1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Chile
Yangon, 18 Sept-Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Ricardo Lagos Escobar, President of the Republic of Chile, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Chile which falls on 18 September, 2001.
Work coordinated for development of Myanma Gems Enterprise

Yangon, 17 Sept - A coordination meeting on the development of Myanma Gems Enterprise was held in the meeting hall of the office of the Minister for Mines this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, members of the Leading Committee for the Development of Myanma Gems Enterprise, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department and enterprise under the Ministry of Mines and officials.
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint reported on the increase in the income of the gems sector of Myanma Gems Enterprise from 1998-99 fiscal year up to 2000-2001 fiscal year, purchase of gems of private entrepreneurs with foreign exchange and sale of gems to foreign countries during the period between two emporiums, the condition of companies which are mining and selling jade in cooperation with the State on a mutually beneficial basis and arrangements made by joint ventures to sell gems and jade at the mid-year gems emporium.
Then, Chairman of the Central Supervisory Committee for Gems Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein reported on the condition of mining blocks at gems lands and the mining of gems and jade by the State and national entrepreneurs on a mutually beneficial basis.

Next, those present took part in the discussions.
Afterwards, the Secre-tary-1 said that purchase and sale of gems are being carried out in accord with the Myanma Gems Law. In addition, the Leading Committee for the Development of Myanma Gems Enterprise has been formed, and the progress already made can be attributed to the efforts of the leading committee, and it can be found that organizations and private entrepreneurs are doing well in their business.
Due to cooperation of the State and private entrepreneurs, national income and the income of the State have increased considerably.
According to the figures presented by the Ministry of Mines, it is found that there is an increase in the income of foreign exchange and local currency.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all to strive for the realization of the main objectives to earn national income and income of the State, to bring about a gems market in the nation, to reduce the number of gems trafficking cases and to get raw gems for Myanma Gems Enterprise.
In the morning, the Secretary-1 inspected lots of gems mined jointly by the State and private entrepreneurs on a mutually beneficial basis.
The Secretary-1, together with officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the ground floor of Myanma Gems Enterprise at 7.30 am today.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Deputy Minister for Mines, the Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise and officials.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected two jade stones weighing 158 kilos mined from Mamonhmaw Block in Phakant Township, Kachin State, by Myanma Sithu Gems Company Ltd and four jade stones weighing 153 kilos mined from Phakantgyihmaw Block in Phakant Township by Jade Dragon Gems Company Ltd.
Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and officials reported on facts about jade stones.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions and left there.
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First day of USDA Annual General
Meeting 2001 held

Yangon, 17 Sept- The first day of the Annual General Meeting 2001 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at Pyidaungsu Hall of the Management Training School for Executives of USDA at the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby Township here on 12 September morning.
The Secretary-General, members of the Secretariat, members of the Central Executive Committee, secretaries of State/Division USDAs, delegates from state/division/district/township USDAs attended the meeting.
Member of the Secretariat U Win Sein chaired the meeting with CEC members U Saw Tun and U Thein Aung as members of the panel of chairmen. Executives Daw Win Win Mar of Kalay Township USDA in Sagaing Division and Daw Tin Moe Moe Khaing of Hinthada District USDA in Ayeyawady Division acted as master of ceremonies and joint master of ceremonies respectively.
Secretary-General U Than Aung extended greetings. He said it is a good tradition to hold the Annual General Meeting every year and this year group discussions will be held with five groups covering the organizing sector, the management sector, the economic sector, the social and cultural sector and the rural area development sector.
The association will carry out human resources development tasks, nation-building tasks and national defence tasks; it will implement the pledge, objectives and policies of the association and six resolutions laid down at the 21st Century Mass Meeting held in ancient Bagan cultural region; it will cooperate with the public in striving for stability, development and in carrying out nation-building tasks.
Then, member of the Secretariat U Khin Maung Thein submitted the report of the Central Executive Committee. The delegates of State/Division USDAs reported on progress of work in implementing future tasks.
Executive of Mandalay Division USDA U Mya Soe reported on education, social welfare and rural areas development tasks. Secretary of Kyaikmaraw Township USDA of Mon State U Min Lun Aung reported on training of USDA members, provision of cash assistance to poor students, and conducting of 3-R courses.
Secretary of Thandwe Township USDA of Rakhine State U San Lwin reported on livestock breeding tasks and reclamation of 1507.24 acres of fallow and virgin land for prawn breeding in the state and rebuilding of seven roads and two bridges in nine townships.
Executive U Hla Tun Oo of Yangon Division USDA reported on conducting of courses, participation of members in religious and social welfare activities, sports, literature and fine arts, and educational activities.
Secretary of Shan State (South) USDA U Nyan Lin and Executive Candidate of Kyaukme District USDA of Shan State (North) Daw Nan Lin Lin Aung reported on organizing work.
Basic courses have been conducted to enhance the quality of member youths. This year, altogether 34,210 members have attended training courses.
Since the formation of the association, basic courses have been opened and a total of 113,837 members have attended them.
It is necessary for national youths from border areas to see the development and modernization of the nation. Therefore, 35 member youths from Tamoenye region in Kutkai Township and 54 member Wa national youths from Mainkaung region in Tangyan Township were sent on excursions to Yangon, Mandalay, Pyay, Magway, Bagan and NyaungU. Wa national youths from Hopan, Panwaing and Mongmao region are being educated in Lashio. For their education expenses, K 1.8 million has been spent up to now.
To increase the pass rate of the matriculation examination, educational courses have been opened. Member
teachers taught 1,930 students at 20 places in the state. Necessary assistance such as generators and fuel oil of the association was provided. As a result, the students from Karmaing in Kunlon Township, Nanpaung in Lashio Township and Manton Township passed the matriculation examination.
In the past, no student of the townships had passed the examination.
Boarding schools have been built each in Kutkai and Hsenwi Townships to nurture the national youths from far-flung hilly regions. Out of those who attended the boarding schools and took the examination, a student passed the examination with four distinctions.
Shan State (North) Union Solidarity and Development Association is taking part in the rural region development activities.
The association contributed labour of its members and the monetary assistance to such tasks as availability of water for Khenin Village in Lashio Township, construction of the bridge and availability of water in Kunhauk Village in Palaung region, Hsipaw Township, availability of water for Hukwet Village and Naungpen Village in Kyaukme Township and construction of rural roads in Hehaw Village, Kunlon Township.
Shan State (North) USDA, organizing national youths and turning out outstanding youths and training them to become stalwart persons who can serve the nation, is striving to realize the goal of the association.
Executive of Mongkhat Township USDA of Shan State (East) U Sai Sam Tit said that while gifts were being collected to be sent to the Tatmadaw members discharging national defence duty, member students bought gifts with their pocket money and sent them to the Tatmadaw members.
A poem written on the gift is as follows:
Blood is loyalty
Loyalty is blood DonŐt hesitate for this cause
Beside you, we are ready.
The association repaved the road and installed transformers for Sanpyanaungkon Village.
The USDA members took part in the development tasks for such villages as Mainglat, Yanlaw, Lwelon and Mongzin. Villages in other districts and townships were designated as model ones and rural development tasks are being carried out in these model villages.
Executive of Nyaungdon Township USDA of Ayeyawady Division Daw Myint Le Khine said that so far altogether 1,527,006 members attended nine courses conducted by the USDA Headquarters and 13 courses opened in the division, thereby giving training to 39.23 percent of the members of the association.
According to the fundamental principles of the association, businesses are being done according to the arrangements of the executive committee. Division, District and Township USDAs are running 40 bus lines and three water transport routes and carrying out livestock breeding and agriculture work.
In Maubin Township, Ayeyawady Division, fish breeding work is being carried out at 200 acres of fish ponds.
In a bid to improve education, the association provides salary for teachers of affiliated schools to ensure that children can have free education.
The association also provides cash assistance for the education of poor children of school age. It also donated school furniture and school uniforms. According to the instruction of the member of the Panel of Patrons of the Central, language labs were installed at basic education high schools and middle schools last year. Other schools will be equipped with language labs.
Division, District and Township USDAs made arrangements to teach 6,641 students who would take the 2000-2001 matriculation examination at the office of the division association and 60 other places. In cooperation with the Higher Education Department, the association held educational talks. Altogether 39,245 students were taught at 31 places.
In 26 townships of Ayeyawady Division, 27 new schools have been built, and 23 schools renovated. In addition, school furniture has been donated. The association and the public spent K 89,750,000 on the tasks of improving primary schools.
New lakes have been built and old ones dredged. Fences around parks have been set up, and 92 artesian wells have been dug. Ayeyawady Division USDA has bought a drilling machine and will dig artesian wells at rural regions where water is scarce during the open season.
Roads stretching 107,367 feet in all have been built in 30 villages.
The meeting stopped at 10.20 am.
At noon, the meeting resumed. CEC member U Than Shwe chaired the meeting with CEC members U Khin Maung and U Maung Pa as members of the panel of chairmen. Member of Minbu Township USDA of Magway Division Daw Aye Thanda and Executive of Dawei District USDA of Taninthayi Division Daw Aye Aye Thant acted as master of ceremonies and joint emcee.
Executive of Putao District USDA of Kachin State U Maphan Hsin Hsone said that USDA at different levels in Kachin State succeeded in inculcating in the mind of the people the six resolutions of the 21st Century Mass Meeting held in ancient Bagan region by putting up wall sheets and billboards.
In accord with the six resolutions, 1,645 members of USDAs at different levels in Kachin State took part in 40 religious and welfare activities; 6,038 members in 55 activities in cooperation with social organizations; 3,980 members in 33 activities in cooperation with people from all walks of life; 4,043 members in 33 sports and literary activities.
Altogether 15,706 members took part in the activities.
Executive of Kayah State USDA said that such summer courses as cultural courses, international studies courses, computer courses, music and performing arts courses and other courses have been conducted at 58 places.
Altogether 4,081 trainees have attended these courses.
Sports training courses have been opened in cooperation with the Sports and Physical Education Department with the aim of turning out athlete youths who will promote the prestige of the nation, and a total of 800 trainees have attended courses for eight sport events.
The association has carried out tasks for availability of drinking water for rural schools and villages in cooperation with the Water Resources Department such as digging artesian wells and lakes for 138 village primary schools in Loikaw and Dimawhso, channelling drinking water for Lawlali Village, Mahtawkhu Village-tract, Loikaw Township, building an embankment in Nganyoe Village in Dimawhso Township and implementing two water supply projects in Bawlake Township.
Executive of Kayin State USDA U Saw Han Aye said that to promote four kinds of strength included in the seven future tasks of USDA, Kayin State USDA is nurturing member youths to be able to carry out assigned tasks in future. This year, altogether 8,899 members were trained in the multiplier management course, the basic fire-fighting course, the computer management and maintenance course, the basic computer application course, the summer sports course, the fish and prawn breeding course and the basic cultural course, thereby promoting the quality of the association.
A total of 17 member youths from Kayin State USDA have been sent abroad to have international experience and to forge friendship with youth organizations and non-governmental organisations abroad.
On 19 February, the helicopter carrying leaders of the State and senior officers crashed near Tayokehla Village, Hpa-an, Kayin State, due to bad weather. The executives and members of the association, in cooperation with local authorities, carried out rescue activities at the site where the helicopter crashed.
The members of the association donated blood to the injured and spoke words of condolence to the families and relatives. Tayokehla Village bears witness to the efforts of villagers and USDA members and leadership of the local authorities.
In response to the goodwill of the national brethren, the State upgraded Tayokehla Village into a model one, and the encouragement is unprecedented in the history of rural development.
Executive of Tonzang Township USDA of Chin State U Nain Khin Paung said that a total of 10,314 members attended the courses opened in Chin State. The executives of Chin State, District and Township USDAs donated teaching aids worth K 520,000 to five schools in five townships with the aim of promoting the education standard of the new generation youths. Arrangements have been made to make donations to four other high schools.
Executive of Sagaing Division USDA Daw Su Su Myint said that altogether 10,320 members took part in the religious activities for the promotion and propagation of the Sasana.
Altogether 25,467 members took part in the social activities. They also carried out such tasks as flood relief, repairs of roads and bridges, construction of roads linking villages, the digging of wells, agricultural work, provision of gifts to poor and needy children and taking census. They donated 866 bottles of blood and provided K 1,082,090.
Altogether 11,006 members took part in the sports and literary activities in a yearŐs time. Therefore, a total of 63,554 members actively took part in the social and cultural activities.
Then, Executive U Than Aung of Taninthayi Division USDA said; Thanks to endeavours made by the government for smooth transportation, one can travel from Kawthoung, southernmost of the country, to Dawei by land. One can make return trip from Kawthoung to Taninthayi the same day. It takes only two hours and a half to go to Myeik from Taninthayi. One can make a trip to Dawei from Myeik by sea and by land in a short time. All local people take great pleasure for successful completion of roads and bridges for smooth transportation in the region.
For members' qualitative improvement, various kinds of courses have been conducted. A total of 13,720 members have attended the courses at 58 places.
Next, Secretary U Han Win Zaw of Padaung Township in Bago (West) Division said: A total of 423 trainees attended the courses conducted by USDA Headquarters and a total of 62,715 trainees attended the courses conducted by Bago Division (West) USDA.
Bago Division (West) USDA had opened a hospital and is giving treatments to the patients.
An affiliated middle school and libraries have been opened at Nat Maunk Village and Phaungkan and Swedaw villages in Paduang Township.
EC Member Dr Kyaw Oo of Bago Division (East) USDA said: as tasks of elimination of illiterates, 44,530 trainees could be taught during the period from March 1 to April 12 in the region with a work force of 8,907 teachers and volunteers. Over 725,000 trees have been planted in cooperation with local people and social associations.
Tasks for smooth transportation in the region could be carried out with concerted efforts made by Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, local people and members of USDA.
Later, executive of Minbu Township USDA Magway Division U Myo Min Tun said: as a task of human resources development, 259 undergraduate diploma winners and post- graduate diploma winners could be nurtured in the region in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Numbers of trainees are 414 in International Relations Courses, 244 in Basic Computer Courses, 130 in Music and Art Courses, 833 in courses conducted by USDA Headquarters, 346,950 in Basic Culture Courses, 122,330 in Advanced Culture Courses and 1,901 in Multiplier Management Courses for Executives. Moreover, members of USDA participated in health care activities and regional development tasks in collaboration with ministries concerned.
Later, first day programmes of Annual Meeting of USDA 2001 came to a close in the afternoon.
Secretaries and delegates of State/Division/District and Township USDAs made discussions in groups at designated places. The meeting continued on 13
( 3 ) Minister for Industry-2 receives Indian Ambassador
Yangon, 17 Sept-Ambassador of India to the Union of Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju called on Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and officials of the ministry.
Home Affairs Minister receives Ambassadors

Yangon, 17 Sept - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Union of Myanmar Mr Pham Quang Khon at his office at 10 am, and Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Union of Myanmar Mr Gleb A. Ivashentsov at his office at 11 am today.
Present at the call were Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Col Soe Win and Head of Office U Thet
Indian Ambassador calls on Minister for Religious Affairs
Yangon, 17 Sept- Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju called on Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin at the latter's office this morning.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Pro-Rector (Admin) of International Terevada Buddha Missionary University Dr Hla Pe and
Minister receives Singaporean delegation
Yangon, 17 Sept- Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Chairman of Singapore Trade Development Board and Seafood Industries Association of Singapore Mr Wong Peng Hock and party of Singapore at his office this morning.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Aung Thein, Director-General of Directorate of Livestock and Fisheries U Kyaw Lwin, Managing Director of Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Products Enterprise U Khin Maung Aye, Director-General of Fisheries Department U Than Tun and Head of Office U Myint Shwe.
USDA CEC member receives Vietnamese Ambassador
Yangon, 17 Sept - Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Than Shwe received Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Union of Myanmar Mr Pham Quang Khon at his office at 9 am today.
At the call, they discussed matters related to friendly cooperation between the youths of the two
( 4 )
National Training Course on Quality
Management in Blood Transfusion Services opens
Yangon, 17 Sept-The opening ceremony of National Training Course on Quality Management in Blood Transfusion Services was held at Traders Hotel this morning with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present were Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general and deputy directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, rectors of Institutes of Medicine, directors, deputy directors, medical superintendents, professors of pathology, pathologists, microbiologists, officials of Myanmar Academy of Medical Science, Myanmar Medical Council and Myanmar Red Cross Society, the resident representative of WHO, officials of Directorate of South East Asia Region of WHO, guests and trainees.
First, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein made a speech. He said: Lectures will be given by consultants of WHO. Moreover, this training is a very valuable one because this course aims at distribution of safe blood that supports blood banking and peace of mind of both blood donors and blood receivers.
Disease detecting laboratories play a vital role because there emerges diseases transmitted through blood transfusion. The course will deal with availability of safe blood and ways and means to make work procedures of blood banks high standard ones. In conclusion, the minister urged the trainees to make careful study of the lectures given by experts. Then, Resident Representative of WHO Mr Agostina Borra elaborated on opening of the courses.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation tours Bago Division
Yangon, 17 Sept-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, together with departmental officials, arrived at Pyinbon-gyi Reservoir, which was built in 1988-89, and inspected water-storage capacity of the reservoir, the main embankment and the main canel, the water-control tower and the spillway yesterday.
At the briefing hall, Director-General of the Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win reported on the purpose of building of the reservoir and its design, Bago Division Agricultural Coordinating Committee members on yearly availability of water from the reservoir and water supply for crop plantations in the region, Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than on sown acreage of crops and irrigated areas in Bago and DaikU Townships.
The minister gave instructions on double cropping, extension of cultivation of pre-monsoon crops and choice of proper crops.
The minister and party inspected 100 acres of Hmawby-2 paddy strain near Pyinmalwin Village in DaikU Township.
Managing Director U Tun Than reported on cultivation of Hmawby 2 paddy on 60,000 acres, use of fetilizer and conditions of paddy fields.
The minister also met with local farmers and discussed matters relating to expenditure and profit, producing of pure strains and insect control.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to Ye Nwe Multi-purpose Dam Project near Myogyaung Village in Kyauktaga Township and inspected the entrance of the diversion tunnel.
Officials reported on the choosing of the site for construction of the tunnel.
The minister inspected the condition of the ground and building of the spillway.
Afterwards, the minister and party went to No 8 Sugar Mill in Zeyawady.
Managing Director of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise U Myo Myint and officials reported on work being done at the mill. The minister gave necessary instructions to the
( 5 ) Ministry of Energy honours
outstanding students
Yangon, 17 Sept- The Ministry of Energy honoured children of staff for their outstanding perfor-mance in the matriculation examination for the academic year 2000-2001 in Yadana hall of the Ministry this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Minister U Tin Tun and Brig-Gen Thein Aung, the director-general of Energy Planning Department, managing directors, directors, students and their parents.
Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi gave an address and presented prizes to 15 children of staff who passed the matriculation examination (2000-2001) with four and five distinctions.
Motorcycles and cash donated to hail USDA Annual General Meeting (2001)
Yangon, 17 Sept-Hailing the Annual General Meeting (2001) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a ceremony to present motorcycles and cash was held at No 3 Innwa Hall of USDA Executives Management Training School in Hmawby on 14 September morning.
Present on the occasion were CEC members U Than Shwe, U Aung Thaung, U Tin Hlaing and U Maung Pa, officials and donors.
On behalf of the donors, Director of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited Lt-Col Nay Win presented four motorcycles donated by Yunda Company in Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China to CEC member U Aung Thaung who accepted the donation and presented certificate of honour to the donor.
Then, CEC members U Aung Thaung, U Tin Hlaing and U Maung Pa accepted donations K 500,000 by U Khin Myint of Yadana Win (Thonze) Ltd, K 500,000 by U Inya of Top Detergent, K 300,000 by U Tin Myint of B R B Co Ltd, K 200,000 by U Saing Ba Nyan of Yoma Nay Min Co, K 500,000 by Yangon City Development Committee and others. Certificate of honour were presented to the donors. Then, CEC member U Than Shwe expressed words of thanks to donors and the ceremony came to an
( 6 ) Seminar on Legal Implications and Myanmar's Obligation to WTO Agreement held
Yangon, 17 Sept-A seminar on the Legal Implications and Myanmar's Obligation to WTO Agreement, co-organized by the National AFTA Unit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore and the International Trade Institute of Singapore (ITIS), was held at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this morning.
Ambassador of Singapore Mr Simon De Cruz and Acting Director-General of ASEAN Affairs Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Aung Bwa made speeches.
Officials from the National AFTA Unit of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance and Revenue, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, Attorney-General's Office and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and 40 trainees attended the seminar which will be held up to 19
( 7 ) Myanmar fetch 19 gold, 14 silver and 52 bronze in SEA Games
Yangon, 17 Sept-Myanmar got seventh position in the XXI SEA Games held in Malaysia.
Myanmar fetched 19 gold, 14 silver and 52 bronze medals three gold, two silver and four bronze in Wushu; three gold, one silver and five bronze in shooting; one gold, one silver and two bronze in taekwando; four gold and one silver in weightlifting; one gold, two silver in swimming; one gold, three silver and five bronze in track and field; one gold, one silver and three bronze in rowing; six bronze in boxing; one silver and seven bronze in karatedo; one bronze in horse-riding; one bronze in tennis; one silver and two bronze in Sepak Takraw; one silver in billiard; five bronze in free-hand fighting; two gold and five silver in judo; three bronze in archery; one bronze in women's football; one bronze in men's football; three gold and one bronze in
( 8
Myanmar gets two more gold, one silver and two bronze in XXI SEA games
Yangon, 17 Sept - The XXI SEA games continued in Malaysia. In the events on 16 September, Myanmar bagged two more gold, one more silver and two more bronze.
In judo events held in Pisa Indoor Stadium, Kyaw Soe Naing of Myanmar stood third in Men's Extra Light Weight, and Thinzar Soe of Myanmar stood first, Philippine second and Vietnam third in Women's Extra Light Weight. In Women's Half Light Weight, Aye Aye Thin of Myanmar was first, Thailand second and Vietnam and Indonesia third. In women's Marathon event, Pa Pa of Myanmar got second, Philippine first and Indonesia third.
After yesterday's events, Myanmar bagged 19 gold, 14 silver and 52 bronze totalling 85.
Sports Plus Physical Education Training School trainees get medals
Yangon, 17 Sept-Under the guidance of the Myanmar National Olympic Council, the Sports Plus Physical Education Training School is being opened for nurturing of athletes as a long-term programme. Altogether six trainees from the Sports Plus Physical Education Training School took part in the XXI SEA Games held in Malaysia.
Aung Thura got a gold in 10,000 meters event, and Nam Kham Sai and partner won a gold in International 420 Yachting. Hein Zeya Kyaw (Football), Win Min Zaw (Archery), Yan Aung Soe (Archery) and Nyein Nyein Aung (Free-hand fighting) won a bronze
( 9
) Heroin seized in MuseHeroin
Yangon, 17 Sept- A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of Daw Gayaung, daughter of U Zaw Gum, in Sunsaw Ward of Muse, Shan State (North), on 30 August and seized 4 packets of heroin weighing 1.2 kilo together with her.
Police Station concerned filed her under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Drug traffickers get death sentences
Yangon, 17 Sept-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, arrested drug traffickers Twan Hsin Htan (a) Maung Win and Aung Kyaw (a) Maung Win (a) Aik Htun, together with 375 kilos of heroin kept in paper boxes on 1 April.
The Sangyoung Police Station filed Twan Hsin Htan (a) Maung Win, 35, son of U Twan Yon Sone of No 701 of Dagon Centre in Myenigon North Ward in Sangyoung Township and Aung Kyaw (a) Maung Win (a) Aik Htun, 24, son of U Aik San of Ward 5 in Kutkai under Section 20 (B)/22 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Yangon (West) District Court handed down death sentences on them under Section 20 (B) and 22 (A) on 29