1 ) People's force important as IT
warfare being launched on all political, economic, propaganda fronts
Entire people should become consolidated force
possessing spirit to defend nation
Yangon, 18 Sept - On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye addressed the graduation parade of Under-Officers Course No 29 of the Tatmadaw (Army) Officers Training School at the OTS Parade Grounds in Bahtoo Tatmyo this morning.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein, Military-Appointment-General Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, Judge-Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Deputy Chief of Military Training (Combined Army, Navy and Air Training) Maj-Gen Win Myint, Deputy Chief of Military Training (Armed Forces Training) Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors of the directorates of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Kyi Win, Brig-Gen Tin Soe, Col Thein Tun, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint, Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Brig-Gen Than Htay, Brig-Gen Hla Tun, Commander of Bahtoo Station Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu, senior military officers, relatives of the graduating cadets and guests.
First, General Maung Aye inspected the graduating companies and then took their salute. He later presented the silver sword to graduating cadet Nay Hein.
General Maung Aye then said the graduating cadets have successfully completed different training phases, and have studied the military science at the private, other ranks and officer levels. The graduating cadets will be assigned duties as the under-officers at the battalions to gain military, organizational and administrative experiences.
The Tatmadaw or patriotic Armed Forces was born during the independence struggle based on sacrificing spirit for the national cause. Concerning the morale, patriotism is the most basic essential requirement.
The graduating cadets have already possessed patriotism since before joining the Army. As they are to face the difficult, harsh and tiresome conditions during their service, patriotism alone is not enough for them; they should also have the unyielding spirit in any circumstances, the spirit to obey the orders and to discharge duties daringly and the will to sacrifice life for the national cause. Today's Tatmadaw is discharging national defence duties and undertaking nation-building tasks. Thus, the Tatmadaw should be a powerful, qualified and a modern Armed Forces for the nation to become developed and modernized.
The Tatmadaw needs discipline as it is discharging national defence duties. As discipline is the value of man, so also the military discipline is the backbone of the Tatmadaw. The Tatmadaw will be able to serve the national interests might and main only if it has discipline. In this manner, the Tatmadaw should strictly adhere to the 60 basic codes of conduct and the military law. It will have to abide by not only the civil laws but also the military laws.
Not only the morale and discipline, but also the high calibre is required to fully perform the assigned duties.

The calibre means the military capability, organizational capability and administrative capability. The military might, the physical might and the intellectual might are needed to enhance the military capability. The aims cannot be realized if the Tatmadawmen have only the military skills, but no physical might. Thus, the Tatmadawmen should always strive to possess the standard physical fitness.
The intellectual ability is also specially required in discharging military duties to win victory over the enemy. The Tatmadaw will be able to catch up with the developing and changing military science and techniques only if it has the intellectual power. Thus, the graduating cadets should also strive to develop their education, physical and intellectual abilities. They must always have the military awareness and the combat-readiness.
The Tatmadaw is striving to uplift its training sector. The Tatmadaw should be not only a constant learning body, but it should also undergo training constantly so that the Armed Forces will possess high military calibre. The force of the people is important in all the sectors today as the IT warfare is being launched on all the political, economic and propaganda fronts.
In this context, the Tatmadaw should join hands with the people and should apply the people's militia strategy.
The national defence is the duty of every citizen. If some of the global events are studied, it can be seen that victories are won in facing the aggressive war, because of safeguarding the entire people and of using the organized people's militia strategy. Thus, it is required to organize the entire people to become a consolidated body possessing the spirit to defend the nation.
The administrative capability includes staff, adjutant and quartermaster affairs, which are connected to one another. The staff, adjutant and quartermaster affairs are the main tasks in raising the qualification of the Tatmadaw. From the smallest unit to the entire Armed Forces, all should work in accord with the law, principles, regulations, orders and directives. Precision and correctness is needed in the administrative sector.

A person will become a good military leader only if he is skilled in staff, adjutant and quartermaster affairs.
The graduating cadets should possess the 16 leadership abilities and strive to win the trust of their subordinates. The leader should have the political outlook, economic outlook, administrative outlook and military outlook.
The Tatmadaw, after assuming the State's duties in accord with the requirement in 1988, has restored peace, stability and the rule of law. At the same time, it has rebuilt the State's political, economic and social sectors with the participation of the people.
There appeared weakness in the national solidarity as the nation had to suffer a lot for many years under the colonialists. The armed insurgency broke out soon after the regaining of independence leading to destruction of community peace and the rule of law; thus the nation lagged behind in progress.
The danger of Union disintegration had threatened the nation time and again.
In reality, the national people have lived in the nation with amity for so many years. They are descendants of the same ancestors and as such they have the same degree of love for their mother nation. They have collectively safeguarded the nation. But the internal and external instigations are attempting to wreck the solidarity of the national people. There are also attempts to disintegrate the national unity to dominate a small nation. Any time there occurs problems leading to the breaking up of the national solidarity of a small nation, military ventures are being made under the pretext of the humanitarian cause to dominate it.
Thus, " Our Three Main National Causes" non-disintegration of the Union; non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty Ñ is the politics. It is also the national political cause concerned with the entire nation. As
"Our Three Main National Causes" is the right answer to the national cause in accord with the history and global affairs, it is also the national task to be implemented by the entire people.
The aim of upholding "Our Three Main National Causes" is to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation. He then recounted the national situation after the restoration of independence, during which, peace and stability was lost, and the nation was not able to rebuild the political, economic and social sectors. Thus, efforts are being made to develop and modernize the nation.
The four political objectives, the four economic objectives, and the four social objectives have been laid down and implemented to build a peaceful, modern and develop State.
"Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and
order" is the most basic part of the 12 objectives. Thus, efforts are being made to ensure that instability, unrest and insurgency will never arise again in the nation.
As priority was given to the national consolidation, 17 major armed groups and other small groups have returned to the legal fold beginning 31 March 1989.
The nation now is almost free from insurgency. It is the duty of every citizen to maintain the situation.
The development in the agriculture sector will lead to all-round national progress including the industrial sector. Land and water resources are much required for agricultural progress. The central part of Myanmar was designated as the dry region on the map. In other areas, there occurred floods due to heavy rains.
The Tatmadaw government is building clusters of dams and pumped-water stations to supply irrigation and drinking water, and to prevent natural disasters caused by flooding.
Up to 1988, there were 34 dams and 61 diversion dams totalling 95 dams in the nation; total irrigated area then was over 400,000 acres. A total of 124 new dams had been built from 1988 up to August 2001 irrigating 2.1 million acres of crops.
Thirty more dams are under construction at present; they will irrigate 800,000 acres when completed. Plans are afoot to build 49 more dams.
Altogether 253 pumped-water stations have been built along the banks of the Ayeyawady and Chindwin rivers in the dry region. Thirty-one more stations are under construction; they will irrigate 500,000 acres of crops.
The Nine Districts Greening Project is being implemented to arrest the widening desert-like situation in the central Myanmar which may annually cause deterioration in the economic and social situations. The project gained marked success in taming the climate conditions to a significant degree. At present 57 townships in 13 districts of Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing Divisions have been included in the 30-year greening project beginning 2001-2002.
At present, there are 17,000 miles of motorways and 3,000 miles of railroads up from 13,000 miles of motorways and 1,900 miles of railroads before 1988. Six-thousand miles of motorways are being built at present.
A total of 132 bridges of over 180 feet including over 8,500 feet long Bo Myat Tun Bridge have been built on watercourses on the roads. Forty-one more bridges including 11,500 feet long bridge on Thanlwin River are under construction at present. Plans are being made to build 19 bridges including over 6,000 feet long Mandalay Bridge on the Ayeyawady.
In 1988-89, the gross national product decreased 11.4 percent. A target of 5.1 percent annual increase in GDP was set in implementing the four-year short-term national economic plan from 1992-93 to 1995-96. Actual annual growth achieved during the period was 7.5 percent. The per capita income increased from K 1,782 in 1987-88 to K 13,525 in 1995-1996.
Annual GDP growth rate of six percent was targeted in the short-term five-year plan from 1996-97 to 2000-2001. The actual annual growth rate gained during the period was 8.4 percent. The per capita income reached K 50,927 in March 2001.
In the third five-year plan, the targeted annual GDP growth is six percent. On the other hand, the nation was able to reduce the inflation rate to 2.28 percent in 2001 from 22.49 percent in 1988-89.
For the development of the nation, it is necessary that all the citizens should be highly-qualified human resources. Therefore, in education sector, we cannot rely only on the big cities such as Yangon and Mandalay. In 1988, there were 130,000 students studying at universities, degree colleges, colleges and institutes but now the student population has increased up to 530,000.
In 1988, there was a total of 32 universities, degree colleges, colleges and institutes but now there are up to 129 universities, degree colleges, colleges and institutes. Previously, there were three arts and science universities Ñ in Yangon, Mandalay and Mawlamyine.
Now, arts and science universities have been opened in 12 big cities, two institutes of economics in Monywa and Meiktila, one institute of medicine in Magway, institutes of paramedical sciences, institutes of pharmacy, institutes of community health, institutes of dental medicine and institutes of nursing in Yangon and Mandalay. Similarly, technological universities and universities of computer science have been opened in Mandalay and Pyay and 17 technological colleges and 19 education colleges in states and divisions.
Now, all the national races have been able to attend universities and colleges in their own regions and specialize in the subjects they are interested in.
Over ten thousand students are working for MA and MSc degrees and there are more than one thousand PhD students all over the country.
In basic education sector, there were 30,000 schools including 722 high schools and 388 affiliated high schools in 1988. In the year 2001, there are 42,000 schools including 957 high schools, 357 affiliated high schools and 375 branch high schools.
Education for All programme has been launched since 1996-97. On the other hand, measures have been taken so that children of school-going age can have access to basic education. As a result, 92.05 percent of children are studying at primary, middle and high schools. And efforts are being made for cent- per- cent success of Education for All programme and measures for enabling school-going-age children to go to school.
For the promotion of the education standard of students, multi-media classrooms have been opened at 481 schools. Besides, 203 learning centres have been opened to enjoy the benefits of data broadcasting and therefore ours has turned into a learning society. In health sector, there were 631 hospitals under the Ministry of Health before 1988. In 2001, there are 750 hospitals under the Ministry of Health and 93 under other ministries. In health care services, private sector is being encouraged and so the number of private hospitals has also increased.
In narrowing the gap of economy, education and health sectors nation-wide and striving for economic progress, the State has been relying on its own internal strength.
General Maung Aye urged the graduating cadets to materialize the 12 objectives for the emergence of peaceful, modern and developed nation. In doing so, it is necessary for the cadets to join hands with the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Police Force, Fire Brigade, Red Cross and Myanmar War Veterans Organization.
In conclusion, General Maung Aye said that in building a strong, efficient and modern Tatmadaw, it is necessary to strive for keeping spirit, abidance of discipline and efficiency high for possessing characteristics of a leader and for actively participating in the nation-building tasks in view of building up a peaceful, modern and developed nation through implementing the Twelve Objectives and putting in the fore the Three Main National Causes. Afterwards, General Maung
Aye left the parade ground.
( 2 )
General Maung Aye inspects Heho airport runway extension project

Yangon, 18 Sept-Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, together with Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, ministers, senior military officers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at Heho airport in Kalaw Township, Shan State (South), at 2.20 pm yesterday.
They were welcomed there by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Commandant of Command and General Staff College Col Nyan Win, Deputy Commander of Eastern Command Col Myint Aung, senior military officers and Shan State level departmental officials.
At the airport lounge, General Maung Aye heard a report by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe on Heho airport runway extension project with the use of charts.
The commander gave a supplementary report and Director-General of the Civil Aviation Department U Win Maung and Director of Asia World Co Ltd U Maung Kyay on plans to be implemented for the construction.

After discussing requirements on the reports, the General gave instructions on timely completion of the project during the coming open season.
The General and party then inspected construction of the apron.
The present runway is 6,000 feet long and it will be extended 2,000 feet more in length and 100 feet more in width.
The General and party, accompanied by the commander and officials, proceeded to Bahtoo, Yaksawk Township, where they were welcomed by Deputy Chiefs of Military Training Maj-Gen Win Myint and Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, directors of the Ministry of Defence, Commander of Bahtoo Station Commandant of Combat Training School (Army) in Bahtoo Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu, senior military officers of Bahoo Station and departmental officials in Yaksawk
( 3 )
Coordinated efforts being made to gain harmonious ratio between two
related sectors, land reclamation and irrigation
125 dams built at cost of nearly K
44,000m to irrigate over 1.7m acres
Yangon, 18 Sept- The Kyauktalone Yeku (water supply) Dam in Taungtha Township, Mandalay Division, was commissioned into service this morning, with an address delivered by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Built by the construction division 7 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the dam is located on Kyauktalone Creek at Thabook-pinte village in the township.
The earth dam is 88 feet high and 1,380 feet long. It has a storage capacity of 10,700 acre-feet and will irrigate 2,000 acres of crops the whole year round through the existing Kyauktalone Dam.
The Secretary-1 said the State in its efforts to strive for national economic progress has drawn plans to effectively utilize the nation's rich resources and climate conditions to firmly build the national economy for gaining rapid progress.
Concerning the agricultural sector development, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given the following guidance at the conclusion of high-level courses of Union Solidarity and Development Association which was held on 29 August 2001:
"At present, the national economy mainly depends on agriculture which is based on the rural areas. In this context, large amounts of money have been invested in building the infrastructure of the agricultural sector. Agriculture is the main economic sector of the nation at present. Priority has been given to strengthening the agricultural sector in developing the other economic sectors. The agricultural sector played a vital role in the previous short- term national economic
Thus efforts are being made to extend cultivable land, to supply adequate amount of irrigation water, to assemble and use more
farm machinery; to apply advanced agricultural methods and to produce and use quality crop strains for progress of the agricultural sector with greater momentum.
As land reclamation and irrigation water supply are related to each other, coordinated efforts are being made to gain a harmonious ratio between the two. Plans are being made to irrigate crops fields of the dry regions and to control the floods to grow crops in the monsoon season.

Harmonious efforts are being made store water in man-made water bodies during the monsoon in accord with the geographical conditions. Man-made water bodies and pumped water stations are being made in the dry regions to preserve the soil conditions.
Dams are being built not only for irrigation purposes, but also to supply drinking water, green the regions and generate power. Sluice gates, dams and drainage canals are being built in wetlands to extend cultivation areas.
The State is not only producing farm machinery as planned to extend cultivation areas, but also giving encouragement to private industrial sector. The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation is disseminating techniques and distributing quality strains.
From 1990 to date, the State has built 125 large, medium and small dams including the Kyauktalone Dam at a cost of nearly K 44,000 million. The dams are irrigating over 1.7 million acres of crops.
Of the 125 dams, 32 are in Mandalay Division irrigating over 320,000 acres of crops. They were built at a cost of over K 6,700 million.
Located on the Kyauktalone Creek two and a half miles upstream the existing Kyauktalone Dam, which was opened in 1993, the Kyauktalone Yeku Dam was built on the creek to supply water to the existing dam during the rainy season. In this way the existing dam will be able to irrigate 2,000 acres of crops year round.
Systematic efforts are being made to effectively use the land and water resources to raise the national economy and social life of the people.
A large amount of money has been spent in building clusters of dams in accord with the requirement and probability not only for the present well-being of the people, but also for interests of the posterity. Understanding the State's goodwill, local people should make efforts for success of the agricultural sector and to maintain the facilities.
The Secretary-1 quoted the Senior General as saying at the opening of Anawyahta Bridge on Ayeyawady River,
"The State and the people in addition to their wish to develop the nation and the respective regions, are also desirous of gaining individual progress. All should work hard to materalize the wish. No progress can be gained without work. Work is the base of
Thus the local people should strive in accord with the guidance to extend irrigation areas on all vacant land and to conduct mixed-cropping. They should effectively use the facilities to boost crop yield and introduce new means to reduce wastage.
In the Head of State's guidance for rural development, improvement of rural roads, ensuring water for irrigation and other purposes, uplift of health and education of the rural people, and development of rural economy based on farming are included.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, efforts are being made for harmonious progress of all the regions of the nation including rural areas, priority has been given to the transport sector. A network or roads and bridges has being built in the entire nation including Ayeyawady Division and Rakhine State which are criss-crossed by rivers and streams to shorten the travelling time between one regions and another.
Due to the betterment in the transport, the regional products including the rural produce can be conveyed to the markets speedily, thus benefiting the farmers, producers, traders and consumers.
Narrowing the development gap between the regions and ensuring proportionate improvement in the living standards, in other words narrowing the gap between urban and rural including the border areas and bringing a proportionate progress between them, will lead to further flourishing of spirit of the national solidarity and the Union spirit.
As the government is implementing plans for progress of all regions including rural acres, the entire people should strive from the respective sectors to further improve their social standards.
Officials should make efforts to supply adequate amount to water to the surrounding areas of the Kyauktalone Dam and Kyauktalone Yeku Dam. The local people should make cooperative efforts with the local authorities to conserve forests, to plant trees to green the environs.
He recounted the tree planting ceremony at Taungthataung region in which over 10,000 people planted over 30,000 saplings. As the climate depends on forest, efforts are being made to green the barren-like regions of Taungthataung, Tankyitaung and Tuyintaung regions in Mandalay and Magway Divisions. Plans are under way to set up large groups of trees and to irrigate the barren hills.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 spoke of the need to strive to maintain the dam for its duration and to benefit till future generations; to make collective efforts to green the environs of the dam, to green their regions, and then to green the entire Mandalay Division; to make efforts to effectively use the irrigation water; and also urged the departmental personnel, local authorities and local people to collectively strive for rapid progress of rural areas in accord with the guidance of the Head of State.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint said the government is combating the desertification process in the central Myanmar which was threatening the acres up to the south of Pyay and the north of Shwebo. Due to the efforts, the dry regions have become green with vegetation.
The farmers of central Myanmar can now enjoy the fruits of the clusters of dams build at their regions which is also providing drinking water and helping green the region.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said due to the implementing of the 125 dams by the government, 2.87 million acres of crops can be irrigated in the nation. The irrigated areas of Myanmar at present is 19 percent of the sown acreage of 25 million acres up from only 12 percent of the sown acreage of 20 million acres.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, local authorities, departmental personnel, staff of the ministry, local farmers, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, teachers, students and local people totalling
nearly 10,000.
( 4 )
Secretary-1 inspects Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam project, development work in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 18 Sept - State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at Meiktila, Mandalay Division, at noon on 17 September.
Together with the commander, the Secretary-1 and party left there by helicopter and arrived at Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam project in Pyinmana Township, Yamethin District, Mandalay Division, at 1.30 pm.
They were welcomed there by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Brig-Gen Thein Swe of Pyinmana Station, those in-charge of the project, and departmental personnel.
At the briefing hall of the project, the Secretary-1 and party heard a report by Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin on progress of work of the project, electric power sector and related fields and conditions of project work to be implemeted and Director of the Irrigation Department U Win Maung on progress in construction of main vock-filled dam and spillways and building of irrigation facilities and future tasks.
Director of the project of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise U Soe Myint reported on construction of related structures including two tunnels and power intake, progress in construction of 230 KV power line, 3,300-metre-long tunnel, power station, 37 different sizes of tunnels and plans under way for installation of turbines and transformers on completion of the construction work.
Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin
and the commander presented supplementary reports. The Secretary-1
said that the multi-purpose project will contribute toward progress
of both agricultural and electric sectors.
The departments concerned are to coordinate and make concerted efforts for timely completion, he added.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected power intake under construction being undertaken by MEPE and building of spillways with the use of heavy machinery.
They inspected construction of tunnels for power house, work being carried out at pressure shaft No 2 and construction of main stone embankment with the use of heavy machinery undertaken by the Irrigation Department.
The project is located on Paunglaung Creek, near Kyitaung-Khawma Village, Pyinmana Township, Yamethin District, Mandalay Division. The stone embankment dam is 430 feet high and 3,100 feet long.
The capacity of storage water of the dam, being jointly undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Ministry of Electric Power, is 560,000 acre feet. On completion of the dam, it will not only irrigate 50,000 acres of land but generate 280 megawatts of electricity.
The Secretary-1 and party helicoptered and arrived at Kyetpyay Village in Pyinmana Township at 3.30 pm.
They were welcomed there by chairmen of Yamethin District, Pyinmana Township and Lewe Township Peace and Development Councils and members and departmental officials.
They next went to the site chosen for construction of the Medical Research Department of the Ministry of Health at Kyetpyay Village.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 and party heard reports by Brig-Gen Thein Swe of Pyinmana Station and Deputy Chief Engineer of Public Work U Aung Gyi Myint on situation of land, design of the building and plans for construction of the department. Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and the commander gave supplementary reports.
The Secretary-1 then gave necessary instructions. He called for efforts to build the Medical Research Department of Central Myanmar based on Kyetpyay medicinal garden. The Secretary-1 also fulfil the requirements. Then, he inspected the construction site from the observation tower.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to construction site of Meiktila Institute of Economics. At the briefing hall, officials concerned reported on the work progress and the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions. Later, the Secretary-1 and party spent the night at Meiktila.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt together with Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Ministers, Deputy Ministers and party, this morning attended the opening ceremony of Kyauktalone Yayku Dam in Taungtha Township. Then, they proceed by helicopter and arrived at Kyaukse at 11 am.
They were welcomed by Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, officials and teachers. At the briefing hall of the construction site of Kyaukse University, Director-General of the Basic Education Department (Upper Myanmar) Dr Thein Myint reported on requirements for building the University and Managing Director of Shwe Nan Thit Construction Co U Myint Han on the main plan and design of the University, progress in construction of the buildings and future tasks.

The Secretary-1 inspected the scale model of the University and construction of the buildings.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected the chosen site for extended construction of Kyaukse People's Hospital to be upgraded from 100-bed hospital to 200-bed one.
They were welcomed there by Director-General of the Health Department Dr Wan Maung, Medical Superintendent of the Hospital Dr Min Ko, specialists, doctors and officials.
Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo reported on plans for construction of new buildings, out-patient ward and other wards to upgrade the Hospital.
The commander and Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin gave supplementary reports.
The Secretary-1 attended to the needs.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of new factories at the site of new factories construction project being implemented by the Ministry of Industry-1 five miles from the east Kyaukse.
The Ministry of Industry-1 is implementing PP Woven BAG factory project, high grade asbestos brick factory project, bicycle factory project, sewing machine factory project, shoe factory project, candy factory project and vest factory project in the east of Kyaukse.
They proceeded to the site of Kyaukse Cement Plant Construction Project of Myanmar Ceramics Industries of the Ministry of Industry-1. Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung reported on location and size of the plant, quality of cement to be produced, requirements of raw materials and energy, investment and progress of work.
The Secretary-1 inspected construction of the plant, and the minister and the officials concerned reported on producing process of cement with the use of charts.
The project is situated at the foot of Thandawmyat limestone hill six miles from the east of Kyaukse. The plant can produce 120,000 tons of quality cement.
The project in implemented at a cost of K 2377 million and US $ 16.5 million aiming at meeting the local demand of cement.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in the evening.
( 5 ) USDA AGM passes resolutions reflecting national requirements
Yangon, 18 Sept - The second day session of the USDA Annual General Meeting 2001 was held at 8 am on 13 September at the hall of USDA Executive Management Training School at Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby. Matters on organization, management, economic, social, culture and rural development were discussed sector-wise at the designated places.
The discussions of group (1) regarding the organization sector was held at 8 am at Myawady
Hall. The group then selected and assigned duty to a delegate for submitting the findings and the proposal paper. Then, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the meeting chairman.
The discussions of group (2) regarding the management sector was held at 8 am at Anawrahta
Hall. The group then selected and assigned duty to a delegate for submitting the findings and proposal. Then, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the meeting chairman.
The discussions of group (3) regarding the economic sector was held at 8 am at Bagan
Messing Hall. The group then selected and assigned duty to a delegate for submitting the findings and proposal. Then, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the meeting chairman.
The discussions of group (4) regarding the social & cultural sector was held at 8 am at Pyidaungsu Hall-2. The group then selected and assigned duty to a delegate for submitting the findings and proposal. Then, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the meeting chairman.
The discussions of group (5) regarding the rural development sector was held at 8 am at Bayintnaung
Hall. The group then selected and assigned duty to a delegate for submitting the findings and proposal. Then, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the meeting chairman.
Third day session
The third day session continued at 7 am on 14 September at the Pyidaungsu Hall of the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby. It was attended by member of the Central Panel of Patrons of the USDA State Peace and Development Council Secretary-3 Adjutant General Lt-Gen Win Myint, USDA Secretary-General U Than Aung and Secretaries, CEC members, State ? Division / District USDA secretaries, delegates, guests and outstanding youths. USDA CEC member U Tin Hlaing presided over the meeting with CEC members Thura U Aung Ko and U Aung Thein Lin as members of the panel of chairmen. Mon State Mawlamyine Township USDA member Daw Wa Wa Khaing acted as master of ceremonies and Bago Division (East) Toungoo District USDA executive Daw Win Mar Shwe as co-emcee.
The delegates concerned submitted the findings of the discussions held on 13 September. First, Kayin State Myawady District USDA executive Daw Aye Aye Mon submitted the findings on organizing sector together with accomplishments in implementing the work programmes of the USDA headquarters and suggestions relating to seven future programmes.
Mandalay Division Pyinmana Township USDA executive Daw Win Win Thi submitted the findings on management sector. She also supported the management report of the CEC. She suggested that the management sector be carried on like the previous years for ensuring the Association to stand steadfastly in the long run.
Magway Division Natmauk Township USDA secretary U Aung Kyaw Soe submitted the findings on economic sector. The USDA activities are beneficial and the momentum be raised, he suggested.
Taninthayi Division Kawthoung District USDA secretary Dr Win Aung submitted the findings on social and culture sector.
He observed that the work programmes laid down last year were implemented widely to the rural areas and such beneficial activities should be continued in the future.
Shan State (North) Kunlon Township USDA secretary U Sai Kham Hsaung submitted the findings on rural development sector. He said: the third short-term five-year plan is now under implementation and rural development is one of the five objectives. As USDA Patron Senior General Than Shwe had given guidance to strive for rural development, the Association should give priority to it. When present conditions are reviewed, it can be found that the Government is implementing the Twelve Objectives for achieving good foundations for development. As regards economic development, a four-year plan and a five-year plan were implemented and successes were achieved. Now, the country has been implementing the third five-year economic plan since 1 April 2001. Regarding rural development, transportation is important.
On the other hand, sufficient supply of water for cultivation and domestic use is also important. Focus should also be aimed not only at agriculture but also at livestock breeding. Efforts should also be made for development of health and education sectors in the rural areas. Earnest efforts are thus needed for promoting the living standard of rural folk. The unity, cooperation and enthusiasm are the key points to achieve success in implementing the rural development tasks. The success in rural development tasks will lead to poverty alleviation which is the goal of the Association.
Regarding the organizing sector, USDA Secretary U Win Sein gave relies to the suggestions made by Kayin State Myawady District USDA executive Daw Aye Aye Mon and clarified the work programmes to be extended.
Regarding the management sector, USDA CEC member U Than Shwe gave replies to the suggestions made by Mandalay Division Pyinmana Township USDA executive Daw Win Win Thi and clarified matters on abiding by financial rules, laws and procedures.
Regarding the economic sector, USDA CEC member U Soe Tha gave relies to the suggestions made by Magway Division Natmauk Township USDA secretary U Aung Kyaw Soe and clarified that economic work programmes could be implemented as targeted and continued efforts be made for achieving more successes.
Regarding the social and culture sector, USDA CEC member U Pan Aung gave relies to the suggestions made by Taninthayi Division Kawthoung District USDA secretary Dr Win Aung and clarified the implementations in this sector were effective down to the rural areas and continued efforts be made with added momentum. Then, the third day session ended before noon.
Fourth and fianal day session
The fourth and final day session of the USDA Annual General Meeting (2001) was held at 10.45 am on 15 September at the hall of USDA Executive Management Training School at Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby attended by member of the Central Panel of Patrons of the USDA State Peace and Development Council Secretary-3 Adjutant General Lt-Gen Win Myint, USDA Secretary-General U Than Aung and Secretaries, CEC members, State / Division / District USDA secretaries, delegates, guests and outstanding youths.
It was presided over by USDA General Secretary U Than Aung with CEC members U Aung Khin and U Thein Zaw as members of the panel of chairmen. Kachin State Monyin Township USDA executive Daw Wai Mar Thien acted as master of ceremonies at the meeting and Bago Division (West) Pyay Township USDA executive Daw Pwint Oo Han as joint-emcee.
Secretary-General U Than Aung submitted a resolution which should be passed by the meeting before the resolutions are passed. Then, he sought the approval of the CEC report and seven future work programmes. He also sought the approval for putting on records the accomplishments in implementing the work programme for one-year period State / Division-wise as well as the findings of respective groups on organizing, management, economic, social & culture and rural development.
He sought the consent of the delegates and approved them. Next, the master of ceremonies announced the two resolutions, one approval and two matters put on record by the meeting. Secretary-General U Than Aung then made concluding remarks. He observed the active and enthusiastic participation and cooperation of delegates in group discussions as well as at the meeting. He said: USDA Patron Senior General Than Shwe on 15 September morning has given guidance concerning with the important role of new generation national youths. The Senior General guided the new generation youths to preserve good legacy and urged them to create better social environment and to build the social system suitable to the Myanmar social life. The Senior General also urged the youths to be loyal to the motherland and safeguard her. he urged them to strive their utmost for possessing strength, zeal, perseverance and courage for overcoming any difficulties encountered in bringing about development.
The Senior General also urged the youths to make earnest efforts for rural development as well as keeping the activities of the Association ever dynamic. The Senior General stressed the need for the youths to safeguard the national independence and sovereignty which can be assumed as the soul of the country and the people. Secretary-General U Than Aung also dealt with the resolutions of the meeting which are in accordance with fundamental rules of the Association and reflecting the national policy, economic system and aims for rural development. Based on the strength so far gained within the period of eight years, the USDA members joining hands with the people, youths and social organizations, are to make cooperative and collaborative efforts for translating the future work programmes into reality, he urged.
The USDA Annual General Meeting (2001) then ended with chanting of slogans at 11.10 am.
( 6 ) USDA AGM passes two resolutions, approves one matter, places two matters on record
Yangon, 18 Sept - The two resolutions were passed, one approval was made, and two matters were placed on record at the Union Solidarity and Development Association Annual General Meeting 2001 held from 12 to 15 September at the hall of USDA Executive Management Training School at Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby.
Resolution No 1 is to accept and follow the guidance of the Patron of the USDA Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe given at the fourth day session of the meeting on 15 September.
Resolution No 2 is to approve the motions submitted to the USDA AGM the first day session as the seven future work programmes. The matter approved by the meeting was the report of the USDA CEC to the meeting on the first day on 12 September.
The two matters placed on record are progress of future tasks carried out in a year's time by respective state and division associations submitted to the Annual General Meeting of the USDA on the first day on 12 September, and findings of groups on organization, management, economic, social and cultural sectors and rural areas development
USDA Secretariat Member hosts dinner in honour of Japanese youth delegation
Yangon, 18 Sept- Member of the Secretariat of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Khin Maung Thein hosted a dinner in honour of the Japanese youth delegation, who were currently here, at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue yesterday evening. Present on the occasion were member of the Secertariat of the USDA U Khin Maung Thein, CEC members U Than Shwe, U Soe Tha and Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun, Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, the Ambassador of Japan, the Japanese youth delegation members and invited guests.
First, U Khin Maung Thien extended greetings. Then, leader of the delegation Mr Taisuke Togashi sopke words of thanks.
U Khin Maung Thein presented souvenirs to the members of the delegation and hosted a dinner in honour of the delegation.
At the invitation of the Headquarters of the USDA, the delegation arrived here on 28 August and visited Yangon, Bago, Bagan-NyaungU, Mandalay, Sagaing, PyinOoLwin and Taunggyi-Inlay region together with members of the USDA and left here for home this
( 7 ) Minister receives Ambassador
Yangon, 18 Sept- Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at his office this morning.
Also present at the call were Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Service U Kyi Tun and officials.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel arrives back
Yangon, 18 Sept- Leader of Myanmar delegation Minister for ASEAN Economic Affairs Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel arrived back here from Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, by air this morning after attending the 33rd ASEAN Economic
Ministers' Meeting which was held from 12 to 16 September.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel was welcomed back at the Yangon International Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and Vietnamese Ambassador Mr Pham Quang Khon.
Director-General U Maung Maung Yi of National AFTA Unit of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development also arrived back here on the same flight.
U Thein Aung presents credentials to Turkish
Yangon, 19 Sept- U Thein Aung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of Turkey, presented his credentials to His Excellency Mr Ahmet Necdet Sezer, President of the Republic of Turkey on 12 September 2001, in Ankara.
Minister receives Ambassadors
Yangon, 18 Sept - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Union of Myanmar Mr Pham Quang Khon at his office at 1 pm today. Similarly, the Minister also received Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at his office at 1.30 pm today.
Present at the calls were Director-General of Border Trade Department U Nay Win and
Ambassador calls on Minister
Yangon, 18 Sept- Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Director-General of the General Administration Department U Aung Thein and Head of Office U Thet
( 8
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects tax-free markets in Yangon
Yangon, 18 Sept- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than visited tax-free markets in Yangon and inspected sale of vegetables, meat and fish at the markets and met with shoppers and customers and attended to their needs.
First, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than arrived at tax-free market in Tamwe Township.
The commander was welcomed there by Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Commander of No 2 Military Region Col Tin Oo Lwin, Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi and officials of the Yangon City Development Committee.
The commander inspected vegetable shops of the units of Yangon Command, YCDC, Yangon Station, Hlegu Township Peace and Development Council and producers.
He also inspected sale of meat, fish and eggs of YCDC, fish shops of Central Sanpya Fish Sale Centre, MGP Fisheries Enterprise, Tet Toe Aung Company, sea fish shop of Pyi Aung Yadana Fisheries Company, sale of consumer goods of the Ministry of Industry 1 and rice shops of the Myanmar Rice
Dealers' Association.
Afterwards, the commander and party proceeded to tax-free market in Yankin Township and inspected vegetable shops of YCDC, Hmawby Station, Teikkyi Township Peace and Development Council and producers.
The commander,then, inspected fish and meat shops of YCDC, fish shops of Annawa Frisheries Holding Limited, MMN Co Ltd and shops of the producers, sale of palm oil of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings, sale of consumer goods of the Ministry of Industry 1, sale of rice of Myanmar Rice Dealers Association.
The commander gave instructions to officials and left there later in the morning.
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) Muse Consumer Products Expo'2001 to be held
Yangon, 18 Sept - Under the permission of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council, Dragon Exhibitions Ltd is making arrangement to hold the Muse Consumer Products
Expo' 2001 at Golden Palace Tour Centre in Muse Township from 2 to 6 October.
In the exhibition, a variety of local and foreign textiles, cosmetics, plastics, foodstuffs, electric and electronic appliances, construction materials, household items, stationery and packaging materials, small machinery and installation materials, skin-care and spectacle items and sport equipment will be on display.
The Super Stars Model Agency led by Thu Yein (Chogyi) will be in service for demonstration of items.