1 ) Secretary-1 visits Mindhamma Hill

Yangon, 16 Sept- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept, at 4 pm today.

The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun, officials, scholars and members of the pagoda board of trustees.
The Secretary-1 paid homage to the Buddha Image.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and officials reported on tasks to be carried out by the Committee for Construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected progress of work in building Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image is kept, the northern stairways and all-round construction work of Midhamma
Hill. The Secretary-1 gave instructions and left there in the
Secretary-1 attends 17th donation ceremony for construction of Thabinnyu Pagoda

Yangon, 16 Sept- The 17th donation ceremony for construction of Thabinnyu Pagoda was held at Damaythaka Nunnery Sarthintaik in Ward 5, Mayangon Township, this afternoon.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony and accepted donations.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, chairmen and members of the Working Committee for Construction of Thabinnyu Pagoda and subcommittees, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, wellwishers and guests.
Secretary of the Working Committee Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on progress of work for construction of the pagoda.
Chairman of the Working Committee Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported on cash donations received and expenditure on construction work.

The Secretary-1 handed over K 2 million donated by the State Peace and Development Council to Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe.
The Secretary-1 also accepted donations Ñ K 10 million by Yangon City Development Committee, K 3 million for the fourth tier of Shwehtidaw of the pagoda by the Ministry of Transport, K 500,000 by the families of the Ministry of Transport, K 1 million by (U Pwint Kaung) and Daw Khin Nwe Yee and Shwepazun family, K 200,000 by the Ministry of Industry-2, K 200,000 by the Ministry of Mines and K 100,000 by the Ministry of Finance and Revenue.
The commander and ministers also accepted donations Ñ K 350,000 each by the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems, Inland Water Transport, Myanma Shipyards, Myanma Five Star Line, the Institute of Marine Technology, Myanma Port Authority and Myanma Airways, K 845,000 by the Marine Administration Department and ship agents, K 450,000 by Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa, K 350,000 by Htay Myanmar Company, K 350,000 by the Department of Civil Aviation, K 350,000 by U Kyaw Myint and Daw Kyawt Khin and family, K 350,000 by the family in memory of late Daw Aye Kyaing and others.
The total donations amounted to K 23,425,090.
Then, the Secretary-1 gave instructions on construction of the pagoda.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party paid homage to Buddha images and inspected construction work. About 80 percent of construction work has been completed.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 visits Central Forestry Development Training Centre, Wood-based Industrial Zone (Wataya)

Yangon, 16 Sept- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected teak tissue culture being undertaken at the Central Forestry Development Training Centre under the Forest Department in Hmawby Township and factories in the Wood-based Industrial Zone (Wataya) in Shwepyitha Township this morning.
The Secretary-1, accompanied by officials, arrived at the Central Forestry Development Training Centre near Yedwingon Village by the side of Yangon-Pyay Highway in Hmawby Township at 9.12 am.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by the ministers, the deputy ministers and heads of department.
In his report to the Secretary-1, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone said that the Central Forestry Development Training Centre has been set up with the aim of training employees of the Forest Department and rural people theoretically and practically for the conservation and establishment of forests and for the development of rural areas and implementing the economic objectives of the forest sector effectively.
The centre was built in 1988 at a cost of over K 66 million provided by the Myanmar government and US $ 21.8 million by the Japanese government. From 1990 up till now, the Myanmar government and the Japanese government have used K 115.2 million and US $ 27.38 million respectively for the building, the modern laboratory and apparatus, training and technical cooperation.
Up to now 26 courses have been conducted and altogether 7,375 trainees 6,703 employees and 672 rural people have attended them.

Arrangements are being made to implement Community Forestry Training and Extension Project as phase II of the project. Culture of teak tissue and orchid tissue is being undertaken at the centre.
Deputy Director-General of the Forest Department U Shwe Kyaw reported on the purpose and benefits of teak tissue culture, the process of teak tissue culture, research on teak tissue culture at the Centre as of January 2001 and arrangements to undertake research on tissue culture of other species of timber.
Staff Officer U Ohn Lwin of the Forest Department reported on arrangements to undertake culture of teak tissue and experiences.
The Secretary-1 called on the officials to make efforts for the success of teak tissue culture.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected modern apparatus used for teak tissue culture and stages of teak tissue culture.
A tissue is any of the masses of cells of particular types of which animals or plants are made. Plant tissue culture means the growing of plants from tissues put together with nourishment in a bottle and the new plants share the same genetic characteristics with the plant of these tissues.
Teak tissue culture is being undertaken with the aim of conserving teak of good species, establishing gardens where seeds of good strains can be produced and producing saplings of good species required to establish teak plantations.
At the Centre, teak tissue culture has been undertaken as of January 2001, and now the tissue culture is at the last stage where an experiment on the growing of the saplings on the natural soil is being made.
The Secretary-1 then inspected Orchid Tissue Culture Lab and gave instructions on conservation of Myanmar orchids.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to the Wood-based Industrial Zone (Wataya) in Shwepyitha Township.
The Secretary-1 inspected the glue factory.
Minister U Aung Phone and officials reported on the purpose of building the glue factory, raw materials used for production of urea glue and phenol glue and samples of plywood produced with the use of urea glue and phenol glue.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected the production work of the factory and gave instructions.
It is learnt that the glue factory has been built to produce urea glue and phenol glue which are being imported for the plywood factories.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party went to the site of No 6/B Saw Mill Project.
Minister U Aung Phone reported on the salient points of the project and progress of work.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions and inspected the project.
At the place of No 6 Saw Mill in Botahtaung Township, tasks for improvement of urban conditions are going to be carried out, so No 6/B Saw Mill is being built in Wood-based Industrial Zone (Wataya) in Shwepyitha Township. Now 80 percent of construction work has been completed.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party visited Htoo Wood-based Factory of Htoo Trading Company Ltd and inspected the construction of factory buildings and installation of machinery.
Chairman of Htoo Trading Company Ltd U Teza reported on the purpose of building Htoo Wood-based Factory and arrangements to produce value-added wood products with the use of teak and hard wood.
Minister U Aung Phone reported on completion of construction of factories and conditions of extension of factories in Wood-based Industrial Zone (Wataya).
The Secretary-1 gave instructions and inspected the scale model of Htoo Wood-based Factory.
Htoo Wood-based Factory will produce parquet, groove planks, furniture, sawn timber and other value-added wood products.
In the zone, State-owned No 3 Saw Mill and No 9 Saw Mill, a parquet factory, a glue factory, No 111 Leingon Saw Mill, Tawwin Family Factory, Htoo Wood-based Factory, Wood Land Co Factory and Myodaw Furniture Joint Venture Factory, and there are also arrangements to build more factories
( 3 )
Preliminary meeting of 2001 Annual General Meeting of USDA held
Yangon, 16 Sept- A preliminary meeting of the 2001 Annual General Meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was held in the Union Hall of the USDA Executive Management Training School of the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby on 11 September morning.
Present were member of the panel of patrons of USDA Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, General-Secretary of USDA, members of the Secretariat, CEC members, Secretaries of State and Division USDAs, delegates to the Annual General Meeting of USDA and outstanding youths.
Member of the panel of patrons of USDA Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint presided over the meeting and member of Haka Township USDA Daw Ei Hay Man The and Executive of Kongyan Township USDA Daw Nwe Ni Myint acted as master and joint-master of ceremonies.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint said the USDA was formed on 15 September 1993 to see that the people are familiar with national political tasks, and the association actively implemented the aims and objectives of the State. The national political tasks were implemented and the existence of the association has entered into the eighth year, he said.
During its eight years, 17 State and Division level associations, 63 district level associations, 320 township level associations and 15,242 ward and village associations have been formed and the number of USDA members has alsoÊincreased, he said.
He said the increasing number of USDA members are being trained to possess national political belief and concept and qualifications.
Altogether eight courses at central level and other courses are being conducted to enable them to appreciate the value of the Union, peace and solidarity and sovereignty, to possess the conviction and concept with the same outlook, to uplift patriotism, national prestige and integrity, to preserve national character, traditional culture, moral conduct and race. The courses have also been conducted for realization of the value of Myanmar society and providing them with vocational education, he added.
He said the association carried out community welfare tasks in cooperation with NGOs and social associations.
The association won public confidence and reliance due to its active participation in political tasks and community welfare tasks. Every year the Annual General Meeting is held in order to preserve such tradition and not to lose sight of the State's aims and objectives. At the meeting organizational, administrative, economic, social and cultural sectors were discussed and the future tasks were laid down. These tasks included long-term and yearly ones, he said.
He said the main objective is emergence of a peaceful, modern, developed nation. For realization of this purpose, the political, economic and social objectives are being implemented upholding Our Three Main National Causes. Cooperation of the government, the Tatmadaw and the people leads to success. Therefore, the association must organize the people for participation in the realization of the objectives of the State. He said that it is important
that the association must strive for restoration of the Union Spirit and patriotic spirit among the national races.
In efforts to develop economy, short-term economic plans were drafted and Accomplishments have been made yearly. With the economic development, big and small cities developed. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on implementation of five rural region development tasks in the third short-term five year plan, narrowing the development gap between the urban and rural areas. These five tasks are better transportation in rural areas, water supply, education, health and economic development, he said.
The preliminary meeting resumed.
The meeting was presided over by member of the Secretariat of the USDA U Khin Maung Thein. Members of the panel of chairmen are CEC member U Aung Thaung and U Thaung.
Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung reported on agenda of the meeting.
Master of ceremonies announced the list of the delegates of States and Divisions who will participate in organizational, management, economic, social, cultural and rural development sectors in group seminars.
Preliminary seminars on organizational, management, economic, social, cultural and rural development sectors were held at the designated places in the Training School.
The seminar on organizational sector of group-1 was held at Myawady Hall. Member of the Secretariat of the USDA U Win Sein, CEC members U Saw Tun, U Thein Sein and U Khin Maung presided over the seminar.
U Win Sein explained matters related to the preliminary seminar.
Then, 17 delegated were selected assigned duties to discuss matters pertaining to organizational matters at the sector-wise seminars.
The seminar on management sector of group-2 was held at Anawrahta Hall. Member of the Secretariat of the USDA U Khin Maung Thein, CEC members U Than Shwe, U Aung San, Thura U Aung Ko and U Thein Aung presided over the seminar.
U Khin Maung Thein explained matters related to the preliminary seminar. Then, 17 delegated were selected assigned duties to discuss matters pertaining to management matters at the sector-wise seminars.
The seminar on economic sector of group-3 was held at Bagan mess hall. CEC members U Soe Tha, U Pyi Sone, U Thaung, U Ohn Myint and U Maung Maung Thein presided over the seminar.
U Soe Tha explained matters related to the preliminary seminar. Then, 17 delegated were selected assigned duties to discuss matters pertaining to economic matters at the sector-wise seminars.
The seminar on social and cultural sector of group-4 was held at the Union Hall-2.
CEC members U Pan Aung, U Aung Khin and U Kyaw Hsan presided over the seminar.
U Pan Aung explained matters related to the preliminary seminar. Then, 17 delegated were selected assigned duties to discuss matters pertaining to social and cultural matters at the sector-wise seminars.
The seminar on rural regional development sector of group-5 was held at Bayintnaung Hall. Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung, CEC members U Aung Phone, U Aung Thaung, U Tin Hlaing, Thura U Myint Maung, U Maung Pa and U Aung Thein Lin presided over the seminar.
U Than Aung explained matters related to the preliminary seminar. Then, 17 delegated were selected assigned duties to discuss matters pertaining to rural region development matters at the sector-wise seminars.
They compiled the papers on the respective sectors.
The first day session of the AGM of USDA was held on 12 Septembers.
( 4 )
Minister receives guests from of PRC
Yangon, 16 Sept- Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw received Chief Engineer of Datang Telecom Technology & Industry Group of the People's Republic of China Mr Wei Zhonghe and party at his office at 9 am today.
Also present at the call were responsible officials of Myanma Posts and
U Tin Oo appointed Ambassador to LPDR
Yangon, 17 Sept- The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Tin Oo as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Union of Myanmar to the Lao People's Democratic Republic.
( 5 ) Minister inspects installation of machinery
Yangon, 16 Sept- Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw arrived at Toegyaunggalay Ground Satellite Station and inspected the construction of staff housing this morning. Then, the minister inspected the chosen site for building of oil-storage and motor cars and gave instructions. The minister arrived at Hanthawady Auto Exchange and inspected the installation of S-12 Digital Auto Exchange machinery and heard reports on the work done by the chief engineer and those in-charge.
After leaving instructions there, the minister inspected the chosen site for construction of building for Remote Switch at the corner of Thanlwin Street and University Avenue and gave instructions.
The minister then inspected installation of underground cables along Yangon-Pyay
Road for the exchange to be kept at International Business Centre
here. The minister spoke words of encouragement to the staff and
left there.
( 6 )
Commander attends tree-planting ceremony of MCDC
Yangon, 16 Sept- The 19th tree-planting ceremony of Mandalay City Development Committee was held in 39th street between 64th and 65th streets in Pyigyimyetshin Ward, Mandalay, on 14 September morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and senior military officers, Secretary of Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Township War Veterans Organization, social organizations and local people totalling over 1,500.
The commander and officials planted trees at designated places and those present planted 2600 trees 800 Yaytama (Cedrela febrifuga), 600 Mezali (Cassia siamea), 600 Seinban (Poincina regia), and 600 Swedaw (Bauhina acuminata). Then, the ceremony came to a close.
Afterwards, the commander made a speech at the coordination meeting of the Work Committee for Seinban Industrial Zone-2 in Mandalay held at the hall of the command. He heard the reports of the officials of the committee and attended to the needs and the meeting came to a close.
The commander then attended the merit-sharing and consecration ceremony of the Hsutaungpyi Pagoda and the Hsutaungpyi Buddha Image in Nan Myo held at the Dhammayon of Nan Myo Hsutaungpyi Pagoda.
State Ovadacariya Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Agga Maha Pandita Waso Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Aggiya and members of the Sangha attended the ceremony.
The Nan Myo Hsutaungpyi Pagoda, the Hsutaungpyi Buddha Image and the Asoka pagoda were consecrated at 10
Then, the merit-sharing ceremony was held. The congregation received the Five Precepts from the Waso Sayadaw.
Members of the Sangha recited Parittas. The commander, his wife and officials presented offertories to the members of the Sangha. Shwewawin Kyaung Saya-daw Bhaddanta Sasana Bhivamsa delivered a sermon and the ceremony came to a close. Afterwards, the commander, his wife and officials offered
"Soon" to the Sayadaws.
The Nan Myo Asoka Pagoda was gilded at a cost of 2.7 million.
In the afternoon, the commander made a speech at the coordination meeting of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council held at the hall of the command. He heard the reports on work done and future tasks for development, cultivation, education and health of the rural areas by the officials and attended to their requirements.
Volleyball Championship concludes
Yangon, 16 Sept- The final match and prize-presentation ceremony of the Eastern Command Commander's Shield Volleyball Championship was held at Shan State Sports Stadium in Taunggyi on 14 September morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo and wife Daw Khin Lay Myint, military officers, departmental officials, players and fans. No 1 Region team of Taunggyi Station defeated No 2 Region team of Taunggyi Station 3-1 in the final match. Then, prizes were presented to the winners. Patron of the Supervisory Committee for Shan State Maternal and Child Welfare Association Daw Khin Lay Myint presented championship shield to Phekhon Station Women's team, which stood first in Women's volley tournament, and the commander to No 1 Region team in men's
volley tournament.
( 7 ) Provisions donated to monasteries

Yangon, 16 Sept- Families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers made donations in cash and kind to Winthamaydani Sarthintaik, Shwetaungtaikthit Sarthintaik, Thirikhela Sarthintaik and Shwehlaing Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Sangyoung Township, Yangon West District, at Thandithukha Dhammayon on the platform of Koehtatgyi Pagoda this morning.
Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Present on the occasion were Presiding Sayadaws of Sarthintaiks, senior military officers of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), heads of department, chairmen and members of Yangon West District and Sangyoung Township Peace and Development Councils, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, wellwishers and guests.
Member of Sangyoung Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Shwehlaing Pariyatti Sarthintaik Bhaddanta Sanvarabodhi invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
Commodore Soe Thein, senior military officers and departmental officials offered provisions to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Commodore Soe Thein and senior military officers presented provisions donated by the families of the Tatmadaw and the wellwishers to the Presiding Sayadaw of Shwehlaing Pariyatti Sarthintaik.
Donations included four bags of rice by Yangon West District and Sangyoung Township Peace and Development Council, 400 viss of iodized salt by Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals, 40 boxes of fine salt, traditional medicines by the families of the Department of Traditional Medicines, 288 packages of Great Wall ointment by Great Wall Family, 380 Htetlin medicine packages by Htetlin Medical Store, 180 Hmancho medicine packages by Hmancho Medical Store, 120 packages of traditional medicines by Kyaw Traditional Medicine Production Enterprise, 120 packages of Kaythipan medicine by Kaythipan Medical Store, four bags of rice by U Than of the Koehtatgyi Pagoda Board of Trustees and five bags of rice by Maj Ko Ko Naing and Daw Khin Myat Myat Soe and family.
Commodore Soe Thein and senior military officers accepted donations made to the trust fund of the Sarthintaiks K 400,000 by Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd, K 12,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K 9,000 by Sangyoung Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, K 30,000 by Great Wall Medical Enterprise, K 20,000 by KN Company, K 20,000 by BTB Company, K 10,000 by Htetlin Medical Store, and others, K 5,000 by Nawaguna Buddha Marmaka Missionary Group, K 15,000 by Win Yadana Passenger Transport Services, K 15,090 by U Thein Maung and Daw Pa Pa (Sandi Traditional Medicine), K 10,000 by Panhlaing Ward Peace and Development Council, K 10,000 by Myanma Rice Wholesalers Association and OK Rice Trading of Bayintnaung Brokerage, K 5,000 by the township law office, K 10,000 by Koehtatgyi Pagoda Board of Trustees, K 100,000 by Sayagyi U Chit Tin and Sayama Daw Hla Kyi and family, K 50,000 by Dynamite Construction Company, K 20,000 by Kaythipan Medical Store, K 100,000 by Maj Khin Maung and Daw Su Nwe Nyunt, K 50,000 by U Aung Myo Tun, Ma Cho Cho Mar and family, U Tin Nyunt, Daw Khin San Lwin and family and U Kyi Maung, Daw Hla Hla and family and K 10,000 by Maj Kun and Daw Kyway and family.
Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of Defence supplicated on the purpose of the donation.
Secretary of Sangyoung Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Gandavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vayama delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits.
Donations in cash and kind made at the ceremony totalled 108 bags of rice, 38 viss of edible oil, 75 viss of gram, 400 viss of iodized salt, 40 boxes of fine salt, 1,088 boxes of traditional medicines and K 1,011,090.
Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families and well-wishers donated provisions to four monasteries in Masoeyein Kyaungtaik in Mayangon Township in Yangon West District this afternoon.
Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Masoeyein Kyaungtaik Bhaddanta Vimala administered the Five precepts.
Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein and officials presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
The donations were 104 bags of rice, 49 viss of edible oil, 300 viss of iodized salt, 30 packages of fine salt, 60 viss of gram, 520 bottles of assorted traditional medicines and K 991,190.
The ceremony held at Dhamayon of Mahasi Thathana Yeiktha in Bahan Township this morning was attended by presiding Sayadaw and members of the Sangha, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, senior military officers, chairman of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council, members of township/ward Peace and Development Councils, members of various organizations, guests and donors.
First, Commodore Soe Thein presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Then, Commodore Soe Thein and senior military officers of Ministry of Defence presented provisions to members of the Sangha.
Then, Col Kyaw Myint of Ministry of Defence supplicated on the purpose of the donations. The donations were 35 bags of rice, 16 viss of edible oil, 19 bags of gram, 100 viss
of iodized salt, 10 packages of fine salt, 1,016 packages of various
kinds of traditional medicines and K 1,447,090.
Cash donated for regional development tasks
Yangon, 16 Sept- Hailing the Annual General Meeting (2001) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a ceremony to donate cash for regional development tasks in Chin State, Kayah State, Gangaw district of Magway Division and Leshi and Lahe townships of Hkamti district in Sagaing Division, by the Welfare Sub-Committee for the Annual General Meeting (2001) of USDA was held at Inwa Yeiktha of the USDA Executive Management Training School at the Public Relation Unit in Hmawby Township, Yangon Division, at 10.30 am on 12 September.
Present on the occasion were CEC members of USDA U Than Shwe, U Aung San, U Thein Aung, U Kyaw San and U Aung Thein Lin and the delegates of Chin State, Kayah State, Gangaw district of Magway Division and Hkamti district of Sagaing Division USDAs.
On the occasion, Chairman of the Welfare Sub-Committee for the Annual General Meeting (2001) of USDA and CEC member U Aung San presented K 500,000 for Chin State to secretary of Chin State USDA U Aung Min, K 500,000 for Kayah State to secretary of Kayah State USDA U Kyaw Swe, K 375,000- for Gangaw district of Magway Division to secretary of Gangaw district of Magway Division USDA U Aung Myint and K 375,000 for Leshi and Lahe townships of Hkamti district in Sagaing Division to executive of Hkamti district USDA Daw Nan Yi Yi Lay.
Similarly, Seinsetkya Cooperative limited also presented 100 shoulder bags with USDA logos to the Headquarters of
( 8
Prize presentation ceremony of Youth Art Competition of Thai-Myanmar culture held

Yangon, 16 Sept- Prize presentation ceremony of Youth Art Competition for bringing out of the same culture in Thailand and Myanmar was held at National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Road in Dagon Township this morning.
It was attended by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Thai Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon and officials of the embassy, officials of UN agencies, ambassadors and officials of ASEAN countries, the deputy director-general and officials of Fine Arts Department, faculty members of University of Culture (Yangon), prize winning students and guests.
First, Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt made a speech.

Then, Thai Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon spoke.
Afterwards, U Soe Nyunt, Mr Raden Suwannakorn of Thai Embassy, Deputy Director-General U Khin Maung Tin of Fine Arts Department and Rector U Tin Soe of University of Culture (Yangon) presented prizes to students who won prizes in respective categories. Later, the ambassador presented gifts to those who gave assistance for holding the competition. Then, the deputy minister and the ambassador formally opened the exhibition of entry paintings to the competition. Later, the guests looked round the exhibition which will be open to the public at National Theatre till 21
Journals donated for USDA delegates
Yangon, 16 Sept- Hailing the USDA Annual General Meeting 2001, the News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information presented 1500 weekly journals
Shwe Maung Than journals, International News journals and Sports journals for the USDA delegates from States and Divisions.
On behalf of the Minister for Information, Deputy Director (Broadcast) Maj Win Aung of MRTV presented journals to Central Public Relations Unit Commandant Lt-Col Sein Win at the USDA Executives Management Training School in Hmawby Township on 14 September.
( 9
) Myanmar bag 3 more gold in XXI SEA Games
Yangon, 16 Sept- In the XXI SEA Games in Malaysia, Myanmar bagged three more gold, one silver and eight bronze yesterday.
Maung Sithu Moe Myint and Maung Phone Kyaw Moe Myint of Myanmar won a gold in the international 420 class men's team event of yachting competitions held at Admiral Cove. Ma Su Myat Soe and Ma Nan Kham Say also got a gold in the international 420 class women's team event.
Maung Aung Myin Thu and Maung Kaung Myat Htut added a gold to Myanmar at laser II calss men's event. Ma Chit Su won a bronze in optimist class event.
In the Regu matches of Sepak Takraw men's tournament, Myanmar got a silver.
Kyaw Swa Moe and Aye Mon Khin won a bronze each in javelin events. Myanmar men's team and women's team also got a bronze each in javelin team's events.
Tun Tin Htoo got a third prize in lightweight division and Yan Naing Soe won a third prize in lightweight division of boxing tournament.
Myanmar fetched 81 medals 17 gold, 13 silver, and 51 bronze, up to yesterday and got eighth position. Thailand with 243 medals 88 gold, 72 silver and 83 bronze stood first. Brunei was 10th with 1 gold, 6 silver and 7