1 ) Senior General Than Shwe sees off Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt

Yangon, 3 Sept- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe saw off Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, who left here for Bangkok on a goodwill visit at the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of Thailand General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, at Yangon International Airport this morning.
Together with the Senior General, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, Charge
d' Affaires ai of the embassy of Thailand Mr Raden Suwannakorn, senior military officers and heads of department saw off the Secretary-1 at the airport.

The Secretary-1 was accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence and heads of departments.
( 2 )
Metta Akhadaw Day observed
Yangon, 3 Sept- Trainees led by instructor of Basic Buddhist Culture Course Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pannasami (Magadhi Thazi Sayadaw) observed Metta Akhadaw Day of Wagaung at Maha Ordination Hall on Kaba Aye Hill this morning.
They opened the ceremony with reciting Namo Tassa three times and offered flowers, water and lights to the Buddha image.
The trainees recited verses on Metta. After the ceremony, they set free doves and
Commander inspects regional
development work in Myitkyina

Yangon, 3 Sept- Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Win accompanied by departmental officials inspected upgraded construction work of Myitkyina-Sumprabum road on 31 August. Officials reported to the commander on work and plans to be carried out. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
Then, he inspected pig breeding work under the arrangement of Kachin State Peace and Development Council at State Livestock Breeding Farm of Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Products Enterprise and Ye Mitta Fish Breeding Pond jointly run by Kachin State Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Police Force at Myothitkyi village. He gave instruction on extended livestock breeding and fulfilled the needs.
In the evening, the commander visited construction site of Kachin State Home for the Aged. Officials gave an account of construction of wards and dining hall, greening work of the environs and proposed place for the hospital and stone plaque. He coordinated the requirements.
Afterwards, he inspected Northern Star model agriculture and livestock breeding farm in Kyin Paung Khyan Model Village. He left necessary instructions and fulfilled the
Mandalay Division ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts (higher education level) Competition held
Yangon, 3 Sept- The ninth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts (higher education level) Competition of Mandalay Division was held at the convocation hall of the Mandalay University on 1 September.
Present were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-GenYan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Secretary of Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn departmental officials, the rectors of universities and institutes, teachers, members of the panel of judges, contestants and guests.
The commander and Rector of the Mandalay University U Lu Ni formally opened the competition.
Altogether 77 contestants took part in the competition.
The commander attended the finals of men's and women's volleyball tournament for Central Command Commander's Trophy held at the gymnasium in Bahtoo sport grounds.
The commander and officials presented prizes to winning teams and the best players.
The commander attended a coordination meeting on holding of annual general meeting of Mandalay Division USDA at its office.
Secretary of Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo reported on preparations for the meeting. The commander attended to the
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Minister inspects communication stations

Yangon, 3 Sept- Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, accompanied by officials, inspected telephone exchange in Dalla this morning. He also inspected post office and telephone exchange in Kawmhu and Kungyangon and gave instructions. Then, the minister proceeded to Twantay and inspected instllation of equipment in auto-telephone exchange, post office and microwave
157 bikes presented to MNCWA

Yangon, 3 Sept- A ceremony to present 157 bicycles to the Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs by the Setagaya Asia Project Association of Japan, an NGO, was held at the hall of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement on Swedaw Street in Mayangon Township this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of the MNCWA Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Chairman of Work Committee Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win, member of the MNWAC and Vice-Chairperson of Work Committee Prof Daw May May Yee, member of the MNCWA and Work Committee Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Secretary of the MNCWA and Work Committee U Sit Myaing, directors-general and officials from the ministry and the donors. Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa delivered a speech and President Mr Chikao Ishii of the Setagaya Asia Project Association of Japan explained the purpose of donation.
The minister accepted the bikes and presented certificates of honour to the donor.

Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented gifts to the donor and members. The donor and party also presented 10 bikes each to Kyaikwaing Youth Training School and Yangon Girl Training School under the ministry.
Commerce Minister inspects tasks of MAPTs in Mandalay and Bago
Yangon, 3 Sept- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone arrived at Moegyogon in Kyaukse, Mandalay Division where Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein and departmental officials reported on plan for construction of new bran oil mill and chosen site on 1 September.
After leaving instructions there, the minister proceeded to Yamethin and met the staff at the Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading township Manager's Office and inspected warehouses.
In the evening, he inspected rice godowns in Yezin, Pyinmana and gave a speech to the staff.
The minister together with officials inspected chosen site for new bran oil mill in Pyinmana and attended to the needs yesterday. He then met with the staff at the MAPT Division Assistant Manager's Office in Taungoo in the afternoon. He then inspected No 19 Bran Oil Mill in Phyu and heard the reports of the officials and inspected the storage of raw materials there. The minister also inspected No 08 Bran Oil Mill in Nyaunglaybin. At night, he met with staff at MAPT Division Manager's Office and gave
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CEC member carries out social tasks in Taungtha and Myingyan

Yangon, 3 Sept- Under the patronage of member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Yi and family, wellwishers donated an automobile to the Sayadaw of Mahabodi Kyaungtaik in Kyaukka Village, Taungtha Township, yesterday.
CEC member U Aung Thaung supplicated on the purpose of the donation and handed over documents related to the automobile to Sayadaw U Tecinda.
CEC member U Aung Thaung then inspected the sites chosen for construction of YwaOoKyaung and a school in Thabutpinte Village, and offered alms to the Sayadaw of YwaOoKyaung.
He also met with village elders, the school head and teachers at Yontaw Basic Education High School and attended to their requirements.
Next, he attended the ceremony to present prizes to outstanding students at the affiliated school of BEHS in Hsimikan Village, and accepted 213 USDA membership applications of the students.
Afterwards, he presented prizes to the teachers and the students who passed the 2001 matriculation examination with distinctions.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung went to the dyeing factory of Myanma Textile Industries in Myingyan.
The minister met with the officials and gave instructions on the work.
Next, the minister visited Win Thuza Shop in Myingyan, and gave instructions.
CEC member U Aung Thaung also met with executives of Myingyan District USDA and Natogyi Township
Minister inspects road and bridge construction work in Ayeyawady Division

Yangon, 3 Sept- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials, inspected road and bridge construction work along Nyaungdon-Pantanaw-Shwelaung road yesterday. At the briefing hall of Shwelaung Bridge Construction Project, Project Engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Lay reported to the minister on construction of the foundation of the approach structures on Yangon bank and Shwelaung bank and reinforced concrete piers, installation of trusses, construction of towers on both sides and plans to install steel cables.
The minister called for completion of construction work as scheduled.
He then inspected construction of the approach structure on Yangon bank, steel suspension cable anchors and preparatory work for installation of suspension cables and left instructions.
Later, he inspected construction work on Shwelaung bank , and left for
Yangon. Shwelaung bridge is located at 21/0 mile post on Pantanaw-Shwelaung-Wakema road. Approach bridges on both banks are 700 feet long. The superstructure of the suspension bridge will be 500 feet long. The total length of the bridge will be 1900 feet long. It is a one-lane bridge and has three-feet wide pedestrian lanes on either sides. It can stand 36 ton loads and clearance is 400 feet wide and 36 feet
( 5 ) WHO 54th Regional Committee Meeting of South-East Asia Region opens
Yangon, 3 Sept- The WHO 54th Regional Committee Meeting of South-East Asia Region hosted for the fourth time in Myanmar was opened at the Traders Hotel this morning, with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present on the occasion were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, the directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, WHO South-East Asia Regional Director Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei and officials, delegates of Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, delegates of international non-governmental organizations, Chairman of Myanmar Academy of Medical Science Dr Ko Ko, President of Myanmar Medical Association Dr Myo Myint, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Dr Daw Kyu Kyu Swe and Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, officials of NGOs in Myanmar, Director (News) of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Hla Tun, Kyodo correspondent U Sein Win, Secretary U Nyunt Tin and correspondents, media persons and guests.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said:
It gives me great pleasure to deliver the inaugural address at this 54th Regional Committee Meeting of the WHO South-East Asia Region. This is the 4th time the Regional Committee meeting has been held in Myanmar. The Regional Committee was last held in 1971 and now it is our pleasure to once again host this important meeting.
On behalf of the Government and the people of the Union of Myanmar, may I extend a most cordial welcome to the honourable advisors and distinguished delegates to our country.
It is evident that during the past three years, there has been a change in the WHO's ways of working. A corporate strategy and a strategic programme budget have been adopted. Special efforts have been made to encourage intensive and focused partnerships. These include the government sector, professional associations, the research community, community based organizations, foundations and bilateral agencies. This has made WHO inputs to be more effective and responsive to meet the challenges faced by member countries. The country corporation strategy has been incorporated into our national health plan, in ways that reflect the country's needs and priorities.
The South-East Asia region is home to 25% of the world's population and bears a very high burden of diseases. But the level of resources available for health is grossly inadequate. Thus, the declaration from the Non-aligned movement, following the meeting in Africa, calling for a major increase in resources for health is most encouraging. In fact, the resource gap is the underlying cause of the health divide. It is clear that only very few countries have access to the fruits of the technological revolution. To bridge that divide we will have to increase access to resources, commodities, health systems, information and technology.
The South-East Asia Region has experienced a steady gain in the health status of the people, which we can justifiably be proud. However, we are still faced with major health challenges due to changing social, demographic, epidemiologic and environmental changes. Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS continue to be major health problems in our region. In addition we are faced with the burden of increasing non-communicable diseases as well. It is well known that infectious agents do not respect international boundaries and can spread from one country to another.
Thus, close collaboration among the countries is essential to prevent and control the trans-border spread of diseases. The World Health Organization has supported cross border joint action programmes that will definitely strengthen rapid response mechanisms and surveillance networks to contain outbreak of diseases in the border areas.
The Government of the Union of Myanmar, recognizing the role of health for sustainable development of the country, is committed to strengthen its health systems to meet the needs of the people. Making health central to human development, equitable access to essential primary health services have been ensured, even in the remote areas. The head of state, His Excellency Senior General Than Shwe has stated that the health of all citizens of the country is important to enable everyone to strive towards building a modern developed nation. In planning for health development in the country, priority has been given to:
* Enhancing capacity of human resources for health,
* Health infrastructure development
* Rural health development, and
* Improving the quality of health care.
The National Health Plan has been drawn up based on these priorities and with the aim of ensuring sustainable development and enhancing the quality of life of future generations. Accordingly, the Government views expenditures on health as sound investment, especially for achieving national development. It is well known that promotion of health and social development is vital for enhancing the quality of life. The health sector has received priority in allocation of government budget and is the fourth largest recipient after agriculture, construction and education sectors. This is supplemented to a lesser extent by a
social security system, community contributions, private household expenditure and
external aid, which are other sources of health care financing in Myanmar. Although the Ministry of Health is the main service provider, Ministries such as Railways, Mines, Transport etc have their own medical facilities for its employees and dependents. The Social Security System, established since 1956 under the Ministry of Labour, covers medical services for workers under the scheme. Trust funds have also been set up in the hospitals all over the country to ensure that the indigent have access to adequate medical care.
Let me take this opportunity to inform you of the determined efforts of the State Peace and development Council to improve the health status of the people of Myanmar. In 1988 Government Health expenditure was Kyats 436 million. In the year 2000 it has risen to Kyats 43.859 billion (forty three point eight billion). During the 12 year period, a total of 114 hospitals, 67 rural health centres, 20 urban health centres, 28 dispensaries in rural areas were newly established. A total of 84 existing hospitals were also upgraded.
Furthermore, necessary modern equipment, drugs and health manpower was provided for these health facilities. Health institutions in Mandalay have also been upgraded so that the facilities are on par with those in Yangon. The main objectives are to increase health coverage of the rural population and to ensure that the community has access to quality health care, meeting the health needs of the people, thereby improving their quality of life.
All these would not have been possible without ensuring peace and tranquillity in the country. The Government of the Union of Myanmar has been able to end almost all the armed conflicts in the country, which has contributed to the health and development of the country, including the border areas.
Most of the developing countries of the world are facing the double burden of diseases, communicable and non-communicable. No country has been immune to the problem of HIV/AIDS. The African and Asian continents have borne the brunt of the epidemic. It is the right and responsibility of the countries to mount appropriate responses based on its specific health needs, available resources and cultural and social norms. Contrary to the gloomy picture presented in some reports especially those of the Western media, HIV/AIDS is not rampant in Myanmar. However, we are fully aware of the tremendous toll it could exact, not only on the victim but also to society as a whole. Myanmar is committed to fight this disease by using all its available resources.
A high level multi-sectoral National AIDS Committee chaired by the Minister of Health was formed in 1989 to oversee the National AIDS programme in Myanmar. The National Health Committee, the highest policy making body in Myanmar, chaired by HE Lt General Khin Nyunt, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, with ministers from various government ministries as members, is providing policy guidelines and necessary support to enhance HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities in the country.
Sentinel surveillance has been in place since 1992 and currently covers all states and divisions with 27 sentinel sites. Moreover, behavioural surveillance was introduced in the country in 1997. Most of these sentinel sites are in urban areas and some are in the border areas considered to be high risk. Therefore, the data from these sentinel sites cannot be generalized to represent the whole country. Despite the very limited international assistance, Myanmar has implemented a comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention and control programme. Early this year, the National AIDS programme and the UNAIDS drafted a joint plan of action for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Myanmar. This plan has incorporated the priorities of the country and contains technologically sound strategies. It is comprehensive in nature, covering all aspects: preventive, curative and rehabilitative.
However, implementation of the plan will require considerable financial resources, for which we are mobilizing from lcoal as well as international agencies.
In the fight against HIV/AIDS the developing countries should have access to anti-retroviral drugs. Reaping enormous profits despite suffering and death of millions of people is unacceptable. Compromise on investments, patents, production and commercialization of these products are urgently required so as to prevent a monopoly control. The setting up of a global AIDS and Health fund is most welcome. It would ensure a more intensified health action that will definitely secure lasting results and ultimately limit the spread of HIV.
Malaria is still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in most of the countries of the South East Asia Region. The situation has been complicated with emergence of multi drug resistant malaria. Rapid population migration and environmental degradation upsetting the ecological balance are major contributing factors. The Ministry of Health has formed the Central Committee on Management, Prevention and Control of malaria with representatives from all health-related sectors and NGOs.
A multi-sectoral approach and strengthening partnerships among government sectors, NGOs and other agencies and communities have been promoted in order to effectively combat the problem of malaria.
Myanmar has fully adopted the Roll Back Malaria-Mekong Initiative and is taking an active part in prevention and control of this disease both nationally and regionally. As part of the programme, training of basic health workers have been provided and diagnostic facilities have been made available right down to the rural health sub-centres. More than 50,000 insecticide impregnated bed nets have been distributed in the whole of Kayah state this year. National Malaria Week has been conducted annually in May for the last two years to increase awareness of the community on malaria prevention and control measures, to mobilize the people to carry out environmental measures to control the mosquito vectors and to enhance access to early diagnosis and treatment services. Measures have been taken to ensure that anti-malaria drugs are widely available in the country.
In accordance with guidance from Senior General Than Shwe, efforts have been made to produce both traditional and western drugs on a wider scale for common diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhoea, dysentery and diabetes. The local production of raw materials have been promoted. Cultivation of cinchona and artemisia has been extended and research has been conducted to refine the production methods. Research and standardization of potent traditional drugs have been conducted and make available safe, affordable and good quality medicines to meet domestic demands.
The theme of this yearsÕ World Health Day on Mental Health has provided a fresh perspective to the mental health issue. It has increased awareness, created better understanding and encouraged appropriate care for mental disorders. The Myanmar people usually wish to be endowed with both
"Good health and peace of mind", which signifies great importance attached to mental health. In our culture meditation is widely practiced so as to achieve a state of peaceful and harmonious mental state.
A community based mental health project has been implemented in the country which is aimed at early detection of mental disorders and rendering services which will address the basic minimum needs of the country. The mental health programme has been integrated into the primary health care delivery system.
Today, Globalization has profoundly affected the lives of the people. Most significantly, it has strongly influenced the life styles, particularly in developing countries. The youth have been bombarded with cigarettes and alcohol commercials. Cigarette multi-nationals are expanding their business in developing countries where regulations are less strict. Thus, it is important for the government to develop socioeconomic, cultural and legal environments that support the adoption of healthy life styles.
Myanmar has participated in the meetings of the Framework convention on tobacco control and appreciates the comprehensiveness of the framework concept. As part of the Tobacco free initiative in Myanmar, advertisements have been banned on Myanmar TV and smoking has been prohibited in all public transport, hospitals and some townships have established tobacco free schools. Recognizing that tobacco is a killer, an all-out effort has been launched to implement tobacco control measures throughout the country.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that advances in information technology have made the world a global village. This has created an excellent opportunity for promoting health and creating public awareness aimed at changing people's behaviour and lifestyles conducive to health.
Our health systems are developing and flourishing within the context of the traditions and polices of our respective countries. However, we face common health challenges and share a common public health agenda. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity for collaboration and cooperation in responding to the health problems of our region. I am confident that our combined efforts carried out in the spirit of caring, sharing, solidarity and friendship will contribute to the success of our deliberations. I would like to wish all the distinguished delegates a pleasant and enjoyable stay in our country.
WHO South East Asia Regional Director of Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei also spoke on the occasion.
After the opening ceremony, the minister and the deputy minister posed for documentary photos together with the WHO South East Asia Regional Director and officials and delegates to the meeting.
WHO 54th Regional Committee Meeting of South East Asia Region commences

Yangon, 3 Sept- The WHO 54th Regional Committee Meeting of South East Asia Region hosted for the fourth time in Myanmar commenced at the Traders Hotel at 10.30 am today.
Present were WHO South East Asia Regional Director of Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei, delegates of Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, delegates of international social associations and guests.
Delegates elected Director-General of Health Planning Department Dr Kyi Soe as Chairman of the meeting and Director-General of Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia as Vice-Chairman.
Chairman Dr Kyi Soe delivered an opening speech.
The agendas of the meeting were then approved.
WHO South East Asia Regional Director Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei read the speech of Director-General of WHO Gro Harlem Brundtland.
Professor Mr Prawase Wasi of Mahidol University of Thailand read a paper on reform of health sector.
In the afternoon session, the delegates of UN Agencies discussed work done by their agencies.
Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei reported on work done by South East Asia Region of the WHO from 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2001. The participants took part in the discussions.
The first day session of the meeting ended in the evening.
The meeting continues tomorrow.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein hosted dinner in honour of the delegates at Karaweik Palace.
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CCDAC officials meet UN officials
Yangon, 3 Sept- Officials from the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) led by Board Manager Mr Chinmay Chakrabarty met a Myanmar delegation led by Secretary of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win at the hall of MPF this morning. Police Maj-Gen Soe Win said that Myanmar has laid down a 15-year plan to eliminate drugs since 1999-2000 and INCB officials can meet with the officials of departments concerned and hold discussions on drug elimination tasks in Myanmar. Joint-Secretary of the CCDAC Police Col Kham Aung briefed them on drug elimination tasks of the CCDAC. Then officials replied to the queries raised by the guests. The UN officials will meet the officials from ministries and departments during their stay in Yangon.
( 7 ) Billboard put up to hail AGM of USDA in Mandalay
Yangon, 3 Sept- A billboard hailing the Annual General Meeting (2001) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was put up in front of the office of Mandalay Division Union Solidarity and Development Association in Chana-yethazan Township, Mandalay, this morning.
Present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Chairman of Manadalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, General-Secretary of USDA U Than Aung, member of the Secretariat U Khin Maung Thein, member of the Central Executive Committee of USDA U Aung Thaung, Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein, senior military officers and heads of department, social organizations, the secretary and executives of Mandalay Division USDA, members of Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, nurses, teachers of No 16 Basic Education High School, band and pompom troupes and Dohbat troupes.
Ma Khin Ke Zin Tun, who won five distinctions in the 2001 matriculation examination, Maung Aung Ko Ko, an outstanding trainee of Marine Course, and Maung Myo Myint Thein, an outstanding trainee of Aviation Course, formally unveiled the billboard.
Employees and families of Dalla Shipyards submit 2,750 USDA membership applications
Yangon, 3 Sept- As a gesture hailing the Annual General Meeting (2001) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, employees of Dalla Shipyards of the Inland Water Transport under the Ministry of Transport and families submitted USDA membership applications at the meeting hall of Dalla Shipyards this morning.
Member of the Panel of Patrons of USDA Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and member of the Central Executive Committee Col Maung Pa addressed the ceremony. Also present were Deputy Ministers for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, directors-general, managing directors, principals and officials of the departments under the ministry, Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint and executives, Secretary of District USDA U Lwin Oo and executives, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Tin Maung Soe and members, Secretary of Township USDA U Khin Maung Shwe and executives.
CEC member Col Maung Pa accepted 2,750 USDA membership applications of the employees of Dalla Shipyards and their families presented by Superintending Engineer U Charli Than of Dalla Shipyards. Managing Director of the Inland Water Transport U Tun Aung Myint presented K 50,000 to the fund of Dalla Township
USDA Annual General Meeting of
Shan State (East) held
Yangon, 3 Sept- The annual general meeting 2001 of the Shan State (East) Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at the hall of the Township Development Committee in Kengtung on 1 September morning.
Chairman of the meeting Secretary of Shan State (East) USDA Dr Sai Sei Kaw made an opening speech and Central Executive Committee member of the USDA Brig-Gen Khin Maung explained the objectives and future tasks of the association and participation of USDA members in rural areas development tasks.
Executive U Thaung Sein of the Shan State USDA read out papers on administration and commerce, Executive U Bo Thein on organizing, social and cultural tasks and the attendance took part in the discussions.
Then CEC member Brig-Gen Khin Maung accepted 4,855 membership applications. Afterwards officials presented prizes and cash to outstanding students and members who actively took part in organizing and social welfare tasks.
After the meeting Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung inspected Yaysin-2 paddy plantation. Then, he heard the reports on systematic breeding of pig by national race leaders U San Pe and U Kham Maung in Mongla region. He also inspected rubber, lychee and mango plantations, land reclamation, research paddy plantations near Mongma Village and attended to the
Mandalay USDA holds annual general meeting
Yangon, 3 Sept- The annual general meeting of Mandalay Division Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at the Division USDA Office in Mandalay this morning.
Present were Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Secretary-General of USDA U Than Aung, CEC member U Aung Thaung, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, senior military officers and departmental officials, secretaries of Division, District and Township USDAs, executives and members, outstanding students, donors and guests.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and CEC member U Aung Thaung made speeches.
Secretary of Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo submitted the report of Division USDA. He accepted K 150,000 each donated by the commander, CEC member U Aung Thaung and Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein.
The commander presented prizes to seven distinction winners of matriculation examination in Mandalay Division. CEC member U Aung Thaung presented prizes to winners of Extempore Talks Contest for 2001 (Central Level), Fire Services and Red Cross Skill Contests.
Next, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein presented prizes to winners of central level performing arts competitions, outstanding new generation marine youths and aviation youths.
In the afternoon session, the meeting was presided over by Secretary of Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo as Chairman and Secretary of NyaungOo District USDA U Ye Myint and Secretary of Chanaye-thazan Township USDA U Aung Kyaw Tha as members of the panel of Chairmen.
U Tin Maung Oo spoke on the occasion. Division executive U Aung Chun reported on organizational matters, U Mya Soe, U Thein Tun, U Kyaw, Daw Than Than and U Sein Myint on management, economic, social, cultural and rural sectors and future
( 8
Traditional Medicine Course opened
Yangon, 3 Sept- A ceremony to open Basic Course No 2/2001 on Traditional Medicine and Primary Health Care jointly organized by the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare of the Ministry of Defence and the Indigenous Medicine Department of the Ministry of Health was held at Yannyeinaye Hall in Mayangon Township this morning, attended by Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence.
It was also attended by Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, officials from the Indigenous Medicine Department, course instructors and 50 trainees.
Auditor-General attends opening ceremony of courses
Yangon, 3 Sept- A ceremony to open Clerical Course Nos 9 and 10, Management Course No 11 and Special Course No 13 on Financial Rules of the Education and Training Department of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs was held at the Central Training School in Dagon Myothit (North) this morning.
It was attended by Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun, directors-general, deputy directors-general, directors, officials and trainees.
Brig-Gen Tin Aye and Brig-Gen Than Tun spoke on the occasion.
Special Course on Financial Rules was jointly conducted by the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and Auditor General's Office with the purpose of the staff to know statistics, to understand book keeping and financial rules and to come out
Vimpex Ltd launches new
Yangon, 3 Sept- A ceremony to launch Orofer Iron III Polymaltose Complex, a tonic medicine, manufactured by Emcure Phamaceuticals Ltd of India was held at the Sedona Hotel yesterday evening.
Present were professors, heads of department, physicians and general medical practitioners of hospitals in Yangon, and guests.
General Manager of International Division Mr Ajit Mehta extended greetings.
Director Mr AK Khanna presented facts about Emcure Phamaceuticals Ltd, and Managing Director of Vimpex Ltd Mr Naresh Kumar Dinodiya also extended greetings.
Vice-President (Medical) of Emcure Phamaceuticals Ltd Dr B Dewan explained iron deficiency anaemia, and replied to the queries raised by those present.
Country Manager Mr Subhasish Banerji spoke words of thanks.
Vimpex Ltd, No 24-A, Saya San Road, Bahan Township, will distribute medicines such as Orofer, Augpen, Beclasone C, Beclasone N and Ciprobiotic.
Tour Guide (Chinese Language) Refresher Course (1/2001) opens
Yangon, 3 Sept- Tour Guide(Chinese Language) Refresher Course No 1/2001 of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism opened at Karaweik Palace today, addressed by Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu.
Also present were Director-General of DHT U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U Kyi Tu
and, officials.
( 9
) Drug trafficker gets prison terms
Yangon, 3 Sept- A combined team comprising local intelligence unit and local police force acting on information, searched Po Chit at Bo Aung Kyaw Street in Shwepyitha Township and seized 895 grams of marijuana together with him on 27 April.
ÊÊShwepyitha Police Station filed Po Chit, 20, son of U Ye Tun of Section 7, Paukkon Ward, Mingaladon Township, under Section 15/19(A)/20(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Yangon (North) District Court handed down five
years' imprisonment under Section 15 and 25 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him to serve separately on 27 July.