1 ) State Peace and Development Council Vice-Chairman Deputy
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye receives Military Attache's of Thailand
Yangon, 10 Oct- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) of the Union of Myanmar General Maung Aye received Military
Attache' of Thailand Col Chaiwat Satondee, who has completed his tour of duty, and his successor Col Kasam Nakpun at the Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 9 am today.
Also present at the call were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the Defence Services Intelligence Bureau Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min and Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint
( 2 ) Secretary-1 receives Chairman of
Singapore Petroleum Co Ltd

Yangon, 10 Oct- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Chairman of Singapore Petroleum Co Ltd Mr Chiau Beng Choo and party at the Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 11 am today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
Secretary-3 inspects Mid-year Myanmar Gems

Yangon, 10 Oct-Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development. Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint inspected the
2001 Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium at Myanma Gems Mart this morning.
The emporium is being held under the sponsorship of the Myanma Gems
Emporium Central Committee.
On arrival at the mart, the Secretary-3 was welcomed by Deputy Prime
Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Patron
of the committee Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Chairman
Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary Managing Director
of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and members.

The Secretary-3 and the deputy prime ministers, together with the
patron, the chairman and the secretary of the committee and
officials, inspected the jade, gems, jewellery and jade figurines,
which were being sold at fixed prices, and private jewellery. shops
on the ground floor, and utility, imperial and commercial jade
blocks, quality jade- blocks in the compound of the mart. On the
third floor, they viewed jade lots and pearl lots which will be sold
through auction system. They then inspected the sale
of jade lots through tender system.
( 3 ) Myanmar delegation leaves for PRC
Yangon, 10 Oct -At the invitation of the General Bureau of Broadcasting, Movies and Television of the People's Republic of China, a Myanmar delegation led by Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein left here for China by air this afternoon for exchanging views on broadcasting, movies and television and for promoting cooperation between the two nations.
The delegation comprises members General Manager of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Thet Soe and Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Thein Tun Aung and secretary Chief Editor of Myanmar News Agency (Internal) of the News and Periodicals Enterprise U Win Tin.
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Director-General of the Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Managing Director of NPE U Tin Kha, Managing Director of PPE U Myint Thein, Managing Director of MMPE U Bo Kyi, Ambassador of China Mr Li Jinjun and Embassy staff, officials and their family members.
Myanmar delegation leaves for Singapore
Yangon, 10 Oct-A delegation led by Minister for
Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing this morning left here for Singapore to
attend the 3rd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crimes
Control to be held in Singapore by air.
They were seen off at the Yangon-International Airport by Minister
for Culture U Win Sein, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Charge d' Affairs ai of the Embassy
of the Republic of Singapore in Yangon Mr Gabriel Liow Boon Huat,
officers of Myanmar Police Force and those of the Departments under
the ministry and their families. The delegation comprised Deputy
Director of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Police Lt-Col
Wa Tin
Ambassador U Nay Win presents credentials to
King of Nepal
Yangon, 11 Oct- U Nay Win, Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the
Kingdom of Nepal, presented his Credentials to His Majesty King
Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dav, King of Nepal on 5 October 2001, in
( 4 )
Minister U Pan Aung receives Ambassadors
Yangon, 10 Oct -Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung received Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Myanmar Mr Pham Quang Khon at 1 pm and Ambassador of India to Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at 2 pm at his office at the corner of Theinbyu Street and Merchant Street yesterday.
They discussed matters related to mutual benefits of the two countries.
Also persent at the calls were the directors-general, managing directors and
officials of departments under the ministry.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win back from Thailand
Yangon, 10 Oct - Leader of Myanmar delegation Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win arrived back here by air this evening after attending the third Ministerial Meeting of the ASEAN-Mekong Basin Development Cooperation (AMBDC) held in Chiang Rai, the Kingdom of Thailand, on 8 and 9 October.
He was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, officials and Mr Raden Suwannakorn of the Embassy of Thailand in Yangon.
The meeting was attended by the ministers and deputy ministers of ASEAN nations, the People's Republic of China, new members of AMBDC Core Group Japan and the Republic of Korea. The obsevers from ESCAP, ADB and UNDP also attended the meeting as observers.
At the meeting, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win spoke of Myanmar's involvement in the Mekong Basin development initiative both at the local and regional levels. Member countries discussed the future plan of action of AMBDC as well as the initiative of Special Working Group on the Singapore-Kunming Rail Link (SKRL). Myanma will take over the chairmanship of SKRL for the Year 2002.
Members of Myanmar delegation Ambassador of Myanmar to Thailand U Myo Myint and First Secretary of Myanmar Embassy U Soe Lin Han also attended the meeting.
Writer Tekkatho Htin Gyi arrives back
Yangon, 10 Oct -Member of Myanmar Language
Commission of the Department of Myanmar Language Commision and
National Literary Award Winner U Htin Gyi (Tekkatho Htin Gyi),
together with Joint-Secretary of Myanmar Writers and Journalists
Association U Myint Kywe Maung Myint Kywe) arrived back here by air
this morning after attending the presentation ceremony of SEA Write
Award for 2001 held in Bangkok, Thailand.
They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Deputy
Minister for Information U Thein Sein, Director-General of the
Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing (Chit
Naing-Seikpyinnya), Managing-Director of Myama Motion Picture
Enterprise U Bo Kyi, Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Saung),
Secretary of MWJA and Director (News) of NPE U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay),
responsible officials from the Ministry of Information and their
( 5 ) Minister U
Soe Tha receives guests
Yangon, 10 Oct—Minister for National Planing and Economic Development U
Soe Tha received Chairman of Singapore Petroleum Co Ltd Mr Chiau Beng
Choo and party at his office at 1.30 pm today. Also present at the
call were officials under the Ministry.
Health Minister receives Indian Ambassador
YANGON, 10 Oct—Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein
received Ambassador of India to Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at
the Minister's Office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road this afternoon. Also
present were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and
Industry-1 Minister receives Japanese guests
Yangon, 10 Oct-Minister for Industry- 1 U Aung
Thaung received Assistant General Manager Mr Masayuki Sato of
Mitsubishi Corporation ( Head Office ) of Tokyo, Japan and party
accompanied by General Manager Mr S Yamano Kuchi of Yangon Base Office
at his office at 2. 30 pm today. Also present at the call were Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun, the directors general and managing
directors from the departments of the ministry.
Minister meets Vietnamese Ambassador
Yangon, 10 Oct-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen
Saw Tun met with Ambassador of Vietnam Mr Pham Quang Khon at his
office on Nawade Street in Dagon Township this morning. Also present
at the call were Deputy Ministers for Construction U Tint Swe and
Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Director-General of Department of Human
Settlement and Housing Development U Arnt Kyaw and officials.
UMFCCI President meets Indian Ambassador
Yangon,10 Oct- President of the Union of Myanmar
Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint and
Joint-General Secretary U Pyone Maung Maung met Ambassador of India
to Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at the Head Office of UMFCCI at 11 am
today. They cordially discussed matters related to technological
cooperation in promoting bilateral trade and border trade.
CCTV Chief Reporter and party arrive
Yangon, 10 Oct- A four-member delegation led by
Chief Reporter Ma Baishan of CCTV arrived here by air this afternoon
to visit the Union of Myanmar for 12 days. They were welcomed at
Yangon International Airport by Director (Admin) U Phone Myint and
officials of Myanma Radio and Television and officials of the
Embassy of the People's Republic of China.
Minister for Forestry meets officials of FPJVC
Yangon, 10 Octp-Minister for Forestry U Aung
Phone 2 met members of the Board of Directors of Forest Product
Joint Venture Corporation Ltd and officials of Myanma Timber
Enterprise of states and divisions and Forest Department at Myanma
Timber Trade Centre on Shwetaunggya Road this morning. Present were
Deputy Minister Col Thaik Tun, the directors general, managing
directors, of ficials of MTE of states and divisions and Forest
Department and FPJVC.
The minister reviewed the implementation of FPJVC
in 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. He gave instructions on formation of
Board of Directors, projects to be implemented, financial
management, marketing, civil service affairs, special matters,
earning foreign exchange, local distribution of timber, profit for
shareholders, supply of requirements for industrial raw materials in
the private sector and sale of sawn timber. Officials of Myanma
Timber Enterprise of states and divisions and Forest Department
reported on difficulties, work undertaken and future tasks. The
minister then fulfilled the requirements .
( 6 ) Minister
inspects irrigation projects in Mandalay Division

Yangon, 10 Oct—Minister for Agriculture and
Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials
and members of Mandalay Division Agricultural Coordination
Committee, arrived at Hsepauk Vineyard of Myanma Agriculture Service
in Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Division, yesterday morning.
Managing Director U Tun Than of MAS reported on growing of grapes,
related products and nursery of saplings to the minister.
The minister inspected grape cultivation techniques samples of grape
wine, grape vinegar and dry grape fruit produced from the farm
and the grape plantation. The minister next inspected
Kyetmauktaung Dam.
Then, the minister and party went to the site for construction of
new Taungyay Dam on Pin Creek in Kyaukpadaung Township.
Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department and
engineers reported on construction of Taungyay reservoir in
Kyaukpadaung Township and Kyauktaga reservoir in Natmauk Township,
feasible study and arrangements for flow of water from those
reservoirs to Kyetmauktaung Dam.
The minister gave instructions on construction tasks of Taungyay Dam
to be started and conducting survey for the project. Then, the
minister inspected the site chosen for construction of Taungyay Dam.
Afterwards, the minister and party arrived at the construction site
of Kyaukdaga Dam near Kyaukdaga Village in Natmauk Township and
discussed cultivation of crops
and regional development tasks with local farmers.
Next, the minister met with officials of
Irrigation Department and gave necessary instructions. In the
afternoon, the minister and party proceeded to Umin-Koepauk river
water pumping project in Sale region in Chauk Township. Officials
conducted the minister around the water pumping station.
Umin-Koepauk river water pumping project can irrigate 7,800 acres of
land all year
In the evening; the minister and party inspected completion of the
main feeder canal of Lawkananda river water pumping project in
NyaungU Township. In the briefing hall, officials reported on
completion of feeder canals of the project, future tasks and water
supply to the same areas. The minister attended to their needs.
Lawkananda river water pumping project will irrigate 11,000 acres of
land. At the Tropical Region Crops Research Farm of MAS in NyaungU,
the minister and party inspected tasks of the farm. The managing
director and officials reported on production of hybrid pigeon pea
and distribution of quality strains and agricultural technique to
local growers. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Minister for Transport inspects making of
reinforced concrete piles
YANGON, 10 Oct-Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla
Myint Swe, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and Managing Director
of Myanma Shipyards U Percy Maung Maung this morning inspected
making of reinforced concrete piles needed for 12,000-ton dry dock
construction project of Myanma Shipyards.
Officials of China Harbour Engineering Corporation reported on
cement mixture systems with the use of machines and making of
reinforced concrete piles. The minister inspected work and gave
instructions. The minister and party inspected machines and
equipment used in making the reinforced concrete piles. The minister
and party inspected temporary jetty built for transport of the piles
to the construction site. Each reinforced concrete pile is 22 metres
long and its circumstance is 500 milimetres. The minister and party
went to Myanmar International Thilawa Terminal and inspected arrival
of foreign vessels and loading and unloading of cargo. The minister
then gave instructions.
Seminar on Hot Topics in Cardiology held
Yangon,10 Oct - The Seminar on Hot Topics in
Cardiology of Servier Medical Co sponsored by Cardiac Society of
Myanmar Medical Association was held at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda
Road on 7 October.
Present were Chairman of Myanmar Medical Association Dr Myo Myint,
heart specialists, medical superintendents, specialists and guests.
Professor Dr Cho Lay Mar presided over the seminar. Professor
William Stanlay of Case Western Reserve University of USA reported
on Improvement of Energy Metabolism in Ischemic Heart Disease and
Professor Stephen Harrap of University of Melbourne of Australia on
Progress: Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study.
Professors William Stanlay and Stephen Harrap replied to queries of
the medical scientists.
5-hr interruption of CDMA on 14, 20 Oct
Yangon,10 Oct - There will be a short
interruption of CDMA telephone lines in Yangon on 14 October
beginning 00.30 am as new equipment will be installed at Weluwun and
Shwegondaing CDMA exchange stations. Operation of CDMA mobile
phones (0980 3xxxx) and CDMA fixed phones (70XXXX and 71XXXX) Will
be stopped for about five hours during the installation period
beginning 00.30 am on 14 October at the Weluwun exchange. At the
Shwegondaing exchange, operation of the CDMA fixed phones (72XXXX)
Will be interrupted for about five hours beginning 00.30 am on 20
October. The existing machines of the two stations will be
substituted with the new ones to improve the functions of the CDMA
phone system.
( 7 )
Workshop for senior engineers (Civil) held
Yangon, 10 Oct-A workshop for senior engineers (Civil) of Public Works
of the Ministry of Construction was held at the Public Works (Head
Office) on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this morning.
Present were Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Ministers
U Tint Swe and Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Managing Director of Public Works U
Nay Soe Naing, Director-General of Department of Human Settlement and
Housing Development U Arnt Kyaw, DirectorGeneral of Construction
Inspection Department U Soe Tin, heads of department, Principal of
Thuwunna Central Training School U Saw Kya Waw Mu and trainees.
The minister spoke on the occasion. Altogether 25 senior engineers
(Civil) from districts in states and divisions are attending the
workshop which will end on 14 October.
Commander attends tree-planting ceremonies
Yangon, 10 Oct -Tree-planting ceremonies were held on both sides of the road in Pyigyidagun Township, Mandalay District, and at No 4 plantation of the Mandalay Division Cooperative Society on 8 October.
It was attended by Central Command Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, senior military officers, Secretary of the Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations, local residents and guests.
The commander planted saplings at the designated places, and then those present collectively planted saplings of 200 neem trees, 100 mezali (cassia siamea) trees and 100 thitseint (belleric myrobalan) trees. At 9 pm, the commander met with artistes of Mandalay Division, who will take part in the Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, managers and officials at the meeting hall of the command.
The commander pointed out weak points of the marionette troupe and drama troupe which will participate in the competitions. The deputy commander gave a supplementary report. The officials concerned and the artistes took part in the discussion. After that, the commander fulfilled the requirements.
Commander attends coordination meeting on agriculture,
inspects Thazi dam
Yangon, 10 Oct-A coordination meeting on agriculture tasks in Sagaing Division was held at City Hall in Monywa on 5 October morning, attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win.
The Commander gave necessary instructions on preparations for extended cultivation, tasks for availability of water for cultivation, systematic utilization of water in agriculture sector, maintenance of dams and reservoirs, raising per-acre yield of crops and minimizing of wastage and preparations being made for cultivation of cold season crops.
Members of the Supervisory Committee for Agriculture reported on work done and future tasks to the commander who attended to the requirements.
On 6 October morning, the commander arrived at Thazi dam in Monywa Township and inspected storage of water in the dam and condition of the dam. In-charge of Irrigation Maintenance Division of Irrigation Department U Myint Thein and officials conducted him around the dam. Afterwards, the commander inspected thriving irrigated monsoon long-staple cotton fields and Pesingon
plantations there and fulfilled the requirements.
( 8
BSI agriculture and livestock breeding farm inspected
Yangon, 10 Oct - Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Chairman South-West Command Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, together with departmental officials, arrived at the Division Bureau of Special Investigation on 8 October.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Director U Aye Lwin reported on agriculture and livestock breeding work being carried out for staff welfare.
Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann called for carrying out agriculture and livestock breeding work with added momentum, and attended to the needs.
He met with the staff and their family members at the same venue and gave necessary instructions. The commander then inspected plantations and livestock breeding farm being undertaken for staff welfare. Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Chairman South-West Command Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann headed for the agriculture and livestock breeding farm of the Division Police Force.
After hearing a report presented by Commander of the Division Police Force Police Col Than Tun, the Commander discussed extension of agriculture and livestock breeding work and selling the farm produce to the families of the police members and distributing the farm produce to tax-free markets at reasonable prices.
Later, Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann attended the opening of course No 1/2001 on basic and primary health care services (traditional medicines) at Ayeyawady
Hall of the Command.
Stationery, cash donated to monastic
education schools in Mawlamyine
Yangon, 10 Oct- A ceremony to donate exercise books, stationery and cash to monastic education schools in Mawlamyine Township was held at Dhammathukha Monastic Education School in Shwemyaing Thiri Ward, Mawlamyine,yesterday afternoon.
Present were Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Secretary Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw, departmental officials, members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association and guests.
They took the Five Precepts from Chairman of Supervisory Committee for Mawlamyine monastic education schools Dhamma-thukha Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narada.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin That Htey and officials donated provisions and cash to the six monastic education schools, stationery and exercise books to members of the Sangha.
Later, the congregation shared the merits gained.
USDA CEC member tours Magway Division
Yangon 10 Oct-Central Executive Committee Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Soe Tha, accompanied by officials, met with the secretary and executive of Minbu District USDA, the secretaries and executives of Minbu, Salin, Pwintbyu and Ngaphe township USDAs, organizers and executives of ward/village-tract USDAs at Ingyindaw Dham-mayon of Sandaku Nantha Kyaungdawya Pagoda in Pwintbyu Township in Minbu District, Magway Division on 8 October morning.
Then, the Pwintbyu Township USDA Secretary briefed on preparations to carry out seven future plans laid down at the Annual General Meeting 2001.
The organizers from village-tract USDAs reported on the needs to carry out rural area development tasks.
The Minbu District USDA Chairman explained work done for rural area development tasks.
Afterwards, Magway Division USDA Secretary U Thwin Lin accepted 5,800 membership applications of the local people of 14 village-tracts in Pwintbyu Township handed over by township USDA Secretary U Aung Naing.
Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha met with the staff at the office of Minbu District Planning Department and made a speech.
He heard the reports of the heads of Planning Departments of the townships in the district and attended to the requirements.
On 9 October morning, CEC member U Soe Tha together with Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and officials met with the secretaries and executives of district and township USDAs in the division and discussed the procedures of the association. Chairman Col Zaw Min explained matters related to the association to the members.
( 9
) Sales of Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium begins
Yangon, 10 Oct-Sales of jade lots t.hrough tender system of
Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium began at Myanma Gems, Jade and Pearl
Emporium on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road from 9 am to 5 pm today. Local and
foreign gem merchants bought 158 jade lots worth US$ 862,063 today.
Fixed price gems, jade figurines and jade carvings fetched US$
3,945. Sales of jade lots through competitive bidding system
continues on 11 and 12 October. A total of 595 gem merchants 294
from abroad and 301 in local arrived here to attend the emporium:
Shooting Tourney concludes
Yangon, 10 Oct- A ceremony to open the Coastal Region Command Commander's Shield Shooting Tournament was held at the shooting range of the local battalion on 5 October morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Aye Kyway, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt and guests.
The commander gave a speech and opened the tournament.
A total of 119 marksmen took part in the tournament.
On 7 October, officials presented prizes to the winners. The Commander then presented cash award and championship shield to Myeik Station