1 ) New generation must to be able to safeguard good legacy and create better social environment
They are to possess strength, industry, perseverance and courage to be able to overcome every difficulty with which they may be confronted
Yangon, 15 Sept - The following is a translation of the address delivered by Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe at the 2001 Annual General Meeting of USDA today.
While the association, with the participation of the new generation youth of national races, has been speeding up the implementation of national working programmes, its existence has extended a period of eight years.
The pledge, the objectives, the code of conduct and duties and responsibilities included in the fundamental principles of the association are noble national working programmes to be implemented by the association. It is an association formed with the aim of ensuring the emergence of a national force which will set national working programmes into motion. In order to safeguard the nation in all spheres and to build the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one, the new generation youths are taking part in the activities of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
USDA is the association of the new generation youths.
The members of the association who are actively participating in its activities are the youth and those in early middle age. True to the association of the new generation youth, it has been organizing the youths and giving them training. Now, its existence has extended a period of eight years. During the period of eight years, the set-up and working programmes of the association have become far-reaching and wide-ranging.
USDA has been capable of training the youths incessantly to be imbued with national belief and conviction and to acquire skills. In addition to professional courses, the association has been conducting courses on national affairs, courses on Myanma affairs and international studies, courses on national culture and languages, courses on technical skills, aviation training courses, marine training courses, basic accounting courses as well as courses on performing arts. Over 9.9 million youths attended courses at the central level and local level opened over the past eight years.
It is found that over 9.2 million youths attended cultural courses which were opened in the entire the nation as well as in wards and village-tracts. Due to these courses, the new generation youths have come to embrace the same thoughts and the same national outlook, and their belief and conviction for the building of a new, peaceful, modern and developed nation have become stronger and stronger.
As is known to all, especially in the cultural courses, the youth are being nurtured to be well-behaved, to understand the value of the family and the society, to abide by the discipline of the human society and social code of conduct and to safeguard national prestige and integrity and preserve national character. Good morale, morals and preservation of national character are essential elements for the nation and the people. It can be said that the association's efforts to implement the working programmes in this sector over the past eight years amount to preservation of the legacy of ancestors.

The aim of the cultural courses is to enable the new generation youth to know and abide by basic social code of conduct.
The ancestors constantly made efforts for the preservation of culture, moral traditions and national character. Myanmar has enjoyed basic education and acquired moral development since Bagan Period. The study of ancient Bagan region made up till now shows that the economy, social relations, management, defence and culture of that period were strong.
The study of literature of Inwa Period shows that literature which focused on moral development and such social code of conduct as the duties of a teacher, the duties of a pupil, the filial duties and the parental duties was taught.
In the course of Myanmar history, what the ancestors taught is not to do wrongs in speech, deed and mind, to keep strong moral character and to be well-behaved, to abstain from breaking five precepts.
This quality can help maintain the unity and peace and tranquillity of the human society.
To have high morale and abide by social code of conduct is the national quality with which the entire national people are required to instil themselves. The effort to acquire this quality during the existence of the association means discharging national duties. The new generation must be able to safeguard the good legacy and create a better social environment.
At this annual general meeting, delegates are going to put forward the matters related to the participation of USDA in the nation-building sector and the human resource development sector and the working programmes for the rural area development sector to be implemented in the third short-term five-year plan. It is necessary to welcome their discussions and what they are going to present to the meeting.
Step-by-step measures are to be taken in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation with the strength of the entire nation. Demanded by the history of Myanmar, the government, since its assumption of duty, has been attempting to forge national unity. With patience, it has implemented working programmes for restoration of national solidarity and peace and stability. The government paid top priority to stability of State and national solidarity during the period of three years from 1989-90 to 1991-92. At the same time, plans designed to stabilize the economy have been implemented.
The private economic sector has been allowed to
operate extensively. While efforts are being made to stabilize the
economy, economic infrastructures which are needed for the nation
are being built. With the aim of accelerating
the growth rate of the agriculture sector, the main economic sector of Myanmar, a large number of dams, reservoirs and embankments have been built. During that period, up to 124 dams and reservoirs have been built, and the irrigated acres of land which accounted for 2.52 million in 1988-89 have increased to 4.90 million in 2000-2001. The State has also built other infrastructures such as roads, bridges, railroads, development of ports, extension of airports, power supply and communication network.
While political and economic favourable conditions were being created, a short-term four-year plan was implemented from 1992-93 to 1995-96. It was estimated that the annual economic growth increased by 5.1%, but it increased by 7.5%. The second short-term five-year plan was implemented from 1996-97 to 2000-2001. It was estimated that the economy grew by 6%, but it grew by 8.4%. It can be attributed to the efforts made region-wise at the same time, cooperation and participation of the people, the beneficial use of human resources and the riches of natural resources.
This year is the first year of the third short-term five-year plan. As a result of implementation of two short-term economic plans, the infrastructures of the agriculture sector have been built, and the capability of using water resources has become higher. At the same time, the capability of utilizing land resources has become higher, too.
As construction work has been done for the development of transport, the condition of the communication between urban and rural areas has been picking up. This condition helps accelerate the rate of socio-economic development. Therefore, during the period of the present short-term five-year plan, working programmes which focus on the development of rural areas have been laid down. The majority of the population live in rural areas, and their chief business is agriculture and livestock breeding. The needs of villages are to be fulfilled in all sectors.
The needs of rural areas are also concerned with the transport sector, water supply for villages and the availability of water for the agriculture sector. Efforts are to be made to promote the development of livestock breeding as well as that of agricultural.
Preservation of forests in rural areas, extension of cultivation of trees for firewood in rural areas and cultivation of perennial crops suitable to the region are to be carried out.
By speeding up the implementation of working programmes in these sectors, the poverty of the people can be alleviated.
Health and education, another requirements of rural areas, are to be improved in cooperation with rural people. Every region in the nation including border areas has access to basic education. There are altogether 39,070 basic education schools in the nation. In 1988-89, there were 33,747 basic education schools. In comparison with the number of basic education schools in 1988-89, there is an increase in the number of basic education schools by 5,323.
To improve the health of rural people, every task such as giving health education, running rural delivery rooms, rural health centres and station hospitals and providing staff and equipment and construction of buildings, is to be carried out in cooperation with the people.
Step-by-step measures have been taken to develop the nation in all sectors. These tasks have been implemented on the basis of internal strength, and the members of the association, together with the people, have taken part in implementation of these tasks. Every citizen of the nation is required to cooperate and participate in the task of building a new, peaceful, modern and developed nation. To develop and modernize the nation, the government is building every infrastructure day in and day out.
The new generation youth are to protect and preserve every success and to be establishing a society of high standard.
The new generation youth are to strive for the emergence of a peaceful, stable, modern and developed nation with patriotism and a sense of Union spirit, united strength, high calibre and dynamic leadership. They are to possess strength, industry, perseverance and courage in order to be able to overcome every difficulty with which they may be confronted.
The new generation youth are to dutifully build a social system which the citizens of the nation deserve not only at present but also in future.
Since hundreds of years ago, Myanmar has its own culture, independence, sovereignty and has been able to stand as a strong nation in history. The glory of the nation has reached the peak and it has fine historical traditions. The nation was built by the citizens who preserved and safeguarded prestige and integrity, observed social code of conduct and had high national morale. The most significant characteristic of Myanma society is abstaining from doing wrongs in speech, deed and mind and handing over the tradition of cherishing the origin of the race and social code of conduct from generation to generation.
What has already been said focuses on the attribute and integrity of the nation and the people.
As mentioned above, the new generation youth is to be able to preserve and protect the good legacy and environment and to build a social system in accord with the social life of Myanmar.
What is going to be said is concerned with the riches of natural resources in Myanmar. The nation where the citizens striving to preserve their origin and to observe social code of conduct are residing, not only has fine historical traditions but also is endowed with natural resources.
The favourable topographical conditions and riches of natural resources in the nation are favourable fundamental conditions. Yoma mountain ranges exist over the inland areas of the nation. The mountain ranges and valleys are stretching from north to south, and the mountain ranges to the north of the nation are linked with Himalayan mountain ranges. The highest mountains to the north of the nation are covered with snow. The rivers in Myanmar are flowing from north to south. In the eastern hills, the plains in the middle of the nation, the western mountainous region, Rakhine coastal region and Taninthayi region, there are big rivers, tributary rivers, creeks and streams are flowing. In Lower Myanmar, beautiful beaches exist, and the sea abounds in marine products. This condition allows supply of drinking water, availability of water for the agricultural purpose, the establishment of the communication network and generating of hydroelectric power.
The water resources of the nation is in plenty. In addition, there are vast expanses of land which can be cultivated by the people of Myanmar. In addition to Putao valley, Hugaung valley, Mu river plains, Pale plains, Mandalay plains, Kyaukse plains and Salin Plains, there are the most widest plains in the delta region in Lower Myanmar. Out of 43.6 million acres of cultivable land, only 24.3 million acres of land are being cultivated. There are a lot of land resources which can be used for agriculture.
There are three moderate seasons in Myanmar. In addition, the soil is good and flora and fauna are in plenty. There are evergreen forests, mixed deciduous forests, Indaing forests, pine forests and mangrove forests in the nation. Such the most valuable species of timber as teak, Pyingadoe and Thitya also grow well in the nation.
Under the wonderful soil layer of the nation, there exists valuable gems, oil, natural gas and minerals. As the members of the association were born in this wonder land and are partaking of water, all are to be loyal to the motherland and protect her.
Upholding Our Three Main National Causes, all are to safeguard and develop the nation. While safeguarding the favourable conditions which have already been achieved in the nation, all are to build the nation into a modern one. It is incumbent upon all to turn the agro-based nation into an industralized and developed nation. All are to try their level best to achieve this end.
There are three factors to be taken into account in doing so. The first factor is the rate of improvement of knowledge and technology in this age. The second is that things are changing at a blistering pace. The third is the competition of knowledge and technology.
The government is striving for the development of human resources, thereby building a modern and developed nation which can face the future. Now a plan for the promotion of national education is being implemented. As education is a very important investment for the nation, a 30-year plan has been laid down and is being implemented as well. The aim of education are to develop human resources who are capable of building the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one.
Another aim is to develop highly-qualified human resources in the nation and to ensure the sustainable development of human resources required in the regions. The 30-year-long aim is to turn Myanma education system into a one which is the backbone of the entire Myanma society and to use the entire Myanma society as a resource of Myanma education system.
In this regard, a system which enables the people in every region to learn not only basic education but also higher education.
Therefore, new universities and colleges have been opened all over the nation so as to create the opportunity of pursuing education for all the regions. In 1988-89, there were 32 universities and colleges. In 2000-2001, there are 129 universities and colleges. The government is developing human resources as a valuable investment of the nation. Modern teaching aids and laboratory apparatus are being used in basic education schools as well as in universities and colleges.
Efforts are being made to turn Myanma society into a education-dominated and constant learning society. Measures are being taken to improve education by enlisting the strength of retired scholars with long experience. Academies of various fields have been set up to nurture human resources possessing ingenuity and creativity. E-education system is being used to enable all the citizens to have every teaching and learning opportunity.
As is known to all, an education system is being built, which enables all to pursue education ranging from basic education to doctorate courses. It is believed that human resources which will be able to build a modern nation will surely emerge.
In conclusion, what should be said is to be said. It is very important to overcome difficulties, as everything will not be smooth in building a developed nation. The two duties to be carried out immediately by the new generation youth is to safeguard the already-achieved favourable conditions which contribute to the development of the nation and to strive for further development of the nation with momentum. Participation of the entire people is necessary to develop the nation.
The government and the people are to take charge of the task of promoting the economic development of the nation. Those in the business sector are to cooperate in the task designed for the development of the economic system in accord with the law and rules and regulations .
The USDA leaders at various levels are to consolidate the unity and strength of the association. At the same time, all are to strive for the emergence of Myanmar society having high morale.
One of the resolutions laid down at the 21st Century Mass Meeting held in the ancient Bagan region is that
"We shall build a peaceful and stable nation with high living
standard." Without losing sight of this resolution, all are to work for the success of the rural area development sector. Another resolution is
"We shall safeguard the nation and citizens. All are to safeguard independence and sovereignty, so to say, the soul of the nation and the people, with self-sacrificing spirit and the strength of the association.
Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's
address at the USDA Annual General Meeting
- Over 9.9 million youths attended courses
at the central level and local level opened over the past
eight years.
- Over 9.2 million youths attended cultural courses which were
opened in the entire the nation as well as in wards and
village- tracts.
- The new generation must be able to safeguard the good legacy
and create a better social environment.
- The government paid top priority to stability of State and
national solidarity during the period of three years from
1989-90 to 1991-92.
- Irrigated acres of land which accounted for 2.52 million in
1988-89 have increased to 4.90 million in 2000-2001.
- The needs of villages are to be fulfilled in all sectors.
- Every region in the nation including border areas has access
to basic education.
- The new generation youth are to protect and preserve every
success and to be establishing a society of high standard.
- The new generation youth are to dutifully build a social
system which the citizens of the nation deserve not only at
present but also in future.
- Out of 43.6 million acres of cultivable land, only 24.3
million acres of land are being cultivated. There are a lot of
land resources which can be used for agriculture.
( 2 )
Senior General Than Shwe gives guidance at Annual General Meeting of USDA

Yangon, 15 Sept- The Annual General Meeting for 2001 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was held in the Union Hall of the USDA Executive Management Training School of the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby this morning.
Patron of USDA Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe delivered a speech.
The meeting was attended by members of the panel of patrons of USDA Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin, Lt-Gen Tin Tun and Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, members of patrons of USDA, CEC members of USDA, the deputy ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, members of National Convention Convening Commission, the directors-general and managing directors, the rector of Central Institute of Civil Service, members of the USDA Annual General Meeting Organizing Sub-committee, officials of Myanmar War Veteran Organization, Auxiliary Fire Brigades, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Dental Surgeons Association, Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, Myanmar Thabin Asiayon, Myanmar Music Asiayon, Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon, Myanmar Traditional Artistes and Artisans Asiayon, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, Myanmar WomenÕs
Sports Federation, Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association, Union of
Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Myanmar
Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Associations, Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Myanmar Health Assistant Association, Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club, Myanmar Floriculturists Association, Myanmar Anti-Narcotic Association, Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association, Myanmar Banks Association, Myan Gon Myint Co Ltd, journalists, students from States and Divisions who are outstanding in the Matriculation Examination in the year 2001, first-prize winners in respective States and Divisions in the Matriculation Examination in the year 2001, outstanding Auxiliary Fire Brigade members, outstanding Red Cross Brigade members, outstanding new generation aviation and marine youths, the winner in the extempore talks to mark the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, outstanding youths who won five medals and up in the first to eighth Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions, delegates from States/Division/Districts and Township USDAs and guests.
The USDA Annual Meeting was held at 9 am today. EC member of Taunggyi District USDA of Shan State (South) Daw Khin Thanda Oo and EC member of Aungmyethazan USDA of Mandalay Division Saw Thin Thin Oo acted as master and co-master of ceremonies.
First, the master of ceremonies declared that the meeting began in accordance with the permission of the Patron of USDA.
Then, Patron of USDA Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe gave a guidance. (reported separately)
Afterwards, USDA Secretary-General U Than Aung presented gifts to students from States and Divisions who stood from first to tenth positions in the Matriculation Examination in the year 2001, first-prize winners in respective States and Divisions in the Matriculation Examination in the year 2001, outstanding Auxiliary Fire Brigade members, outstanding Red Cross Brigade members, outstanding new generation aviation and marine youths, the winner in the extempore talks to mark the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and outstanding youths who won five medals and up in the first to eighth Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions.

U Than Aung presented gifts to Maung Aung Kyaw Hsan Lin of Monywa Basic Education High school No 1, first in entire nation and first in Sagaing Division; Mathinza Oo of Taunggyi BEHS No 4, second in entire nation and first in Shan State (South); Ma Yin Win Htet of Myaungmya BEHS No 1, third in the entire nation and first in Ayeyawady Division; Ma Khin Kay Zin Tun of Mandalay BEHS No 13, fourth in the entire nation and first in Mandalay Division; Ma Li Li Su Myat of Mandalay BEHS No 5, fifth in the entire nation; Maung Zaw Min Oo of Mandalay BEHS No 6, fifth in the entire nation; Ma May Mi Pyi Phoye Khaing of Mandalay BEHS No 8, fifth in the entire nation; Maung Moe Myat Tun of Pathein BEHS No 6, fifth in the entire nation; Maung Saing Kyaw Win of Mandalay BEHS No 11, sixth in the entire nation; Maung Tha Bon Kyaw of BEHS No 1 Kyaukpadaung, sixth in the entire nation; Ma Hnin Ei Ei Khaing of Latha BEHS No 2, sixth in the entire nation and first in Yangon Division; Ma Phyoe Thada of Latha BEHS No 2, sixth in the entire nation and first in Yangon Division; Ma Nan Hnin Nu Nu Kyi of Kamayut BEHS No 2, seven in the entire nation; Ma Thiza Moe of Dagon BEHS No 1, seven in the entire nation; Ma Zin Pyu Tun of Pyay BEHS No 1, eighth in the entire nation and first in Bago Division (west); Ma Khin Thanda Aung of Latha BEHS No 2, eighth in the entire nation; Maung Myo Htet of Monywa BEHS No 1, eighth in the entire nation; Ma Zin Lin Tun of Mandalay BEHS No 8, eighth in the entire nation; Ma Lwin Lwin Oo of Latha BEHS No 2, ninth in the entire nation; Ma Hsu of Pathein BEHS No 5, ninth in the entire nation; Ma Thanda Aye of Latha BEHS No 2, tenth in the entire nation; Ma Cho Myat Nwe of Taunggyi BEHS No 4, tenth in the entire nation.
Then, U Than Aung presented gifts to Maung Myo Thet Lwin, first in Kachin State; Maung Nyi Nyi Zin Min Lwin of Loikaw BEHS No 1, first in Kayah State; Min Chan Htaw Aung of Kawbein Village BEHS in Kawkareik Township first in Kayin State; Maung Ban Yon of Falam BEHS No 1 first in Chin State; Ma May Zin Phway of Myeik BEHS No 3, first Taninthayi Division; Maung Win Thein, of Toungoo BEHS No 6, first in Bago Division (East); Ma Ei Zakyi of Magway BEHS No 1, first in Magway Division; Ma Gaday Ma Ma Khaing of Mawlamyine BEHS No 8, first in Mon State; Maung Than Htut Oo of Thandwe BEHS No 1, first in Rakhine State; Maung Shein Htay of Lashio BEHS No 2, first in Shan State (North) and Ma Chaw Mon Pyi of Kengtung BEHS No 3, first in Shan State (East).

Then, U Than Aung presented gifts to outstanding members of Red Cross
Brigades Maung Myint Naing of Hpa-an Township Red Cross Battalion, Ma Aye Thida Myint of Wundwin Township Red Cross Battalion, outstanding members of Auxiliary Fire
Brigade U Mar Din of Wundwin Township AFB, Daw Tin Tin Myint of No 4 region AFB of Meiktila Township, outstanding new generation aviation and marine youthsÑ Maung Si Thu Aung of Taikkyi Township, Maung Nay Lin Aung of Thakayta Township, Maung Zaw Myo Myint Tun of Seikkyi/Khanaungto Township, Ma The Oo Lwin of Institute of Pharmacy (Mandalay) who won the first prizes in extempore talks competitions (central level) to mark the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, winners of gold medals in Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts
Competitions ten medals winner Maung Thura Kyi Moe (a) Po Thagyan of Kamayut BEHS No 2, ten medals winner Ma Thida Moe of Thandwe Township, eight medals winner Ma Cho Thet Tin of the University of Culture (Yangon), eight medals winner Maung Kyaw Myo Naing of Mandalay Institute of Computer Science, seven medals winner Maung Kyaw Lin of Dagon Myothit (South), six medals winner Ma Ei Ei Chun of Dagon BEHS No 1, six medals winner Maung Ye Htaik of Taikkyi BEHS No 1, five medals winner Ma Yadana Htay of Chanayethazan Township, five medal winner Maung Sein Myet Pyu of Dagon BEHS No 2, five medals winner Maung San Lwin of Thandwe and five medals winner Maung Star Bo Htet of Tamway BEHS No 5.
The morning session came to a close at 10 am.
( 3 )
Patron of USDA Senior General Than Shwe hosts dinner in honour of USDA delegates
Yangon, 15 Sept- Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe hosted a dinner in honour of delegates from State, Division, District and Township USDAs to the 2001 Annual General Meeting of USDA, at Zeyathiri Beikman on Konemyinttha here this evening.
Senior General Than Shwe arrived at Kone-myinttha at 7 pm and cordially greeted the delegates from States and Divisions, outstanding students who stood first to tenth positions in the Year 2001 matriculation examination, outstanding students who stood first in the respective States / Divisions in the matriculation examination, outstanding members of Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade from States and Divisions, outstanding trainees of the aviation course and the marine course for the new generation youth, the first prize winner of (central level) extempore talks competitions held in commemoration of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, those who obtained five gold medals and above in Myanmar traditional cultural performing arts competitions and artistes.
The dinner was also attended by Members of the Panel of Patrons of USDA Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, State Peace and Development Council members Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of the Civil Services Selection and Training Board, other members of the USDA Panel of Patrons, USDA Central Executive Committee members, deputy ministers, senior Tatmadaw officers, National Convention Convening Commission members, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises, the rector of the Central Institute of Civil Service, members of Sub-committees for Organizing the Annual General Meeting (2001) of the USDA, officials of the social and economic organizations, journalists, artistes and vocalists who took part in the television plays honouring the 8th USDA Annual General Meeting, delegates and outstanding students from States and Divisions and invited guests.
Before and after the dinner, artistes of Myanmar Music Asiayon, Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon and the Fine Arts Department presented a programme
of entertainment.
( 4 )
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Papua New Guinea
Yangon, 16 Sept- On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Papua New Guinea, which falls on 16 September 2001, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Sir Silas Atopare,
Governor-General of Papua New Guinea.
( 5 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Mexico
Yangon, 16 Sept- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Vicente Fox Quesada, President of the United Mexican States on the
occasion of the Independence Day of the United Mexican States, which
falls on 16 September, 2001 .
( 6 )
Secretary-1 attends 33rd meeting of National Health

Yangon, 15 Sept- The 33rd meeting of National Health Committee was held at the meeting hall of NHC at the Ministry of Health this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of NHC Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, members of NHC, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental officials, the directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health and officials.
The Secretary-1 said the NHC is implementing the tasks systematically in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe and the resolutions of the NHC meetings. The Head of State laid down the five tasks for rural development. The two
tasks supply of pure drinking water and providing effective health care services to the people in the rural areas directly are directly concerned with the Ministry of Health. Therefore, these tasks are to be implemented with the cooperation of related ministries, he said.
He said the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on efforts for production of potent medicines and providing effective diagnosis and treatment regarding common diseases in Myanmar.
Therefore, the Secretary-1 said, efforts are being made for production of potent medicines in the country for treatment of malaria, diabetes, hypertension and dysentery. Moreover, research is being conducted for production of traditional medicines that can cure those diseases, with modern methods.
Production of anti-malaria drugs from Cinchona tree and Artemesia tree is now ready to start, he added. He said there are potent traditional medicines to cure hypertension and diabetes and research work for production in modern methods is successful.
He said the people have accepted those potent traditional medicines and there are a lot of high quality medicines.

The Secretary-1 said he believes that much progress had been made in the traditional medicine sector due to the government's encouragement and united cooperation of traditional medicine practitioners.
He said the second traditional medicine practitioners' conference is to be held in 2001 to speed up the rate of development in the traditional medicine sector and spoke of the need to make arrangements for the opening of a traditional medicine university. He also called for opening of more institutes of medicine to increase the number of doctors and acceptance of more medical students in accord with the guidance of the
Head of State.
He said arrangements are to be made for upgrading hospitals and providing facilities such as buildings, doctors, technicians, health staff and hospital equipment.
He said though Myanmar is systematically carrying out anti-HIV and AIDS tasks, there has not been a wide publicity in the international circles. There were false accusations about the campaign by unscrupulous persons, he said.
As is know to all, HIV and anti-AIDS tasks are undertaken with added momentum.
He said efforts are to be made for publicity in international circles that social associations including women organizations and government departments are widely participating in the tasks.
Ways and means are to be sought for international cooperation, he added:
He said arrangements are to be made for implementation of bilateral cooperation in health sector between Myanmar-Thailand and combating diseases in the border areas in accord with the agreement between the two countries.
He called for continued efforts for construction of a new modern Psychiatric Hospital and construction of health research centre in central Myanmar and implementing regular tasks under the National Health Plans.
Next, Secretary of the NHC Director-General of Health Planning Department Dr Kyi Soe reported on implementation of the resolutions passed at the previous meeting.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein reported on the resolutions of the 19th Health
Ministers' Meeting of Countries from South East Asia Region. Deputy Minister for
Health Professor Dr Mya Oo reported on mattersÊrelating to acceptance of more students at the institute of medicine, holding of Health Exhibition in Tachilek and launching of Health Activities Week.
Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung reported on cooperation in combating diseases in the border areas of Myanmar and Thailand.
Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint reported on measures undertaken for opening of a Traditional Medicine University and preparations for holding of the second Traditional Medicine
Practitioners' Conference and Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition.
Director-General Dr Kyi Soe reported the resolutions of the WHO 54th South East Asia regional Committee meeting and 38th meeting on management of the health project.
Director-General of Medical Sciences Department Professor Dr Maung Maung Wint reported on matters relating to the Institute of Medicine (Magway). Director-General of Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) Dr Paing Soe reported on construction of a factory for production of hepatitis B vaccine.
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and those present took part in the discussions. Director-General Dr Kyi Soe reported on resolutions of the 33rd NHC Meeting for approval. The Secretary-1 took part in the discussions and the meeting ended in the
( 7 ) Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung sends felicitations to Mexico
Yangon, 16 Sept- U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Jorge Castaneda, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican
States, on the Independence Day of the United Mexican States, which
falls on 16 September, 2001.
( 8
Livestock breeding farms of Yangon Command inspected
Yangon, 15 Sept- State Peace and Development Council member Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected the livestock breeding farms being undertaken by the Yangon Command and attended to the needs this morning.
The commander arrived at No 2 poultry farm of Yangon Command in Hmawby Township, Yangon North District, at 10.30 am, and he was welcomed there by officials concerned.
Next, at the briefing hall of the farm, in-charge of the farm Maj Myat Nyein reported on the breeding of RIR layers, RIR
breed chicken and broilers and daily sale of eggs and chicken at the
tax-free markets and other markets in Yangon. Secretary of Yangon
Command Cultivation and Livestock Breeding Committee
Lt-Col Thein Hsint reported on the breeding of layers,
broilers, pigs, goats and fish and production, and daily sale of eggs, chicken and fish of the farms of the Command.
The commander gave instructions on systematic raising of layers and breed chicken of RIR strain and carrying out tasks to meet the targets and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, he inspected the breeding of breed chicken and layers of RIR strain and vegetables patches around the farms and left instructions on cultivation of vegetables seasonwise and doing work fregularly or cleanliness of the farm surroundings.
At the livestock breeding farms Nos 1, 2 and 3 of Yangon Command, a total of 50,000 layers and 100,000 broilers are being raised and 15,000 eggs and 600 viss of chicken are being sent to tax-free markets, other markets and Taing Shwegon
shop in Yangon daily.
( 9
) Provisions donated to monasteries and nunneries
Yangon, 15 Sept- A ceremony to donate provisions and present cash to Kan Oo Zaytawun, Nan Oo, Mahathukharama, Kaytumati, Seiktathuhka and Eighth Mile Masoeyein Sarthintaiks in Mayangon Township, Yangon West District by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers was held at Kan Oo Zaytawun Sarthintaik in Ward 5 of the township at 12.45 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Presiding Sayadaws of the six Sarthintaiks and mem bers of the Sangha, Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein, Director of Directorate of Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein and senior military officers, Chairmen of Mayangon Township and Yangon West District Peace and Development Councils and members, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Working Committee for Women Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigades, Wut Associations and wellwishers.
First, Presiding Sayadaw of Kan Oo Zaytawun Sarthintaik Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Nandasami Bhivansa invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
Then, the Chief of Staff (Air), senior military officers and officials presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, the Chief of Staff (Air), Col Win Than and Lt-Col Soe Tint presented provisions to the Sayadaws.
Later, the Sayadaws accepted the donationsÑ600 viss of Iodine Salt and 60 boxes of fine salt by Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise and Yangon Division Salt Entrepreneurs Association, 100 bottles of assorted traditional medicine by Traditional Medicine Department, 450 bottles of Htet Lin traditional medicine by Htet Lin Pharmaceutical Hall, 234 bottles of Great Wall ointment by Great Wall Pharmaceutical Industry, 70 bottles of Phyusin Myitta traditional medicine by Phyusin Myitta Medical Hall and five bags of rice by Yangon West District and Mayangon Township Peace and Development Councils.
Then, Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein accepted K 600,000 by Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and merchants, K 18,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K3,000 by Directorate of Supply and Transport, K10,000 by Yangon West District Nyein Chanyay Bus Line, K 24,000 by BTB Co, and K30,000 by Great Wall Pharmaceutical Industry for the six Sarthintaiks.
Afterwards, Brig-Gen Aung Thein accepted K18,000 donated by Win Yadana Transport, K30,070 by Sandhi Traditional Medicine, K 10,000 by Htet Lin Pharmaceutical Hall, K10,000 by Phyusin Myitta Medical Hall and others for the six Sarthintaiks.
Later, Lt-Col Tun Tun Oo of the Ministry of Defence supplicated the purpose of the donations. Presiding Sayadaw of Kan Oo Zaytawun delivered a sermon and the ceremony came to a close.
Today's donations to the six Sarthintaiks were: 152 bags of rice, 60 viss of edible oil, 120 viss of pulses and beans, 600 viss of Iodine salt, 30 boxes of fine salt, 845 bottles of assorted traditional medicine and K 760,070.
Similar donations by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers tool place at No 539 Home for the Aged at the corner of Theinbyu and Daw Thein Tin Street in Mingalar Taungnyunt Township this morning.
First, Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein made a speech on the occasion. Then, Col Thein Htaik, Cmdr Nyan Tun and Lt-Col Myint Saw presented provisions to Mother Tracer of the centre.
Afterwards, Mother Tracer accepted K 100,000 donated by Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and merchants, K 10,000 by Yangon East District and Mingalar Taungnyunt Township Peace and Development Councils, K55,555 by U Aung Moe (a) U San Thu (Tun Kaba International Co), K 50,000 by Ward Peace and Development Councils in the township, K 30,000 by U Tin Tun-Daw Khin Myint, K15,000 by KN Co, K 11,900 by Dagon Tin Win-Daw Myat Yi Nanda, K 10,000 by Daw Hla Hla, K10,000 by U Aung Nyein-Daw Khin Hla Win, K 10,000 by U Shwe Phee, and others.
Today's donation to the centre were: 50 bags of rice, 20 viss of edible oil, 400 viss of pulse and bean, 200 viss of Iodine salt, 20 boxes of fine salt, 255 bottles of traditional medicine and K 137,455.
Similar donations to Maniyadana, Zeya Theingi and Sasana Minzayi Nunneries in North Okkalapa Township, Yangon East District by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and well-wishers were held at Manayadana Nunnery this morning.
Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein supplicated the purpose of the donations. Then, Co Thein Htaik, Cmdr Nyan Tun and Lt-Col Myint Saw (Air) presented provisions.
Afterwards, Sayadaws and members of the Sangha accepted kind donations.
Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein accepted cash donations K 300,000 donated by Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and merchants, K 11,900 by Dagon Tin Win-Daw Myat Yi Nanda, K 10,000 by KN Co, K10,000 by U Aung Mon-Daw Hla Hla Maw, and others. Today's donations to the nunneries by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) are 56 bags of rice, 21 visses of edible oil, 200 viss of Iodine salt, 42 viss
of pulses and beans, 20 boxes of fine salt, 183 bottles of
traditional medicine and K 345,900.