1 ) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt receives Ambassador
of PRC
Yangon, 28 Sept- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Union of Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence at 8 am today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of the Protocal Department Thura U Aung Htet.
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Minister receives guests

Yangon, 28 Sept- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received General Manager Mr Song Shuo Gen of China Perfect Machinery Industry CorpLtd of the People's Republic of China and party at his office at 3.30 pm today.
Present at the call were Director-General of Department of Industries U Tin Hlaing, Director-General of Industrial Supervision and Inspection Department U San Kyi, Managing Director of Myanma Pharmae-cutical Industries U Myint Oo, Managing Director of Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries U Than Shwe and Head of Office U Myint Swe.
F&R Minister receives Ambassadors
Yangon, 27 Sept- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received Ambassador of India Mr Vivek Katju and Ambassador of Korea Mr Chung Jung-Gum at his office at 9 am and 10 am respectively today. Also present on the occasions was Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw
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Amarapura to put 13,998 acres under monsoon paddy
Yangon, 28 Sept- Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected a school, a monsoon paddy field, a hospital and a dispensary in Amarapura Township on 26 September.
Accompanied by Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and officials, the commander visited a basic education middle school in the township on that day.
After visiting the classes, the commander met with the school head and officials and discussed school renovation task and greening of the school compound. He also attended to their needs.
At Minywa village in the township, the commander observed use of chemical fertilizers and EM liquid nutrients and collective weeding at a monsoon paddy field.
To this date, the township has put 13,258 acres of land under monsoon paddy against the target of 13,998 acres.
In Myitnge town, the commander visited the clinic of the Town Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Yelunkyaw Village Station Hospital. He also met with health staff and looked into their requirements.
During inspection of the Division Office of the Agricultural Mechanization Department, the commander inspected sinking of a mechanized tube-well to supply drinking water.
Modern libraries and multimedia teaching
centres opened

Yangon, 28 Sept- A ceremony to open Pyinnya Alinkhit Library in Budalin Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division, was held at the library on 25 September.
It was attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win and departmental officials.
School Head U Kyaw Than (Retd) and Staff Officer U Tin Than Win of District Information and Public Relations Department formally opened the library.
Then, the commander formally opened the signboard of the library and those present viewed the library.
Next, the commander attended the opening of multimedia teaching centre for Basic Education High School (Affiliated) of Saingpyin Village in Dabayin Township, Shwebo District.
Headmaster U Kyaw Swe and officials formally opened the centre.
Afterwards, the commander formally unveiled the signboard.
In the afternoon, the commander attended the opening of Pyinnya Alin modern libraries in Ye-U, Daze and KhinU Townships, Shwebo District and formally opened the libraries.
Later, the commander inspected monsoon paddy fields which are thiriving around Kintat Dam and attended to the needs of
Health care services given to elder persons
Yangon, 28 Sept- Elder persons were given medical check-up and treatment at the hall of Development Committee in Kengtung on 26 September to mark the International Day for Elder Persons sponsored by Work Supervisory Committee for Women's Affairs and Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Shan State (East).
The ceremony was attended by Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Patron of Shan State (East) Supervisory Committee for Women's Affairs and Supervisory Committee for Maternal and Child Welfare Association wife of the commander Daw Khin Khin Win, senior military officers, state/district/township-level departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, officials and 50 elder persons aged ranging from 70 to 104.
Commander Maj-Gen Thein Sein explained the purpose of giving medical check-up and treatment.
Then, medical specialists and physicians gave treatment to the elder persons while members of USDA, Women's Affairs Working Committee and MCWA provided assistance to them. Next, the commander and wife and officials donated spectacles to the elder
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Entrepreneurs urged to conduct aqua-culture on untamed land

Yangon, 28 Sept- Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann inspected reclamation of wetlands in Pantanaw Township on 26 September. Accompanied by officials, the commander visited the 400-acre model farm at Paramidaunk village-tract in Einme Township.
Officials of the Myanma Agriculture Service reported on the condition of cultivation of crops and paddy with natural fertilizers on an experimental scale.
Officials of the farm should use more natural fertilizers, as they are cost effective. They should also make preparations to cultivate summer paddy and cold season crops, stressed the commander. He then inspected progress of repairing Einme Bridge.
At the Mogok-Deedok (North) wetland reclamation project in Pantanaw Township, the commander heard a report on progress of implementation of the project and future plans presented by officials of Olympic Company and First Top Company.
Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann urged them to cultivate late-monsoon paddy as targeted and to grow maize in addition to paddy. He also looked into their requirements.
During the inspection of Mogok-Deedok (South) wetland reclamation project, the commander had discussions with officials of Yuzana Co Ltd.
Chairman of the company U Htay Myint and officials explained the digging of fish ponds, the breeding of fish, storage of pellet for fish, production of fingerlings, progress of implementation of the project.
The commander spoke of the need to extend fish and prawn breeding in areas where land reclamation is impossible, to cultivate kitchen crops at possible places, to improve roads and to disseminate farming techniques to local farmers.
Upgrading of Yangon-Mandalay Highway coordinated
Yangon, 28 Sept- The work coordination meeting on upgrading Yangon-Mandalay Highway in Bago Division into a six-lane one took place at Thiri Oktha Hall in Bago on 26 September.
It was attended by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Secretary Lt-Col Aung Min and members, heads of department and officials of companies engaged in the project.
Officials of the respective companies reported on the finding of axes, work being carried out to obtain gravel, progress of work and requirements. The departmental officials reported on their respective tasks.
Then, the commander gave instructions and attended to their needs. Shwe Thanlwin Co,
Olympic Co, Kanbawza Co and Dagon International Co will start the project beginning October.
At 3 pm, the commander attended the work co-ordination meeting between Bago Division Peace and Development Council and agricultural companies at the hall.
Departmental officials and officials from the companies reported on progress of work, cultivation of perennial crops and livestock breeding work and requirements.
Then, the commander gave instructions on boosting the per-acre yield, land reclamation, effective use of land and water and cooperation with local people.
At 7 pm, the commander attended the ceremony to honour the victorious Myanma traditional boxers from Bago Division who took part in the third Inter-State and Division Myanma Traditional Boxing Contest at Thiri Hantha Hall in Bago.
Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye made a speech and presented cash awards to the victorious athletes. A dinner was then hosted in their
( 5 ) English proficiency and fire-fighting course concludes

Yangon, 28 Sept- English proficiency and modern fire-fighting course No 2 organised by the Fire Services Department of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement concluded with an address by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa at the trainning hall of the Central Fire Services Trainning School in Mayangon Township at 8 am today.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, directors-general under the ministry, the deputy director-general of FSD, directors, deputy directors, assistant directors, heads of Township FSD from Yangon Division, course instructors and trainees.
Altogether 24 graduated officers from Headquarters, the Central Fire Services Trainning School and State and Division Fire Services Departments attended the course.
ISD badminton tourney opens
Yangon, 28 Sept-
The 33rd Inter-State/Divi-sion badminton tournament (2001) was opened with ceremony at the gymnasium on Kyingyi Road here this morning.
Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the ceremony and delivered an opening address. The Yangon Division men's team which won the championship last year presented the championship shield to the Minister.
The tournament will
continue till 2 October and 15 men;s team and 9 women's team totalling 24 teams are taking part in it.
Minister inspects reconstruction of ancient pagodas
Yangon, 27 Sept- Minister for Culture U Win Sein accompanied by Director-General of Archaeology Department U Nyunt Han, Director-General of Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win and officials inspected the reconstruction of ancient pagodas in Bagan cultural heritage region yesterday morning.
The minister inspected pagoda Nos 659/kha and 2270 in Minnanthu Village and gave instructions.
Then, the minister arrived at the renovation project site of the Hsin-byushin Kyaungtaik and
inspected the stone inscriptions at the entrance and Hsinbyushin ordination hall stone inscriptions and gave instructions.
He also viewed excavated glazed earthen pot, glazed earthen cup and earthen pot at brick building No 707
at Htaygyi Kyaungtaik in Hsinbyushin Kyaungtaik
compound and gave instructions on growin of plants.
He also inspected cave pagoda No 759 in the south-east of Sulamani Pagoda and gave instructions.
The pagodas under reconstruction were destroyed by weather and earthquakes. Out of 892 brick buildings, 283 had been renovated. There were 2230 pagodas in Bagan and the number has now increased to 2513. Wellwishers are invited to make donations for the renovation of the remaining
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Mayor inspects agricultural tasks in Uto-Kya-in

Yangon, 28 Sept- Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected agricultural tasks in Uto-Kya-in region in Taikkyi Township this morning.
First, the mayor inspected garden plants such
as coconut, mangosteen, pomelo, sweet-tamarind, durian, lime, banana and pineapple at Uto Camp.
The mayor also inspected vegetable plantations cultivated in the green house and gave instructions on cultivation of vegetables among garden plants, extension of cultivation of sweet chilli, hot chilli and experimental cultivation of grapes and pepper.
Afterwards, the mayor inspected the cultivation of paddy with the use of transplanters at Indwingyi Agriculture Camp, the harvesting of monsoon paddy in Kya-in camp and the threshing of paddy by threshing machines.
The mayor gave instructions on extension of cultivated land, the boosting of paddy yield and keeping harvested paddy under shelter in
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Course No 2/2001 on Basic Traditional Medicine concludes

Yangon, 28 Sept- Course No 2/2001 on Basic Traditional Medicine, jointly conducted by the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare and the Department of Traditional Medicine of the Ministry of Health with the aim of providing health care to the national races in border areas, concluded in conjunction with the prize-presentation ceremony at Yannyeinaye Hall in Mayangon Township this morning. Present were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Acting Director-General of the Department of Traditional Medicine Dr Myat Moe and directors, course instructors, trainees and traditional medicine producers.
Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint spoke on the occasion.
Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint presented prizes to five outstanding trainees. Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint also presented gifts to the course
Publications and records donated to IPRD libraries

Yangon, 28 Sept- A ceremony to present books, magazines, journals, posters, religious magazines, bundles of palm-leaf writings, paintings of Lord Buddha and English records for libraries of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Information was held at IPRD on Pansodan Street, Kyauktada Township, this morning.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay, Managing Director of the News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, departmental officials of IPRD, wellwishers and guests.
Adviser of the Office of Directorate of Defence Industries of the Ministry of Defence Col Kyaw Mya presented 200 books worth K 42,000 for the libraries; Director-General of the Customs Department Lt-Col Khin Maung Lin, 500 Customs journals worth K 20,000; Assistant Director of the Health Planning Department U Myint Than, 1,450 educative books, journals and posters on health worth K 120,000; U Shwe Min of No 32, 101st Street, Mingalar Taungnyunt Township, 16 bundles of ancient palm-leaf writings worth K 50,000; Staff Officer of IPRD U Kyaw Hoe, 1,033 books worth K 164,710; U Aung Soe Thu of No 189, 33rd Street, Kyauktada Township, 300 New Style Magazines valued at K 78,000; Staff Officer of IPRD U Thein Nyan, English records; U Soe Naing-Daw Mi Mi Maw and family of No 12/F, U Lun Maung Street, 446 journals, magazines and Myatmingalar Magazines worth K 30,896; U Thu Shein, 222 books and poem books, worth K 26,640 and Daw Thazin Thein (Computer Operator) of Shwe Mintha Services, 900 paintings of Lord Buddha worth K 45,000 to the deputy minister, who presented certificates of honour to them.
On behalf of the wellwishers, three wellwishers explained the purpose of the donation.
The deputy minister spoke words of thanks, and the ceremony came to an end.
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Sports Coach Course for Teachers
Yangon, 27 Sept- A ceremony to conclude Sports Coach Course No 7 for Basic Education Teachers jointly organized by the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Education was held at the training hall of the Sports and Physical Education Institute (Kyaikkasan Ground) of the Sports and Physical Education Department this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, MOC Vice-Chairmen Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, directors-general, officials, course instructors, trainees and guests.
The minister delivered a speech. Then, the minister presented the literary award to Daw Khin Mu Aung (Kachin State), the training award to Daw Cho Cho Aung (Yangon Division), the model trainee award to U Aung Myo Lwin (Bago Division) and certificates to the trainees.
A total of 74 basic education teachers from States and Divisions attended the eight-week course.
Mandalay Mayor attends Golf Tournament

Yangon, 28 Sept- London Myanmar PGA Championship Golf Tournament (special programme) organized by Myanmar Professional Golfer's Association and Asian Professional Golfer's Association (APGA) and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, continued for the third day at Yedagun Taung Golf Club of Mandalay City Development Committee at 7:30 am today.
It was attended by officials of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Secretary Lt-Col Maung Pu and committee members of MCDC, military officials, invited guests, responsible person of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd and Golf fans.
A slight breeze and cooler conditions finally got India's Amridiner Singh going as he fired, 6 birdie, 3 bogey, 3 under 69, to move up the leaderboard tied with Thai player Songphan Phuak-prakhong 5 strokes behind the leader on the third day of the inaugural London Myanmar PGA Championship 2001.
Still in the lead, and headed for a big pay day, is Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) who fired another respectable 73 to stay ahead by two strokes from Myint Thaung (74) (KM Golf Centre).
""I"m not putting too well, but I'm going to try my best tomorrow," stated Soe Kyaw Naing who is looking forward to recording a major win.
Challenging the leaders in third position, 9 strokes behind is newcomer Than Aung (72) (KM Golf Centre ) who is looking forward his first win.
"I've been playing pretty well, and if my putter works tomorrow, I may have a chance to
Tied in fifth position at 222 are Aung Win (72), Thai player Atthaphon Prathummanee (72), Win Naing Htun (73), Zaw Paing Oo (75).
In the Amateur division Aung Aung Kyaw put brilliantly to record a two under 70 to take over the lead by 1 stroke from Chit San who faltered with a (78).
Win Htwe Hlaing (79) and Zaw Zin Win (76) are tied for third, 6 strokes behind the leader.
Yangon Airways, Canon Kaung Myat Co Ltd, Pan West (Callaway),Wilson, Ping, also co-sponsored the tour with the aim of promoting, Co, Myanmar's golf standard and turning out outstanding golfers.
Fuji Gems, Chanlon Gems,UE Tiger's Head Cement, VeVe soft drinks, Mandalay Textile Factory, Europe-Asia Commercial, AWB Bank and Hong Pang wires also sponsored the tour.
Final day play will start at Yedagun Taung Golf Club at 7:30 am tomorrow.
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Nursery Market Festival continues
Yangon, 28 Sept- The Nursery Market Festival which is being held at the Myepadetha park in Bahan Township has fulfilled the requirements of those who wish to engage in cultivation on small scale or commercial scale. Farm equipment, books on agricultural methods and fruits are on sale.
At the livestock breeding sector, chicken and fish breeding are shown and livestock products such as milk and cans are on