1 ) General Maung Aye calls for making practical arrangements for full utilization of natural resources in townships in Kayin State

Yangon, 10 Sept- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, accompanied by Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, senior military officers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental officials, left Maw-lamyine for Ye by helicopter at 8 am yesterday.
They were welcomed there by Col Soe Win of Ye Station, military officers, Chairman of Ye Township Peace and Development Council and departmental officials.
General Maung Aye met with Tatmadawmen and families of the local regiment and units in Ye Station in the hall of the local battalion. The ministers who accompanied the General met with departmental officials and service personnel at the meeting hall of the Township Peace and Development Council Office. Chairman of Ye Township Peace and Development Council U Thein Sein reported to the ministers on the situation of Ye region, agriculture and livestock breeding work, regional development tasks and the requirements.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Minister for Livestock Breeding and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein fulfilled the requirements sector-wise.
Later, General Maung Aye came to the office and cordially met with departmental officials, service personnel and members of social organizations.
Afterwards, General Maung Aye and party inspected the township by car. Next, General Maung Aye and party inspected the site chosen for the bridge across Ye river to be constructed by the Ministry of Rail Transportation and preparatory work. General Maung Aye left necessary instructions.
General Maung Aye and party left Ye for Hpa-an, Kayin State, by helicopter. They were welcomed there by Commander of No 22 LID Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, Secretary of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Maung Shein and departmental officials of Kayin State.
General Maung Aye and party proceeded to Tayoke-hla Model Village in Hpa-an Township by car and met with departmental officials, the headmistress and teachers, the elders of the village, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, the Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade.
Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein reported on systematic implementation of tasks by committees for availability of electricity, upgrading of the roads in the village, extension of buildings of Basic Education High School, renovation of the village monastery and construction of a station hospital.

Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint gave a supplementary report on development work of the village carried out by the Committee for Development of Tayokehla Village in accord with the guidance of General Maung Aye.
The General said that it is satisfactory to see Tayoke-hla village developing due to concerted efforts. He urged the officials to make efforts to finish development work of the village by the beginning of the open season. The government will fulfil the requirements, he added. He called for the switching of single cropping to multiple cropping with a view to promoting economic development of the village people. Then, the General cordially met with departmental officials and village people.
Later, General Maung Aye and party left there for Hpa-an. The General met with members of Kayin State Peace and Development Council, departmental officials of Kayin State, chairmen and members of District Peace and Development Councils of Hpa-an, Kaw-kareik and Myawady Districts and Hpa-an, Hlaing-bwe, Kawkareik, Kya-in-Seikkyi, Papun and Myawa-dy Townships and members of social organizations.
Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein reported to the General and party on the rainfall of Kayin State, utilization of land by growing various kinds of crops such as monsoon paddy, oil crops, beans and peas, purchase of rice, sufficiency of rice in the region, plans to build a sluice gate and drainage for availability of water for cultivation, livestock breeding work and GDP of the region.

Kayin State Manager U Sein Win of Myanma Agriculture Service reported on cultivation of paddy, oil crops, beans and peas, rubber and pepper and utilization of fallow and virgin lands and Deputy Director-General U Tin Latt of the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department on livestock production.
Head of the Fisheries Department U Paw Lwin gave an account of fish and prawn breeding work and Deputy Director-General U Nyunt Swe of the Planning Department on implementation of plans in 2000-2001.
Later, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha spoke of the tasks to be implemented by Kayin State during the first year of the third short-term five-year plan and progress of work.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin explained matters related to cultivation of paddy, beans and peas, oil crops, sugar-cane, rubber and others all over the country, the acres of land to be cultivated by Kayin State, fulfilment of the needs for water supply for agriculture, plans to be carried out and condition of reclamation of fallow and virgin lands in Kayin State.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein reported on the work to be carried out for development of the fish and meat sector in Kayin State, and Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone on trading activities carried out by the ministry and importance of the correct ways and means in trading.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint said General Maung Aye and party came to Kayin State to provide necessary assistance with the aim of accelerating the growth rate of Kayin and Mon States. He said officials of the states had reported on economic development and undertakings in the agriculture sector and the ministers have already discussed these matters.
The Secretary-3 spoke of the need for officials of Kayin State to make field tours right down to the grassroots level. He said a lot of lands are left to be reclaimed according to data, and officials of administrative bodies and the agriculture department are to make field tours right down to the grassroots level and make arrangements for those who will actually undertake agricultural work.
He said there is a vast expanse of land where livestock and breeding work can be undertaken, and efforts are to be exerted for the progress of livestock breeding and agriculture.
Extending agriculture and livestock breeding work not only contributes toward the development of Kayin State but also generates individual income.
The Secretary-3 urged the officials to supervise the tasks to ensure sucess.
General Maung Aye said Kayin State has a lot of land and water resources. He
spoke of the need to make practical arrangements for full
utilization of natural resources in townships. Besides seasonal
crops, perennial crops are to be cultivated in the light of water
and land resources. Livestock breeding activities are to be extended
from a manageable scale to a commercial scale in the places where
cultivation is impossible. Encouragement is to be given to private
entrepreneurs who will actually engage in agriculture, he added.
As all you know, he said, the Head of State himself made field trip to grassroots levels and gave guidance on boosting production. He urged officials Kayin State to make strenuous efforts for progress of state, uplift of quality of life of the people and increase of income.
General Maung said the government has assigned duties to the respective states and divisions for sufficiency of rice, fish and meat and vegetables and edible oil in the regions.
He said officials of Kayin State are to serve the assigned duties.
The General said there are unused farmlands and old ones that are no longer useful adding that emphasis must be placed on development of agriculture sector and other economic sectors.
He called for cultivation of oil crops such as Thitseint plant (Terminalia belerica) for oil sufficiency.
In some regions in Upper Myanmar people have consumed oil from Thitseint seed for a long time. In Mon State Thitseint plants are successful so cultivation of the seeds can also be successful in Kayin State, he said.
The General urged officials to lay emphasis on surplus of rice, extended raising of poultry, breeding of fish and prawn, cultivation of kitchen crops and sufficiency of edible oil.
He said state, district and township level officials are responsible personnel who lead the regions on behalf of the government. He urged them to work hard for the good of national people and to provide assistance to those who are engaged in economic enterprises in the state for economic progress.
The General cordially greeted those present.
Chairman of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Central Organizing Committee Secretary-3 Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint together with Vice-Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of MWVO Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, member of Central Organizing Committee Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung and Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development CouncilÊCol Maung Shein met members of Kayin State, Hpa-an, District, Kawkareik and Myawady District WVO Supervisory Committees and members of WVO of Hpa-an, Myawady and Kawkareik Townships at the hall of No 22 LID.
Chairmen of State and District WVO Supervisory Committees and chairmen of Township WVO Organizing Committees reported on work done. Ministers Maj-Gen Saw Tun and U Thaung took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-3 then gave instructions.
CEC members of USDA U Soe Tha, Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Brig-GenÊMaung Maung Thein met Secretary and executives of State and District USDAs at Kayin State USDA Office.
General Maung Aye and party went to Mebaung Kyaungtaik in Hpa-an and paid obeisance to Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw State Ovadacariya Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja Maha Ratha Guru Bhaddanta Indriya.
The General and party presented offertories to the Sayadaw.
General Maung Aye and party went to Hlineebwe Township where they were welcomed by Tactical Operations Commander Col Cho Tun Aung, military officers and departmental officials.
General Maung Aye met Tatmadawmen and families of regiments and units in Hlainebwe Station.
The ministers met officials and service personnel at Township Peace and Development Council.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Tin Htay reported on area of the township, cultivation acreage, successful cultivation of crops and requirements for township development.
Ministers Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and Brig-Gen Pyi Sone took part in the discussions.
General Maung Aye greeted departmental officials and service personnel.
The General and party arrived back here from Mawlamyine in the evening. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected Hlinebwe Township and met the medical superintendent and
( 2 )
Teachers urged to be in the vanguard of activities of education sector which will go down in history
Secretary-1 addresses closing ceremony of Special
Refresher Course No 45 for Basic Education Teachers
Yangon, 10 Sept- Special Refresher Course No 45 for Basic Education Teachers concluded in Nawarat Hall of the Central Institute of Civil Service in Hlegu Township this morning with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, Rector of CICS Col Win Maung and officials, course instructors and trainee teachers.
In his address, the Secretary-1 said that it is believed that when the teachers who have completed the special refresher course conducted by the government with lofty aims resume their duties, they will be able to carry out the national duty of the education sector all the more with new ideas, outlook and strength.
While making every effort to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations in the international setting, the State Peace and Development Council is implementing national education promotion programmes systematically in order to enhance the quality of the education sector, the main driving force for all-round development, and raise the momentum of progress.

In this regard, radical reform has been carried out without letting educational outlook, ideas, educational goals and working programmes be deprived of national essence, thereby setting up new records in the history of Myanmar education.
Therefore, teachers, organizing and leading student youths and the people, are required to be in the vanguard of the activities of the education sector which will go down in history, and to try their level best to achieve the lofty aims of the education sector in Myanmar.
In the international setting, science and technologies are advancing with great momentum, and information technology is also spreading all over the world. Therefore, things have come to such a pass that every nation in the world has to be paying great attention to the nurturing of human resources in order to be able to use advanced technologies in economic, commercial, financial, production, defence and social sectors and others.
In striving for the all-round development of the Union of Myanmar, the State Peace and Development Council has laid great emphasis on the growth of the agriculture sector and the industrial sector and advancement of science and technologies.
At the same time, while building infrastructures
such as dams, roads and river-crossing bridges, the government is
carrying out agricultural, livestock breeding, production work and
commercial activities on self-reliance. While every effort is being
made to enable the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other
nations in terms of development, systematic measures are being taken
to nurture highly-qualified human resources and to employ new
advanced technologies in the agriculture, livestock breeding,
production and commercial sectors. At the same time, efforts are
being exerted to enable the education sector to contribute to the
development of the economic, production and social sectors. In the
education sector, systematic measures are being taken for the
development of agriculture,
forestry, livestock breeding and technologies in keeping with the changing situation of the world, for the development of economics, trading and management in accord with the economic system being practised by the government and for the development of advanced education, science and technology and research work.
Therefore, in the higher education sector, for the education, health, culture, science and technology, agriculture, livestock breeding and forest sectors, institutes have been set up in states and divisions. New universities, degree colleges and colleges have been built. In addition, in the basic education sector, curricula have been revised and upgraded and the quality of basic education enhanced so that the basic education sector can be linked with the higher education.
In this regard, the basic education sector and the higher education sector under the Ministry of Education have established learning centres where Data Broadcasting System is used, modern laboratories, multimedia teaching centres and language labs at universities, degree colleges, colleges and basic education schools. In so doing, the government spent US $ 1.5 million in the 1999-2000 fiscal year and US $ 3 million in the 2000-2001 fiscal year totalling US $ 4.5 million. For the 2001-2002 fiscal year, US $ 2 million has been allotted.
Furthermore, in implementing the special four-year plan for the promotion of national education standard, K 2,407.425 million was used in the 2000-2001 fiscal year, and K 1,530.27 million has been allotted for the 2001-2002 fiscal year. Arrangements are being made to use another K 5,747.016 million in this fiscal year.
They are only the expenses of the basic education sector and the higher education sector under the Ministry of Education excluding the expenses for universities, colleges and institutes under other institutes.
In the education sector, short- and long-term plans for the promotion of the education standard have been implemented with the aim of not only teaching students academic subjects but also giving opportunities of pursuing vocational education to them.
Therefore, students are being trained to be able to fulfil the needs of Myanma society in which they live.
The education promotion programmes can enable the society to be linked with classrooms, and individual students to pursue what they like in accord with their hobby and talent. Thus, students are being moulded to be able to go far in life, thereby contributing to the development of the nation.
The outstanding features of the national education system are to equip student youths with skill, education and technology which are necessary when they face contemporary challenges and to imbue them with a sense of cherishing national culture and traditions and national norms, patriotism and nationalism.
The chief goal of the education sector is to fulfil national requirements of the society and to accomplish national goals.
Therefore, it is important to see to it that the education sector, national cultural traits and national historical events are interrelated.
Myanmar has maintained national cultural heritage in the course of her long history, and the education sector needs to revive, maintain and uplift the attributes of the nation and the people, cultural traits and traditions, national ideology, social criteria and national strengths. It is also the national cause of Myanmar people.
With regard to the preservation of the good legacy of the nation and the people, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe said at the concluding ceremony of the Course No 2 on Myanma Affairs and International Studies of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, that in the history of a nation, there are good legacies and bad legacies. The duty of the new generation is to maintain the good legacies and eradicate the bad legacies.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, it is a national duty of the education sector to maintain the tradition of the nation and the people, national attributes and national characteristics.
Therefore, arrangements are being made to teach the history of the nation and the people to students with nationalism and national outlook.
By teaching Myanmar history with national outlook, contemporary challenges can be overcome, and the nation can stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations and keep national interests intact in the process of globalization resulting from the development of information technology. Only then, good results will emerge.
The government is implementing political, economic and social objectives which can promote national interests on the basis of the great history of the nation and the people, current situations, future prospects and international changing events.
For the emergence of an education system which can contribute to the realization of the political, economic and social objectives, national education promotion programmes, the special four-year plan for promotion of national education standard and long-term national educational projects are being implemented.
Therefore, teachers are required to strive for the success of the education promotion programmes and national education projects, adopting the attitude that the successful realization of educational aims amounts to promotion of national interests.
All are to make every efforts to achieve educational aims so that the Union of Myanmar can keep abreast with other nations in the process of globalization which is taking shape at a blistering pace and keep independence and sovereignty in perpetuation.
The youths of today have an aspiration to pursue education and to succeed in life, and teachers are to make all-out efforts for the development of the nation by fulfilling the wish of student youths.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged the teachers to strive for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation and the success of education promotion programmes designed for the development of human resources which play an fundamental role in enabling the motherland to stand tall in the world, to nurture student youths to have high morale and to be highly qualified and to inculcate in student youths patriotism, a sense of national solidarity and Union spirit which are main strengths to enable the Union to exist long and to keep abreast with other nations in terms of development.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented model trainee awards to senior assistant teacher U Tin Toe of Peinkan Basic Education High School, Khayan Township, and SAT Daw Win Win Mya of Myitkyo BEHS, Bago Division, awards for perseverance to SAT U Htwe Maung of Tharawaw BEHS, Letpandan Township, Bago Division, junior assistant teacher Daw Khin Kywal of No 3 BEHS, North Okkalapa Township and Headmistress of Ywathit Phayathonsu Basic Education Primary School Daw Esta Moezet of Kya-Inn-Seikkyi Township, Kayin State.
The Secretary-1 also presented model hostel awards to Hostel No 6 of Men Unit-7 and Hostel No 1 of Women Unit and course completion certificates to the trainee teachers.
Then, the Secretary-1 accepted donations made by the trainees K 10,000 to the fund of the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, K 10,000 to the fund for renovation of Koenawin Pagoda at CICS, K 10,000 to the fund of repair of Koenawin Dhammayon, K 10,000 to the fund of renovation of ancient pagodas in Bagan, K 7,500 to the National Convention, K 7,500 to the fund of USDA, K 10,000 to the fund of the basic education primary school of CICS and K 10,000 to the fund of Phaunggyi BEHS.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 had a cordial meeting with the trainees and left there in the
( 3 )
Home Affairs Minister receives Japanese MP

Yangon, 10 Sept- Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Member of Parliament Mr Kiyohiko Toyama of Japan at his office at the corner of Saya San Road and No 1 Industry Road here at 3.30 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Director-General of Myan-mar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and Head of Office U Thet Tun.
Minister meets delegation from China

Yangon, 10 Sept- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met Deputy Director-General of Sichuan Provincial Department of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China Mr Shi Zhenghua and members at his office at 2 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Director-General of the Directorate of Industries U Tin Hlaing, Director-General of the Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U San Kyi, Director of the Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries U Than Shwe and General Manager U Thein Win and Head of Office U Myint
Minister for Prime Minister's Office
receives Vietnamese Ambassador

Yangon, 10 Sept Ð Minister at the Prime Minister's Office of the Union of Myanmar Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe received Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr Pham Quang Khon at his office at 2 pm
( 4 )
Minister attends course opening ceremony
Yangon, 10 Sept- An opening ceremony of Loan Officer Refresher Course No 1/2001 for Township Bank Mangers (Assistant Managers) and Banking Course No
6/2001 for Supervisors and conclusion of Banking Course
No 5/2001 was held at the banking training hall on Pansodan Street this afternoon.
It was attended by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, officals and trainees.
Minister U Khin Maung Thein sopke on the occasion.
Minister inspects Myeik Industrial Zone

Yangon, 10 Sept- Taninthayi Division Myeik Industrial Zone In-charge Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint arrived at Myanmar International Fisheries (Taninthayi Limited) in Industrial Zone in Myeik on 7 September.
The Executive Director reported on construction of cold storage and international fish auction market and sales of fish and prawns.
Then, the minister gave instructions on export of quality fish to international market.
Later, he inspected the fish auction market.
The minister and party went to Ahsaung Kaung Industries Co Ltd where the factory manager reported on purchase of export fish, prawn, crab and snail and sales.
The minister inspected the factory and gave instructions.
( 5 ) Committee for Construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image meets
Yangon, 10 Sept- The Committee for Construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image held a meeting on Mindhamma Hill where the Image is kept in Insein Township this morning.
Present were Chairman of the Committee Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and members, officials, scholars and members of the pagoda board of trustees.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko made a speech.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
( 6 )
Exhibition of IT Students' View on Myanmar concludes
Yangon, 10 Sept- The final day of the Exhibition of IT
Students' View on Myanmar of the Ministry of Education was held at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wizara Road, here this morning.
Minister for Education U Than Aung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and departmental officials visited the exhibition.
Principals, teachers and students from 29 schools in Yangon totalling 11,339, secretaries, executives and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Associations from states and divisions, students who got positions ranging from 1 to 10 in the matriculation examination, outstanding students, staff and the public totalling over 9,000 also visited the
Sanitation work carried out to hail USDA Annual
General Meeting
Yangon, 10 Sept- Hailing the Annual General Meeting (2001) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, 150 members, under the leadership of Hlinethaya Township USDA, collectively carried out sanitation work in the compound of the Township People's Hospital yesterday morning.
Secretary of Township USDA U Nyan Win and members of USDA, head of Township Health Department Dr Leh Leh Mu Thein and staff and others took part in sanitation work.
( 7 ) Blood donated at Defence
Services General Hospital
Yangon, 10 Sept- As a gesture hailing the Annual General Meeting (2001) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, members of the Htantabin Township USDA in Yangon North District collectively donated blood at the Defence Services General Hospital (Mingaladon) today.
On the occasion, specialist of the Pathology Department and head of department Lt-Col Nyan Htein Lin, on behalf of the commandant of the DSGH (Mingaladon), spoke words of thanks for donation, and specialist of the Pathology Department Maj Daw Thin Thin Thwe explained facts about the blood.
Then, on behalf of the commandant, specialist of the Pathology Department and head of department Lt-Col Nyan Htein Lin presented certificates of honour to the 50 members, who donoted blood.
"Knowledge on Myanma Harp and How to
Play it" published
Yangon, 10 Sept- Hailing the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competilions Sarpay Beikman of Printing and Publishing Enterprise of the Ministry of Information published
"Knowledge on Myanma Harp and How to Play it" by Yamanya Ko Ko Naing for the second time.
The book is useful for new generation harpists and students of University of Culture and the State School for Drama and it includes appendixes on research.
The book is available at Sarpay Beikman Bookshop and other bookshops.
( 8
Myanmars fetch 2 golds in SEA Games
Yangon, 10 Sept- The second day of the XXI SEA Games was held in Malaysia yesterday and Swe Swe Thant got a gold medal in Women's Wushu (Nanchum) event and Pyae Wai Phyo a gold in Men's Wushu (Jianshu) event. Zaw Zaw Moe got a silver and Wai Yee Maung Maung a bronze in Men's Wushu (Nanchum) event.
In free pistol event, Myint Aung of Myanmar seized a silver and Myint Aung, Win Hlaing and Thein Kywe of Myanmar team a bronze in free pistol team event. Khin Soe Thike got a bronze in Women's single air pistol event.
The knock-out matches were held in Arabam yesterday and Nay Zaw of Myanmar beat Troeung Vannak of Cambodia in featherweight and Si Thu Win of Myanmar won a silver in Taekwando event.
The final day of the swimming contest was held at Bukit Jalil yesterday and Moe Thu Aung of Myanmar (57.75 seconds) won a silver in free style contest. Singaporean Joselin (57.13 seconds) stood first and Thai Pilin ( 58.80 seconds) third in the
Please read "Freser and Neaves Co of Singapore" in the news titled
"Myanmar Beer Golden Moments held" which appeared on page 6 of this
paper published on 8.9.2001.
( 9
) Drug elimination tasks speeded up at border areas

Yangon, 10 Sept- The Union of Myanmar has been striving for drug elimination as a national task, a national responsibility, in cooperation with neighbouring nations to accelerate the momentum in drug elimination tasks at the border areas. As a result of this, a drug refining camp was exposed near Yan Lon Kyaing Village at mile post No 127 in Kokang Region on 2 August, and a drug refining camp near Tarshwehtan-Nampahaw Village with reference p-678606 on 3 August.
Moreover, authorities arrested a drug trafficker Shan Chauk Mein in Muse on 4 August and raided two houses in Laukkai and found 110 kilos of opium, three arms, three China-made hand grenades, chemical liquid used in drug refining and paraphernalia on 5 August, and 4,398,000 stimulant pills were seized in a Hilux near Sin-in Village in Lashio Township on 6 August.
(a) Seizure made near Yan Lon Kyaing Village in Kokang Region on 2 August.
1. two huts used for drug-refining
2. a pair of scales
3. a charcoal furnace
4. a five-gallon plastic container with opium residue
5. a one-gallon plastic container with opium residue
6. various kinds of chemicals and paraphernalia
(b) Seizure made at a drug refining camp near Tarshwehtan-Nampahaw Village on 3 August.
1. four huts used for drug-refining
2. twelve furnaces
3. a shelf used for squeezing of opium
4. three drums opium liquid
5. two bags of opium residue
6. a ten-gallon plastic container
7. three bottles of hydrochloric acid
8. various kinds of chemicals and related equipment

Myanmar also signed memorandum of understanding on drugs control with neighbouring nations a memorandum with China on 21 January, and a memorandum with Thailand on 20 June. Moreover, The Senior Officials Meeting among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on Drug Control was held on 10-11 August in Yangon, and Myanmar delegates attended the Ministerial Meeting among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on Drug Control held on 27-28 August in Beijing, China. In order to speed up drug elimination tasks and to exchange information between the countries, the Myanmar-Thai Cross-Border Drug Control Meeting was held in Phuket in Thailand on 15-16 August, and the meeting of authorities at border areas of Myanmar-China was held in Muse, Myanmar on 8-9
Stimulant tablets seized in Kengtung
Yangon 10 Sept- A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched a house of Sai Yi, son of U Aik Sun and his wife Ma Chin Su (a) Ah Chin, daughter of U Wansiyin, at No 37, Ward 2, Saukpyak Ward in Kengtung on 18 August and seized 3370 stimulant tablets bearing WY, K 197,000 which was realized from the sale of drugs, and 10 ancient silver coins together with them.
The Police Station concerned filed them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances