1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to FRG
Yangon, 3 Oct- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Johannes Rau, Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany,
on the occasion of the day of German Unity, which falls on 3 October
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Secretary-1 inspects all-round renovation of Shwephonpwint Pagoda

Yangon, 2 Oct- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials, inspected all-round renovation tasks of the Shwephonpwint Pagoda in Pazundaung Township this morning.
The Secretary-1 arrived at the pagoda at 9 am and was welcomed by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, the deputy ministers, departmental heads, officials of Yangon East District and Pazundaung Township Peace and Development Council, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and pagoda board of trustees.
The Secretary-1 heard reports on redecoration of the pagoda and Sasanika Buildings in the precinct of the pagoda and cash donations to the fund presented by Chairman of the Leading Committee for Second All-round Renovation of Shwe-phonpwint Pagoda and Sasanika Buildings Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan.
Then, the Secretary - 1 gave instructions regarding the reports and inspected the Sasanika buildings, which will be renovated.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected and paid homage to Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw and Shwe-htidaw and left
Combination of athletes' zeal, hard work, unyielding spirit,
national spirit and public support leads to victory
Medalists of XXI SEA Games honoured
Yangon, 2 Oct- The medalists of the XXI Southeast Asian Games were honoured at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna this afternoon.
Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address at the ceremony. He also presented prizes to the medalists.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the Yangon mayor, members of MNOC, deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, members of Myanmar Olympic Committee, members of the Committee to Bring Sports Victories, patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the director-general of Sports and Physical Education Department, heads of department, presidents of Myanmar sports federations, donors, the leader, managers, judges, coaches, officials of support groups and the athletes.

The Secretary-1 said the athletes who won medals to a certain degree at a time when all the Myanmar people are expecting Myanmar sports victories at the international games will be honoured at the ceremony.
The State and the entire people are giving special support to uplift the standard of the nation's sports with the conviction that the high standard of the nation's sports reflects the dignity of the nation and the people, the standard of the culture and development of the nation.
Winning of the medals at the Southeast Asian Games constitutes reinforcing new strength to raise the sports standard as well as an encouragement to strive to move further.
The government is making systematic plans to uplift the sports standard to reach to the top level in Asia as a national task.
It has systematically reformed and extended the sports federations to bring favourable conditions to the Myanmar sports world such as uplifting the health and fitness of the athletes, acquiring advancing sports methods and equipment and gaining international experiences in enabling all the athletes of sporting events to be on a par with the world nations.
At present, almost all the sporting events have gained advanced training equipment, international level coaches and international experiences. The athletes are also enjoying an unprecedented public support. It is satisfactory to see that the successful entrepreneurs are taking the duty to develop the Myanmar sports event-wise.
It can be said that the combination of the zeal, perseverance, hard training, unyielding spirit and the national spirit of the athletes and public support had led to winning such a number of medals.
Myanmar took part in 19 events of the 24 sporting events in the XXI SEA Games, and won 19 gold, 14 silver and 53 bronze. It won the seventh place in the overall medal standings.
In the XX SEA Games, which was held in Brunei, Myanmar was at the eighth place.
The country took the seventh place as 19 gold medals were won in nine events.
In the IXX SEA Games, the sixth place winner Singapore bagged 30 gold while the seventh place winner Myanmar took away only eight gold. But at the present games, the sixth place winner Singapore bagged 22 gold and the seventh place winner Myanmar won 19 gold. Thus, Myanmar won more gold in the games.
During the XVI Games, which was held in Manila, Myanmar won only 12 gold. Myanmar won the largest number of gold since the 11th Games held in 1981, during which the nation won 15 gold.
Though Myanmar won only a certain amount of medals, it can be said a significant success. Especially, the Myanmar sports has much improved at a time when the State and the people are striving in harmony to uplift the nation's sport standard.
Though there were opportunities to win more victories, Myanmar did not get as much medals as it should have won due to the weaknesses.

Thus, the weaknesses should be assessed to find ways to win more victories. Despite the high hopes, Myanmar did not win medals in some events. Such situations must be correctly assessed.
The officials and the athletes should strive to achieve greater success than that in the latest games.
The Myanmar women continued to win medals in soccer, weightlifting, rowing and shooting. They also won medals in swimming, yachting and Wushu. In yachting and Wushu,
Myanmar athletes are beginning to enter international events.
He said men's and women's teams stood third in football tournament. Both teams possessed qualifications that led to winning the medals. The teams could equally compete with the rivals. He hoped that success would be achieved through proper training and strength. He spoke of the need for football players to continue to try hard and undergo training well.
He said that officials are to make arrangements to turn out talented new generation youths for promotion of national football standard by holding football tournaments continuously. By doing so, new generation talented football players will emerge, he said. The first Inter-State and Division football tournament under-21 is being held in major cities in upper and lower Myanmar zones. Arrangements have been made to present handsome prizes to winners, he added.
He said arrangements are being made for holding of National Olympic Council Chairman's Trophy football tournament. Teams from premier league and first division clubs and those qualified to the Inter-State and Division level can participate in the tournament without any age limit, he said. Handsome prizes will be given to the winning teams, he said.
In international sports world, new sports, modern techniques and modern sports equipment have been changing with the passage of time. Records and performance of athletes are also progressing.
Like our country, the nations of the world are making efforts to raise their sport standard and to gain achievements in various ways, he said.
The Secretary-1 said it is necessary for athletes to participate in international competitions with perseverance, diligence, national spirit and strong desire to win the competition. It is also necessary for the athletes, managers, coaches and officials of sports federations to realize that winning medals at the SEA Games is on the right track of promotion national sports standard. He stressed the important role of managers.
The Secretary-1 said the athletes and managers are to make continued efforts for winning more medals in the next competition while maintaining their achievements.
In conclusion, he expressed thanks to wellwishers who provided financial assistance for success of Myanma sports and presidents of sports federations. He also praised all the athletes who brought honour to the nation by winning medals and wished for similar victories in international competitions.
Then, Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented cash awards to Moe Thu Aung who won gold in swimming, Aung Thura who won gold in track and field, Thinza Soe and Aye Aye Thin who won gold in judo, Naw Ella Lashi, Myint Myint Win, Tin Tin Nwe and Khin Mar Oo who won gold in rowing in team event, Sithu Moe Myint, Phone Kyaw Moe Myint, Su Myat Soe, Nan Kham Hsay, Kaung Myat Htut and Aung Myin Thu who won gold in yachting, Aung Nyein Ni, Kyaw Moe Win, Khin Maung Htoo, Win Cho San, Khin Pa Pa Tun and Myat Thuza Win who won gold in shooting, Thit Lwin who won gold in taekwando, Kaythi Win, Mya Sanda Oo, Swe Swe Win and Khin Moe Nwe who won gold in weight-lifting, Swe Swe Than, Pyi Wai Pyo and Khaing Khaing Maw who won gold in wushu.
Afterwards, cash awards were presented to Pa Pa who won three silver medals in track and field and Wan Ko Ko Oo who won three bronze medals in karetedo, on behalf of the 18 silver medalists and 138 bronze medalists respectively.
Then, the Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented K 6 million, donated by Kambawza Bank Ltd for Kambawza Shield Soccer Tournament to be held in Taunggyi, to Secretary of Shan State Sports and Physical Education Committee U Hla Win who received on behalf of the Shan State Peace and Development Council.
The totalling amount of cash awards presented to the victorious athletes by Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports, Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee the Mayor and Embassy of Malaysia were K 84,119,000, US$ 66,600 and Malaysian Ringit 63,100.
Each gold medalist received K 2,505,000, US$ 700 and 500 Malaysian Ringits and each athlete who won gold in team events received K 1,002,000, US$ 700 and Malaysian Ringit 500.
Each silver medalist received K 603,000, US$ 350 and 400 Malaysian Ringits and each athlete who won silver medal in team events received K 301,500, US$ 350 and 400 Malaysian Ringits.
Each bronze medalist received K 352,000, US$ 200 and 300 Malaysian Ringits and each athlete who won bronze medal in team events received K 151,000, US$ 200 and 300 Malaysian Ringits.
On behalf of the victorious athletes, Win Cho San who won two gold medals in shooting Ñ in individual event and another in team event spoke words of thanks. After the ceremony, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt cordially greeted the victorious athletes of the XXI SEA
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Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung sends felicitations to FRG
Yangon, 3 Oct- U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Joseph Joschka
Fischer, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of
the Federal Republic of Germany, on the occasion of the day of
German Unity, which falls on 3 October 2001.
Minister receives Italian guests

Yangon, 2 Oct- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Area Manager of Bedeschi from Italy Mr Renzo Gavello and party, who showed the minister samples of tiles and brick production and explained about them.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Director-General of the Directorate of Industries U Tin Hlaing, Director-General of Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U San Kyi, Managing Director of Myanma Ceramics Industries Col Soe Yi and Head of Office U Myint
F&R Minister receives guests
Yangon, 2 Oct- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received Adviser to the Chairman Mr Roland Vandenbossche of Schlumberger Limited of France at 1 pm and General Manager Mr S Sano of Nichimen Corporation of Japan at his office at 2 pm today.
Also present on the occasion was Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw
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Minister attends workshop of superitending engineers (civil)
Yangon, 2 Oct- The workshop of superintending engineers (Civil) of Public Works of the Ministry of Construction was held at the meeting hall of Public Works (Head Office) on Shwedagon Pagoda Road at 9 am today.
It was attended by Minister for Construction Maj- Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Ministers U Tint Swe and Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Managing Director of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing, Director-General of Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development U Arnt Kyaw, Director-General of Construction Inspection Department U Soe Tint, departmental heads, officials, Principal of Thuwunna Central Training School U Saw Kya Waw Mu and trainees.
Altogether 16 superintending engineer (Civil) trainees are attending the
Preparations at Padonma Theatre inspected
Yangon, 2 Oct- Member of the Patron for holding the Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions (2001) Minister for Culture U Win Sein, today inspected preparations at Padonma Theatre in Sangyoung Township, where the competitions will be held.
He was welcomed by Director-General of Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win and officials. The minister inspected repair of the brick fence and preparations inside and outside the Theatre and completion of works. He then left instructions on timely completion tasks.
Construction of TV retransmission station inspected
Yangon, 2 Oct- Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and officials inspected MRTV retransmis-sion station under construction in Pyinmana this morning.
Chief Engineer U Tin Wan of MRTV reported on equipment to be used in the station and TV production and manager U Maw Maw Win reported on production of TV programmes through the retransmission station.
The minister then gave instructions.
The minister later inspected Information and Public Relations Department in Pyinmana. He gave instructions on holding of book and photo exhibitions at least twice a year.
The minister and party arrived back here in the evening.
ISD badminton tourney concludes

Yangon, 2 Oct- The final matches of 33rd Inter-State/Division Badminton Tournament organized by Myanmar Badminton Federation and prize presentation ceremony were held at the gymnasium on Kyonegyi Street this morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, MBF President U Kyi Nyunt and executives and enthusiasts.
In men's match, Yangon team beat Mandalay 3-2 and in women's match, Yangon team beat Mandalay 3-1.
Member of Leading Panel of Patrons of Myammar Women's Sports Federation Daw Aye Aye, MBF President U Kyi Nyunt and Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik presented prizes to prize-winning teams and individual prize winners.
The minister presented championship shields to Yangon Division men's and women's teams.
The second Great Wall Championship Badminton Tourney, mainly sponsored by the Great Wall Medical Production Co under the supervision of MBF,
will be held at the same venue from 3 to 7 October.
( 5 ) Religious objects enshrined in reliquary of
Shwe Phone Pwint Yanaung Pagoda in Laukkai
Yangon, 2 Oct - A ceremony to enshrine religious objects in the upper reliquary of Shwe Phone Pwint Yanaung Hsutaungpyi Pagoda in Tashwetan, Laukkai District, Shan State (North), was held in conjunction with Htidaw hoisting and consecrating at the pagoda on 27 September.
Present were 18 Sayadaws led by Vice-Chairman of Shan State (North) Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw of Maha Bawdayon Kyaungtaik in Lashio Maha Gandhavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Sirinda, Brig-Gen Zaw Win of Laukkai Station and wife Daw Khin Lay Myint, chairman of Laukkai District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Yu Lwin, departmental officials, members of social organizations, Wut associations, Tatmadawmen and their families of local regiments and units, local national races, townselders and local residents totalling about 2,000.
The vice-chairman Sayadaw administered the Nine Precepts.
The Sayadaws recited paritta.
Brig-Gen Zaw Win and officials presented Buddha images, Seinbudaw and offertories to the Sayadaws.
Brig-Gen Zaw Win, officials and lay persons conveyed the Buddha images and tiers of Shwehtidaw around the pagoda clockwise three times.
At the auspicious time, the Sayadaws and lay persons enshrined the objects into the upper reliquary.
Those present hoisted Seinbudaw and tiers of Shwehtidaw atop the pagoda by decorated carriage. The officials fixed them at the top of the pagoda.
The Sayadaws consecrated the pagoda.
The vice-chairman Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
Wellwishers presented K 780,880 for construction of Dhammayon, prayer hall and wall of the pagoda to Brig-Gen Zaw Win and officials, who presented certificates of honour to them.
Then, the wellwishers offered rice donations to members of the Sangha.
The 27-foot-high pagoda was built at a cost of K 3 million contributed by regiments and units of Laukkai Station, District and Township departmental officials, local national races and local people under the supervision of the chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council and the commander of North-East Command.
Garu Dhamma Day Observed
Yangon, 2 Oct- Garu Dhamma Day was observed at Kaba Aye Pagoda this evening under the sponsorship of the Pagoda Board of Trustees.Alternate Chairman of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Tin Oo explained the holding of the day.
Members of the 23 religious associations recited religious verses in turn.
( 6 )
Commander attends ceremony to mark International Day of Older Persons
Yangon, 2 Oct- Ayeyawady Division held a ceremony to mark International Day of Older Persons in conjunction with the 19th anniversary of the Division Home for the Aged at the Home for the Aged in Pathein yesterday.
Present were Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, senior military officers, Division level departmental officials, wellwishers and guests.
The commander and wife and wellwishers presented provisions and paid respects to the older persons.
The commander gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Later, the officials presented gifts to the persons who contributed to the Home for the Aged, and the ceremony came to an end.
Tree-planting ceremony held
Yangon, 2 Oct- The ninth ceremony to collectively plant trees for rainy season of Mandalay Station, Central Command, was held at local battalions on 30 September morning, attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and military officers, Secretary of Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and departmental officials, staff of the Forest Department, local Station Commanders and families of officers.
Altogether 950 toddy trees, 400 tamarind trees and 450 neem trees were grown.
Ceremony to mark International Day of Older Persons held
Yangon, 2 Oct- A ceremony to pay respects to older persons aged 80 and above, organized by Bago Division Peace and Development Council to mark the International Day of Older Persons, was held at Sasana Hitakayi Beikmandawgyi in Toungoo yesterday.
It was attended by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Patron of the Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association wife of the commander Daw Kyi Kyi Ohn, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein of Toungoo Station, senior military officers, Secretary of the council Lt-Col Aung Min, departmental officials, members of social organizations, nurses, towns-elders and 100 older persons.
The commander made a speech.
The commander and wife and officials presented clothes and articles to the older persons and the commander's wife and the deputy commander's wife donated clothes and articles to Homes for the Aged in Bago, Toungoo, Thayawady and Pyay Districts through officials concerned.
Provisions worth K 1.5 million including K 250,000 donated by the Social Welfare Department was provided to eight homes for the aged and 1,811 older persons in the Division.
The commander, together with officials, cordially greeted aged persons in Kaytumadi Home for the Aged in Toungoo and fulfilled the requirements of the aged.
The commander then inspected the hostels of the aged persons and attended to the needs.
( 7 )
Coastal Region Command Commander inspects development, tasks
Yangon, 2 Oct- Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway together with officials arrived at Kawthoung District Information and Public Relations Department Office and gave instructions on opening of Pyinnya Alin modern library on 20 September evening.
On 21 September morning, the commander attended the opening of No 1 BEPS, Ayeyeiknyein Ward in Kawthoung and inspected construction of new buildings at BEMSs in Maliwan and Khamaukgyi villages and attended to the needs.
He also inspected Yuzana Oil palm Farm and heard the reports of officials from Yuzana, Annawa Tun, Po Kaung, Dagon Timber, Super One and SI companies and attended to the requirements.
He arrived at Mushroom Plantation of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise in Semai Village and inspected growing of mushroom, breeding of fish in Kawthoung Station, raising of poultry in U Hoke Te's farm and gave instructions.
Commander inspects roads, bridges, farm
Yangon, 2 Oct- Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by officials, inspected Mottama-Kyauksayit-Ohntabin road in Paung Township and gave instructions on regional development, agriculture and livestock breeding to the officials on 30 September morning. The commander inspected the condition of Kywechan-Kawkayin road in Kawkayin Village in the township and gave instructions on maintenance and repair of the road to the officials.
He arrived at Kyonka Pepper and Mangosteen Research Farm of Myanma Agriculture Service where Farm Manager U Myint Aung reported on work done to the commander who inspected growing of seedlings and plants and attended to the
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Border health education exhibition continues
Yangon, 2 Oct- The health education exhibition being held under the Myanmar-Thai border health collaboration programme continued at Shan Yoma Department Store in Tachilek, Shan State (East) today. Local people and students totalling nearly 10,000 visited the exhibition on 29 September.
Specialists and physicians are giving medical treatment to the patients.
Malaria control works co-ordinated
Yangon, 2 Oct- The Myanmar-Thai Border Region Tachilek-Maesai Township/District Level Malaria Control Work Committee held a coordination meeting to cooperate in health activities on 30 September at Golden Triangle Hotel in Tachilek.
Present at the meeting were members of the Tachilek Township/District Health Committee, officials of Maesai Health Department and officials of the Health Department Head Office.
Chairman of Tachilek Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Htay and Maesai District Commissioner Mr Deacha Sattapot gave speeches.
The meeting then discussed bilateral health programmes.
Myanmar beat Indonesia 4-2 at Asia Youth Football Tournament
Yangon, 2 Oct- Myanmar beat Indonesia 4-2 at the Asia Youth Football Tournament under-14 held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 1 to 8 October.
Nations from South-East Asia and East Asia regions are participating in the
( 9
281 drug-related cases exposed in August
Yangon, 2 Oct- The Tatmadaw, the Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department exposed 281 drug-related cases in August 2001.
Seizures made by Customs Department were 288.5673 kilos of opium in 45 cases, 21.3388 kilos of heroin in 84 cases, 2.3385 kilos of opium oil in six cases, 2.5143 kilos of low-grade opium in 14 cases, 11.3291 kilos of marijuana in 28 cases, 10.864 litres of Phensedyl in three cases, 3,751,045 stimulant tablets in 55 cases, four kilos of Ephedrine in one case, 83.2 kilos of stimulant powder in one case, eight litres of cough syrup in one case, 18 kilos of caffeine in one case, 1.59 kilos of opium paper in three cases, 107 bottles of morphine injection in one case, 327.312 litres of Acetic Anhydride in one case, 2718.508 litres of chemical liquid in two cases, 12.9 kilos of chemical powder in one case, 675 kilos of Phenyl Acetic Acid in one case, 30 cases for failure to register and 8 other cases.
Seizures by the Tatmadaw were 46.8045 kilos of opium in 7 cases, 2.5659 kilos of heroin in three cases, 0.55 kilos of low-grade opium in one case and 53,434 stimulant tablets in four cases.
Seizures made by the Myanmar Police Force were 241.7628 kilos of opium in 38 cases, 18.7729 kilos of heroin in 81 cases, 2.3385 kilos of opium oil in six cases, 1.9643 kilos of low-grade opium in 14 cases, 11.3291 kilos of marijuana in 28 cases, 10.864 litres of Phensedyl in three cases, 3,697,611 stimulant tablets in 51 cases, four kilos of Ephedrine in one case, 83.2 kilos of stimulant powder in one case, eight litres of cough syrup in one case, 18 kilos of caffeine in one case, 1.59 kilos of opium paper in three cases, 107 bottles of morphine injection in one case, 327.312 litres of Acetic Anhydride in one case, 2718.508 litres of chemical liquid in two cases, 12.9 kilos of chemical powder in one case, 675 kilos of Phenyl Acetic Acid in one case, 30 cases for failure to register and 8 other cases.
Action was taken against 436 persons 372 men and 64 women in
connection with 281 drug-related cases in August 2001