1 ) Performing Arts Competitions Leading Committee meets
Yangon, 4 Oct-The second coordination meeting of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at National Theatre here this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the committee, member of the State Peace and Development Council, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than.
Vice-Chairman of the committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, committee members, members of the Work Committee, the chairmen and members of Sub-committees and the chairmen of Scrutinizing Committee and members attended the meeting.
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than made a speech at the meeting. He said decisions were made at the last meeting to hold the competitions more lively and successfully than in the previous years. According to the guidance of the Patron, committee and sub-committees are carrying out duties with greater momentum and difficulties faced in discharging duties are to be discussed at this meeting, he said.

There are altogether eleven days left for the competitions to be held and competitors from states and divisions will soon arrive. So, preparations are to be made in advance for their accommodation, he pointed out. Budgets have been allotted and sub-committees are to use them systematically and departments are urged to continue helping the respective sectors. Rehearsals should be made for the newly added mandolin competition for the judges to be able to systematically make judgement at the competition. New judges in respective sectors are to be trained to be able to make proper judgement.
As the competitions are closer and the health of the doyen artistes are to be specially attended to, and the Patron himself has given instructions on this. It is a pleasure to see the constant medical care is being given to them, he said.
The commander placed emphasis on giving priority to solving the problems in discharging duties and giving suggestions for the competitions to be held successfully.
Then Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt made a speech. He said today's performing arts competitions are making history in Myanmar culture and it can be said that it is a milestone in Myanmar history. It is needed to realize that artistes from all over the country come here and nurture new generation youths, he added.
They are helping to glorify Myanmar culture in enabling it to stand tall in the world and deserve honour, for, they are harmoniously discharging a national duty. Myanmars are qualified persons who have the ability to make advancements in arts and science fields whenever they get an opportunity. The nation at present is striving to hand down the glorious culture to new generation youths. So, the Performing Arts Competitions have become famous in the world and help uplift cultural heritage, national character and dynamism of patriotic spirit.
Afterwards, the respective committees reported on their undertakings and those present took part in the discussions.
The commander then made concluding remarks and the meeting came to a close.
Hailing the competition, donor U Aung San of Shwe Traditional Medicine Industry presented 3,000 bottles of medicine worth K 90,000 to the commander.
The commander and party arrived at National Theatre and National Museum in Dagon Township, Padonma Theatre in San-gyoung Township and Kan-bawza Theatre at the Ministry of Culture where competitions are to be held and inspected preparations for the competitions and gave instructions to the officials.
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Minister inspects railroads and bridges
Yangon, 4 Oct-Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung inspected railroads from Yangon Station up to Thaton Station by EMC on 1 October. The minister gave instructions to officials on maintenance of bridges and railroads.
The minister inspected construction of Donthami Bridge on 2 and 3 October. Then, he gave instructions on installing a girder between pile-3 and pile-4 and completion of the bridge in time.
Extension of CDMA telephone lines under way in Yangon

Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspected Wayluwun Radio Telecommunication Station of Myanma Posts & Telecommunications here this afternoon.
The chief engineer of the Trunk Call Division explained extension of CDMA telephone lines in Yangon.
After giving suggestions, the minister inspected installation of the telephone line.
At Hanthawady Auto-Exchange, the minister inspected progress in installation of S-12 digital auto exchange equipment.
The chief engineer of the Yangon Auto Phone Division briefed the minister on the network of auto-exchange stations and telephone cables and extension of phone lines in the area of Hanthawady Auto-Exchange with the help of maps and charts.
During inspection of the Shwegondaing Radio Telecommunication Station, Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw heard a report on progress in installation of CDMA lines presented by the chief engineer of the Trunk Call Division. The minister attended to the needs, and then inspected the installation programme.
The minister also inspected the auto-phones for the extension project in Yangon at MPT Warehouse Division on 57th Street.
( 3 ) Minister inspects health care activities in Shan State
Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Director-General of the Department of Health Dr Wan Maung, Director-General of the Health Planning Department Dr Kyi Soe and Joint-Division Health Officer of Shan State (East) Dr Win Myint, inspected hospitals and health care activities in Mongyawng, Mongyu, Mongphyat and Kengtung on 29 and 30 September and 1 October.
The minister and party met with departmental officials and members of social organizations of the township at Bala Minhtin Hall in Mongyawng Township on 30 September and explained undertakings for the promotion of rural health care activities and attended to the requirements.
Then, the minister and party inspected activities for health care services at the PeopleÕs Hospital in Mongyawng and attended to the requirements.
On 1 October, the minister and party inspected Mongyu District Hospital and donated medicines needed for the hospital and funds and anti-malaria impregnated mosquito nets for Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association.
The minister and party then designated a plot for the construction of staff quarters and attended to requirements.
On 2 October, the minister and party inspected the Mongphyat Township People's Hospital and attended to the requirements and gave instructions on improvement of undertaking health care activities down to grassroots level and taking care of the patients with kindness.
Later, the minister and party together with Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein, went to the construction site of a new hospital (200 bed) in Kengtung Township and inspected completion of the work and programmes to be carried out and gave necessary instructions.
Next, the minister and party went to Nurses Training School and inspected academic matters and teaching aids and attended to the requirements.
Afterwards, the minister and party went round and inspected the People's Hospital in Kengtung and met with staff, explained the health plans being implemented by the State and special four-year plan for national education promotion programme (health sector) and development of rural health care
Minister meets outstanding students
Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Education U Than Aung cordially met with ninth and tenth-graders who are outstanding in English at Basic Education High School No 16 in Mandalay on 1 October.
The students are pursuing studies at the language lab room, computer aided instruction room, printed media room (reading corner) and audio lab at the school under the talented students training programme of the Ministry of Education.
Minister U Than Aung was accompanied by Director-General of No 2 Basic Education Department Lt-Col Win Htein and officials.
Together with the officials, the minister met with the ninth and tenth-graders who have been selected as outstanding students in Maths at BEHS No 12. He urged the students to strive to upgrade their education level.
At the Sagaing Education College, the minister and party inspected the learning centre and gave instructions to officials. He met with the students of the course No 5/2000 and explained the State's programmes to bring out qualified certified teachers and to enable the students to pursue their studies in accord with their level and efforts.
The next day, the minister and party inspected the buildings, classrooms and school furniture at the BEHS No 3 in Kyaukse, Mandalay Division.
Back in Mandalay, the minister and party met with the students who are outstanding in the science subjects at BEHS No 14. He explained the State's education promotion programmes, and urged them to study hard till they become scientists.
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Yankin Hill U Khanti Tazaung in Mandalay renovated
Yangon, 4 Oct - A ceremony to open the Tazaung (prayer hall) on Yankin Hill in Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, was held at the Tazaung on 2 October morning.
The Tazaung originally built by Hermit U Khanti was renovated with the contributions of Myodaw Biscuit family.
The ceremony was graced by the presence of Chairman of the Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw of Myataungtaik Shwe-wahwin Monastery Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Sasanabhivamsa and Sayadaws.
Also present were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, senior military officers, Secretary of the Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, departmental officials, wellwisher U San Win (Myodaw Biscuit) and wife Daw San San Myint and family and guests.
The commander and wellwisher U San Win formally opened the Tazaung. U San Win presented documents related to the Tazaung to the Chairman Sayadaw of the Committee for the Upkeep of Yankin Hill.
The commander and those present offered "soon" and presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
In the afternoon, the commander, together with Minister for Education U Than Aung and officials, attended the ceremony to hand over the new building of Affiliated Basic Education Middle School in Shawpin Village, Wundwin Township, in conjunction with the opening of the multimedia teaching centre.
The building was constructed with the contributions of local residents under the supervision of the Division Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Headmaster of the school U Ye Myint and member of the School Board of Trustees U Thaung Shwe formally opened the building. The commander, the minister and those present viewed the building.
The ceremony then continued at the building. The commander made a speech. The minister reported on assistance provided by the State for promotion of education standard.
Member of the School Board of Trustees U Kyaw Oo handed over documents pertaining to the building, the multimedia teaching centre and teaching aids to Director-General of No 2 Basic Education Department Lt-Col Win Htein.
The minister presented 60 dozen pencils and exercise books to the headmaster.
Organizer of the USDA of Shwepin Village, Wundwin Township, U Mann Kyaw presented 1,000 USDA membership applications to the minister.
Member of the School Board of Trustees U Than Swe spoke words of thanks, and the ceremony came to an end.
The building, 70 feet long and 30 feet wide, was constructed at a cost of K 3.3 million 2.5 million for the building and K 800,000 for the multimedia teaching centre.
Afterwards, the commander, the minister and party inspected the school buildings and teaching aids of Affiliated BEMS in Taungzachangon Village, in the same township, and left instructions on greening of the school compound, and then attended to the needs.
Provisions presented to Buddhist monks in Pathein
Yangon, 4 Oct - Provisions were presented to the members of the Sangha in Pathein under the sponsorship of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council on 2 October.
Present at the ceremony were members of the Sangha led by State Ovadacariya Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Jagariya of Pissimayon monastery, Chairman of the Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Deputy Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Tint Swe, senior officers of the command, division-level departmental officials, members of social organizations, invited guests and donors.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Jagariya administered the Five Precepts, followed by recitation of Parritas by the members of the Sangha.
The commander and wife and donors presented provisions to the monks.
Secretary of Ayeyawady Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Agga Maha Kammahtanacariya Bhaddanta Tejindasabha delivered a sermon.
The congregation shared the merits gained.
Accompanied by the deputy commander and officials, Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann arrived at Shwemyintin Basic Education High School in Pathein Township yesterday.
Headmaster U Ngwe Soe and officials reported to the commander and party on preparations being made to open a multimedia teaching centre at the school.
At the arts hall, the commander enjoyed the songs and dances performed by the students.
Headmaster U Ngwe Soe and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Aye Thein
briefed the commander and party on collective efforts being made for
emergence of the multimedia teaching centre. The commander gave
suggestions. During the visit to No 4 Plywood Factory and the Glass
Factory, the commander inspected the production process, and urged
officials to make efforts to exceed the production targets, to
reduce wastage and to ensure worksite safety. He also looked into
the requirements presented by the officials.
( 5 ) Documentary book on renovation of Bagan pagodas published
Yangon, 4 Oct - In line with the policy to preserve and propagate Myanmar traditional cultural heritage for enabling the people to cher aish and take pride in the nation and the lineage, the Ministry of Culture is renovating ancient pagodas without adversely affecting their original styles and workmanship, in Bagan cultural region. So far, altogether 2,513 ancient pagodas have been renovated.
To put these renovations on record, the documentary book (volume 4) covering the related data of 203 renovated pagodas (Pagoda No 1465 to Pagoda No 1836) has been published.
The book is now available at the Department of Archaeology of the Ministry of Culture and other bookshops.
Sub-printing house of Myanma Alin and Kyemon dailies opened in Magway
Yangon, 4 Oct-Under the programme of printing and direct distribution of dallies in respective regions of States and Divisions, the sub-printing house of the Myanma Alin and the Kyemon was opened on Natmauk Street in Magway this morning.
The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein, Director-General of Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, senior military officers from the local battalion, members of Magway Division Peace and Development Council, officials from the ministry, division/district/township level departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, townspeople and students.
First, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Chairman Col Zaw Min formally opened the sub-printing house. Then, the deputy minister, Col Ohn Myint of local battalion, Col Zaw Min and guests viewed process of work in the sub-printing house before the ceremony came to an end.
The Myanma Alin and the Kyemon daillies were printed at the sub-printing house starting from today with the use of modern offset printing machines. The dallies will be directly distributed to the townships on the west bank of the Ayeyawady River in the division ÑMinbu, Sedoktara, Ngape, Kanma, plus other towns such as Natmauk, Yanangyoung, Chauk, and small towns and village-tracts
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Seminar on fresh water shrimp farming held
Yangon, 4 Oct - A seminar on fresh water shrimp farming was held under the sponsorship of Aqua Shop in cooperation with Asia Star Lab Co Ltd and STC Feed Co Ltd (Rambo Feed) at Summmit Parkview Hotel here on 29 September 2001. Matters on shrimp hatchery operating and management and new technique for shrimp farming in cold season were discussed at the seminar.
The seminar was attended by Minister of the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe,
department officials, fishery entrepreneurs, scholars and
Commander attends ceremony to mark International Day of Older Persons
Yangon, 4 Oct-A ceremony to mark the International Day of Older Persons organized by Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council and Shan State (East) Supervisory Committee for Women's Affairs and Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the hall of the Development Affairs Committee in Kengtung on 1 October.
It was attended by Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein and wife, senior military officers of the command, state/district/township-level departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Women's Affairs Working Committee and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, towns-elders and 100 older persons in Kengtung.
Before presenting cash assistance to the older persons, the commander and those present paid respects to them.
Then, the commander and those present served the older persons with Hollicks and light refreshments.
On 26 September, altogether 50 older persons were given free medical treatment by medical specialists as a gesture hailing the International Day of Older
( 7 )
International Day of Older
Persons observed in Magway
Yangon, 4 Oct - A prize-presentation ceremony for the men's and women's weight-lifting and body-building and beauty contest of five districts in Magway Division was held at the City Hall in Magway at 7 pm on 31 September.
Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and members, Patron of Magway Division Women's Sports Committee and members, departmental officials, members of the panel of judges, participating teams and guests.
The competitors of the beauty contest and body-building contest demonstrated their skills.
Col Zaw Min and officials presented prizes to winners.
Col Zaw Min also attended the ceremony to observe the International Day of Older Persons at Phankha Home for the Aged in Magway.
Respects were paid to the older persons aged 80 and above.
Then, Col Zaw Min made a speech.
Col Zaw Min, together with wellwishers, presented donations to the older persons.
An older person spoke words of thanks.
Afterwards, the older persons were entertained with lunch.
At the ceremony, donations worth K 186,000 were presented to 62 older persons aged 80 and above.
Six electric fans, two cassette recorders and tapes on sermons were also donated to the older persons of Phankha Home for the Aged.
Col Zaw Min, accompanied by departmental officials, inspected Thaphanseik River-Pumping Project in Magway Township, and gave instructions.
Ceremony marking International Day of Older Persons held in Lashio
Yangon, 4 Oct-A cere-mony to mark the International Day of Older Persons sponsored by Shan State (North) Women's Affairs Working Committee was held at the city hall in Lashio on 1 October morning.
The ceremony was attended by Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and wife Daw Khin Saw Hnin, Secretary of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Han and departmental officials, Chairman of Shan State (North) WomenÕs Affairs Working Committee Joint Commissioner U Sein Oke and members, social organisations and older persons.
First, Staff Officer of Shan State (North) Social Welfare Department U Ohn Hlaing explained the purpose of organiszing the International Day of Older Persons.
Then, the attendance paid respects to the older persons and the commander and officials made donations in cash and kind to 161 older persons who thanked the
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Mayor inspects Uto-Kya-in Farm
Yangon, 4 Oct - Chairman of the Yangon City Development Committee Mayor of Yangon U Ko Lay inspected farming at Uto-Kyain region in Taikkyi Township, Yangon Division, this morning. Accompanied by officials, the mayor visited the fish and prawn hatching division of the project.
Officials reported to the mayor on breeding of artemia for prawn fodder and
hatching of fresh water prawns.
The mayor spoke of the need to make efforts to
supply enough fry to the extended fish and prawn breeding ponds and
to distribute fingerlings to private breeders. During the inspection
of fish breeding ponds, he attended to the needs of the officials.
Later, the mayor observed mechanized harvesting of paddy, milling of
rice at the 25-ton rice mill, fresh water prawn breeding ponds, a
briquette factory, an oil mill and a sugar mill. At his meeting with
officials, he urged them to distribute the rice milled by the mill,
to continuously provide to the staff welfare association, to protect
the fresh water prawn breeding ponds from intruders such as predator
fish and crabs.
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) Stimulant tablets, arms and ammunition seized in Tachilek Township
Yangon, 4 Oct-A combined team comprising members of the local Tatmadaw column of Tachilek Station, the intelligence unit and Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, raided and combed Nantphone Village in Minekoe Village-tract, Tachilek Township on 28 September morning.
The team seized 650 stimulant tablets, a broken heroin block weighing three grams, one .22 automatic rifle, three pistols, one grenade, magazines and rounds of ammunition, three gold chains, two gold rings and 30,300 baht at the house of Sai Lon, 38, son of U Law Pa; 280,000 stimulant tablets, one pistol, a magazine and rounds of ammunition at the house of Lin Bo, 42, son of U Aik Htan; 34,000 stimulant tablets, one M-22 automatic rifle, magazines and rounds of ammunition together with Tun Myint, 31, and Kya La, 45 at the house of Ban Mu, 25, son of U Lapu Yi; 46,000 stimulant tablets, one revolver and rounds of ammunition at the house of Kya Pha; 150,000 stimulant tablets together with Kya Hti, 25 and Kya Taw, 30, at the house of Kya Shikha, 32, son of U Kya Yaw; 4,180 stimulant tablets at the house of Kya Boto, 38, son of U Kya Baw; 52,000 stimulant tablets at the house of Ah Mway, 35, son of U Ah Soe; one pistol, magazines and rounds of ammunition at a deserted hut on the edge of the village; one single-barreled gun and one M-1 rifle at the hut of Kya Law, 37, son of U Ah Yi, and one Tumi gun at the house of Law Ta, 45, son of U Li Paung.
Action was taken against the eleven who were involved in drugs and arms trafficking in accord with Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station