1 ) Greening tasks at Mandalay
International Airport inspected
Yangon, 12 Sept- Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the greening tasks for the compound and extension of the lawn at the Mandalay International Airport and attended to the needs on 10 September afternoon.
Altogether 67,981 flowers and shade trees have been grown in the airport.
Monsoon tree-planting ceremony held
Yangon, 12 Sept- The eighth monsoon tree-planting ceremony of local battalions and regiments of Central Command in Mandalay, was held at the battalions and regiments in Patheingyi Township on 9 September.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, senior military officers, Chairman of Mandalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Tun, commanding officers of the battalions and regiments, officers and other ranks and family members, Director of Division Forestry Department U Khin Maung Oo and officials.
A total of 2,300 saplings of toddy palms, 800 of tamarind, 700 of neem tree and 225 of mango tree were planted at the ceremony.
The commander then inspected construction of Monpaung Yayhlweyoe bridge at mile post No 1/7 on Nyaungpingyi-Taown Street and fulfilled the requirements.
Prizes presented to winners of Performing Arts Competitions
in Shan State
Yangon, 12 Sept- The prize presentation of the ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions of Shan State was held at the city hall in Taunggyi on 10 September.
Present were Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, senior officers, departmental officials, Patron of Shan State Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee Daw Khin Lay Myint, members of
Union Solidarity and Deve-lopment Association, Red Cross and Fire Brigade,
students, townselders, Panel of Judges, contestants and local people.
The commander and wife presented prizes to winners the competition.
( 2 )
Prizes presented for excellent performance in education promotion
Yangon, 12 Sept- A ceremony to present prizes for excellent performance in education promotion of Basic Education High Schools in Lashio District for 2000-2001 Academic Year was held at the hall of No 1 BEHS in Lashio, Shan State (North), on 4 September.
It was attended by Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and wife Daw Khin Saw Hnin, senior military officers, local authorities, departmental officials, social organizations, principals and prize-winning students of BEHSs in the District and guests.
Shan State Additional Education Officer U San Shwe reported on reviews of performance for promotion of education schoolwise.
The commander presented prizes to outstanding schools and students through respective principals.
On 5 September, the commander, accompanied by departmental officials, attended prize-presentation ceremony of Year 2001 North-East Command Commander's Shield boxing tournament at the gymnasium in Lashio.
Officials presented individual prizes and shields to outstanding players and teams.
The commander presented the championship shield to Lashio Station team.
A total of 114 boxers from six teams took part in the tourney.
Development tasks inspected
Yangon, 12 Sept- Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye together with departmental officials inspected the progress of monsoon paddy plantations along Bago-Kyauktaga road in Kyauktaga township and met with the principals from the basic education schools in the township at the hall of Alekhin Agriculture Education Centre in the township on 10 September morning.
After leaving instructions on education matters, the commander presented teaching aids-CDs worth K 20,000 each for four high schools to Township Education Officer U Kyaw Tun.
He also inspected construction of Zayatkhin Sluice Gate, thriving paddy fields near the sluice gate in the township, the condition of Penwegon-Kwinchaung- wa road, Natthagwin-Kyaukgyi road and heard the reports of the officials. After attending to the needs, the commander inspected the greening tasks in Kyaukgyi township.
Pyinnya Alin modern library opens in Tamu
Yangon, 12 Sept- Pyinnya Alin modern library was opened at the office of Tamu District Information and Public Relations Department in Tamu on 7 September.
Present were Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Regional Control Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye, departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Women's Affairs Work Committee and guests. Chairman of Tamu District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Aung and Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council Captain Khin Maung Myint formally opened the library.
The commander formally unveiled the signboard of the library. The commander and officials inspected the computer room and display of CD-ROM.
Eleven libraries have been opened in Sagaing Division. There are various kinds of books and encyclopaedia and 1,000 CD-ROMs in the library.
The commander discussed rural development with officials concerned.
( 3 )
Industry-1 Minister receives
PRC guests

Yangon, 12 Sept- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met Deputy General Manager Ms Lin Yan of China National Complant Equipment Import & Export Corporation (Group) of the People's Republic of China and party at his office this evening.
Present at the call were Director-General of Directorate of Industries U Tin Hlaing, Managing Director of Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries U Than Shwe, General Manager U Thein Win and Head of Office U Myint Swe.
H&T Minister meets Vietnamese Ambassador

Yangon, 12 Sept- Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin met Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Union of Myanmar HE Mr Pham Quang Khon at his office on Sule Pagoda Road at 10.30 this morning.
Present on the occasion were Director-General of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Lat, Managing Director of Myanma Travel and Tour U Kyi Tun and
Minister for Mines receives Ambassadors

Yangon, 12 Sept- Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint received Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr Pham Quang Khon at 4 pm and Ambassador of India Mr Vivek Katju at 4.30 pm at his office today.
Also present on the occasions were Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein and
( 4 )
Minister Bri-Gen Maung Maung Thein receives Australian guests
Yangon, 12 Sept- Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Director of Australian Rural Exports Pte Ltd and Livestock, Seed and Agricultural Commodity Exporters Mr Richard Trivett and party of Australia at his office at 4 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, directors-general of the ministry and
Minister receives Vietnamese

Yangon, 12 Sept- Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Union of Myanmar Mr Pham Quang Khon paid a courtesy call on Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Tin Winn at the latter's office in Pyithu Hluttaw Building here at 11.30 am today.
Chief Justice receives Australian Ambassador

Yangon, 12 Sept- Chief Justice U Aung Toe received Ambassador of Australia to Myanmar Mr Trevor David Wilson at the former's office at 10 am today.
Also present on the occasion were Director-General U Tin Aye and Director U Soe Nyunt
(Civil Case) of the Supreme Court.
( 5 ) Myanmar, Australian company
discuss hybrid sunflower cultivation
Yangon, 12 Sept- A workshop on hybrid sunflower species cultivation was held at Mikasa Hotel here this morning.
Present were Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, heads of departments and enterprises under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, officials of Austrex company of Australia, entrepreneurs and officials.

Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin gave a speech.
Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than reported to the meeting on cultivation of edible oil crops and joint cultivation of the hybrid sunflower species produced by the Australian company at the suitable places.
Mr Richard Trivett of Austrex explained hybrid sunflower seeds for farming and basic farm equipment.
Mr Hishamuddin Koh of the company also spoke. After the meeting, the minister observed the hybrid sunflower species, nutrients contained in the sunflower oil and other edible oils and sunflower cultivation documentaries of TadaU Township in Mandalay Division and Minbu Township in Magway
Workshop on Operations Research Methodology opens
Yangon, 12 Sept- A Workshop on Operations Research Methodology jointly sponsored by Health Department and Population Council (Thailand) was opened at the Health Planning Department on Theinbyu Street this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Ministers for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, the directors-general and the deputy directors-general of Health Department, the rectors, delegates of UN Agencies and chairmen of social associations.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein delivered a speech. He said operations research has assumed increasing importance, as it is a means to more pragmatic exploration of health, science and improving health systems planning and management.
He said operations research would contribute towards exploring opportunities and meeting new challenges. It would provide insight into health problems, issues and challenges faced by the health sector and support the provision of health care in an effective, efficient and equitable manner, he added.
As all health interventions or plans must be evident-based, research would provide the necessary data on which actions will be based upon, he said.
Recognizing the crucial role of research in national health development, the government has established the Department of Medical Research (Upper Myanmar) in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, he said.
He said dissemination of results of the research and effective utilization of the data or optimal use of research results are also essential to strengthen and improve the health systems.
Participants from Health Department and related departments and social associations took part in the discussions.
The workshop continues till 14 September.
( 6 )
Commerce Ministry to build bran oil mills

Yangon, 12 Sept- A meeting was held at the Ministry of Commerce yesterday to coordinate building of bran oil mills, with an address delivered by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw, departmental heads of the Directorate of Trade and the Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading and officials.
Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone said the ministry should build new bran oil mills to fulfil local demand. In the first phase of the project, one bran oil mill each will be built in Shwebo and Kyaukse districts soon. Officials should make cooperative efforts to produce the required machinery and for completion of the mills within a short period.
Managing Director of MAPT U Min Hla Aung and officials took part in the discussions.
The minister looked into their requirements.
Skid-mounted LPG plant to be built at Kyunchaung region

Yangon, 12 Sept- Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi chose the site to build a skid-mounted LPG plant two miles from No 2 Kyunchaung Fertilizer Plant in Kyunchaung region, Pakokku District yesterday morning.
The mobile plant will use natural gas produced from Kyaukkhwet, Letpando and Ayadaw regions to produce 15 tons of propane and butane daily.
At Sabe Test Well No 1, the minister heard a report on progress in drilling the well, future programmes and drilling of more test wells presented by Chief Engineer U Htay Aung and Director U San Lwin.
The minister gave suggestions.
During the inspection of Thagyitaung oil field, Chief Engineer U Tin Myint Than reported on drilling of the No 2 test well, preparations to drill three more test wells, Director U San Lwin on seismic survey and selection of places to drill test wells and production wells.
After looking into their requirements, the minister inspected the drilling of the No 2 Well in Thagyitaung.
The minister also inspected oil wells in Letpando and Kyaukkhwet oil fields.
( 7 ) Myanmar delegation leaves
for Brunei
Yangon, 12 Sept- Myanmar delegation led by Chairman of Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association (Central) Dr Nay Win left here for Brunei by air this morning to attend Drug Abuse Control Meeting to be held from 13 to 16 September.
The delegation comprises MANA Joint-Secretary U Win Naing and members Daw Tin Tin, Daw Hla Kyi, Dr Ni Ni Sein, U Pe Nyunt, Daw Tin Hlaing and U San
Training Programme on Technical Assistance AICO Scheme Implementation opens
Yangon, 12 Sept- A ceremony to open Training Programme on Technical Assistance AICO Scheme Implementation organized by Myanmar National AFTA Unit, the Ministry of Industry of Thailand and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, was held at the Sedona Hotel this morning.
It was attended by Director-General of Directorate of Industries U Tin Hlaing, Senior Officer Mr Kitcha Minakan of Policy and Planning Division, the Ministry of Industry, Thailand, officials of the National AFTA Unit, Adviser at the UMFCCI Dr Kyaw Htin, Vice-President U Win Aung, General Secretary U Zaw Min Win and CEC members.
Director-General U Tin Hlaing and Mr Kitcha Minakan delivered speeches.
A total of 32 trainees are attending the training programme.
Outstanding students, youth visit Shwedagon Pagoda
Yangon, 12 Sept- A team of students who are outstanding in the academic and other fields visited Yangon today.
The team comprised students who won the positions from first to tenth in the matriculation examination for the academic year 2000-2001, students from states and divisions who passed the matriculation examination with high marks, outstanding Red Cross members, outstanding Auxiliary Fire Brigade members, outstanding marine youth, outstanding aviation youth, the first prize winner in the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day extempore talks and youth who won five gold medals and above in the Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions.
Accompanied by the team leader chief instructor of the Management Course for
Executives' of Union Solidarity and Development Association Maj Aung Swe, supervisors and officials, the students and youth visited Shwedagon Pagoda and the Drugs Elimination Museum. After paying obeisance to the Shwedagon,
they presented K 15,800 to the pagoda funds.
( 8
Hockey delegation leaves for Malaysia
Yangon, 12 Sept- A Myanmar hockey delegation left here for Malaysia to watch the SEA hockey matches and to discuss with Malaysian officials building of a hockey pitch in Myanmar.
The delegation comprising Vice-President of Myanmar Hockey Federation U Thet Oo, executives U Maung Maung, U Win Htoo and U Myint Naing will meet with President of Asian Hockey Federation Sultan Azlan Shah and General-Secretary Tan Sri Dato Palagendra. U Kyaw Naing, the liaison officer of MHF to World Hockey Federation, is also included in the team.
The delegation was seen off at Yangon Airport by MHF President No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint
and executives.
Myanmar-Malaysia soccer semi-final to be telecast live
Yangon, 12 Sept- In the XXI South-East Asia Games, Myanmar will play against Malaysia at semi-final football match at 7.15 pm on 13 September in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Thailand and Indonesia will meet at the same time.
The first half of Myanmar and Malaysia match will be telecast live at 7.10 pm on 13 September on Myanma Radio and Television, and the second half after the news programme.
The semi-final match of Thailand and Indonesia will also be broadcast at 4 pm on 14
Teleplay hailing USDA AGM to be broadcast
Yangon, 12 Sept- The first part of the teleplay titled
"Kyesin-patle-waingyanlyet-tithaw-ataingmathi-shwepyi" (The golden land surrounded by stars) written by Nyein Min and directed by Zinyaw Maung Maung hailing the eighth Annual General Meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association will be broadcast on Myanma TV and TV Myawady on 13 September and the second part on 14 September after the evening news.
( 9
) Sayagyi Mandaing U Hla Kyi (83) passes away
Sayagyi Mandaing U Hla Kyi was born of parents U San Lin and Daw Khin Moe on 1 January 1919.
He won the first prize in the Myanmar literary contest with his short story
"Hti-yu" when he was a student of the Yangon University. The story was broadcast as a radio-play. He compiled many literary works under the pen names
"Nay Myo Nwe" and "Tekkatho Maung Myo Thant".
Sayagyi Mandaing U Hla Kyi served in Burma Independence Army, Burma Defence Army, Burmese Patriotic Forces, and Burma Defence Tatmadaw during the post-War period.
Later he retired from the army, contributed literary works to a number of magazines and worked as a correspondent at the Yangon University daily.
He started his journalism profession as the "Journal-kyaw". He worked as the executive editor at the Mandaing daily and the Nation daily, and the chief editor at the Naing-ngan-thit and Bwin-Bwin dailies. He retired while working as a Reuters correspondent. He broadcast UN news from Myanmar radio till 1963.
He was the title holder of Independence Mawgun Award (First Grade) and Naing-Ngant Gonyi
Award (Second Grade). He died at the age of 83 on 6 (Thursday)
September 2001.