1 ) Secretary-3 attends ceremonies to donate provisions and cash to monasteries in Yangon Division
Yangon, 6 Oct - The families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated rice, edible oil, salt, medicines, gram and cash to Pyinsanikaya Sasana Beik-man Kyaungtaik in Ward 11, Yankin Township, Yangon East District, at the Kyaungtaik this afternoon.
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint attended the ceremony.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, deputy ministers, the Vice-Mayor, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, officials, members of social organizations, wellwishers and guests.
Member of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha Presiding Nayaka of Pyinsanikaya Sasana Beikman Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Tejobhasa invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
The Secretary-3 presented offertories to the Sayadaw.
The commander, the ministers and the deputy ministers presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief Technical Staff Officer (Navy) Commodore Paw Tun and Colonel Air Staff (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit Pe presented rice, edible oil and gram donated by the families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to the Sayadaw.
Then, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Labour, Yangon City Development Committee, Yangon East District and Yankin Township Peace and Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines, Yangon Division Salt
Millers' Association, the Traditional Medicine Department of the Ministry of Health, Myanmar traditional medicine practitioner U Hla Htay-Daw Tin Nwe Oo of Hmancho traditional medicine house, U Tun Shwe-Daw Thin Thin Swe of Tun Shwe Wah medical store, U Khin Maung Tun and son Maung Htet Lin of Htet Lin medical store, U Maung Maung Oo of Great Wall traditional medicine enterprise, U Hla Myint of Kethipan medical store, Ward Peace and Development Councils in Yankin Township, Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, families of War Veterans Association of Saikpyoyay Village, Dagon South, U Hla Myint-Daw Myint Kyi and family of Soe Sawmill, shopkeepers of Kanbe Station Market, U Soe-Daw Tin Hla bamboo and stitched nipa palm leaf flaps trading, U Kyin Hla-Daw Aye Thein of Shwedaung, Daw Hla Ohn and family, U Aung Myint-Daw Toe Yee and family of Shwedaung and U San Aye-Daw Kyin and family of Shwedaung presented 162 bags of rice, 50 viss of edible oil, 59 viss of gram, 300 viss of iodized salt, 30 boxes of fine salt and 1,406 boxes of traditional medicines to the Sayadaw.
The Ministry of Commerce presented K 100,000 for the trust fund and construction of Ngwegantgaw Kyaungsaung of the Kyaung-taik; Yangon Division Peace and Development Council K 3,000; the Ministry of Labour K 50,000; Thiha Thudhamma Manizawtadara U Tin Win-Daw San Win of Myanmar Pyitha Hae KN Co K 100,000; Thiha Thudhamma Mani-zawtadara U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt of BTB Co K 80,000; Thiha Thudhamma Manizawtadara U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Swe of Thamada Robes House K 80,000; U Tin Aung-Daw Hla Hla Nwe and family of Win Yadana Passenger Transport Services K 40,000; U Maung Maung Oo of Great Wall Traditional Medicines Enterprise K 200,000; U Tun Shwe-Daw Thin Thin Swe of Tun Shwe Wah medical store K 80,000; U Khin Maung Tun and family of Htet Lin medical store K 50,000; U Tin Win-Daw Mya Yi Nanda of Dagon Myanmar National Ltd K 50,150; U Nyein-Daw Ohn Kyin of OK Rice
Trading of Bayintnaung
Brokerage House K 20,000; U Myo Aung-Daw Khin Yi Mon of Hsan Myanmar International Inpack Co K 25,000; (U Thein Maung)-Daw Pa Pa of Sandhi Traditional Medicine K 500,70; U Hla Htay-Daw Tin Nwe Oo of Hmancho medical store K 20,000; U Hla Myint of Kaythipan medical store K 30,000; Myanmar Rice Wholesale Merchants Association K 10,000; U Ba Khant-Daw Khin Shwe of Shwe construction material
trading K 20,000; Myanmar Rice Millers' Associations K 10,000; Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township K 20,000; war veterans family of Seikpyoyay Village in Dagon Township K 20,000; U Aung Mon-Daw Hla Hla Maw of Myint Myat Agriculture K 10,000; Soe Saw Mill K 10,000; U Aung Myint-Daw Thaung Sein of Laydaunkkan K 10,000; pilgrims of Mogaung Pagoda K 5,000; U Tin Myint-Daw Kyi Kyi Thein of South Okkapala Township K 100,000; U Aung Myint-Daw Phyu Thi of Lubyandaw Padamya medical hall K 100,00; Pinca Nikaya Sasana Nuggaha Board K 100,000; Daw Sein Myaing of Kalahtaik Village in Pyapon Township K 100,000; Daw Tin Nyunt of Kyinkadon Village in Pyapon Township K 100,000; U Khin Maung Htay-Daw Khin Hla Sint of Amyat Village in Pyapon Township K 100,000; Daw Hla of Kyinkadon Village in Pyapon Township K 50,000; Daw Kyi of Kyinkadon Village in Pyapon Township K 50,000; Daw Htwe Tin of Kyinkadon Village in Pyapon Township K 50,000; Aye Shin of South Okkalapa Township K 100,000; U Htain Lin-Daw Tin Tin Ohn of Thingangyun Township K 50,000 and Kutho Arseinnakan Group of Thingangyun TownshipK 50,000 totalling K 2.7 million.

The commander, the ministers and the deputy ministers accepted the donations.
Director of Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein supplicated on the purpose of the donations.
Pali specialist Ashin Pin–asihabhivamsa of Pinsa Nikaya Thathana Beikman Kyaungtaik delivered a sermon.
The Secretary-3 and party and well-wishers shared merits gained.
Similarly, families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers presented provisions to Sagaing Sarthintaik this evening.
Congregations received the Five Precepts from member of Central Committee of the Sangha Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Agga Maha Gandhavasaca Pandita Bhaddanat Dhamma Nanda.
The Secretary-3, the commander, the ministers and deputy ministers presented offertories to Sayadaw Bhaddanat Dhamma Nanda.
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief Technical Staff Officer (Navy) Commodore Paw Tun and Colonel General Staff (Technical) (Air) Col Ye Chit Pe presented provisions to the Sayadaw.
The Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, YCDC, Yangon East District and Thingangyun Township Peace and Development Councils, departments in the township, social associations and wellwishers presented 144 bags of rice, 51 viss of edible oil, 360 viss of iodized salt, 35 tubes of tooth paste, 1,500 boxes of various traditional medicines and 120 viss of gram to the Sayadaw.
The commander, the ministers and deputy ministers accepted over K 2.6 million including K 500,000 for
" soon" fund, K 1.2 million by U Saw San-Daw Win Kyi of Thuwunna, K 500,000 by the Ministry of Commerce, K 300,000 by U Zaw Win Maung-Daw May Nwe Tun of Thuwunna, K 200,000 by U Thein Hlaing-Daw Yin Yin Myint of Kandawkalay, K 100,000 by Daw Than Than of Thuwunna, K 50,000 by U Khin Nyein-Daw Khin Mya of Thuwunna, K 30,000 by Ko Tin Tun Lin-Daw Ma Theingi Win of Thuwunna, K 30,000 by Ma Myint Myint Than and Ma Ni Ni of Mayangon Township, K 30,000 by Daw An Pi of Kyimyindine, K 30,000 by Htet Lin medical hall and K 50,000 by Great Wall Traditional Medicine.
Camp Commandant of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein supplicated on the purpose of the donations.
Sayadaw Agga Maha Gandhavasaca Pandita Bhaddanat Dhamma Nanda delivered a sermon.
The Secretary-3 and party and wellwishers shared merits gained.
( 2 )
Journalists preview Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium
Yangon, 6 Oct - Members of the Information Committee of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay and Director (News) of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Hla Tun, Adviser U Maung Maung Nyo, President of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Sao Kai Hpa, members correspondents, the chief editors of dailies and editors visited the Mid-year Gems Emporium for 2001 organized by Myanma Gems Emporium Central Committee at Myanma Gems, Jade and Pearl Emporium on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this evening.
They were welcomed by Chairman of the Central Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and members of the Central Committee.
The journalists viewed jewels manufactured by Myanma VES Joint Venture Company, gems and jade lots and jade figurines manufactured by Myanma Gems Enterprise, private gems shops, gem mosaic shops on the ground floor of the building of Myanma Gems Emporium, and raw jade stones around the building and gems lots and pearls to be sold through competitive bidding on the third floor.
Then, a Press briefing on the Mid-Year Gems Emporium for 2001 was held in the Gems Emporium Hall.
Deputy Minister U Myint Thein said that jade, gems and pearls of high quality will be sold at the Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium. Altogether 766 companies from 28 nations have been invited to the emporium. Up to 4 October, altogether 260 gems merchants of 98 companies from nine nations replied to the invitations.
Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein made a speech.
In replying to the queries raised by local and foreign mediamen, Deputy Minister U Myint Thein and Managing Director U Khin Oo said that at this year emporium, lots of pearls which are better in quality than those sold in the previous year will be sold.
The government and national private entrepreneurs have mined gems on a mutually beneficial basis as of April 2000. In doing so, Myanma Gems Enterprise and national gems companies have signed agreements. In Loi Hsaung Htauk region, Mongshu Township, from April 2000 to September 2001, gems mining work has been carried out together with two companies, and jade mining work is also being carried out in Phakant Township together with eight companies.
From the starting date up to 31 July, altogether 456.5 tons (456,510 kilos) of jade and 7,812,364 carats of gems have been mined. Sale of gems amounted to $ 4,063,097 and that of jade $ 411,818 totalling US $ 4,474,915.
In addition, sale of gems of low quality amounted to 87,099,900 kyats.
At the present emporium, 111 lots of jade of joint venture companies with a floor price of US $ 1.5 million and eight lots of Mongshu gems with a floor price of US $ 3.66 million will be sold.
The Ministry of Mines and officials concerned have assigned to Myanma Gems Emporium the tasks of getting more foreign exchange, of holding the gems emporium twice a year and of turning Gems Emporium Hall, Myanma Gems Mart and Myanma Gems Enterprise (Head Office) into gems markets.
During the period between annual gems emporiums, raw gems and jade of private owners are sold in dollars at Myanma Gems Enterprise (Head Office). Myanma Gems Enterprise supervises the sales of gems and jade in cooperation with the Customs Department, Myanma Foreign Trade Bank and Myanma
Commercial Bank. In this regard, progress has been made
considerably. A total of 1,837 lots of jade, gems and pearls with a
floor price of over US $ 30.5 million 1,375 lots of jade with
a floor price of over US $ 13.28 million, 329 lots of gems with over
US $ 16.34 million and 133 lots of pearls with a floor price of over
US $ 0.88 million Ñ will be sold at the present gems emporium. Gems
merchants will be allowed to inspect lots of gems from 7 to 9
October. Lots of jade will be sold through tender system and
competitive bidding system from 10 to 12 October. Lots of pearls
will be sold through tender system and competitive bidding system on
14 October.
( 3 ) Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), wellwishers donate provisions to nunneries, School for the Blind

Yangon, 6 Oct-Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated provisions and cash to Thameikdawdaya Thukhitaya-ma Dawnanaari Myanaung Nunnery on Kyundaw Street in Sangyoung Township this morning.
Present on the occasion were Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavanaka Pandita Bhaddanta Aggavamsa of Weiluwun Sarthintaik, Chairman of Sangyoung Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Naynattha Sarthintaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Janaka and members of the Sangha, Administrator of the nunnery Agga Maha Ganthavanaka Pandita Nun Daw Jeyavati and nuns, Brig-Gen Tin Soe and Brig-Gen Aung Kyi of the Ministry of Defence, senior military officers, district and township authorities, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades and wellwishers.
Brig-Gen Tin Soe and Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and senior military officers offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
On behalf of the families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Cmdr Nyan Tun and Lt-Col Chan Maung (Air) of the Ministry of Defence donated provisions to the Administrator Nun of the nunnery.
Then, the Administrator Nun accepted provisions and cash donated by the Ministry of Commerce, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, Yangon West District and Sangyoung Township Peace and Development Councils, departments and wellwishers.
Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of Defence supplicated on the purpose of the donation to the Sayadaw.
Today's donations for 250 nuns of the nunnery were 65 bags of rice, 25 viss of edible oil, two bags of gram, 250 viss of iodized salt, 25 tubes of tooth paste, 75 bottles of traditional medicines and K 877,590.
Similarly, a ceremony to donate provisions of families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers to the Khemayama Nunnery in Bahan Township was held at the nunnery this morning.
Brig-Gen Tin Soe and Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and senior military officers presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Then, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and senior military officers offered provisions to Patron of Khemayama Nunnery Sasanadhaja Dhammanariya Maha Ganthavaaka Pandita Nun Daw Theri of the nunnery.
Afterwards, the Patron Nun of the nunnery accepted K 100,000 each donated by Ministry of Commerce and U Win Ko-Daw San San Win of No 84, 94th Street and provisions and cash by 29 wellwishers including Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, Yangon West District and Township Peace and Development Councils, Ministry of Mines and staff of Traditional Medicine Department.
Then, the family members donated K 1 million for the first time to renovate the nunnery in memory of the late Zeya Kyaw Htin Sithu Col Mya Win-Daw Khin Saw Myint.
Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of Defence supplicated on the purpose of the donation to the Sayadaw.
Next, Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Pan–indabhivamsa delivered a sermon. The congregation shared merits gained.
Today's donations for the nunnery were 44 bags of rice, 70 viss of edible oil, 60 bags of gram, 150 viss of iodized salt, 10 tubes of tooth paste, 446 bottles of traditional medicines, two bags of onion, one bag of potato and K 677,090 towards the funds of the nunnery and K 1 million for the renovation.
Likewise, a ceremony to offer rice, edible oil, salt, medicines, gram and cash to School for the Blind of Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blind (Khawe-gyan)
was held at the school this morning.
Present on the occasion were Director of the Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, Director-General Dr Myo Myint of the Religious Affairs Department, district and township authorities, members of social organizations, wellwishers, the patron of the Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blind (Khawegyan) and officials, students of the school and guests.
Director of the Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Cmdr Tin Htut Thein and Lt-Col Than Swe of the Ministry of Defence presented offertories donated by the families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to Chairman of the School U Hla Lwin.
Then, District and Township Peace and Development Councils presented four bags of rice, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines and Yangon Division Salt
Millers' Association 200 viss of iodized salt and 20 tubes of tooth paste, Traditional Medicine Department of the Ministry of Health 50 bottles of traditional medicines and proprietor of Htetlin Traditional Clinic U Khin Maung Tun and son Maung Htet Lin 150 bottles of traditional medicines to officials.
Next, Secretary General U Thein Lwin of the school accepted K 161,000 donated by Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, Directorate of Supply and Transport of the Ministry of Defence and the wellwishers.
Afterwards, Lt-Col Than Swe of the Ministry of Defence explained the purpose of the donations.
Secretary General U Thein Lwin thanked for the donations and the ceremony to an
( 4 )
Ambassadors, military attaches visit Mid-year Myanma Gems
Yangon, 6 Oct-Ambassadors, diplomatic corps, military attaches and officials of the UN agencies visited Mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium for 2001 organized by Myanma Gems Emporium Central Committee at the Mid-year Myanma Gems, Jade and Pearl Emporium on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road from 9 am to 12 noon today.
( 5 ) Commander attends tree-planting ceremony in Chanmya Thazi Township
Yangon, 6 Oct-A ceremony to plant Thitseint trees, belleric myrobalan, on a managable scale by the District and Township General Administration Departments in Mandalay Division was held on the Five-Acre Model Farm of the dapartment at the corner of Manawhari Street and 48th Street in Chanmya Thazi Township, Mandalay on 4 October morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint.
The commander planted a belleric myrobalan tree at the designated place, and Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and officials viewed the collective planting of trees.
A total of 217 belleric myrobalan trees were planted on 4 October and mango, tamarind, toddy-palm, plum and neem trees have already been planted at the farm.
Then, the commander proceeded to Minsu Village Basic Education Middle School in Kyaukse Township, where School Head U Aung Thin explained the salient points of the school.
The commander attended to the needs and inspected the site chosen for an extended building.
Next, the commander met with the health staff at Minsu Village Station Hospital and gave necessary instructions.
The commander then inspected the wards, the operation theatre, the laboratory and gave instructions on sanitation measures and the growing of shady trees and perennials.
Afterwards, the commander went to Shwegugyi Pagoda near Khinyaung Village and paid obeisance to the Buddha Image kept at Gandhakuti Taik and attended to the requirements.
( 6 )
USDA CEC member honours outstanding students

Yangon, 6 Oct - Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung attended the ceremony to honour outstanding students for 2000-2001 academic year at the Yadana Hall of the Basic Education High School in Myothit, Magway Division, this afternoon and made a speech.
First, CEC member U Aung Thaung presented prizes to the outstanding students who passed the 2000-2001 matriculation examination with distinctions and also to their teachers.
Next, Magway Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min and Magway District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Zaw Thein presented prizes to the students who stood first, second and third in their respective classes.
Then, the CEC member presented prizes to Myothit Township Education Officer Daw Khin Tint Tint and Headmaster U Aung Kyaw Min and delivered a speech.
Later, the CEC member met with Myothit Township USDA executives and members and discussed matters related to political, economic and social affairs.
Then, he inspected the site chosen for construction of the township office.
Afterwards, he attended the educational prize-presentation ceremony at the basic education high school in Natmauk at 4.30 pm. Headmistress of the school Daw Khaing Myint reported on matters related to development of the school and future tasks.
The CEC member then presented prizes to outstanding students who passed the matriculation examination in 2000-2001 academic year. Mangway Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min and Magway District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Zaw Thein also presented prizes to outstanding students who stood first, second and third in respective standards. The ceremony then ended with concluding remarks by CEC member U Aung Thaung.
( 7 )
Cash and kind donated to mark
International Day of Older Persons
Yangon, 6 Oct-In commemoration of International Day of Older Persons, a ceremony to donate cash and kind to 24 older persons aged 75 and above, sponsored by Dagon Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, was held at Kyaku Dhamma Beikman on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this afternoon.
It was attended by Patron of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Secretary of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee Dr Nwe Ni Ohn, Chairman of Dagon Township Peace and Development Council U Min Soe and members, Chairperson of the Township MCWA Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Mi Mi Khin and executives and others.
Chairperson of the Township MCWA Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Mi Mi Khin explained the purpose of the donations.
Then, Chairman of Dagon Township Peace and Development Council U Min Soe and Vice-Chairperson of the Township MCWA Daw Tin Tin Ohn made speeches.
Later, K 2,000 each to 24 older persons by Daw Khin Than Nwe, K 16,800 by No1 MCWA, K 2,500 each to 24 older persons by the Township MCWA, and cash and kind by No 3 Basic Education High School and No 1 Basic Education Middle School of Dagon Township and wellwishers were presented.
Afterwards, older person Daw Tin Tin Aye and Florence Nightingale Award winner Maj Daw Khin Ohn Mya (Retd) spoke words of
( 8
) Meeting held to form MOSA
Yangon, 6 Oct -A meeting on formation of Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association (MOSA) was held at the Sedona Hotel this morning.
Director-General of the Marine Administration Department U Soe Win chaired the meeting.
Present were departmental officials, guests, shipping line agents and sailors totalling 270.
Director-General U Soe Win said that in accord with the guidance of the Head
of State, the work to form Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association
has begun. The formation of the association will lead to an increase
in the number of sailors in the world market.
( 9
) Pyinnya Alin modern libraries opened in Sagaing
Yangon, 6 Oct - The opening ceremony of Pyinnya Alin Modern Library in Ohndaw Village, Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division was held at the library on 2 October, attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, division, district- and township-level departmental officials, townselders and invited guests.
Chairman of Ohndaw Village Peace and Development Council U Kyaw San explained the purpose of opening the library.
The commander presented a computer set and 500 CD-ROMs for the library.
Then, the commander
discussed tasks implemented for promotion of education standard and human resources development. Later, the commander
formally opened the library and inspected it.
After that, the commander proceeded to the opening ceremony of Pyinnya Alin Modern Library in Nyaung Pin Wun Village and made a speech. The commander presented a computer set and 500 CD ROMs for the library and inspected it. A total of 31 libraries have been opened in Sagaing Division for those who are seeking knowledge.
Live broadcast on semi-final & final matches of Tatmadaw soccer tourney
Yangon, 6 Oct-First semi-final match of the 17th Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's Shield under-21 football tournament will be held at 3.30 pm on 8 October, second semi-final at 3.30 on 9 October and the final match on 12 October at Thuwunna Youth Training Centre. MRTV will cover the matches live on respective