1 ) Work coordinated for
promotion of economic and trade cooperation between Myanmar and
Thailand, between Myanmar and Malaysia

Yangon, 29 Sept-A coordination meeting on promotion of economic and trade cooperation between Myanmar and Thailand and Myanmar and Malaysia was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Commerce on Strand Road this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental officials and the president and officials of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
The Secretary-1 said that Myanmar is making all-out efforts for further promotion of friendly relations and economic and trade cooperation with neighbouring countries and members of ASEAN countries.
During the recent goodwill visit of Prime Minister of Thailand Dr Thaksin, he had a cordial meeting with Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe, and had discussions on further promotion of friendly relations and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
Similarly, during the recent goodwill visit of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe to Malaysia at the invitation of Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr Mahathir, the Senior General met with his counterpart and had cordial discussions on further promotion of friendly relationship and economic and trade cooperation.
Thus, endeavours continue to be made for further promotion of bilateral cooperation between Myanmar and Thailand and between Myanmar and Malaysia.
In this era, global changes and international economic changes are rapid, and their impact is very wide-ranging. For this reason, firm economic and trade cooperation needs to be further promoted among friendly neighbouring countries.
In this regard, investment and tourism sectors are also to be taken into account.
In conclusion, he urged the officials concerned of departments and organisations to strive for successful implementation of working programmes for promotion of economic and trade cooperation between Myanmar and Thailand and between Myanmar and Malaysia, the good outcome of exchange of goodwill visits by the heads of States.
Then, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone elaborated on plans for further promotion of econimic and trade cooperation.
Afterwards, ministers, deputy ministers and the president and the vice-president of UMFCCI
also took part in the discussions. Later, the meeting came to a
close with concluding remarks by the Secretary-1.
( 2 )
Committee for Production of Medicines for Six Diseases meets
Yangon, 29 Sept - The Committee for Production of Medicines for Six Diseases held Meeting No 4/2001 at the Ministry of Industry-1 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the meeting.
Also present were the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Developments Council Office, heads of department, members of the Committee for Production of Medicines for Six Diseases and guests.
The Secretary-1 said that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on production of medicines for such common diseases as malaria, diabetes, tuberculosis, hypertension, dysentery and diarrhoea with the use of herbal plants growing in Myanmar.
To produce medicines for these diseases, the Committee for Production of Medicines for Six Diseases has been formed, and meetings have been held. This meeting is the fourth one.
Due to continuous implementation of the decisions made by the meeting, systematic research and experiments on anti-malaria medicine have been conducted, and anti-malaria medicine can now be produced on a commercial scale, he said.
Malaria is common in urban and rural areas. In addition to anti-malaria medicines, research is to be done for the production of medicines for diabetes, tuberculosis, hypertension, dysentery and diarrhoea.

The Departments of Medical Research have been set up in Yangon for Lower Myanmar and in PyinOoLwin for Upper Myanmar. In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, arrangements are being made to open another department of medical research in Pyinmana, Central Myanmar.
Therefore, medical research is to be carried out extensively.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry-1 and the Ministry of Health are required to cooperate in producing these medicines.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 encouraged all to contribute to the discussions on production of anti-malaria medicine on a commercial scale and research on medicines for other five diseases.
Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win reported on implementation of decisions passed by Meeting No 3/2001.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung reported on arrangements to build a factory for production of anti-malaria medicines from the bark of cinchona trees on a commercial scale.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin reported on progress of cultivation of artemisia plants and arrangements for extension of cultivation of these plants.
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint reported on the condition of giving treatment for six diseases at hospitals.
Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win reported on the tasks of the Working Committee for Technical Research and Experimental Production, and Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung on the tasks of the Agricultural Working Committee.
Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone reported on arrangements for extension of cultivation of herbal plants.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung and Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han took part in the discussions on production of medicines for six diseases.
Deputy Factory Manager of Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory Dr Myint Sein reported on production of medicines including medicines for these six diseases by the factory.
Director-General of the Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) Dr Paing Soe and Director-General of the Department of Medical Research (Upper Myanmar) Dr Myint Lwin
reported on progress of conducting research and findings. Then,
those present took part in the discussions. Afterwards, the
Secretary-1 said that encouragement will be given for the production
of potent traditional medicines, and traditional medicine
practitioners are required to cooperate in this task.
The Department of Traditional Medicine will
give necessary assistance and encouragement. The people in rural
areas have been using traditional medicines since the time of their
forefathers. It is necessary to produce potent traditional medicines
of international standard. If other medicines which can cure other
diseases are discovered while research on production of medicines
for six diseases is being done, efforts are to be made for the
production of these medicines. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged
all to cooperate in producing traditional medicines. After the
meeting, the Secretary-1 inspected medicines for six diseases
manufactured by Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory.
( 3 ) Contract signed to purchase steel girders for bridges

Yangon, 29 Sept- Public Works under the Ministry of Construction and PT Waagner Biro Indonesia signed a contract for supply of steel girders for bridges on Yangon-Kyaukpyu Highway at the Head Office of Public Works on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this morning.
Also present on the occasion were Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Ministers U Tint Swe and Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Managing Director of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing, Director-General of the Department for Human Settlement and Housing Development U Arnt Kyaw, Director-General of the Construction Inspection Department U Soe Tint, Chairman of PT Waagner Biro Indonesia Dr Hellfried Pannocha and officials and invited guests.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Chairman of PT Waagner Biro Indonesia Dr Hellfried Pannocha delivered speeches. Then, Managing Director of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing and Dr Hellfried Pannocha signed the contract and exchanged documents. The ceremony then came to an end.
( 4 )
Provisions donated to schools and nunneries in Yangon

Yangon, 29 Sept - The families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated rice, edible oil, salt, medicines, gram and cash to Mary Chapman's School for the Deaf and Dumb in Dagon Township, Yangon West District, at the school this morning.
It was attended by Myanmar Christian Church Bishop Samuel Mehn San Si Htay, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, senior military officers, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, local authorities, departmental officials, the secretary of Township Union Solidarity and Development Association and members, Chairperson of the School Management Board Principal Daw Khin May Sint and members, teachers, wellwishers and students.
The Principal extended greetings.
Then, Commodore Soe Thein, Director of Defence Services Mechanical Equipment Unit Brig-Gen Tin Soe and Lt-Col Chan Maung (Air) presented rice, edible oil and gram donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to the headmistress.
The Ministry of Commerce, Division/District/Township Peace and Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemical Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines, the Traditional Medicine Department of the Ministry of Health and wellwishers presented provisions and cash to the Principal and Treasurer of the School Management Board Daw Hla Yee.
Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of Defence explained the purpose of the donation.

Today's donations were 52 bags of rice, 16 viss of edible oil, 300 viss of gram, 312 viss of iodized salt,
566 kinds of traditional
medicines, K 904,400 and US $ 200.
A similar ceremony for Kyimyindine School for the Blind of the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement was held at the school this morning.
Present were Commodore Soe Thein, senior military officers, officials of Yangon West District and Township Peace and Development Councils, members of Township USDA, Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, social organizations, wellwishers, students and guests.
Commodore Soe Thein,
Brig-Gen Aung Kyi of the
Provisions donated to schools and
Ministry of Defence and Lt-Col Chan Maung presented rice, edible oil and gram donated by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families to the director-general of the department.
The Ministry of Commerce, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, the Traditional Medicine Department, Division, District, Township and Ward Peace and Development Councils and wellwishers presented 38 bags of rice, nine viss of edible oil, 100 viss of iodized salt, 10 boxes of fine salt, 18 viss of gram, 816 different kinds of traditional medicines and K 445,000.
Similarly, Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families and wellwishers donated provisions and cash to Sasanawdaya (Pyay), Chanmye Gonwai, Kanbawza, Zeya Khaymar and Yayku Ywama nunneries in Mayangon Township, Yangon West District, at Sasanawdaya (Pyay) Nunnery on Kyauktawgyi Pagoda Road, Ward 3, the same township, at noon today.
The ceremony was graced by the presence of Presiding Nayaka of Pitsimayon Pali University Sayadaw Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Kundan–a and Sayadaws.
Also present were Chief of Staff (Army) Col Myat Hein, senior military officers, Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, the chairman of Township Peace and Development Council, officials, Presiding nuns of the nunneries, nuns, members of USDA, MCWA, Wut associations and guests.
The Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw invested the congregation with the Eight Precepts.
Col Myat Hein and senior military officers presented offertories to the Sayadaw and rice, edible oil and gram donated to the Presiding nuns.
Afterwards, ministries, Division, District, Township Peace and Development Councils and wellwishers presented cash for trust fund, rice and provisions to the Presiding nuns.
The Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
The donations to the five nunneries totalled 144 bags of rice, 56 viss of edible oil, 112 viss of gram, 550 viss
of iodized salt, 55 boxes of fine salt, 415 boxes of traditional
medicines and K 621,090 for the trust fund.
( 5 ) Myanmar delegation leaves for Geneva

Yangon, 29 Sept- Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun left for Geneva yesterday evening by air to attend the 52nd Meeting of the Executive Committee of UNHCR due to be held from 1st to 5 October. The delegation was seen off at the airport by Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for Immigration and Population U Maung Aung, Resident Representative of UNHCR Mr Rajiv Kapur, Project Planning Manager U Nyi Nyi, the directors-general, the deputy directors-general under the ministry and family of Minister U Saw Tun.
The Minister was accompanied as members of the delegation by Director- General of National Registration and Immigration Department Col Maung Htay and Deputy Director U Kyaw Moe
( 6 ) National Scrutinization Cards issued within a day
Yangon, 29 Sept-Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by departmental officials, inspected issuing of National Scrutinization Cards to the students within a day by staff of state/district/township offices of Mon State Immigration and National Registration Department at No 7 Basic Education High School in Mawlamyine on 27 September. The commander gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs of officials.
Mon State Immigration and National Registration Department issued National Scrutinization Cards to 105 students of the school within a
( 7 )
Commander inspects construction of Shwelaung Bridge
in Wakema Township
Yangon, 29 Sept- Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann inspected Shwelaung Bridge Project in Wakema Township on 26 September.
Accompanied by departmental officials, the commander arrived at the construction site where In-charge of the project Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Lay and officials conducted them around the site.
At the briefing hall, the deputy superintending engineer reported to the minister on progress of work and future tasks.
Then, the commander gave instructions on stockpiling of construction materials, timely completion of the project, meeting the set standard, minimizing loss and wastage and worksite safety, and attended to the requirements.
Afterwards, the commander inspected Shewlaung-Wakema section.
Next, In-charge of the project Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Hse and officials conducted the minister and party around the site of Wakema Bridge Project.
At the briefing hall, officials reported on progress of work and tasks to be carried out to the commander, who attended to their
( 8
New building for Mandalay Division Red Cross
Supervisory Committee opens
Yangon, 29 Sept-A ceremony to open a new building for Mandalay Division Red Cross Supervisory Committee was held in conjunction with the tree-planting ceremony in front of the building in Chanaye Thazan Township, Mandalay on 27 September.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Mandalay Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Myanmar Red Cross Society Executive Director Col Aung Than, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and departmental officials, members of social organizations and the Union Solidarity and Development Association and guests.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Col Aung Than formally opened the building. Then, the commander made a speech on the occasion.
Next, Col Aung Than explained the emergence of Red Cross and its functions and presented 32 Sailors Avenue bicycles to the committee through the commander.
Afterwards, the commander and officials planted the saplings at the designated places. Those present collectively planted 100 saplings.
Later, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint attended a ceremony to make donations in cash and kind to older persons aged 100 and above in Mandalay Division in commemoration of the International Day of Older Persons held at the hall of Chanaye Thazan Township USDA and made a speech.
The commander, the mayor and officials accepted cash donations K 350,000 by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council, K 210,000 by the Social Welfare Department for seven Homes for the Aged in Mandalay Division, blankets and clothes worth K 30,000 by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint and K 815,000 by wellwishers for six aged persons.
At 10.30 am, the commander inspected the axis for construction of Mandalay-Madaya Motor Road, Aungpinle Ring Road and Madaya Road, and attended to the requirements.
( 9
Commander meets contestants to Ninth Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 29 Sept-Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye and departmental officials met contestants of Bago Division who will be participating in the Ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions in Thiri Oktha Hall in Bago on 27 September.
Leader of the team Secretary of Pyay District Peace and Development Council Major Thet Lwin and officials reported on preparations for the competitions.
The commander said the contestants are to make efforts to bring honour to Bago Division in accord with the objectives of the competitions. He cordially met the contestants.
The commander went to the site of Phyu Bridge Construction Project.
Project Assistant Engineer U Kyaw Thu reported on flooring and laying of concrete.
The commander gave instructions on worksite safety, minimizing loss and wastage and completion of the project in time and fulfilled the
Soe Kyaw Naing emerges
champion in London Myanmar PGA Championship
Yangon, 29 Sept - London Myanmar PGA Championship Golf Tournament (Special Programme) organized by Myanmar Professional
Golfers' Association and Asian Professional Golfer's Association (APGA) and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, continued for the fourth day at the Yedagun Taung Golf Club of Mandalay City Development Committee at 7.30 am today.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Chairman of Myanmar
Golfers' Association Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and executives, senior military officers, guests, officials of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd and fans.
After the fourth day play, prize presentation ceremony was held. Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented a prize to winner of amateur class Zaw Zin Win (Han Golf Masters). Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win presented prizes to third prize winners; Min Naing (Mandalay), Maung Maung Tar (Wilson), Aung Win (YCDC) and S. Phuakprahkong (Thailand). Brig-Gen Yan Thein presented the second prize to Myint Thaung (KM Golf Centre).
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint presented championship trophy to Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) who emerged champion. Then, Managing Director Mr Arendng presented a cheque to Soe Kyaw Naing and a gift to the Yedagun Taung Golf Club through Secretary of MCDC Lt-Col Maung Pu. Yangon Airways, Canon, Kaung Myat Co Ltd, Pan West (Callaway), Wilson, Ping, and Novotel Hotel also co-sponsored the tour with the aim of promoting Myanmar's golf standard and turning out outstanding golfers.
Fuji Gems, Chanlon Gems, UE Tiger's Head Cement, VeVe soft drinks, Mandalay Textile Factory, Europe Asia Commercial Co, AWB Bank, Hong Pang Wires Co also sponsored the tour.