1 ) Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint welcomes back Myanmar Delegation on return from Myanmar-Thai Regional Border Committee meeting

Yangon, 7 Sept- Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint welcomed back Myanmar delegation led by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein who arrived back here by Tatmadaw special flight after attending the 19th meeting of the Myanmar-Thai Regional Border Committee held in Thailand, at Yangon International Airport this afternoon.
Also on hand together with Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint to welcome back the delegation were Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, senior military officers and departmental officials.
Members of Myanmar delegation Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, Chairman of Kayah State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing, Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein and officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also arrived on the same
17th Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services' Bowl Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Soccer Tournament begins
Yangon, 7 Sept- The 17th Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services' Bowl Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Soccer Tournament was opened at the Youth Training Centre (Thuwunna) in Thingangyun Township this afternoon.
On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Chairman of the Tatmadaw Sports and Physical Education Administrative Committee Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint addressed the opening ceremony.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein and senior military officers, military attaches of embassies in Yangon, officials of the Sports and Physical Education Department, families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and footballers.
The footballers of twenty-five teams from the Tatmadaw (Navy), the Tatmadaw (Air), the Commandant's Office, the Ministry of Defence, military and light infantry divisions took designated places in the field.
Then, the Secretary-3 said that it has been 17 times since the tournament was held in 1985.
The purpose of the tournament is to develop soccer methods within the Tatmadaw, to enable the Tatmadaw members to be physically strong and fit for the battle field by going in for football, to produce new generation footballers for the selected teams of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and to enable the footballers of the Tamadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to be qualified for high-class tournaments and to turn out footballers who promote the prestige of the nation.
The Tatmadaw, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is implementing the 12 national objectives, the national goals.
Among the four social objectives, there is one calling for the uplift of the health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation.
The Tatmadaw is holding sports competitions in accord with the objective of the State with the aim of promoting the sports standard and health and fitness standard of the Tatmadaw members. Only when the Tatmadaw members are physically strong and healthy, will they be able to perform the national defence duty of the State. Moreover, uplift of the sports standard amounts to the safeguarding of the State, so the Tatmadaw members must serve the State and the Tatmadaw with sports.
The State Peace and Development Council, while building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, is striving to achieve national strengths Ñ physical and mental. It is national strengths which can guarantee the future of the nation. The Tamadaw members are required to promote the standard of the sports sector and to regard it as a national duty.
The standard of sports reflects the development of the State, so the government is making all-out efforts to enable the nation to keep abreast with others in terms of the development of the sports sector. A great deal of money has been used to develop the sports sector, to buy sports equipment and to construct buildings.
It is the most important thing to turn out new generation athletes for the sustainable development of the sports sector in Myanmar. With the aim of turning out outstanding new generation athletes, the government and the Sports and Physical Education Department hold inter-state and division sports meets, national championships and ministry-wise sports competitions. Myanmar Sports Federation also organizes soccer tournaments, track and field events and badminton tournaments and others every year.
The government is selecting outstanding athletes by holding sports competitions, and the Tatmadaw is also nurturing new generation athletes by opening the Tatmadaw Self-Defence and Sports Institute. In addition, sports competitions are being held from the regiment, unit and station level up to the level of the military command and the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air).
Outstanding athletes of these sports competitions will be selected for the Tamadaw.
Therefore, it is a great opportunity for all the Tatmadaw members to participate in this tournament, and all are to strive to have the chance of representing the nation and participating in sports competitions.
The perseverance of the athletes alone is not sufficient for the uplift of the sports standard, and firm spirit and the sense of abiding by discipline as well as skill and training are also necessary. The athletes of the Tatmadaw are required not only to abide by the military rules and regulations but also to strictly follow the rules of respective sports.
In conclusion, the Secretary-3 urged all to strive for the development of the sports sector of the Tatmadaw, to make efforts to become athletes who can uplift the prestige of the State and to strain every nerve to restore
"a golden age of Myanmar soccer."
Then, the Secretary-3 took the salute of the soccer teams.
After the opening ceremony, the Central Command team played against the South-West Command team.
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Minister meets Vietnamese Ambassador

Yangon, 7 Sept- Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Union of Myanmar HE Mr Pham Quang Khon called on Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun at the latter's office at 10 am today.
Also present together with the minister were Deputy Minister U Maung Aung, director-general of the Immigration and National Registration Department Col Maung Htay and officials.
Commerce Minister receives
Russian Ambassador
Yangon, 7 Sept- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr Gleb A Ivashentsov at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department U Nay Win, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and
German delegation calls on Minister
Yangon, 7 Sept- Country Manager Ms Claire A Burgess and party of Diethelm and Co Ltd of Germany called on Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone at his office at 1 pm today.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department U Nay Win, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials.
( 3 )
Myanmar delegation attends 19th Meeting of Myanmar-Thai Regional Border Committee
Yangon, 7 Sept- The 34-member Myanmar delegation led by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein left here for Thailand by Myanma Tatmadaw special flight on 5 September morning to attend the 19th Meeting of the Myanmar-Thai Regional Border Committee to be held in Pattaya, Thailand.
The delegation members were Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, Chairman of Kayah State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing, Commander of Mawrawady Naval Command Headquarters Captain Maung Win, Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein and others.
On arrival at Don Muang Airport in Bangkok, Thailand, the Myanmar delegation was welcomed by Commanding General of 3rd Army Area of Royal Thai Armed Forces Lt-Gen Watanachai and senior military officers.
Then, the Myanmar delegation went to the office of the Supreme Commander of Royal Thai Armed Forces in Bangkok by car and called on Naval Supreme Commander Admiral Narong Yuthawong.
The leader of the Myanmar delegation and the Naval Supreme Commander exchanged gifts.
Next, the Myanmar delegation went to No 2 Armoured Battalion in Bangkok and called on Commander-in-Chief of Royal Thai Army General Surayud Chulanont.
Then, the Myanmar delegation, together with the Thai delegation led by Lt-Gen Watanachai, left Bangkok for Pattaya and arrived there in the afternoon.
Afterwards, the Myan-mar delegation, accompanied by the officials of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, went to the eastern sea port industrial zone in Rayong.
The officials of the industrial zone welcomed the Myanmar delegation and explained facts about the industrial zone.
The leader of the Myanmar delegation and the officials of the industrial zone exchanged gifts.
Then, the Myanmar delegation toured the industrial zone by car.
In the evening, Deputy Commanding General of 1st Army Area Major-General Archavin Svetasreni hosted a dinner in honour of the Myanmar delegation at the Chunkyan Pattaya Hotel in Pattaya.
On 6 September morning, the groups led by the secretaries of the delegations of the meeting of Myanmar-Thai Regional Border Committee had a preliminary meeting.

Present were the Myanmar delegation led by Department Head of the Defence Services Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Defence Col Thein Swe and the Thai delegation led by Maj-Gen Vutiwong of the Thai-Myanmar Cooperation Office.
The 19 Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee was held at the Chunkyan Pattaya Hotel.
It was attended by the Myanmar delegation led by Maj-Gen Thein Sein and the Thai delegation led by Lt-Gen Watanachai.
The leaders of both delegations made speeches.
After the opening ceremony of the meeting, the meeting of the groups led by the secretaries of the delegations were held at the same venue.

At night, Lt-Gen Watanachai hosted a dinner in honour of those who attended the meeting at the hotel and gifts were exchanged.
This morning, the two leaders signed the agreements reached at the Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand Regional Border Committee and made closing speeches.
The meeting focused on the further strengthening of friendly relations between ASEAN members Myanmar and Thailand and promotion of mutual respects and friendship between the two Tatmadaws.
After the ceremony, the members of the delegations had lunch. The Myanmar delegation visited Jetsmet Wharf and Sattahit Naval Command Headquarters by car.
Then, the Myanmar delegation went to Utapaung International Airport. They left there by Myanma Tatmadaw special aircraft and arrived back at Yangon International Airport this
( 4 )
Minister attends meeting on seventh National Immunization Days
Yangon, 7 Sept- The meeting of Central Leading Committee for the Seventh Year National Immunization Days was held at the meeting hall of the Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Road in Dagon Township at 1 pm
Chairman of the Central Leading Committee Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein addressed the meeting.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Ministers for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general of departments under the ministry, dirctors-general of related ministries and delegates, chairpersons of NGOs and responsible officials.
The minister urged all to realize the health target of the State with national outlook, to materialize the objective Ñuplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation and to collectively strive for achieving success as previous years.
Then, Secretary of the Health Department Director-General Dr Wan Maung reported on arrangements for the Seventh Year National Immunization Days.
Participants then took part in the discussions.
The meeting came to an end with the concluding remarks of the minister.
Cash presented for Exhibition of IT Students'
View on Myanmar
Yangon, 7 Sept- Companies presented cash awards
for the Exhibition of IT Students' View on Myanmar at the exhibition
this afternoon. Present on the occasion were Minister for Education
U Than Aung, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt,
directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the
ministry, deputy directors-general, rectors, officials and
wellwishers. The minister and party viewed the demonstration of IT
skills by the students at the exhibition.
Minister attends conclusion of Basic Computer Course

Yangon, 7 Sept- The conclusion ceremony of Basic Computer Course No 1 and opening of Financial Procedure Course No 2 were held at the hall of Border Trade Department on Bo Sun Pat Street this morning with an address by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
The minister presented prizes to outstanding trainees and gave completion certificates to a trainee. On behalf of the trainees, a trainee spoke words of
( 5 ) Transport Minister inspects Ahlon Shipyards
Yangon, 7 Sept- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, arrived at Ahlon Shipyards of Inland Water Transport at 9.30 am today.
In the briefing hall, Managing Director of IWT U Tun Aung Myint and Superintending Engineer U Tun Myint reported on the set-up of the shipyards, work efficiency, implementation of tasks, agriculture and livestock breeding and welfare work.
The minister attended to the requirements and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister, the deputy minister and party inspected the completion of department-owned ships being repaired at the shipyards.
The minister gave instructions to the officials.
The shipyards can repair six ships at the one time at the two docks.
Docks No 1 to No 4 are under construction.
On completion, it will be able to repair about 14 ships at the same time all the year round.
Minister inspects research work on agriculture in Hlegu Township

Yangon, 7 Sept- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected research work on agriculture at Vegetables and Fruits Research and Development Centre near Yemon Village in Hlagu Township, Yangon Division, this morning.
Accompanied by officials, the minister first inspected the growing of sweet chilli, tomatos, chrysanthemum with the use of green houses, growing of eustoma with the use of modern techniques, plantations of egg-plant and others.
Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than reported on the work being carried out to the minister.
Then, officials reported to the minister on plantations of graft-oranges, thriving of oranges formerly grown only in Shan State, sale of seedlings and condition of the local market.
Afterwards, the minister inspected research work on pomelo and grape-fruit
apple saplings, growing of grape with the use of green house, multiple-cropping of
Then, the minister and party inspected growing and thriving of kitchen crops with the use of modern techniques and gave instructions on producing the quality crops on a wider scale.
Officials reported to the minister on work being carried out for ensuring much production of watermelon all the year round.
The minister and party then inspected plantation of Heho chayote and research on plantations.
At the briefing hall, officials reported on research, production of hybrid fruits and vegetables and growing techniques to the minister who left necessary instructions.
Later, the minister met with service personnel who will make a study on agriculture in Israel and departmental officials at Central Agricultural Research and Education Centre in Zayatkwin, Hlegu Township and gave
Minister offers "soon" in Shwethalyaung pagoda
Yangon, 7 Sept- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung and wife Daw Nyunt Nyunt Lwin,
Division Commander of
No (99) LID Brig-Gen Htay Oo and wife, departmental officials and local people offered
"soon" and offertories to 320 members of the Sangha in "soon" offering ceremony of the Shwe-thalyaung Pagoda built by King Anawrahta in Wundwin township, Meiktila district, on 3 September.
Then, the congregation shared the merits gained.
( 6 )
Myanmar delegation attends Media Seminar
Yangon, 7 Sept- Myanmar Information delegation led by Chairman of Sports Writers Association Dr Tin Tun Oo attended media seminar on World Cup 2002 to be held in Asia in 2002 jointly organized by Asian Football Confederation and Sports Writers Association of Malaysia in Kuala-lumpur, Malaysia on 6 September.
Secretary General DatoÕ Peter Velappan of Asian Football Confederation, with the use of video slides, explained preparatory work by Korea and Japan to host the World Cup and matters that should be done for raising the standard of football in
( 7 ) Cash and books donated to USDA

Yangon, 7 Sept- Hailing 2001 Annual General Meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a ceremony to present cash and books to USDA was held at the USDA (Headquarters) this morning.
It was attended by USDA General Secretary U Than Aung and CEC members U Than Shwe and U Thein Sein.
Member of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented K 100,000 donated by MNCWA, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe K 100,000 by MMCWA, Chairperson of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation Prof Daw May May Yee K 100,000 by MWSF and Chairperson of Myanmar Women
Entrepreneurs' Association Daw Sein Sein K 100,000 by MWEA to General Secretary U Than Aung who presented certificates of honour to them and spoke words of thanks.
Managing Director U Thein Oo and Director Daw Khin Khin Sein of Thitsar Pankhin General Services Co Ltd also presented K 300,000 to USDA through General Secretary U Than Aung at noon today. Also present were Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint and members.
In the afternoon, trainees of the Course No 4/2001 in Diplomatic Skills of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented 300 copies of the book titled
'History and Efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' and 100 copies of the book titled
'Knowledge about Negotiation' to USDA CEC member U Than Shwe who presented the certificate of honour to them and expressed words of
Myanmar Beer Golden Moments held
Yangon, 7 Sept- Myanmar Beer Golden Moments, the ceremony to honour Myanmar Brewery Ltd jointly run by Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and Fresher and Neaves Co of Singapore for winning international gold medals, was held at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this morning.
It was attended by Managing Director Brig-Gen Win Hlaing of UMEHL, Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Director of Medical Services, Brig-Gen Aung Thein,Director of Resettlements of the Ministry of Defence, members of the board of directors of UMEHL, ambassadors and staff of embassies of Singapore, Malaysia, Korea and Japan, Chairman of Myanmar Brewery Ltd Lt-Col Maung Maung Aye and officials, Managing Director U Tin Kha of News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, local and foreign journalists, officials of factories under Myanmar Brewery Ltd and guests.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of Myanmar Brewery Ltd Lt-Col Maung Maung Aye said the factory of Myanmar Brewery Ltd, jointly run by of UMEHL and Fresher and Neaves on mutual benefit basis, is distributing beers Tiger, Myanmar, Anchor, RA! Shandy, ABC Stout etc in local and foreign markets.
Out of these products, Myanmar beer was first produced in 1997.
Myanmar Beer Golden Moments is a proof of its success not only in Myanmar but also abroad. Moreover, it is being exported to Singapore, Malaysia and Japan. Arrangements have been made for extended export to other countries.
Myanmar Beer won three gold medals in three successive yearsÑ1999, 2000 and 2001 in Monde-Selection Beer and Food Competition held yearly in Belgium. Moreover, it won a bronze medal in World Beer Cup 2000, The Olympic of Beer Competition, held in Newyork in 2000. Next, it won a gold medal in Australian International Beer Awards in 2001, he added.
Afterwards, General Manager Mr Kotai Hong of Myanmar Brewery Ltd donated K 32 million to Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, Director of Medical Services, Ministry of Defence. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
Meeting with counsellors held
Yangon, 7 Sept- A ceremony to meet with counsellors of the centres for consolation and giving educative talks conducted by Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs was held at the meeting hall of the Social Welfare Department at No 64, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Present were Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Professor Daw May May Yee, member Leader of Group for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, members of MNWCWA, Chairperson of Yangon Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs Chairperson of Yangon Division Group for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation Daw Malar Tint, chairpersons of district WCWAs and counsellors.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe made a speech.
Representatives of the centres for consolation and giving educative talks of Yangon East, West, South and North Districts reported on tasks carried out, difficulties and resolutions. A general round of discussions then followed. The meeting came to an end with the concluding remarks by Dr Daw Khin Win
Blood donated to No 2 MH (500-bed)
Yangon, 7 Sept- Hailing 2001 Annual General Meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, USDA members in Pantanaw Township, Ayeyawady Division, collectively donated blood to No 2 Military Hospital (500-bed) on U Wisara Road this morning.
Executive of the Township USDA U Myint Shwe Oo explained the purpose of the donation.
Head of the Pathology Department of the hospital Specialist Lt-Col Myo Nyunt presented certificates of honour to the blood donors and expressed thanks.
A total of 70 USDA members donated blood to the hospital.
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Myanmar sports athletes
Yangon, 7 Sept- Myanmar sports athletes who will participate in XXI SEA Games led by Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 4.30 pm local time on 5 September.
They were welcomed there by Ambassador of Myanmar to Malaysia U Hla Maung and Embassy staff, General Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik and officials of Committee for Holding XXI SEA Games.
Banking services of Myanmar May Flower Bank explained in Myingyan
Yangon, 7 Sept- A ceremony to explain the banking services of Myanmar May Flower Bank Ltd and to host a dinner to local people was held at Manikizzana Hall in Myingyan on 3 September evening.
Present were Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ye Swe, Secretary Maj Myint Aung, military officers, district-level departmental officials, Executive Director of Myanmar May Flower Bank Ltd U Win Naing, Managing Director U Khin Maung, Division Manager (Administration) U Aung Kyaw Soe, Manager of Myingyan Branch U Kyaw Min and employees, industrialists, owners of oil mills, traders, brokers and owners of cheroot factories exceeding 230.
Executive Director U Win Naing explained the policies of Myanmar May Flower Bank Ltd, matters related to investment and the opening of 24 branches and arrangements to open the head office of Myanmar May Flower Bank Ltd.
Managing Director U Khin Maung explained banking services being provided by the bank.
The executive director presented prizes to lucky-dip winners, and the dinner was hosted to the guests.
Myanmar men's and women's
soccer teams enter semi-finals
Yangon, 7 Sept- Myanmar women's soccer team beat Philippine women's soccer team 1-0 yesterday.
Myanmar women's soccer team also defeated Malaysian women soccer team 5-1 on 4 August. The team will play against Thai women's soccer team on 10 September evening.
Myanmar men's soccer team beat Singaporean men's soccer team 2-1 this evening, entering the semi-final.
Tourist Maps of Myanmar distributed free
Yangon, 7 Sept- Under the guidance of Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Design Printing Services Co Ltd has been publishing various kinds of Tourist Guide Maps since 1995 with the aim of developing tourism in Myanmar.
Tourist Maps of Myanmar (08-2001) have been in free circulation. A total of thirty thousands copies of 20"x 30"size maps are printed on durable coated paper with the use of high standard design and colour.
Included on the map are detailed map of Myanmar, Yangon, Mandalay, Pyin-OoLwin, Bagan, MraukU, Taunggyi, Inlay and Kyaikhtiyoe. It also carries over fifty addresses of tourism related websites from Myan-mar for easy access of information not only for tourists but also for travel companies abroad. It also clearly indicates places of foreign embassies, airways, hotels and restaurants in Yangon. With the help of the map, not only foreign travellers but also local visitors will be able to tour the interesting places in Myanmar in a short period of time.
( 9
) Muse Consumer Products Expo' 2001 2 to 6 October
Yangon, 7 Sept- With the permission of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council, the Dragon Exhibitions Ltd will hold Muse Consumer Products
Expo' 2001 on a grand scale at Shwe Nan Daw Travelling Centre in Muse from 2 to 6 October this year.
At the Expo', a wide range of clothes produced at home and abroad, cosmetics, personal goods, plasticwares,
foodstuff, electrical and electronic appliances, construction
materials, household utensils, paper, stationery, packing materials,
light machinery and accessories and sports equipment will be
exhibited and general services can be studied there.
Exhibition of IT Students' View on Myanmar continues

Yangon, 7 Sept- The Exhibition of IT Students' View on Myanmar continued at Tatmadaw Hall on U Wisara Road, Dagon Township, today.
Minister for Education U Than Aung, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, directors-general and chairmen of boards under the Ministry of Education visited it.
The Exhibition was crowded with visitors.
Students from Lower Myanmar and Upper Myanmar presented skill demonstrations at the booths concerned in groups.
Over 4,000 teachers and students and 3000 people visited the Exhibition which continues up to 10 September from 8 am to 4 pm free of
Entries invited to colour photo competition
Yangon, 7 Sept- The Committee for Organizing National Motto, Literary and Photo Competitions has already announced that the !2th Colour Photo Competition for 2001 will be held.
The title of Colour Photo Competition is "Thayashu-khin Doepyidwin".
The entries, not less than 10 inch x 12 inch must be own creation and must not be prize-winning works in any other competition at home and abroad.
Data and captions about the entries are to be mentioned. Two passport photos and a brief biography of the participant are to be attached to the entries.
The entries are to be sent to U Tun Min, Joint Secretary of the Committee for Organizing National Motto, Literary and Photo Competitions, Information and Public Relations Department, Pan-sodan Street, Yangon, not later than 15 October.
The names of the winners will be announced in the beginning of November and handsome prizes will be given.
Yangon, 7 Sept- Please read the Republic of Korea instead of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the news report titled
"Minister receives foreign guests" which appeared in 6th/7th columns
on the back page of the New Light of Myanmar dated 5-9-2001.
Drug trafficker gets prison terms
Yangon, 7 Sept- A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched a house of Soe Naing at No 97, Po Waziya Road, 39 Ward in Dagon Myothit (North) Township and seized 872.5 gram of marijuana on 29 July 2000.
Concerning the case, Dagon Myothit (North) Police Station filed Soe Naing,38, son of U Ye Nyunt, under Section 15/19(A)/20(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Yango East District Court handed down five years' imprisonment under Section 15 and 20
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him to serve seperately
on 5 July 2001.