1 ) Secretary-1 attends formation ceremony of
Association of Myanmar Architects
angon, 13 Oct- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the formation ceremony of the Association of Myanmar Architects at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, the officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, patrons of the Association of Myanmar Architects, Chairman of AMA Pro-Rector of Yangon Technological University Dr Hla Than, executives, members and guests.

Chairman of AMA Pro-Rector Dr Hla Than extended greetings.
The Secretary-1 said that at a time when the State Peace and Development Council is making all-out efforts with the participation of the entire national people to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with others, the emergence of an association of architects, who play an important role in striving for the development of the State, amounts to that of another strong national force on which the State can rely.
As the State Peace and Development Council is striving for the development of the nation on self-reliance with the aim of enabling the nation and the people to stand tall in the world community, emphasis is being given to the emergence of national forces comprising intellectuals and intelligentsia, artistes and national entrepreneurs.
As the government is paying priority to the emergence of national forces and the entire national people has come to participate in the task under the leadership of the government, national forces which are reliable for the nation-building tasks have emerged in such sectors as the women sector, the maternal and child sector, the technological sector, the economic sector and the social welfare sector.
In the national development and construction sector, Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association and the Association of Myanmar Engineers have come into existence; the emergence of the Association of Myanmar Architects adds new strength to the national forces for the nation-building tasks.
A study of the international situation shows that the nations in the world, while striving to keep pace with the advancement and changes of science and technology, are working for national development and the progress of people.
The State Peace and Development Council, while making strenuous efforts to make sure that the Union of Myanmar does not lag behind other nations in international development and changing process, is working hard to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with others in terms of development, to promote national economic development and prosperity and to improve the living standard of the national people.

As is known to all, the government has relied on Myanmar engineers and architects in building such infrastructures as urban development projects, religious buildings and modern high-rise buildings.
Due to the skills of Myanmar engineers and architects, such infrastructures as dams and reservoirs, river-crossing bridges, international port and airports have emerged one after another all over the nation.
In addition, the emergence of the modern urban lay-out plans, modern high-rise buildings, condominiums, five star hotels, modern departmental stores, modern banks, international golf courses and amusement parks, beach resorts and garden cities can be attributed to the skills of Myanmar architects, and in this way, they have been able to improve the international image of the nation. Myanmar people have set up city states with high civilization, and they have been in the vanguard of architecture.
This fact has been proved by the systematic lay-out plan of ancient Myanmar cities, religious edifices which are a wonder of architecture, cultural buildings and palace sites.
The town planning and landscape architecture of high standard can be seen in such ancient cities as Beikthano and Hanlin which were built in first century AD.
The pagodas built during the period of Thayaykhittaya in about fifth century AD show the architecture of high standard. During the period of Bagan, the architecture of such religious edifices as Shwezigon Pagoda, Ananda Pagoda, Thabbyinnyu Pagoda, U Pali Ordination Hall and Pitakattaik is of high standard.

Tourists are struck with these religious edifices.
Furthermore, a study of five-tiered, seven-tiered and nine-tiered monasteries in Mandalay, Sale and Pakokku and all over the nation shows that Myanmar architecture and designs are of high standard.
In addition, architectural wood designs in Shwekyaunggyi, Bagaya Kyaungtaikgyi, Sale Yoke-sone Kyaung and Pakhan Kyaungdawgyi and architectural designs in Mainu Oakkyaung reflect the high civilization of ancient Myanmar people and their systematic architecture.
A view of ancient architecture shows how much ancient Myanma architects excelled in calculation and measurements.
Everybody can be proud of the fact that pagodas and temples have been existing for many years and their designs which allows light and ventilation are wonderful.
The most outstanding architectural wonder is the design and proportionate size of the Shwedagon Pagoda, and it can inspire much piety in the people.
He said ancient Myanmar technicians could make on orientation, vertical and horizontal measurement without using the compass and modern instruments.
This showed that Myanma architecture developed in Myanmar style. Myanma buildings are prominent in design and they have been still in existence in typical Myanmar style, he said.
He said he believed that architectural works in Myanmar style can stand proud in the world will emerge with the combination of high Myanmar architecture and modern architecture.
He called for preservation of Myanmar style artistic works and learning of modern architecture and other related technology. The Secretary-1 spoke of the need for architects to actively participate in nation-building tasks as the architects of international standard.
He said Myanmar youths are brilliant. Last year, Ma Chaw Kalayar and Ma Khin Htet Htet Zaw of Yangon Technological University won honourable mention in architectural design competition jointly sponsored by Oxford Brooks University and University of Florence, ETA Florence, he said.
This showed that there are a lot of brilliant youths among Myanmar architects and they learnt architecture of international standard. It is obvious that they are outstanding in international field, he added.
He said efforts are to be made for turning out new generation architects while cooperating with Myanmar architects and international architects association for development of architecture and modernization.
The Secretary-1 urged the architects to participate in efforts for national development as national forces, hand in hand with associations such as Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association, Myanmar Engineering Association.
He said they are to create high architectural works with the use of qualified knowledge on architecture and their abilities and innovations in order to stand tall in the world as the brilliant Myanmar architects.
The Secretary-1 also urged them to serve the interests of the nation, the people and the association in unity under the banner of the Association of Myanmar Architects.
The history of Myanmar architecture and its performances were presented with the aids of audio visual aids.
The Secretary-1 presented certificates of honour to officials of Ayon Oo Construction Co that donated K 700,000 for Association of Myanmar Architects and Zaykabar Co, Kanbawza Bank Ltd, Yuzana Co, Asia World Co, Olympic Construction Co and Asia Express that donated for 500,000 each for the association.
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung presented certificates of honour to officials of Htutkhaung Co, Toasta Co, Asia Tawwin Special Clinic, Shwekyarpyan Co, Chensu Myanmar Co, V-pile Co, Myanma Ahla Construction, Simma Co and Myanmar Oriental
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects all-round construction works at Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 13, Oct-Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived this morning at Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Council Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, officials and members of the Board of Trustees.
The Secretary-1 paid obeisance to the where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.
The Secretary-1 inspected the sample of Seinbudaw to be kept at the Gandhakuti Kyawdawgyi.
The Secretary-1 inspected progress of work on Gandhakuti Kyawdawgyi, preparations for construction of Hmankyaung hall and progress of work on northern stairway and religious buildings. Officials reported on works done.
The Secertary-1 then gave instructions and left there at noon.
( 3 ) Tatmadaw families, wellwishers donate
provisions to Sarthintaiks, Thanantana Dhammapalaka Organization
Yangon, 13 Oct- Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers offered rice, edible oil, salt, medicine, gram and cash to Naynattha Sarthintaik on Bagaya Road in Sangyoung Township, Yangon West District, this morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Sangyoung Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Administrator Sayadaw of the Sarthintaik Bhaddanta Janaka and members of the Sangha, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, senior military officers, Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U San Win and officials, members of Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Union Solidarity and Development Association, teachers and
students and wellwishers.
The Township Chairman Sayadaw administered the Five Precepts.
Then, Commodore Soe Thein, senior military officers and departmental officials offered provisions to members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, Commodore Soe Thein, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and Col Ye Chit Pe of the Ministry of Defence presented provisions donated by Tatmadaw families to the Sayadaws.
Similarly, Yangon West District and Township Peace and Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, Traditional Medicine Department and wellwishers offered rice, salt, fine salt and traditional medicines to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, Ministry
of Commerce presented K 100,000, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council K 3,000, the chairman of Township Peace and Development Council K 10,000, the secretary of Township USDA K 21,000, Sandi Traditional Medicine family K 15,000,
U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt of BTB Co, K 20,000,
U Maung Maung, U Maung Maung Sein and brothers of Great Wall Traditional Medicine Industry K 50,000, Hmancho Medicine House K 20,000, Myintmyat Paddy Cultivation family K 20,000, Sangyoung Township USDA K 5,000, Township MCWA K 5,000, Township Upahtaka Group K 5,000, Kaythipan Medical Hall K 200,000, Kanmyint Kyaungtaik Waiya-wutsa Group of Aungchantha Ward in Sangyoung Township K 180,000, Mr Che and Daw Maysi K 100,000, Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association K 10,000 and Brokers Association K 10,000 and U Nyein-Daw Ohn Kyin of OK Rice Trading K 10,000, U Tun Tun Kyaw (a) Kan Pwint Kyaw
of Insein K 54,000, Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara Thiha Thudhamma Mani-jotadhara U Kyaw Min and family K 50,000, U Sai Maung Phwe-Daw Yi Yi Myint K 50,000, U Soe Win Naing-Daw Win Win Htay K 50,000, Naga Phanmyay Hmanmyay family K 20,000, Maung Min Min-Ma Mya Kay Thwe K 20,000, Daw Khin Saw of Yadanamon Housing Estate K 10,000, Daw Than Kyi of Kyimyindine K 50,000, Ma Aye Aye Thein of Kyimyin-dine K 46,000, Daw Kun Kyi of University Avenue K 36,000, Ma Thanda Tun of U Kywe Hoe Street K 25,000, U Win Tin-Daw Saw Kywe of Htidan Housing Estate K 20,000, U Khin Maung Latt-Daw San Tint and family K 20000 and U Aung Khaing (Advocate)-Daw San San Htay of Panhlaing Housing Estate K 10,000 to Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Brig-Gen Tin Soe, Col Ngwe Thein and Col Soe Myint.
Col Ngwe Thein of the Ministry of Defence supplicated on the purpose of the
Then, the Township Chairman Sayadaw delivered a sermon. Ashin Sucitta, on behalf of the congregation, shared merits gained.
Today's donations were 30 bags of rice, 12 viss of edible oil, one bag of gram, 150 viss of iodized salt, 15 boxes of fine salt, 612 bottles
of tradition medicine and K 1,190,590.
Likewise, a ceremony to donate provisions of Tatmadaw families and wellwishers was held at
Pali Tekkatho Aungmingala Taikthit in West Sawyanpaing Ward, Ahlon Township, this morning. Present were Sayadaws of the Sarthintaik, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein and senior military officers, departmental officials, district and township authorities, members of WCWA, MCWA and USDA and wellwishers. The congregation took the Five Precepts from Presiding Nayaka of the Taikthit Maha Ganthavanaka Pandita Bhaddanta Kosalla.
Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe and senior military officers donated provisions to the Sayadaws.
On behalf of the Tatmadaw families, Commodore Soe Thein, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and Col Ye Chit Pe of the Ministry of Defence offered 62 bags of rice, 25 viss of edible oil and 50 viss of grams to the Sayadaws.
Similarly, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, Traditional Medicine
Department, Myanma Electric Power Enterprise, Myanma Timber Enterprise, district and township authorities, Township Development Committee,
Forest Department and wellwishers presented offer-tories to the Sayadaws.
Commodore Soe Thein accepted K 100,000 donated by Ministry of Commerce, K 3,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K 10,000 by Fisheries
Department, K 10,000 by Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association and Brokers Association and K 10,000 by Bayintnaung OK Rice Trading; Brig-Gen Aung Kyi accepted K 20,000 by BTB Co, K 50,000 by U Khin Zaw-Daw Tin Tin, K 10,000 by Hmancho Medical Hall and K 5,000 by Myintmyat Paddy Cultivation; and Brig-Gen Tin Soe accepted K 10,000 by shopkeepers of Ahlon Market, K 10,000 by Township MCWA, K 30,000 by Great Wall traditional medicine industry and K 10,000 by Tun Shwewa Medical Hall.
Col Ngwe Thein of the Ministry of Defence supplicated on the purpose of the donations.
Secretary of Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Bhaddanta Kundala delivered a sermon and the congregation shared merits gained.
Today's donations for
Pali Tekkatho Aungmingala Taikthit were 110 bags of rice, 75 viss of edible oil, 50 bags of gram, 450 viss of iodized salt, 50 boxes of fine salt, 1,214 bottles of tradition medicine and K 283,000.
Similarly, Tatmadaw families and wellwishers presented offertories and cash to Thanantana Dhammapalaka Organization in Pabedan Township this afternoon.
Present were Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein, Director of Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Cmdr Soe Tint of the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Navy), senior military officers, officials, the chairman of the Myanmar Hindu Prophet Pujari League, officials and wellwishers.
The chairman of the League poured water for sharing merits gained. Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein, Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Cmdr Soe Tint presented provisions donated by Tatmadaw families to officials.
Then, the wellwishers also presented offertories to the
officials. Next, officials accepted K 100,000 donated by Ministry of Commerce, K 5,000 by Directorate of Supply and Transport, K 150,000 by Super Coffeemix, K 11,111 by All Myanmar Tamil Hindu Foundation, K 10,001 by Tamil Hindu Religious Affairs Fund Group, K 10,001 by Asia King Co Ltd, K 10,000 by Pabedan Township Peace and Development Council, K 5,000 by the Executive Officer's Office of Pabedan Township Development Committee, K 15,000 by BTB Co, K 10,000 by Hmancho
Medical Hall, K 3,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K 50,000 by Great Wall Traditional Medicine Industry, K 10,000 each by Win Yadana Transport, Tun Shwewa family and Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township, K 5,000 by Myint-myat Paddy Cultivation Group, K 71,000 by Myanmar Swiss Singapore Co Ltd, K 51,000 each by Thuwanna Nadi Trading Co, Shri Brindaban Bajoria family and Mya Yadanar Enterprise Ltd, K 50,050 each by U Thein Maung-Daw Pa Pa (Sandi Traditional medicine) and U Kyi Min-Daw Khin Aye Than, K 51,000 each by KMA Construction, Shri Bajrang Lal Sharma & Raj Kumar Sharma family, Satya Naryan Lihla family, Bandoola Int'l Ltd, Bandoola Travel & Tours, Vishal Enterprise, More Enterprise Myanmar Ltd, Golden Brother Store, ICCL Intercontinental Commodities Ltd, Wintel Exports Ltd, R Pyare Lal & Co and Shri Sham Lal Danuka, K 50,000 by families of U Khin Maung, K 33,000 by Maung Kyaw Win, K 31,000 by U Khin Maung Shwe-Daw Hla Hla, K 21,000 by U Ba Hla, K 20,030 by Thein Enterprise, K 20,000 each by Daw Halen and SK Samy, K 11,000 by Panimax Trading Myanmar Ltd and Harish Chandra Thakkar of Nippon TV, K 10,000 by Shanti Sagar International Ltd, K 20,000 by Diamond Crown Co Ltd, K 10,000 by Nand Lal Chand & family, K 5,040 by Thein Peik Hsaing, K10,000 by U Thein Aung, K 5,001 by Sein
family, K 5,500 by Chaudra Paudyal & family, K 20,000 by U Mutu of Dawbon Township, K 11,000 by Metta Dama Co and K 10,000 by U Soe Lwin-Daw May Yinma Htay.
Lt-Col Than Swe of the Ministry of Defence supplicated the purpose of the donations. Vice-Chairman of the Thanantana Dhammapalaka Organization U Kyi Min spoke words of thanks. At the cere-mony, wellwishers donated 49 bags of rice, 50 viss of edible oil, 50 viss of gram, 100 viss
of iodized salt, 10 boxes of fine salt, 506 bottles of traditional
medicine and K 1,992,784.
( 4 )
Victorious athletes honoured
Yangon, 13 Oct-The second four-monthly coordination meeting for 2001 of the Ministry of Transport was held for the second day in conjunction with a ceremony to present cash award to athletes of the ministry, who represent the State and took part in XXI SEA Games held in Malaysia at the meeting hall of the ministry at 9.30 am today.
It was attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, the directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, the deputy directors-general and general managers and officials.
Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than presented the reports of heads of department and regional in-charges. The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe. Then, the minister presented cash award to four and deputy ministers to six medallist. Out of 14 athletes of the ministry, who took part in the SEA Games, ten won bronze medals. The ten had been promoted and were awarded K 50,000 each.
Myanma Motion Picture Day observed
Yangon, 13 Oct -Myanma Motion Picture Day was observed with ceremony held at the Myanma Motion Picture Asiayon on Wingaba Road, Bahan Township, this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were movie doyens, Myanma Motion Picture Asiayon Vice-Chairman U Hla Myo and Executive Committee members, actors, actresses and technicians and others. U Chit Than Myint and U Htoo Thar acted as masters of ceremonies and Vice-Chairman U Hla Myo made a speech.
Then, to mark the 21st century Myanma Motion Picture Day, a ceremony to share experience and knowledge on motion picture was held. Talks on
" History of Myanma Motion Picture and Myanma Motion Picture DayÓ were given by film director U Tin Yu,
" TV Documentary International Standard Photography " by professional photographer U Zaw Min Yu,
" Challenges of Asian Film in the 21st Century " by writer and script-writer Tekkatho Phone Naing. They also replied to queries raised by those present on the occasion.
( 5 ) Minister views 2001 Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium
Yangon, 13 Oct Ñ Patron of the Central Committee for Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint arrived at the Mid-Year Myanma Gems Emporium being held at the Myanma Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
The minister was welcomed there by Chairman of the Central Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and CEC members.
After veiwing the sales of gem lots through tender and competitive bidding systems, the minister left the mart at 12.30 pm.
Gem merchants bought 42 gem lots at US $ 1,525,452 through competitive bidding from 9 am to 5 pm today. The sales of gem lots also continued in the evening.
So far, lots of jade and gems realised US $ 5,631,771 through tender and competitive bidding systems.
Jewellery, jade carvings and figurines, gems and jade sold at fixed prices fetched 9,404 US dollars to date.
Lots of pearl will be sold through competitive bidding and tender systems at 9 am tomorrow.
Altogether 615 gem merchants Ñ 302 foreign and 313 local merchants are attending the emporium.
ICT Forum to be held
Yangon, 13 Oct - The third International ICT Exhibition and ICT Forum,
" Opportunities and Issues in ICT Application and ICT Industry
Development", jointly organized by Myanmar Computer Scientist Association and Myanmar Computer Industry Association under the supervision of Myanmar Computer Federation will be held at the Traders Hotel on 19 and 20 October.
At the forum, foreign and local computer experts will lead the discussions.
Businessmen, computer entrepreneurs and those interested may contact the office of MCSA, 123, Natmauk Street, Bahan
Township, Yangon (Tel : 549531 and 707503).
( 6 )
Commander inspects fish breeding works
Yangon, 13 Oct-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, accompanied by Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and division level departmental officials, inspected digging of fish breeding ponds and fish breeding work in Yangon East District and North District today.
First, the commander arrived at Maso Bridge Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Project being implemented by Yangon City Development Committee in Dagon Myothit, Yangon East District in the afternoon.
At the briefing hall, member of YCDC U Aung Soe reported to the commander on plans to be carried out, fish breeding work on 61 acre pond, breeding of 100,000 fish on 19-acre pond, plans to breed pigs on the embankment of fish breeding ponds and growing of vegetables. The commander later viewed digging of ponds and fish breeding work there. Next, he inspected fish breeding work of Myanmar Pyithahay KN Co near Hsatalin village in Hlegu township. Managing Director U Tin Win gave an account of breeding 150,000 fish in Hsatalin region. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, he inspected paddy field of farmer U Chit Sein where high quality paddy strain is grown.
He also inspected growing of paddy with use of bio-folio fertiliser manufactured by Myanma Agriculture Service. He then met with farmers there and fulfilled the requirements.
Next, he inspected fish and prawn breeding work of Myanmar Pyithahay KN Co at Wanbawdet camp near Thayagon village in Hlegu township. Managing Director U Tin Win explained breeding of fish and fingerlings in Wanbawdet region. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
Later, he inspected fish breeding work of No 11 Light Infantry Division being implemented at Phalay lake near Yemon village.
Officiating Tactical Operations Commander Lt-Col Hla Thein Swe reported to the commander on digging of 11.56-acre pond and breeding of 28,500 fish on 5.56-acre pond. The commander gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander inspected fish breeding work of Myanmar Pyithahay KN Co near Ahtaru village in Hmawby township.
Managing Director U Tin Win gave an account of breeding 550,000 fish on 126-acre pond in the region.
Later, he inspected the breeding of 435,000 fish in 145-acre pond by No 11 LID by No 11 LID near Ahtaru village. He gave instructions to the officials before he left there in the evening.
Fish breeding work has been carried out in 3160 acre pond by YCDC in Twantay, Phayagyi, Kyaikthale field, Uto region in Taikkyi township, Kyauktan Thilawa region. KN Co is carrying out fish breeding task on 600 acre pond. According to records, there were a total of 29,388 cares of fish and prawn breeding pond last year. It has increased to 35, 700 acre pond to date.
It represents half of fish breeding pond in the entire country. Fish breeding task is being carried out on 24,865 acre pond in Twanty township, 1,542 in Taikkyi, 2,869 in Kayan, 546 in Thongwa, 2,091 in Htantabin, 258 in Hmawby, 36 in Thalyin, 1519 in Kyaktan, 294 in Kungyangon, 448 in Kawhmu and 1, 629 in Insein. Enough fresh fish is being distributed to the people with the fish from 35,700 acre fish breeding pond and sea-going fishing trawlers. Extended digging of fish breeding pond will be carried out up to 40,000 acres in Yangon Division during open forth coming
Development works inspected
Yangon, 13 Oct-Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and officials inspected construction of Parami Nunnery in Waingmaw Township on 11 October.
Daw San San Yi, wife of the commander, presented donations to the presiding nun. The commander inspected the reading centre for women at the basic education high school in Waingmaw Township. Township Education Officer U Hla Nyunt reported on establishment of the reading centres in the township.
The commander also inspected fish ponds near Khashi village in the township. Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Hla Thaung and officials reported on agricultural work. The commander also inspected extension of Myitkyina-Sumpra-bum-Putao
( 7 )
Commander inspects construction and greening works in Monywa
Yangon, 13 Oct-Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, accompanied by Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Soe Myint and officials, inspected construction of standing Buddha Image with a height of 297 cubic at Bawdhitahtaung Kyaungtaik in Monywa on 10 October.
The commander paid homage to the Buddha Image and inspected construction of stupa and religious edifices, and work being carried out for greening the Bawdhitahtaung ranges and fulfilled the requirements.
Next, the commander and wife, and officials presented offertories to the Bawdhitahtaung Sayadaw and members of the Sangha, and offered
"soon" to them.
In the afternoon, the commander presented a team flag representing Sagaing Division to Maj Kyaw Yin, group leader of those who will represent the Sagaing Division for the Ninth Myanma Traditional Performing Arts Competitions and gave
Minister inspects industrial zone
Yangon, 13 Oct- Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, accompanied by Deputy Minister Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and officials, arrived at Indagaw Industrial Zone of Bago Division this morning.
In the project briefing hall, managing directors and officials reported on installation of machines with the help of technicians from the People's Republic of China, arrangements for the test-run, completion of the buildings and greening tasks being carried out in the region.
Then, the minister inspected production of automobile water tanks at the Radiator Workshop of Myanma Automobile & Diesel Engine Industries, installation of 1,600-ton, 800-ton and 400-ton moulding machines, land preparations for the iron casting workshop and the ball-bearing plant and progress in construction of the power-tiller factory of Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries, and gave necessary
( 8
) Commander meets sub-committee members, team managers
Yangon, 13 Oct- Panel of Patrons of the Organizing Committee Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met with and gave instructions to the chairmen and members of the work committee and the sub-committees and team managers at No 1 Transit Centre in Bayintnaung at 7 am today.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of the Work Committee No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, officials of the sub-committees and managers of state and division teams.
The managers of the state and division teams greeted the commander.
Then, the commander gave instructions.
Commander's Shield Track & Field Tournament concludes
Yangon, 13 Oct- The prize presentation ceremony for the Southern Command Commander's Shield Track & Field Tournament was held at the sport grounds of the command headquarters yesterday morning.
Present were Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein of Toungoo Station, Brig-Gen Aung Win of Oktwin Station, senior military officers, officers and other ranks and their family members of Toungoo Station.
After the tournament, officials presented prizes to the winners in their respective events.
Then, the commander presented championship shield to the Toungoo Zone-A team.
A total of 173 athletes from 12 zones under the command took part in the
Instructions given to participants of Mon State to Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 13 Oct -Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave necessary instructions to participants of Mon State, who will take part in the Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, at Aung San Hall of Mon State Peace and Development Council Office, on 11 October.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council Lt-Co Aung Maw Maw and senior military officers, departmental officials, the artistes and supervisors.
The manager and the team leader reported to the commander on preparations for the competitions.
Then, the commander made a speech and presented cash for the team through officials.
( 9
) Tree-planting ceremonies held
in Amarapura
Yangon, 13 Oct -Mandalay Division Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Products Enterprise and Fisheries Department held tree-planting ceremonies in the compounds of the Enterprise and the Department in Amara-pura Township, Mandalay Division, on 11 October.
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and officials attended the ceremonies and planted saplings of Thitseint (belleric myro-balan) trees at designated places.
Those present collectively planted over 600 saplings of Thitseint (belleric myrobalan) trees, Neem trees, Mango trees and Te (Persimmon) trees.
Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint proceeded to Natyaykan Camp No 3 of the Divisional Fisheries Department in Amarapura Township. At the briefing hall, Head of the Department U Kyaw Myo Win reported on the area of the camp, the type and number of fish ponds, production of fingerlings, and species of fish.
Since May, the Camp No 3 has been breeding over 200,000 fish of different species in 65-acre ponds. About 2,000 fish of eight species are being inseminated at 2.9-acre ponds.
Mandalay Division Fisheries Department is carrying out fish breeding and artificial insemination in four fish breeding camps.
The camps have been released over 100 million fingerlings into the inundated areas adjacent to Ayeyawady and Chindwin
Rivers. Over 5.7 million fingerlings were also released into 48
lakes and dams in Upper Myanmar up to 30 September.
Performing arts teams arrive
Yangon, 13 Oct- Artistes including 47 men and 28 women led by U Maung Maung Thein of Kachin State, 161 men and 38 women led by Major Kyaw Yin of Sagaing Division, 117 men and 48 women led by Major Than Aung of Magway Division, 190 men and 92 women led by Major Maung Htay of Ayeyawady Division, 17 men and 14 women led by Major Hla Myint of Taninthayi (Dawei) Division, 303 men and 196 women led by Major Lu Aye of Yangon Division, 85 men and 31 women led by Major Thit Lwin of Bago Division, 24 men and 23 women led by Major San Win Hlaing of Chin State today arrived here by train, car, air and ship to take part in the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions. Chairman of Reception and Accommodation Sub-committee Col Tin Thein Lwin and officials welcomed the artistes and accommodated them at the hostels of Bayintnaung Transit Centre.