1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of
Ambassador of the Republic of Poland
Yangon, 12 Oct- Mr Jerzy Surdykowski, newly accredited Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Dagon Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 10 am today.
Also present on the occasion were State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocal
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects construction of Arharadayi Soonsarsaung of Insein Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik
Yangon, 12 Oct - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected construction of two-storey Arharadayi Soon-sarsaung of Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Insein Township, Yangon North District, and gave instructions this afternoon.
Accompanied by officials of the State Peace and development Council Office, the Secretary-1 arrived at Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik at 2.20 pm today. They were welcomed there by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and departmental heads.
The Secretary-1 paid obeisance to Presiding Monk of the Sarthintaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhad-danta Tilokabhivamsa and Sayadaws at the ordination hall and presented offertories to them.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction work of two-storey Arhayadayi Soonsarsaung. Director-General of the Prisons Department U Kyaw Tun reported on receiving cash donations for the building and progress of construction work. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Later, the Secretary-1 inspected progress in construction of the building and left the Sarthintaik.
Secretary-1 inspects National Theatre, National Museum and Padomma Theatre
Yangon, 12 Oct -Patron of the Organizing Committee for the Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt this morning inspected the National Theatre, the National Museum and the Padomma Theatre, where the competitions will be held.
The Secretary-1 arrived at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Road, Dagon Township, at 7.45 am today.
The Secretary-1 was welcomed there by member of the Panel of Patrons of the Organizing Committee Chairman of the Leading Committee for Holding the Competitions Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and members of the Panel of Patrons, members of the Leading Committee, Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Office Lt-Col Pe Nyein, departmental heads and officials of the Working Committee and Sub-committees.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected arrangements for the welcoming ceremony to competitors from states and divisions, the opening ceremony, the prize-presentation ceremony, the dance competitions, Maha Janakka Jataka Drama Competition and the marionette competition at the National Theatre, and gave necessary instructions.
Next, the Secretary-1 inspected arrangements for holding the competitions at the National Museum on Pyay Road, Dagon Township, and gave instructions. The Secretary-1 later inspected arrangements for the music competition at the Padomma Theatre in Sangyoung Township, and left instructions.
( 3 )
Under-21 Tatmadaw Soccer Tourney ends
Yangon, 12 Oct- The final match of the 17th Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's Trophy Under-21 Soccer Tournament for the year 2001 took place at the Youth Training Centre, Thuwunna, this afternoon.
Among the spectators were Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, directors of directorates of the Ministry of Defence, Military Attaches of Foreign Embassies in Yangon, senior military officers, officials of the Ministry of Sports, military officers and their families.
In the final match, South-West Command team trounced Central Command team 9-2.
Then, the prize presentation ceremony followed. Col Myat Hein presented prizes to Camp Commandant Office team, which stood third and Central Command team, which stood second; and Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than to individual prize winners and Camp Commandant's Office team, which won the fair play award. On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint presented championship trophy to South-West Command team.
Minister for Industry-1 receives Thai delegation
Yangon, 12 Oct - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received a delegation led by Managing Director of Thai Base International Mr Soonthorn Turongpun at the minister's office at 1.30 pm today.
Also present at the call were Director-General of Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U San Kyi, Managing Director of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries U Myint Oo and Head of office U Myint Swe.
Commerce Minister receives Polish Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Oct -Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Union of Myanmar Mr Jerzy Surdykowski and party at his office on Strand Road at 1 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department U Nay Win, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and departmental officials.
Minister receives Polish Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Oct - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Union of Myanmar Mr Jerzy Surdykowski at his office on Sule Pagoda Road at noon today.
Also present on the occassion were Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director U Kyi Tun of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services and officials.
( 4 )
Ministry of Transport holds second four-monthly work coord meeting
Yangon, 12 Oct - The second four-monthly work coordination meeting of the Ministry of Transport was held in the meeting hall of the ministry this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Ministers for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, advisers, heads of departments and services and schools under the ministry, those in charge of states and divisions, departmental officials and officials of the supervisory committee for ensuring full working capacity.
The minister made a speech.
The officials of the Department of Civil Aviation, the Marine Administration Department, the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems, the Meteorology and Hydrology Department, Inland Water Transport, Myanma Airways International, Myanma Five Star Line, Myanma Port Authority and Myanma Shipyards reported on respective tasks.
Then, the directors-general, the managing directors and the principals of training schools reported on departmental work.
In-charge of the supervisory committee for providing inland water transport services at full capacity Lt-Col Maung Tun and in-charge of the supervisory committee for coastal transport services and inspection agencies Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyi reported on respective tasks.
The meeting ended in the evening.
Minister for Industry-1 inspects factories
Yangon, 12 Oct- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials arrived at No 1 Danyingon Brick Factory of Myanma Ceramics Industries, Ministry of Industry-1 this morning.
At the briefing hall, Acting Manager U Than Win of the factory reported to the minister on production and the search for the site for raw materials.
The minister gave instructions on making efforts for exceeding the target within the remaining six months of open season for 2001-2002 fiscal year. He also urged the officials to fulfil the basic requirements for large scale production of quality bricks.
Then, he inspected raw materials used in the factories under Myanma Ceramics Industries and ceramicwares manufactured by the industries.
He left instructions on good quality of raw materials and striving for production of import substitute products. Later, he viewed production process of the factory.
Afterwards, he proceeded to Slipper Factory of Myanma General and Maintenance Industries in Phaw Kan, Insein Township and inspected production process there.
Next, he inspected storage of electric wire and finished wood products, production of furniture and treatment of raw wood and production of floor parquets for export at No 1 Packing Material Factory of Myitmakha Co in Hline Township.
Minister inspects construction of Wakema Bridge and Shwelaung Bridge

Yangon, 12 Oct- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, together with officials, inspected Nyaungdon-Pantanaw-Shwelaung Road and Nyaungdon-Pantanaw-Wakema Road by car yesterday.
At the construction site of Wakema Bridge, the minister heard a report on the building of the approach structure and foundation on the bank of Yangon, installation of girders, piling work and construction of the tower by Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Hse.
The minister gave instructions on construction of the bridge.
The minister and party went to the construction site of Shwelaung Bridge.
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Lay reported on progress of construction work and future tasks.
The minister gave instructions and inspected progress of work in building the approach structure and installation of steel cables.
( 5 ) Minister visits Mid-year Gems Emporium
Yangon, 12 Oct Ñ Patron of the Central Organizing Committee for Myanma Gems Emporium Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint arrived at the Mid-year Gems Emporium at Myanma Gems Hall on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon.
On arrival at the emporium, the minister was welcomed by Chairman of the Central Organizing Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo
and members of the Central Organizing Committee.
The minister watched the sale of jade lots
through competitive bidding and left the emporium in the evening.
Jade lots were sold through competitive bidding for the third day
today. Altogether 23 lots of jade fetched US $ 956,987. A total of
199 jade lots sold through competitive bidding for three days from
10 October to date fetched US $ 4,106,319. Jewels, jade figurines,
gems and jade sold at fixed prices fetched US $ 2,934. Lots of gems
will be sold through competitive bidding at 9 am tomorrow.
Altogether 613 gems merchants 302 foreign gems merchants and
311 local gems merchants Ñ are attending the Mid-year Gems Emporium.
Home Affairs Minister arrives back from Singapore

Yangon, 12 Oct-A Myanmar delegation headed by Minster for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing arrived back here by air this evening after attending the 3rd ASEAN Ministrial Meeting on Transnational Crimes Control held in Singapore.
The Myanmar delegation was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Culture U Win Sein, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Charge d'Affaires ai of Embassy of Singapore in Yangon Mr Gabriel Liow, heads of departments and Myanmar Police Force under the Ministry of Home Affairs and families.
The delegation member Deputy Director (Law/Research) of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Police Lt-Col Wa Tin also arrived back on the same flight.
Courses of CPT Ministry conclude
Yangon, 12 Oct - A ceremony to conclude PC for Office Applications Course, SS Cable Construction and Maintenance Course, FETEX-150 CBT Maintenance Course, PO Clerk Refresher Course and Facsimile Operator Training Course of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, was held at the Communications and Postal Training Centre here this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, director-general of Posts and Telecommunications Department, general manager of MPT,
heads of department, the principal of the training centre, course
instructors and 128 trainees. The Minister made a speech and
presented completion certificates to the representatives of the
courses concerned and prizes to the trainees who stood first and
second in the courses.
( 6 )
Those who provided assistance for respect-paying
ceremony honoured
Yangon, 12 Oct- A ceremony to honour those who provided assistance for paying respects to older persons of Women Chapter of Myanmar Medical Association (Yangon) and film-shows for raising funds, was held at the hall of MMA this afternoon.
It was attended by Managing Director of Myanmar Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, officials, Chairman of MMA Professor U Myo Myint, the Women Chapter Leading Patron Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, patrons, Chairperson Daw Yee Yee Hla and executives.
Chairperson Daw Yee Yee Hla extended greetings.
Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented gifts to those who provided assistanceÑManaging Director U Bo Kyi, Director (Production) of MMPE U Myint Thein Pe, U Mann Yin of Yadanasi Motion Picture, producer of the film titled
'Thin-ei-chit-hla-swa-thaw", Daw Yee Yee Khin of Malikha Motion Picture, producer of the film
titled ÒPyinsalet Yinkhwin', Managing Director of Mingalar Motion Picture Co U Zaw Min and Manager of Thamada Advanced Cinema U Thein Hsaing.
Afterwards, the cere-mony came to an end.
Cash and kind donated to MMCWA

Yangon, 12 Oct -A ceremony to present cash and kind donated by wellwishers to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association took place at the association at the corner of Thanthuma and Parami Roads in South Okkalapa Township this morning, attended by Chairperson of the MMCWA Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members and wellwishers.
The donations included foodstuff and drawing books worth K 200,000 for Centre for All-round Development of Children of MMCWA donated by Adviser Mr Shiobara of Non Profit Organization,
K 300,000 for MMCWA by U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Khin Thein of Thitsar Pankhinn General Services Co, four wall-clocks for Centre for All-round Development of Children of MMCWA by U Hlaing Moe-Daw Maw Lwin Oo, and son Zwe Moe Htet.
Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Chairperson of MMCWA Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke words of thanks.
( 7 )
Thai prisoners handed over
Yangon, 12 Oct-A total of 66 Thai prisoners 57 men and nine
women' who had been serving prison terms in Myanmar jails were handed over to Thailand at the lounge of Yangon International Airport this morning after the prison terms were suspended under the programme of cementing the friendly ties between the two nations.

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, officials of the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Immigration and Population, Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of Thailand Gen Wichit Yathip and officials of the Thai Embassy.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Gen Wichit Yathip made speeches.
Then, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win handed over 66 Thais to Gen Wichit Yathip. Together with Gen Wichit Yathip, they left here for Thailand by Royal Thai Army's special flight at 12.20 pm
Delegates to Performing Arts Competitions arrive
Yangon, 12 Oct-Delegates from Shan State, Rakhine State, Mandalay Division and Kayin State arrived here by bus and by train today to take part in the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural and Performing Arts Competitions due to begin on 15 October. They were welcomed by Chairman of Scrutinising Committee Col Tin Thein Lwin and officials and transported to No 1 Transit Centre on Bayint Naung
Deputy Minister arrives back from Australia

Yangon, 12 Oct-A Myanmar delegation led by Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo arrived back here by air this morning after attending the Ministerial Meeting on control of AIDS in Asia-Pacific Region held
in Melbourne, Australia on
9 and 10 October.
The delegation was welcomed back by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general of departments under the Ministry, officials and families of the delegation at the Yangon International Airport.
AIDS Control Project Manager Deputy Director of Health Dr Zaw Myint also
came back on the same flight.
( 8
Commander attends coordination meeting
Yangon, 12 Oct- A coordination meeting on development of Kokang region in Shan State (North) was held at the meeting hall of the North-East Command on 10 October.
Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Brig-Gen Zaw Win of Laukkai Station, senior officers, chairman and officials of Laukkai District Peace and Development Council and officials of agriculture and livestock breeding work of Kokang national race group attended the meeting.
The commander gave instructions on extension of agriculture and livestock breeding tasks for the development of Kokang region, extended cultivation of poppy substitute crops to help eradicate narcotic drugs, making field-inspection by respective work committees and reporting the requirements in time.
The commander heard the reports on progress of work presented by Brig-Gen Zaw Win and officials and fulfilled the requirements.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
Commander inspects Hanthawady tax-free market
Yangon, 12 Oct-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected the tax-free market at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Roads in Kamayut Township this morning and fulfilled the requirements.
Accompanied by officials, the commander at 6.30 am arrived at the tax-free market where they were welcomed by Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected vegetable shops of the Ministry of Energy, Yangon City Development Committee, the Battalion/Units and In-dine Station under Yangon Command, Nyaunghnapin Special Vegetable and Poultry Farming Zone, Yangon North District General Administration Department, Yangon West DistrictÕs Myanmar Police Force, Hmawby Township Peace and Development Council, and growers, milk, eggs and meat shop of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, meat and eggs shop of YCDC and Yangon Command, sea fish shops of BTB Co Ltd, Annawar Co Ltd, Annawar Lwan Co Ltd, fish shops of Kyimyindine Central Model Fish Market and meat/fish shops of breeders, groceries of YCDC and Yangon Division Commodity Centre, household goods shop of the Ministry of Industry-1, rice shop of Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association and palm oil shop of Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd.
Afterwards, the commander met with officials, growers and breeders and urged officials to supervise the tax-free market in accord with the set rules, to extend the growing of vegetables in order to be able to sell them at reasonable prices and to make concerted efforts in breeding the cheap fishes, and attended to the needs of growers and
( 9
) Artistes, musicians and athletes pledge against drugs
Yangon, 12 Oct - Creation of Stars against Drugs group took place at the Inya Lake Hotel this evening.
Present were Director of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Police Col Khan Aung, Resident Representative of UNDCP Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu, artistes, musicians, athletes and mediamen.
Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu extended greetings.
The artistes and musicians and athletes signed pledges against narcotic drugs. Mr Jean-Luc Lemahieu spoke words of thanks, which brought the ceremony to a close.
Drug trafficker gets prison terms
Yangon, 12 Oct- A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and Lashio Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched a house of Shwe Win (a) Ai Main at the corner of 24th and 37th Streets, Ward 5, Lashio, on 18 March 2001 and seized 166.1 grams of heroin which were kept in ten soap containers.
No 1 Police Station of Lashio filed him under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Lashio District Court handed down five years' imprisonment under Section
15 and 15 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him to serve seperately on
2 August.