1 ) Secretary-1
accepts cash donated for all- round construction tasks of
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
angon, 23 Sept- A ceremony to present cash for all-round construction of the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image was held at the hall on Mindhamma hill in Insein township this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were ministers, deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, officials from the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of the Work Committee for All-round Construction of the image and donors.
The ceremony was opened with the three times recitation of Namotassa.

Then, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone-wife Daw Aye Pyae Wai Khin family presented K 200,000, U Myat Thin Aung-Daw Khin Khin Myint family (Aung Aung Enterprise) K 1 million, Daw Tin Mying family K 1 million, Asia Wealth Bank 1000 bags of cement worth K 1,750,000, U Tin Aung (Kanthaya Construction Material Trading, Shwe Pyi Tha Township) 900 bags of cement worth K 1,530,000, nine donors K 910,000 for a gold reliquary, Yangon City Bank K 600,000, Thudawsin Sannan of Mindhamma hill K 1 million, and managing Director U Lin Zaw Latt family 270,000 to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen who accepted the donation and presented certificates of honours to the donors.
Afterwards, U Maung Hla-Daw Kyi family K 500,000, Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Tin Win-Daw San Win (KN Co) K 300,000, U Maung Maung and brothers (Great Wall embrocation) K 300,000, Daw Kyin Aye family K 400,000, U Tin Wai-Daw Khin Myo Myint family K 250,000, U Hla Twin-Daw Myat Thu Khin family K 250,000, Nyan Win Swe and cousins K 200,000, Ma Yin Hla family K 200,000, U Than Aung-Daw Than Than Shwe family K 200,000, Daw Kyin Thein family K 160,000, Daw Hla Hla Myint family 153,000, U Zaw Min-Daw Kyu Kyu family K 150,000, U Myint Swe family K 114,500, Daw Enqui family K111,000, Director U Ko Ko (Yangon Division Forest Department family), U Kyaw Soe Naing-Daw Betty Abel family, U Nu Shwe-Daw Win Win Myint family, U Win Shwe-Daw Myint Myint Aye family, Thiha Thudhamma Mani-jotadhara U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Shwe (Thamada Thingantaik), U Kyin Soe-Daw Tin Yon family, Capt Kaung Zan Oo-Daw Nila Aye family, U Thein Han-Daw San Thida Than family, U Win-Daw Tin Hla (Yadana Win Warehouse) family and Zoology Department of the University of Eastern Yangon K 100,000 each, officers of 34th Intake of Defence Services Academy a bronze bell worth K 200,000, Maj Myint Tun family K 82,000 and public donation US $ 1372 and K 11,526,515 to ministers.
Today's donation was K 26,914,035, 1900 bags of cement worth 3,280,000, US $ 1372 and a bell worth K 200,000.
Afterwards, Chairman of All-round Construction Committee Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko reported on work done and greening tasks and Chairman of Fund Raising Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa on raising of funds.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt spoke words of thanks. He said: all-round construction tasks including Ghandhakutitaik are being carried out for the image to be sublime and all tasks are almost finished. The image is sublime and all-round construction basic tasks are completed and decoration works for gold damask and gold ceiling are carried out, and two footprint pagodas and two Kyaungdaws are under construction, he added.
Moreover, construction tasks for Mindhamma Garden comprising lake, Bo tree and sacred trees in Myanmar is also being constructed, he said. Success is achieved not because of the efforts of respective committees but because of the generosity of the public, he said. Tasks for the image to be sublime are to be systematically carried out with the donation of the public, and the wellwishers who made donations would gain much benefit for their meritorious deeds, he added.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 inspected all-round construction tasks around the hill.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends coordination meeting on production of MRTV-3 programme
Yangon, 23 Sept-A coordination meeting on production of MRTV-3 programme was held at the meeting hall of MRTV this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, the director-general of MRTV and guests.
Director-General of MRTV U Khin Maung Htay reported on the production of MRTV-3 programmes, the broadcasting of programmes in the country and to foreign countries, installation of equipment and suggestions given in accord with MRTV-3 programmes.
Chief Engineer of MRTV U Tin Wan reported on matters relating to machinery used for production of MRTV-3 programmes.
Managing Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin reported on cooperation and coordination work.
Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung reported on production and extension of MRTV-3 programmes, efficiency-promoting training for the staff and requirements.
Director of MRTV U Win Kyi reported on the production of the programmes. Those present took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements. He called for production of the programmes without losing sight of the aim of getting the objective condition and authentic news of Myanmar known to the international community and production of interesting programmes on the rich culture of Myanmar. The Secretary-1 also called on all to seek ways and means for effective and extended production of programmes and for promotion of quality of programmes in cooperation with experts.
The meeting ended in the afternoon.
( 3 ) Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint tours Rakhine State, meets with local authorities and departmental officials
Yangon, 23 Sept - Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments concerned, arrived at Sittway, Rakhine State, at 7.45 am yesterday.
The Secretary-3 and party were welcomed by Vice-Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Phone Swe, commanders of battalion and unit, members of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council and departmental officials.
The Secretary-3 and party went to U Ottama Hall in Sittway and met with members of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council, departmental officials of Rakhine State, district and township authorities, district- and township-level departmental officials, government employees, members of social organizations, teachers, townselders and personnel of the merchants association, the fishery federation, livestock breeding federation and the boats association.
Commander Maj-Gen Aung Htwe reported on facts about the area and population of Rakhine State and cultivation of monsoon paddy.

He also said that arrangements have been made to cultivate more than the targeted amount of summer paddy, beans and peas and edible crops. At the same time, cultivation of kitchen crops is being extended, and encouragement is being given to the growing of pepper. Rakhine State is endeavouring to develop the fish and meat sector, the education sector, the health sector and the transport sector as well as the agriculture sector.
Chairman of Maungtaw District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Soe Htwe and Chairman of Sittway District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Tint reported on the amount of rainfall, utilization of land, extension of prawn breeding, measures taken to improve education, transport and economy, and the GDP of districts.
Head of Rakhine State Land Records Department U Shein Lin, Manager of Rakhine State Myanma Agriculture Service U Kyawt Maung, Manager of Rakhine State Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise U Maung San, Head of Rakhine State Fisheries Department U Soe Thu, Head of Rakhine State Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department U Ye Myint reported on respective tasks.
Then, Brig-Gen Phone Swe reported on measures taken for the economic growth of Rakhine State, the condition of border trade and measures taken to make Sittway pleasant and beautiful and availability of clean
Townselders U Khin Maung Aye, U Maung Tun Kyaw and U Shwe Tun Aung also reported on development of Rakhine State due to the assistance of the government and requirements of certain sectors.
Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Border Areas and National Races Maj Oo Saw Win reported on tasks for development of border areas, and Head of Rakhine State Health Department Dr Ba Shwe on completion of the tasks of upgrading the hospitals in Rakhine State and provision of health care to the people.
Next, Minister for Education U Than Aung reported on systematic measures taken by the government for the improvement of education standard in the entire nation as well as in border areas, an increase in the percentage of the number of the children who are going to school due to participation of the people, the opening of multimedia teaching centres and the aims set to enable Myanma human resources to face the challenges of the 21st Century.
Afterwards, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung reported on the purpose of establishing the ministry, arrangements to turn out engineers, scientists and experts who are needed in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, arrangements being made to enable students to pursue higher education in respective regions and the opening of colleges for Rakhine State.
Then, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein reported on arrangements to employ qualified health workers with the aim of providing more health services for the people, arrangements for improvement of rural health and hospitals and assistance provided for Rakhine State.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein spoke of the need for entrepreneurs to work hard for development of the fish and meat sector of the State and the condition of prawn breeding in Rakhine State.
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported on arrangements for development of the communication sector and improvement of communication by phone.
Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin and Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein reported on border area and urban area development tasks and road and bridge projects.
Then, the Secretary-3 said that he and his party are touring Thandwe District, Kyaukpyu District and Sittway District in order to fulfil requirements for the development of Rakhine State after attending the inauguration ceremony of Pyichaung Creek on Thandwe-Taungup motor road, which is covered by Yangon-Kyaukpyu Union Road Project. To achieve the goal of emergence of a new, peaceful, modern and developed nation, correct objectives have been laid down and tasks are being carried out with might and main.
Stability and peace and tranquillity are of great importance in striving for the development of the State. If there is no stability and peace and tranquillity, development tasks cannot be carried out effectively. So, top priority has been given to stability and peace and tranquillity
of the nation.
To reach the set goal, short-term and long-term
plans are being implemented systematically for economic and social
development and for the betterment of basic requirements such as
roads, bridges and telephone communication. In this regard, the
first short-term four-year plan and the second short-term five-year
plan have been successfully implemented. Now, the third short-term
five-year plan is being implemented, and strenuous efforts are to be
exerted to exceed the target of the plan. During the third
short-term five-year plan, emphasis has been given to the
development of the industrial sector, the fish and meat sector and
the power sector which is important for the State as well as that of
the agriculture sector. Furthermore, priority is being given to the
narrowing of development gap between rural and urban areas during
the period of the plan. The Secretary-3 called on officials at
different levels to conduct tours of inspection and carry out rural
development tasks. Organization work is to be carried out to ensure
that livestock breeding tasks are carried out in conjunction with
agricultural tasks for the economic development of rural areas.
Only then will the income of rural people increase.
In striving for the emergence of a modern, developed nation, efforts are being made to bridge the gap of development among states and divisions and rural areas and to bring about equitable development. It is also necessary to develop the education sector, the health sector and the science and technology sector, which contribute to economic development. Therefore, education promotion programmes, human resources development programmes and health standard improvement programmes are being implemented. Development tasks can be implemented only by healthy and strong human resources with high-standard of education.
As the nation lagged behind in development due to various reasons, conventional methods are no longer effective in developing respective sectors and regions. Therefore, more efforts are to be exerted in this regard. Only then will the nation be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations.
It is satisfying to know the development of Rakhine State according to the reports and practical conditions. However, in view of the natural resources such as lands and forests in Rakhine State, it is still required to accelerate the rate of economic growth.
As Rakhine State abounds in natural resources, the rate of economic growth can be accelerated more than it is at present. Reclamation of fallow and virgin lands and extension of mixed cropping have yet to be carried out according to plans.
Measures are to be taken to promote the development of prawn breeding, and at the same time, care is to be taken not to cause the loss of fields. According to the present population and agricultural production in Rakhine State, there are surpluses of rice. Arrangements are to be made to extend cultivation of paddy in view of the future population. Measures are to be taken to build more embankments to prevent sea water and strengthen the existing ones. It is also required to extend cultivation of beans and peas.
The Secretary-3 spoke of the importance of concerted efforts among Rakhine State, districts and townships in striving for equitable development.
Then, the Secretary-3 had a cordial meeting with those present.
Member of Central Panel of Patrons of USDA, Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint together with Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung and CEC members met Secretary of Rakhine State USDA U Oo Kyaw Yin and executives, Secretariesof Sittway and Maungtaw Districts and Township USDA, executives and ward organizers, at the office of Rakhine State USDA.
Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung and CEC member U Thaung spoke on the occasion.
U Oo Kyaw Yin reported on measures undertaken of the Rakhine State USDA.
The Secretary-3 then fulfilled the requirements.
Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-GenWin Myint, members of Central Organizing Committee Ministers Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and U Thaung met chairmen of Rakhine State, Sittway and Maungtaw District War Veterans Supervisory Committees and members and chairmen and members of ten Township WVSCs.
Chairman of Rakhine State WVSC Secretary of Rakhine State Peace and Development CouncilÊLt-Col Thein Kyaing reported on formation of the WVO.
The Secretary-3 then fulfilled the requirements.
The Secretary-3 and party left for Thandwe on 20 September. They met chairmen of Thandwe District and Thandwe, Taungup and Gwa Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials and members of social associations.
Commander Maj-Gen Aung Htwe reported on Thandwe District. Ministers U Than Aung, U Thaung, Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Maj-Gen Thein Zaw reported on implementation of the ministries concerned and providing assistance for regional development. Chairman of Thandwe District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Than reported on cultivation, livestock and regional development.
The Secretary-3 took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-3 and party inspected cold storage and ice factory of Thandwe Maritime Products Co Ltd in Dwayawady Myothit. Managing Director U Tin Maung Htay and officialsÊ reported on opening of the factory and prawn production for export.
The Secretary-3 gave instructions and inspected prawn production process and cold storage.
The cold storage and ice factory of Thandwe Maritime Products Co Ltd was opened in 1996 and the factory can produce three tons of dressed prawn.
In the evening, the Secretary-3 and Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein met chairman of Thandwe District War Veterans Supervisory Committee Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Than and Thandwe, Toungup and Gwa Township War Veterans Organizations.
On 21 September, the Secretary-3 and party went to Kyaukphyu Township by helicopter. They were welcomed by Brig-Gen Myat Swe of Kyaukphyu, Chairman of Kyaukphyu Township Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Hla Tin and officials.
The Secretary-3 and party met Chairmen of District and Township Peace and Development Councils in Kyaukphyu, Yanbye, Manaung and An, departmental officials, members of social association, cultivation entrepreneurs and businessmen.
Chairman of Kyaukphyu District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Hla Tint reported on cultivation of paddy, rice sufficiency, breeding of deep sea prawn.
Entrepreneurs reported on fisheries and experimental cultivation of Matpe.
Ministers U Than Aung, U Thaung, Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Myint Thein and U Kyaw Tin explained implementation of the projects by the ministries concerned, providing assistance for development of Kyaukphyu District.
The Secretary-3 gave instructions on extended breeding of prawn, production of meat and better transport for development of Kyaukphyu District.
The Secretary-3 went to Zinchaung Village by helicopter and inspected academic matters at Zinchaung Village Basic Education High School and the site for construction of a new building.
The Secretary-3 had a chat with the students. He met teachers, students and townselders at the school. Officials reported on requirements and vacancy for teachers. Minister U Than Aung fulfilled the requirements.
Commander Maj-Gen Aung Htwe reported on high-ranking-officialsÕ field trip to the village, construction of new building and providing assistance.
The Secretary-3 called for working hard for progress.
The Secretary-3 went to Kyaukphyu Education College where he met the principal and faculty members.
Principal U Kyaw Thein reported on brief history of the college, courses conducted and requirements. Minister U Than AungÊfulfilled the requirements.
Commander Maj-Gen Aung Htwe extended greetings.
The Secretary-3 fulfilled the requirements.
In the evening, the Secretary-3 together with Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein met Chairman of Kyaukphyu District WVO Supervisory Committee Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Hla Tint, chairmen of Kyaukpyu, Yanbye Manaung and An Township WVOSCs and members of Kyaukphyu Township WVO. Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein explained work done by MWVO. Officials concerned reported on requirements and the Secretary-3 took part in the discussions.
On 20 September, Secretary-General U Than Aung of USDA and CEC member U Thaung met the Secretary of Rakhin State USDA, executive U Min Min Kyaw and secretaries of district and township USDAs.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein inspected Thandwe bank branch of Livestock and Fisheries Development Bank. Minister U Than Aung inspected multi-media teaching centre and classrooms at No 2 Basic Education High School in Thandwe. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected Thandwe District People's Hospital and met head of Health Department, specialists, doctors and health staff. Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin met service personnel of Thandwe, Toungup and Gwa Township Development Affairs Committees.
On 21 September evening, Secretary-General U Than Aung of USDA and CEC members Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and U Thaung met secretaries and organizers of USDAs in Kyaukphyu, Yanbye, Manaung and An.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected Kyaukphyu People's Hospital.
On 22 September, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspected auto exchange in Sittway and met service personnel.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected Sittway People's Hospital and Traditional Hospital and Nursing Training School. The Secretary-3 and party arrived back here in the afternoon.
( 4 )
Minister U Pan Aung inspects consturction of railroad sections
Yangon, 23 Sept- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, inspected construction of Aunglan-Pyaloh-Duringabo railroad section and gave instructions on maintenance tasks to be carried out according to the set standard in the open season on 21 September.
The Minister inspected railroad constructione from Kyankhin station to Yekyi-Athoke and gave instructions on carrying out the tasks of the replacement of sleepers and supply of gravel with added momentum and the works to be carried out as scheduled in the open season along the railroad yesterday. He also gave instructions on keeping stations and carriages clean and pleasant, and
Donations for Hninzigon Home for the Aged

Yangon, 23 Sept -As a gesture hailing the 2001 International Day for Elders, a ceremony to donate a day's meal and traditional medicines to aged persons of the Hninzigon Home for the Aged was held at the Home this morning.
Present were Patron of the Organizing Committee for Observance of the International Day for Elders Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Chairman of the Working Committee Director-General of the Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing and members, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar Working Committee for Womens Affairs Professor Daw May May Yee, member of MWCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and members, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for the Hninzigon Home for the Aged U Maung Tin, Secretary of the Committee Maj Aung Than (Retired), executive committee members and aged persons.
Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win donated K 28,000 for a day's meal of the Home; Director-General U Sit Myaing, medicines worth K 40,000; U Myat Thin Aung and Daw Khin Myint Myint of Aung Aung Enterprise, medicines valued at K 100,000.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe made donations in cash and kind to 101-year-old U Tha Khaung and Daw Aye May of the Home.
Professor Daw May May Yee presented to five aged persons prizes for the essay competition held in commemoration of the International Day for Elders.
Chairman U Maung Tin spoke words of thanks, which brought the ceremony to a close.
( 5 ) Commerce Minister attends opening of new office
Yangon, 23 Sept- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the opening ceremony of a new office for Bago Division (West) Myan-ma Agricultural Produce Trading yesterday morning.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe and departmental officials, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials, the secretary, executives and members of District Union Solidarity and Development Association, officials of Maternal and Child Welfare Association, members of Red Cross and Fire Brigade and townselders.
First, the minister unveiled the signboard of the new office.
Then, the managing director formally opened the office by cutting ribbons.
Afterwards, Division Manager U Tin Oo of Bago Division (West) reported on construction of the new office.
Tiger Group Construction handed over documents relating to the new office to the division manager. The minister gave a speech, signed in the record book and viewed round the new office.
After the ceremony, the minister met with division-level departmental officials and gave instructions on purchase of paddy. In the afternoon, the minister inspected No 04 Bran Oil Mill in Paungde and gave necessary instructions on the promoting of capacity of the mill, safety matters and minimizing loss and wastage. The minister also inspected No 369 100-ton Rice Mill.
Later, the minister inspected No 18 Bran Oil Mill in Zeegon and gave
Provisions donated to monasteries in Mayangon, Dagon townships
Yangon, 23 Sept-A ceremonies to present cash and
provisions for the monasteries in Mayangon and Dagon townships was
held at Wijotayon Pariyatti Sarthintaik on Mya Sabai Street in
Mayangon Township at noon today. It was attended by patron Sayadaws
and nuns from monasteries and nunneries, Chief of Staff (Air) Col
Myat Hein and senior military officers, Chairman of Yangon West
District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein,
Chairman of Mayangon Township Peace and Development Council U Hla
Moe and members, departmental heads, members of township USDA, MCWA,
Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, religious associations, donors
and invited guests. The congregation received the Eight Precepts
from the Patron Sayadaw of Wijotayon Pariyatti Sarthintaik Agga Maha
Pandita Bhaddanta Vijota-bhivamsa. Then, Col Myat Hein, Col Win Than
and Lt-Col Tin Htut Thein presented offertories donated by the
families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) to the Sayadaws.
Yangon West District and Mayangon Township Peace
and Development Councils presented four bags of rice, Myanma Salt
and Marine Chemicals Enterprise and Yangon Division Salt
Entrepreneurs 600 viss of iodized salt and 60 packets of fine salt,
Traditional Medicine Department 300 bottles of various kinds of
medicine, Hman Cho medical house 360 bottles of medicine, Htet Lin
medical house 300 bottles of medicine, Thukha Thida medical house
360 bottles of medicine, Mya Kantha medical house 144 bottles of
medicine and Great Wall medical house 288 bottles of medicine to the
Sayadaws. Then, Ministry of Commerce presented K 600,000, Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council K 18,000, Supply and
Transport Director's Office and Mayangon Township USDA K 3000 each,
Nyein Chan Yay bus line supervisory committee K 5,000, U Maung Maung
Oo of Great Wall medical house and BTB Co K 30,000 each, Sandhi
Traditional medicine family K 27,000, Htet Lin medical house,
Myanmar Rice Dealer's Association, Daw Hla Hla and U Ye Lwin-Daw Yin
Htwe family of Lanmadaw Township Development Services K 10,000 each
to Col Myat Hein and Brig-Gen Aung Thein. Lt-Col Than Swe of
Ministry of Defence explained the donation. The Patron Sayadaw
delivered a sermon and the congregation shared the merit gained.
Today's donations were 159 bags of rice, 62 viss of edible oil, 124
viss of gram, 600 viss of iodized salt, 60 bottles of fine salt,
1852 bottles of various kinds of traditional medicine and K 766,000.
A similar ceremony was held at Dagon Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Dagon
Township this morning. The congregation received the Five Precepts
from Chairman of township Sangha Nayaka Bhaddanta Yaywata.
Then, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe
Thein, Col Aung Kyi and Capt Ye Chit Pe presented offertories
donated by the families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) to the
Sayadaws. Yangon West District and Mayangon Township Peace and
Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise
and Yangon Division Salt Entrepreneurs, Traditional Medicine
Department, Hman Cho medical house, Htet Lin medical house, Great
Wall medical house, Dagon Township Education family, No 3 BEHS,
Dagon, U Wizara and Phayagyi ward Peace and Development Councils,
Dagon Township Police Officer's Office, Dagon Township Immigration
and National Registration Department, and others presented 167 bags
of rice, 55 viss of edible oil, 550 viss of iodized salt, 55 bottles
of fine salt, 110 viss of gram and 1628 bottles of various kinds of
traditional medicine to the Sayadaws. Then, K 630,330 donated by
departments and public were presented to Commodore Soe Thein and
senior military officers. Lt-Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of
Defence explained the donation. Patron Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita
Bhaddanta Guna Nanda of Dagon Pariyatta Sarthintaik delivered a
sermon and the congregation shared the merits gained.
( 6 ) Construction Minister inspects Taungup-Ma-ei road and bridges
Yangon, 23 Sept-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials, inspected Taungup-Ma-ei road and arrived at the construction site of Tanhlwe bridge.
Project Engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U Soe Myint of Bridge Construction Special Group-13 and officials reported on construction tasks of the bridge to be opened soon, and work done and future tasks for approach bridges yesterday morning.
The minister inspected the main bridge and gave instructions on timely opening of the bridge to the officials.
The approach bridges on Taungup bank and An bank is 650-ft and 400-ft long respectively. The main bridge is of reinforced concrete type. It has a 10-feet-four-inches-wide mortorway and can withstand 20-ton loads. The waterway is 88-ft wide and the clearance under the bridge is 9-ft high. The bridge is constructed with the aim of upgrading it into a two-lane one with reinforced concrete frame and floor in
( 7 )
Ministry of Energy holds coordination meeting
Yangon, 23 Sept - A coordination meeting of the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise of the Ministry of Energy was held at the meeting hall of the ministry on Pyay Road at 8 am today.
Firstly, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi made an opening speech. The general managers of respective oil fields reported on production of oil and natural gas, and the minister gave necessary instructions and laid down future tasks. Then, deputy ministers, director-general, managing director and officials made additional reports. The minister then laid down the programmes to be carried out to produce more oil and natural gas, and the meeting ended with concluding remarks of the
( 8
Commander visits vegetable and poultry farming special zone
Yangon, 23 Sept - Member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than visited the vegetable production and poultry farming special
zone of Yangon Division near Nyaunghnapin Village in Hmawby
Township, Yangon North District, this afternoon. The commander
arrived at Taingmyankyaw layer breeding farm in the special zone-1
at 3.15 pm, and inspected the breeding of layers. Officials reported
on daily production and sale of eggs.
The commander attended to their requirements.
Afterwards, the commander went to Hmawby Hsan Hall in the special
zone-1, and was welcomed by the members of the special zone
supervisory committee. Manager of Yangon Division Agriculture
Service U San Maung in charge of the special zone-1, Deputy
Commissioner of Yangon North District General Administration
Department U Saw Hla Myint in charge of the special zone-2 and Head
of Yangon Division Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing
Win in charge of the special zone-3 reported on the clearing of the
ground, soil preparation, cultivation of vegetables, poultry farming
and the digging of fish ponds. Director of Yangon Division
Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein reported on the condition of
construction of Kalihtaw Dam and the main feeder canal to supply
water for the special zone.
Next, the national entrepreneurs reported
on their requirements for agricultural and livestock breeding work.
The commander gave instructions on cultivation of more vegetables in
October, formation of the road maintenance committee for the
maintenance of roads and the establishment of a vegetable purchase
centre in the special zone-1. Afterwards, the commander inspected
cultivation of vegetables from the tower and gave instructions to
the officials. Then, the commander inspected vegetable patches in
the special zone and attended to the requirements. In the special
zone, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of
Home Affairs, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Electric
Power, the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races
and Development Affairs, the Ministry of Rail Transportation and
national entrepreneurs have grown various kinds of vegetable on
2,300 acres of land and bred over 179,000 poultry. Over 300 fish
ponds have already been dug.
( 9
) 124 tourists arrive
Yangon, 23 Sept- Under the supervision of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Service of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and with the sponsorship of Myanmar Tourex Travel Service Ltd and Interpacific Travel Company of Malaysia, 124 tourists from Singapore and Malaysia arrived here by air yesterday and today. They were welcomed at the airport by officials of the Myanma Hotels and Tourism Service and Myanmar Tourex Travel Service Ltd.
They will attend the Annual Conference 2001 to be held at the Traders Hotel from 24 to 26 September, visit Yangon and Bago on 24 September evening and 27 September and leave for home on 28