1 ) Secretary-1 inspects basic education schools in Bahan
Yangon, 3 Oct- Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at No 3 Basic Education Primary School in Bahan Township at 10 am today. The Secretary-1 was welcomed there by Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Director-General of No 3 Basic Education Department U Tin Win, officials of Yangon West District and Bahan Township Peace and Development Councils, Headmaster U Kyi Win Maung and teachers.
First, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the Kindergarten (A) of No 3 Basic Education Primary School.

Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected children studying lessons with the help of computers at computerized media section and presented exercise books to the schoolchildren.
Then, the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions on completion of a new two-storey building.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party went to No 1 Basic Education Middle School in Bahan Township where they were welcomed by Headmistress Daw Than Nwe and teachers.
First, the Secretary-1 presented exercise books, two sets of computers and Language Lab equipment.
Then, he inspected classrooms, construction of annex buildings and gave instructions.
( 2 )
Foundations necessary for State's economic, social progress
expected to complete at end of third five-year economic plan
Secretary-3 inspects development undertakings of Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 3 Oct - Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, together with Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Aye Kyway, ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers and officials of State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at Myeik in Taninthayi Division yesterday morning.
The Secretary-3 and party were welcomed there by Deputy Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tin Latt, senior military officers, Secretary of the Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Nyo and division level officials.
The Secretary-3 and party went to Ngwe Pinle Livestock and Fisheries Company in Pahtet on the other bank of Myeik.
At the briefing hall, Director of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd Col Myint Aung reported on setting up
of Ngwe Pinle Live-
stock and Fisheries Co, buying of trawlers and the catch amount of fish and prawns.
Then, Secretary-3 heard a report on packaging of prawns for export. The Secretary-3 gave instructions.
Managing Director of International Fisheries (Taninthayi) Ltd U Kya Maung reported on cold storage and ice factories constructed, the amount of capital in constructing 350-ton cold storage and a 50-ton ice factory in Pahtet and production of finished prawns. After giving instructions, the Secretary-3 inspected the cold storage, the ice factory and production process of finished prawns.
Afterwards, the Secretary-3 and party inspected different species of sea fish caught by the trawlers of Ngwe Pinle Livestock and Fisheries Co.
The Secretary-3 and party went back to the bank of Myeik side by boat and inspected maintenance of the jetty and the wharf on the bank.
They proceeded to Myannmar International Fish Auction Market in Myeik Industrial Zone, where they were welcomed by Chairman of Myanmar International Fisheries Joint-Venture Ltd U Soe Win and officials.
The Secretary-3 met with fishery entrepreneurs of Myeik at the building of the market. The commander presented a preliminary report on work of the entrepreneurs and attended to their requirements.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein gave an account of the rich marine resources of coastal and deep sea areas of the State, construction of Myanmar International Fish Auction Market in Myeik for development of fisheries and for strengthening the fishery market and trading of fish and prawns.
Chairman U Soe Win reported on tasks being carried out after the opening of the market.
The fishery entrepreneurs reported on coastal and deep sea fishing, experiences in marketing fish and prawns at the market and requirements. The minister fulfilled their requirements.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint said coordinations
between the importers and exporters will solve all the difficulties
of the Myanmar International Fish Auction Market. Observance of the
laws enacted by the government will bring convenience to the
deep-sea and coastal fishing entrepreneurs. Efforts should be made
to extend offshore sea fishing as well as sea prawn breeding. Rakhine State is gaining success in extending sea prawn breeding. Thaninthayi Division also has favourable conditions to successfully raise sea prawn. Thus, projects should be laid down to breed sea prawn along the coastal area.
Production of marine products such as fish paste and sauce should be boosted. Systematic conducting of sea fishing, prawn breeding and extension of fish paste and sauce will help increase the revenue of Taninthayi.
As the government is encouraging the livestock breeding sector, arrangements should be made to use fish, which is not marketable, from the catch as animal fodder.
In the afternoon, the Secretary-3 and party met with members of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council, division-level officials, local authorities, departmental personnel and members of social organizations.
Commander Maj-Gen Aye Kyway said the division has put nearly 70,000 acres of land under oil palm against the target of 500,000 acres, explaining the progress in building Kawthoung-Bokpyin-Myeik motorway and Taninthayi-Bokpyin motorway, poultry farming and plans to promote the education sector.
Division Manager U Soe Myint of Myanma Agriculture Service reported on monsoon and summer paddy cultivation in the division, cultivation of edible oil crops and other crops, chemical fertilizer supply, efforts being made to raise the per acre yield of various crops and to fulfil the regional food demand.

General Manager of No 2 Mining Enterprise U Khin Maung Lay reported on the township-wise location of mineral deposits in the division, mining of minerals such as tin, tungsten, coal and diamond and peal production.
Head of Division Fisheries Department U Tint Swe explained efforts being made to develop the fisheries sector, extension of cold storage facilities and ice factories and extension of sea prawn fishing.
Division Education Officer U Thaung Sein briefed the Secretary-3 on the number of basic education schools in the division, assignment of teaching staff, opening of multimedia teaching centres and programmes to bring out outstanding students.
Division Health Officer Dr Tun Tun Aung explained the health care activities being launched in the division, vaccination programmes and public health care programmes being implemented with the cooperation of the Maternal and Child Welfare Association.
Chairman of Myeik District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Kywe reported on farming, health, education and economy of the division.
Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe explained the State's assistance to turn Taninthayi Division into nation's oil bowl, participation of national entrepreneurs in putting 500,000 acres of land under oil palm, progress in cultivation of oil palm and efforts being made by local authorities, entrepreneurs and regional people to successfully implement the State's objectives.

Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone briefed the meeting on plans to grow belleric myrobalan which produces cooking oil in the division, assistance being rendered to implement the task, provision of assistance by the
ministry's for progress of the division.
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint explained mineral production in the division, peal culture and coal exploration projects.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein said the fishery sector is the fourth largest contributor to the national economy, and the sector plays a vital role in developing the division. Efforts are being made to achieved success in breeding local chicken strains,, cattle and goat and to extend sea prawn breeding.
Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung explained plans to render assistance for the success of crop cultivation including paddy, rubber and oil palm.
Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein explained implementation of road transport projects in the division and building of roads and bridges in all the states and divisions.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint said according to the presentations at the meeting, it can be assessed that the division is enjoying a better economic growth rate and its per capita income is on a par with other states and divisions. The division still has many vacant and fallow lands to extend fish and prawn breeding and crop cultivation.
Prospects are bright to fully utilize the remaining land and water resources for economic progress of the division.

Collective efforts should be made to extend paddy cultivation acres and raise the paddy per acre yield in order in order to ensure regional food sufficiency in a short period.
Efforts should be made from now on to produce enough food for the growing population for the next 20 years and for the success of the monsoon crops and extension of double-cropping. Marketable crops such as beans and pulses and oil crops should be cultivated on land where summer paddy cultivation is impossible.
As the agricultural sector is important for the division, so also do the fish and meat sector, forestry sector and mineral sector. Especially, efforts should be made to develop the fish and meat sector.
Systematic deep-sea and coastal sea prawn fishing should be extended; and fish and prawn breeding should be extended at suitable places. Development in the fish and meat sector will bring progress to the division.
Poultry farming should be conducted rural areas in addition to agriculture. Rural develop will lead to progress of urban areas. Cooperative efforts are required to improve rural roads, to implement rural clean water supply projects and to further uplift the rural health and education standard.

The government is giving necessary assistance and directives for proportionate progress of all the states and divisions. As the work programmes to realize the State's objectives have already been laid down, it is important for the people of the division to practically implement them in order to materalize the State's goal emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
The government has successfully implemented the first short-term four-year national economic plan and the second short-term five-year national economic plan.
It is also making efforts to exceed the targets of the third short-term five-year national economic plan.
The government expects that laying of good foundations which are necessary for the State's economic and social development will be completed at the end of the third short-term five-year national economic plan.
United efforts are required to equally share the fruits of progress to the people and to safeguard the nation against internal and external dangers. Priority should be given to progress of productivity in all the sectors and to apply thrifty methods.
The Secretary-3 and party arrived in Dawei on 1 October.
The Secretary-3 met chairmen of Dawei District and Dawei, Longlon, Yaybyu and Thayetchaung Township Peace and Development Councils and members and departmental officials.
Chairman of Dawei District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Nyunt reported on cultivation of monsoon paddy in Dawei District, arrangements for cultivation of summer paddy, paddy yield, rice sufficiency in the region, raising of poultry and breeding of deep sea prawn.
Commander Maj-Gen Aye Kyway reported on cultivation of paddy in Dawei District, rice sufficiency in the region and livestick, education and health matters.
Offiicials also reported on land utilization, cultivation of crops, construction of embankment, roads and bridges, underkaings for urban and rural development, extension of livestock and education and health matters.
Ministers Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Khin Maung and Brig-Gen Myint Thein took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-3 then gave instructions and greeted cordially those present.
The Secretary-3 and party went to Khamaukgyi Region in Kawthoung Township by helicopter. The Secretary-3 and party were welcomed by Col Khin Zaw Win of Khamaukgyi Station, Chairman of Kawthoung District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Phyo, officials and national entrepreneurs who grow oil palm in Taninthayi Division.
The Secretary-3 and party inspected oil plam plantations of Yuzana Co Ltd in Khamaukgyi Region.
The Secretary-3 and party planted oil palm trees at the plantation of Yuzana Co Ltd.
The Secretary-3 and party met oil palm growers at Bayintnaung Hall of Yuzana Co Ltd.
Division Manager of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise U Zaw Win rerported on cultivation of 500,000 acres of oil palm, lands permitted to 16 national entrepreneurs and present cultivation of oil palm.
Director U Taik Kyi of Yuzana Co Ltd and Annawa Tun Co Ltd, Chairman U Win Aung of Dagon InternationalÊLtd, Chairman U Aye Maung of Po Kaung Co Ltd, Managing Director Dr Mya Thida Swe Tin of SI Co Ltd and Project Director U Than Htay of Super One Co Ltd reported on implementation of oil palm cultivation projects.
Commander Maj-gen Aye Kyway reported on providing assistance to oil palm growers.
Minister Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe reported on successful implementation of the projects and the need to establish oil palm factories, Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein on raising of goats and cattle and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung on contruction of crude oil palm factory.
The Secretary-3 spoke of the need for national entrepreneurs to make systematic efforts for full cultivation of oil palm targeted. The cultivation of oil palm has entered about three years and oil palm growers gained experiences, he said.
The Secretary-3 gave instructions on cultivation of other crops suitable for the region and raising of goats and cattle in the oil palm plantations.
The Secretary-3 and party went to Kawthoung by helicopter. They were welcomed at Kawthough airport by Tactical Operations Commander Col Myint Tun and officials.
The Secretary-3 and party arrived back here in the evening.
CEC members of USDA U Aung Phone, Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and Brig-Gen Khin Maung met secretaries of Dawei District, Dawei, Longlon, Yaybyu and Thayetchaung Township USDAs and executives at the city hall in Dawei on 1 October and secretaries of Myeik District and Township USDAs on 2 October.
Member of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein met chairman of Taninthayi Division War Veterans Organization Supervisory Committee, Chairmen of Dawei and Myeik District WVO Supervisory Committees and Chairmen of Township WVO and members in Dawei and Myeik on 1 and 2
( 3 )
Indian Ambassador calls on Mayor
Yangon, 3 Oct- Chairman of the Yangon City
Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay received Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at his office at 10 am today.
Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of YCDC Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Secretary Col Myint Aung, Joint Secretary U Kyi Win and committee members, heads of department and officials of the
Indian Embassy.
Commerce Minister receives guest
Yangon, 3 Oct- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received General Manager of Trade and Investment Myanmar Ltd Mr Vatsal Lilani and party at his office at 1 pm today.
Also present at the call were the director-general of Directorate of Trade, the director-general of Border Trade Department, the managing director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading and
( 4 )
Minister inspects police stations

Yangon, 3 Oct - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, accompanied by Police Quartermaster-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Win Soe, Principal of Myanmar Police Force Central Training Unit Police Brig-Gen Win Myaing, commanders of Police Forces and commissioners of General Administration Department of Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions, inspected the Training Division in PyinOoLwin Township, Mandalay Division, and police stations in Mandalay and met with police force members and families on 30 September and 1 October.
The minister, together with officials, arrived at the TadaU Township Airport Police Station and gave instructions on construction of a standard police station, minimizing loss and wastage and timely arrival of construction materials on 30 September.
Then, the minister went to the MPFCTU in PyinOo-Lwin Township and left necessary instructions.
On 1 October, the minister proceeded to Nos 6 and 8 Police Stations in Mandalay and gave instructions on implementing tasks for public interest, effectively carrying out tasks for community peace and tranquillity and prevalence of law and order, systematical discharging of duties, promotion of staff welfare by carrying out agriculture and livestock breeding work and carrying out tasks in unison.
Later, the minister met with family members of police force.
Minister inspects LPG Cylinder Plant

Yangon, 3 Oct- Minister for Industry 2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin arrived at LPG Cylinder Plant in South Dagon Industrial Zone of the ministry in Dagon Myothit (South) this afternoon and inspected test-run of the plant and production process of the cylinder, jointly undertaken by Indian experts and Myanmar engineers. Deputy Minister Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and Managing Director of Myanma Machine Tool and Electrical Industries U Kyaw Win reported on progress of
( 5 ) Minister inspects Sugar Mill, Vegetable Cultivation Special Zone

Yangon, 3 Oct-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, arrived at No 13 Sugar Mill (Okkan) in Taikkyi Township, Yangon Division this morning where the Mill Manager reported arrangements for running of the mill, sugarcane acreage in the area and quantity of sugarcane to be purchased, preparations for special zone and high yield areas and monthly production target.
Then, Managing Director U Myo Myint of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise reported on extended cultivation of sugarcane and purchase of raw materials, and the Chairman of township Peace and Development Council on purchase and transport of the corp to the minister who inspected completion of maintenance of the mill and machinery in the sections.
He met with sugarcane growers and made a speech.
He then proceeded to Nyaunghnapin Vegetable Cultivation Special Zone in Hmawby and heard reports on building of a pest prevention centre by Deputy General Manager U Than Aye. The minister and party inspected paddy, onion, potato, aleo vera, pineapple and chilli plants grown by experts and technicians using tissue culture and anther culture.
The minister also inspected vegetable plantations and produce by the zone and heard the reports by Managing Director U Tun Than of Myanma Agriculture Service.
The minister gave instructions to the officials. The minsiter inspected vegetable patch of Myanmar Farms Enterprise.
Cash and kind donated for International Day of Older Persons
Yangon, 3 Oct - The ceremony to donate cash for the International Day of Older Persons was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning. Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa accepted the donations and medicines and presented the certificates of honour to the wellwishers.

Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Professor Daw May May Yee, Chairman of the Working Committee for the International Day of Older Persons, Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing and committee members, Directors-General under the ministry, directors and officials, wellwishers and invited guests.
First, the donation ceremony for International Day of Older Persons was held and the Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win, Vice-Chairperson of the Working Committee for Women's Affairs Professor Daw May May Yee and Director-Genetral of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing accepted the donations and presented the certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
The donations were: K 550,000 by Chairman of All Myanmar Tamil Hindu Foundation U Zaw Zaw Naing, 136 kinds of medicines worth K 507,135 by Shwe Than Lwin Co, K 500,000 each by Sihasudhamma Manijotadhara U Khin Myint,Yadanar Win (Thoneze Co Ltd), Dr Aung Kyaw Win - Dr Thet Thet Khaing of Shwe Nann Daw jewellery shop, U Thet Oo of Ayeya Myay General Services, medicines worth K 300,000 by Glaxo Smith Kline Co Ltd, K 300,000 each by U Aik Tun & Daw Than Than Win of Asia Wealth Bank Ltd, U Than Oo of Sun Far Travels and Tour Co Ltd, medicines worth K 250,000 by United Pharma Co Ltd, 240 cans of Bear Brand powdered milk by Mr Suravath Pinsuwanbutr of Nestle Co Ltd, medicines worth K 203,616 by Ranbaxy Co Ltd, K 200,000 each by U Win Aung-Dr Moe Moe Mya of Dagon International Co, U Mya Han - Daw Khin Sabai Kyi of Fortune International, U Khin Maung Aye - Daw Khin Lay of Gold Power Co Ltd, Great Wall Ointment family, U Myo Hein of MHLG Co Ltd and (U Pwint Kaung)-Daw Khin Nwe Yee and family of Shwepazun Confectionary and medicines and cash. Altogether 98 wellwishers donated K 9,085,801.
Then, the minister spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers and the ceremony came to an end.
( 6 )
Industry-1 Minister inspects garment factories
Yangon, 3 Oct-Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung together with Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win arrived at No 16 Garment Factory (Thingangyun) of Myanma Textile Industries on U Ba Han Street in Thingangyun Township this morning.

After leaving instructions there, he proceeded to No 15 Garment Factory (Thingan-gyun) on the same street and heard the reports on production and distribution of products by Factory Manager Daw Khin San Nyunt at the briefing hall of the factory.
The minister gave instructions on production of snow towel and installation of imported machinery and urged officials to strive for timely arrival of the ordered machinery. He also inspected the building of Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries on Thukhawady Street in Kanbe, Yankin Township and gave instructions to the officials.
Minister inspects Aphyauk
natural gas field
Yangon, 3 Oct - Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi arrived at Ahphyauk Natural Gas Field in Taikkyi Township, Yangon Division, this morning and was welcomed by officials.
At the briefing hall, the minister heard reports presented by General Manager U Kyaw Soe on distribution of gas in 2001-2002, volume of gas so far produced since its inception, remaining volume and future programmes.
The minister attended to the requirements and laid down the tasks to be carried out.
Then, the minister went to the Pressurized Natural Gas Field and inspected the operation of pressurized
( 7 )
General Secretary of UMFCCI leaves for Japan
Yangon, 3 Oct General Secretary of the Union of Myanmar Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Zaw Min Win left here for Japan by air this evening to attend JETRO Trade Promotion Training Programme to be held there on 3 October.
He was seen off at Yangon International Airport by President of UMFCCI U Win Myint,Vice-President U Htein Win, executives and officials.
Commander inspects tax-free market in Yankin Township

Yangon, 3 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than visited the tax-free market in Yankin Township next to the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and inspected buying and selling and the needs this morning.
First, the commander arrived at Yankin tax-free market at 7:10 am and he was welcomed by Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Joint-Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee U Kyi Win and officials, Commander of No 2 Military Region Col Tin Oo Lwin, Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi.
Then, the Commander and party inspected vegetable shops of YCDC, Hmawby Station, Taikkyi Township Peace and Development Council, milk, eggs, fish and meat shops of Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, YCDC, Yangon Command and Annawa Fisheries Enterprise Holdings Ltd, edible oil shops of Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd, rice shops of Myanmar Rice Wholesale Merchants Association and had a cordial chat with the public. Afterwards, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than attended to the requirements and left there.
( 8
Mayor U Ko Lay views scrutinizing of entries

Yangon, 3 Oct-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay viewed scrutinizing of entries for the Painting, Cartoon and Poster Competitions, organized by YCDC, by experts from Myanma Artists and Artisans Asiayone at the hall of City Hall here this morning.
He was accompanied by member of Patrons of Leading Committee for holding the competitions Joint-Secretary of YCDC U Kyi Win, Chairman of Work Committee Head of Public Relations and Information Department U Hla Myint Swe and members, officials from Myanma Artists and Artisans Asiayone, and members of Scrutinizing Committee.
After viewing the entries, he left there for Feedstuff Pellets Factory of Production Department of YCDC at Pyinmabin Village in Mingaladon Township where Deputy Head of the department Maj Tin Tun Win and officials welcomed him.
He inspected condition of storage of feedstuff and veterinary medicine and heard the reports on condition for running of the factory by Maj Tin Tun Win. After leaving instructions to the officials, he left there. The factory is built on a 3.5-acrecompound near Pyinmabin Village. It has a main pellets machine, two mixing machines, three warehouses that can store 40 tons of feedstuff and a warehouse for finished feedstuff. It can grind 40 tons of feedstuff per
Great Wall C'ship Badminton tourney opens
Yangon, 3 Oct- A ceremony to open 2nd Great Wall Championship Badminton Tournament was opened at the stadium on Kyongyi Street in Lanmadaw Township this morning.
The ceremony was attended by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Director of Directorate of Resettlements of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Aung Thein, members of the Panel of Patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, officials of Sports and Physical Education Department, the Chairman and executives of Myanmar Badminton Federation, U Maung Maung and family of Great Wall Pharmaceutical Enterprise, guests and fans. Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint spoke on the occasion and formally opened the tournament.
President of Myanmar Badminton Federation U Kyi Nyunt explained matters relating to the tournament. Under-18 men's and women's singles events, men's double events and under-18 men's doubles events were held today.
The Tournament will be held up to 7 October.
( 9
Cash presented for new school building
Yangon, 3 Oct-Cash-presenting ceremony for a new school building of No 1 Basic Education High School in North Okkalapa was held at the hall of the school this morning, attended by Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung.
Also present on the occasion were the directors-general of departments, chairmen of boards, and directors under the ministry, donors, the chairman and members of township Peace and Development Council, the township education officer, schoolheads, teachers, students and invited guests.
Chairman of School Board of Trustees U Cho Aye explained the donation. Cash donation amounting to over K 3 million were received