1 ) Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donate provisions to Sarthintaiks
Yangon, 13 Sept- Families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated provisions to Naga Hlainggu Kalaywa Tawya Sarthintaik in Ward 5, Mayangon Township, Yangon West District, at the Sarthintaik this afternoon.
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint attended the ceremony and offered provisions to the Sayadaw.

Also present were Presiding Sayadaw of Naga Hlainggu Kalaywa Tawya Sarthintaik Joint Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Dwipitakadhara Dwipitaka Kovida Mula Arbhi Dhammika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Jagara-bhivamsa and members of the Sangha, nuns, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, deputy ministers, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, chairmen and members of Yangon West District and Mayangon Township Peace and Development Councils, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, wut associations, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, well-wishers and guests.
Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Jagarabhivamsa invested the congregation with the Eight Precepts.
Then, the Secretary-3, the commander and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin offered alms to the Sayadaws.
Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein of the Ministry of Defence, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein and Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein presented provisions donated by the families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to the Sayadaw.
The officials presented provisions donated by the wellwishers to the Sayadaw.
The donations included five bags of rice by Yangon West District and Mayangon Township Peace and Development Councils, 1,300 viss of iodized salt and 130 packets of fine salt by Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, 150 bottles of traditional medicine by the Department of Traditional Medicine, 720 bottles of Great Wall ointment by Great Wall Pharmaceutical Enterprise and 540 bottles of Tun Shwe Wah ointment by Tun Shwe Wah Medical Store.
Then, the commander accepted cash donations made to the fund of Naga Hlainggu Kalaywa Tawya Sarthintaik K 100,000 by Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd, K 10,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K 100,000 by U Maung Maung of Great Wall Pharmaceutical Enterprise, K 3,000 by Mayangon Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, K 10,000 by the families of the township court, K 100,000 by Myanmar Pyithahay KN Company and K 100,000 by Asia Express Company Ltd.
The ministers also accepted cash donations K 50,000 by BTB Company, K 50,000 by Thamada Thingantaik, K 61,800 by Dagon Myanmar International Company, K 20,000 by Myanmar Rice Wholesalers and OK Rice Trading, K 30,000 by Win-yadana Passenger Transport Services, K 35,000 by San Myanmar Company and Zeya Glass and Aluminium, K 3,000 by Mayangon Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, K 50,000 by Pyi-lonechantha Medical Store, K 50,000 by families of Nyein Chan Yay Bus Line of Yangon West District, K 20,070 by the family of Sandi Traditional Medicine, K 30,000 by Shwe Construction Materials Trading, K 15,000 by Myint Myat Paddy Trading, K 10,000 by the family of Daw Mya Thein, K 5,000 by Sayagyi Company, K 1,000 by Mayangon Fire Services Department and K 11,500 by Win Nanda Win of Dagon Myanmar International Company.
The wellwishers also offered K 5 million for the funds of all-round renovation of Naga Hlainggu Aungchantha Pagoda, K 3 million for the robes of members of the Sangha and nuns of the Sarthintaik, K 1 million for a computer set and K 1.5 million for the photo copier.
Director of the Resettle-ments of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Aung Thein supplicated on religious affairs.
Afterwards, Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Jagara-bhivamsa delivered a sermon, and the Secretary-3 and the congregation shared merits gained for good deeds.

A similar ceremony was held at Tipitaka Maha-gandayon Kyaungtaik on 2nd East Wireless Road in Ward 9 , Mayangon Township by Tamadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families and well-wishers at 4.15 pm today.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint and the congregation received the Five Precepts from Presiding Sayadaw of the Kyaungtaik Tipitakadhara
Dhammabandagarika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Thumingala Linkara.
Then, the Secretary-3, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and Minister U Aung Khin presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
On behalf of families of Tatmadaw (Army,Navy and Air) and wellwishers, Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein, Commodore Soe Thein and Col Myat Hein presented provisions to the Presiding Sayadaw.
Afterwards, five bags of rice by Yangon West District and Mayagon Township Peace and Development Councils, 400 viss of Iodine salt and 33 boxes of toothpaste by Myanma Salt
and Marine Chemicals Enterprise and Yangon Division
Salt Mill Entrepreneurs Association, 150 boxes of assorted traditional medicine by Traditional Medicine Department, 180 bottles of Tunshwewa pain relief oilment by Tunshwewa Drug House, 288 bottles of Great Wall pain relief oilment by Great Wall Pharmaceutical Enterprise, eight bags of rice by Sun Shine Light family, five bags of rice by local battalion, and five bags of rice by U Saw Khin-Daw Than Than Htay of Kyaunk Myaung were presented to the Presiding Sayadaw.

Then, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister U Aung Khin, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa
accepted K 100,000 by Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and Traders, K 3,000 each by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Mayangon Township USDA, K 100,000 by Myanmar Pyithahe KN Co, K100,000 by Asia Express Co, K 20,000 by Myanmar Rice Wholesale Merchants Association and Bayintnaung Brokerage's OK Rice Trading, K 10,000 by Daw Mya Thein family, K 50,000 each by BTB Co, Great Wall Pharmaceutical Enterprise, U Lin Myint-Daw Khin Khin Win, and Pyilone Chantha Medical Hall, K 20,070 by U Thein Maung-Daw Pa Pa of Sandhi Traditional Medicine, K 20,000 each by Shwe Ein Construction Materials Trading and Winyada Passenger Transport, K 50,000 by Thamada Robes Store, K 21800 by Dagon Tin Win and Daw Mya Yi Nanda, K 10,000 each by San Myanmar International Co and Myint Myat Agriculture, K 15,000 by Yangon West District Nyein Chan Yay Bus Line, K 20,000 by U Saw Khin-Daw Than Than Htay, K 10,000 by Tunshwewa Drug House, K 10,000 by Myanmar Rice Mill Entrepreneurs Association, K10,000 each by Ma Win Pa Pa and Astronomy Magazine and others.
Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein supplicated the purpose of the donations.
Then, the Presiding Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
The donations in cash and kind are 123 bags of rice, 40 viss of edible oil, 80 viss of pulses and beans, 400 viss
of Iodine salt, 33 boxes of fine salt, 618 boxes of assorted
traditional medicine and K 776,870.
( 2 )
Health Minister receives Japanese delegation
Yangon, 13 Sept- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Mr Itabashi and Mr Sakai from the Association of Japan Myanmar Mutual Cooperation at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road at 2 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and responsible officials.
Chairman of CSSTB receives Indian Ambassador
Yangon, 13 Sept- Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyunt received Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar Mr Vivek Katju at his office at 11 am today. Present at the call were members of CSSTB U Nyunt Swe, U Aung Myint, U Hla Myint Oo, U Kaung Nyunt and Director-General of Civil Service Selection and Training Department U Hla Kyi.
( 3 )
Minister inspects construction of roads and bridges in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 13 Sept- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister U Tint Swe and officials of Public Works, inspected the maintenance of Kanbe-Pyawbwelay-Dalla road and bridges on it this morning.
The minister and party then inspected the upgrading of Twantay-Kawhmu-Kun-gyangon road, 21 miles and 7 furlongs long, into a two-lane road, and the minister and the deputy minister gave instructions on the building of the road. Afterwards, the minister and party left for Kwan-gyangon, and instructed the superintending engineer of Yangon Division and the engineer of Thanhlyin District to build bridges where necessary on Kungyangon-Letkhok-gon road.
Next, the minister and party inspected Kungyangon-Dedaye road and gave instructions on repair of the road.
At the Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) Project site, the minister and party heard a report on progress of work and availability of construction materials by Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Win.
The minister gave instructions on construction of piers, worksite safety and systematic use of machinery and construction materials.
Then, the minister and party inspected the project on both banks of Kwangyangon and Dedaye.
On completion of Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye), travelling can be made in so short a time along Yangon-Dalla-Kanbe-Kawhmu-Kungyangon-Dedaye-Pyapon road which links Yangon Division and Ayeyawady Division.
The bridge is of reinforced concrete type and the upper structure of the bridge was installed with steel trusses. The bridge is to be 4,088 feet long and have a two-lane motorway. It will be able to bear 60-ton loads.
Chairman of Magway Division
inspects regional development work
Yangon, 13 Sept- Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, accompanied by officials, on 8 September, inspected Taung-
bet Chaung-2 dam construction project being implemented for availability of fresh water and water for greening work of Yanan-
gyoung township and Myayni Khin dam construction project. Officials reported to the chairman on the work being done. The chairman gave instructions on finishing the projects as scheduled, durability of the dam and growing belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica) in the environs of the dams in the township and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, he inspected Umin Koepauk river water pumping project, Shwe Pon Taung neem tree plantation for greening of the region, belleric myrobalan plantation in Thabye village in Seikphyu township, plantation of belleric myrobalan carried out by departments and local people and river water pumping project in Tanyaung region. He gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Later, the chairman met with departmental officials, field medical teams, local people at Pyi Lone Kyaw village in Pwintbyu township. Head of Magway Division Health Department Dr Hla Myint gave an account of health care work, health educative work and preventive work being carried out in the township. The chairman spoke on the occasion and fulfilled the requirements.
( 4 )
Commander attends
prize-presentation ceremony
Yangon, 13 Sept- The prize-presenting ceremony of the Sixth Commander's Shield Track & Field Tournament and the opening and prize-presentation ceremony of Volleyball and Track & Field Tournaments of Disabled Tatmadawmen were held at Myoma Sports Ground in Myeik on 10 September morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, senior military officers, commanders of regiments and units, departmental officials, members of the Women's Affairs Committee and invited guests.
The commander took the salute of the athletes and the final events were held. Then, prizes were presented to the winners. The commander and officials presented the championship shield to Myeik Station team, first prize for the volleyball tournament of disabled Tatmadaw members to Kawthoung Station team and other prizes. Altogether 198 athletes took part in the
Commander attends opening of multimedia
Yangon, 13 Sept- The opening ceremony of multimedia classrooms of No 2 Basic Education High School, Tiddim in Chin State on 8 September morning, attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win.
Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council Col Than Win, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations, band troupe, teachers, students and distinguished guests also attended the ceremony.
Headmistress Daw Wine Whum Lwum and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Yan Khant Khine formally opened the ceremony and the commander formally unveiled the signboard of the multimedia classrooms.
The commander and officials looked around the classrooms.
The headmistress reported on tasks for opening of the classrooms and Vice-Chairman of the School Board of Trustees on concerted efforts for implementation of tasks.
The commander then gave instructions on tasks for education promotion programme and presented four computers, a 21-inch television set, cassettes, CD-ROMs and record books to the headmistress.
The chairman of Township Peace and Development Council presented 350,000 and townselders K 1,046,000 for the school to the chairman of the School Board of Trustees. The commander proceeded to Varlon Village and Lombam Village in Falam and presented teaching-aid books to Varlon Basic Education Middle School and a computer, teaching-aid books, CD-ROMs and exercise books to Lombam Basic Education High
Ninth Myanma Traditional Performing Arts
Competitions held in Mon State
Yangon, 13 Sept- The Ninth Myanma Traditional Performing Arts Competitions of Mon State began in the hall of Mon State in Mawlamyine yesterday morning.
Present were Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myo Hla and senior military officers, Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw and departmental officials, commanders of the regiments and units, chairmen of 11 Township Peace and Development Councils, members of Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and social organizations, teachers, members of the panels of judges and contestants.
The commander made an opening speech, and formally opened the ceremony. Then, the commander and party watched the
Sanitation work carried out to hail USDA Annual General Meeting
Yangon, 13 Sept- As a gesture hailing the Annual General Meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association for the Year 2001, sanitation work was carried out at the People's Hospital and Myoma Market in Lashio on 9 September morning.
Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, together with departmental officials, visited the hospital compound where USDA members, local people, employees, members of social organizations and Myanmar Police Force and Tatmadaw members of Lashio Station were carrying out sanitation work.
The commander also went to the market where shopkeepers, staff of Lashio Development Affairs Committee, USDA members and Tatmadawmen were doing sanitation work. A total of 1,650 people participated in sanitation
( 5 ) Ambassador U Tin Win presents credentials to Israeli President
Yangon, 14 Sept- U Tin Win, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the State of Israel, presented his credentials to His Excellency Mr Moshe Katsav, President of the State of Israel on 6 September 2001, in Tel-Aviv.
U Sein Win Aung appointed Ambassador to PRC
Yangon, 14 Sept- The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Sein Win Aung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Union of Myanmar to the Lao People's Democratic Republic, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the People's Republic of
( 6 )
Delegation of Canaan Farmers' School
concludes visit
Yangon, 13 Sept- The delegation led by Chairman of Canaan
Farmers' School from the Republic of Korea Dr Kim Bum-il, after visiting here at the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, left for home by air at 7.30 pm yesterday.
They were seen off at the Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for A&I Brig-Gen Khin Maung, the Directors-General of the departments under the ministry, the Managing Directors and officials.
Licence for television satellite receivers
Yangon, 13 Sept- The Directorate of Post and Telecommunications will issue licences for all the unlicensed television satellite receivers for 2001.
The owners are to pay licence fee within 100 days as of 22 August this year without requiring to have their receivers checked.
The initial fee for each receiver is K 12,000. If a receiver is connected to more than a TV set, K 1,200 per unit is to be paid for all the TV sets.
The licence fee for hotels, motels and inns being run in accord with the permission of Myanmar Investment Commission, and houses and apartments is US $ 60 or FEC 60 per receiver.
The licence fee for each TV set connected to a TV satellite receiver is US $ 6 or FEC 6.
The licence fee shall be paid in cash at township telecommunication offices (post offices) of the Myanma Post and Telecommunications. Collective payments can also be made through legal agents.
Application for licence is to be presented to the office without fail when the payment is made. The office will issue licence in a day.
The name of the owner, national registration card number, address, type and number of the receiver and size of the satellite dish must be clearly stated in the application duly signed by the applicant. Those who do not want to obtain licence shall hand over their receiver and related equipment to DPT or to nearest telecommunication offices (post offices).
If a person fails to pay the licence fee during the prescribed period of 100
days, action shall be taken against him under sub-section 1 of
section 6 of the Myanmar Telegraphic Act.
Cash presented to traditional boxing team
Yangon, 13 Sept- Cash assistance was presented to Kayin State traditional boxing team which will participate in the inter-State/Division traditional boxing tourney in Hpaan on 11 September.
Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein presented a flag representing Kayin State and the cash assistance to the team.
The team manager introduced his boxers to Col Maung Shein individually.
Col Maung Shein gave a speech, urging them to strive to win medals. He then presented K 500,000 to the team manager.
The team manager spoke words of thanks. Also present at the ceremony were members of Kayin State Peace and Development Council, members of Kayin
State Sports and Physical Education Committee and officials.
( 7 ) Seminar on Present state of SMEs and Finance held
Yangon, 13 Sept- The Seminar on Present state of Small and Medium Enterprises and Finance after currency crisis, jointly organized by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Sanwa Research Institute Corp of Japan, was held at the hall of the federation on 11 September afternoon.
It was attended by Adviser at the UMFCCI Dr Kyaw Htin, Vice-President U Win Aung, General Secretary U Zaw Min Win,
Central Executive Committee members, executives, representatives from Myanmar Banks Association, Myawady Bank and C B Bank.
Senior Consultant Mr Nori Iai of Sanwa Research Institute Corp briefed on present state of small and medium enterprises, banking services and finance, and those present took part in the discussions.
Outstanding students and youths tour Yangon

Yangon, 13 Sept- A team of students and youths who are outstanding in academic and other fields, accompanied by the team leader and chief instructor of the Management Course for Executives of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Maj Aung Swe, supervisors and officials, visited the Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council in Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township, this morning.
They were welcomed there by Commissioner of Yangon Division General Administration Department U Thein Swe and the division manager of Myanma Agriculture Service.
At the briefing hall, the commissioner extended greetings and the division manager explained facts about cultivation and production of vegetables with audio-visual aids.
After visiting Taing Myan Kyaw layers breeding farm, they proceeded to City Farm and Resort Centre being undertaken by Yangon City Development Committee in Uto region, Taikkyi Township. At Shwe Wah Tun Hall, YCDC Supervisory Committee for Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Chairman YCDC member Col Thaung Wai presented to them a report on the work being carried out in Uto Kya-in region. They then visited paddy fields, vegetable patches, perennial crop plantations, the 25-ton rice mill and the Club House.
They then posed for a documentary photo and left there in the afternoon.
MMB explains banking services in Meiktila
Yangon, 13 Sept- A ceremony to explain banking services of Myanmar Mayflower Bank Ltd to local people was held at Wunzin Hotel in Meiktila on 4 September, attended by Commander of No 99 LID Brig-Gen Htay Oo, Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Myint and members, departmental heads, Executive Director of MMB U Win Naing, Managing Director U Khin Maung, Division Manager (Admin) U Aung Kyaw Soe, Branch Manager U Chit Shwe and staff, the industrialists, the rice merchants and edible oil merchants, gold and jewellery merchants, owners of stores and brokerages, hoteliers and guests.
U Aung Kyaw Soe presented the agenda and Executive Director U Win Naing briefed them on policies, extension of branches, condition of saving accounts of the people, loans and future plans. Then, Managing Director U Khin Maung explained matters related to modern banking services and opportunities for customers and answered the queries raised by those present.
Later, the executive director presented souvenirs to the entrepreneurs and a dinner was
( 8
Victorious Myanmar Wushu contingent arrives back
Yangon, 13 Sept- The victorious selected Myanmar Wushu contingent led by Col Tin Hla together with 50 members of other Myanmar sports contingents arrived back here by air this evening after taking part in the XXI SEA Games.
They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by members of Board of the Leading Patrons of Myanmar Women Sports Federation and officials of Sports and Physical Education Department.
Members of the contingent Chairman of Myanmar Wushu Federation U Khin Maung Lay, Coaches Mr Shen Jian Jun and Mr Zhang Yong, the two international referees and two managers, athletes Ma Swe Thant (one gold, one silver), Maung Pyi Way Pho
(one gold, one bronze), Ma Khine Khine Maw (one gold), Maung Zaw Zaw Moe (one silver), Maung Tun Tun Oo (one bronze, Ma Way Yi Maung Maung (one bronze), Ma Khine Zin Win (one bronze), Maung Than Htaik Oo and Maung Aung Lwin also arrived back on the same flight.
The contingent bagged three gold medals.
Pa Pa gets silver in 10,000 metres
at SEA Games
Yangon, 13 Sept- The track and field tournaments of the XXI SEA Games were held at National Bukit Jaili in Malaysia yesterday morning, and Pa Pa of Myanmar won a silver in the 10,000 metres. Indonesia stood first and Vietnam third.
In men's billiard, Kyaw Oo of Myanmar won a silver. Indonesia bagged a gold and a bronze.
In the first semi-final of women's football tournament, Thailand beat Indonesia 2-0 to reach the final. Myanmar and Vietnam held a 1-1 draw at first, and Vietnam advanced to the final after 8-7 penalty shot in the second semi-final.
( 9
) Entries invited to Armed Forces Day commemorative colour photo competitions
Yangon, 13 Sept- The Working Committee for Organizing Literary and Photo Competitions will conduct a colour photo competition in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Day.
Two titles "Construction work all over Myanmar" and "Love-inspiring cultural
arts" have been designated for the competition. A competitor may send up to four photos for each title.
The print entry is to be 10" x 12" or a bigger size. Those who have not won prizes will get better chance for winning prizes as those who have won first, second or third prize in similar competitions will be categorised into a group.
If an entry wins a prize, its negative is to be submitted.
Data about photos and captions are to be written on a separate plain sheet. If there is a model, his or her permission is required. An entry is not to be published before in any publications and it must not be prize-winning work at home or abroad. Handsome prizes will be presented to those who stand first, second and third and to consolation prize winners for each competition.
First, second and third prizes in colour photo competitions will be presented to prize winners in Yangon on the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, 27 March 2002 and consolation prizes at the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day ceremonies which will be held at the respective commands.
The entries are to be sent to U Tun Min, Director of the Information and Public Relations Department, No 22-24, Pansodan Street, before 14 February 2002.
New teleplay on 15 September
Yangon, 13 Sept- Hailing the 8th Annivarsary and Annual Founding General Meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association 2001 which will fall on 15 September, the new teleplay
"Htar-wa-ra-shin-than-par-say" directed by Writer Tin Than Oo, will be telecast after the news programme of 15 September (Saturday) on Myawaday and Myanma Radio and Television. The cast are Yan Aung, Moh Moh Myint Aung, Ye Aung, May Thinza Oo, Min Hein, Khant Si Thu, Zar Ni, Phyo Ngwe Soe, Hla Inzali Tint, Aye Wutyi Thaung, Hnin Wutyi Thaung, Ah Yine, King Kong, Hgnet Pyaw Kyaw, Po Phyu, Htin Paw and others.
Sai Htee Sai, Jet Mya Thaung, Johnny, Mi Mi Win Pe, Thiri Ko Ko and Yin Yin Tun sing the background