national entrepreneurs have been encouraged to engage in the agricultural sector. Within a short span of time, 125 dams have been built to irrigate 700,000 hectares of land. In addition, 253 river pumped-water stations have also been built.

The significant result is that these irrigation facilities can supply water to two million hectares of the nation's 10 million hectares of cultivation land. In this way, extension of the nation's cultivation areas and boosting of food production have led to socio-economic progress of her people.
As for Myanmar, the role of the meat and fish and marine resources sector is vital in serving the interests of the people. As the coastline of Myanmar which is rich in marine resources is 2,800 kilometres long, it has favourable conditions to catch fish and prawn and exploit other marine resources. Commercial farming of fresh water fish and prawn is being extended as the nation has an abundant array of natural watercourses and lakes. As the water resources are being exploited under the long-term conservation plan, it is hoped that Myanmar will become one of the main marine-resources-based countries.
In addition to the agricultural and meat and fish sector, the nation possesses the valuable natural forests covering 33 million hectares or 50 percent of her land surface. Forests are not only the economic resources, but also the basic foundation for environmental protection and maintaining a balanced climate, and, because of the nation's sustainable and systematic forest conservation system, which can be said a model for other countries, it can continuously exploit her forest resources for the long-term national interests.
The Myanmar forestry sector's possession of the largest area of teak bearing forests in the world and various species of hardwood forests stands as the pride of the nation. Harmonious efforts being made in exploiting forest products and in implementing long-term forest conservation and regeneration programmes help develop the socio-economy of rural people. In addition, the favourable climatic and natural conditions are also helping to benefit the nation's food production sector. Furthermore, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given the guidance to implement five tasks systematically Ñ to better transport conditions in rural areas, to supply water for agriculture and hygienic drinking-water, to uplift education and health standard of the people in rural areas and to improve business in rural areas. Therefore, governmental departments, non-governmental organizations and the people have been joining hands with one another in implementing these tasks.
We believe that the Union of Myanmar does not face any food problem at present and will never face the problem in the future either, as it is systematically implementing the task as planned all-round taking into account the growing population in the future. In addition to fulfilling her local demand, Myanmar will also help fulfil the local and international food requirements to the best of her ability.
As a member of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Myanmar is actively engaged in realizing the lofty aims and work programmes harmoniously with other member countries. Myanmar has committed herself to working together with other member nations to materalize the decisions passed by the FAO Summit, which are, to achieve sustainable economic development in order to lay down plans to reduce poverty and to promote job opportunities and income sources for the poor, to take precautionary measures to guard against food insufficiency, to give priority to sustainable progress of agriculture, rural economy etc. in building a world which is free from hunger.
In conclusion, I would like to urge all to contribute earnest efforts to implementing the task in accord with the theme
"Fight Hunger to Reduce Poverty" to see that the world is
free from widening gap between the rich and poor, the great difference in the sharing of wealth, imbalanced food distribution resulting from extreme inequality in wealth, hardships being encountered in the absence of stability and peace, rapid environmental degradation and inequalities due to gender and racial discrimination.
Resident Representative of World Food Organization Mr Bhaskar Barua read the message sent by the director-general of United Nations World Food Organization.
Then, the World Food Day commemorative video was shown.
Afterwards, prizes for outstanding performance in cultivation of crops, forestry work and livestock breeding work were presented to townships, farmers and breeders.
First, the Secretary-1 presented first, second and third prizes for outstanding performance in cultivation of monsoon paddy to Bogale Township of Ayeyawady Division, Phyu Township of Bago Division and MraukU Township of Rakhine State respectively; first, second and third prizes for outstanding performance in cultivation of monsoon paddy to U Aung Khin of Phayagyi Sanpya Village-tract in Bago Township, Bago Division, U Bo Cho of Kyakhatkwin Village-tract in Hinthada Township, Ayeyawady Division and U Saw Maung of Panya Village-tract in Madaya Township, Mandalay Division respectively; first, second and third prizes for outstanding performance in cultivation of summer paddy to Maubin Township of Ayeyawady Division, Kyaiklat Township of Ayeyawady Division and Taikkyi Township of Yangon Division respectively, and first, second and third prizes for outstanding performance in cultivation of summer paddy to U Tin Thein of Mayangyaung Village-tract in Wakema Township, Ayeyawady Division, U Pe Hlaing of Yetalabaung Village-tract in Hlegu Township, Yangon Division and U Ohn Myaing of Peinegon Village-tract in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State respectively.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin presented the prize for outstanding performance in cultivation of groundnut to Myinmu Township in Sagaing Division and U Maung Win of Wegyi Village-tract in Monyo Township, Bago Division (West), the prize for outstanding performance in cultivation of sesame to Magway Township in Magway Division U Maung Maung Shwe of Wewun Village-tract in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago Division and the prize for outstanding performance in cultivation of sunflower to Pwintbyu Township in Magway Division and U Htay Win of Kayinchaung Village-tract in Kyauktan Township, Yangon Division, and U Tin Gyi of Patok Village-tract in Thongwa Township, Yangon Division respectively.
Resident Representative of UN WFO Mr Bhaskar Barua presented the prize for outstanding performance in cultivation of green gram to Zalun Township of Ayeyawady Division and U Hla Khin of Hlegu Village-tract in Minhla Township, Bago Division (West), the prize for outstanding performance in cultivation of pedisein to Thongwa Township of Yangon Division and U Htay (a) U Htwe of Ward 7 in Kayan Township, Yangon Division, and the prize for outstanding performance in cultivation of pigeon pea to Mahlaing Township of Mandalay Division and U Hti Baw of Kyweye Village-tract in Monywa Township, Sagaing Division respectively.
Deputy Minister for Agriculture & Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung presented first, second and third prizes for outstanding performance in cultivation of pre-monsoon long-staple cotton to Myittha Township Pyawbwe Town-
ship and Yamethin Township of Mandalay Division respectively and U Tha Yin of Myittha Township, U Shwe Mann of Pyawbwe Township and U Min Aung of Myittha Township Mandalay Division respectively. The deputy minister also present the first, second and third prizes for outstanding performance in cultivation of post-monsoon long-staple cotton to Aunglan Township of Magway Division, Minhla Township of Magway Division and Kyaukse Township of Mandalay Division respectively and U Chi of Kyaukse Township, U Chit Myint of Singaing Township and U Kan Nyunt of Kyaukse Township respectively.
Then, Deputy Minister for Agriculture & Irrigation U Ohn Myint presented the first prize to Yedashe Township, Bago Division, for outstanding performance in sugarcane cultivation; the second prize to Pyinmana Township, Mandalay Division, and the third prize to Htantabin Township, Bago Division; the first prize to U Myo Naing Than of Yedashe Township for outstanding performance in sugarcane cultivation; the second prize to U Htwa of the same township and the third prize to U Waing of Paukkhaung Township, Bago Division (West).
Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe presented best fish and prawn breeding honorary awards to Rakhine State Extended Prawn Breeding Supervisory Committee (Sittway); Yangon Division Extended Prawn Breeding Sub-committee (Yangon); Ayeyawady Division Extended Prawn Breeding (Pathein); Ayeyawady Division Extended Fish Breeding Supervisory Committee (Pathein); Yangon Division Extended Fish Breeding Supervisory Committee (Yangon); Mandalay Division Fish Extended Breeding Supervisory Committee (Mandalay); best livestock and fishery awards to Ayeyawady Division Extended Fish and Meat Production Association (Pathein); Taninthayi Division Extended Fish and Meat Production Association (Dawei) and Yangon Divsion Extended Fish and Meat Production Association (Yangon).
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein presented honorary awards to U Ohn Kywe of Bayintnaung Kyawhtin Nawrahta Ward, Twantay, Yangon Division, for outstanding performance in breeding fresh water fish; U Hla Than of Tatpyin Ward in Myeik, Taninthayi Division, for outstanding performance in breeding sea fish; U Htay Myint of Ngwehsaung Thazin Yuzana Co, Ayeyawady Division, for outstanding performance in breeding sea prawns; U Khin Soe of Annawa Hlwan Co Ltd of Yangon Division, for outstanding performance in production of sea fish and Chairman U Nyo Min of Min Zarni Co Ltd in Hlaingthaya Industrial Zone, Yangon Division, for outstanding performance in earning foreign currency by exporting marine products.
Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein presented honorary awards to the Yangon Division Fisheries Camp of Fisheries Department (Hlawga) for outstanding performance in production of new fish strains; Managing Director U Aung Naing Oo of Annawa Mon Feedstuff and General Production Cooperative Ltd in Thakayta Township for outstanding performance in innovation and production; Jowa Kyangin Village, Pyapon Township, Ayeyawady Division, for outstanding performance in development of model livestock breeding village and the Vaccine Production Section of the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department (Yangon) for outstanding performance in production of new castle I2 vaccine project of Htanaungwin Village, Monywa Township, Sagaing Division.
Director-General of the Forest Department of the Ministry of Forestry U Shwe Kyaw presented the first prize to the special teak plantation (Taungmyanaung extended forest reserve) in Ingapu Township, Ayeyawady Division, for outstanding performance in carrying out work of special teak plantations; the second prize to the special teak plantation (Khapaung plantation) in Ottwin Township, Bago Division (East) and the third prize to the special teak plantation (Yan Aung forest reserve) in Lewe Township, Mandalay Division. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and the guests viewed booths to mark year 2001 World Food Day at the IBC.
( 2 ) Myanmar permits ILO high level team to come not because of pressures by any country, group or institution but due to desire to remove
misunderstandings between international community and Myanmar
Secretary-1 attends closing ceremony of Course in Diplomacy No 3/2001
Yangon, 16 Oct- The Course in Diplomacy No 3/2001 for officers, organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, concluded at the Wunzin Minyaza Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 11.30 am today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, Myanmar ambassadors, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, directors-general, deputy directors-general, departmental officials, course instructors and trainees.
First, the Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said:
I wish to extend to the Ministers, Departmental Heads, Course Instructors, invited guests and trainees best wishes for your good heath and happiness. May you be able increasingly shoulder responsibilities for the welfare of the country and people.
This is the third time that a course on diplomacy has been organized. The graduation ceremony provides a welcome opportunity to address the trainees. The occasion benefits not only the keynote speaker and the trainees but also the country. I am therefore pleased to have this opportunity to address this graduating class of the third course in diplomacy for officers organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
During the 16 weeks of the course, trainees have been able to study international affairs, norms of international relations, international law, as well as issues concerning the global economy and international organizations.

I am confident that the officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Ministries who attended the course have gained substantial experience regarding international affairs and diplomacy. In view of the fast-changing international situation, it is imperative that not only foreign service officials but all public servants be well versed in global affairs and diplomacy.
The international situation today is greatly complicated and delicate. It may be seen that vast transformations taking place in the world are having unbelievably adverse effects on the world economy. There is no doubt that this situation will have a negative impact on small countries like ours that are not economically strong. In the present circumstance, it may be predicted that the world economic situation will deteriorate even further. The condition is likely to last for some time. In our region of Southeast Asia, which is just beginning to see hopeful signs of recovery from the 1997 financial crisis, the adverse trends are bound to have negative impacts to a certain extent on the regional economic situation.
In order to meet the challenges in the long run, the Head of State has urged frugality and increased productivity. He has given guidance on frugal use of electricity and lubricants, urging the nation:
"To increase productivity while practising austerity; to practise austerity while increasing
Under the circumstances, the Government has been striving its utmost to overcome the adverse effects from the outside and to develop political, economic and foreign relations in order to achieve our goal of a modern and developed democratic State. The Government has been making efforts to consolidate the forces within the country to lay down firm foundations for enduring peace and prosperity. Internal strife, which once hindered the development of the country, is coming to an end. We have left the door open for those who have not yet returned to the legal fold, as we wish to see all our brethren forget past grievances and join hands in the development of the country. The Government is sincere in its belief that all citizens must work hand in hand in striving to develop the country. It is with this belief that we are working for the good of the country and the people.
As all are aware, good foundations have been laid in the economic sector of the country. The Government has been endeavouring to improve the economy, to reduce the gap between the urban and the rural areas and for all the national races to enjoy the fruits of development equally.
Due to the peace and development that has been achieved in the country, even the remote areas are now enjoying marked economic development. Educational and health facilities are being included in the programmes
being implemented in the rural areas to raise the living standard of
the national races. With regard to foreign relations, Myanmar is
actively engaged in international and regional affairs in keeping
with her independent and active foreign policy. Consequently, it may
be said
that Myanmar's prestige is rising in the international arena. In promoting her interest, Myanmar places special emphasis on her relations with neighbouring countries and other countries in the region. We will cooperate more closely with our neighbouring countries in the political, diplomatic, economic and social fields. Accordingly, Myanmar's relations with neighbouring countries continue to develop day by day.
Just as emphasis is being given to bilateral relations, Myanmar will focus on achieving solidarity with regional organizations. Myanmar will work diligently to perform her duties in regional organizations such as ASEAN, BIMST-EC and the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation.
Myanmar will seek to be more active in the international arena. Myanmar is cooperating with the United Nation in various fields. Myanmar not only accepted the ILO High Level Team but also allowed it to freely visit various parts of the country. We did so to make our situation known to the world. We wish to demonstrate our genuine sincerity in cooperating with the ILO and prove that accusations made by the opposition groups, insurgents and expatriates are unfounded. We permitted the High Level Team to come not because of pressures by any country, group or institution but due to our desire to remove misunderstandings between the international community and us. The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, Senior General Than Shwe himself, received the High Level Team. This demonstrates our goodwill and sincerity.
However, some western countries that do not understand and appreciate the true situation in Myanmar continue to hold jaundiced views and are trying to harm the interests of the people. Those who have subjective views are in the minority. It may be observed that their personally-motivated actions have had negative impacts on the economic sector.
The Government will continue to strive with sincerity to ensure that the international community will have a better appreciation of Myanmar's objectives and policies. On the other hand, it may be seen that some individuals and groups who do not wish to see development in Myanmar are still trying to work for the detriment of the country. Accordingly, public servants should be well acquainted with the prevailing situation and policies of the State. At the same time as Myanmar enters the mainstream of international activities and plays an increasingly active role, those who are responsible for international relations must be highly qualified. Only then will we be able to keep abreast with the fast-changing world.
Allow me to say how pleased I am with the arrangements made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct courses in international affairs for foreign service officials and officials from other Ministries. I wish to express my appreciation to the responsible officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who successfully conducted this training course as well as to all the professors and Ambassadors who gave lectures with cetana.
In conclusion, I wish to convey my best wishes for all the trainees:
Ñ may you become good diplomats, and
Ñ may you become loyal public servants who will always keep the interest of the nation and the people in the forefront.
Then, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung presented certificates to the trainees.
Altogether 35 trainees from ministries attended the 16-week course.
( 3 ) State believes learned monks produced by Sasana universities will discharge missionary duties in nation and abroad
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt unveils the stone inscription of Maha
Convocation Hall of State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon)

Yangon, 16 Oct- The opening ceremony and merit-sharing ceremony of the Maha Convocation Hall of the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs was held at the hall on Kaba Aye Hill here at 7.45 am today.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony and formally unveiled the stone inscription.
Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and development Council Office, departmental heads, officials, donors and distinguished guests.

The opening ceremony was held in front of the hall. Vocalist Daw Yee Yee Thant sang a song.
Then, the Commander and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin formally opened the hall.
Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin read out the stone inscription.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt pressed the button to unveil the stone inscription and sprinkled scented water on it.
Members of the Sangha led by Vice-Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Aungmyay Bonsan Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Panindabhivamsa, Ovada Sayadaws, Tipitakadhara Sayadaws, Pro-Rector Sayadaw of the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Patron Sayadaws and Sayadaws of the State Pariyatti Sasana Universities totalling 63 members of the Sangha, the Secretary-1 and the congregation attended the merit-sharing ceremony held at the hall.
The ceremony was opened with three times recitation of Namo Tassa.

The congregation received the Five Precepts from Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Aungmyay Bonsan Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pa–indabhivamsa. The members of the Sangha recited Parittas.
The Secretary-1 explained the donation.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said the First Congregation of the Sangha of All Orders for the Purification, Perpetuation and Propagation of the Sasana passed a resolution Ñ revising the pariyatti examinations and holding them Ñ in order to enhance the probity of the Buddhist monks and to apply means which will lead members of the Sangha to be well-versed both in Myanmar and Pali in studying Pariyatti. The first congregation was held on 27 May 1980. In accord with the resolution, the First State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee made the decision to set up one State Pariyatti Sasana University each in Yangon and Mandalay, to confer Sasana Takkacila Dhammacariya and the Sasana Takkacila Maha Dhammacariya titles and to assign the duty to Secretary of the Sate Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Visithatipitakadhaja Maha Tipitaka Kovida Dhamma Bandagarika Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Sad-dhammajotika Mingun Saya-daw Bhaddanta Vicittasara-bhivamsa to provide necessary facilities to the universities.
Due to the efforts of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vicittasarabhivamsa, the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) was opened on 26 June 1986.
The Sayadaw transferred the universities to the State on 31 May 1992 for their perpetuation.
The government has been making extra efforts to provide facilities, robes,
"soon" and medicines to all the lecturer monks and trainee monks of the universities to ensure their convenience.
The government while endeavouring day and night to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation, is also striving for purification, perpetuation and propagation of the Sasana under the ovada of the eminent Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe visited the Sasana University in Yangon on 28 July 1996 and paid respects to the patron Sayadaws and the lecturer monks; as he was desirous of building a splendid convocation hall at the university, he gave the guidance to the officials to build the hall.
In line with the guidance, the 160-foot by 90-foot convocation hall, which is 85 feet high, was built at a cost of over K 200 million.
The construction work began on 12 July 1998 and completed now. The seventh convocation of the university will be held at the hall on 30 December 2001 on a grand scale.
It is an encouraging sign for the Sasana, as the nation believes that the learned monks produced by the universities will discharge missionary duties in hill and border regions of Myanmar and abroad.
The Myanmar people under the leadership of the State is making generous efforts in providing facilities and other necessary assistance to the monks. In conclusion, he wished all to be blessed with peace and happiness for their efforts.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt then presented offertories to eminent monks led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Pa–indabhivamsa.
The commander, the ministers and the deputy ministers also presented offertories to the monks.
Vice-Chancellor of the universities Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta
Kumara delivered a sermon. The congregation shared the merits
Maha Janaka Drama Competition continues
Yangon, 16 Oct- U Nan Win Drama Troupe of Yangon Division Group-1 took part in the Maha Janaka Drama Competition at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this evening, attended by Patron of the Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were member of the Panel of Patrons of the Organizing the Performing Arts Competitions member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, members of the Panel of Patrons of the Organizing the Performing Arts Competitions, ministers, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, the chairman of the Work Committee and members, members of the Panel of Judges and the people. On 17 October, U Thein Zaw
Drama Troupe of Yangon Division Group-2 will take part in the
competition at the same venue.
( 4 )
Minister inspects aircraft at Yangon International Airport

Yangon, 16 Oct- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Director-General U Win Maung of Department for Civil Aviation and officials inspected aircraft of Myanmar Airways, Air Mandalay, Yangon Airways and Myanmar Airways International at Yangon International Airport this morning.
Then, the minister inspected the new Fokker F-27 planes and gave instructions on cleanliness on board, arrangements for convenience of the passengers and flight safety.
The minister inspected boarding of passengers and departure of the planes.
The minister and party inspected mechanical department of Myanma Airways where the technical chief engineer and officials reported on the functions. The minister then gave instructions.
Based in Toungoo Airport, four Fokker F-28s and seven Fokker F-27s will extend the flights including Toungoo-Loikaw-Heho-Tachilek, Toungoo-Heho-Kengtung-Tachilek and Toungoo, Heho-Namhsam-Monghsat-Kengtung, Mandalay-Lashio-Bhamao-Myitkyina-Putao and Yan-gon-Magway-Mandalay routes beginning from 18 October.
Electric Power Minister inspects projects
Yangon, 16 Oct- Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, accompanied by officials, arrived at Kamone Creek Hydro-electric Power Project site on 13 October. Project Director U Aung Koe Shwe and officials reported matters on the work so far carried out and the Minister gave instructions on further implementation of the project. He also fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the minister and party inspected the tasks being carried out for construction of the embankment and hydel plant, entrance of the diversion tunnel and inlet of water flow to the plant.
The Minister gave necessary instructions on worksite safety, systematic handling of vehicles and machines and health care service of the staff.
On 14 October, the minister and party arrived at Kyunchaung Gas Power Plant. Deputy Chief Engineer U Htay Myint, factory manager U Aung Win and officials reported on generation of electricity at Nos 1 and 2 Power Plants and repair of No 3 Power Plant. The Minister gave necessary instructions. Then, the minister and party inspected the power control room, Nos 1 and 2 Power Plants and repair works of Nos 3. He also fulfilled the requirements.
( 5 ) Tanlwe Bridge in Rakhine State inaugurated
Yangon, 16 Oct- A ceremony to inaugurate Tanlwe Bridge on Taungup-Maei-Tanlwe-Kyaukpyu Road in Rakhine State was held at the venue this morning.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun gave speeches.

On behalf of local residents, a member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association spoke words of thanks.
Afterwards, the commander presented a gift to Project Engineer of the bridge Deputy Superintending Engineer U Soe Myint.
At the auspicious time, Commander Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened the bridge. Next, the minister unveiled the stone inscriptions of the bridge.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and guests passed through the bridge and the ceremony came to an
Dengue haemorrhagic fever control activities inspected
Yangon, 16 Oct- Member of Myanmar National Health Committee Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay inspected Yangon Division dengue fever haemorrhagic fever control launching with mass participation in Ward 1 of Mayangon Township this morning.
( 6 )
Minister receives Chief Reporter of CCTV

Yangon, 16 Oct - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received the TV crew led by Chief Reporter Mr Ma Baishan of CCTV of the People's Republic of China, at his office at 1 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and
( 7 )
Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue
Yangon, 16 Oct- The Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the second day at the respective venues today.
The song composing competition of the Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the National Museum on Pyay Road, the dance competition at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township, the song composing competition at Kanbawza Theatre of Fine Arts Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and the music competition at Padonma Theatre in Sangyoung Township and the Kanbawza Theatre this morning.
Present were member of the Panel of Patrons Chairman of Leading Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, member of the Panel of Patrons Minister for Culture U Win Sein, Vice-Chairman of Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Work Committee Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo and members, teachers, students and enthusiasts.
The song composing competition was held at the National Museum. Altogether 16 contestants took part in the basic education level aged 10-15
girls' song competition with the song "Lumahnaw".
In the afternoon, 12 contestants took part in the higher education level
boys' song competition with the song "Thuwanashan".
Chairman of panel of judges Daw Tin Tin Mya supervised the competition.
Basic education level aged 5-10 boys' classical song competition and basic education level aged 10-15 women's old and modern song competition will be held on 17 October.
The dance competition began at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township. Altogether 14 contestants took part in basic education level aged 15-20
boys' competition.
In the afternoon, 16 contestants participated in basic education level aged 5-10
girls' dance competition.
Amateur level boys' dance competition and higher education level girl's dance competition will be held at the National Theatre on 17 October.
The song composing competition was held at Kanbawza Theatre.
Ten contestants participated in higher education level song composing competition and 11 contestants took part in basic education level aged 15-20 song composing competition.
Chairman of panel of judges Bogalay U Tint Aung and members supervised the competition.
The amateur and professional level song composing competitions will be held at Kanbawza Theatre on 17 October.
The music competition was held at Padonma Theatre. Six contestants participated in professional level individual men's saing competition.
In the afternoon, four contestants took part in professional level individual men's saing competition.
Nine contestants participated in basic education level aged 15-20 boys' individual saing competition.
Member of panel of judges U Sein Satin supervised the competitions.
The professional level men's team saing competition amd basic education level aged 15-20
boys' team saing competition will be held on 17 October.
Mandolin competition continues at Kanbawza Theatre
Yangon, 16 Oct- The mandolin competition of the Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued at the Kanbawza Theatre on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Bahan Township at 9 am today.
In the morning, 14 contestants took part in the professional level (women's and men's) mandolin competition. In the afternoon, four contestants participated in the basic education level (aged 10-15)
girls' and boys' mandolin competition.
U Moe Aung, U Maung Maung Tok and members supervised the mandolin competition.
Contestants of the basic education level (aged 15-20) boys' and the higher education level (men's) mandolin competitions will be held at the same venue tomorrow.
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Win Thuza Shop opens at No 1 Transit Centre
Yangon, 16 Oct- Win Thuza Shop of the Ministry of Industry-1 and private shops open at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) and sell personal goods, various kinds of medicines, soft drinks, longyis, shoes and slippers, ceramic goods, garments and other personal goods to delegates of the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions.
Similarly, the local and trunk-call station of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications of the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs opens at the centre.
Work Committee, sub-committees,
team managers meet
Yangon, 16 Oct- The Work Committee for Organizing the 9th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, sub-committees and State / Division team managers held a coordination meeting at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) at 5 pm today.
Work Committee Chairman No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo gave a speech and sub-committee members and team managers took part in the discussions.
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) Drug trafficker gets 20 years
Yangon, 16 Oct- A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Kyaw Oo of plot No 447, Dagon Seikkan Township, and seized 2.286 kilos of marijuana at 3.30 pm on 26 October 2000.
The South Dagon Police Station filed Kyaw Oo, 35, son of U Aung Thein of Nyaungwaing village, Kyauktaga Township, under Section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Yangon East District Court handed down 20
years' imprisonment on him under Section 19(A) on 27 September 2001.
Please read K 111,111 donated by All Myanmar Tamil Hindu Foundation, K 100,001 by Tamil Hindu Religious Affairs Fund Group, and K 100,001 by Asia King Co Ltd in the news
"Tatmadaw families, well-wishers donate provisions to Sarthintaiks, Thanantana Dhammapalaka
Organization" which appeared on page 2 of 14 October 2001 NLM issue.